regular board meeting - pvnccdsb · regular board meeting tuesday, april 26, ... ocsta/ocsboa...

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OPEN MEETING - 7:00 to 10:00 P.M.

Chairperson: Mrs. M. Griepsma Vice-Chairperson: Mr. D. Bernier ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A. Call to Order of the Open Meeting - 7:00 P.M.:

1. Examen.

2. Opening Prayer.

3. Singing of the National Anthem.

4. Approval of Agenda.

5. Declarations of Conflicts of Interest.

6. Approval of the Minutes of the March 22, 2016 Meeting.

7. Business Arising Out of the Minutes.

B. Presentations:

1. R.A. St. Mary Catholic Secondary School Proposed Trip to New York City, United States,

from October 11, 2016 to October 14, 2016. Mr. Rob Majdell, Principal, St. Mary Catholic Secondary School Mr. Joel Kightley, Teacher, St. Mary Catholic Secondary School

C. Programs and Services:

1. R.A. Final Report – Pupil Accommodation Review – St. John CES, Kirkfield. Mrs. Isabel Grace, Superintendent of Business and Finance Mrs. Anne Marie Duncan, Superintendent of Learning/Innovation Technologies

D. Business, Finance and Governance: No Items.


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E. Human Resources:

1. School Year Calendar 2016-2017

F. Policy Development: No Items.

G. Old Business: No Items.

H. New Business: No Items.

I. Bring Forward: No Items.

J. Information Items:

1. System Achievements – Mr. Galen Eagle, Communications Officer.

2. Director’s Report – Mrs. Barbara McMorrow.

3. Chairperson’s Committee Report – Mrs. Michelle Griepsma.

4. Trustees’ Committee and Event Reports:

1. Student Trustee Report, April 26, 2016 – Mr. Gordon McLaughlin.

2. Centre for Collaboration Funding Report, Mrs. Ruth Ciraulo

Questions re draft Committee Minutes previously shared with Trustees:

No draft Committee Minutes.

K. Future Meetings:


1. Standing Committee Meetings:

Board Meeting – May 24, 2016, 6:30 p.m.

Chairperson’s – May 16, 2016, 4:15 p.m.

Governance – May 9, 2016, 6:30 p.m.

Policy Development – May 9, 2016 6:00 p.m. (prior to Governance Committee) OTHER COMMITTEE MEETINGS (alphabetical order)

2. Accessibility for All Committee – May 24, 2016, 1:15 p.m.

3. Audit Committee – TBD, 2016, 6:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting 2016-04-26 2


4. Catholic Parent Engagement Committee – May 25, 2016, 6:00 p.m. (Recognition Event St. Mary Catholic Secondary School Cobourg )

5. Faith and Equity Advisory Committee – TBD, 2016, 6:30 p.m.

6. First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Advisory Committee – May 17, 2016, 6:30 p.m.

7. French as a Second Language Advisory Committee – TBD, 2016, 4:30 p.m.

8. Special Education Advisory Committee – May 19, 2016, 6:30 p.m.

9. STSCO Governance Meeting – June 1, 2016, 3:15 p.m., STSCO Offices.

10. Student Council Liaison Committee – April 26, 2016, 4:15 p.m. (Elections)

EVENTS (chronological order)

11. April 28, 2016 OCSTA/OCSBOA Business Seminar, Blue Mountain - Collingwood 12. April 28-30, 2016

2015 AGM and Conference – Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association - Collingwood, Ontario.

13. May 1-6, 2016 Catholic Education Week: “Opening Doors of Mercy”.

14. May 4, 2016 Catholic Student Leadership Awards Night.

15. May 17, 2016 Catholic Leadership Development Series #3, Called to Serve “Net Ministries”, Baxter Creek, Fraserville – 4:15 p.m.-6:30 p.m.

16. May 25, 2016

Catholic Parent Engagement Committee Recognition Event.

17. June 9-11, 2016 2016 Canadian Catholic School Trustees’ Association (CCSTA) Annual General Meeting. Yellowknife, NWT.

L. Conclusion:

1. Report from the In-camera Meeting. 2. Closing Prayer. 3. Adjournment.

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THE MINUTES OF THE OPEN SESSION OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD held Tuesday, March 22, 2016 at 7:10 p.m. in the Boardroom, 1355 Lansdowne Street West, Peterborough. PRESENT:

Trustees - Mmes. L. Ainsworth, R. Ciraulo, C. Dunn, M. Griepsma, H. McCarthy, Messrs. D. Demers, G. McLaughlin – Student Trustee.

