redcliffe (qld) t.p.i. sub branch newsletter navy army ... · 05 sep 2016 monthly meeting redcliffe...

Post on 07-Jul-2020






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Martin Foster and Phil Hay Vietnam Veterans Day





Patrons Luke Howarth Federal Member for Petrie

Edmund Parkinson

All correspondence should be directed to:

The Secretary Redcliffe TPI Sub Branch

PO Box 288 Redcliffe


Meetings are held at 0930 on the first Monday of each month at the Redcliffe Bridge Club Rooms

(Old Bowls Club). BBQ on Friday following the General Meeting at Jamieson Park Scarborough.

All TPI members, prospective members and partners welcome.

DISCLAIMER: The contents of this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the Redcliffe TPI Sub

Branch, the Editor, or the TPI Association unless otherwise stated.

Website: NOTE WELL-----Always up to date unless I forget.



President Phil Hay BA, MPubAd, MEdSt, AFAIM, JP(Qual) 07 3869 0250

Deputy President Dave Rickman 0458 883 108

Vice President Pedro Newman 07 3889 3461

Treasurer Paddy Neill 07 5428 7853

Secretary Mick Karolak 07 3283 1721

Social Director Beryl Neill 07 5428 7853

Welfare Officers Paddy Neill 07 5428 7853

Beryl Neill 07 5428 7853

Jo-Anne Shorrock 0407 739 557

Gus Fraser 07 3264 1797

Carol Fraser 07 3264 1797

John Clarkson 07 3385 6176

Anna Douglas 0407 747 621

George Williamson 0413 103 608

Charmaine Roberts

07 5429 5805 Special Liaison Wayne Douglas 0407 627 864

Officer Editor Pedro Newman 07 3889 3461

Membership Pedro Newman 07 3889 3461

Property Member Bill Abboud JP (Qual) 07 3886 6049



Darryl Kelly

Ron Carey Dean Barr

0432 184 414

07 3886 4194



01 SEP 2016 PVA Meeting 10.00 at Redcliffe RSL Peacekeeper’s Room.

02-09 SEP ’16 Tenterfield Golf Trip. Pick up and park cars at Paddy’s Place 0830. RSL 0900. Boondall 0915.

05 SEP 2016 Monthly Meeting Redcliffe Bridge Club Irene Street next to the RSL. 09.00 a.m. for 09.30 a.m. Start.

16 SEP 2016 BBQ at Jamieson Park Scarborough. 10.30 for 11.30. (NOTE DATE CHANGE)

30 SEP 2016 Lunch at Redcliffe RSL. Entertainment Centre for Army Big Band.


Carol Gus John Beryl Paddy

Anna George Charmaine Jo-Anne

Please contact the Officer closest to your address if help needed or contact the Officer of your choice if you so wish.

ALBANY CREEK Carol Fraser 07 3264 1797 0427 174 469

Gus Fraser 07 3264 1797 0427 174 469

BURPENGARY Paddy Neill 07 5428 7853 0488 237 799

Beryl Neill 07 5428 7853

NARANGBA John Clarkson 07 3385 6176 0427 570 723

KURWONGBAH Anna Douglas 0407 747 621

Ningi/Bribie Island Charmaine Roberts 07 5429 5805 0419 779 012

REDCLIFFE George Williamson 0413 103 608

Jo-Anne Shorrock 07 3285 5545 0407 739 557

ADVOCACY OFFICER John Smith from Caboolture Vietnam Veterans Sub Branch is a Level 3 Advocacy Officer who has kindly offered his services to our members. He may be contacted on: 07 3888 7001



We had another good meeting in July, but it was also the shortest meeting I can remember. I am not sure if that is good or bad, but I will understand if people let me know one way or the other. Which brings me to my first issue in this report – if you have something that you think our group might want to know more about, please let me know and we will try to arrange an expert to discuss it with us - we will make time for it. On 18 August 2016 we commemorated Vietnam Veterans Day and this year ceremonies were especially significant being the 50th Anniversary of the battle of Long Tan. Our TPI members and their partners attended various commemorations around Queensland, and

quite a few were at the Burpengary ceremony. Here is a photo of some of our lads at the Burpengary event – looking reasonably relaxed I thought.

As we usually do, we provided a wreath to be laid at the Redcliffe memorial during the their ceremony. There was a good turnout of veterans, partners and surviving family members, many of who lay wreaths in memory of warriors lost during and since the war ended. A contingent from 6 ESR provided the catafalque party for the ceremony.


