residents first improvement awardof christ. as we sing in the 8th eirmos of the paschal canon at...

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Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre- Spring 2012 Українсько-Канадський Осередок Опіки - Весна 2012

Residents First Improvement Award

Residents First is one of the most comprehensive and innovative quality improvement (QI) initiative in Canada and the Care Centre has embraced it for our quality improvement initiatives. The Care Centre earned the Residents First Improvement Award and $2,500 in recognition of our commitment to improve quality through active participation in the Residents First program and for putting what we learned into practice. To qualify, homes must have met a number of milestones including a 25% improvement on at least one process measure (see our results below). The QI initiative chosen by the quality team was falls reduction. The quality improvement process requires commitment – of both time and human resources – to attend Residents First learning ses-sions and then to transition that learning into new practices. Congratulations to our quality team!


The Winning Team - Edyta Nosiadek, Physiotherapist; Marta Krywonis, Director, Quality, Organizational Development and Housing; Ewa Pinczak, Personal Support Worker; Swetlana Malyarska, RPN; absent: Elizabeth Graczyk, Physiotherapist Assistant



   Ukrainian  Canadian  Care  Centre  Average   Provincial  Average  

Theme   Indicator  by  Percentage   April  '08  –  March  '09   April  '09  –  March  '10   April  '09  –March  '10  Falls   Residents  who  had  a  recent  fall   15.4%   11.50%   13.8%  

Pressure  ulcers  

Residents  who  had  a  pressure  ulcer  that  recently  got  worse  

1.7%   4.3%   2.9%  

Pressure  ulcers  

Residents  with  a  new  pressure  ulcer  (stage  2  or  higher)  

2.0%   4.5%   2.7%  

Use  of  restraints  

Residents  who  were  physically  restrained  

N/A   17.80%   16.6%  

Bladder  function  

Residents  with  worsening  bladder  control  

9.5%   14.6%   5.4%  

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Throughout the season of Lent, we have fasted and prayed, we have made sacrifices, we have kept our usual Christian joy restrained, in contemplation of the events that marked the last days of our Lord’s life on earth. With our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and the whole Church all over the world, we have journeyed with Christ during Holy Week. We witnessed the first signs of His coming victory as He entered Jerusalem. On Holy Thursday, we sat at the table and were drawn into His for-giveness, and we were joyful as He broke the bread and poured the cup, and gave us His Body and Blood. On Good Friday, with greatest respect and devotion, we kissed and venerated His most Holy Shroud. Now the veil of our penance is lifted - the recount-ing of His passion is past. And now, we are called to open our minds and hearts to the profound mysteries of the Resurrection and to rejoice in the Risen Lord. The Feast of Pascha announces the joy and hope that the Risen Christ gives us, and we await our salvation with a certitude that stems from our Christian hope. On the occasion of this solemn and glorious Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord, I extend my prayerful and heartfelt greetings to the administration, workers and all the residents. Be assured that the Risen Lord, who suffered on the cross for us and our salvation is mindful of your needs and embraces you in His love every day. Therefore dear brothers and sisters, strengthened by faith, joy and hope, let us celebrate this glorious feast.

+ Stephen, Bishop of the Eastern EparchyUkrainian Orthodox Church of Canada

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

Come, let us sing joyfully to the Lord, let us acclaim God, our Saviour (Ps. 94)

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Christ is Risen! Truly, He is Risen! Of all the great feasts of our Church year the most majestic and joyful is the glorious feast of the Resurrection of Christ. As we sing in the 8th eirmos of the Paschal canon at Matins, this is “The Feast of feasts and Festival of festi-vals”. What hope and joy we place in these words – “Christ is Risen! Truly, He is Risen!” With what great excite-ment we repeat them over and over on the day of Pascha! And what they mean to each one of us! The essence of our faith is concentrated in them, as is the sense of our earthly life. Without the Resurrection of Christ there is neither Christianity nor eternal life. Christ, crucified on the Cross, died as a man, but rose as God, and this means that He is truly the Son of God, our Saviour and Redeemer. And so I sincerely greet all of you, the residents of the Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre and St. Demetrius Residence with the joyous feast of the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and wholeheartedly wish you a joyful celebration of the Paschal holidays. May the Risen Lord unite all of us with His love, fill our souls with spiritual joy, and establish peace and har-mony in our hearts.

