research three children's books

Post on 16-Aug-2015






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This story and illustrations were both by Maurice Sendak. “The story of max’s adventures when he sails away to the land where the Wild Things are has become an acknowledged classic of children’s books.”- From the first page of where the wild things are. The illustrations in this book are drawn they are line drawings that made the detail and also outlines. The pictures don’t look real and for a child that’s a good thing as they can use their imaginations.

The font is very blocky and makes it easy for the children too read and understand. There are double pages and the most amount of writing is six lines and that’s tree on each side of the double spread this makes the book easy for children too not get bored with the amount of text. In book there are a total of 48 pages this includes the front and back page.

I think that it is this long because in the middle there are double page spreads of just pictures and no writing. The books dimensions are 23.8 x 0.8 x 25.6 cm. the book is a recatgle shape which is different in most books, which fits in with the style of the book as it is very different.

We’re going on a bear hunt

This is a book about a family that goes looking for bears in a woodland and different places. this was written by Michael Rosen and the illustration was Helen was final published in 1993 and it was originally printed in britain. The illustration is detailed but simplistic, you can tell what is and it helps make it visual to the reader but makes it enjoyable for the parents and the children, some of the pages are in colour and the others are in black and white. and the other pages are in colour I think this is done too.

The book was typed

in typeset this is to make it easy for the children to read. There is a part in the book where it says “swishy swashy swishy swashy swishy swashy” this is using a onomatopoeia to make the fact they are running down the hill more then just saying they ran down the hill they are making the noise of the grass. This book has 36 pages and the book is 15.7 x 3.6 x 13.7cm.

Hairy maclary from donaldson’s dairy

This is a book about “hairy maclary went off for a walk with a few friends – and came up against something that gave them gave them all a nasty surprise!” this book was written and illustrated by Lynley Dodd this again has been drawn and there is a lot of detail in the dogs fur and their expersions. There is a lot of detail in the other things in the book like birds and grass.

This book as a lot of rhyming couplets this makes it easy for children to read it and get to grips with the wording. This writing is sans serif and this means it doesn’t have a lot of flick things coming off it, which usually makes it easier to read it.All the writing is done on a white page with black writing on the right page and the left page is a picture of what is being described. This book has the dimensions of 19 x 0.5 x 25.4 cm. and there are 32 pages including the cover and the back.

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