retention hacking: what makes customers stay – and what makes them leave?

Post on 05-Sep-2014






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Happy customers are loyal customers: If they keep on giving you money, it's a good sign you're doing something right. But what if they aren't coming back? What if they're leaving in droves and you don't know why? How can you find out? And what can you do to fix it? In this talk, Ian Collingwood, a specialist in UX metrics and product development will explore some of the tools he's used to help companies understand customer churn and some strategies to help them fix it.



Retention Hacking

@johnnyforeignerAll content copyright: Ian Collingwood 2014

Wednesday, 25 June 14


Barcelona MiniMaker Faire®






Wednesday, 25 June 14


Retention Hacking

@johnnyforeignerAll content copyright: Ian Collingwood 2014

Wednesday, 25 June 14


Wednesday, 25 June 14


Wednesday, 25 June 14

Ask any two year old: When an experience is enjoyable, we like to repeat it. And if you’re in business, people repeating things is good news

Belgium has a lot of rollercoastersWe went back to this one every year - we were extremely loyal customersIn fact, three years ago I went back with my wife. I’ll definitely go back there as soon as my son’s old enough.That’s long term customer retention.

Like I said - creating experiences that people enjoy is good business.


Wednesday, 25 June 14

By contrast...


Wednesday, 25 June 14

The measure of a good experience is whether people want to repeat it. If you’re in business - repeat business is good business.When people come back, everything is good.


Wednesday, 25 June 14

“Always, retention is our north star” - Neil Hunt, Chief Product Officer, Netflix

Almost every decision they make considers customer retention. Their marketing, their segmentation, the content they choose, their customer service department.

They have teams of PhD statisticians and UX researchers looking into this constantly. As a subscription service it’s obviously vital.

They have a culture of over-delivering - of obsessive focus on understanding customers.

And it pays off... 1000% rise in Market Cap in 5 years


Wednesday, 25 June 14

Amazon is another example - have you ever bought something and it’s not arrived or it’s been damaged?

Amazon will bend over backwards to replace it ASAP. No questions asked.Is this the cheapest way to manage customer service?


Because they know that people don’t leave because something goes wrong - they leave because of what happens next. How you deal with that error.

And it pays off... 380% rise in Market Cap in 5 years


Wednesday, 25 June 14

Apple of course takes this to the level of a religious experience.

When your MacBook dies they don’t send you to a dusty industrial unit on the edge of town for “tech support”.

Instead they invite you on a pilgrimage... for an audience with a Genius


Wednesday, 25 June 14

Enter a light, airy space filled with fellow believers...


Wednesday, 25 June 14

Touch and feel the holy relics...



Wednesday, 25 June 14

See the groups of happy novices being initiated and baptised into the one true faith



Wednesday, 25 June 14

...or “customer onboarding” as we call it.


Wednesday, 25 June 14

Is this the cheapest way to manage customer service and tech support?Using half of the floorspace of some of the most expensive real estate in the world to NOT sell stuff?Not the cheapest, but very, very effective.Apple market capitalisation increased 500% in past 5 years.


Wednesday, 25 June 14

But still for most companies its...“Press 1 for sales.... 2 for customer service”



Wednesday, 25 June 14

There is a huge payoff, (AMZN, AAPL, NFLX market cap = 50% of Spain’s GDP) so why aren’t all companies doing this?


Short term thinking

Wednesday, 25 June 14

Retention is a noisy metric - it crosses departments.Retention is a lagging metric - changes take time to become apparent.

But our companies are divided into silos and our investors think short term.

This forces us to think short term miners, not farmers.

Instead of seeing customers as something to be nurtured and grown, we are forced to see them as a mere resource, to be extracted as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Miners don’t care about the damage they do because by the time the damage is visible, their money has been made and the resource is all used up.


Long term thinking

Wednesday, 25 June 14

Farmers are the opposite. The money is made at harvest time, after a whole year of hard work. They know that the decisions they take today have an impact months or years forward in time.

They know that they are dealing with a system and that changes in one place have effects in others.


Wednesday, 25 June 14

What’s needed is a proper shift in culture. But in the meantime, what can we fix?



Wednesday, 25 June 14

Not all your customers have equal tendency to loyaltySome have much greater loyalty than others and in particular, different channels of acquisition have markedly different retention patterns. Outbound sales often produces lower retention if you aren’t careful about it.Identify which customer segments stick around and go out to find more of them. Build retention metrics into your conversion analytics and optimise for customers who stick around.


