reliability andresilience webinar series topic one part

Post on 19-May-2022






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Emily Barrett, Xiaoyuan Fan,

Juan Carlos Bedoya, Marcelo Elizondo

Reliability and Resilience Webinar Series Topic

One Part Two:Remedial Action Scheme

Design, Coordination and Modeling


Project Background

• The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Energy Resources, Power Sector Program (PSP) provides technical and regulatory support to the Central American regional electricity market.

• Under the PSP, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory delivers technical and analytic support to Ente Operador Regional (EOR, the Central American regional system operator).


Presentation OutlinePart 1 (April 14th, 2021)• Introduction• Standards and Practices in North America• Overview of RAS Design Principles• Coordination and Review Process Example from North AmericaPart 2 (April 21st, 2021)• Questions from the Part 1• RAS Modeling Approaches for Operational Security Studies• Deep Dive on RAS Modeling in PSS/E• Ideas for Applications to Central America


Topics from Part 1

• Standards and Practices in North America• Overview of RAS Design Principles• Coordination and Review Process Example from North America


Questions from RAS Session 1• Regarding the technical criteria used, are they consistent throughout the USA or are

different criteria used to design and coordinate RAS? - Emily• If there are different criteria, how do you reach consensus or agreement to know which

ones to apply when the RAS involves areas with different criteria? - Emily• How are technical controversies resolved between areas when an associated RAS does

not have the performance or effects that are desirable for all? - Emily• How much time, on average, does it take in the USA to design, coordinate, test and

implement a RAS? - Xiaoyuan• Can the evaluation of the performance of the RAS (ECS), be evaluated before 5 years? For

example, if it is evident that in the face of contingencies it has a conflict with other RAS or its effects and parameters of its adjustments are not adequate with the characteristics that occur in the events or contingencies that it intends to mitigate? - Juan Carlos

• Are RAS audits performed? - Answered in Part 1• Who makes up the RAS entity? - Answered in Part 1


Questions from RAS Session 1• What are the most appropriate communication protocols or standards used in the North

American system for ECS data acquisition? - Xiaoyuan• When does a RAS become unnecessary? Can they be eternal or should planning evaluate

an alternate solution in the long term? - Emily• Who approves the scheduled maintenance of elements that are part of a RAS? - Xiaoyuan• Who absorbs the cost of a RAS in the event that it is requested by an RC or RAS entity? -

Xiaoyuan, Juan Carlos• How often are full tests of RAS performed and how are they coordinated when involving

multiple areas? - Juan Carlos• Are systemic protection schemes part of RAS, considering that the monitored variables are

located in different geographic areas? - Juan Carlos

Additional resources:Western Interconnection RAS Review: Coordinator and Planning Coordinator NERC Reliability Standard PRC-012-2 Process Document for Eastern Interconnect:


RAS Modeling Approaches for Operational Security Studies


Modeling Considerations for RAS

Milliseconds to a few seconds

Tens of seconds to minutes

Power Flow Transient Stability

Voltage Current Frequency Generator speed

Line loss logic

Operational time frame














Some Common Approaches for Modeling RAS in Contingency Analysis

• Manually: Engineer manually applies the remedial action that they know will occur based on contingencies and conditions in the base case.

• When analyzing results: Based on previous studies and engineering experience, filter out any results of contingency studies that would be resolved by RAS.

• Using custom scripts: Engineer automates one or both of the previous processes using custom code.

• Using contingency definitions in a power flow solver: Using filters and conditional contingency actions, implement RAS as custom contingency.


Manual Application of RAS: Pros & Cons

Advantages• Does not require additional

software or computer-readable models

• May support both transient and steady state models

Disadvantages• Time-intensive• Introduces additional opportunities

for human error• Difficult to do for complex RAS• Reproducibility• Knowledge transfer


Result Filtering: Pros & Cons

Advantages• Does not require additional

software or computer-readable models

• May support both transient and steady state models

Disadvantages• Time-intensive• Introduces additional opportunities

for human error• Difficult to do for complex RAS• Reproducibility• Knowledge transfer• As the system changes over time,

studies may not catch if RAS no longer mitigates all violations


Custom Scripts: Pros & Cons

Advantages• Faster than manual approaches• Better reproducibility than manual

approaches• May support both transient and

steady state models

Disadvantages• Difficult to do for complex RAS• Scripts must be maintained • For scripts that do result filtering,

similar problems arise around verifying that the RAS continues to resolve all violations as the system changes over time


