regular and irregular verbs, by m.c. enrique ruiz díaz

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Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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The Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

All Rights Reserved.

Con título y cédula profesional 5632071

en la Maestría en Ciencias de la Computación.

Egresado del Instituto Tecnológico de Orizaba, Ver. México.

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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Acerca de mi.

Titulado en la Maestría en Ciencias en Ciencias de la Computación,

Cédula profesional 5632071. Egresado del Instituto Tecnológico de

Orizaba, Ver., México. Antes, me Titulé en la Licenciatura en

Informática, Cédula profesional 4046033. Egresado del Instituto

Tecnológico de Tuxtepec, Oax., México, distinguiéndome además, por

ser el mejor promedio de mi generación con 98%.

Bien, regresando al tema de mi Título de Maestría en Ciencias de la

Computación, para subrayar que ésta, requirió el desarrollo de una

TESIS. Otro aspecto muy importante, fue que durante el desarrollo de mi

Maestría escribí un ARTICULO, mismo que fue aceptado para

publicación y con mi ponencia en el evento 'Primer Encuentro de

Estudiantes en Ciencia de la Computación - E2C2' ISBN-10:970-36-

0404-8 e ISBN-13:978-970-36-0404-3 celebrado en el Instituto

Politécnico Nacional, México, D.F. 2007.

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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Mi Diploma por mi Ponencia en el Instituto Politécnico

Nacional, México, D.F. 2007.

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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Verbos irregulares de uso frecuente.

to arise arose arisen levantar

to awake awoke awoken despertar

to be was, were been ser, estar

to beat beat beaten golpear, latir

to become became become llegar a ser

to begin began begun empezar

to bend bent bent doblar, abollar

to bet bet bet apostar

to bite bit bitten morder

to bleed bled bled sangrar

to blow blew blown soplar

to break broke broken romper

to bring brought brought traer

to build built built construir

to burst burst burst reventar

to buy bought bought comprar

to catch caught caught agarrar

to choose chose chosen escoger

to come came come venir

to cost cost cost costar

to creep crept crept gatear

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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to cut cut cut cortar

to deal dealt dealt distribuir

to dig dug dug excavar

to draw drew drawn dibujar; sacar

to do did done hacer

to drink drank drunk beber

to drive drove driven conducir

to eat ate eaten comer

to fall fell fallen caer

to feed fed fed alimentar

to feel felt felt sentir, palpar

to fight fought fought pelear

to find found found encontrar

to fly flew flown volar

to forget forgot forgotten olvidar

to forgive forgave forgiven perdonar

to freeze froze frozen congelar

to get got gotten conseguir, volverse

to give gave given dar

to go went gone ir

to grind ground ground moler

to grow grew grown crecer, madurar

to hang hung hung colgar

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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to have had had tener

to hear heard heard oir

to hide hid hidden esconder

to hit hit hit golpear

to hold held held sostener

to hurt hurt hurt lastimar

to keep kept kept guardar

to know knew known saber, conocer

to lay laid laid colocar

to lead led led dirigir

to leave left left dejar, abandonar

to lend lent lent prestar

to let let let permitir

to lie lay lain yacer

to light lit lit encender

to lose lost lost perder

to make made made hacer

to mean meant meant significar

to meet met met conocer, encontrar

to pay paid paid pagar

to put put put poner

to quit quit quit dejar, abandonar

to read read read leer

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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to ride rode ridden montar

to ring rang rung sonar

to rise rose risen levantar (se)

to run ran run correr

to say said said decir

to see saw seen ver

to seek sought sought buscar, investigar

to shake shook shaken sacudir

to sell sold sold vender

to send sent sent enviar

to set set set poner

to shine shone shone brillar

to shoot shot shot disparar

to show showed shown mostrar

to shut shut shut cerrar

to sing sang sung cantar

to sink sank sunk hundir (se)

to sit sat sat sentarse

to sleep slept slept dormir

to slide slid slid deslizar

to slit slit slit rajar, cortar

to speak spoke spoken hablar

to speed sped sped apresurar(se)

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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to spend spent spent gastar, pasar tiempo

to spin spun spun girar

to spread spread spread esparcir

to spring sprang sprung saltar

to stand stood stood parar (se)

to steal stole stolen robar

to stick stuck stuck pegar, meter

to sting stung stung arder, picar

to strike struck struck golpear

to swear swore sworn jurar; blasfemar

to sweep swept swept barrer

to swim swam swum nadar

to take took taken tomar

to teach taught taught enseñar

to tear tore torn rasgar

to tell told told decir

to think thought thought pensar

to throw threw thrown echar, tirar

to understand understood understood comprender

to wake woke woken despertar

to wear wore worn usar

to weep wept wept sollozar, llorar

to wet wet wet mojar

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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to win won won ganar

to wind wound wound enrollar, dar cuerda

to withdraw withdrew withdrawn retirar

to write wrote written escribir

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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Verbos regulares de uso frecuente

