report on dissemination activities - modsafe · re = restricted to a group specified by the...

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European Commission Seventh Framework programme

MODSafe Modular Urban Transport Safety and Security Analysis

Deliverable 12.3

Report on dissemination activities

Doc Name: Report on dissemination activities Date: 110209 ID: DEL_D12.3_UITP_WP12_110209_V0 Revision: V0 Page 2/24

Contract No. 218606 Document type DEL Version VO Status Final Date 09/02/2011 WP WP 12 Lead Author Caroline Hoogendoorn (UITP) Contributors All MODSafe partners Reviewer Description Deliverable D12.3 Document ID DEL_D12.3_UITP_WP12_110209_V0 Dissemination level RE Distribution Consortium members and EC Document History:

Version Date Author Modification [very short description] V0 09/02/2011 C. Hoogendoorn Initial draft Approval:

Authority Name/Partner Date Visa EB members WP responsible Coordinator

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Table of Content 1.  Introduction ................................................................................................................. 4 2.  Levels of dissemination ............................................................................................. 5 3.  Dissemination activities ............................................................................................. 7 3.1.  Support and User Group ............................................................................................ 7 3.2.  Presentations ............................................................................................................ 10 3.3.  Publications .............................................................................................................. 13 3.4.  Website ...................................................................................................................... 14 3.5.  Newsletter ................................................................................................................. 16 Annex I: Network of Operators Call for Experts ................................................................ 17 Annex II: MODSafe second Newsletter .............................................................................. 19 

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1. Introduction The MODSafe dissemination actions have as objective to “inform the various stakeholders about the project outcome, and to encourage these results adequately: to promote knowledge, stimulate debate and disseminate the MODSafe project outcome” (Description of Work, page 36). Several means and tools are developed within the project to disseminate its results. They were first presented in Deliverable D12.2 “Dissemination Plan”. Half way into the life of the project, Deliverable D12.3 reports on the dissemination activities that were undertaken by the consortium members.

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2. Levels of dissemination When communicating on the project’s results, limits have to be drawn on the extent of information that can be given to the public at large. Therefore, dissemination levels were given to each MODSafe deliverable. The four levels are as follows:

• public: the deliverable is accessible for all and published in the external part of the website (PU);

• restricted to the project partners, including the EC services (PP); • restricted to a group specified by the consortium, including the EC services, the

Network of operators and the Network of industries (RE); • confidential: only for members of the consortium, including the EC services (CO).

The MODSafe deliverables were first marked in the Description of work (page 13). After the Executive Board meeting of March 2nd, 2010 the levels of dissemination were once again reviewed by partners and the result is:

Del. no.

Deliverable Name

Dissemination Level 1

D1.1 First Draft-State of the art on Safety responsibilities and Certification


D1.2 Final report – State of the art on Safety responsibilities and Certification


D2.1 First List of Hazards, Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) PU (not Annexes) D2.2 Consistency Analysis and Final

Hazard Analysis PU (not Annexes)

D2.3 MODSafe Risk Analysis PU (not Annexes) D3.1 Preliminary Hazard Control and Safety Measures Analysis RE D3.2 Final Hazard Control and Safety Response Measures Analysis PU D4.1 State of the Art Analysis and Compilation of Results from

Previous Projects PU

D4.2 Analysis of Common Safety Requirements Allocation for MODSafe continuous Safety Measures and Functions


D4.3 Analysis of On Demand Functions and Systematic Failures RE D5.1 Urban Guided Transport Object Safety Model PU D5.2 Functional and Combined Object/Functional Guided Transport

Model PU

D5.3 Safety Attributes Allocation Matrix PU D6.1 Survey of current safety life cycle approaches PU D6.2 Comparison of current safety life Cycle approaches PU D6.3 Proposal of a common safety life cycle approach PU D7.1 Review of current AAC procedures PU

1 Codes: PU = Public PP = Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services). RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services). CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services).

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Del. no.