Unfortunately, Ralph was unable to perform his usual duty and lay our TPI wreath at Redcliffe - we hope you get better soon mate. So, Martin and I represented you at the Redcliffe event. I must say that I am especially proud that our Redcliffe TPI family is able to have veterans of different generations and from different conflicts join as one to commemorate remembrance events together. In this most recent instance, a Vietnam veteran and an Afghanistan veteran were together on Vietnam Veterans Day. But alas, it is not very difficult to tell which one of us in this photo is from the older grey-haired generation; and I am sure Mick will be quick to point out once again that, despite the overcast conditions, my pate is still reflecting light. And just for old times sake, do you Vietnam vets remember this place in Vungers when you were on R&C? On R&C, did you have to evade some trigger-happy white mice? Were you picked up near the flags to return to the R&C centre at back beach? Perhaps you had a heppo roll while scrambling to get on the back of the leave truck?


I had visitors from Canberra 29-31 July for my birthday and we had glorious weather that weekend. But after they left, the following week produced some authentic winter weather (for Queensland). So, when I arrived at Jamieson Park that Friday for our BBQ there was still a chill in the breeze, but in the end we had yet another brilliant BBQ under superb sunny skies.

Indeed, as you can see from this photo some of our TPI family were savouring the sunshine early on while a few of the others were sheltering in the shadows.

That day I was especially pleased to again meet up with some of our TPi family who had been away for various reasons; Noel and Roqueta O’Brien and Blue and Joy Richardson – it was very good to see you folks again. I was also pleased to introduce a prospective young member (Aaron Smith) who turned up with his young son and some very juicy watermelon – thanks mate. Once again, many thanks to our master chefs for doing a great job. From this photo you might be forgiven for thinking that too many cooks spoil etc etc - but that was not the case, they were a very good team.


On Monday 15 August we sizzled some super snags at Bunnings. It was wet while we were setting up, but before long the sun made its presence felt and we actually ended up with quite a nice warm day. Luckily our customers thought so

because business was steady and we were again successful.

Arrrrrrgggh, the pirate arose from his sick bed to come and do his shift - a very dedicated man is our Pirate. But we had to send him home and back to bed to make sure he recovered properly. Mate, we hope you have fully recuperated. Thank you everyone who gave up your valuable time to come along

and help out. This photo was taken at the hand over from the early shift to the mid-morning shift.

And while I am on the subject of fund raising, I thought I might mention that we will be conducting a cake (and other things) stall at Bunnings Rothwell on 3 September (the day before Father’s Day). If this issue of Commscord reaches you in time, and you can help with baking or can do a shift at selling, please contact Faye as soon as you can on 07 3283 1721. To make the drop of your goodies as short a trip as possible, we have arranged three drop off points – hopefully they are geographically convenient:

1. Diane - 7 Hartree Court, Bracken Ridge (3859 0250; 2. Faye - 41 Recreation Street, Redcliffe (3283 1721); or 3. Beryl - 13-15 Oxford Road, Burpengary (5428 7853).

I would suggest you ring beforehand to ensure someone will be there to accept your kind donation.


On Thursday August 25 we ventured headlong into our car challenge. Taking off from Maccas at Deception Bay and finally, after following our pre-determined path, we landed at our secret destination – the Queensland Air Museum at Caloundra.

The museum had its beginnings in 1973 when a group of aviation enthusiasts in the Queensland Branch of the Aviation Historical Society of Australia decided to do something about preserving Australia’s aviation heritage. In 1974 the Queensland Air Museum was inaugurated with the official unveiling of a Canberra bomber that had been purchased from a Government disposal. The aircraft was displayed at Pioneer Valley Park, which was a museum at Kuraby in Brisbane’s southern suburbs. The park was eventually closed and the aircraft was moved to a leased site at Nudgee on the north side of Brisbane. Due to the construction of the new Brisbane Airport nearby, the collection was forced to move to a temporary holding area on the airport site. Exorbitant rental eventually led to the Landsborough Shire Council offering the museum a permanent home on the Sunshine Coast. In 1986 the collection was relocated to a site at Caloundra Airport and was officially opened on 4 April 1987 by Mrs Ly Bennett, wife of the museum’s first patron, the late Air Vice-Marshal Don Bennett. Don Bennett was the Queensland born founder of the World War II Bomber Command Pathfinder Force, and to honour this, the road in front of the museum was named Pathfinder Drive. Photos of our trip will be on our 2016 photo CD. Meantime, this photo shows some of our ravenous roadies relishing their lunch in Hanger No.2. And just in case you were wondering, no disagreements between pilots and navigators were reported.