Using Custom Contingencies: Pros & Cons

Advantages• Faster than manual approaches• Better reproducibility than manual

approaches• Easier to maintain than custom

scripts• Where standards exist and

common tools are used, can be shared with other entities

Disadvantages• Contingency definitions can be

complex• Requires training and/or knowledge

of how to define custom conditional contingency and filters

• More difficult to do in transient stability studies


Survey of Practices for Modeling RAS in WECC

In 2017, PNNL conducted a survey among several WECC transmission operators to collect the following information on RAS and RAS modeling in the region:• Software – The type of software used to perform power system analysis. • Objective –The purpose of the RAS, specifically what the RAS is intended to protect

against. • Remedial Actions – The corrective actions taken. • Arming Criteria – The monitored topology or system conditions used to set the arming

levels for RAS implementation. • Initiating Conditions – The monitored topology or system conditions that trigger the RAS

to operate. • Modeling Method – How the RAS is modeled in the software, including whether the RAS

leverages existing software tools and whether transient analysis is performed.


Survey Results: RAS Objectives

• Prevent loss of synchronism• Prevent line or transformer

overloading• Prevent generator damage• Maintain voltage stability

• Measured generation output• Path flows• Line or transformer flows• Bus voltage


Survey Results: Arming Criteria

• Line loss logic• Generator acceleration• Time elapsed since

meeting arming criteria


Survey Results: Triggering Criteria

• Trip generator(s) offline• Remove lines or transformers

from service• Reduce generation output• Reconfigure shunt and series

reactive power devices


Survey Results: Remedial Actions


Survey Results: Modeling Tools

PowerWorld PSS®E PSLF


Survey Results: Modeling Approaches

PowerWorld PSS®E PSLF

Steady-State Power Flow

Most commonly modeled in WECC RAS & CTG format using built-in RAS tools

Most commonly manually implemented

Not commonly used for steady-state studies

Transient Stability

Most commonly included in contingency definition

Most commonly custom scripts are used

Most commonly included in the contingency definition, often with a custom EPCL


The Motivation for RAS Standardization in WECC

• 2011 San Diego blackout Following the 2011 blackout, attention increased to studying RAS operation and

understanding how RAS interact

• Need to incorporate RAS models into reliability studies There are hundreds of RAS in WECC Some RAS span multiple regions and impact multiple operating entities


Modeling Approaches Leveraged in WECC

• Use advanced filters to identify if arming and triggering criteria are met (e.g., line flow > a prescribed threshold or limit)

• Define conditional contingencies which will point to advanced filters and apply contingencies/take actions if filter criteria are met

• Model generation drop using injection group contingency actions and disconnecting generators in merit order based on defined criteria

• Include defined conditional contingencies, which represent RAS actions, in operational security analyses

• WECC developed standards around the contingency definition and formats for RAS so that these files can be shared across the region


Additional Resources

• Modeling of RAS and Relays in Power Flow Contingency Analysis:

• Modeling of Remedial Action Schemes and Relays in Power Flow Simulations:

• Record Specification and File Format for Specifying Contingency Definitions and Remedial Action Schemes:


Survey of Central America RAS Survey Results

• Received 5 responses• Number of RAS: Ranged from 0-33• Review Period: Ranged from annual revision, six-months, to when changes

in the system occur or RAS operation occurs.• RAS Modeling: 2 include RAS in operational security studies

1 entity uses PSS/E and python 1 entity uses DSAT

• Software limitations: PSS/E version Line tripping in PSS/E based on frequency limit violations


Deep dive on RAS modeling in PSS/E


Review RAS Modeling in Commercial Software

• WECC distributed a questionnaire in 2013 to the Transmission Planners (TP), in which it also collected the modeling practice for RAS.

• IEEE Power System Relaying Committee (PSRC) completed a survey from 2005 to 2009, through the collective efforts with CIGRE and EPRI members.

2013 WECC Questionnaire

statistics [*]

[*] WECC Technical Studies Subcommittee white paper, “Remedial Action Scheme (RAS) Modeling Value Proposition”, approved and published on May 2, 2014.[**] V. Madani et al., "IEEE PSRC Report on Global Industry Experiences With System Integrity Protection Schemes (SIPS)," in IEEE Trans.on Power Delivery, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 2143-2155, Oct. 2010.

IEEE Survey statistics on Global RAS/SIPS [**]


Reference RAS Example in PSS/E

• Different commercial software have their own implementation and procedures for RAS modeling, including but not limited to, user interface function, customized coding API, interactive graphical portal, and so on.

