restkit - from zero to hero

Post on 15-May-2015






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RestKit - From Zero to HeroThis talk explains what RestKit is and how it can help you build applications that sync with REST services.


RestKitFrom Zero to Hero

Peter Friese, Zühlke Engineering

Integrating Twitter in Your iOS 5 Apps

Peter Friese

What we will cover today





How can RestKit help?



Flaky Connectivity


Flaky Connectivity

Different Data Formats


Flaky Connectivity

Different Data Formats

Offline Data Access


How can RestKit help?

RestKit Features

Integrated HTTP Stack

Pluggable Parser

Object Mapping

Core Data Integration

Integrated HTTP Stack

// create clientRKClient *client = [RKClient clientWithBaseURL:@""];

// send this field with each request[client setValue:[[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueIdentifier] forHTTPHeaderField:@"UDID"];

Integrated HTTP Stack

- (IBAction)forkYou:(id)sender { [[RKClient sharedClient]

get:@"" delegate:self];


- (void)request:(RKRequest *)request didLoadResponse:(RKResponse *)response

{ if ([response isSuccessful]) { UIImage *image =

[UIImage imageWithData:[response body]]; self.imageView.image = image; }}

Integrated HTTP StackPluggable Parser Object Mapping

JSON(new and cool)


Integrated HTTP StackPluggable Parser Object Mapping


Integrated HTTP StackPluggable Parser Object Mapping

@interface GithubUser : NSObject

@property (strong, nonatomic) NSNumber *id;

@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *name;

@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *location;

@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *followers;

@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *email;

@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *following;



Integrated HTTP StackPluggable Parser Object Mapping

->RKObjectMapping *objectMapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:[GithubUser class]];

[objectMapping mapKeyPath:@"" toAttribute:@"id"];[objectMapping mapKeyPath:@"" toAttribute:@"name"];[objectMapping mapKeyPath:@"user.location" toAttribute:@"location"]; [objectMapping mapKeyPath:@"user.following-count" toAttribute:@"following"]; [objectMapping mapKeyPath:@"user.followers-count" toAttribute:@"followers"]



register mapping

for a class

configure mapping (KVC)

Integrated HTTP StackPluggable Parser Object Mapping

-><user> <name>Peter Friese <following-count">36 <email> <followers-count">42 <location>Hamburg <id>232107</user>



@interface GithubUser@property id;@property name;@property location;@property followers;@property email;@property following;@end

(simplified code illustration, please bear with me!)

[objectMapping mapKeyPath:@"" toAttribute:@"id"];

Integrated HTTP StackPluggable Parser Loading Objects

->RKObjectManager *objectManager = [RKObjectManager objectManagerWithBaseURL:@""];

[objectManager loadObjectsAtResourcePath:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"api/v2/xml/user/show/%@", userName]objectMapping:objectMappingdelegate:self];

- (void)objectLoader:(RKObjectLoader *)objectLoader didLoadObjects:(NSArray *)objects { GithubUser *user = [objects objectAtIndex:0];}



can easily switch between

dev / prod

Integrated HTTP Stack Pluggable Parser

RKObjectManager *objectManager = [RKObjectManager objectManagerWithBaseURL:@""];

// we want to send and receive JSONobjectManager.serializationMIMEType = RKMIMETypeJSON;objectManager.acceptMIMEType = RKMIMETypeJSON;

[objectManager loadObjectsAtResourcePath:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"api/v2/json/user/show/%@", userName]objectMapping:self.mappingdelegate:self];

- (void)objectLoader:(RKObjectLoader *)objectLoader didLoadObjects:(NSArray *)objects { GithubUser *user = [objects objectAtIndex:0];}

Integrated HTTP Stack Pluggable Parser

RKObjectManager *objectManager = [RKObjectManager objectManagerWithBaseURL:@""];

// we want to send and receive JSONobjectManager.serializationMIMEType = RKMIMETypeJSON;objectManager.acceptMIMEType = RKMIMETypeJSON;

[objectManager loadObjectsAtResourcePath:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"api/v2/json/user/show/%@", userName]objectMapping:self.mappingdelegate:self];

- (void)objectLoader:(RKObjectLoader *)objectLoader didLoadObjects:(NSArray *)objects { GithubUser *user = [objects objectAtIndex:0];}



and cool



Integrated HTTP StackPluggable Parser Object Mapping

->RKObjectMapping *objectMapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:[GithubUser class]];

[objectMapping mapKeyPath:@"" toAttribute:@"id"];[objectMapping mapKeyPath:@"" toAttribute:@"name"];[objectMapping mapKeyPath:@"user.location" toAttribute:@"location"]; [objectMapping mapKeyPath:@"user.following_count" toAttribute:@"following"]; [objectMapping mapKeyPath:@"user.followers_count" toAttribute:@"followers"]

JSONregister mapping

for a class

configure mapping (KVC)

Integrated HTTP StackPluggable Parser Object Mapping

->{user: {followers_count: 42,location: "Hamburg",following_count: 36,email: “,blog: "",name: "Peter Friese",id: 232107,}



@interface GithubUser@property id;@property name;@property location;@property followers;@property email;@property following;@end

(simplified code illustration, please bear with me!)

