reduction of strength of shockwaves in missiles · missile is a rocket carrying a warhead of...

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Reduction of strength of shockwaves inmissiles

Hema.P1, Chandrasoodan.C2,Vasanthamani.T3, Shanmuga Soundarya.G4

and Thenu Pureswari.J5

1 2 3 4 5B.Tech Student, Third year,Aerospace Engineering,

Periyar Maniammai University,Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, India.

January 1, 2018


Missile is a rocket carrying a warhead of conventional ornuclear explosives; may be ballistic or directed by remotecontrol. Ballistic missile is a guided in the first part of itsflight but falls freely as it approaches target. There aremany more missiles available depend upon the applications.ICBM means Inter Continental Ballistic Missile which cantravel more than 5000Km. Agni V is one of the ICBM. Inthis project, Agni V model is designed in the CATIA V5software and analyzed in the ANSYS workbench software.Then the cone angle of Agni V is reduced by extending thelength of cone and then analyzed in the ANSYS software.Both the results are compared. From the results, the shockwave angle (β) is reduced in the second case. So, that thestrength of the shock wave is reduced but the temperatureat this surface of the missile is heavier than the case 1. Inorder to withstand this change in temperature abrasive ma-terials (Silicon Carbide) can be used. Thus, by changingthe cone angle of Agni 5 missile the shock wave strength is


International Journal of Pure and Applied MathematicsVolume 118 No. 16 2018, 1273-1280ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)url: http://www.ijpam.euSpecial Issue


reduced and thereby the pressure loss is reduced.

Key Words : CATIA V5; ANSY; Ballistic missile; AgniV; Cone angle; Abrasive materials;

1 Introduction

In modern usage, amissileis a self-propelledprecision-guided muni-tionssystem, as opposed to unguided self-propelled munitions, re-ferred to as arocket(although these too can also beguided). Missileshave four system components: targeting and/ormissile guidance,flight system, engine, and warhead. Missiles come in types adaptedfor different purpose: surface-to-surface and air to surface missile(ballistic, cruise, anti-ship, anti-tank, etc.), surface-to- air missiles(and anti-ballistic), air to air missiles, and anti-satellite weapons.Agni-V is an international ballistic missile developed by the De-fense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) of India.Agni-V is part of the Agni series of missiles, one of the missilesystems under the original Integrated Guided Missile DevelopmentProgram. According to DRDO chief, the exact range of Agni-V isclassified or understand but afterwards he described Agni-V as amissile with a range of 5,500-5,800 km. The controversial range ofAgni-V is stated to be around 8000 km as per Chinese report.

1.1 First test launch

On 19 April 2012 at 08.05am, the Agni V was successfully test-firedbyDRDOfromWheeler Islandoff the coast ofOrissa.The test launchwas made from the Launch Complex 4 of the Integrated Test Range(ITR) at Wheeler Island using a rail mobile launcher.The flight timelasted 20 minutes and the third stage fired the re-entry vehicle intothe atmosphere at an altitude of 100 kilometres (62mi). The missilere-entry vehicle subsequently impacted the pre-designated targetpoint more than 5,000 kilometres (3,100mi) away in the IndianOcean. The director of the test range, S.P. Das, informed BBC thatall test parameters were met.According to news reports the Agni-Vwas able to hit the target nearly at pin-point accuracy, within a fewmetres of the designated target point. Chinese experts say that themissile has the potential to reach targets 8000km away and that


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


the Indian government had deliberately downplayed the missile’scapability in order to avoid causing concern to other countries. Theexact range of the Agni-V missile is classified.

1.2 Second test launch

On September 15, 2013 India conducted a second test flight of Agni-V from the Wheeler Island off Odisha coast. The missile was test-fired from a mobile launcher from Launch Complex 4 of the Inte-grated Test Range (ITR) at about 8:50 am. The flight durationwas little over 20 minutes and hit the pre-designed target in theIndian Ocean with an accuracy of a few metres.