Administration - Mmes. J. Carragher, A. Duncan, I. Grace, B. McMorrow, D. Michie, A. Sawada, E. O’Sullivan.

Messrs. G. Eagle, T. Moloney. Absent/Regrets - Mmes: C. Dunn, H. McCarthy Messr. R. Brooks Recorder - Mrs. P. Smith. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A. Call to Order of the Open Meeting - 7:15 p.m.:

1. Examen.

Mrs. M. Griepsma led the Board in the Examen. 2. Opening Prayer.

The Chairperson, Mrs. M. Griepsma, called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. and asked Mrs. L. Ainsworth to lead the opening prayer.

3. Singing of the National Anthem.

The prayer was followed by the singing of O’ Canada in French. Mrs. M. Griepsma welcomed the attending community members and Principals; Mr. Andy Sawada and Mr. Anthony Higgins.

4. Approval of Agenda.

MOTION: Moved by D. Bernier, seconded by D. Demers,

that the Agenda be approved with the below amendments:

that the STSCO-Governance Open Meeting Minutes be added as an item under

J. 4. Trustees’ Committee and Event Reports.


that item J. 4 Committee Draft SEAC Minutes have the dates reflected as

February 18, 2016 and March 10, 2016.



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5. Declarations of Conflicts of Interest.

There were no declarations of conflicts of interest.

6. Approval of the Minutes of the February 23, 2016 Regular Meeting.

MOTION: Moved by L. Ainsworth, seconded by D. Demers,

that the Minutes of the January 26, 2016 Regular Meeting be approved as presented.


7. Business Arising Out of the Minutes.

There was no business arising out of the Minutes.

B. Presentations:

1. Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School Proposed Trip to England and Ireland, from March 10, 2017 to March 20, 2017.

Mr. Derek Abrams, Vice Principal – Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School made a presentation on a proposed trip to England and Ireland, from March 10, 2017 to March 20, 2017 and answered questions.

MOTION: Moved by L. Ainsworth, seconded by D. Demers

that the proposed Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School, Courtice, student trip to England

and Ireland, from March 10, 2017 to March 20, 2017 be approved in principle.


2. Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School Proposed Trip to Whitby Yacht Club – Sailing School, Whitby, ON from June 2, 2016 to June 3, 2016. Mr. Derek Abrams, Vice Principal – Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School made a presentation on a Trip to Whitby Yacht Club – Sailing School, Whitby, ON from June 2, 2016 to June 3, 2016 and answered questions. Mr. Abrams discussed that students will have instructors and that a parent meeting will be setup to address any concerns prior to the trip. This trip has no cost to students and is supported through a Ministry grant.

MOTION: Moved by D. Bernier, seconded by L. Ainsworth

that the proposed Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School Trip to Whitby Yacht Club – Sailing

School, Whitby, ON from June 2, 2016 to June 3, 2016 be approved.



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3. Presentation – Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM).

Mr. Tim Moloney, Superintendent of Learning/Student Success (Secondary) presented to the Board on the current ten SHSM programs that are running in the schools for 2015-2016. - St. Thomas Aquinas CSS – Health & Wellness - St. Mary CSS – Hospitality & Tourism - Holy Trinity CSS – Auto - St. Mary CSS – Arts & Culture - St. Peter CSS – Hospitality & Tourism - St. Mary CSS – Environment - St. Stephen CSS – Manufacturing - St. Mary CSS – Construction - Holy Cross CSS – Aviation & Aerospace - Holy Trinity CSS – Arts & Culture

Mr. Moloney noted that the main pathway for students who have participated in the SHSM program are 55% College, 45% University and 5% apprenticeship and workplace. Students can receive an OSSD with a red seal SHSM designation. Mr. Moloney explained the process to receive a red seal. Mr. Moloney discussed the sustainability of programs and the contributing factors that may lead to a program no longer being offered. The Board thanked Mr. Moloney for his presentation.

4. Presentation – Accommodation Review Process of St. John Catholic Elementary School, Kirkfield. Ms. Maigen Bundy presented as a public delegation to the Board on behalf of families in Kirkfield. Ms. Bundy thanked the board and expressed that she has felt very much a part of the accommodation review process. Ms. Bundy addressed ways to grow and increase the value of St. John CES, Kirkfield within the community and some of the possibilities that the school could offer to the community: Licensed daycare Partnering with Fleming College to offer Adult learning Partnering with Fleming College and Trent University for postsecondary learning Partnering with CHIMO/Kinark for courses such as parenting Ms. Bundy answered questions from the Board and thanked the Board for the opportunity to present. The Board thanked Ms. Bundy for both her presentation at the public meeting and for presenting to the Board. The Board appreciated the very informative and inspiring commitment of the parent engagement within the community and noted that the final decision will be made at the April, 2016 Board meeting.


