responding to the news

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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After the interview: Responding to the news

1. Objectives

2. Introductions

3. Activity 1: Vocabulary review

4. Activity 2: Discussion

5. Activity 3: Dialogue

6. Activity 4: a. What to do if you don’t get the job b. How to accept the job offerc. How to decline the job offer

7. Activity 5: Case studies

8. Activity 6: Dictation

9. Activity 7: Practice

Our Agenda

Workshop Objectives

1. To learn 8 new words related to responding to the

news about a job

2. To learn how to accept a job offer

3. To learn how to decline a job offer

• What is your name?

• Where are you from?


Vocabulary Review

Activity 1

Activity one: Vocabulary Review

Member of a nationut

To burn bridges

To ask for feedback

To stalk someone

To stay in contact

To be a resource

To keep doors open

To be gracious

to end a communication in a friendly way

to show you are thankfulto ask for advice about how you can improve

to destroy a relationshipto bother someone

nice to keep a relationship active

to be a help to someone

To express gratitude

Activity two: Fill-in-the-blank

1. Be sure _______________ after a job interview. Remember to say thank you!

2. Ask the prospective employer how you can improve. _________________________.

3. Help the prospective employer if you can. ____________________________ !

4. If you don’t get the job, remember to __________________ .

5. Do not call your prospective employer too often. You don’t want to _________________ .

6. If you don’t get the job, remember to be nice. You don’t want to ___________________ .

7. You may want ___________________ even if you don’t get the job.

8. ___________________ by being gracious.

burn bridgesstay in contact

express gratitude stalk someone

be a resource ask for feedback be gracious

keep the doors open

Group discussionActivity 2

• Have you ever been told you didn’t get a job that you applied for?

• Have you ever accepted or declined a job offer?

• How did it go?

Listen to a dialogue.

• What important points do you hear?

Activity 3

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Listen to a dialogue:









So, how did it go? Did you get the job?

No, I am afraid I didn’t. I feel terrible!

Don’t get down. Think of the positive!

What can be positive about this?

Well, even the process of going through a job interview is good practice.

Future job opportunities! You will have more job opportunities.

I suppose I will.

Practice? Practice for what?

Have you actually spoken to the company yet?Johanna

Alicia No, they just left a message on my answering machine.

Listen to a dialogue:









Alicia Thanks for the help, Johanna!

Ok, I think you should call them and graciously thank them for the interview.

I can do that.

Then, ask the manager for an appointment to ask how you can improve.

I guess that would help me with future opportunities.

I get it. I can see now how I can turn this negative into positive.

You mean, ask why I didn’t get the job?

Well, not in those words. Simply ask the manager what you can do to improve your chances of getting a job there in the future.

Johanna Exactly. The key is not to burn any bridges with the manager or company.


When you get the news about a job you applied for, 1 of 3 things can happen:

Activity 4

1. You don’t get the job.

2. You accept the job.

3. You decline the job.

Now let’s discuss what to do in each case!

2. Ask for feedback.• Fill in your “gaps”.

• Maybe you need more education or experience?

• Maybe you need to improve your interview skills?

3. Mourn the loss …. for a short time.

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• Mourn the loss then get back at it!

• Remember that the interview process is a great learning tool.

• You have made a new contact.

4. Broaden or narrow your job search.

Image by geralt / 10515 images

• Maybe you need to be open to other jobs.

• Maybe you need to be more specific about the jobs you apply for.

5. Re-invent your brand.

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• Can you improve or build your image on social media?

6. Ask for help.

Image by Peggy_Marco / 4771 images

• Let everyone know that you are looking for help.

• Continue to work on your interview skills.

B. Accepting or declining a job offer

Image by Wild0ne / 69 images

• Why should you accept or decline a job offer?

Why should you accept a job offer?

Image by geralt / 10515 images

• You should accept a job offer if it matches all the criteria you have set for your ideal job.

How to accept a job offer

• Receive a phone call from the company advising that an offer is on

the way via email or standard mail.

• Receive and consider the offer.

• Negotiate if not all your needs are met.

• Accept the offer if it now meets your needs:a. Write and send letter of acceptance.b. Notify all those involved that you have sent a letter of


Sample job acceptance letterDear Mrs. Saunders:

It was certainly wonderful news when you called this afternoon to offer me the

general manager position for Price Corp. Please consider this letter my formal

acceptance.  I am pleased to accept your offer at a salary of $42,000.00 annually. 

As we agreed, my starting date will be September 5 to enable me to finish my

contract with my current employer. I also understand that I will receive full company

pay and benefits during the 8-week training program and that I am considered

probationary during that time.  Thanks again, Mrs. Saunders, for offering me this

wonderful opportunity, and do let me know if I can do anything in advance of my

start date to facilitate the paperwork, or if there are any areas you’d like me to be

reading up on. I am really happy that I will be joining the Price team!

Sincerely,Bethany Wilson

Why should you decline a job offer?

Image by Peggy_Marco / 4771 images

• You should decline a job offer if during the interview you discover the company is not for you.

• The job offer does not meet all the requirements you have set for your ideal job.

How to decline a job offer

• Show your appreciation.

• Give a brief reason for declining the offer.

• Express an interest in staying in touch.

Image by Peggy_Marco / 4771 images

What to say when declining a job offer:

• After a lot of careful consideration I have decided to accept an offer with another company.

• After thinking it over, I have decided that now is not a good time to leave my current employer.

Case studies

• Read the studies and answer the questions.

Activity 5

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Case Study 1

Bethany just received the news that she did not receive the job she applied for.

What should she do?

Case Study 2

Simbaljeet is upset because she went through 3 interviews, but she didn’t get the job. She feels she wasted her time.

What would you say to her?

Case Study 3

Shamsun applied for a job, but she didn’t get it. She wants to know why.

What should she do?

Case Study 4

Tomas got a job offer, but it does not meet his needs.

What can he do?

Case Study 5

Jorge didn’t get the job he applied for. He is now experiencing some depression.

What can he do now?


• Write what you hear!

Activity 6

Dictation 1

If you do not get the job, you can still ask for feedback.

Dictation 2

There is a lot to be learned simply by participating in a job interview.

Dictation 3

Always be gracious, even if you did not get the job.

Dictation 4

Mourn the loss of not getting a job, but not for too long.

Dictation 5

Even if you didn’t get the job, you can still add the prospective manager to your network.

Let’s practise!Activity 7

How would you accept a job offer?

How would you decline a job offer?

Review: What did you learn today?

• 8 new words related to responding to the news about a job.

• What to do if you didn’t get the job.

• How to accept or decline a job offer

Thanks for attending.

See you next time!

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