resume samples

Post on 10-Jan-2016






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Samples of CVs and cover letters


  • about the handoutThe attached sample resumes and cover letters are intended to give you a general sense of the

    content and format for a standard, traditional resume or cover letter. Depending on your year

    in school, or years out as an alumni, your field of interest and other factors, it is possible that

    none of these look or sound exactly like you. They will, however, give you a place to begin

    constructing one of your own.

    a resume is a professional statement

    A resume is a professional way to describe yourself in a variety of situations from applying for a job or an

    internship to introducing yourself to a gallery dealer or graduate school admissions committee. Resumes

    can be created as traditional text on paper, or be presented in other formats: on a diskette, CD-ROM,

    reel or in another creative 3-D presentation. Regardless of the format you choose, always have a paper

    version available to send quickly by fax if necessary.

    Typically all resumes include the same basic information: name, current address, telephone number, email

    address, educational credentials, experience (paid and unpaid), skills and awards/honors. The organiza-

    tion of this information on the page will vary according to your individual situation, the position you are

    applying for, and who will be receiving it.

    a cover letter puts your resume in context

    A cover letter should accompany your resume and include the following information: introduction of

    yourself, how you learned about the person you are writing to and why you are contacting them at

    this time, a statement about what you could bring to the situation (experience/skills, personal abilities/

    knowledge, etc.) and your beliefs about the area of art or design that you seek to be engaged in. And in

    closing, a statement of thanks for the persons time and attention for reviewing your resume and indica-

    tion of when you will follow up with them.

    who is your audience?

    Presentation: How your letter and resume look together in terms of presentation are as important as the

    content. In most cases your audience will be a visually sensitive one and will respond well to a resume and

    letter that are designed pieces creating a strong visual statement. How the pieces look together says a lot

    about who you are as a creative person and your personal aesthetic.

  • what to do if you have questions or get stuck?

    Alumni and Career Services can provide you with individual assistance on organizing your resume from

    helping you get started to reviewing your final drafts. Appointments with counselors are available in the

    office or by phone (resumes and letters can be faxed for review and ease of phone appointments).

    We are happy to discuss all questions and concerns related to this area and other aspects of your profes-

    sional development. Let us know how we can help! We can be reached at 401.454.6620 Monday through

    Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm.

    what about a business card?

    A business card is another useful piece of information to have available to give to people that you meet or

    are contacting about a job, freelance work, or internship. A well designed card can also serve as a reminder

    of who you are and the type of work you do. It can also be included with a letter, resume, and work sample

    packet that you send to a prospective employer, freelance client, or jury reviewing competition entries.

    Below are samples to give you an idea of the ways artists and designers present themselves. Business cards

    can be standard card size, or not. Some can be printed on standard card stock, others on more unique

    papers. Some are printed in black ink, others in colored ink. There is no right way to create a business card.

    Use the design that works best for you and works well with your letterhead and resume and paper stock

    if you intend to send it with these pieces.




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  • resume guidelines + suggestionsthink about overall style

    Avoid designer doodads like lines, circles and triangles.(They distract from content).

    Keep the structure and typographic style of your cover letter similar to your resume.

    Use the white of the page. Negative space within and around the page should be varied and fluid.(Negative space is just as important as positive space).

    Use a plain white or off-white color paper for your resume.(Linen stationary paper and envelope would be preferable).

    address issues of contentInclude your name, address, telephone number and email address.(Include an alternative address if you plan to move ).

    Keep the length of your resume, if possible, to one page.(A resume should be seen as a quick guide or list, not an autobiography).

    Possible topics for your resume may include: Objective (This may be redundant if you are including a cover letter), Education, Work Experience, Organizations and Affiliations, Community Service, Awards, Skills, Hobbies, Interests and References.

    Dates on your resume should be listed from the most current to experiences that may be applicable to the job you are applying for.

    Use proper English and avoid hyphenations and contractions.

    Avoid spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.

    Do not forget to put periods after sentences.

    what are issues in structure?Create a hierarchy for your resume.(How is the information sequenced?)

    Keep line lengths from 45-75 characters. A 66 character-line is regarded as optimal.(This includes letters and spaces).

    Maintain a level of consistency throughout your design.

  • pay attention to typography

    Choose a type face that is legible and does not distract from the content of your resume.(Avoid decorative fonts).

    Limit your font usage to two type faces and try to choose fonts that complement each other well.(Look at the structure of letters. For example, the differences between one type of g to another g).