Truly, Christ is Risen!With God’s blessing,

+ANDRIY, Bishop of the Eastern Eparchy, UOCC

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Honoured Seniors,

“Christ is Risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and on those in the tombs bestowing life!”“Let the heavens worthily rejoice, and let the earth be glad. Let the whole world, both visible and invisible, keep the feast; for Christ, our Eternal Joy, is risen.”

from the first ode of the Paschal canon

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Цими словами у великодний час, Церква нас закликає до радости і надії, яку подає нам воскреслий Христос. Радість в Христі робить нас щасливими і сміливими вже тут на землі, бо як каже св. Павло в Листі до Римлян, “коли Вог за нас, хто проти нас?” Своїм воскресінням Христос загріває наші серця і запалює в них свою любов. Наша радість виростає з християнської надії, якою очікуємо з певністю від Бога спасіння. У цей світлий празник складаю мої молитовні, широкосердечні привітання усім мешканцям Українського Канадьсого Дому Опіки. Будьте певні що Христос, який кривавим потом заливався у гетсиманському саді, і переніс невимовні муки задля нас на хресті солідарізується з нами і кріпіть нас. Рівнож вітаю усіх Ваших рідних; нехай мир, любов, надія і радість воскреслого Господа огортає Вас усіх, а Христове слово просвічує Ваші душі. З Великоднем вітаю адміністрацію та усіх працівників Піклувального Дому. Через Вашу працю із мешканцями дому опіки, Ви є покликані бачити обличчя воскреслого Христа у кожній особі. Ось окріплені вірою, радістю і надією святкуймо цей світлий празник.

+ СтефанЄпарх Торонта і Східньої Канади

Христос Воскрес! Воістину Воскрес!

Возлюблені в Христі Брати і Сестри!

“Це день, що його створив Господь, тож радіймо і веселімся в нім!”

Христос Воскрес! Воістину Воскрес!

З усіх великих празників нашого церковного року найбільш урочистий і радісний – це світлий Празник Христового Воскресіння. Як каже ірмос 8-ої пісні пасхального канону утрені це «Празників празник і торжество із торжеств». Скільки радості і надії вкладаємо ми в ці слова Христос Воскрес! Воістину Воскрес! З яким надхненням ми повторюємо їх безліч разів у пасхальні дні! І що означають вони для кожного із нас! В них сконцентровано сутність нашої віри, сенс нашого земного життя. Без Воскресіння Христового нема ні християнства, ні вічності. Христос розіп’ятий на Хресті помер яко людина, але воскрес яко Бог, а це означає, що Він є істинний Син Божий, наш Спаситель і Визволитель.Тож сердечно вітаю всіх Вас, мешканців Українсько-Канадського Осередку Опіки та Резиденції ім. Св. Димитрія з нагоди радісного свята Воскресіння нашого Господа і Спасителя Ісуса Христа і від душі бажаю радісних Великодніх святкувань. Нехай Воскреслий Господь єднає усіх нас своєю любов’ю, наповнює наші душі духовною радістю, вселяє в наші серця мир і злагоду.

Воістину Христос Воскрес!З Божого Благословення

+Андрій, Єпископ Східньої Єпархії УПЦК

Дорогі Брати і Сестри – Вельмишановні Сеньйори!

Дорогі Брати і Сестри – Вельмишановні Сеньйори!“Христос Воскрес із мертвих, смертю смерть подолав і ти, що в гробах життя дарував.”“Хай небеса достойно веселяться, хай радіє земля, хай празнує увесь світ видимий і невидимий, бо Христос устав - радість вічна” (перша пісня Пасхального канону).