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C. Programs and Services:

1. Staff Report – Pupil Accommodation Review – St. John CES, Kirkfield.

Mrs. Isabel Grace, Superintendent of Business and Finance and Mrs. Anne Marie Duncan, Superintendent of Learning/Innovation Technologies presented to the Board the Staff Report – Pupil Accommodation Review – St. John Kirkfield CES, dated March 22, 2016. Mrs. Grace shared that throughout the accommodation review process information has been shared on the PVNCCDSB Board web site. The report dated March 22, 2016 was shared with the Board and gave a general overview of the process, viability report, rationale for the closing of St. John CES in Kirkfield and the transfer of students. Further areas reviewed were, timelines and processes, community feedback, other Catholic School Boards in proximity to St. John CES as well as transportation to public schools in the area. Catchments, boundaries and closest schools to St. John CES were discussed including the duration of bus rides. It was requested by a community member if after school or before school programming with other school boards could be looked into. St. John Paul CES in Kirkfeld does not offer these programs. Mrs. Grace informed the Board that an update on community hubs will be added to the final report that will be brought forward at the April 2016 Board Meeting. The Board thanked Mrs. Grace and Mrs. Duncan for their presentation.

D. Business, Finance and Governance:

1. Approval of a Member to the Special Education Advisory Committee.

MOTION: Moved by R. Ciraulo, seconded by D. Demers that that Maria Castiglione be approved as a community member representing the

community at the Special Education Advisory Committee for the term of December 1,

2014 to November 30, 2018.


E. Human Resources: No Items.

F. Policy Development: No Items.

G. Old Business: No Items.

H. New Business: No Items.

I. Bring Forward: No Items.

J. Information Items:

1. System Achievements.

Mr. Galen Eagle, Communications Officer presented the System Achievements for the month which have been posted on the Board web site.


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2. Director’s Report.

Mrs. Barbara McMorrow, Director of Education shared that wonderful things are happening in our schools across the system and how blessed we are to be part of this community. Mrs. Barbara McMorrow announced her intention to retire on August 31, 2016 and wanted to thank the PVNCCDSB Community. Mrs. McMorrow discussed that Promeus, a search firm has been hired and that the process will include input from all stakeholders. As well a survey will be shared with the community for input on qualities you would like to see in the new Director. Teams will meet with Promeus on April 4th and 5th. Board Chairperson Mrs. Michelle Griepsma thanked Mrs. McMorrow for her Vision, Strategic Priorities and the new Policy Development Framework. Mrs. Griepsma addressed that the list of accomplishments for the Board under Mrs. McMorrow’s leadership is very long

3. Trustees’ Committee and Event Reports.

1. Chairperson’s Committee Report. Mrs. Griepsma noted that this report has been covered by the Director’s report on the process that will take place in hiring a new Director.

2. Student Trustee Report, March 22, 2016. Mr. Gordon McLaughlin, Student Trustee, shared the below Student Council Liaison Committee (SCLC) report for March 22, 2016 with the Board.

The Student Council Liaison Committee will be going ahead with the SCLC conference at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic secondary school on April 8, 2016. The day will include guest speaker Mr. Chris Bray and Mr. Frank Callaghan. Mrs. Griepsma and Mrs. McMorrow will bring greetings. The day's focus will be on the religious component and reflection of the conference and the interactions between councils toward the end of the day.

Elections for the new Student Trustee are coming up and the SCLC discussed starting to advertise the positions for new school year liaisons and trustee position at their respective schools.

Students will be involved in raising funds for Toonies for Tuition which will take place on May 6, 2016.

Questions re draft Committee Minutes previously shared with Trustees:

1. Draft Committee Minutes – Accessibility for All Committee February 24, 2016 – no minutes as the meeting was cancelled due to weather.

2. Draft Committee Minutes – Family Life and Religious Education Committee and the

Equity and Inclusive Education Committee are now recognized as the Faith and Equity Advisory Committee. The meeting took place on February 29, 2016 and the new Committee name was created. The committee also reviewed the draft Terms and Conditions. Mrs. Linda Ainsworth, Trustee, will Chair the Faith and Equity Advisory Committee. No questions arose from the minutes.