    You can add diversity and color to your resume by using light, regular, semibold, bold, bold italic, black and italic variations of a font. Try to avoid underlining. (Make an effort to use authentic variations of fonts in your font library, avoiding type style options in most word processing programs).

    Type size for text should range from 8-11 point.(Seven point text is too small and twelve point text is often considered poster size for text).

    Type in all CAPITALS should be spaced out to appear more legible.

    The space between lines of type should be large enough for viewing ease but tight enough for informa-tional cohesion within your resume.

    This is an example of bad spacingbetween a line of text.

    Keep spacing between words and between lines of words consistent.

    Make sure to look for extra blank spaces within your lines of text.

    Add one space, not two spaces, after a period.

    Identations may help to organize information.

    Avoid creating lines of text that end a sentence with one word. This is often called a widow.

    here are more suggestionsPrint out draft copies of your resume, read it out loud and mark any corrections to be made.

    Take your resume to the RISD Writing Center or have someone else read it.

    Look at a faxed copy of your resume to see how it might look.(Most companies and individuals ask to have resumes faxed to them).

    Update your resume throughout your working career.

    good luck!

  • 99 East Street 35 Cherry LaneProvidence, RI 02903 Lancaster, PA 17803401.454.9967 315.989.0023

    September 17, 1999

    Ms. May Hire, DirectorPhillips Collection1600 21st StreetWashington, DC 20009

    Dear Ms. Hire:

    I was excited to learn of an internship in the Museum Education Department of the Phillips Collection in ArtCalendar. I am currently in my Sophomore year working toward a BFA in Painting at the Rhode Island School of Design. I am interested in obtaining an internship (in the area of arts administration) for our Wintersession from January 2 - February 12, 1999.

    The intimate size of the Phillips Collection and its community outreach through a lunchtime concert series are of interest to me. As you can see from the enclosed resume, I have taught art classes to young children and worked in the administrative area of the slide library. I pride myself in using art history as a teaching tool for studio art. However, I am most interested in broadening my experience in the area of arts administration and community programming and feel that the Phillips Collection would afford me this opportunity through the internship program.

    I will be in the Washington, DC area on October 16th and 17th and would welcome the opportunity to meet with you and learn more about your internship program at that time. I will give you a call next week to arrange a possible appointment at your convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration.


    Lucy Winterson

    L U C Y W I N T E R S O N

  • 99 East Street 35 Cherry LaneProvidence, RI 02903 Lancaster, PA 17803401.454.9967 315.989.0023

    Position as an intern in gallery or museum providing hands-on experience in artsadministration and/or teaching.

    BFA Painting, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI 2001Liberal Arts courses, Brown University, Providence, RI 1999

    Organizational: Created cataloguing system for slide library containing over 150 slides; set up data base to manage collection and circulation; detail oriented, capable of handling many tasks at one time.

    Computer: Macintosh: Microsoft Word, Datebook & Touchbase Pro.

    Teaching: Taught art classes to children ages 4 to 10 in extended-day after school program. Developed classes based on seasonal themes and related them to art historical references; i.e., used Van Goghs Starry Night to develop theme on winter solstice. Introduced oil pastel, watercolor, and collage mediums, made own clay and paint mediums with children.

    Art and Design: Knowledge of wide variety of painting/drawing mediums and photographic supplies/equipment; able to mount, mat, and frame two dimensional and relief pieces; knowledge of wide variety of unique machine made and handmade papers.

    People: Able to communicate clearly and effectively and work well as a member of team working to accomplish a common goal.

    Lancaster Friends School, Lancaster, PA Fall 1996, Summer 1997Mayos Art Supply, Lancaster, PA Fall 1997

    Lancaster Art Association,Outstanding Young Artist Achievement Award 1997

    L U C Y W I N T E R S O N






  • Alex Winslow

    100 Pine AvenueLongview CT 90541203.876.3350

    15 April 1998

    Mr. David Thompson, AIA

    Creative Director

    Skidmore, Owings & Merrill

    155 West 15th Street #21

    New York, NY 10011

    Dear Mr. Thompson:

    Currently I am a senior majoring in Architecture at the Rhode Island School of Design. I am interested in finding a position at an architectural firm working in the area of urban rehabilita-tion. The internships I have had over the past two years have provided me with working knowl-edge of building codes. In all three internships I was an effective project manager and worked well with both design teams and clients, often under very tight time constraints.

