reputation war 2014 introduction

Post on 09-May-2015






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Introduction of the 2014 edition of ReputationWar international conference that will take place in Paris on Friday January 17th, 2014


What is ReputationWar?

It  all  started  on    January  2013  

Created  &  designed    by  Christophe  Ginisty  Interna;onal  PR  expert  and  digital  guru    One  of  the  most  famous  French  bloggers  IPRA  President  2013  

A  full  day  of  keynote  speeches  and  round  tables  on  reputa;on  management  in  a  connected  world  where  conversa;ons  are  always  on.  

Co-­‐organized  by  the  Interna;onal  Public  Rela;ons  Associa;on  (IPRA)    and  Syntec-­‐RP  on  January  11th,  2013  

“Tomorrow,  reputa.ons  will  be  managed  in  a  frene.c  environment.  Brands,  companies,  leaders  and  even  ordinary  ci.zens  will  have  their  image  examined  and  even  trashed  by  a  public  opinion  demanding  ever  higher  levels  of  openness  and  ethical  behavior.  

The  object  of  Reputa.onWar  is  to  unpick  this  situa.on  and  to  provide  those  aCending  with  tools  to  deal  with  the  future.”  

More  than  250  delegates:    in-­‐house  communica;on  directors,  PR  execu;ves,    agency  leaders,  influencers,  journalists,  industry  analysts,      solu;on  providers,  students,…    






13%  In-­‐house  communica;on  directors/managers  

Communica;ons  agency  leaders  

Bloggers,  influencers,  analysts  

Communica;ons  agency  staff  members  


Digital  solu;ons  providers  

3.453  men;ons  on  social  networks  during  the  day  of  the  conference  

#1  trending  topic  on  Twi_er  at  noon  

“Since  I  first  heard  about  Reputa.onWar,  I  started  searching  to  find  similar  conferences  closer  to  home  but  came  up  empty  »    



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What will be ReputationWar 2014?




Target audience:



Friday, January 17th 2014

Paris, France (to be announced soon)

Christophe Ginisty in partnership with Syntec RP and the International Public Relations Association (IPRA)

500 people (20% international) – In-house com directors, agency leaders, influencers, journalists, analysts,

A full day with optional workshops organized by solution providers the previous afternoon

Bilingual (English+French) with simultaneous translation all day long

What will be the theme of ReputationWar 2014?

“Sentimental Crowds” — beliefs, emotion, activism —

“Sentimental Crowds” — beliefs, emotion, activism —

Social media is a fertile ground on which beliefs are playing a major role in the management of a reputation

“Sentimental Crowds” — beliefs, emotion, activism —

No only facts and information have an impact on the way people are ready to interact with a brand.

“Sentimental Crowds” — beliefs, emotion, activism —

People are ready to praise and to punish brands and leaders based on the way they really behave.


•  Coming from different countries •  Authors and professors

•  CEOs, CMOs, Communications directors

•  Journalists and analysts

•  Individuals who had to manage a spectacular reputation issue

•  Activists

Speech format

•  Mainly keynote speeches •  Battles: Two speakers confront their point of

view on one specific topic, managed by a moderator.

•  No round tables

Why attending?

•  More than 500 participants: an outstanding and unique opportunity to share on the new challenges of reputation management, far beyond useless debates on social media

•  Learn from international organizations and discover how reputation challenges are addressed

•  Understand stakeholders behaviors •  Contribute to the hottest debate of the moment and be where

the conversations are taking place

•  Position your organization at the forefront of the evolution of modern communications

Institutional partners

International Public Relations Association

“I have the good fortune to speak at conferences all over the world, and the Reputation War conference created by Christophe Ginisty was the highlight of my year.  The speakers were all outstanding; the participants were highly engaged and engaging; the logistics were very professionally handled; and the social media community that arose around the conference continues to provide value and advance the important conversations begun at the conference. »

Helio Fred Garcia Author, professor, Executive Director of the Logos Institute for Crisis Management and

Executive Leadership

« I can say, with absolutely no exaggeration, that I am still drawing professional benefits from my attendance at the first ReputationWar conference six months after the fact!  This event managed to pack every hour of its agenda with presentations of a very high level of quality and expertise, in a field that is still largely emerging and undefined. I am still actively corresponding with many of the international contacts I made while there and feel that my practice is greatly enriched by this new network. I predict that the ReputationWar conference is sure to become a required stop for all those who place reputation management, digital communications and public relations at the center of their careers. »

Tom Liacas, Online Reputation Strategist

A suivre…

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