MOTION: Moved by L. Ainsworth, seconded by R. Ciraulo that the Board meeting be extended to 10:00 p.m. Carried.


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3. Draft Committee Minutes, SEAC (Special Education Advisory Committee Meeting) Draft Minutes from February 18, 2016 and Draft Minutes from March 10, 2016. The Committee is looking into ways to encourage further membership from the community. Board suggested school newsletters and other social media. No further questions arose from the minutes.

4. Draft STSCO Governance Committee Open Session Minutes. Mrs. Griepsma shared

that the STSCO budget and expenditure report was reviewed. The 2016/17 System Planning report was also reviewed. One possible planning update discussed was the PVNCCDSB expanded use of Public Transport and discussions will continue. The February 2016 communication to transportation providers highlights Ryan’s Law, driver communication, eligible ridership, seating plans, bus reports and bus stop assessments (mapnetweb). The March 2016 communication to transportation providers looked at MTO inspections, circle checks, accident reporting, phone trees and inclement weather decision making procedures. STSCO will provide annual bus driver workshops which are scheduled in Peterborough, April 7, 2016, Northumberland on April 18 and Clarington on April 29, 2016. STSCO will hold an open house and Trustees are invited on April 21, 2016 2:00-4:30 p.m.

K. Future Meetings:


1. Standing Committee Meetings:

Board Meeting – April 26, 2016, 6:30 p.m.

Chairperson’s – April 18, 2016, 4:15 p.m.

Governance – April 4, 2016, 6:30 p.m.

Policy Development – April 19, 2016, 6:30 p.m.

OTHER COMMITTEE MEETINGS (alphabetical order)

2. Accessibility for All Committee – May 24, 2016, 1:15 p.m.

3. Audit Committee – TBD, 2016, 6:30 p.m.

4. Catholic Parent Engagement Committee – April 18, 2016, 6:30 p.m.

5. Faith and Equity Advisory Committee – April 25, 2016, 6:30 p.m.

6. First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Advisory Committee – May 17, 2016, 6:30 p.m.

7. French as a Second Language Advisory Committee – April 20, 2016, 4:30 p.m.

8. Special Education Advisory Committee – April 21, 2016, 6:30 p.m.

9. STSCO Governance Meeting – June 1, 2016, 3:15 p.m., STSCO Offices.

10. Student Council Liaison Committee – March 22, 2016, 4:15 p.m.


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EVENTS (chronological order)

11. April 8, 2016 Student Council Retreat at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School - Lindsay, “Voices that Challenge”.

12. April 21, 2016 STSCO Open House, STSCO Offices-Peterborough 2:00-4:30 p.m. 13. April 28, 2016 OCSTA/OCSBOA Business Seminar, Blue Mountain - Collingwood

14. April 28-30, 2016

2015 AGM and Conference – Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association – Collingwood, Ontario.

15. May 1-6, 2016 Catholic Education Week: “Opening Doors of Mercy”.

16. May 4, 2016 Catholic Student Leadership Awards Night.

17. May 17, 2016 Catholic Leadership Development Series #3, Called to Serve “Net Ministries”, Baxter Creek, Fraserville – 4:15 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

18. May 25, 2016

Catholic Parent Engagement Committee Recognition Event.

19. June 9-11, 2016 2016 Canadian Catholic School Trustees’ Association (CCSTA) Annual General Meeting. Yellowknife, NWT.

L. Conclusion:

1. Report from the In-camera Meeting. A. Call to Order of the In-Camera Meeting:

1. Opening Prayer. 2. Approval of Agenda with addition of G1-Matter regarding former student. 3. There were no declarations of conflicts of interest. 4. The Minutes of the February 23, 2016 In-camera Meeting were approved and the

Minutes of the March 7, 2016 Special In-Camera Board Meeting were approved. 5. There was no business arising out of the minutes.

B. There were no presentations C. There were no items under programs and services D. Business, Finance and Governance:

1. Received report on Compensation Framework for non-aligned school board staff. MOTION: Moved by L. Ainsworth, seconded by R. Ciraulo, that the Board approve the changes in compensation as outlined in the Report to the Governance Committee dated March 21, 2016.



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2. Received STSCO update E. Human Resources:

1. Labour Relations Update was discussed. F. Other Urgent Matter: No Items. G. Information Items:

1. Matter regarding former student was shared. H. The meeting convened as an Open Meeting at 7:05 p.m.

2. Closing Prayer. The Chairperson, Mrs. M. Griepsma, asked Mr. D. Demers to lead the group in closing prayer. 3. Adjournment.