There were of course some prizes to be won. The crew who missed the most landmarks won a prize (a “survival kit”), and there were prizes for the three most successful crews. The ace crew on the day was a tie between Danny and Shirley Cooper, and Clarence and Karen Tichborne. Danny and Shirley won for taking a shorter time to complete the journey, and here they are receiving their prize (including a suitably inscribed trophy) from Beryl.

By the way, Beryl and Paddy are to be congratulated for organising a very interesting set of challenges to be completed along the way. For example, who would pick this prominent piece of plumbing to be a “pineapple transporter”. The locals I asked about a “pineapple transporter” had absolutely no idea what I was on about – they probably thought we were all crazy. At first I thought this piece was just somebody's contribution to the local streetscape, but the nearby plaque announced that it was indeed a pineapple whatever. When I searched for it on the Internet, I found that it is called Apparatus For Expedient Market Deployment – Ananas Comosus. So if you want to learn something new, get on to the Internet, it is a very interesting story.


On 30 September we are having another TPI family luncheon as a prelude to attending the return of what the Redcliffe Cultural Centre says are the venue’s favourite entertainers - The Australian Army Band. The band is a massive favourite at the Cultural Centre, with sell out shows for several years now. Breaking ranks with tradition the band is going to deliver a tribute to the Rat Pack (Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jnr and Dean Martin) in a show that should be a cracker. The band is in such big demand the Cultural Centre is putting on two shows, morning and afternoon. We are going to the afternoon show.

Did you know that The Rat Pack was a group of actors originally centred on their leader, Humphrey Bogart, until his death in 1957? By the 1960s, it was the name used by the press and the general public to refer to a later variation of the group that called itself "the Summit" or "the Clan," featuring Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Peter Lawford and Joey Bishop. These actors appeared together on stage and in films in the early 1960s, including the movies

Ocean's 11, Sergeants 3, and Robin and the 7 Hoods (in the last film, Bing Crosby replaced Lawford). Sinatra, Martin, and Davis were regarded as the group's lead members. The name "The Rat Pack" was first used to refer to a group of friends in New York. Several explanations have been offered for the famous name over the years. According to one version, the group's original "Den Mother" was Lauren Bacall who, after seeing her husband (Bogart) and his friends return from a night in Las Vegas, said words to the effect "You look like a goddamn rat pack." "Rat Pack" may also be a shortened version of "Holmby Hills Rat Pack", a reference to the home of Bogart and Bacall, which served as a regular hangout.


This story resonated very much with me, so I hope you don’t mind if I share it with you. It is about a Soldier with PTSD who got into a hole and then couldn’t get out. A Senior NCO went by and the Soldier with PTSD called out for help. The Senior NCO yelled at, told him to suck it up dig deep & drive on, and then threw him a shovel. But the Soldier with PTSD could not suck it up and drive on so

he dug the hole deeper. A Senior Officer went by and the Soldier with PTSD called out for help. The Senior Officer told him to use the tools your Senior NCO has given you then threw him a bucket. But the Soldier with PTSD was using the tools his Senior NCO gave him so he dug the hole deeper and filled the bucket. A psychiatrist walked by. The Soldier with PTSD said, “Help! I can’t get out!” The psychiatrist gave him some drugs and said, “Take this. It will relieve the pain.” The Soldier with PTSD said thanks, but when the pills ran out, he was still in the hole. A well-known psychologist came by and heard the Soldier with PTSD cry for help. He stopped and asked, ” How did you get there? Were you born there? Did your parents put you there? Tell me about yourself, it will alleviate your sense of loneliness.” So the Soldier with PTSD talked with him for an hour, then the psychologist had to leave, but he said he’d be back next week. The Soldier with PTSD thanked him, but he was still in the hole. A priest came by. The Soldier with PTSD called for help. The priest gave him a Bible and said, “I’ll say a prayer for you.” He got down on his knees and prayed for the Soldier with PTSD, and then he left. The Soldier with PTSD was very grateful, he read the Bible, but he was still stuck in the hole. A recovering Soldier with PTSD happened to be passing by. The Soldier with PTSD cried out, “Hey, help me. I’m stuck in this hole!”. Right away the recovering Soldier with PTSD jumped down in the hole with him. The Soldier with PTSD said, “What are you doing? Now we’re both stuck here!!” But the recovering Soldier with PTSD said, “Calm down mate, it’s okay. I’ve been here before and I know how to get out.”

