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From building storage facilities in the villages to donating books to the poor, the development programme projects were unique. Scholars dwelled into several spheres of community development and really broadened everybodys conscience to back what we have taken. More importantly, the dedication shown by every scholar is indeed commendable .The session left our never cells ticking. The evening was free for socializing and networking. The scholars took the most out of this and went out for dinner. 06-06-2010 Page 8 10. WORKSHOP REPORT Day Two GE Foundation Scholar Honors (Article contributed by Hemant Saggar, IIT-Roorkee)The real gruel started on Monday, Day 2 with everyone rubbing their eyes in morning to wake up before 7 and scramble for precious bathroom space. Eventually all came down to the dining hall beaming their best smiles, proudly flaunting the GEFS dark blue T-shirt and sat down to enjoy a delectable breakfast. With the atmosphere charged with excitement and everyone looking forward to visit the nucleus of innovation and activity, we boarded the bus to JFWTC, of course not before the customary photo session with Dr. Lavakare. The JFWTC was one big campus to say the least. With magnificent buildings and exquisitely crafted lawns, it looked a different world altogether. After getting our security passes we reached the conference room where were greeted by Vipul and Monica our campus guides and our Single Point Of Contacts or SPOCs( a unique word that we cheerfully added to our vocabulary).Everyone was delighted when the Managing Director ofJFWTC, Mr. Sanjay Correa came up to the podium and warmlywelcomed us. He congratulated all the scholars and went on tounderline the power of innovation that drives GE and the panoramaof activities going behind the beautiful veneer we all were seeing.Through with his cogent talk, which held each of us to our seats,Sanjay culminated the session by the much awaited prize distributionceremony when each one of us had our moment of glory that only emboldened our resolve to work tirelessly for personal excellence and social benefit. All the scholars were overwhelmed with receiving the certificates from Dr.Sanjay Correa at N.D.Satyakanth (MP Room-2, Odyssey A-wing).We were well dressed in GE T-shirts and all set to pose for the group photo. The group photo was taken at the steps outside Odyssey cafeteria. 07-06-2010Page 9 11. WORKSHOP REPORT Back Row (from left): Anurag (Alumni); Deepak; Abhijit; Arunabha; Sundara; Raghavendra; Dheeraj; Jayesh (Alumni) Middle Row (from left): Vipul (Alumni); Veera; Vibhu; Hemant; Shauvik; Himank; Akhilesh; Saket; Deepanshu; Ravi; Abhinand (Mentor)Front Row (From Left): Monika (co-ordinator); Siddhartha; Sonam; Shubha; Garima; Lavakare (IIE); Sanjay (M.D.); Parul; Deepanwita; Kaveri;Mayukh (Alumni); Roop Kumar 07-06-2010 Page 10 12. WORKSHOP REPORT Insight to JFWTC Site Tour (article contributed by Garima Rana, IGIT- New Delhi) One need not be perspicacious to realize the bloom and beauty of the John F Welch Technology Centre. The charm is so becoming that one can easily mistake the location for sets of a Bollywood movie or for a weekend picnic spot. But, the 545,000 square foot campus houses something more interesting and intriguing than the shape and color of the Tabebuia trees spread across the campus technology! We, the scholars, were fortunate enough to have an inside look (although, it would be unfair to call it just a look!) of the GE laboratories. We were divided into two groups. Our SPOCs then led the way to the laboratories. First, was the MPE laboratory. We were asked to wear safety glasses inside the labs; all of us enjoyed flaunting the same, very much. My earliest remembrance of this lab is the Fe-C triple point diagrams which brought in memories of the courses from year 2 of mechanical engineering. Here in MPE lab, the technocrats are working towards establishing structure-property correlations that can be used when designing new materials, while optimizing manufacturing processes and predicting key material behavior such as fatigue, creep, corrosion and electronic performance for a variety of materials. It was followed by the healthcare lab, where we were shown the various X-ray and CT scan ranging from those costing $ 6000 (the cheapest!) to the more sophisticated ones costing around $60000. During the candid conversation which followed demonstrations experts told us how GE is now working towards tapping the potential of the market at grassroots and innovating towards more affordable and economic healthcare solutions. Next in line was the visit to fuel efficiency lab. The technocrats explained the techniques involved as they try to optimize the gasification of coal to increase combustion efficiency in GE boilers. The analysts determine the non-dimensional parameters on a scaled-down model, and then calculate the exact values with the help of techniques such as model analysis. Most interesting of all was the Green Lab, a research house for new and renewable technology. The entire department is run on hybrid primarily, solar and wind. The experts are working towards how to make the technology more economically-viable and garner substantial returns on the investment. 