Deliverable Name

Dissemination Level 1

D7.2 List of elementary activity modules PU D7.3 Generic model of AAC processes PU D7.4 Proposal of typical optimized AAC process PU D8.1 Review of existing means and measures for security systems RE D8.2 Guiding principles for the case by case definition of preliminary

requirements for technology procurement and application RE

D8.3 Guiding principles for security and emergency prevention and management


D9.1 Hazard scenarios related to security aspects RE D9.2 Database for classification of risks associated to security RE D9.3 Proposals for mitigating security risks and threats RE D10.1 First consensus building report CO D10.2 Second consensus building report CO D10.3 Third consensus building report CO D10.4 Final consensus building report CO D10.5 MODSafe Glossary PU D11.1 Periodic and Final Reports CO D11.2 Quality plan CO D11.3 Annual Meeting Documentation CO D12.1 Basic installation of the Website CO D12.2 Dissemination plan CO D12.3 Report on dissemination activities CO D12.4 Final report on dissemination activities CO D12.5 Final report on the activities of the SUG CO

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3. Dissemination activities As presented in the Deliverable 12.2 “Dissemination Plan”, the following dissemination activities are taking place within the MODSafe project:

• Presentations on the project’s results at conferences and other events • Articles or papers mentioning the project • To develop and maintain a project website • The MODSafe newsletter

In addition, the results of the project are also disseminated via the Support and User Group (SUG). These five dissemination activities are presented here below.

3.1. Support and User Group The Support and User Group aims at allowing non MODSafe partners “to debate and validate the WP results and for checking and commenting the proposals and recommendations worked out by the consortium” (Description of Work, page 36). UITP is responsible for the organisations of the public transport operators meetings (3.1.1), whilst UNIFE is in charge of the interface with the rail manufacturers (3.1.2).

3.1.1. Network of Operators The MODSafe Network of Operators was set up and is managed by UITP. It was agreed from the start (see Description of work, page 36) that there will be “at least two meetings per year (starting the second year) depending on the availability of documents”. Public Transport operators, who are not members of the consortium, were offered the possibility to join this Network. A call for participation was prepared and distributed widely (see Annex 1). As a result of this call, 6 organisations expressed an interest in this network:

• De Lijn • Metropolitano De Lisboa • Metro do Porto • Metro Mondego • Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft (MVG) • Q’Straint

A contract of participation in the Support and User Group was written by UITP. This enables parties to agree on their rights and obligations within the framework of the Network. UITP signed 3 contracts with operators:

• Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) • De Lijn • Q’Straint

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Practically all operators taking part in the SUG meetings are members of UITP. This enabled UITP to obtain a strong and continuous “support to the project from UITP members and the relevant UITP committees” (as indicated on page 36 of the Description of work). The Network of operators is representative of the sector: it includes operators with different sizes of networks and different types of systems. Particular attention was brought to include small and medium size networks. So far, three meetings have taken place in Brussels (UITP premises).

• The kick-off meeting took place on December 10th, 2009. 5 external operators took part in the meeting:

o Q’Straint, Mr A. Roth o Metro Lisboa, Mr L. A. Lopes o FGV, Mr F. T. Gómez and Mr J.J. Gimeno o De Lijn, Mr P. Arends

In addition, 15 project partners were present.

• The second meeting took place on June 29th, 2010. 12 external operators took part in the meeting:

o De Lijn, Mr L. Vloeberghs and Mr P. Arends o FGV, Mr F. T. Gómez o Metro Lisboa, Mr L. A. Lopes o Q’Straint, Mr A. Roth o STIB / MIVB, Mr A. Appelmans, Mr B. Bienfait, Mr T. De Deckers, Mr C.

Dupuis, Mr S. Margaine, Mr F. Melkebeke and Mr J. L. Van Durme. In addition, 10 project partners were present.

• The third meeting took place on December 7th, 2010. 7 external operators took part in the meeting:

o De Lijn, Mr L. Vloeberghs o FGV, Mr F. T. Gómez o Metro Lisboa, Mr L. A. Lopes o Q’Straint, Mr A. Roth o STIB / MIVB, Mr Stéphane Fontaine o Rheinbahn Düsselsdorf, Mr Dirk Langensiepen o WienerLinien, Mr Stephan Lewisch

In addition, 10 project partners were present.

Participants of the 3rd SUG meeting

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During the third SUG meeting, external operators were asked to fill in an Evaluation questionnaire. The information given during the meeting was considered to be “clear” and “detailed enough” by 5 out of 5 operators and 4 out of 5 found this information to be useful for their work. Their interests and suggestions were also inquired about.