• EOR and many Central American utility companies use PSS/E in transmission planning studies.

• For example, PSS/E V33.12 provides the capability of Python-based RAS API, and one testing example in the software package. Python package “PSSRAS” Flexible definition for customized RAS

Condition Action RAS definition (name)

Simulated within the PSS/E ACCC activities

[*] Siemens, PSS/E Advanced Contingency Analysis and RAS Module document, available online:

Sample python code [*]


Modeling RAS in Steady-state Planning Study

• In power system steady-state planning study, power flow modification and control actions can be performed in an offline style, such as manual/code-based modification after N-1 contingency analysis. In operational environment, if a RAS is not

automated, the grid operator/dispatcher must watch the line flows and outage conditions, then arm and/or trigger the appropriate RAS

• PSS/E supports RAS definition and implementation in its contingency analysis

[*] Siemens, PSS/E Advanced Contingency Analysis and RAS Module document, available online:

RAS interface in PSS/E power flow loop[*]




Modeling RAS in Transient Stability Planning Study

• Time domain simulation usually will be performed to analyze the transient stability analysis in system planning; customized user defined model could be created and used in PSS/E to be executed within the time domain simulation.

• New software model/package in future software release• For utility members in U.S. Western Interconnection, the RAS models in PSLF

and DSATools can be activated in the time domain simulation.

[*] H. Zhang, S. Kincic and F. Howell, "Monitoring Bulk Electric System IROLs and RAS Operation by the Online Transient Stability Ananlysis Tool: Peak RC's Practice and Lessons Learned," 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), Washington, DC, USA, 2020, pp. 1-5. [**] S. Kincic, H. Zhang and H. Yuan, "Implementation of Real-time Transient Stability for the Western Interconnection," 2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2019, pp. 1-5.

EMS+TSAT online run [*]

RAS model validation with DSATools [**]


Modeling Multiple RAS in System-level Planning Studies

• PNNL’s Dynamic Contingency Analysis Tool (DCAT) • 2011 WECC Heavy Summer Operating Case• All dynamic models in WECC Master Dynamics File

(MDF)• 7000+ Additional protective relays [*] [**], and RAS [*]• New Composite Load data created by PNNL’s Load

Model Data Tool (LMDT) • A sequence of cascading failure simulated in DCAT

• Protection model response (Protection relay, RAS)• Power flow condition at major observation points

(transmission path, substation)• Intermediate/Post-event power flow condition

2011 Protection Relay at Coachella Substation

Type: Time Overcurrent Relay

Trip Setting

191 MVA, 127% of transformer normal rating

2011 Protection Relay at Area 21 IMPERIALCA, northern 92 kV

Type: Distribution under-voltage load shedding protection

Trip Setting

444 MW load tripped in IID

[*] “Arizona-Southern California outages on September 8, 2011”, Prepared by the staffs of the FERC and the NERC, April 2012.[**] X. Fan et al., "Bulk Electric System Protection Model Demonstration with 2011 Southwest Blackout in DCAT," 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2020, pp. 1-5.

S-Line RAS [*]

Protection Relay [*]


Modeling Multiple RAS in System Blackout Event

DCAT evaluation of WECC Path 44 for 2011 Pacific Southwest Blackout, (a) Path flow plot provided in NERC Report [*], (b) Simulated path flow in PNNL DCAT analysis [**] (full protection actions sequence automation)

[*] “Arizona-Southern California outages on September 8, 2011”, Prepared by the staffs of the FERC and the NERC, April 2012.[**] X. Fan et al., "Bulk Electric System Protection Model Demonstration with 2011 Southwest Blackout in DCAT," 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2020, pp. 1-5.


RAS Performance Evaluation

• RAS performance depends on a variety of technical and engineering design.

a) Power system equipment control logic [*]b) Parallel controller implementation [**] c) Primary/alternative communication paths [**]d) other embedded design [***]

[*] Vyakaranam B., et al. 2019. Dynamic Contingency Analysis Tool 2.0 User Manual with Test System Examples. PNNL-29105. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.[**] V. Madani et al., "IEEE PSRC Report on Global Industry Experiences With System Integrity Protection Schemes (SIPS)," in IEEE Trans.on Power Delivery, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 2143-2155, Oct. 2010.[***] "IEEE Guide for Engineering, Implementation, and Management of System Integrity Protection Schemes," in IEEE Std C37.250-2020 , pp.1-71, 17 June 2020, doi: 10.1109/IEEESTD.2020.9120373.