    I will be in New York in May and would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss any current or future positions at SOM. I will give you a call next week to confirm your receipt of this material. Thank you for your time and consideration.


    Alex Winslow


  • Alex Winslow

    100 Pine AvenueLongview CT 90541203.876.3350

    Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI

    Bachelor of Fine Arts, ArchitectureEuropean Honors Program, Rome Italy

    Harrison & Associates, Architects, AIA Worcester MAArchitecture Intern: Produced schematic drawings and construction details, fabricated models for low-rise apartment buildings and contributed to design development and modifications.

    Urban Freedom Housing Organization (UFHO), Boston MASite Advisor: Consulted on appropriateness of urban sites for residential development and created presentation drawings illustrating development options.

    Morimoto Environment Designers, Chicago ILDesign Intern: Constructed models as member of design team for Laeshore mail project, assisted with site measurements and specifications and assisted with day to day office operations: filed drawings, made blue prints.

    Mayhew Residence, Providence RIDesigned garage expansion; drafted plans for zoning review.

    Savage Residence, Braintree MADesigned proposal for sunroom and deck addition featuring solar heating.

    Computer: Macintosh and PC platforms: Auto CADD and word processingExcellent drafting and presentation abilityKnowledge of commercial and residential building codesPresentation of public speaking skills











  • ROBIN STONE400 Benefit Street, Apt. #4Providence, RI 02903401.454.9811

    May 1, 1999

    The New York Public LibraryMs. Marilan Lund, Graphics OfficeFifth Avenue & 42nd StreetNew York, New York 10018

    Dear Ms. Lund:

    I am writing in response to your advertisement in the April 28th issue of ArtWorks. I am currently a third year student at the Rhode Island School of Design in the Graphic Design Department and would like you to accept this letter as an expression of my interest in the Graphic Design Assistant position.

    I understand that you are seeking a designer with strong Macintosh skills, who can work on all phases of the design process and who can collaborate well with other members of a design team. I believe the combination of my freelance experience, internships and education have provided me with a solid foundation that would enable me to successfully meet these requirements. I have worked on signage, stationary and logo design projects that have given me an opportunity to manage design issues from start to finish. I have also worked as an intern at The Atlantic Monthly magazine where I participated as a member of the design team assisting in all phases of magazine production.

    I would be pleased to work as a member of your staff. My love for design is a direct result of my love for beautifully illustrated and designed books and I understand The New York Public Library has some of the richest and most unique collections of rare and antique books in the world. I am also aware that The New York Public Library has gallery space for exhibiting books and related objects and would be excited to work on projects that promote and support an institution that holds such wonderful cultural treasures.

    I have enclosed my resume and samples of my design work for your review. I would be happy to meet for an interview at your earliest convenience. I will be finsihing the spring semester on May 16th and would be available to meet with you any time after that date. I would welcome an interview by phone in the meantime if you prefer. I will be in touch with you in the next several days to follow-up on this matter. If you need to contact me I can be reached at my address above or by phone at 401.454.9811. Thank you for your time and consideration and I will look forward to talking with you.


    Robin Stone

  • ROBIN STONE400 Benefit Street, Apt. #4Providence, RI 02903401.454.9811

    Dynamic, hands-on, multi-faceted experience in innovative graphic design studio for creative and energetic graphic design student seeking summer employment.

    Rhode Island School of Design, Providence RI 2000Bachelor of Fine Arts, Graphic Design

    Brown University, Providence RI 1998Liberal Arts Studies

    Freelance Projects

    Supercuts Hair Salon, Providence, RI 1999Designed new signage for menu of services based on ownersspecifications, redesigned stationary and business card introducing new type and color, provided services from concept to completion, managed pre-press through printing.

    The Atlantic Monthly, Boston MA 1998Created pen and ink illustrations for July issue.

    Villa Capri, Westerly MA 1998Redesigned logo for use in newspaper ads, menus and signage, created illustrations for use in ads, menus and T-shirts.

    Design Intern

    The Atlantic Monthly, Boston MA 1998Assisted in all phases of magazine production and design of three issues; responsible for paste-ups, page design, photo research, pre-press, 4 color separations, color matching and Photoshop production of images; art directed in October issue.

    Macintosh: Familiar with most desk top publishing programs, proficient in QuarkXpress, Photoshop, Illustrator & PageMaker.





