remarketing - google analytics

Post on 21-Jan-2017



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Remarketing w/ Google analytics

By : Payal

Remarketing• Remarketing (also known as retargeting), has become an vital part

of many or most marketing portfolios, and for good reason. It's quite logical that Web users who have previously visited your website and particularly those who match certain characteristics. who have initiated a conversion process will be more likely to convert on a return visit than new users will be to convert on a first visit.

How Remarketing works ?

Example• After visiting, I see banners for Ledbury

clothing on

Remarketing ads

Basics of Remarketing• A visitor comes to your site.• The visitor does not complete a conversion, such as a purchase or lead

submission.• The visitor subsequently visits another website that participates as an

advertiser in the ad network – in the case of Google Analytics/AdWords remarketing, this is the vast Google Display Network.

• At this point, that visitor may click on the ad and return to your website via the landing page in your remarketing campaign settings.

• In the ideal scenario, the visitor now completes the conversion process that was previously undiscovered, ignored, or abandoned

• This, in a nutshell, is how remarketing works. (You can also use remarketing to target converters with additional offers.)

Facts & Figures• Why do we consider remarketing to be in the sphere of programmatic

advertising? Remarketing allows you to pull in extra data about visitor activity on your website and algorithmically – that is, programmatically – determine ad display, bidding, and creative beyond the static parameters of your advertising configuration.

• Below we discuss many of the specifics that you need to get up and running with Google AdWords remarketing based on Google Analytics remarketing audiences.

Link Google Analytics to Google Ad Words• For you to use Google Analytics remarketing audiences in Google AdWords,

the first step is to link from Google Analytics to Google AdWords. You can link from Google Analytics property (where you have edit rights) to a Google AdWords account (where you have admin rights).

• Make sure to leave the auto-tagging selection in the Advanced Settings on the default as shown in the screen shot to automatically populate rich AdWords data into Google Analytics – for remarketing and other AdWords campaigns.

Creating a Remarketing Audience• When you’re setting up your remarketing audiences in Google Analytics,

you can use one of the built-in segment conditions such as Returning Users, but in many or most cases, you’ll want to define more specific audiences based on characteristics (such as traffic source, device, or geographic location) or by behaviour completed or not completed (such as page viewed, event recorded for video start or offsite link, or Ecommerce transaction).

• From the Google Analytics admin screen, you can click Audiences to access the Audience Builder screen, where you can define a remarketing audience based on very specific criteria. In the example below, we are configuring an audience for those users who have reached the checkout page but have not completed the checkout (which is already tracked as a goal).

• In the Audience Builder, we can target users who abandoned a checkout process.

Creating a Remarketing Audience

• You may have noted that remarketing audiences are nearly identical to custom segments that we create for our Google Analytics reports. In fact, you can convert any of your segments into a remarketing audience.

• You can create a remarketing audience from any Google Analytics built-in or custom segment

Different ways to create Audience

• When counted, there are at least five ways to create a remarketing audience:

• create a remarketing audience from scratch, as shown two screen shots above

• convert an existing segment, as shown immediately above• if you have configured Enhanced Ecommerce, create a segment for any

completion or abandonment point in the Shopping Analysis funnel• if you have Google Analytics Premium, create a segment for any

completion or abandonment point in any Custom Funnel that you have created

• import from the Google Analytics Solutions Gallery

Session vs. User Scope• When defining remarketing audiences, as well as segments and custom funnels, you

can specify session or user scope. In many cases of remarketing segments, it’s advisable to change the default scope from session to user as shown two screen shots above.

• By setting to scope to user, you exclude any visitors who didn’t initially convert but then did convert on subsequent session. If you left the scope to the default value of session, you’ll target all visitors who, in any session, reached the checkout page but did not check out, even if they completed the checkout in a following session.

• User scope depends on the presence of a cookie in the browser, or logged-in user ID tracking.

• Using the Remarketing Audience in an AdWords Campaign• Once you have created a remarketing audience, you can log into AdWords and apply

the remarketing audience to a Google Display Network campaign, or you can use the AdWords shortcut link provided on the Remarketing Audiences page in Google Analytics as shown below.

• You can click the AdWords link to create a campaign in AdWords based on the remarketing audience that you defined.

• Your remarketing audience applied to a new AdWords campaign

Things to Remember • Bidding• As with other campaigns that you run on the Google Display Network, you can base your

bidding for remarketing campaigns on:• CPC – cost per click, also optimizable based on conversions• CPM – cost per 1000 (mille in Latin) impressions• CPA – cost per acquisition, based on conversions• To take advantage of the CPA model or conversion-enhanced CPC model, you must import

your Google Analytics goals into AdWords (or track your conversions with the separate AdWords conversion tracking code). Learn more about importing Google Analytics goals completions and Ecommerce transactions into AdWords.

• Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA)• As a new AdWords option,

you can now use Google Analytics remarketing lists for RLSA (Remarketing Lists for Search Ads).

• RLSA works by combining the two following factors to help optimize your search campaigns:

• intent: user intent as expressed by the search term entered into the Google Search engine• behavioural signal: a previous visit to your website is generally a strong signal that the user

is more likely to convert on your site than a searcher who has not yet visited your site

Things to Remember• Until June 2015, the only types of remarketing lists that you could use for

RLSA were remarketing lists that you defined within AdWords based on the presence of the AdWords pixel on your website. Now, however, we can use Google Analytics remarketing lists for RLSA as we use them for AdWords campaigns run on the display network.

• When you apply remarketing list (generated in either Google Analytics or Google AdWords) to an ad group in a search campaign, you’re presented with two basic options:

• Target and Bid: in this option, you define a separate ad group that is active only for searchers who have previously visited your site and who have entered one of the keywords in the ad group. For Target and Bid, you might consider any of the following configurations:• different ad text: “Please come back!”• broader keywords: if the user has already visited your site, it might be worth bidding on broader terms that might otherwise not generate positive ROI for non-visitors• landing page: point to a landing page that has verbiage customized for a return visitor• bids: higher bids would potentially still drive positive ROI for this more targeted audience

• Bid Only: in this option, the ads are not restricted to your previous site visitors, but you can increase bid for those searchers who are part of the remarketing audience

• To apply a Google Analytics remarketing list to an AdWords search campaign:

Things to Remember• In left panel of the AdWords Campaigns screen, click Shared library >

Audiences > + Remarketing List, and import a remarketing audience from the linked Google Analytics property. (You can also share the remarketing audience from Google Analytics to AdWords as shown above.)

• Drill down to an ad group, select the Audiences tab, and apply a remarketing list as an audience as shown below.

• When applying the remarketing list as an audience, select Target and Bid or Bid Only.

• If you select Bid Only, you can still include other audiences in the ad group, but the bid adjustment shown in the second and third screen shots below will apply only to those searchers who are part of the remarketing audience (and have therefore visited your website previously).

• Here we’re applying an imported remarketing list as an ad group audience.

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