Present Past / Past Participle Spanish

to accept accepted aceptar

to accuse accused acusar

to address addressed poner la dirección; dirigirse a

to administer administered administrar

to admit admitted admitir; aceptar

to admire admired admirar

to adopt adopted adoptar

to achieve achieved lograr

to alter altered alterar

to answer answered contestar

to apologize apologized disculparse

to appear appeared aparecer; comparecer

to apply applied aplicar; asignar

to appoint appointed señalar; nombrar

to appreciate appreciated estimar; agradecer

to approve approved aprobar

to arrive arrived llegar

to ask asked pedir

to attend atended atender; asistir a

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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to back backed respaldar

to bait baited poner el cebo en, cebar

to bake baked cocer al horno

to bargain bargained regatear; negociar

to bathe bathed bañar(se)

to believe believed creer

to bless blessed bendecir

to block blocked bloquear; tapar

to boast boasted jactarse

to boil boiled hervir, cocer

to borrow borrowed tomar prestado o fiado

to bother bothered molestar; enojar

to bottle bottled embotellar

to box boxed encajonar; boxear

to budget budgeted presupuestar

to bump bumped golpear, dar un golpe

to burn burned quemar

to bury buried enterrar; ocultar

to brush brushed cepillar

to call called llamar

to calm calmed calmar

to cancel canceled cancelar

to carve carved esculpir

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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to carry carried llevar

to cash cashed cobrar, hacer efectivo

to cause caused causar

to cede ceded ceder

to change changed cambiar

to chain chained encadenar

to charge charged encargar, comisionar

to check checked inspeccionar; facturar

to clean cleaned limpiar

to collect collected recoger; coleccionar

to complete completed completar

to consist consisted consistir (en)

to converse conversed conversar

to cook cooked cocinar, guisar

to cough coughed toser

to count counted contar; calcular

to credit credited dar crédito; atribuir

to cry cried llorar

to damage damaged dañar

to dance danced bailar

to dare dared atreverse, desafiar

to decide decided decidir

to declare declared declarar, afirmar

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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to decorate decorated decorar

to decrease decreased disminuir

to delay delayed demorar, retrasar

to deposit deposited depositar

to design designed diseñar

to destroy destroyed destruir

to dial dialed marcar o llamar por tel.

to die died morir

to diet dieted poner(se) a dieta

to discount discounted descontar, rebajar

to doubt doubted dudar

to dress dressed vestir

to drop dropped dejar caer; gotear

to earn earned ganar; merecer

to empty emptied vaciar

to end ended acabar; cesar

to enjoy enjoyed disfrutar

to enter entered entrar en; ingresar en

to escape escaped escaparse

to excite excited excitar

to exclude excluded excluir

to excuse excused excusar; perdonar

to expect expected esperar; contar con

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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to explain explained explicar

to explode exploded estallar, explotar

to extend extended extender; ampliar

to face faced encararse; hacer frente a

to fear feared temer

to fill filled llenar

to filter filtered filtrar

to finance financed financiar

to finish finished terminar

to fish fished pescar

to fire fired quemar; disparar

to follow followed seguir

to fool fooled bromear; engañar

to gain gained ganar, alcanzar

to gather gathered reunir; recoger

to guarantee guaranteed garantizar

to guess guessed adivinar; conjeturar

to guide guided guiar

to hang hanged ahorcar

to happen happened suceder, acontecer

to hate hated odiar

to harvest harvested cosechar

to heat heated calentar

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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to help helped ayudar

to hike hiked ir de excursión

to hitch hitched atar; enganchar

to honor honored dar honra

to hope hoped tener esperanza

to hose hosed regar con manguera

to hunt hunted cazar; perseguir

to hurry hurried apresurarse

to imagine imagined imaginar(se)

to improve improved mejorar; progresar

to include included incluir; abarcar

to increase increased aumentar; acrecentar

to influence influenced influir en

to inform informed informar; avisar

to injure injured perjudicar; injuriar

to insure insured asegurar

to interest interested interesar

to invade invaded invadir

to invite invited invitar, convidar

to iron ironed planchar

to joke joked bromear

to join joined juntar(se); enlazar(se)

to jump jumped brincar

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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to kill killed matar; destruir

to kiss kissed besar

to knock knocked golpear, pegar; llamar a

to land landed aterrizar; desembarcar

to laugh laughed reir

to learn learned aprender

to like liked gustarle [a uno], querer

to limit limited limitar

to list listed poner en una lista, inscribir

to listen listened escuchar

to live lived vivir

to look looked mirar; parecer

to love loved amar, querer

to lubricate lubricated lubricar

to mail mailed mandar por correo

to manage managed manejar; gobernar

to mark marked marcar

to marry married casar(se)

to measure measured medir

to milk milked ordeñar

to mind minded cuidar; considerar

to miss missed fallar; echar de menos

to molest molested molestar

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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to move moved mover(se)

