reflection-magna carta of women

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Magna Carta


NEEDS NO MAGNA CARTAA Reflection on R.A. no. 9710: An Act Providing for the Magna Carta of Women

Women's right is always a controversy in the Philippine society. Every now and then there is news of women abuses, and the men are often said to be the perpetrators. Cases of rape, sexual harassment, and physical violence are flashed in television screens or newspapers, visualizing the society of how women are maltreated. What is worse is that even women victimize other women, as shown in current cases of oral defamation and slander. The issues existing are manifestations that there is a need for a response to such dilemmas; that there is something missing in the society that is why gender equality is not portrayed in the present status quo.

In response to such situation, the Congress of the Philippines enacted an act that aims to provide an answer to the aggravating controversies and predicaments against women, R.A. no. 9710 or the Act Providing for the Magna Carta of Women. The general aim of the act is to empower women in the society and for women protection against prejudicial circumstances that often result to collusion and problems. The act encompasses the protection and role of women in the field of academics, culture, employment, government, health, and status in the society. Women are to be treated equally with men, and that should be uplifted.

Upholding women's right is indeed a need today, and it is commendable that the lawmakers initiated an act to embody the aforementioned goal. However, assessments will show that it the act is either redundant or unresponsive of what really should be done. Certain parts of the provision will show that such are unnecessary because of the existence of earlier rules.

Sec. 5 of the provision states the role of the state to protect women's right. The state has the primary duty to avoid discrimination against women in the society, and must uplift the goal of women empowerment. The section sounds ideal, but the question is its necessity. The Philippine laws, at all means, encourage women participation already, and there is no need for an extensive legislation that will create and extensive definition of what already exists.

The Revised Penal Code for example, already provides the R.A. No. 9262, or the Anti-Violence against Women and Their Children Act of 2004. In the case of employment for example, the code may already answer the issue on discrimination. Paragraph D of Section 3 provides that Women shall not be subject to "Economic Abuse", encompassing the rule of prevention of women in engaging from any profession that would deprive the capacity to earn finances. It also states a provision under the same paragraph a prohibition on manipulating the property of women. Women are also given merit and recognition like men. Their economic needs are attained to just like and equal with that of men. Economically speaking, women are free to engage in any economic activity that they would like to get into.

Women are allowed to practice a profession of their choice, as long as it is not against the law. There is a freedom of choice regarding what should be or should not be practiced as long as it is constitutional. Women are empowered and a clear manifestation would be politics.

Politically speaking, another example would be Suffrage already given to women. Women have the same privilege with men in voting. In relation to that, in political law there is no prohibition of women holding the highest positions in the country, such as Presidency, Vice Presidency, and members of the Congress. Their personal thoughts could be applied in their administration of tasks, and it is not just limited in politics, but all other fields.

Personal thoughts or belief are already allowed by the constitution, and there is no need for further elaboration since in general, there is no prohibition as long as it abides by the rule. In the academic field for example, there is no prohibition on religious beliefs. There is no such part that the Bill of Rights strictly applies to men only; in fact the bill embraces every citizen of the Republic of the Philippines. In effect, such rights are being practiced in the society, and there are clear proofs of its existence.

It should be noted that there is a right to religion and its practice. Of course this set-up should not be expected in all fields, and it does not prohibit the practice of the religion. In private Catholic schools for example, there are those who only accept Catholic students; it is not discriminating against a Muslim student for example, since the person is not deprived of a right to education and practice of religion, however it is a matter of preference of which school to attend to. If it is valid to interpret the article of Fr. Ranhilio Aquino on August 24, 2009 of the Philippine Star entitled "The Magna Carta for Women", there are institutions that are designed to promote the teachings of the religion, and it is indeed a right to practice the religion. It is fair to have its own process of selection of its students. In fact, institutions have criteria on how to select prospective students, and if a general rule to be applied to all shall be reiterated, then everyone must be qualified for admission in every academic institution existing in the country. The case of religion being an issue for admission in certain fields is not discriminating, but is comparable to a matter of a law graduate needing to pass the BAR Exam before becoming a lawyer. Another thing, it is not against women, since certain prohibitions do not apply to women only.

The society at present does not need legislation or a magna carta to strengthen the involvement of Women and to prevent discrimination. In fact, it does not rest on the law, but a matter of personal discipline and actions. Laws that the Philippines has is already sufficient to address the needs and the rights of its citizens, but the manner of implementation is what remains vague. It is ideal to assume that the Magna Carta for Women will answer the discriminating issues or the further empowerment of Women, since it is dependent upon the people if such rules will be followed especially if its implementation guidelines are lenient.

Self-Discipline and enlivening one's goals are the keys to avoid prejudicial circumstances and dilemmas. Discrimination will occur even inside the classroom, among juveniles, who tease their classmate of a foreign blood, having a different culture, or gender, because that is what they observe from people around them. Women will always be subordinate-looking if there would still be women wanting gentlemen to offer their seat if there is no more available. Women empowerment shall remain strict if women would think that there are professions that are for male rather than female. Laws are already sufficient, what is not sufficient is discipline in oneself.

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