recent accomplishments at citigroup by abdul jaludi

Post on 10-Feb-2017






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Abdul Jaludi

Transformative and Innovative Solutions

Innovation History

2Optimization Strategy – July 16

Innovative Solutions That improved the client’s experience

3Optimization Strategy – July 16

• Developed custom solution to keep business heads informed of major problems after they were caught by surprise by news media after they were told it was too labor intensive to provide notification more than twice per day

– Architected and developed automated wellness application that informed business heads every four hours of all outstanding major problems

• Created a startup within the bank which founded and delivered WAIS (Web Automated Information System)

– Self Service app used globally (45,000+ monthly requests) • Global standard tool for real-time validation and processing of requests for emergency access

to production, replacing a million dollar vendor product• Fully audit complaint: closed several open audit violations

• Developed interface between scheduling and change applications– Automatically import weekly scheduling changes from VC into TWS

• Reduced resource requirements from entire department to one person• Improved solution delivery to clients which allowed for last minute change implementations

• Architected batch status query system – Web application driven by mainframe data– Self service batch process 60 day history and scheduling queryBenefits:Increased development productivity – Improved service to clients+$6MM annualized save+$12MM annualized cost increase avoidance

Process Optimization

4Optimization Strategy – July 16

Technology improvements architected and implemented across Citibank

– Batch processing triggered by file transfer completion, eliminating delays, which allowed clients to know immediately if data wasn’t received. Automatic notification if data transmission failed.

– Automated client application startup and shutdown control via batch scheduler

– Developed batch processing standards for North America to improve batch processing efficiency that became the global standard.

– Implemented automated restarts for batch failures for all backup and restore processes

Reduced resource requirements – Improved batch recovery window

Benefits:Increased safety and assurance to clients supplying transaction data+$2MM annualized save

IT Innovation

5Optimization Strategy – July 16

Service Level Delivery • Improved Citibank statement processing – rarely met agreed service objectives. Application teams

had been unable to find a solution to the problem, which they blamed on volume and computing limitations.

– Performed detailed analysis on the statement processing application to identify bottlenecks and areas where new technology can provide benefits.

• Re-architected entire batch application to consistently meet service level deliverables

• Improved tape processing, which had contributed 25% of delays to batch.– Eliminated over 4,000 tape mounts per week

• Stopped use of tape for temporary files• Migrated tapes that were reused multiple times to disk to allow concurrent batch processing

• Innovative solutions to utilize existing resources to consistently meet deliverables even when batch failures occurred

– Achieved four hour recovery window for apps that missed deadlines by re-architecting critical applications and the implementation of JCL standards

Benefits:Reduced resource requirements – Improved batch recovery windowImproved service to external clients

Client Service Optimization

6Optimization Strategy – July 16

• Improved mid-range mainframe systems backup processing– all backup processing and tape mounts performed manually and completed only 50% of the time.

– Overcame first obstacle: resistance to change or take advantage of synergy with IBM mainframes– Implemented IBM mainframe hosted backups

• Improved completion rate for Weekly backups from 50% to 100%• Improved completion rate for monthly backups from 0 to 100%

• Automated manual check-off lists and tape mounts– Scheduled all backups thru automated batch scheduler – All tape mounts automated using robotic tape system

Reduced resource requirements– Reallocated 4 FTE to other functions – Reduced tape utilization and retention – Improved batch recovery window

Benefits:Ability to successfully perform disaster recovery+500M annualized save

Manual System Optimization

7Optimization Strategy – July 16

Re-architected alert management and monitoring process

• Developed and implemented an efficient and automated global event management alerting and monitoring process from the ground up after everyone, including engineering teams and the vendor, said it couldn’t be done.

– Utilized built in API’s from various disjointed tools to enable two way communications between the inventory, scheduling, monitoring and change management system to eliminate all manual steps required for standard monitoring addition and removal.

Benefits:+$1.5 MM annualized save$2.25 MM annualized cost increase avoidanceUnknown save due to increase in customer retention rate

Application Optimization

8Optimization Strategy – July 16

• Leader of team with winning idea in Citi’s future of banking challenge– Two ideas selected:

• Family Banking• Predictive Banking

– Code named Darbie

Innovative Thinking

9Optimization Strategy – July 16

IDEO Valuation

Server Workflow Automationo Decommission / Commission Process

A solution for entering a large number of servers into the activity recordAllow users to choose from a list of servers they are authorized to work on. (validation)Create a global centralized workflow for Commissioning/Decommissioning servers (Devices) to reduce the workload for all support groups involved in the process. Simplify SA decommission process from 10 steps to 2Improve the business model with a holistic solution Transition from Application Logic to a business logic. Update all systems involved in the process once a change occursEnables seamless movement of virtual servers between sites

Flexible and Scalable Architecture

Cross Function Automation

Manual administrative work –Wintel to be automated

Manual administrative work – Unix to be automated


Enhancement Requirements

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