requirements gathering and modeling of domain specific digital libraries with the 5s framework: an...

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Requirements Gathering and Modeling of Domain Specific Digital Libraries with the

5S Framework:An Archaeological Case Study with ETANA

ECDL 2005, Vienna, September 19, 2005

Rao Shen, Marcos André Gonçalves, Weiguo Fan, and Edward A. Fox

Acknowledgements (Selected)

• Sponsors: NSF grant ITR-0325579; AOL, ASOR, CWRU, ETANA, Vanderbilt U., Virginia Tech

• Faculty/Staff: Lillian Cassel, Debra Dudley, Roger Ehrich, Manuel Perez, …

• VT (Former) Students: Aaron Krowne, Ming Luo, Fernando Das Neves, Ricardo Torres, Hussein Suleman, …

Acknowledgements (Selected)

• Karen Borstad, MPP

• Giorgio Buccellati, UCLA

• Douglas Clark, Walla Walla College

• Joanne Eustis, CWRU

• Nick Fischio, CWRU

• Israel Finkelstein, Tel-Aviv University

• Paul Gherman, Vanderbilt U.

• Andrew Graham, U. Toronto

• Tim Harrison, U. Toronto

• Larry Herr, Canadian University College

• Christopher Holland, LRP

• Paul Jacobs, Mississippi State U.

• Douglas Knight, Vanderbilt U.

• Stan LaBianca, Andrews U.

• David McCreery, Willamette U.

• Eric Meyers, Duke U.

• Adam Porter, Illinois College

• Jack Sasson, Vanderbilt U.

• Tom Schaub, Indiana U. of Penn.

• Randall Younker, Andrews U.


Introduction: Informal 5S & DL Definitions Domain Specific DLs: Archaeological DLs:

5S Based Informal View Sample Archaeological DLs

Archaeological DL (ArchDL) Formal Model Conclusion

DLs are complex systems that

help satisfy info needs of users (societies) provide info services (scenarios) organize info in usable ways (structures) present info in usable ways (spaces) communicate info with users (streams)

Informal 5S & DL Definitions

Archaeological DL (ArchDL)

5S Based Informal View of ArchDL Sample Archaeological DLs

Virtual Nimrin (VN) Halif DigMaster (HD) ETANA-DL

ArchDL Societies

1. Historic and pre-historic societies (being studied)2. Archaeologists (in academic institutes, fieldwork

settings, or local and national governmental bodies)

3. Project directors4. Technical staff (consisting of photographers,

technical illustrators, and their assistants)5. Field staff (responsible for the actual work of

excavation)6. Camp staff (e.g., camp managers, registrars, tool

stewards)7. General public (e.g., educators, learners, citizens)

ArchDL Societies - 2

Social issues1. Who owns the finds?

2. Where should they be preserved?

3. What nationality and ethnicity do they represent?

4. Who has publication rights?

5. What interactions took place between those at the site studied, and others? What theories are proposed by whom about this?

ArchDL Scenarios

1. Life in the site in former times

2. Digital recording: the planning stage and the excavation stage

3. Planning stage: remote sensing, fieldwalking, field surveys, building surveys, consulting historical and other documentary sources, and managing the sites and monuments

ArchDL Scenarios - 2

4. Excavation1) Detailed information is recorded, including for

each layer of soil, and for features such as pole holes, pits, and ditches.

2) Data about each artifact is recorded together with information about its exact find spot.

3) Numerous environmental and other samples are taken for laboratory analysis, and the location and purpose of each is carefully recorded.

4) Large numbers of photographs are taken, both general views of the progress of excavation and detailed shots showing the contexts of finds.

ArchDL Scenarios - 3

5. Organization and storage of material

6. Analysis and hypotheses generation and testing

7. Publications, museum displays

8. Information services for the general public

ArchDL Spaces

1. Geographic distribution of found artifacts2. Temporal dimension (as inferred by

archaeologists) 3. Metric or vector spaces

1) used to support retrieval operations, and to calculate distance (and similarity)

2) used to browse / constrain searches spatially

4. 3D models of the past, used to reconstruct and visualize archaeological ruins

5. 2D interfaces for human-computer interaction

ArchDL Structures

1. Site Organization1) Region, site, partition, sub-partition, locus, …

2. Temporal orderings (ages, periods)

3. Taxonomies1) for bones, seeds, building materials, …

4. Stratigraphic relationships1) above, beneath, coexisting

ArchDL Streams

1. successive photos and drawings of excavation sites, loci, unearthed artifacts

2. audio and video recordings of excavation activities and discussions

3. textual reports

4. 3D models used to reconstruct and visualize archaeological ruins.

