research paper annotated bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography


Christina FernandezDr. Dietel McLaughlinWriting and Rhetoric 13300 25 March 2014Annotated BibliographyThe research paper will investigate the impact recent advances in technology have had on Walt Disney Theme Parks and whether or not The Disney Company has been forced to update and refurbish its park attractions and amenities due to the rapid technological advancements in order to maintain and uphold its mission statement. This investigation will include descriptions of how the guest experience has changed due to the introduction of new systems such as MyMagic+ as well as how the creation and appearance of attractions have changed riders experiences from the parks opening up until today.

Barnes, Brooks. "At Disney Parks, a Bracelet Meant to Build Loyalty (and Sales)." The New York Times. N.p., 7 Jan. 2013. Web. 19 Mar. 2014.

This article found in The New York Times, written by Brooks Barnes, was written to inform readers of the functions and potential uses for Disneys new MagicBands, which are used with the new MyMagic+ system to function as a room key, park ticket, FastPass and credit card. Barnes writes that people feel apprehensive about sharing so much information about themselves and having it imported into the MagicBand rubber bracelet because they feel as though it is an invasion of privacy as it will allow Disney to track their every move. While this source describes the versatility and purpose of the MagicBand, it also provides a different point of view as it spend a lot of time discussing the privacy the bands will remove from the guests experience. This source will be beneficial when not only describing the MagicBand and MyMagic+ system but also when presenting and combatting counterarguments to the thesis and research investigation.

Fickley-Baker, Jennifer. "Imagineers Use Innovative Technology to Build New Fantasyland." Disney Parks Blog. Walt Disney World, 10 Aug. 2011. Web. 20 Mar. 2014.

This article and video found on the official Walt Disney Parks Blog was published by Jennifer Fickley-Baker, the Social Media Manager of the Walt Disney Company. This article illustrates specifically how innovative technology has facilitated the planning and construction process of the New Fantasyland located in Walt Disney Worlds Magic Kingdom (Fickley-Baker). The video included in the article shows those interested in the Disney World construction, exactly what is occurring and how it is progressing. Moreover, as it is published by The Disney Company, it serves to prove they are using innovative technology, as promised in their mission statement, in their park construction (Fickley-Baker). This article is different than other sources read as it provides a visual element, a video, to support the facts presented in the article. The video, which includes the opinions of the Disney engineers and how they feel towards the new technology will add a new element to the paper as engineers building the attractions are considered primary sources. This article further illustrates Disneys proud usage of innovative technology, which will help solidify the argument that the Disney Company is forced to update their technology to uphold their mission statement.

"The Early Days of Audio-Animatronics." The Walt Disney Family Museum. N.p., 18 June 2013. Web. 22 Mar. 2014.

This article published by The Walt Disney Family Museums, provides a detailed historical account of how and why Walt Disney invented audio animatronics. As an informative piece, it is written for anyone who has an interest in Disney, engineering, technology, innovation or any similar concept. The article describes how beginning almost 20 years before the first Disney Park was opened, Walt studied miniature windup toys he bought from antique stores and spent time with numerous engineers attempting to turn the miniature toys into lifelike speaking animatronics. Audio animatronics were invented by the Disney Company and first debuted in Disneys Enchanted Tiki Room in 1963. This source will serve as evidence as it demonstrates how the Disney Company was innovative even in 1949 when technology was not as prominent or well developed as it is today. The information in the article detailing how the animatronics were made will help contrast how technology has evolved which has led to how and with what purpose animatronics are created today.

McLendon, Nancy. "The Disney Company: Success Strategies and Risk Factors." HubPages. N.p., 5 Oct. 2013. Web. 25 Mar. 2014.

This article, published by Nancy McLendon discusses The Disney Companys business outlook in terms of past, present, and future strategies, international markets, changing technology, changing entertainment tastes and other potential obstacles or opportunities that could affect The Disney Company. This piece is written to inform readers of the changes The Walt Disney Company is making as well as to explain why they are making them. It ties in several dimensions of the company and sheds light on aspects of the Disney brand that most people rarely take time to think about. This article will be useful in providing supporting evidence for the changes Disney implements to their parks to ensure their economic success. Moreover, the article reiterates that Disneys success is highly dependent on technology due to the fact that entertainment tastes are constantly changing which parallels the argument being made in the research paper.

Telotte, J. P. The Mouse Machine: Disney and Technology. Urbana: University of Illinois, 2008. Print.

J.P Telottes book discusses technology as it relates to every aspect of The Disney Company including films, theme parks, and television. Chapter 6 of J.P Telottes book titled The Inhabitable text of the Parks discusses how Disney uses technology to extend the experience of film viewers beyond the film. Disney, through the use of technology, uses its theme park attractions to bring their films to life and create a sense of imagined reality to their visitors. It also explains how the idea of creating the first Disney Park by creating a hybrid movie and theme park experience was made possible through the growth of technology as well as the Disney familys perseverance and imagination. This source provides the backstory of the Disney parks and the Disney Companys vision while creating the parks as it ties back to technology, which is ultimately what is being discussed in the paper. Therefore, this text will assist in affirming and asserting arguments rather than contrasting them.

Shahrad, Cyrus. "A World of Pure Imagineering." Google Think Insights. Google, July 2012. Web. 26 Mar. 2014.

In his article, Cyrus Shahrad discusses the transformation of technology in Disney Parks and movies created by the technological advancements that have occurred in recent years. Audio Animatronics are discussed from their conception to their use in the film Mary Poppins, and finally to their free-standing use in theme park attractions today. Aside from this, the future uses of audio-animatronics along with the possibilities of what can be done with the technology used to create them is discussed. A concern addressed is the importance to use technology to create a unique, personalized and personable experience for the guests, as guests fear the digitalization along with the emphasis of technology in the park, can hinder and detract from their experience making it more robotic and scripted and less free flowing and personalized. This article will assist in proving and explaining not only how Disney is changing and adapting, but how they plan on evolving in the future and how the technology they have today is preparing them to build and expand while continuing to be innovative in the future. It will also provide a counter argument to the argument that the Disney Company is taking away from their guests experience by fully digitizing their parks.

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