Here in Redcliffe TPI we certainly can’t substitute for the psychiatrist, the psychologist, the padre, or the VVCS. Nor can we cure someone with PTSD, because many of our TPI family are to this day still undergoing treatment. But, many of us know the significance of this story, because we have been in that hole. This is why we welcome the next generation of veterans and their partners into our Redcliffe TPI family. We can help by

treating these younger vets as equals, as well as listening to and reassuring them without being patronising. We can’t be their blood relatives but we can show they are with a family that understands and cares.


From 6-9 September our golfers are heading off to Tenterfield, and most have already registered. If you want to join them, and haven’t registered, you will need to contact Paddy ASAP. Did you know that the Tenterfield Golf club held its centenary in 2001, and that the current clubhouse was opened on 24 February 1979? Also, Troy Grant, the local police sergeant at the time, obtained a Guinness Book of Records World Record for using a golf cart for transport and completing a record

1,800 holes in seven days at the Tenterfield Golf Club from 3-10 February 2004. And so finally, after our road trip to the Air Museum at Caloundra I thought I might finish with this road story. in 2011 the Queensland government issued a press release stating that it was going to get harder for drivers to dodge speed cameras, because police will patrol roads by helicopter. Apparently the chopper is being used so police no longer have to engage in dangerous high-speed chases. Here is a “tongue in cheek” photo of the Queensland Police Air Wing in action.

Our next General Meeting will be on Monday 5 September and note that our BBQ will be held on Friday 16 September, a week later than usual because our golfers do not want to miss out on the BBQ. I hope to see you at both events. And remember; success is measured by how high you bounce when you hit bottom. Take care,




VETERANS DAY IN ANTHEM, ARIZONA Once a Yea r at 11 :11 am the S un Shines Perfec tly on this Mem orial At precise ly11:11 a.m. ea ch Vete rans Day (Nov. 11), the s un’s rays pas s through the e llipses of the five Armed S ervices pillars to form a perfec t solar spotlight over a m os aic of The Grea t Sea l of the United S tates . Photograph by Mike S pinelli The Anthem Vete rans Memorial, located in Anthem , Arizona, is a monument dedicated to honoring the s ervice a nd s acrifice o f the United States armed forces . The pillar provides a place o f honor and reflec tion for vete rans , their family and friends , and those wh o want to show the ir res pects to those service m en and women who have a nd continue to c ourageous ly s erve the Un ited S tates . The memorial was des igned by Anthem res ident Renee P almer-Jones . The five m arble pillars repres ent the five b ranches of the Un ited S tates military. They are s taggered in s ize (from 17 ft to 6 ft) and ordered in ac cordance with the Department of Defe nse p res cribed prec edence, ranging from the United States Army, the United S tates Marine Co rps , the United S tates Navy, the United States Air Force a nd the United States Coa st Guard.

Additionally, the brick pavers within the Circle o f Honor are inscribed with the names of over 750 U.S . s ervicem en and women, s ymbolizing the ‘support’ for the Armed Forces . The pavers are red, the pillars are white, and the s ky is blue to repres ent America’s flag . The circle repres ents an unbreakable border. Anthem res ident and chief en gineer, Jim Martin was res pons ible for aligning the memorial ac curately with the s un.


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Tricks You Didn’t Know Google Chrome Can Do

Perform a calculation: In Chrome’s “omnibox” (generally known as the address box), you can enter a

mathematical calculation such as 60*60, and the result will appear even before you press Enter, in a dropdown

below the omnibox. You can also ask things like "how many ounces in a cup" or "how many liters in a gallon" to

get instant answers without leaving the page.

Quickly enter a web address: For example, type amazon in the omnibox and press Ctrl-Enter. Chrome will

add the "www." and the ".com" and whisk you away to

Direct site search: - Start typing yahoo in Chrome’s omnibox. Before you even get to the letter "h" you will see

“Press (tab) to search Yahoo!” at the far right end of the omnibox. Press the Tab key and suddenly you are

searching only within Yahoo. You just skipped Yahoo's home page and typing your query into its search box.