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The stories of 28 seniors from the Care Centre and St. Deme-trius Residence reflect the lives of people who are proud to call them-selves Ukrainian–Canadians, living in a country that welcomed the tra-ditions of their ethnic past. Seniors actively engaged in the creation of these stories, working one on one with youth volunteers, transferring knowledge and experience between the generations. Discussion evolved through open ended questions, such as “tell me about your wedding day”, “tell me about your best friend as a child” or ”tell me about coming to Canada”. Some family members par-ticipated in the interviews to provide additional information, and through the process many of the children of these seniors learned much more about their own family’s history. With the publication of the 72 page booklet, Life Stories of Ukrai-nian Canadians, we commemorated

Life Stories of Ukrainian Canadiansthe 120th Anniversary of the arrival of the first Ukrainian immigrants to Canada and the rich lives of the se-niors whose personal journey has included the Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre and or St. Demetrius Residence. The essence of the book is captured in this excerpt from its Introduction, by Nestor Sabat, Youth Volunteer. “Youth volunteers realized that sacrifices of their immigrant an-cestors provided the opportunity to live in an atmosphere of diverse cul-tures. Some seniors had a different childhood because life circumstanc-es, such as WW II forced them to as-sume their independence early. Some had wonderful mo-ments in the last places one would think - Displaced Persons Camps. These camps contained people from many backgrounds and cultures who found themselves grouping into small subcultures. These camps lasted for a long time after the war. Schools were established for the children and forms of entertain-ment arose out of the human need for art and culture. Multicultural re-lationships amongst children in the community are not an innovation of the 21st century. For children it has always been about living together and going out into the community to have fun and make many close friends. Despite the difficulties of the war, each situation was a learning opportunity for the seniors and for

us. Each story contains the potential to open up a whole new paradigm within us. Each of us will borrow from these legacies something uniquely different that will add importance to the lives of the seniors. Each senior took a different route to reach Canada, but they re-member the whole trip here. Several seniors recalled the moment they arrived in Canada, their new experi-ences, problems, and solutions. Set-ting foot in Canada was just the be-ginning of the long journey of a new life. The light at the end of the tun-nel opened a window of opportunity that once again required hard work and determination; qualities the se-niors had in abundance. Stories like these inspire youth to look at their family trees and find their stories, many of which hold practical life lessons that only come through experience.” We are grateful to New Hori-zons for Seniors Program and HRSD Canada for the funding that allowed us to make this happen. A limited number of copies of this book are available at our gift shop at 60 Rich-view Road. You can also call Anna at 416-243-7653, ext 224 to arrange for purchase and shipping.


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Give ONLINE Secure and Convenient Cats and dogs! Unconditional Love

Pets are a vital part of every-day life and key members of our fami-lies. The benefit of the physical and


emotional connection between pets and residents is immeasurable. We encourage and support visits by fam-ily dogs and cats. They are very wel-come at the Care Centre. There are just a few things we need to accommodate visits by your pets and your loved ones. Please con-tact Irena Dounets, Manager of Pro-grams, 416-243-7653 as we require a Health Clearance Certificate from a veterinarian and a Care Centre Pet Profile form to be completed prior to your pet’s visit. Visiting dogs or cats

must be leashed at all times and can spend time with residents in the main floor Winter Garden area only. Skip-per, our Pet Therapy registered vol-unteer and the rest of us at the Care Centre look forward to meeting your pet! Jennifer Pimek, Director of Resident Care


St. Demetrius Residence hired Brook Restoration Ltd. to undertake the Balcony Restoration Project which started on February 13, 2012. The project involves the following: repair-ing and waterproofing the balcony floor, replacing the balcony railings, re-sealing windows, replacing some window glass, replacing and re-seal-ing the external air ventilation duct covers and repairing any bricks on the wall that are weather damaged. Brook first prepared the work site on the east side of the building (the side that faces the school yard)


Balcony Restoration Project

and then their work areas on the north side of the building by putting up the protective fencing and build-ing covers over the necessary en-trances. They then started their work from hanging platforms along the east side of the building. In a month, Brook will move to the west side. Throughout the project, the safety and well-being of all our stakeholders (tenants, school, Church, Ukrainian Credit Union and neighbours) has been very important. We have met with all these groups to communi-cate, share the project plans, identify

any concerns and develop strategies to address them. Once the project is com-pleted, not only will the safety of the balconies be addressed, but the ten-ants will have beautiful new balconies and a new look for the exterior of the building. We want to thank the ten-ants for their patience and under-standing during the project work.Marta Krywonis, Director of Quality and

Organizational Development and Housing




Anna Bilyk and Lesia Pliuskaitis enjoy their visits with Skipper.