MOTION: Moved by D. Demers, seconded by R. Ciraulo,

that the meeting adjourn; 9:54 p.m.


M. Griepsma B. McMorrow Chairperson Director of Education


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Proposed St. Mary Catholic Secondary School, Cobourg, Student Trip to New York City, United States, from October 11, 2016 to October 14, 2016. R.A.: that the proposed St. Mary Catholic Secondary School student trip

to New York City, United States, from October 11, 2016 to October 14, 2016 be approved in principle.

April, 2016 Administration


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Report to the Board of TrusteesMeeting: In Camera


Presented for: Information


Meeting Date: April 26, 2016

Presented by: Barbara McMorrow, Director of Education Isabel Grace, Superintendent of Business/Finance

Anne Marie Duncan, Superintendent of Learning/Innovation Technologies

Subject: Final Report - Pupil Accommodation Review – St.John CES,


Recommended Action(s): It is recommended that the Board approve the closure of St.John CES, Kirkfield, at the completion of the 2015-2016 school year, transfer the students to St.John Paul II, Lindsay beginning the 2016-17 school year; and change the school catchment for St. John Paul II CES, Lindsay to include the former catchment of St. John CES, Kirkfield. It is recommended that, subject to a final agreement with Simcoe Muskoka CDSB, administration contact current families of St.John CES, Kirkfield living to the west side of the catchment and closer to Foley Catholic School in Brechin to determine their attendance preferences, and to facilitate movement of eligible students.

1. Background

The Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board is committed to providing a full range of education experiences equitably distributed across the system in accordance with its vision and strategic priorities. The authority of school boards to make decisions regarding pupil accommodation is set out in section 171(1), paragraph 7 of the Education Act. 171(1) A board may...

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(7) determine the number and kinds of schools to be established and maintained and the attendance area for each school, and close schools in accordance with policies established by the board from guidelines issued by the Minister. The Board has established and approved Policy 109 – Pupil Accommodation Review which provides a framework for pupil accommodation review that is consistent and aligns with the Ministry of Education Guidelines.

General Overview of the Process:

Administration makes recommendations to the Board that a Pupil Accommodation Review be completed where there is potential for consolidation.

Administration presents a school viability report to trustees when appropriate or relevant conditions are met.

Based on the school viability report and administrative recommendations, the Board may approve a resolution that begins the public Accommodation Review process.

The public Accommodation Review process for a particular school will complete its work within the timelines set out in Administrative Procedure 109.

Where specified conditions or factors are met, the Board may approve a resolution for a modified accommodation review process, which would not require the establishment of an Accommodation Review Committee.

As part of the overall strategic management of the Board’s teaching and learning resources and facilities, and in consideration of long-range planning, Administration presented a viability report with respect to St.John CES, Kirkfield on November 24, 2015. Following the presentation, the Board approved a motion to conduct an accommodation review, using a modified process. As noted in the viability report, a number of conditions supporting a closure of St.John CES, Kirkfield exist. As noted in Policy 109, these are as follows:

Condition Application to St. John CES, Kirkfield Enrolment is declining or low and no improvement is forecast in the next five years;


Low enrolment is an impediment to school organization, instructional programming, and/or program offerings;

Yes. There are grades that do not have any students (see Table 1) and many classes are or have been triple or quadruple graded (see Table 2). School administration has been a shared responsibility with another school.

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Support staff positions are part-time and there is significant turnover of teaching staff.

Alternatives would result in school operating cost savings;

Yes. Primary savings would be from facility operation and reduction of staffing requirements.

Closure of a school is in the best interests of the overall school system.

Yes. From an equity point of view, effective use of system resources and effective delivery of program would be positively affected.

The social, cultural, and recreational use of the facility by the community can be accommodated in other facilities.

Yes. There is very limited community use of this facility. Other facilities in the community would likely be able to accommodate activities.

2. Accommodation option and rationale

The initial staff recommendation supported closing St. John CES, Kirkfield at the end of the 2015-2016 school year, and transferring the students to St. John Paul II CES, Lindsay beginning the 2016-17 school year.

The following aspects related to St.John and St.John Paul II support the rationale for closing St.John and transferring the students to St.John Paul II.

Summary of accommodation issues for the St.John CES

As noted above, primary issues are declining and low enrolment, very small numbers of students are an impediment to school organization, less than 50% of the capacity of the school is utilized.

