reconciliation confirmation and first eucharist · information booklet for [type a quote from the...

Post on 05-Aug-2018






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Reconciliation Confirmation

and First



INTOTHECATHOLICCHURCHCOMMUNITY.Until about 300AD, initiation into the Church was performed by the local leaders (Bishops) at Easter. The new members were washed (baptised), anointed with oil (confirmed) and received Eucharist for the first time. As Church numbers increased, the Bishop could not make it to every ceremony so the local priest would baptise and the Bishop would come periodically to “confirm” the baptism by anointing the newly baptised with oil. The practice of baptising babies, as well as adults, began to grow in popularity. This would be followed by Confirmation around the age of 12 with Eucharist received soon after Confirmation. In 1910 Pope Pius X considered that children should not have to wait so long to receive Eucharist. Hence he brought the age of First Communion forward to about 8 years of age. The order of receiving the Sacraments became Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation. In 2005, the Archdiocese of Hobart decided to return to the original sequence of the Sacraments of Initiation, namely Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist. In practice this means that children will continue to receive Eucharist around the age of 8 and Confirmation will occur in the same ceremony (if it is the year of the Archbishop’s Visitation) or slightly before. We offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation as preparation for the journey towards initiation - using the Second Rite in a simplified form.

If you would like to know more about the Sacraments of Initiation, their history within the

Church, and/or to read through the Policy of our Archdiocese, there is an excellent, easy-to-read resource available on the Archdiocese of Hobart website



The Archdiocesan Sacramental Policy calls us to prepare young people for the Sacraments in a way that is family-centred, parish-based and school-supported. It is within the family that children receive their initial introduction to the life of faith. Parents strive to do what they can to fulfil the commitment they made when their child was baptised so as to help their children grow in faith. Our Circular Head parish family does whatever it can to encourage families in this special responsibility. Our Catholic school supports families in the faith education of their children. The Sacraments of Initiation in our parish are usually celebrated in the following order: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist. The Sacrament of Penance (First Reconciliation) will usually be celebrated prior to Confirmation and First Eucharist. The immediate preparation for each of the Sacraments will be provided by the Parish. Preparation sessions are conducted by the Sacramental team, including the parish priests. Parents are a vital part of their child’s preparation and are expected to participate in the preparation days. In 2017, there will be 3 days when the whole group gathers in preparation of each Sacrament. Each day will involve some fun activities, reflection, parent/child talking together, group sharing, Gospel reading and prayer, focus activities as well as worksheets and an ‘at home’ activity. Please note: Parents are reminded to come with their lunch on the preparation days. The Parish kitchen will be open and fully functional.


Below are the times and places for the preparation days. At least one parent must participate with the child for the whole day. If parents are unable to accompany their children to the preparation sessions, the child’s Confirmation sponsor would be a good alternative.

Reconciliation Day

Saturday 10th June, 2017 St Peter Chanel Church,

Sampson Avenue, Smithton 10am – 2pm

Confirmation Day

Saturday 15th July, 2017 St Peter Chanel Church,

Sampson Avenue, Smithton 10am – 2pm

Eucharist Day Saturday 5th August, 2017

St Peter Chanel Church, Sampson Avenue, Smithton


Further to these days a short gathering is planned for a rehearsal and catch-up the day before the actual celebration of Confirmation on Saturday 22nd July, 5pm, St peter Chanel Church, Smithton Families are encouraged to talk together with their child about what Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist mean in our lives as Catholics. Regularly praying the Sacramental Preparation Prayer will help the whole family to focus on the preparation for these Sacraments.



Parents are invited to present their children for enrolment in the preparation process for Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist at any of the Parish Masses, Stanley or Smithton, on Sunday, 21st May. Candidates and their parents will be called forward during the Mass to be presented to the Parish and to commit themselves to preparation for these Sacraments. Sacramental Pins will be presented to the Candidates at these Masses. These pins are worn by the Candidates as a sign to the whole parish that they are preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist. To present your child for enrolment in the preparation process you will need to have returned your Registration Form.

PRESENTATIONOFTHECREEDThe children will be presented with a copy of the Creed during Mass on Sunday, 25th June. We say the Creed every week at Mass – it is a statement of faith and outlines what we believe as Catholics. It is important that children preparing for the Sacraments are aware of the beliefs of the Church and have the chance to learn more and ask questions about what it really means. When it is the time for the community to prayer the Creed, the children will be invited forward and presented with a copy of the Creed. They will be able to read from their copy and join in with the whole congregation before returning to their seats.