Chrome maintains a list of “search engines” where this shortcut works, including Bing, eBay, Yahoo, and

Wikipedia. To see the rest, go to the “Search” section of Chrome’s Settings and click on the button labeled

“Manage search engines.” You can change your default search engine; modify or delete search engine entries;

and way down at the bottom of the list you’ll find a form where you can add your own searchable site that you

search often. Note that it can be a news or shopping or any other kind of site, as long as it has a “search” box of

its own. This feature is also sensitive to sites you often use. I've noticed that as soon as I type the letter "a" in the

omnibox, it shows “Press (tab) to search”.

Find your downloads: Have you ever downloaded something, and then couldn't find it? Press Ctrl-J and

Chrome will open a new tab showing all your recent downloads. From there, you can open the downloaded file,

or view the folder where it resides.

Restore a tab: Have you ever closed a tab by accident? That can be annoying, especially if it was a website

that required a login, and you had navigated through several pages already. You don't have to redo all that work

-- just press Ctrl-Shift-T and the tab will reopen, right where you left off. This is one of my favourite time savers in


Multiple Windows For Related Tabs: Have you ever gotten so many tabs opened in Chrome that it’s hard to

keep track of them or even read their labels? Just open new Chrome windows (copies of Chrome), then drag-

and-drop related tabs into separate windows. Click the triple-line icon in Chrome’s upper-right corner and select

“New Window” to open one. Switch back to your overcrowded window and use your mouse to drag and drop the

tab to the new window. You can now organize many tabs in many windows, with their label fully viewable. This

works especially well on dual-monitor systems, but you can still have multiple browser windows on a single

screen. (Use Alt-Tab to switch between open windows.)

Add a bookmarks: That little star at the far right end of the omnibox is a quick way to add a new bookmark. Just

click it to add the current web page address to the last bookmark folder you used, or select another from the list

of recent folders.

Zoom in or out quickly: Press and hold the Ctrl key while rolling the mouse wheel up or down. You’ll zoom in

or out on the current page; very handy for pages where the font is too small, or if you have limited vision. Using

the Ctrl key along with the plus or minus key has the same effect. To return to the default zoom state, press Ctrl-

0 (that's a zero).

Translate whatever you want: You don’t have to depend on Chrome to ask if you want a page translated. Go

download and install the Google Translate extension. Now you can highlight any text in your Chrome browser,

click on the Translate icon, and there’s your translation (or a reasonable approximation).

Get a little geeky: Enter chrome://chrome-urls/ in the omnibox and press Enter. You'll see a list of "secret"

Chrome pages that are shortcuts to Chrome functions, settings and status pages. Most of them appear to be


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gibberish, unless you're a programmer, but there are a few links you might find interesting. The

chrome://omnibox link lets you control some things about how the omnibox works. The chrome://predictors/ page

shows you what websites Chrome thinks you might be wanting to visit when you start typing a URL. The

chrome://flags/ page has a list of experimental features that you can enable or disable. I wouldn't mess with any

of these without first doing some research. (Experiments can sometimes fail.)

Cicero of the Roman Empire wrote this about the situation during his lifetime :- 1. The poor, work and work 2. The rich, exploit the poor 3. The soldier, protects both 4. The taxpayer, pays for all three 5. The wanderer, rests for all four 6. The drunk, drinks for all five 7. The banker, robs all six 8. The lawyer, misleads all seven 9. The doctor, bills all eight 10. The undertaker, buries all nine 11 The Politician, lives happily on account of all ten……. Written in 43 B.C. - but valid even today


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Trivia Questions (Entertainment) SEPTEMBER 2016

1. Who sang “ground control to major to Tom”? 2. What 1997 movie stars Eddie Murphy in four roles including Prince Akeem who visits the US looking

for a bride? 3. What is the name of the Teletubbies’ vacuum cleaner? 4. Who became a major star after dropping out from a scheduled world tour as one of Janet Jackson’s

backup dances?

5. What was the name of Julia Robert’s character in Notting Hill?

6. Which Queen epic topped the charts in 1976 and again in 1992?

7. What Jack Nicholson movie was hyped “Brace Yourself For Melvin”?

8. What was the biggest dance craze launched by Chubby Checker?

9. What movie has Bill Murray as a TV weatherman covering a story about what he calls “a weather forecasting rat”?

10. What was the theme of the dinner Redcliffe TPI group attended in February 2015?






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Trivia Answers

1. David Bowie. 2. Coming to America. 3. Noo-Noo. 4. Jennifer Lopez. 5. Anna Scott. 6. Bohemian Rhapsody. 7. As Good As It Gets. 8. The Twist. 9. Groundhog Day. 10. Italian.



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