report plone conference 2012

Post on 08-May-2015






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Resoconto della Plone Conference 2012: cosa succede e cosa succederà nel mondo Plone

TRANSCRIPT Conference 2012Bologna 23-10-12 Stefano Marchetti

Stefano Marchetti

CEO - project manager

RedTurtle - Ferrara - Italy



Stefano Marchetti


10-12 ottobre 2012Arnhem - Netherlands State of Plone, Matt Hamilton and Eric Steele

Some numbers

Stefano Marchetti

Ultimi 12 mesi

➡ Conferenze

‣ PloneConf 2011, Plone Symposium South America, Plone Open Garden, Plone Konferenz, Plone Symposium East

➡ 27 paesi alla PloneConf

➡ Plone Releases

‣ Plone 4.2, Plone 4.3 alpha

Stefano Marchetti

Ultimi 12 mesi: Sprint

‣ Plone Conference 2011 – San Francisco, US

‣ Art Sprint – Vienna, Austria

‣ Cioppino Sprint - Bodega Bay, US

‣ Plone Konferenz – Munich, Germany

‣ Plone Open Garden –Sorrento, Italy

‣ Pre-PSE Strategicesque

‣ Sprintacular – State College, US

‣ Post-Symposium Sprints – State College, US

‣ Buschenschanksprint –Grasnitzberg, Austria

‣ Belgian Beer Sprint - Antwerp, Belgium

‣ Caipirinha Sprint – Brasília, Brazil

‣ Cafecito Sprint – São Paolo, Brazil

‣ Sea Sprint – Oak Island, US

Stefano Marchetti

Ultimi 12 mesi: code activity

5597 commits, 208 contributors

Stefano Marchetti

Ultimi 12 mesi: code activity

➡ 66 contributors in the last month

➡ 13 new contributors

Stefano Marchetti

Ultimi 12 mesi: World Plone Day

Stefano Marchetti31 developers - 34 ticket chiusi

Ultimi 12 mesi: 60th Plone TuneUp

Stefano Marchetti

Plone Roadmap



➡Key industries


➡Ideal size

Stefano Marchetti

Community Ownership

➡ Foundation Board

‣ IP/Trademark

➡ Roadmap Team


➡ Framework Team


Stefano Marchetti

3 Areas of Focus

➡ Approachability

‣ Documentation

‣ User Interface (UI Team, Accessibility)

‣ Development (plone.api)

➡ Integration

‣ The 3 Ds: Diazo (4.2), Dexterity (4.3), Deco/Tiles (4.4)

➡ Involvement

‣ Reduce barriers to contributing

‣ New contributor agreement process


Stefano Marchetti

PloneNG: What's new in Plone 4.2, 4.3, and beyond

➡ PLIP Process and Criteria

‣ Feature balance

•We love content managers AND developers

‣ Useful to 80%

• Should it be an add-on instead?

Stefano Marchetti

PloneNG: What's new in Plone 4.2, 4.3, and beyond[David Glick]

Stefano Marchetti

PloneNG: What's new in Plone 4.2, 4.3, and beyond[David Glick]

Changes for e

nd users

Stefano Marchetti

PloneNG: What's new in Plone 4.2, 4.3, and beyond[David Glick]

Changes for e

nd users

Stefano Marchetti

PloneNG: What's new in Plone 4.2, 4.3, and beyond[David Glick]

Changes for e

nd users

Stefano Marchetti

PloneNG: What's new in Plone 4.2, 4.3, and beyond

➡ New collections (Plone 4.2)

➡ In-Plone theme editor (Plone 4.2 & 4.3)

➡ Dexterity (Plone 4.3)

➡ Improved Syndication (Plone 4.3)

➡ Add "test mail server"button to mail settings (Plone 4.2)

Changes for s

ite admins

Stefano Marchetti

PloneNG: What's new in Plone 4.2, 4.3, and beyond

➡ Switch to HTML5 (Plone 4.2)

➡ Resource bundles for Resource Registries (Plone 4.2)

➡ Add z3c.form support to (Plone 4.3)

➡ API for password validation policy (Plone 4.3)

➡ Provide subsection CSS classes on <body> (Plone 4.3)

Changes for d


Stefano Marchetti

PloneNG: What's new in Plone 4.2, 4.3, and beyond[David Glick]