07-06-2010 Page 11 13. WORKSHOP REPORTTwo hours of the visit, abound with immense exposure and knowledge gave all of us enough inspiration to research further on the latest technological advancements. The best part was that we were encouraged to interact with experts and discuss with them the nitty-gritty of the technologies involved. The first hand information was a welcome change from the norm, where Google is the staple!GE MentorsAfter our introductory tour of JFWTC, the four teams were taken to the plush conference rooms of the Odyssey wing, which is also called the green building and is the newest addition to the GE brood. The rooms were all decked up with everything a team to get their thoughts into reality, put their brain cells and motive one to innovate- we were all set up to create the revolution that would leave the world awestruck. We were also given endless access to knowledge through the internet and mentors. and an endless supply of caffeine courtesy the pantries on every floor, which literary kept us going all the way. The teams were introduced to their respective team mentors, and were given a briefing on how to go about with the presentation, along with hints and nudges about how the process of innovation is undertaken. The mentors were masters in their respective felids; they were truly intellectual, through them the teams gained a lot not only in the sphere of technology but also about the social side.We would take this opportunity to thank our mentors for chipping in and bringing a different and a more mature dimension to the discussions, whatever the context maybe. The experience has been one-of-its-kind and each one of us will truly cherish it. Meeting them and listening to their ideas truly energised us to innovate!! 07-06-2010 Page 12 14. WORKSHOP REPORT Day Three WORK and PLAYBRAINSTORMING SESSION Having spent most of the previous night preparing hard for cultural events that were to be performed the next day, the teams woke up groggy-eyed on Day Three. On arriving at the JFWTC, the teams headed towards Odyssey and gathered into their respective conference rooms to brainstorm and work upon innovations that had to be presented to a panel of esteemed GE experts and judges the very next day. The concept of teamwork came into picture. Every team wanted its idea to be unique, technologically innovative and most importantly, implementable. The true test, we realized lay in coming up with the most technologically innovative idea yet making it an attractive and commercially viable business opportunity with strong value proposition. With guidance from the likes of Dr. Abhinanda Sarkar, and the GE mentors, the teams slowly but surely made their way toward concrete ideas. Even in the midst of serious innovation, the teams had the cultural presentations at the back of their minds the anticipation of watching the other teams perform coupled with the anxiety of performing our own parts well. It was a day that none of us would soon forget. BONDING WITH ALUMNI Soon we were asked to move to the hall where we were welcomed by our alumni. The GE foundation scholars were put into different groups and were lead by our ex-GE Foundation Scholars who took us around JFWTC interacting with us and exchanging our experiences at the workshop. HAVING FUN-ONE MINUTE GAMES The Alumni had organized some games for us for fun and recreation .It was a healthy competition with lots of space for fun and frolic. Well!!, Healthy in another sense I mean they provided us bananas to gobble up, butter milk to gulp and to do pushups .All these were played to do the maximum number of counts in a minute. The other two games were to tie the most number of knots in a rope and tie ponies on ones hair. The alumni made sure that all of us were able to participate and have fun at the same time. 08-06-2010 Page 13 15. WORKSHOP REPORT 08-06-2010Page 14 16. WORKSHOP REPORTCULTURAL EXTRAVAGANZA It was finally time for the cultural programmes. Team Zero enacted a play on the theme of growing up and importance of parents. This was followed by a rendition of Michael Jacksons Heal the World by team Penicillin. Team Transistor then enacted a humorous play titled The Green Refrigerator that was based upon a fictional story of a family with generations of GE Foundation Scholars. The icing on the cake was a funny tapori dance performance by team Gunpowder. We laughed till our stomachs hurt and had great fun performing and watching others perform. 08-06-2010Page 15 17. WORKSHOP REPORTBut none of the performances were etched more deeply in our minds than the outstanding recitation by Dr. P.J Lavakare himself. He recited to us a poem that went,When I was a Boy at School* When I was a youngster four feet high, No happier soul in the world than I, I love to think of the days gone by,When I was a boy at school. My exercises I recollect, Were not invariably correct, And sometimes I got what I didnt expect,When I was a boy at school. I robbed an orchard one fine day, And took whatever came in my way, But none of the fruits did I take away,When I was a boy at school. The owner caught me - the nasty sneak! Of the scene that followed, I need not speak, I couldnt sit down for at least one week,When I was a boy at school. I stuck a pin in the masters chair, And saw him jump up in the air, I laughed like mad and heard him swear,When I was a boy at school. But the point of the joke I failed to see, When yesterday, it was tried on me, It isnt so funny as it used to be,When I was a boy at school. I fell in love with a sweet little thing, And gave her a brass engagement ring, We promised to each other for life to cling,When I was a boy at school. I loved that girl for a week or two, And then regretted it as most folks do, But it didnt matter for she cooled off too,When I was a boy at school! Lal lalla, lal lalla, lalla la.