  • Maura Saunders486 Pawtucket Avenue, Apt 4BPawtucket, Rhode Island 028104012441774

    May 26, 1999

    Massachusetts College of ArtProgram of Continuing Education

    Ms. Diana Sanborn621 Huntington AvenueBoston, MA 02115

    Dear Ms. Sanborn:

    I was referred to you by Professor James Finn who teaches in the graduate program at Massachusetts College of Art. I have enjoyed working with him since 1997 as a guest critic reviewing the work of his senior thesis students. He suggested I send you a letter expressing my interest in teaching a painting course in the Continuing Education Program as he is aware that you may have a need to fill such a position for the 99-00 year.

    I have been an adjunct faculty member in the Painting Department at Monserrat College of Art since 1995 and have instructed Freshman and Sophomore students on the basic principles of light, color and design and the incorporation of them into their work. I have been actively exhib-iting my paintings since 1992 and have received numerous mural commissions since 1987.

    Light and color have always played a primary role in the development of my work. Currently studies of the summer light of the New England coast have provided the primary source for the inspiration and content of my painting. During the summer of 1994, painted on location in Northern Italy which afforded new opportunities to explore light, color and shadow. As a teacher I bring a unique sensitivity to the issues of light and color and incorporation of them into images because of my own work and experiences. As an educator I also firmly believe that it is important to nurture each student as an individual artist by helping them to understand the process and approach they use in creating their work.

    I would be pleased to arrange a time to meet with you to discuss the nature of your teaching needs. Through June 6th my work is on exhibition at the South Shore Art Center in Cohasset, MA, if you have time or would care to see the actual pieces. I have enclosed slides of my work and my students work for your review and file as well as my teaching philosophy. I will contact you in the next week to see if there is a time that we might be able to meet at your convenience to discuss teaching possibilities further. Thank you for your time and consideration in reviewing these materials.


    Maura Saunders


  • Maura Saunders486 Pawtucket Avenue, Apt 4BPawtucket, Rhode Island 028104012441774


    Haystack School of Arts and Crafts, Deer Isle ME Summer Session - The Artists Book 1995

    Rhode Island School of Design, Providence RI Master of Fine Arts, Painting 1994

    California College of Arts & Crafts, Oakland CA Bachelor of Fine Arts, Painting 1989

    Professional Teaching Experience

    Monserrat College of Art, Beverly MA Adjunct Faculty - Light, Color, Design, and Painting I 1995-99

    Massachusetts College of Art, Boston MA Guest Critic, Graduate Painting Studio 1997-99

    Mural Painting, CA, RI & MA Created murals for private residences, schools & businesses

    Professional Teaching Experience

    MCA Faculty Works on Paper, Boston MA 1997

    South Shore Art Center, Light and Air, Cohasset MA 1996

    Confluence 1994, Hill County Arts Foundation, Ingram TX 1995

    45th Art of the Northeast, Silvermore Guild Arts Center, New Cannan CT 1995

    Summer Books, Haystack School of Arts & Crafts, Deer Isle ME 1995

    Beauty and Biology, Minneapolis MN 1991

    Covering/Uncovering, Penney Art Center, Buffalo NY 1990

    Other Experience

    Administrative Assistant, McNeil Arts, Oakland CA Creative Growth Art Center, 1990-92

    Gallery Intern, Oliver Arts Center, Oakland CA

    California College of Arts & Crafts, 1990

  • K YL E MERCER1010 PACIFIC AVENUE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 22479 (415)714-9887

    Ms. Vivian MonroeFalling Rock Publications24 Mountain AvenueHidden Valley, VT 12550

    January 13, 1999

    Dear Ms. Monroe:

    I am writing in response to your advertisement for a Graphic Designer/Illustrator that appeared in the January 12, 1999 issue of Rhode Island School of Design, Career Services publication Art Works. I am currently a senior in the Illustration Department and anticipate graduating in 1999. I am a versatile illus-trator and designer and believe that my design sensibilities would bring a distinctive look to your publica-tion.

    As you can see from the enclosed samples of my work, I use a variety of media in creating my images. I am acquainted with the distinctive illustrations you use to complement the editorial pieces in your publication and feel that my work is ideally suited to this format.

    Attached you will find my resume and several samples of my work for your review. Although I will not be available for full-time work until June, I would appreciate this opportunity to meet with you sometime within the next few weeks to discuss any possibilities for employment with your company.

    Thank you for your consideration.