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Nick Nykilchuk, Sudbury artist recently visited friends at the Residence and was pleasantly surprised to see two of his origi-nal works on display at the Care Centre. Nick’s style is similar to Norman Rockwell and many of his drawings have been produced on greeting cards, depicting Ukraini-an motifs and humour.

News from St. Demetrius Seniors Residence

Bob Didulka first met new resident Rudolph Allen on the eleva-tor just shortly after he moved into the residence and asked how he liked his new home. Rudolph enthused, “I was surprised by the daily kindness shown to me and to others, and how people helped me feel at home. This helps to bind the community, along with daily worship, and friends, family and grandchildren visiting. We are all pilgrims on a journey, caring for each other, showing kindness, respect and love to one another. I’m fortunate to have found such a community and my stay here is one of joy and pleasure, to be among such new found friends.” Please see the back cover of this newsletter for admission information to St. Demetrius Residence.


SKYPE embraced by Residents, Volunteers & Staff

Nick and his painting Horse Traders Am



“Oh my, I can see her …. that’s my niece,” exclaimed Fred Bilasz who has not seen his brother’s daughter who lives in Edmonton since 2005, “Hello … hello …!!!” SKYPE, an internet telephone and video service, allows residents and family members to see and hear one another through a web camera, microphone and computer monitor. In this day and age of families being scattered throughout the world, it is very difficult for some relatives and friends of residents to visit as often as they would like. Being able to match a face with a familiar voice is a “giant step” above a regular phone call and provides closer connection between residents, their friends and family. You must know the SKYPE

address of the person you wish to contact. However, many family members know the technology and can facilitate their loved ones “visits” on SKYPE themselves. Time on SKYPE needs to be booked ahead with the receptionist to avoid congestion and to ensure support is available to facilitate connection. SKYPE is available for use by residents and family members

in the library on the main floor only at booked times. The Program Department is looking forward to setting up SKYPE relationships with other Ukrainian long-term care homes and seniors groups across Canada so that all residents can participate in the magic of SKYPE and hopes to expand the reach to Ukraine itself.

Congratulations and Best Wishes to Edna and Ed Caruk who were married 67 years ago in Port Alberni, British Columbia. Edna, who turned 87 in February, and Ed, are the proud parents of Jim, Deryl, Wayne and daughter in-laws, Cheryl, Sandy and Sandy; and have been blessed with 7 grandchil-dren and 9 great grandchildren.

Bob Didulka, Chair, Residents’ Council

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Volunteers Are Important! Our vision at the Care Centre is to be a leading provider of high quality long-term care, residential services and community programs for Ukrainian seniors. This can only be achieved through the rich contributions of our vol-unteers. Residents, family members and staff benefit as volunteers bring a warm sense of community and home into the Care Centre, and much needed assistance. Volunteers have new refreshing ideas, knowledge and skills and assist in a wide variety of roles. Volunteers are oriented and trained in their position and in a variety of other skills. We prefer a minimum commitment of time, however are flexible for circumstances such as vacations and other life situations. With the help of our dedicated vol-unteers we will continue to grow and ensure the best quality of life for our seniors. Positions we are actively recruiting for include:

For more information about the Volunteer Program please call Anna Do, Volunteer Coordinator, 416-243-7653 ext 313 or email


– Gift Shop

Friendly Visiting


Recreation Programs

and Activities

Volunteers will be required to use the cash register, greet customers, assist customers; restock shelves, count inventory, price products and provide general store support.

Friendly visiting creates lasting and meaningful relationships between seniors and volunteers. Duties may include: reading, chatting, playing cards, participating in leisure activities that both parties enjoy, keeping notes on the residents and reporting concerns and issues to registered nurses.

Assist and support the Recreation staff with the residents’ programs and activities by providing assistance with designing and posting calendars for scheduled programs, assistance with the publication of the monthly newsletter, interacting effectively with residents, interdisciplinary teams, family members, other volunteers and members of the community.