(b) (c)



RAS Model Data Standards

• WECC defined a Common RAS Model format, all major grid software vendors have adopted or been implementing RAS functions based on this.

• WECC Common RAS Model Format RemedialAction RemedialActionElement ModelFilter ModelFilterCondition ModelCondition ModelCondition Details ModelExpression

[*] J. Weber, PowerWorld Simulator Version 20 Manual, Auxiliary File Format Description for Specifying Contingency Definitions and Remedial Actions. Feb. 5, 2019. Available online:

Example for WECC Common RAS Model Format [*]


Ideas for Applications to Central America(Coordination Examples)


Existing Collaboration in Central America and Mexico

• Regional technical working groups formed by EOR and 6 national OS/OMs collaborate on system disturbance analysis Regional Technical Committees on

Operational Security (CTSO) and on Protection (CTP) cover ECS

Analysis of ECS operation is part of the activities – if ECS maloperation is observed, preventive and corrective actions are adopted

Protection engineers collaborate with planning engineers

• EOR approves and can require new and modifications to ECS, as stated in RMER

• AMM, CENACE, and EOR also collaborate in technical topics related to Guatemala-Mexico interconnection X. Fan et al., "Model Validation Study for Central American Regional Electrical Interconnected System," 2021 IEEE

Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), Washington, DC, USA, 2021

and Technical Committee on Protections (CTP)

and CTP


Implementation of ECS review, testing, and verification procedures

• OS/OMs and EOR should consider adding more ECS review, testing, and verification procedures at the regional level and in collaboration with CENACE

• Regional technical working groups (CTSO and CTP) in Central America that currently analyze events and study ECS operation could be part of a regional ECS review committee, in charge of formally reviewing ECS and recommending approval

• Regional technical rules in Reglamento del Mercado Eléctrico Regional (RMER) may need to be amended – EOR regulatory affairs office can collaborate with CTSO and CTP

• AMM, CENACE, and EOR may collaborate for establishing review, testing, and verification on ECS that affect both Central America and Mexico – such as the EDALTIBV ECS in Guatemala-Mexico interconnection


Incorporating ECS models in PSS/E and in EMS models for real time contingency analysis

• ECS models in PSS/E Adopt standard formats across all OS/OMs and EOR for ECS models

PowerWorld, PSS/E, PSLF have implemented standardized formats EOR and OS/OMs can collaborate on incorporating ECS models for the Central

American regional system (SER) Regional technical working groups can be leveraged The existing experience in AMM (Guatemala) and CND-ETESA (Panama) can be very useful

• ECS models in Energy Management System (EMS) in control centers Results from real-time contingency analysis applications in EMS can be affected

significantly by ECS ECS models should also be incorporated into EMS tools


Implementing ECS monitoring in control centers

• AMM monitors interarea oscillations that activate an ECS at Guatemala-Mexico interconnection [*]

• EOR, AMM, and CENACE may collaborate to determine other ECS that need monitoring at national or regional control centers

• Besides monitoring, system operators in North America also implement RAS arming functions based on real-time system conditions, such as in BC Hydro [**], and the Reliability Coordinators collect real-time arming information

Figure from: [*] J.V. Espinoza, A. Guzman, F. Calero, M. Mynam, and E. Palma, “Wide-Area Measurement and Control Scheme Maintains Central America’s Power System Stability” Wide-Area Protection and Control Systems, 2017

[**] Yao, Ziwen, et al. "Forewarned is forearmed: An automated system for remedial action schemes." IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 12.3 (2014): 77-86.


Coordination between Mexico, Guatemala, and EOR to model Mexico-Guatemala ECS

• Coordination of modeling practices to predict ECS action for planning and operation studies Updating and maintaining Mexico’s

equivalent representation for Central America

Creating, updating, and maintaining Central America’s equivalent representation for Mexico

Incorporating ECS model into PSS/E and real-time models at CENACE, AMM, and EOR

X. Fan et al., "Model Validation Study for Central American Regional Electrical Interconnected System," 2021 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), Washington, DC, USA, 2021


Upcoming Webinars

Resilience and Extreme Event Planning – May 12th and 19th, 2021

Transfer Capability and Coordinated Stability Studies – June 9th and 16th, 2021

Renewable Integration – July 14th, 2021

Final Session – August 18th, 2021


Thank you!Questions?

Marcelo ElizondoPacific Northwest National LaboratoryRichland, Washington,

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