    Kyle Mercer


  • K YL E MERCER1010 PACIFIC AVENUE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 22479 (415)714-9887


    Rhode Island School of DesignProvidence RI

    Bay Area Art SchoolSan Francisco CA


    Rhode Island School of DesignProvidence, RI

    Teaching Assistant - Computer for Illustrators.Provided technical assistance and instruction to students

    using Mac. Photoshop, Illustrator and QuarkXpress

    Giant ComixProvidence, RI

    Intern, Assistant to Zot Master Comic Strip.Contributed to development of story line, illustrated

    concepts incorporating new characters

    Moria Design, Inc.San Francisco, CA

    Intern, Graphic DesignAssisted Senior Designer with Swatch account, did

    paste-ups and layouts using traditional methodsand QuarkXpress

    Ajax Photo StudiosProvidence, RI

    Photo TechnicianAssisted with printing black and white & color prints,

    assisted customers

    San Francisco Camera Work Inc.San Francisco, CA

    Museum InternOrganized and filed still photo lending collection

    answered phone calls, assisted patrons


    CIGNA Scholarfor outstanding academic performance

    Illustration Department Two Person Show

    Illustration Department Open Juried Exhibition

    Paxton Sanders Awardfor outstanding artistic achievement

    National Art Honor Societyfor outstanding commitment to the arts

    BFA - Illustration, June, 1999Cumulative GPA 3.85

    Drawing courses, Fall 1993 and 1994











  • Z A C K L I N D E N 123 WICKENDEN STREET, APT. 1 / PROVIDENCE RI 02903 / 401.458.6903

    12 January 1999

    Mr. Hue Mann

    Design Director

    Fitch Inc.

    PO Box 360

    10350 Olentangy River Road

    Worthington OH 43085

    Dear Mr. Mann:

    I was excited to learn of an opening for a Junior Designer in your company in the January issue of Design Perspectives.

    Fitch, Inc. is of particular interest to me because of the innovative team approach used to resolve design challenges. I was

    also impressed by your award-winning identity design work for the Motorola Company featured in ID magazine last


    I am a Senior majoring in Industrial Design at the Rhode Island School of Design and will graduate in June. I am interested

    in obtaining a full-time product design position in which my knowledge of diverse materials, fabrication techniques and

    innovative problem-solving can be used to create outstanding design solutions.

    As you can see from the enclosed resume I have had the opportunity to work as a design intern in the fields of educational

    exhibit design and product development. I have excellent manual and computer drafting skills. This work experience,

    combined with my education, strong visual presentation skills and sound modelmaking ability have provided me with a

    solid industrial design foundation and valuable skills I can bring to this position.

    I would welcome the opportunity to work in the dynamic environment of Fitch, Inc. I will call next week to confirm your

    receipt of the enclosed material and I look forward to speaking with you in greater detail about the position at that time.

    Thank you for your consideration.


    Zack Linden


  • Z A C K L I N D E N 123 WICKENDEN STREET, APT. 1 / PROVIDENCE RI 02903 / 401.458.6903


    Product design position in which knowledge of diverse materials, fabrication techniques and innovative problem-solving can be used to create outstanding design solutions.


    RHODE ISLAND SCHOOL OF DESIGN, PROVIDENCE RI 1999 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Industrial Design



    ANACONA 2 DESIGNERS, INC. NEW YORK, NY 1999 Intern: Assisted consumer products consultant with design of upscale housewares, redesigned modular counter-top storage units, created models to spec for new garlic press and drafted redesign of interior door

    shelving unit.

    THE CHILDRENS MUSEUM OF RHODE ISLAND, PAWTUCKET, RI 1998 Intern: Design team member on project Bats & Cats. Contributed to exhibition concept design, created mock-ups to explore possible interactive features for users, assisted with design of signage for displays.

    ACME MODELMAKERS, INC., SAN FRANCISCO, CA 1997 Shop Assistant: Assisted with prototype fabrication for Streetsmartz bike helmet, prepared molds, did clean-up work on models, general shop maintenance and ordered materials.


    RHODE ISLAND SCHOOL OF DESIGN, PROVIDENCE, RI 1999 Teaching Assistant, Presentation I: Co-taught introductory presentation course (desk top modelmaking,

    quick sketching, and communication skills), provided weekly critiques of student work, met with students weekly

    to discuss progress in course, questions, etc., and assisted instructor with demonstrations.


