recruitment reimagined

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Hiring well is a critical function for any Leadership team. What many fail to realize

however is that a hiring process is one of the most psychologically unsettling situations

for any leader.

As human beings, we are subject to four core Emotional Triggers; Money, People,

Information & Time. Each one of these affects us differently depending on our own

unique psychological make-up.

However, when we hire, we are subject to a rare situation where all four of these triggers

are activated at once, altering not only our ability to hire effectively, but to properly

maintain the other elements of our lives as well.

Doubt, Fear, Disruption and Chaos find their way into our subconscious, driving

behaviours and actions that we may otherwise avoid. Make no mistake, hiring is in fact...

Highly Disruptive.

Hiring Well Has Never Been More Important...

Nor More Difficult.

Copyright CultureSmith Inc. 2016

A Disruptive Approach to a Disruptive Situation

At CultureSmith we use the inherent emotional disruption within leaders who are hiring as a unique


An opportunity to not only identify and select the absolute best candidate for the job, but to also find

out what is going on inside the subconscious of the leaders, creating massive potential for business

and personal growth well beyond the placement itself.

We not only source and help select the ideal candidate, we also invest in on-boarding this person

properly, tailoring their experience to their unique emotional and Behavioural profile.

At the same time we provide a minimum of 6 months worth of Leadership Coaching and Engagement

Training to those around this new hire, ensuring that everyone involved is given the maximum

opportunity for growth while at the same time cementing long term fit between the employer and their

new employee.

Copyright CultureSmith Inc. 2016

Copyright CultureSmith Inc. 2016

A PlayerB Player

C PlayerD Player



The ABC's (and D's) of Hiring Well

When assessing who to hire we must know two lines; Culture and Competence.

A Players are those who

not only have

Competence, but who

also fit your Culture.

B Players may lack some

Competence, but their

Culture fit is so strong,

they must receive


Hiring a C Player is the

biggest & most common

mistake made and it

happens when

Competence is given

weight in the absence of

knowing one's Culture.

D Players lack both

Cultural fit and

Competence and must be

eliminated from the

process. On




Copyright CultureSmith Inc. 2016

A GameB Game

C GameD Game



The ABC's (and D's) of Leading Well

When assessing our own performance we must also know two lines; Affect and


Leaders who are bringing

their A Game are those who

are performing well

Emotionally AND


Leaders bringing a B

Game are those whose

Functional performance

may be off a little but

whose Emotions are quite


C Game Leaders are all

too common when hiring.

They are doing their jobs

and hitting their metics,

but Emotionally they are

suffering from


The D Game is a place

none of us want to be.

Not only is our job

performance suffering, so

too is our Emotional well






CultureSmith is Recruitment Reimagined. As the leader in Corporate Culture consulting,

CultureSmith has the only Recruitment model where both the quality of the placement

AND the employer's unique Psychological needs are balanced.

The result is not just a better placement, but a better organization.





Copyright CultureSmith Inc. 2016

Our proprietary process comes down to four key components; Assessment, Alignment,

Attraction & Activation.

Step 1 in our process is to assess your culture along a set of guiding principles. These

are the guardrails, they are who you are as an organization. This is facilitated through a

structured Leadership Retreat, the result of which is the construction of your Culture,

Competence, Affect and Activity lines.

Step 2 is to align your team and all potential new hires relative to these principles. As

illustrated already, too often companies hire people due to Competence (C Player) yet

sacrifice on Culture (B Player) and this mistake will make sustainability nearly

impossible. We craft a tailored battery of questions derived from your Culture Line that

eliminates this from happening and ensures fit with EVERY placement.

A Unified Solution

Copyright CultureSmith Inc. 2016

Once all of these tools are built we execute Step 3 of our program which is to attract the

top talent in the market to your open role. Concurrently we provide your remaining team

with tools and training to allow you to attract the buy-in that is essential to onboard this

person successfully. The time invested in this part of the process ranges from 10 days

to 4 weeks depending upon market conditions and scope of the role in question.

Step 4 is all about activation. Having a new employee is an emotional experience for

both the employee and the team around them and we teach everyone how to master

their emotional intelligence and "turn themselves on", increasing the success of the

placement as a whole. This coaching continues during the entire 6 month probationary

period, and is tailored to be supportive to business operations.

A Unified Solution

Copyright CultureSmith Inc. 2016

Copyright CultureSmith Inc. 2016



Recruitment Reimagined

Assessment, Alignment, Attraction & Activation; the four hallmarks of the CultureSmith

system in one elegant delivery that increases hiring speed and accuracy while

simultaneously bringing the best out of your existing staff and leadership team.

Why CultureSmith;

• The cost of a disengaged employee in 2015 averaged $19,819 per employee. This represented a $3.31

Billion problem in Calgary alone.

• If you hire a C Player over a B Player, you are inviting disengagement. The point of hiring is to drive

forward, not fall behind. You cannot determine the difference between a C and B Player without a

Culture Line, and we hold the proprietary methodology to create it.

• Emotional stress is the second biggest trigger of disengagement and you and your team receive a

healthy dose of it during hiring. You must employ a system that re-engages those you already have, or

hiring someone new becomes pointless.

• If you truly wish to help your existing employees they will need more than just a voice in the hiring

process. Our Personality-based Communications training and Emotional Intelligence Workshops have

been vetted by experts in Executive Coaching and Industrial & Occupational Psychology, and will help

them adjust to the new reality that adding even one person to the team can create.

What other Leaders are Saying...

...about the value

of learning how to


...about the value

of learning how to


Copyright CultureSmith Inc. 2016

...about the value

of learning how to


What other Leaders are Saying...

...about the value

of learning how to


...about the value

of learning how to


Copyright CultureSmith Inc. 2016

...about the value

of learning how to


What other Leaders are Saying...

...about the value

of learning how to


...about the value

of learning how to


...about the value

of learning how to


Copyright CultureSmith Inc. 2016

...about the value

of learning how to


What other Leaders are Saying...

...about the value

of learning how to


...about the value

of learning how to


...about the value

of learning how to


...about the value

of learning how to


Copyright CultureSmith Inc. 2016


Who Should Use CultureSmith?

Any Leader who is currently faced with a hiring challenge who would like to use the triggers inherent within all hiring

situations to learn how to use the search for their new employee as a conduit to becoming a better leader themselves.

Why CultureSmith for Recruitment?

This process is the ONLY one of its kind that not only addresses the functional aspects of hiring well, but the

EMOTIONAL elements that derail leaders without them seeing it. Add in the work on how to remain personally engaged

and this process will pay dividends for years to come.

How Lengthy is the Process?

The full process from start to finish is 6-8 months and is broken into a 1/2 - 1 day Leadership Retreat, a 2-4 week

recruitment process, and then 24 hours of structured on-boarding and engagement training typically delivered over a 6

month timeframe. Each search however is tailored to the role in question, and other demands of the client's business.

What Do You Get?

In total, clients receive the placement, a full Executive Retreat and 6 months of coaching for their entire organization. You

will be left with highly engaged team who will now be able to engage their Customers to achieve even greater levels of


Search. Hire. Develop. Succeed.

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