Minimum 1-2 hours per week, 6 months commitment

Minimum 2 hours per week, 6 months com-mitment

Time CommitmentMinimum 4-8 hours per month, 6 months commitment

• Excellent customer service and communication skills

• Responsible, respectful, positive and reliable

• Knowledge of a cash register would be an asset but not required

Skills & Knowledge

• Excellent communication and active listening skills, empathy, patience

• Responsible, respectful, positive and reliable

• Able to work with minimum supervision• Creative about mutually enjoyable

activities and leisure pursuits• Has knowledge about and sensitivity to

aging issues and challenge• Ukrainian speaking would be an asset

but not required

• Excellent communication and active listening skills, empathy, patience

• Responsible, respectful, positive and reliable

• Able to work with minimum supervision• Has knowledge about and sensitivity to

aging issues and challenges• Able to push wheelchairs and assist

residents with walkers/cane• Ukrainian speaking would be an asset

but not required

We are currently accepting donations of gently used Ukrainian ceramics (plates, bowls, cups, mugs, etc), Ukrainian figurines, novels written in English, collectibles, crystal and bone china. Donations can be dropped off at the reception desk of the Care Centre during regular business hours. All proceeds raised from the gift shop support programs and activities for our seniors. Thank you for your support!

Gift Shop

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

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TRIBUTES TO THE CARE CENTREThe Care Centre is honoured to receive donations from families and friends

made in tribute to the following individuals:

Contributors: Marta Kyrwonis, Bob Didulka, Laura Oda, Anna Do, Jennifer Pimek Layout: FUNDING Matters Inc. Editor: Laura Oda, Director of Development

St. Demetrius Residence123 La Rose Ave., Toronto, ON M9P 3T3

Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre60 Richview Road, Toronto, ON M9A 5E4

For more information, please contact the Development Office at 416 243-7653 ext. 224.

We suggest getting the name of your loved one in the queue as soon as you feel that they will require long-term care. The Central Community Access Centre (CCAC) controls the wait list for admissions to the Care Centre. Admissions are based on when the name is put on the list. Please contact the CCAC directly at (905) 763-9928 or 1 (888) 470-2222 or by email at

Admission to the Ukrainian Canadian

Care Centre

St. Demetrius Residence accepts applications from se-niors who are over 65 years of age, are Canadian residents and able to take care of themselves and their apartments. The Resi-dence offers market value rental units and rent-geared to income (subsidized housing) units. You may be eligible for a subsidy based on family income and as-sets owned. For more information, please contact St. Demetrius Residence Office at (416) 243-9051 or by email Due to our long-wait list, which can be over two years, we suggest you or your loved ones plan to apply early.

Application to st. demetrius residence

Irene SzwedJohn UrsulakOksana Wandjura

In Honour OfJanice, Kira, Misty and Lia FedakOlga BatogowskiElsie YarmolJohn S. Gula

From November 26, 2011 – March 14, 2012

In Memory OfPaul AyllonWalter BaziukSteve BoykoJohn ChomaNeonila ChumaJoseph CiupaMichael DanylyszynAnna DrozdowskySophia GawurNettie HlynskyRoman J. HrabowychJulia JanesiwskyjWilliam JanesiwskyjJaroslaw JunykParaska KawunAnna KostiwRoy S. Kostuk

Iwan KowalczykKsenia KrywulskyWasyl LachmaniukAnna LejbjukMichael MakischukPetro MucykiwskyChristine MyndiukMotria MyszczatynStanley PatroniakBuddy PetrashRoman PlawuszczakAnne RatushnyLydia RenahanPaul RomanishynEdward SemenickOlga ShewchukMyron SkaliszArsen Stepaniuk

Save these Dates

Saturday, June 16 @ 1:30 pm

Friday, September 7

Sunday, September 30

2nd Annual Celebrate and Honour Our Seniors Event

Ukrainian Heritage Day Celebration

Family Day for Residents and their Families - Hosted by Family Council

Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre

Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre

Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre


Date Event Location

Tuesday, May 22 Annual General MeetingUkrainian Canadian

Care Centre

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