report on past 6 months of creative commons hong kong

Post on 12-Nov-2014



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Report on Past 6 months of Creative Commons

Hong Kong

Presentation at HKU Knowledge Team“HKU: An Opportunity for Leadership …”

Teaching Development Grant ProposalIn alliance with Education, CAUT, Library, and other Faculties to promote usage of CC in the development of Common Core Curriculum

The University of Hong Kong

• 1st Visit – Presentation on CC

2nd Visit – Discussion with front line managers in the possibilities in adopting CC in Liberal Studies area

Hong Kong edCity





CC Asia Pacific Conference

Data obtained from

Adoption of Hong Kong Licences (1)

Deed Language Licence Type Usage

English by 13,620

English by-nc 40,259

English by-nc-nd 72,466

English by-nc-sa 70,488

English by-nd 11,053

English by-sa 7,927

Adoption of Hong Kong Licences (2)

Deed Language Licence Type Usage

Chinese by 71

Chinese by-nc 2,834

Chinese by-nc-nd 1,488

Chinese by-nc-sa 1,393

Chinese by-nd 91

Chinese by-sa 98

Total 221,788

• Initiated on 20 Jan

Received a number of responses

Public Consultation on Chinese translation of Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Hong

Kong licence

• A motion not intended to have legislative effect moved by Samson Tam in Legco

Amendment proposed by Cyd Ho on promoting Creative Commons was passed

CCHK remained politically neutral

Promoting the development of local creative industries (1)

• Original Clause(五 ) 推動知識產權經濟,開拓創意產業的發展空間;及((e) promote intellectual property rights economy and open up room for developing creative industries; and)

Promoting the development of local creative industries (2)

• Amended Clause(六 ) 推動共享創意,平衡保留版權和合理使用的權利,進一步擴闊創意產業的發展空間;及((f) promote creative commons, strike a balance between retaining of copyright and the right of reasonable utilization to further broaden the room for developing creative industries; and)

Promoting the development of local creative industries (3)

Since there is still some minor issues to be settled, information presented in the meeting

will be withheld for a short while.

A report will be made public soon.

Infringement Case

• E-Business Technology Institutee-Book and Online e-Publishing Platform

QEF on Liberal StudiesIdentified a number of strengths:-Pre-cleared copyright with CC -Search engine with RDFa-Overseas education resources-Relevance of Journalism to Liberal Studies-CC Plus as Sustainable Business Model



Original Funding from OSI 156,000.00

Launch Expenses -94,962.63

CC Asia-Pacific Conference -2,659.60

Misc Operational Expenses -281.10

Donation 5,800.00

Total 63,896.67

Credits for SourcesNot yet Acknowledged

The CC Asia-Pacific Group Photo is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 licence, copied from

The image is copyrighted by Lairaj, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Philippines licence, copied from

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