    COMPUTER: MACINTOSH Auto CADD, Vellum, Illustrator & Photoshop

    Languages: Conversational Italian

    Excellent drafting and presentation drawing ability

    Ability to operate wide range of shop tools: wood, metal, plastic

  • R I C H A R D

    C H A L M E R S

    Over $2,400,000 of design product sold in the last year

    First Place in the National Percent-for-Art Competition

    Rhode Island School of Design Graduate

    Award winning design published in National Exhibition Record

    Designed 2nd Best Seller in Fall 1995 line for HB, Inc.

    DESIGNER HB GROUP, INC. Product Designer. 1995-present. Developed product lines for promotional, moderate fashion and mass markets. Coordinated with marketing to fore-cast market trends. Designed products for production in wood, metal, plastic, and resin. Executed sketches, renderings, and models for both in-house and outside presentation. Provided graphic support in a PC environment using Adobe Illustrator, QuarkXpress and Auto CAD. Supervised draftsman on execution of working drawings. Developed extensive color library in stained woods. Maintained model shop.

    FETCO, INC. Picture frame designer and model maker. Freelance, 1993-95. Worked with Head of Design to refine products. Executed appearance of models out of wood and balsa foam.

    FURNITURE ARTIST/DESIGNER. Freelance. 1985-present. Designed and built furniture for gallery sales and private commission. Worked in traditional, arts & crafts and avante garde styles. Fabrication expertise with wood, fabric, plastic, non-ferrous metals and finishing. Nationwide exhibition record.

    ARTIST ARTIST 1985-present. Primary interest is in drawing. Expertise with graphite and pastels. Fluent in color abstract work and technical/realistic black and white drawings. Fluent with colored pencil work.

    ART NEW ENGLAND. Authored A Converation with John Marcoux, published in May 1992. Researched, conducted, and wrote an article based on an interview with nation-ally known furniture artist and craftsman John Marcoux.

    PM DESIGNS, INC. Design assistant. 1991-94. Assisted with design and fabrication of exhibits and signage. Provided graphic support.

    THE RIVERS SCHOOL. Art teacher, 1988-89. Taught 3D Art/Wood. Developed curriculum and taught fundamentals of 3D design. Trained students in shop techniques. Students work was awarded First Place in National Scholastic Art Awards and displayed at Cooper-Hewitt Gallery, in Washington DC.

    TEACHER RISD PRE-COLLEGE FACULTY. Drawing Instructor 1993. Taught Foundation Drawing to high school Seniors.

    MIDDLESEX SCHOOL SUMMER ARTS. Art teacher. 1992 & 94. Taught wood-working to students ages 8 to 14.

    SOUTHEASTERN MASSACHUSETTS UNIVERSITY. Instructor 2D design. 1989. Instructed Foundation of 2D Design to college Freshmen.

  • R I C H A R D

    C H A L M E R S

    Rhode Island School of Design, MAT, 1990, Awarded full graduate scholarship

    University of Oregon, BS 1985

    Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Monitor Grant 1986

    Anderson Ranch Arts Center, Scholarship Winner 1985

    EXHIBITION RECORD RISD SUMMER FACULTY SHOW, Woods Gerry Gallery, Providence, RI 1993LAMPS AND MIRRORS, Nemasket Gallery, Fairhaven, MA 1993

    MULTIPLES, Limited editions in art furniture, Meredity Gallery, Baltimore, MD 1992


    FURNITURE LOCAL 10, Furniture by local artists, Dartmouth Gallery, North Dartmouth, MA 1992

    FURNITURE BY DESIGN, Gallery artist in Wichita, KS crafts gallery, 1992

    GEOMETRIE, Gallery artist in Minneapolis, MN, crafts gallery, 1992

    PREFERRED SEATING, The Janis Westman Collection, Farmington, MI 1991

    ARTISTS FURNITURE, Meredity Gallery, Baltimore, MD 1991

    THE WICHITA NATIONAL, Wichita Center for the Arts, Wichita, KS 1991

    NATIONAL JURIED CRAFTS EXHIBITION, Second place winner, Mari Gallery, Mamaroneck, NY 1991

    WOODWORK MAGAZINE, Work published in fall 1991 edition

    BALLROOM DOORS FOR OREGON CONVENTION CENTER, Winner of national art competition for ballroom doors design. Sponsored by Metropolitan Service District, Portland, OR 1988

    FINE WOODWORKING: DESIGN BOOK 5, The Taunton Press 1989

    FINE WOODWORKING: DESIGN BOOK 4, The Taunton Press 1988

    1982 MID-AMERICA BIENNIAL, Owensboro Museum, Owensboro, KY 1982

    34th ANNUAL MID-STATES ART EXHIBITION, Evansville Museum of Art & Science, Evansville, IN 1981

  • MARTIN BROOKS68 Windward Way, Farmington, RI 02646

    hm: 401.989.7489 / wk: 508.636.5566

    February 1, 1999

    Ms. Valerie Gusto

    Director of Human Resources

    World Lighting, Inc.