Children (and Families) are invited to attend any Mass on Sunday 2nd July to be presented with a copy of the Lord’s Prayer (Our Father). The Lord’s Prayer is prayed by the whole community at every Mass. The well-known prayer was taught by Jesus to his disciples and continues to be taught to all Christians throughout the world. Learning the prayer is important but reflecting on what Jesus meant when he asked his friends to pray it is just as important. In the same way as with the presentation of the Creed, when it is the time for the Lord’s Prayer the children will be invited forward and presented with a copy of the Prayer. They will be able to read from their copy and join in with the whole congregation before returning to their seats. The welcoming rites are a special part of the SacramentalPreparation Program. Since through the Sacraments ofInitiation the children become full members of the churchcommunity,itisimportantthattheyunderstandthesepartsofcommunityworship,theyfeeltheybelongandcanparticipatefully. It is also an opportunity for the parish community tosupportandprayforyourchildren.


Each candidate for Confirmation needs to choose a Sponsor to stand with them as they receive this Sacrament. The basic requirement for Sponsors is that they are confirmed Catholics - but a Sponsor is much more

than this. A Sponsor is someone who will encourage the Candidate to continue to grow in their life of faith well after they have been confirmed. A Sponsor is someone who is happy to talk about, and share their faith with, the Candidate. A Sponsor, through the example of their life encourages and inspires the Candidate to grow in their relationship with Jesus. A Sponsor guides the Candidate in living their life according to the Gospel.

Because of the link between Baptism and Confirmation, a good choice for a Sponsor is one of the Candidate’s Catholic godparents.

The choosing of a Sponsor is something to be discussed within the family. This discussion helps centre the preparation for Confirmation in the family.


The Candidate may not necessarily take a Confirmation name. In fact, by using the name in which you were baptised, you make a strong link between Baptism and Confirmation as Sacraments of Initiation into the life of the Church. However, you may choose a saints name as a Confirmation name. Either way, it is a good activity to research some saints so as to learn all the different ways in which people strive to live out their life of faith.


Parishioners will be invited to pray for candidates and their families during the time of preparation for, and celebration of, the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist.


If you choose to present your child for enrolment in one or all of the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist, fill in the Registration Form and deliver, post or email the details to the Parish Office.

Details of Baptism are required before reception of other Sacraments within the Catholic Church. If a child has been baptised in the circular Head Parish, records are readily available from the Parish Office. However, for Baptisms elsewhere a copy of the Baptismal Certificate is required. Each Candidate will be given a folder into which can be placed all materials for both group and home activities. Please bring the folder and all of its contents to each session. Each family is asked to consider a contribution of $20.00 to help cover the cost of the program, booklets, sacramental pins and certificates. This money can be returned with the Enrolment Form or given to the Program Coordinator at the first preparation day. Naturally, this is not the total cost of the program – just a contribution towards it.


Stanley---------8:30am Smithton-------10:30am


Reconciliation will be celebrated at St Peter Chanel Church, Smithton on Friday 23rd June, 5pm. Confirmation will be celebrated on July 23rd. Archbishop Julian Porteous will Confirm Candidates at the Masses. First Eucharist will be celebrated on Sunday, 6th

August with families choosing which Parish Mass they wish to attend. Dress for Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist should be as for a special occasion. The wearing of suits/ white dresses and veils is not a necessity – however it may be a family choice. Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist are “sacred” moments in the life of the Church and the taking of photos should not distract from the reverence of the ceremonies. Photos may be taken when the children receive their certificates or afterwards. The Archbishop is usually quite happy to have his photo taken with individual Candidates.


Presentation & Enrolment of Candidates at Parish Masses

10th June Reconciliation: preparation day whole group session at St Peter Chanel Church, Smithton. 10am – 2pm

23rd June First Reconciliation – Smithton-5pm

25th June Welcome rite – presentation of the Creed at Masses.

2nd July Welcome rite – presentation of the Lord’s Prayer at Masses

15th July Confirmation: preparation day whole group session at Smithton Church. 10am – 2pm

22nd July Rehearsal and catch-up before the actual reception of Sacraments. 5pm 23rd July Confirmation – Stanley and Smithton

5th August Eucharist: preparation day whole group session. Smithton Church. 10am – 2pm

6th August First Eucharist – Stanley and Smithton


(for use by families during preparation)









Parish Office: 1 Sampson Avenue, Smithton

Postal Address: PO Box 143, Smithton. Phone: 64521251

Email address:

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