Sample Archaeological DLsFrom ETANA Project

Virtual Nimrin

Halif DigMaster


Halif DigMaster

ETANA-DL Website

Virtual Nimrin Space ModelSite grid and identification of squares

Halif DigMaster Structure ModelFigurine records are stored in a relational Database

ETANA-DL Scenario ModelBrowse collections by site organization

ETANA-DL’s Member Collections


Introduction: Informal 5S & DL Definitions Domain specific DLs: Archaeological DLs:

5S Based Informal View Sample Archaeological DLs

Archaeological DL (ArchDL) Formal Model Conclusion

ArchDL Formal Model

A Minimal DL in the 5S Framework A Minimal ArchDL in the 5S Framework

Spatial Temporal Organization Stratigraphic Diagram

Formal Models of Sample ArchDLs Virtual Nimrin (VN) Halif DigMaster (HD)

5S and DL formal definitions and compositions (April 2004 TOIS)


structures (d.10)streams (d.9) spaces (d.18) scenarios (d.21) societies (d. 24)

structural metadataspecification(d.25)

descriptive metadataspecification(d.26)

repository(d. 33)

collection (d. 31)


structured stream (d.29)

digitalobject (d.30)

metadata catalog (d.32)



searchingservice (d.35)

digital library(minimal) (d. 38)

services (d.22)

sequence (d. 3)

graph (d. 6)function (d. 2)

measurable(d.12), measure(d.13), probability (d.14), vector (d.15), topological (d.16) spaces

event (d.10)state (d. 18)


sequence (d. 3)


relation (d. 1) language (d.5)

grammar (d. 7)

tuple (d. 4)*

Digital Object

RepositoryCollection Minimal DL

Metadata Catalog

Descriptive Metadata


A Minimal DL in the 5S Framework

Structural Metadata


Streams Structures Spaces Scenarios Societies


browsing searching



Structured Stream

Repository: animal bone collection, seed collection, …

Metadata Catalog: animal bone catalog, seed catalog, …

Service: browsing, searching

Society: HistoricNimrinResidence, PrehistoricNimrinResidence, director, fieldStaff, specialist, student, …, ServiceManager

Virtual Nimrin (VN) Model

Repository: Tell Halif’s digital collection of figurines

Metadata Catalog: figurine catalog

Service: browsing, searching

Society: FigurineMaker, FigurineSurrogate, director, fieldStaff, specialist, student, …, ServiceManager

Halif DigMaster (HD) Model

Streams Structures Spaces Scenarios Societies


browsing searching



Structured Stream

Descriptive Metadata





Arch Metadata catalog

ArchDColl ArchDR Minimal ArchDL

A Minimal ArchDL in the 5S Framework



Arch Descriptive Metadata specification







Spatial Temporal Organization• is a descriptive metadata specification


Spatial Organization



‘Jordan Valley’


Example 1





Spatial Temporal Organization• is a descriptive metadata specification

Example 2

‘ period’


detailed by

Temporal Organization

‘Middle Bronze’

‘2000 -1500B.C.’‘Bone1’

‘Jordan Valley’









‘Late Hellenistic-Roman’


‘Iron II’

‘Iron I’

‘Middle Bronze’…

Virtual Nimrin Spatial TemporalOrganization

Spatial Organization












‘Jordan Valley’







Virtual Nimrin Spatial TemporalOrganization

Temporal Organization

detailed by‘Middle Bronze’

‘2000 – 1500.B.C.’




Virtual Nimrin Spatial TemporalOrganization

Spatial Organization



‘Jordan Valley’


‘ region’

‘ site’

Temporal Organization

detailed by‘Middle Bronze’

‘2000 – 1500.B.C.’

‘ period’

‘ chronology’

Virtual Nimrin Spatial TemporalOrganization


Stratigraphic Diagram • is Spatial Temporal Organization

Spatial Organization

Temporal Organization …

‘ above’

‘ later than’

Example 3

‘locus1’ ‘locus2’


Introduction: Informal 5S & DL Definitions Domain specific DLs: Archaeological DLs:

5S Based Informal View Sample Archaeological DLs

Archaeological DL (ArchDL) Forma Model Conclusion


Informal and formal definitions of a minimal archaeological DL with the 5S framework

Archaeological case study from the ETANA project

Foundation for ETANA-DL Semi-automatic DL generation Megiddo case study (to be presented this



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