Dig in

Wednesday, 25 June 14

Slice and dice all the data you already have to find Proxies: Things that correlate with churneg: Netflix use “Hours of video streamed” (But remember: it’s only a proxy. if you focus only on that you will go wrong).Also think about what I call “canaries” - events in a customer’s lifecycle that seem to predict they are likely to leave. Like an early warning. eg sudden reduction in usage pattern, series of calls to customer service, long periods kept on hold... etc.



Wednesday, 25 June 14

Understand what “success” with your product means for your customersOne easy place to start is to check out what your heaviest users are doing and use this to guide your product dev and also to rethink your onboarding processTwitter example is useful here - they know what makes a customer likely to become a serious user and their onboarding process focuses on that alone.


Wednesday, 25 June 14

But all these are mere tactics, and unless you make serous changes, you’ll come unstuck once the quarterly earnings call or board meeting comes around. If you really want to make an impact, you need proper hacks. Hacking as in “hacking through the undergrowth to clear the land”.


make a commitment

Wednesday, 25 June 14

The whole company, including investors need to agree:“We are in the business of making customers happy. The single best metric we have for knowing if we are succeeding is long term customer retention.”


make a commitment

back it up

Wednesday, 25 June 14

Remove all bonus and incentive schemes that are not directly tied to measurable increases in retention.Put in place a single metric that pays out to everyone in the company based on an agreed measure for retention for your business.


Wednesday, 25 June 14

Get everyone aligned on the goal and give them skin in the game and a focus on what THEY can contribute.

NASA’s famous janitor story - “I’m putting a man on the moon.”Netflix: “Highly aligned... loosely coupled”


make a commitment

back it up

practice listening

Wednesday, 25 June 14

If you friend asked you to advise on why they can’t sustain a long term relationship, you might ask them to work on their listening skills.Learn to listenCommit to spending 5% of the company’s time on actively listening directly to customers.


Wednesday, 25 June 14

How?Net Promoter System is as good as anything.It’s simple, it’s good for everyone who isn’t comfortable conducting proper interviews and it’s relatively painless for customers.Most of all, it provides actionable data over time and is (usually) a pretty good proxy for retention.


make a commitment

back it up

practice listening

build your team

Wednesday, 25 June 14

You will need:A numbers person (quantitative analytic skills)A people person (qualitative analytic skills)A sponsor or champion (preferably CEO)A project person (to get things done)Access to the whole company as required




Wednesday, 25 June 14

We all own the work of the team. We all get a say in what they do to help us all get better at retention.




qualitative & quantitative2

Wednesday, 25 June 14

All ideas, projects, analysis and solutions include both qual and quant insight.



Wednesday, 25 June 14

It’s a lot of work...But the payoffs are huge.

Which leads to the main point: Companies are now more important on our lives than governments.They like to talk about “relationships” and “trust” and “loyalty”.



LOYALTYWednesday, 25 June 14

So let’s look not at the loyalty that customers have to the company. Let’s look at how loyal companies are to their customers.


Wednesday, 25 June 14

My mum has a BT ADSL service for which she pays £50 a month.She lives on very modest savings and a state pension of £100 a week



Wednesday, 25 June 14

BT last year made £2.8 billion in pre-tax profit.That is £53 million per week


Gavin E. Patterson


Wednesday, 25 June 14

Gavin E. Patterson - CEO£4.25 million pounds in compensation per yearIn a month: £354,166£81,730 per weekIn one hour: £1,643



Wednesday, 25 June 14

When I discovered my mum was paying too much for a crappy service, I checked out BT’s website.

To new customers, BT are selling a 5x better service at £17/month less than what she is paying.

Better service, nearly half the price.



Wednesday, 25 June 14

My mum’s had a BT line since 1962Literally, since before Gavin E. Patterson, current CEO was even born.Now THAT is loyalty.


Gavin E. Patterson

“Companies can't take loyalty for granted...”

Wednesday, 25 June 14

How did BT choose to repay this loyalty? (Given that Gavin Patterson in 2013 said that companies can’t take loyalty for granted).



Wednesday, 25 June 14

Did they call and say “Hey - we’ll come and upgrade your service and reduce your costs. For free!”


£50 Wednesday, 25 June 14


Instead they left her with a crappy service delivered through 2 cables falling of the wall and kept filching an extra 17 quid a month from a pensioner, in order to boost the profits of BT and the bonus of Mr. Gavin “Can’t take loyalty for granted” Patterson


Gavin E. Patterson

“Companies can't take loyalty for granted...”

Wednesday, 25 June 14

Don’t fucking lecture me about loyalty, Mr Patterson... when you clearly don’t have a clue what that word means.




Wednesday, 25 June 14

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