    675 South Avenue

    Miami, Florida 33014

    Dear Ms. Gusto:

    I am interested in the Product Development Engineer postion that was advertised in the January 1999 issue of Light Design

    Magazine. I am a career lighting professional and have always admired the products and consistent design philosophy of World

    Lighting, Inc.

    I believe that my experience as a product designer, architectural lighting consultant, and lighting educator has given me a diverse

    background which uniquely qualifies me for this position with World Lighting, Inc. I am well acquainted with the business of

    architectural lighting from the duel perspective of a lighting manufacturer and lighting specifier.

    I have enclosed my curriculum vitae, with references for your review. I would welcome the opportunity to learn more about

    this exciting position at World Lighting, Inc. Please feel free to contact me during business hours, it is a private line, or during

    evening hours at my residence. Thank you for your time and consideration.


    Martin Brooks

  • MARTIN BROOKS68 Windward Way, Farmington, RI 02646

    hm: 401.989.7489 / wk: 508.636.5566

    CREATIVE LIGHTING PROFESSIONAL with excellent design and communication skills. Inspired by the very nature of light and motivated by the importance of quality illumination and energy conservation in the built environment.

    PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCENew Light, Inc., Taunton, MA 1990-present

    Senior Designer, Architectural Decorative Products and Special Projects 1994-present

    Architectural Decorative: Develop new concepts for large scale luminaries, utilizing state-of-the-art light sources, materials, and manufacturing

    processes. Rationalize existing product line. Responsibilities include:

    Market survey / analysis

    Developing business plans

    Luminaire design concepts

    Design management

    Developing marketing plans

    New product presentations, nationwide

    Special Projects: Architectural lighting designs for the following New Light projects:

    New Light Showroom and Training Center, Taunton, MA

    Frank Triano Associates, Inc. Architect, New York, NY

    New Light Corporate Headquarters office and site lighting, Taunton, MA

    William Harris Architects, Inc., Boston, MA

    The Gonzalez Foundation Museum, Tijuana, Mexico

    Gonzalez Partners, Mexico City, Mexico

    Technical Project Manager: Premium Downlighting Products 1993-1994

    Coordinated new product realization with design, manufacturing, and marketing departments.

    Rationalized existing product line. Responsibilities included:

    Developed specifier friendly catalogue numbers and product literature

    Technical development of three Calculite Downlighting product brochures

    New product presentations, nationwide

    Senior Designer: Custom Products 1990-1993

    Serviced the demand for custom lighting in major architectural projects. Worked directly with specifiers and sales reps to evaluate the feasibility of

    proposed designs. Coordinated the design with the engineering and manufacturing. Responsbilities include:

    Designed presentations and detail recommendations

    Preparation of submittal and working drawings

    Approved pilot sample and production runs


    Mega City Convention Center, Mega City, NJ Bryce Associates, Inc.

    Public Zoo, Jungle World Exhibit, Marion, NY

    State Zoological Society

    Xavier Auction House, New York, NY

    Stein Architects, Inc.

    Grand Supermarkets, regional locations

    Milton Frazier, Inc.

    International Design Center, Houston, TX

    Sven Knud Associates, Inc.

    Morris Furniture, Soho-Showroom, New York, NY

    Morris International, Inc.

    Museum of the Borough of Manhattan, New York, NY

    Kaplan Architects

    Investment Bank Corporate Headquarters, New York, NY

    Greco Design Group, Inc.

    Kronin Corporate Headquarters, Gothenburg, Sweden

    Nu Tek Architects, Inc.


    Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI BFA Interior Design, with Honors

    Studied abroad at DIS University of Copenhagen, Denmark



    Apple, Macintosh literate: Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, and Microsoft Word. Working knowledge of AutoCAD and Hewlett Packard Solid Design programs.

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