Where students would be accommodated

It is recommended that students would be accommodated at St.John Paul II, Lindsay, which is the nearest school within the jurisdiction that can accommodate additional students.

Proposed changes to existing facilities required as a result of the pupil accommodation review

None required.

Identify any program changes as a result of the proposed option

None required.

Changes to student transportation The existing network of routes already supports students in the Kirkfield catchment if they are attending the French Immersion program in Lindsay. The shared busing network will be expanded to include the students transferring to St.John Paul II with the goal of minimizing the ride times to the

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school. Additional costs will be experienced by the Board but as the routes are shared with Trillium Lakelands DSB, and also are inclusive of secondary students, additional costs are not projected to be significant.

New capital investment is required as a result of the pupil accommodation

None required.

Any relevant information obtained from municipalities and other community partners prior to the commencement of the pupil accommodation review, including any confirmed interest in using underutilized space.

As provided by councillor Andrew Veale, a subdivision of 34 single family units is expected to be built in Kirkfield in the future, and a development of approximately 90 units are under various planning stages in Woodville. An extension to Highway 404 is planned in the future and there is potential for growth in communities in Durham, and possibly City of Kawartha Lakes if the extension proceeds. Definite timelines regarding these initiatives are not available.

3. Timelines of various actions to date.

Action When

Presentation of School Viability Report

November 24th Board Meeting, 2015

Board Decision to engage in Modified Accommodation Review Process

November 24, 2015

Notice of Board Decision to engage in an Accommodation Review Process

By December 1st, 2015

(Within 5 business days of decision)

Notices provided of public meeting

By December 4th, 2015

(At least 30 business days prior to the meeting)

Public meeting Thursday, February 4th, 2016, 6:30pm, St.John CES, Kirkfield

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Final Staff report and recommendations to the Board posted publicly

Thursday, February 25th, 2016

(No fewer than 10 business days after the public meeting)

Meeting for public delegations Tuesday March 22nd, 2016, (regular Board meeting)

(No fewer than 10 business days after the posting of the final staff report)

Presentation of Staff Report to the Board for information

March 22nd, 2016 Board meeting

Presentation of Final Report to the Board for decision

April 26th, 2016 Board meeting

4. Community feedback

A public meeting held on February 4, 2016 brought forward information for Senior Administration to consider. During the course of the public meeting, the community outlined concerns and issues surrounding the possible closure of St.John. These items were all captured in the notes to the public meeting, and posted on the public website. As well, a survey undertaken by the school council co-chair was provided to administration. The results of the survey were collated and posted on the board website.

Parents, grandparents, and former staff and students were among the attendees at the public meeting held February 4, 2016 at St.John Catholic Elementary School in Kirkfield. Through delegations and questions from the floor, and survey results, several key themes became evident:

The community members who presented opinions: place a high value on attending a Catholic school, regardless of whether the

family itself was Catholic. place a high value on this rural school and would prefer it not close. place a high value on small class sizes and personalized relationships with

teaching staff. expressed concern about transitioning students from a rural environment to a

town school. expressed their belief that the area would grow and that the school would see

improved enrolment in the future. expressed concern as to the distance to St.John Paul II and the impact the

distance would have on meaningful parent engagement in the school, and student readiness to learn after a long bus ride.

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Staff responses are as follows:

The Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School board places a high value on all of its schools and strives to provide an equitable and effective program in supportive learning environments for all students.

Students will benefit from a learning environment in which they are not triple graded, have a broader peer group and have greater access to teams and clubs. Students may also benefit from the opportunity to be taught by a breadth of teachers over the course of their elementary school years rather than the potential of the same teacher for multiple years.

St.John is currently utilized at 32% of the On-the-Ground-Capacity and is predicted to decline in enrolment over the next few years. In its commitment to sound stewardship of resources, the provincial government has been very clear that school boards must manage their empty spaces efficiently.

While there is some new development planned within the Kirkfield catchment, the timing is unknown. The overall demographics within the City of Kawartha Lakes and the emerging trends have shown a continued decline in population of school age children. Any predicted growth in this area would likely be insufficient to prevent triple or quadruple grading in the foreseeable future at St.John.

