research river

Post on 06-Dec-2014






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Lee FitzGerald, Loreto Kirribilli, April 29, 2013

Figure 1.1 Guided Inquiry Design Process. (Kuhlthau, C., Maniotes, L and Caspari, A. 2012.)

The Research RiverStarting a research task, you are at the

beginning of a journey, called The Information Search Process

This is a journey that you’ll repeat many times in your life at school and work.

It’s not a simple journey, and may be likened to the progress a river makes from its source to the sea.

Lee FitzGerald, Loreto Kirribilli, April 29, 2013

The research river: Open

Research can be likened to a river’s progress. At its source, the river’s flow is weak and undirected.

In the Open stage of an assignment you may feel lost and uncertain as to the path you might take.

Lee FitzGerald, Loreto Kirribilli, April 29, 2013

Your teachers/librarian will initiate the area of inquiry with you.

The research river: Immerse

This is a peaceful and happy part of the research river.

You immerse yourself in some shallows and get surface information on your topic.

Use preliminary searching: Broad, not deep - Encyclopedias

Lee FitzGerald, Loreto Kirribilli, April 29, 2013

Your teacher/librarianwill help you select your information.

The research river: Explore

As water is added to the river, it  carves a channel for itself and soon forms a series of rapids.

You’ve chosen your area of interest, but as you seek information, you find there’s quite a lot of it!

Use Exploratory searching. Wide, not deep! Use encyclopedias and books which provide an overview.

Lee FitzGerald, Loreto Kirribilli, April 29, 2013

And what are your teacher/librarians doing? They are helping you explore your topic.

The research river: Explore

You may even plunge headfirst over a waterfall - unsure of what lies below it –


At this stage of the research process it is completely normal to fall into the

dip – to feel overloaded, and


Contained, directed searching is necessary

to come out of the Dreaded Dip!

Use the resources provided, especially the online

text book, and Clickview videos.

Lee FitzGerald, Loreto Kirribilli, April 29, 2013

It is definitely here where you should seek teacher/librarian help!

The research river: Identify

It is only after you’ve researched widely, navigated the flood of information that you feel strong and confident.

In the process, some of the water is left behind, as you work through the process of identifying exactly what you need to know.

After this sifting process, you are streaming ahead to the sea. You feel confident and focused now.

Your teacher/librarian will help you formulate your information need.

The research river: Gather

• The flow of the river has been controlled.

• You are now in charge of the information

• You are sorting it, controlling it, shaping it to answer your question.

• Use Comprehensive Searching: Pertinent not just relevant – Use sources that relate to your particular part of the topic.

• Keep adding to your individual notetaking scaffold.

Lee FitzGerald, Loreto Kirribilli, April 29, 2013

Your teacher/librarian will help you collect only the information you need.

The research river: Create and share

Finally, as you approach your destination, another difficult time! (How can I work with my inquiry circle to create our Inspiration mind map?

How can we shape all our information into an presentation that answers our inquiry question?

Which way will your research river flow to the sea?

Lee FitzGerald, Loreto Kirribilli, April 29, 2013

Your teacher/librarian will help you with your presentation.

Lee FitzGerald, Loreto Kirribilli, April 29, 2013

The research river: Create and share

Here’s where the river meets the sea at its estuary!

Here the river of information you have created is shared with your class.

You will share in the whole sea of information Year 7 has created by presenting your mind map and seeing everyone else’s.

Lastly, you write an answer in your exam, that shows your depth of understanding of New Kingdom Ancient Egypt!

Your teachers are on hand to help you create and share your presentation.

Lee FitzGerald, Loreto Kirribilli, April 29, 2013

The Research river: Evaluate

• You’ve conquered the raging Information River! Your new sea of knowledge is full, and you are peaceful and happy with yourself.

• You’ve shared your knowledge, assessed the knowledge of others, and been assessed yourself.

• Or maybe there’s a little hole back in that old dam you might need to fix next time…Thanks for the River analogy, Di Laycock, Barker College!

Your teacher/librarian will assess your work.

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