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Post on 25-Aug-2020






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To access support: call 778-400-5007 or email


A Skill-building Workshop for Students during COVID-19

What is one object or place that brings you comfort?

We’ll have a question period at the end

Introduce some basic considerations for safety planning

Provide a model for best practices for supporting the survivors in our lives

CollegeHumor. (2015, May 14). Guy who listens by interrupting you [Video]. Youtube.

What is going on in this clip?

In the chat: Based on this activity what are some important elements of active listening?

Sitting in stillness

Making space

Being present

respectAcknowledging the other person’s needs

Checking inDon’t make it about you

Not responding right away

Not solution giving

Taking time to understand

suspending our own thought processes and making a conscious

effort to understand another person’s position

DISCLOSURE REPORTINGThe process by which someone shares their experience of harm or trauma with someone else

The process in which a survivor makes a decision to share their story with certain legal or judicial entities in order to use those channels for justice against people who have caused harm

What are ways we can demonstrate belief when

supporting someone?

● phone lines● text and chat

support services

● counselling services

● sexual assault resource offices

● transition houses

● sexual assault centres

RSA. (2013, December 10). Brene Brown on empathy [Video]. Youtube.

“I believe you”

“This is not your fault”

“I’m sorry this happened”

“Thank you for sharing this with me”

“I’m so glad you are talking to me”

“I’m here for you”

“You have the right to seek healing”

“How can I support you right now?”

● the ocean● my bed●

● my best friend● my counsellor●

● stretching● drinking a cup

of tea●

In the chat: share one item from your list

Definition: a personalized, practical plan that can help to navigate dangerous situations and consider ways to react when one is or may experience danger

What places feel safer than others in your home right now? What about outside of your home?

Is there someone supportive in your life that you’d feel comfortable reaching out to?

Do you know how to clear your browser history and caller ID?

If you need to leave your house quickly, what items would you need to take with you?

● How do you know when it is appropriate to create a safety plan with the person yourself or when you should connect them with a professional instead?

● Are there any situations when you are required to report?● Question from faculty at a university: what ways could help students who tell faculty

about their experiences of violence when faculty would like to support their students? (and how to balance providing support with reporting requirements)

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

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