* A poem taught (and perhaps written) by Dr. H.J.Taylor, Physics Teacher of Dr. P.J.Lavakare 08-06-2010 Page 16 18. WORKSHOP REPORTOf the two judges, one was an accomplished singer and treated us to a melodious song. The results of the cultural programmes were announced soon after and members of team Transistor were the proud, beaming winners. Most-Wanted Scholar at the Most-Sumptuous DinnerOn Day One, it was decided that by the end of the workshop, when all of us had gotten to know each other, we would elect someone to uphold the title of Most-Wanted Scholar. Results of the voting were announced that evening at the splendid buffet organized at the Odyssey cafeteria. The dinner was indeed a lavish affair, complete with Tiramisu for dessert. We couldnt have asked for more!!Hemant Saggar, from IIT Roorkee who, during the course of the workshop had put on many hats - Technical Manager, team Transistor, a vocal artist, and finally Kittoo of The Green Refrigerator won the title. The overdose of work and play had left us drained out and we made our way back to UTC. 08-06-2010 Page 17 19. WORKSHOP REPORT Day Four Time for InnovationThe day started at UTC with scholars meeting for breakfast at 8. As expected, the turnout was lower than usual, as most scholars had only managed to get a couple of hours of sleep in the course of fervent preparations for the technical presentations. The discussions and rehearsals continued throughout the ride to JFWTC. The technical presentations ensured everyone was at their innovative and technological best, even amidst all the fun. Mr. Mano Manoharan, GM, GE Global Research judged the presentations. The different ideas are compiled below: Zero: All Terrain Vehicle They proposed a real world engineering design model of an All-Terrain Vehicle that complied with FSAE design criteria. The vehicle was designed using mathematical and CAD modelling and simulation with features such as light weight, high strength, high durability for use in all terrains ranging from mountains to deserts and swamps.TEAM ZERO 09-06-2010Page 18 20. WORKSHOP REPORTGunpowder: Crop Management and Services Gunpowder proposed a market led business model to enhance the competitiveness of agriculture industry by providing crop management services. The technology takes into account the major factors affecting cultivation i.e. nutrient content, soil type, moisture content, water consumption and climatic conditions. The tool predicts the best crop type for the particular region while taking into consideration the critical factors with the help of piezoelectric sensors. TEAM GUN POWDER Transistor: Home Health monitoring and prognosis system using Bayesian networks Transistor designed a reliable home health monitoring system that could predict the onset of emergency for patients suffering from chronic illness. The system was low cost, portable and suitable to rural markets. They demonstrated the design of their system specifically for the prognosis of cardio- vascular diseases. Based on inputs from devices like portable ECG, blood pressure etc., a software model indicated the patients health condition. The software model used was a dynamic Bayesian network. 09-06-2010 Page 19 21. WORKSHOP REPORT TEAM TRANSISTER Penicillin: Credit Screen Penicillin designed a credit screen which allowed access to multiple accounts with the help of a digital device and a password to access each account. Unique barcode with an Automatic logout and Simple UI Touch/Regular were other features. The innovation lies in use of bank Silver Nano wires coated on plastic substrate instead of glass, flexible LCD screen Polycarbonate for back panel Bar Code Reader hence making it more versatile. A single card solution would be a replacement for carrying multiple cards and improving on the security of the transactions. Each team was grilled on the specifics of their proposed technology and the feasibility and implementation of their ideas in the GE context. The innovation was a critical judging parameter. The efforts put by each team evidently came across in the presentations. Dr Sanjay Correa, the Managing Director attended a few portions of the event and appreciated all the ideas put forth by the teams. This was followed by Mr Mano Manoharans talk on how he was able to appreciate each of our efforts and ideas. He emphasized more on also concentrating towards rural India being a additional point in two of the teams presentations and how important rural India is as we are more a part of urban life.09-06-2010Page 20 22. WORKSHOP REPORTTEAM PENCILLIN THE RESULTS After a passionate, thought-provoking talk by Mr. Mano Manoharam the results were announced. The team Zero was declared the winner for technical presentation. Team Transitor was the overall winner of fun games.Prizes!!!The winners of all events were awarded as Mr. Mano Manoharan distributed the prizes . All the GE foundation scholars were given bags with the GE foundation logo and printout of the group photograph. Towards the end of the workshop Hemant, on behalf of allscholars thanked Dr.Sanjay Correa, GE Mentors, Alumni and all thescholars present for making this workshop a success. 