rebel photoshoot

Post on 30-Apr-2015






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Rebel Photo shoot

A special present for Sam ;)

Here we have the whole group together, posed on a blank lot. R to L: Kara, Matt, Dave, Mike and then Abby in the front row.

NB: I made Kara and Abby because I wanted a female Rebel but no one special and then I wanted her to have a little sibling. The game chose it to be a girl (who admittedly looks very masculine)

A close up of the group, with Matt’s hair changed and since he’s no longer posed he chose to look over at Dave.

And a close up on the boys with Matt’s hair changed again!

So I unfroze the lot of them and allowed them to interact. I had cheated Matt to have a 50/50 relationship with both Mike and Dave because I didn’t like the thought they wouldn’t be friends.

So whilst Dave started throwing a ball with Kara. Mike told Matt a joke

After the joke was well received, Mike was accosted by Abby, whom he was very nice to, of course.

Matt spotted that Dave was free so hit him with a pillow!

Dave was swift to respond

Mike is now playing with Kara

Pillow fight over, Matt and Dave start having a chat. Its at this point that Mike remembers why he’s engaged to Dave

The stalking begins with a little back massage

But then Matt swoops in with a nice friendly hug.

Mike doesn’t want Dave to feel left out

And neither does Matt

Friendly hugs all round!

Dave starts in on the flirting with a caress of Mike’s cheek

And follows it up with a bit of a suggestion of what they might do next time I load their lot (and what they would have done here if there was a bed or a sofa). While Matt begins his stalking of the pair of them

Matt still waiting to talk to one of them…

…either one…

…don’t mind which…

(it really looks like Mike is considering removing Dave’s trousers here)

”Guys? … Guys? … Hello? ….”

Finally Mike decides he’ll talk to Matt. Dave’s turn to hover in the background.

Also as you can spot in the background some of their neighbours have turned up to welcome them (This is Matt, Kara and Abby’s ‘house’)


“Yep that’s right. You’re mine.”

“But I really need to hang out with Matt right now”

Dave stood there the ENTIRE time they hung out, patiently waiting.

Mike ‘rewards’ his patience ;)

Then Matt starts up a conversation with Dave. So Mike, and Elfie in the background, lets us all know that they think Dave is H.O.T!

So Elfie comes over to talk to Mike about moving into the area and probably discuss Dave and how hot he is in detail.

Meanwhile Matt doesn’t want Peace, which upsets Dave.

Mike and Elfie are getting on rather well as Dave returns to stalking.

Spot Matt’s foot on the right hand edge near the road, he’s not far from either of the boys for long!

Matt succeeds in getting Dave back into conversation just as Mike finishes up his with Elfie. Mike’s turn to stalk.

Talk over and it’s Matt who snags Mike’s attention first, with a lovely admire.

But Dave’s not far behind to show his appreciation ;)

Matt and Elfie have a little moment of comradery having to witness all this flirting

And the boys step it up ;)

This is the point where Matt rolled his eyes and I missed it!

Apparently Elfie is embarrassed at seeing two people kissing in the middle of the road…. Sim!Elfie is not like RL!Elfie

So back to the old flirt whilst Matt stalks

But this time he doesn’t have to wait quite so long before he gets in there with a friendly hug

But the boys are quickly back to snogging in the street

Elfie steps in to chat to Dave. Mike looks on with concern, what are they talking about?

“Dave, you’re really quite hot”

“I’m hot? Well yes, I suppose I am”

“Yes, yes you are”

“Dave is hot when he’s making out with Mike”FYI - They’ve just been snogging again

And here they go again, with a bit of encouragement from Elfie and their ever present stalker Matt

And I’ll leave you with this.

I dread to think what is going to happen when they go somewhere together that actually has a sofa or a hot tub!

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