St.John is 37 km away from St.John Paul II in Lindsay, which will mean lengthy transportation routes. The Board’s guideline for elementary students states that, except in special circumstances, students below Grade 7 should not be transported on the bus for more than one (1) hour and Grades 7, 8 and secondary students should not be transported on the bus for more than one (1) hour and thirty (30) minutes. It will be incumbent upon the board to ensure sufficient resources are provided to our transportation partners to ensure these guidelines are being achieved. For contextual purposes, currently within the Board jurisdiction there are nearly 240 students living in various areas who are on the bus in excess of 45 minutes.

Community Hubs

The Government of Ontario has encouraged communities to seek opportunities to form partnerships for sharing space in open and operating school building in order to make the best use of public assets. This recognizes that cooperative and collaborative partnerships are part of the foundation of a strong, vibrant and sustainable publicly funded education system. The development of community partnerships with other entities may serve to strengthen the role of schools in communities, provide a place for programs and facilitate the coordination of services for students and the wider community.

However, the board’s primary responsibility is the spiritual and intellectual development of students and to support the health and safety of students and staff. The Ministry of Education has been very clear that Community Hubs and partnerships cannot be

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subsidized by the use of grants provided for education needs. Therefore, any use of excess space must be on a cost-recovery basis. As well, the existence of partnerships or agreements for use of space does not supercede the Board’s responsibilities of managing its facilities and programs from an educational perspective to ensure viable programs.

5. Discussions with other Catholic School Boards in proximity to St.John

Senior administration has been liaising with key individuals at Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board and Durham Catholic School Board. Each of the district school boards operates a small Catholic school that is closer to St.John CES than St.John Paul II in Lindsay. Holy Family CES is in Beaverton, approximately 25 kilometres south west of Kirkfield, and Foley CES is in Brechin, approximately 21 kilometres north west of Kirkfield. Administration of both boards is open to discussing registration of students from our Board in the circumstances where the physical distances favour the families. Approximately half of the current families could be in this position.

Subject to a final agreement on a catchment area and satisfactory arrangements for transportation, Simcoe Muskoka Catholic DSB has indicated a willingness to register and transport existing families that are closer to Foley CES in Brechin, if these families wish to opt for this solution. Students residing on the eastern side of the catchment area would not be considered eligible.

Administration recognizes that many of the concerns expressed at the public consultation are conditions that are reflected and supported in Brechin: small class sizes, personal attention to students, location as a rural Catholic school. As well, The Simcoe Muskoka CDSB has a history of receiving students from the St.John CES Kirkfield catchment for attendance at its Catholic highschool in Orillia.

Supporting this option, however, would result in losing some enrolment, representing a small financial risk to the board. Given the proximity of Lady Mackenzie Public School to St.John CES, Administration recognizes that the risk of losing enrolment to another school board has always been present throughout this accommodation review.

6. Conclusion

By closing St.John and redirecting students to attend St.John Paul II, Lindsay:

triple grading can be averted thereby providing improved educational programming for all students;

larger peer groups would exist for students, and a breadth of teachers to access over the elementary grades

greater intramural and extra-curricular opportunities are available improved working conditions related to collaboration and networking for teaching

staff would be evident equity in the use of board’s resources across the system would be maintained

Regular Board Meeting 2016-04-26 19


A transition team of staff, parents and students would be put in place to ensure that the needs of students are taken into consideration as St. John CES and St. John Paul II CES are blended. Additional considerations and events may be offered resulting from recommendations from the transition team to ensure that students and families are welcomed and integrated into their new school setting.

Regular Board Meeting 2016-04-26 20

Board Name

Peterborough Victoria Northum Clarington CDSB (B67067)

Calendar Title

[2016-229888] PVNC Elementary



Calendar Type


Date Created

Nov 12, 2015

Start of School Year

Sep 06, 2016

End of School Year

Jun 30, 2017

First Day Students

Sep 06, 2016

Last Day Students

Jun 29, 2017


PVNC Elementary



Month 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th Week 5th WeekPA days

Instr days

Exam days


August1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31

0 0 0

September1 2 5


6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30

P1 18 0

October3 4 5 6 7 10


11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28


311 19 0

November1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25


28 29 301 21 0

December1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26









B0 17 0











9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30 310 17 0

February1 2 3


6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 20


21 22 23 24 27 281 18 0

March1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 13










20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 310 18 0

April3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14




18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28

P*1 17 0

May1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22


23 24 25 26 29 30 310 22 0

June1 2 5 6 7 8 9


12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30

P2 20 0

July3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31

0 0 0

Total 7 187 0

LegendP -Professional Activity Day; E -Scheduled Exam Day; B -Board Designated Day; H -Statutory Day; / -Half Day;