➡ Infrastructure

‣ Officially support Python 2.7 (Plone 4.2)

‣ Declare dependency on Pillow(Plone 4.3)

‣ Upgrade to jQuery 1.7 (Plone 4.3)

‣ Fewer dependencies (Plone 4.3)

‣ Upgrade to TinyMCE 3.4.9

➡ Cleanup

‣ Unified batch implementation(Plone 4.3)

‣ Bye bye kupu (Plone 4.3)

‣ Bye bye KSS (Plone 4.3)

‣ plone_deprecated skin is no longer enabled (Plone 4.3)

Stefano Marchetti

PloneNG: What's new in Plone 4.2, 4.3, and beyond

➡ Under consideration for 4.4






‣ configurable CSS class for portlets

Stefano Marchetti

Deco, finally! [Rok Garbas]

➡Deco is a layout editor!






Tiles & Deco Lite (current integration) only for dexterity content type

only on “content area” portlet still working as before - p4.2.2

Stefano Marchetti

Collective.cover: A new way to create and manage a frontpages[Andre Nogueira, Hector Velarde]

➡ Tool for a complex front page edition

➡ Features

‣ Easy to manage content

‣ Create layout TTW

‣ Drag & Drop

‣ Permission for areas

‣ In place edition

‣ Ready to use (plone 4, 5, 6 ...)

➡ Technical decision

‣ Built on top of Deco

‣ Help to move Deco forward

‣ Share tiles

Stefano Marchetti

Plone goes social [Guido Stevens]

➡ The PloneSocial philosophy is:

‣ Use native Plone stuff. Do it the Plone way.

‣ A full social experience

‣ Pre-integrated one-click install

‣ Flexible components

‣ Scale down for small sites

‣ Scale up for large sites (more than 1000 commits per seconds possible)

➡ Microblog status updates

➡ Activity stream view + portlet

‣ microblog status updates

‣ content creation

‣ comments

➡ Social networking

‣ personal profile with follow/unfollow actions

‣ followers/following social graph views

‣ activity stream filtered by “following”

Stefano Marchetti

Where is my content? Geo-referencing content types in Plone with collective.geo [Giorgio Borelli]

➡ Allows to geo-reference contents and to display them on a map

➡ Use cases

‣ Use the location field

‣ Dexterity content types TTW (collective.geo.behaviour)

‣ geo-reference content with different shapes (Points, Lines, Polygons)

‣ collection: it can show the results on a table and paginate them

Stefano Marchetti Next generation multilingual history[Ramon Navarro Bosch, Victor Fernandez de Alba]

➡ Next generation multilingual

➡ We have a translation map. Good for the mental sanity of site managers and translators. It show content and its related translations.

➡ There support for a neutral root folder

➡ There is a migration path from LinguaPlone. It is non-destructive: the original information is still there on the content items.

➡ We have support for Google Translation Service. This is a paid service

➡ plone.multilingualbehavior (enables Dexterity support via a behavior)

➡ archetypes.multilingual (enables Archetypes support)

Stefano Marchetti

Empowered widgets and portal searches with eea. packages

➡ eea.tags

➡ eea.geotags

➡ eea.alchemy

➡ eea.relations

➡ eea.facetednavigation


Stefano Marchetti

plone.api [Nejc Zupan]

➡Many ways to do XYZ: which is correct? Copy/move objects? Workflow state?

➡plone.api started at Plone Konf Munich

➡plone.api is

‣ documented

‣ tested (95% coverage, CI)

Parola d’ordine: agile!

✓ Agile: metodi per lo sviluppo sw che coinvolge il committente, ottenendo elevata reattività alle sue richieste.

✓ Toyota rulez!

✓ Are you in a hole and still digging? Or how to become an agile company in a year (true story) [Andrew Mleczko]

✓ Running a successful project [Martin Aspeli]

Stefano Marchetti

OpenSpace PloneGov

➡Diversi obiettivi

‣ rivedere il sito

‣ deve diventare l’hub per gli altri siti locali

‣ share progetti/prodotti

‣ ...

Gov Italia

Gov Italia

"I don't care what they do, I just want to be a part of it" [Cit.]

Grazie. Thank you.

Questions ?Stefano MarchettiRedTurtle’s co-founder e PM



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