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Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 Recipe English


  • 8/12/2019 Recipe English


    ease, with confidence, knowing it will turn out just

    right. So go ahead, discover the joy of trying out a

    new recipe every day, every week, week after week,

    and having it turn out perfect, every single time! If

    you are wondering why food spiced with Everest

    always tastes right, we will be glad to share the

    secret with you. It is now over four decades since

    Everest set out on the 'Spice Trail'

    determined to unlock for the Indian housewife the

    secrets of Indian Cuisine. How many spices make a

    mouth-watering Sambhar? What goes to make the


    the Spice Trail

    If y our husband raves about the fabulous

    samosas his mother makes... and your children always

    drool over the superb pav bhaji at your neighbour's

    place, it's time you showed them what you can do!

    It's quite simple, really. Provided you have

    Everest, and the tips and pointers on how

    to use its blends to make a variety of dishes you

    never thought possible... all in your very

    own home. So, what will it be? Samosas

    or batata wadas... Dum aloo or dosas... Papdi chat or

    methi parathas... You can prepare anything - with


    .to use

    never thougown home.

  • 8/12/2019 Recipe English


  • 8/12/2019 Recipe English


    [ ]Rawa Idlis

    (Makes 12 Idlis)

    [ ]SambharIngredients: Pigeon Peas (toover dal) 100 gms, Drumstick

    1 stick, Brinjal 1(small), Pumpkin 100 gms, Onion 1 (small), Tamarind

    juice 2 to 3 tbsps (th ick), Everest Chil li Powder tsp, Salt to taste,

    Everest Sambhar Masala 1 heaped tbsp, Oil 2 tsp, Red Chilli 1, Fenugreek

    tsp, Mustard tsp, Curry Leaves 2 sprigs, Asafoetida a pinch.

    Method: Soak dal for 30 mins. Boil the soaked dal for about

    10 mins. Now add pieces of drumstick, brinjal, pumpkin and onion. Add

    thick tamarind juice, chilli powder & salt. Add Everest Sambhar Masala.

    Heat oil separately. Add red chilli, fenugreek, mustard, curry leaves, a pinch

    of asafoetida. Now pour into the sambhar and boil for 2 mins.

    Ingredients: Oil & Ghee 2 tbsps, Cashewnuts 5, Mustard seeds

    1 tsp, Urad dal 1 tsp, Channa dal 1 tsp, Asafoetida a pinch, Curry Leaves 10,

    Green Chillies 2, Rawa 200 gms, Salt to taste, Soda-bicarb tsp, Coriander

    Leaves 2 tbsps, Grated Fresh Coconut 2 tbsps, Fresh curd 500 gms.

    Method: Heat oil & ghee together, fry chopped cashewnuts to a

    golden brown. Set aside. Add mustard seeds, urad dal, chana dal, asafoetida,

    curry leaves & chopped green chillies. After it is well sauted, add rawa. Roast

    well on a low flame till done but not brown. Add salt, soda-bicarb, coriander

    leaves, grated coconut, salt and fried cashewnuts. Cool. Mix in beaten curd to

    make idli batter. Divide the batter between 12 greased idli moulds. Boil water

    in a steamer/cooker, put the stand in the steamer and steam on high flame

    for 15/20 mins. Serve hot with Sambhar.

    (Serves 4)

  • 8/12/2019 Recipe English


  • 8/12/2019 Recipe English


    Ingredients: Garlic Paste 2 tsps, Onions 2, Oil 2 tbsps,

    Tomatoes 2, Everest Pav Bhaji Masala 2 to 2 tbsps, Everest Chilli

    Powder 1 tbsp, Salt to taste, Boiled Vegetables (Potatoes, Green Peas,

    Cauliflower, Capsicum) 500 gms, Butter 50 gms, Coriander Leaves 2 tbsps.

    Method: Shallow fry garlic paste, chopped onions in oil till soft.

    Add chopped tomatoes, Everest Pav Bhaji Masala, Everest Chilli Powder and

    salt. Roast. Mix in the boiled vegetables. Cook and mash for 2 to 3 mins.Add

    a blob of butter, sprinkle chopped coriander leaves. Serve with hot buttered

    pav (bread) and chopped raw onions with a dash of lemon in it.

    Ingredients: Bread (Pav), Butter 2 tbsps or as required, Everest

    Pav Bhaji Masala approx. 2 tsps, Everest Chat Masala approx. 2 tsps, Onion 1

    (finely chopped). For the Garlic & Chilli chutney: Mix together

    1 tbsp garlic paste, cup water and 2 tsps Everest Kashmiri Chilli Powder.

    [ ]Pav Bhaji


    ]Masala Pav

    Method: Make pav bhaji the normal way as per instructions

    on the pack but do not completely mash it. Slit the loaf of bread

    horizontally, apply butter and rub it on a hot tawa. Fill each loaf of

    bread with 2 tbsps of pav bhaji. Heat a tsp of butter on the tawa & put

    2 tsps of finely chopped onion, a pinch of Everest Pav Bhaji Masala and

    a tsp of garlic & chilli chutney. Roast both sides of the bread, till golden

    brown. Serve immediately.

    (Serves 4)

    (Serves 4 Pav)

  • 8/12/2019 Recipe English


    [ ]Dum Aloo

    (Serves 4)

    Ingredients: Baby Potatoes 500 gms, Oil 1 tbsp, Onions 2,

    Tomatoes 2, Green Chilli 1, Red Chilli 1, Garlic 2 cloves, Ginger piece,

    Ghee 2 tbsps, Curd 1 tbsp, Mawa 1 tbsp (optional), Everest Punjabi Garam

    Masala 3 tsps, Salt to taste, Sugar a pinch (optional), Coriander 2 tbsps.