[objectMapping mapKeyPath:@"" toAttribute:@"id"];

Integrated HTTP StackPluggable Parser Object Mapping



[issueMapping mapKeyPath:@"user" toRelationship:@"user" withMapping:userMapping];

Integrated HTTP StackPluggable Parser POSTing Objects


[[objectManager mappingProvider] setObjectMapping:issueMapping forKeyPath:@""];

RKObjectMapping *issueSerializationMapping = [issueMapping inverseMapping];

[[objectManager mappingProvider] setSerializationMapping:issueSerializationMapping forClass:[GithubIssue class]];

[[objectManager router] routeClass:[GithubIssue class] toResourcePath:@"/repos/:repouser/:repo/issues/:number"];

[[objectManager router] routeClass:[GithubIssue class] toResourcePath:@"/repos/:repouser/:repo/issues" forMethod:RKRequestMethodPOST ];

Integrated HTTP StackPluggable Parser POSTing Objects


GithubIssue *issue = [[GithubIssue alloc] init];

issue.repouser = repouser;issue.repo = repo;

[[RKObjectManager sharedManager] postObject:issue delegate:self];

Create new object

Infos for RestKit router:

POST object:

Integrated HTTP StackPluggable ParserObject Mapping Core Data Integration

Offline Data Access


Integrated HTTP StackPluggable ParserObject Mapping Core Data Integration

Change Mapped Objects

Add a Core Data ModelRegister a Managed Object Store

Adjust Object Mappings

Adjust Object CreationFetch Data from DB / Backend

Integrated HTTP StackPluggable ParserObject Mapping Change Mapped Objects

@interface GithubUser : NSManagedObject

@interface GithubUser : NSObject

@synthesize id;@synthesize login;@synthesize name;@synthesize company;@synthesize location;@synthesize blog;@synthesize following;@synthesize followers;@synthesize email;

@dynamic id;@dynamic login;@dynamic name;@dynamic company;@dynamic location;@dynamic blog;@dynamic following;@dynamic followers;@dynamic email;

Header Header

Module Module

Integrated HTTP StackPluggable ParserObject Mapping Add a Core Data Model

Integrated HTTP StackPluggable ParserObject Mapping Add a Core Data Model

Keep in mind:Assign respective

classes to managed objects!

@interface GithubUser : NSObject

Integrated HTTP StackPluggable ParserObject Mapping Register a Managed Object Store

// set up object managerRKObjectManager *objectManager = [RKObjectManager objectManagerWithBaseURL:@""];

// set up backing data storeobjectManager.objectStore = [RKManagedObjectStore objectStoreWithStoreFilename:@"github.sqlite"];

Integrated HTTP StackPluggable ParserObject Mapping Adjust Object Mappings

RKObjectMapping *userMapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:[GithubUser class]];

RKManagedObjectMapping *userMapping = [RKManagedObjectMapping mappingForClass:[GithubUser class]];

Integrated HTTP StackPluggable ParserObject Mapping Adjust Object Creation

GithubIssue *issue = [[GithubIssue alloc] init];

GithubIssue *issue = [GithubIssue object];

Integrated HTTP StackPluggable ParserObject Mapping Fetch Data from DB / Backend

if ([[RKObjectManager sharedManager] isOnline]) {[self fetchDataFromRemote];

}else {[self fetchDataFromDataStore];


Online of offline?

- (void)fetchDataFromDataStore{ repos = [GithubRepo allObjects]; [self.tableView reloadData]; }

Offline - Fetch from DB

Integrated HTTP StackPluggable ParserObject Mapping Fetch Data from DB / Backend

- (void)fetchDataFromRemote{RKObjectMapping *mapping = [[[RKObjectManager sharedManager] mappingProvider] objectMappingForClass:[GithubRepo class]];

NSString *resourcePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"/users/%@/repos", loginInfo.login];

[[RKObjectManager sharedManager]loadObjectsAtResourcePath:resourcePath objectMapping:mappingdelegate:self];


Online - Fetch from Backend

Integrated HTTP StackPluggable ParserObject Mapping Fetch Data from DB / Backend

- (void)reachabilityChanged:(NSNotification*)notification {RKReachabilityObserver* observer = (RKReachabilityObserver*)[notification object];

if ([observer isNetworkReachable]) {if (![self.view isHidden]) {[self fetchDataFromRemote];

}} else {if (![self.view isHidden]) {[self fetchDataFromDataStore];



Reconnect after offline

Integrated HTTP StackPluggable ParserObject Mapping Putting it All Together



Peter FriesePrincipal Consultant

Zühlke Engineering GmbHAm Sandtorkai 6620457 Hamburg

+49 151 108 604 72

Available for consulting,discussing all things mobileand frosty beverages

Mobile CouchDBPeter Friese

Di, 17:30 - 18:30

Auf Tuchfühlung mit smarten GerätenMasanori Fujita

Mi, 10:15 - 11:15

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