3.1.2. Network of Industries UNIFE generally manages its Network of Industries in the following way: Existing UNIFE working groups (e.g. Technical Plenary, Standards and Regulation Group, Signalling working group etc) receive regular updates at most of their meetings. This way, UNIFE ensures that the results are widely distributed amongst many different players. However, a special session on MODSafe was organised during a UNIFE Signalling Working Group committee meeting on February 9th 2010. A fully fledged presentation on the project objectives and its expected impact was prepared, as well as a short discussion on some crucial draft deliverables such as D.2.1 or D 6.1. The participants showed interest in receiving further updates in the future. A further meeting with the UNIFE Signalling Working Group is foreseen in 2011. In addition to this, five meetings with the UNIFE members at large were organised (on October 27th 2008, February 12th 2009, June 17th 2009, October 20th 2009 and on February 18th 2010). This meeting called “Technical Plenary”, regroups all the UNIFE R&D directors of the members and is an excellent platform to disseminate the project results.

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Presentation at the Security Commission (Lisbon) 33 PT security managers UITP

27/10/2008 UNIFE Technical Plenary (Brussels) Around 35 UNIFE members R&D

Directors UNIFE

27/02/2009 UNIFE Technical Plenary (Brussels) Around 40 UNIFE members R&D

Directors UNIFE

12/03/2009 Presentation at the Railway Forum CEEC Conference 42

PT stakeholders on local, national and international level


17/03/2009 Presentation at the Light Rail Committee meeting (Grenoble) 47 PT stakeholders -

international UITP

19/03/2009 Presentation at the UITP Metro Committee meeting (Barcelona) 64 UITP Metro Committee

members UITP

26/03/2009 Presentation at the UITP Regional and Suburban Rail Committee (Mannheim)

54 UITP Regional and Suburban Rail Committee members


07/05/2009 Presentation at the UITP Information Technology and Innovation Commission (Prague)


UITP Information Technology and Innovation Commission members


11/05/2009 Presentation, flyer WP4 call for experts at the UITP Turkish Light Rail Working Group (Gaziantep)

33 UITP Turkish Light Rail experts UITP

14/05/2009 Presentation at the UITP Security Commission (Barcelona) 35 PT security managers UITP

01/06/2009 Technische Aufsichtsbehörde NRW TRIT


UITP 58th World Congress (Vienna)

Around 2000

Executives for Urban Transport Operators and Suppliers


17/06/2009 UNIFE Technical Plenary (Warsaw) 47 UNIFE members R&D

Directors UNIFE

18/06/2009 UNIFE General Assembly (Warsaw) 137 High level UNIFE

members UNIFE

19/06/2009 UNIFE Signalling Working Group Committee (Brussels) 20 Signalling Experts UNIFE

02/09/2009 Presentation at a Workshop of GDRE HAMASYT 80 Researchers UVHC

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24/09/2009 Presentation at UITP Metro Committee meeting (Hamburg) 15 UITP Metro Committee

members UITP

20/10/2009 UNIFE Technical Plenary (Brussels) Around 40 UNIFE members R&D

Directors UNIFE

13/11/2009 Presentation at the UITP Security Commission (Montreal) Around 30 PT security managers UITP

30/11/2009 Barcelona Rail (International Fair, 3 days) Rail experts MdM

18/02/2010 UNIFE Technical Plenary (Brussels) 30 UNIFE members R&D

Directors UNIFE

25/03/2010 Presentation at the UITP Light Rail Committee meeting in Bremen

40 UITP Light Rail Committee members UITP

25/05/2010 Rail Forum, Valencia (International Fair, 3 days) Rail experts MdM


Presentation at the UITP Security Commission (Birmingham) Around 30 PT security managers UITP

16/06/2010 UNIFE General Assembly (Istanbul) 155 High level UNIFE

members UNIFE

16/06/2010 UNIFE Technical Plenary (Istanbul) 43 UNIFE members R&D

Directors UNIFE

05/09/2010 Presentation at IFAC HMS Congress 200 Research congress LAMIH/


Sep-10 Presentation at UITP Regional and Suburban Rail Committee (Copenhagen)

20 UITP Regional and Suburban Rail Committee members


07/09/2010 Presentation at the UITP Security Commission (Moscow) Around 30 PT security managers UITP

09/09/2010 Presentation at ESREL 2010 200 R&D Congress LAMIH


Presentation and distribution of information on MODSafe at UNIFE stand at InnoTrans

Around 80 000 InnoTrans Visitors UNIFE

22/09/2010 MODSafe Presentation at InnoTrans Around 50 InnoTrans Visitors TRIT

06/10/2010 Presentation at Lambda-Mu 450 R&D Congress LAMIH/ UTC

21/10/2010 Presentation at UITP Light Rail Committee meeting (Madrid) 43 UITP Light Rail