09-06-2010Page 21 23. WORKSHOP REPORT Walk through GE Foundation Scholar Leader Programme Ten Years of the GE Foundation Scholarship Programme A review by Dr. P.J LavakareDr. P.J. Lavakare addressed the GEFS, the alumni the judges and Dr. Sanjay Correa about the GE foundation Scholar Leader program since we were told that this year would be the last program and tentative as to whether it was going to be conducted in the coming years. He did stress on the fact that it was the 10th year of the GE foundation Scholar Leader Workshop. He gave a presentation on the program, beginning with how students are selected across various institutions in India, on what basis they are selected, the procedures of teams being made and the team interactions prior to the workshop. It also brought out the importance of this program of not only the students getting the scholarship money but also to highlight the scholarly, leadership, team building aspects and to keep up team spirit which did persist among all of us during the workshop. The community development project that was taken up by the foundation scholars was mentioned. 09-06-2010Page 22 24. WORKSHOP REPORTThank You Note!True to its motto, the GEFS Workshop indeed energised us all to innovate! The team spirit, impinging on new ideas, trip to JFWTC, the fun and laughter and the interaction with some of the best minds, gives one all the right reasons to cherish this workshop as one of its kind. On behalf of all scholars, I thank respective colleges for nominating us. We are grateful to the GE Foundation for awarding us this scholarship and recognizing us as individuals who can make a difference. Thanks due to Dr. P.J. Lavakare and Institute of International Education who made scholarships available to all scholars. We are grateful to Dr. Sanjay Correa; Managing Director of JFWTC, Dr. Abinandan Sarkar, Co-ordinator GEFS 2010, Team Mentors, Bench of Judges, SPOCs, Alumni and the entire organising team of the workshop who made this workshop a success. Sincere thanks to Mr. S.R. Ram and his efforts towards ensuring scholars comfortable accommodation reimbursements for providing the workshop T-shirts and caps and ofcourse, the Gulab Jamuns! Finally, we would like to acknowledge the spirit of fellow scholars who undeniably played a principal role in making the experience truly awesome. Page 23 25. WORKSHOP REPORT Feedback Repot (compiled by Kaveri I Kariappa)The Experience: It was the experience of a life-time was the unanimous verdict. Every scholar went home with a lot more than what they came in with, in terms of intellectual perspective, cultural confluence and innovation itself. A pot-pourri of activities spanning from technology to theatre, getting inspired and interacting with mentors over the span of four days made it a very memorable workshop.About the scholars: The scholars were from different parts of the country, with different cultural backgrounds and from varied fields of study. Yet, the combination of this diversity brought out wonderful results in both the cultural programs and the technological innovations. Most scholars felt that their team mates were just as technically competent, if not more.Interaction with GE experts: With the teams having to come up with a product or service that GE could possibly consider, the infusion of ideas from each in each team led to temporary disarray. It was the GE experts, who helped teams marshal their ideas, rate them and narrow them down into the best possible solution. Interacting with them gave us an insight into what the term innovation meant in a global, commercial, industrial sense.Administrative aspects of the program: Administrative arrangements were mostly rated very highly. All scholars having been given more than sufficient information before hand, the organizers left no stone unturned in making the workshop a comfortable and enjoyable experience for the scholars.Most exciting parts of the workshop: Many scholars felt that the cultural programs and the one minute games were very exciting! The brain-storming sessions and the night-long discussions leading up to the technical presentations were exciting as well.Suggestions for future programs: Unlike the various batches before ours, our bunch did not seem to find as many complaints with the food. There were suggestions of organizing inter-team activities so that there was increased interaction between all scholars. There were also suggestions of allowing greater time for the preparations of technical presentations as schedules were packed to the brim.Page 24

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