to nail nailed clavar

to need needed necesitar

to nest nested anidar

to obey obeyed obedecer

to observe observed observar

to occupy occupied ocupar

to occur occurred ocurrir, suceder

to oil oiled aceitar; engrasar

to open opened abrir

to operate operated operar

to order ordered ordenar

to pack packed empacar

to paint painted pintar

to parade paraded desfilar

to pardon pardoned perdonar

to park parked estacionar un auto

to part parted partir(se)

to permit permitted permitir

to pick picked escoger; seleccionar

to picture pictured pintar; dibujar

to place placed colocar

to plan planned planear

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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to play played jugar, tocar

to please pleased agradar; complacer

to prepare prepared preparar(se)

to price priced evaluar

to produce produced producir

to profit profited aprovechar(se)

to promise promised prometer

to pump pumped bombear

to question questioned preguntar

to rain rained llover

to raise raised levantar; aumentar

to rate rated tasar; (e)valuar

to reach reached alcanzar; llegar a

to realize realized darse cuenta de, comprender

to reason reasoned razonar

to receive received recibir

to recognize recognized reconocer

to refrigerate refrigerated refrigerar

to relax relaxed relajar; descansar

to remain remained quedarse

to remember remembered recordar

to remind reminded recordar

to rent rented alquilar

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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to repeat repeated repetir

to respect respected respetar

to rest rested descansar; apoyar(se)

to roast roasted asar; tostar

to sail sailed navegar

to satisfy satisfied satisfacer

to save saved salvar; ahorrar

to schedule scheduled programar; catalogar

to score scored marcar un tanto; calificar

to seat seated sentar; dar asiento a

to seem seemed parecer

to select selected seleccionar

to service serviced atender; mantener

to shave shaved afeitar

to shout shouted gritar

to show showed mostrar

to skate skated patinar

to slip slipped deslizar(se); resbalar(se)

to smell smelled oler

to smile smiled sonreír

to smoke smoked fumar

to soak soaked remojar(se); empapar(se)

to sound sounded sonar

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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to start started empezar

to stay stayed quedarse

to step stepped dar pasos

to stop stopped pararse, detenerse

to study studied estudiar

to talk talked platicar

to tape taped atar o grabar con cinta

to taste tasted gustar, probar

to tax taxed imponer tributos

to telephone telephoned telefonear

to test tested examinar; poner un examen

to thank thanked agradecer

to tie tied atar; enlazar

to tip tipped inclinar; dar informes

to tire tired cansar(se)

to toast toasted tostar; brindar

to touch touched tocar; palpar

to trap trapped atrapar

to travel traveled viajar

to treat treated tratar (de)

to trick tricked engañar, embaucar

to trim trimmed arreglar; adornar

to trip tripped tropezar

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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to try tried intentar

to use used usar

to utilize utilized utilizar

to verify verified verificar

to view viewed mirar, ver

to visit visited visitar

to wait waited esperar

to walk walked caminar, andar

to waltz waltzed bailar el vals

to wander wandered vagar

to want wanted querer

to warm warmed calentar

to warn warned advertir, avisar de

to waste wasted desperdiciar; derrochar

to wash washed lavar

to watch watched observar

to weigh weighed pesar

to wipe wiped limpiar; secar

to wish wished desear

to work worked trabajar

to wonder wondered preguntarse; admirarse

to worry worried preocupar(se)

Se presentaron: 117 verbos irregulares y 271 verbos regulares.

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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Know the Project: Books of English, from English 1 to 5, for all the CBTIS of the United Mexican States.

«I formulated a project for the CBTIS (Technological Industrial and of Services Center of Bachelor Degree) 107 of Tuxtepec, Oax., México consisting in giving to the Library of this Institution with five volumes of English language, of my authorship. A book for each semester, from the first English book to fifth English book (according to the plan of studies in this regard of the CBTIS). At no cost to the Institution, because this is a donation (in the staff, I solve my expenses of the project with income of my employment as a professor that I would be in this CBTIS). One of the major advantages of this project is to solve the need of the student of spending in books of English language because the books will be at your complete disposal into the student community in the Library of the institution. Then, in an immediate subsequent phase of this project is that among the student community of this CBTIS and all the CBTIS of the United Mexican States will have these 5 volumes of English language by means of a page Google; read it, without cost or restriction to the student. Well, as a last note, I must say that these books will have the format of 'workbook'. This, as an intelligent work with foundations and then their respective exercises to resolve, into a concurrent process».

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

Con título y cédula profesional 5632071 en la Maestría en Ciencias de la Computación. Egresado del Instituto Tecnológico de Orizaba, Ver. (México).

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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Discover The Assortment of M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz of Texts of the VOA Special English Program for you.

Visit my Personal Page. Excel Yourself.

Regular and Irregular Verbs, by M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

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