1.3 Third test launch

On 31 January 2015, India conducted a third test flight of the Agni-V from the Wheeler Island facility. The test used a canisterised ver-sion of the missile, mounted over a Tatratruck. The Integrated TestRange Director, M. V. K. V. Prasad, said: ”The missile, witnesseda flawless ’auto launch’ and detailed results will be known after alldata is retrieved from different radars and network systems.

1.4 Propulsion

The Agni-V is a three stagesolid fuelledmissile with composite mo-tor casing in the second and third stage.In many aspects, the Agni-5carries forward the Agni-3 pedigree. With composites used exten-sively to reduce weight, and a third stage added on (the Agni-3was a two-stage missile), the Agni-5 can fly significantly more tointer-continental range.Total flight duration for the first flight testof Agni-V on 20 April 2012 was for 1130 seconds. The first stageignited for 90 seconds.

1.5 Mobility

”The Agni-V is specially tailored for road-mobility,” explained AvinashChan-der, Director, ASL. ”With the canister having been successfullydeveloped, all India’s future land-based strategic missiles will becanisterised as well.”The missile will utilize a canister and will be


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


launched from it. Made of managing steel, a canister must provide ahermetically sealed atmosphere that preserves the missile for years.During firing, the canister must absorb enormous stresses when athrust of 300 to 400 tones (300 to 390 long tons; 330 to 440 shorttons) is generated to eject the 50 tones (49 long tons; 55 short tons)missile.

1.6 Multiple independently targetable re-entryvehicle

In future, Agni-V is expected to featureMultiple Independently tar-getable Re-entry Vehicle(MIRVs) with each missile being capableof carrying 210 separate nuclear warheads. Each warhead can beassigned to a different target, separated by hundreds of kilometres;alternatively, two or more warheads can be assigned to one tar-get.MIRVs ensure a crediblesecond strikecapability even with fewmissiles.

2 Shockwave reduction technique

When Mach number increases shockwave becomes strong it can bereduced by many techniques. In this we increase the length of thecone and decrease the angle of the cone. At mach number 24, themissile AgniV cone length 2.3m and cone angle 36.50 is increasedto the cone length 2.8m and decreased cone angle to 31.50.


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


Figure 1: angle of cone and length of cone

Figure 2: decreased angle of cone and increased length of cone inAgniV

AgniV is designed in CATIA V5 with scaled dimensions andanalized in ANSYS 14 Fluent at the Mach 24, whose velocity is8160m/s. When a streamline flow pass over a missile, shockwavecreated it is shown in fig(3).


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


Figure 3: AgniV at Mach number 24

Figure 4: AgniV at Mach number 24 with strength of shockwavereduced

When a streamline flow pass over an increase cone length anddecrease cone angle missile, the shockwave strength is reduced fromstrong shockwave to weak shockwave. By this technique the flowproperties variation due to shockwave can be optimize.


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


3 Acknowledgements

This project is a true result of whole hearted efforts, guidance,support, motivation and love of my family and friends.

We thank Mr.Suresh.R, assistant professor, Department of Aerospaceengineering, Periyar Maniammai University, Vallam. We are grate-ful to him for providing us with a wonderful opportunity. It wasa pleasure working under him since his experience in the area ofHypersonic and CFD analysis strengthened our basic understand-ing of the basic aerodynamic principles. He certainly motivatedus towards the advanced learning in the areas such as Hypersonic,Missiles, ANSYS Fluent and Aerothermodynamics. We heartilythank him for all the reasons mentioned above. He is the strongpillars of this project.

We also thank our Parents and our Best Friends for always beingthere for us.


[1] Missile Aeromechanics Technology, Eugene L. FleemanAerospace system design laboratory, School of AerospaceEngg. Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0150, United States.

[2] Modern Compressible Fluid J.D.Anderson.

[3] Structural Design of missiles and spacecraft Lewis H. Abra-ham, MC Graw Hill, 1992.


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