P* -Professional Activity Day Devoted to Provincial Education Priorities;

Regular Board Meeting 2016-04-26 21

Schools which will use this calendar :

Outline for PA Days

September 30, 2016 - Faith Day, school based February 3, 2017 - Assessment and ReportingJune 9, 2017 - Assessment and ReportingJune 30, 2017 - Safe and Inclusive Schools; Occupational Health and Safety Training

Outline for Professional Activity Days Devoted to Provincial Education Priorities

October 28, 2016 - Occupational Health and Safety Training; Student Achievement/Student Success: Board and School Improvement PlansNovember 25, 2016 - Improve or Close gaps in student achievement and numeracy; FDK PlanningApril 28, 2017 - Teacher Development/Instructional Leadership; Teacher Inquiry and Reflective Practice

School Town or City School Town or City

Enterphase Child and Family Services

Peterborough Good Shepherd Catholic Elementary School


Holy Family Catholic Elementary School

Bowmanville Immaculate Conception Catholic Elementary School


Monsignor Leo Cleary Catholic Elementary School

Courtice Monsignor O'Donoghue Catholic Elementary School


Mother Teresa Catholic Elementary School

Courtice Notre Dame Catholic Elementary School


St. Alphonsus Catholic Elementary School

Peterborough St. Anne Catholic Elementary School


St. Anthony Catholic Elementary School

Port Hope St. Catherine Catholic Elementary School


St. Dominic Catholic Elementary School

Lindsay St. Elizabeth Catholic Elementary School


St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Elementary School

Newcastle St. John Catholic Elementary School


St. John Catholic Elementary School

Kirkfield St. John Paul II Catholic Elementary School


St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School

Douro St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School


St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School

Cobourg St. Luke Catholic Elementary School


St. Martin Catholic Elementary School

Ennismore St. Mary Catholic Elementary School


St. Mary Catholic Elementary School

Lindsay St. Mary Catholic Elementary School


St. Michael Catholic Elementary School

Cobourg St. Patrick Catholic Elementary School


St. Paul Catholic Elementary School

Norwood St. Paul Catholic Elementary School


St. Paul Catholic Elementary School

Peterborough St. Teresa Catholic Elementary School


Regular Board Meeting 2016-04-26 22

Board Name

Peterborough Victoria Northum Clarington CDSB (B67067)

Calendar Title

[2016-229421] PVNC Secondary



Calendar Type


Date Created

Oct 30, 2015

Start of School Year

Sep 06, 2016

End of School Year

Jun 30, 2017

First Day Students

Sep 06, 2016

Last Day Students

Jun 29, 2017


PVNC Secondary



Month 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th Week 5th WeekPA days

Instr days

Exam days


August1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31

0 0 0

September1 2 5


6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30

P1 18 0

October3 4 5 6 7 10


11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28


311 19 0

November1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25


28 29 301 21 0

December1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26









B0 17 0











9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27





E0 14 3







6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 20


21 22 23 24 27 281 16 2

March1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 13










20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31

P1 17 0

April3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14




18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28

P*1 17 0

May1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22


23 24 25 26 29 30 310 22 0

June1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23











P1 16 5

July3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31

0 0 0

Total 7 177 10

LegendP -Professional Activity Day; E -Scheduled Exam Day; B -Board Designated Day; H -Statutory Day; / -Half Day;

P* -Professional Activity Day Devoted to Provincial Education Priorities;

Regular Board Meeting 2016-04-26 23

Schools which will use this calendar :

Outline for PA Days

September 30, 2016 - Faith Day, school basedFebruary 3, 2017 - Assessment and EvaluationMarch 31, 2017 - Safe and Inclusive Schools; Special EducationJune 30, 2017 - Safe and Inclusive Schools; Occupational Health and Safety Training

Outline for Professional Activity Days Devoted to Provincial Education Priorities

October 28, 2016 - Occupational Health and Safety Training; Student Achievement/Student Success: Board and School Improvement PlansNovember 25, 2016 - Improve or Close gaps in student achievement and numeracy; FDK PlanningApril 28, 2017 - Teacher Development/Instructional Leadership; Teacher Inquiry and Reflective Practice

School Town or City School Town or City

Enterphase Child and Family Services

Peterborough Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School


Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School

Courtice St. Mary Catholic Secondary School


St. Peter Catholic Secondary School

Peterborough St. Stephen Catholic Secondary School


St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School


Regular Board Meeting 2016-04-26 24

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