Committee members UITP

28/10/2010 UNIFE Technical Plenary (Brussels) 20 UNIFE members R&D

Directors UNIFE

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01/12/2010 Presentation at the UITP Metro Committee (Barcelona) 15 UITP metro Committee

members UITP

02/02/2011 Presentation at Rheinbahn (Düsseldorf) Around 10 Members of Safety

Working Group TRIT

10/03/2011 Presentation at UITP Light Rail Committee meeting (Naples) Around 40 UITP Light Rail

Committee members UITP

31/03/2011 Presentation at UITP Regional and Suburban Rail Committee (Belfast)

Around 20 UITP Regional and Suburban Rail Committee members


April 2011 Presentation at UITP Metro Committee (Dubai) Around 20 UITP Metro Committee

members UITP

09/04/2011 Presentation at the UITP Security Commission (Abu Dhabi) Around 30 PT security managers UITP

13/04/2011 Presentation at UITP World Congress Dubai

Around 2000 Prof. Jörg Schütte TUD

May-11 Presentation at APN Transport Congress LAMIH

Oct-11 Presentation at IEEE SMC 2011 Research Congress LAMIH

Autumn 2011

Presentation at the UITP Security Commission in Berlin Around 30 PT security managers UITP

An example of dissemination: Metro de Madrid stand at Barcelona Rail (international fair, 3 days)

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3.3. Publications


Nov-08 Article in UITP Direct - newsletter UITP

Jan-09 Mail to UITP Metro, Regional Rail, Light Rail and European Union Committee members - Call for Network of Operators


May-09 First MODSafe Newsletter MODSafe partners, UITP

4-5/06/2009 Newsletter and flyer WP4 call for experts at the UITP Automated Metro Seminar (Nuremberg) UITP

15/09/2010 ModSafe Overall description in TMB International Newsletter TMB

Nov-10 Second MODSafe Newsletter TRIT, RATP, Rail & Bus, TelSys, UITP

09/02/2011 Distribution of newsletters at UITP European Committee (Brussels) UITP

9-11/03/2011 Distribution of newsletters at UITP Light Rail Committee (Naples) UITP

30/3-1/4/2011 Distribution of newsletters at UITP Light Suburban and Regional Committee (Belfast) UITP

April 2011 Distribution of newsletters at UITP Metro Committee (Dubai) UITP

13/04/2011 Distribution of newsletters at UITP World Congress Dubai (UITP stand) UITP

Continuously updated

UNIFE homepage/R&D project section on MODSafe (with link from MODSafe website) UNIFE

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3.4. Website As explained in Deliverable D12.2, the website domain has been purchased and is running according to expectations.

The website provides information on the project, its partners and offers the possibility to download project’s public results. Since Month 3, it contains both an internal area with restricted access and a public section with free access. The restricted area provides a platform for partners to share project documents such as minutes, presentations, reports and deliverables. There are three separate working spaces:

• Working space for Consortium partners (accessible to partners) • Working space for Network of Operators members (accessible to partners and

members of the Network of Operators members) • Working space for Network of Industries members (accessible to partners and

Network of Industries members) The tables here below show the level of access to the website in 2008, 2009 and 2010.

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Year 2010 Month Different Visitor Number of Visits Pages January 67 71 434February 88 98 465March 104 113 543April 72 79 566May 92 96 362June 124 137 983July 70 73 440August 74 83 434Total 691 750 4.227

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3.5. Newsletter A newsletter presenting the project and its results is produced on a yearly basis. The first newsletter was produced in May 2009. It presented a broad overview of the project and its objectives. The second newsletter was produced in December 2010 (see Annex 2). It contained the following information:

• “The message from the coordinator”: this reminded the readers of the general architecture of the project and of the main achievements so far.

• “What’s new”: this part explained in more depth some of the achievements of the project so far.

• “Any other business”: gives the opportunity to project partners to communicate on an event or important information linked to the project.

The second newsletter was distributed widely by electronic means and paper version. It was circulated internally to inform individuals within partner organisations and externally to target audiences. In addition UITP and UNIFE distributed it to their members. The MODSafe newsletters are placed on the project’s website to be downloaded as a PDF file.

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Annex I: Network of Operators Call for Experts

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Annex II: MODSafe second Newsletter

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