    Method: Peel and prick baby potatoes, deep fry and set aside.

    Heat oil and fry chopped onions till pink. Add chopped tomatoes,

    chillies, garlic, ginger and cook till soft. Grind to a paste. Heat ghee, and

    fry the above paste and curd till the ghee separates. Then add mawa

    (opt.), Everest Punjabi Garam Masala & potatoes. Stir for 5 mins. Add

    cup warm water, salt & sugar. Cover & simmer for 7 to 8 mins.

    Garnish with chopped coriander. Serve hot.

  • 8/12/2019 Recipe English


  • 8/12/2019 Recipe English


    [ ]Fruit Chat

    Method: Peel and cube apple and guava, cut banana into circles,

    chop pineapple, skin sweet lime and cut in cubes. Boil, skin and chop

    sweet potato. Boil & mash potatoes. Sprinkle salt and chilli powder on the

    mashed potato to make patties (tikkis). Heat a tawa to smoking point.

    Grease it and place patties on it, brush tikkis with oil and roast till crisp.

    Mix the fruits with the sweet potato. Sprinkle generously with Everest Chat

    Masala, topped with a squeeze of sour lime. Serve chat with tikkis.

    Ingredients: Apple 1 large, Banana 1, Fleshy Guava 1,

    Pineapple 1 thick slice, Sweet Lime 1, Sweet Potato 1, Potatoes 2 large,

    Salt to taste, Everest Chilli Powder tsp (opt), Everest Chat Masala

    1 tbsps or as desired.

    (Serves 4)

  • 8/12/2019 Recipe English


    [ ]Tomato Rasam

    (Serves 4)

    Ingredients: Pigeon peas (toovar/arhar dal) 50 gms, Everest

    Turmeric Powder tsp, Tamarind lemon-sized ball, Tomatoes 2, Everest

    Rasam Powder 2 tsps, Salt to taste, Ghee 2 tsps, Red Chilli 1, Mustard Seeds

    tsp, Curry Leaves a sprig, Asafoetida a pinch, Coriander Leaves 1 tbsp.

    Method: Cook dal with Everest Turmeric Powder in a litre

    of water. Soak tamarind in 1 cup warm water. Extract the juice. To it

    add 2 cups of water, chopped tomatoes, Everest Rasam Powder & salt,

    & simmer for 30 mins. Add only water from the dal. Simmer for

    5 mins. Heat ghee. When hot, add 1 red chilli, tsp mustard seeds, a

    few curry leaves, a pinch of asafoetida. Add to rasam. Sprinkle coriander

    leaves. Serve hot.

    For Jeera & Pepper Rasam: Cumin Seeds 1 tsp, Black

    Peppercorns 1 tsps.

    For Jeera & Pepper Rasam: In hot ghee, saute cumin seeds

    & peppercorns, till they give out an aroma. Grind coarsely. Add to rasam

    after dal. Boil for a few minutes only.

  • 8/12/2019 Recipe English


    [ ]Kesar KulfiIngredients: Milk 1 litre, Wheat flour 1 tbsp, Cornflour 1 tbsp,

    Sugar 160 gms, Mawa 50 to 70 gms, Everest Kesari Milk Masala 20 gms.

    Method: Mix wheat flour & cornflour in 100 ml. milk. Boil

    remaining milk till it thickens to about 750 ml. Add sugar. Mix in

    wheat/cornflour paste and stir for 5 mins. Blend Everest Milk Masala in

    half a cup of thickened milk and set aside. Cool milk & blend in mawa

    using a mixer. Mix masala milk and freeze. Remove from the fridge

    before it sets and mix well, to distribute dry fruit evenly. Spoon into 12

    kulfi moulds. Now freeze till set.

    [ ]Kesar Pista Ice CreamIngredients: 1 litre whole milk + cup cold milk, Cornflour

    1 tbsp, Sugar 7 tbsps, Fresh Cream 100 gms, Everest Milk Masala 1 tbsp.

    Method: Boil milk for 10 mins on a high flame or till reduced

    to 750 ml. Dissolve cornflour in cup cold milk and mix into boiling

    milk. Add sugar. Cook on a medium flame, stirring all the while, till the

    mixture is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon. In cup of this

    thickened milk, add Everest Milk Masala & set aside. Cool and chill the

    rest of the milk. Beat chilled fresh cream and blend it into the ice cream

    mix. Churn & freeze. Remove from fridge before it sets and add the

    To prepare mawa: For approx 75 to 100 gms mawa cook

    litre milk on a high flame. Add a pinch of soda to boiling milk

    for smoothness. Keep on stirring till it becomes thick. (Serves 12)

  • 8/12/2019 Recipe English


    The soul of a good Indian recipe

    lies in the spices used to prepare

    it... fiery, peppery, subtle or strong.

    It takes the right spices, in just the

    right proportions, to awaken aroma

    and enliven flavour. Everest

    understands this and has perfected

    the art of sourcing only the best

    quality spices, picked during the

    season that yields the finest grade.

    These are cold stored to preserve

    the delicate oils and oleoresins that

    make each spice distinctive from

    another. These exotic spices are

    then sorted, pounded, ground and

  • 8/12/2019 Recipe English


    S. Narendrakumar & Co. 177/179, Nand Ashish, R. B. Mehta Tel: 509 4112, 509 4113 Fax: 511 3016 E-mail: everest@everestspi

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