re-thinking economic development marketing

Post on 16-May-2015






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We believe that traditional economic development marketing and attraction is undergoing a radical change, redirection and refocus. In this upcoming webinar we wanted to take the time to address these changes and talk about how economic development organizations like those of your members can take advantage of them.



Marketing Economic Development

Presented by:

Your Host

Guillermo Mazier Director,

Strategic Accounts, Atlas Advertising @GuillermoMazier


–  Former economic developer and tourism marketer for the Costa Rican Investment and Trade Development Board

–  Managed economic development and tourism campaign for Tortugero, CR

–  Industry speaker, content strategy and digital marketing specialist

Presenting From Denver, CO Atlas Co-Working Space

About Atlas

1.  Led more economic development marketing assignments than any other firm in the country in the last 10 years.

2.  The ONLY full service agency that specializes in economic development marketing, brands and websites.

3.  Has developed High Performance Economic Development Marketing, national marketing metrics that can prove ROI for marketing, branding and website efforts within economic development space.

View the slides, continue the dialogue

•  Continue the Conversation: –  Follow us on Twitter:

–  Tweet questions using hashtag #ASKATLAS –  Join High Performance Economic Development LinkedIn Group

•  View and share the slides with your colleagues (available now):


1.  Introductions

2.  Re-Thinking Economic Development Marketing Context and Trends

3.  The Challenge of Economic Development Marketing

4.  6 Simple Rules of Economic Development Marketing

5.  Announcing ED 101 Winner

6.  Wrap up/Questions

until there is another case study in your industry, you will be

If you wait

too late.

Seth Godin Keynote Speaker Author of Permission Marketing

Re-Thinking Economic

Development Marketing

2001 – The more you put on your website the more conversations you have

2008 – Content is an everyday action

2010 – Mobile is more important than we ever thought

2011 – Conversations are king. High touch, High tech.

2013 – We realized that we are missing more deals that are out there

2012 – Marketing Properties drives 50% of conversations

No standardized reporting system

Pressure to show big wins

Our board wants more credit

Can we really convert ‘Marketing’ to ROI

No real time marketing dashboards

Lack of accurate marketing data

The Challenges of Economic

Development Marketing

6 Simple Rules (or reminders) of Economic Development Marketing

Rule #1: Making Yourself Known

ü  I don’t know who you are ü  I don’t know your community ü  I don’t know your community's product ü  I don’t know your EDO’s services ü  I don’t know what your community stands for ü  I don’t know the reputation of your organization ü  I don’t know your sites ü  I don’t know your buildings ü  I don’t know your incentives ü  I don’t know the total value you can�

add for my company

How to Make Yourself Known

Old ED Marketing (Tactics) New ED Marketing (Tactics) Direct Mail E-mail Seminars Webinars

Trade Shows Virtual Tours Print Ads Display & Banner Ads

In-Person Networking Events Social Networking Business Response Cards Landing Pages

TV Commercials YouTube Videos Radio Ads Podcasts Collateral Dynamic Content

Making Yourself Known is Changing

Old ED Marketing (Mentality) New ED Marketing (Mentality)

Mass Marketing Individualized Marketing

Interruptions Interactions

Creative Creative and Accountable

Individual Collaborative

Impact Driven Results Driven

Rule #2: Take the Competition Seriously

It’s tempting for a community to believe that their product or service is the best in the world. The reality of the situation is that companies have many different options for the same product. Companies and talent have the option to go wherever they want, and as a marketer, you must know your products inside and out. Similar community products have to be taken seriously, and your marketing is what helps you stand out.

20,000 EDO’s 750,000 Company Moves/Year

Source: 2014 Movable Ink survey

Top MSA Job Openings per 10,000

Rule #3: Be Honest and

Different With Your Marketing

As economic developers, we should start to think differently about marketing because we need our skills and vision to create prospect experiences that tell the story of our community’s true strengths. Being bold with our marketing is about getting deep into the minds of our prospects, key industries and workforce. And providing the strategy and the tactics to deliver on our marketing promise.

How to be bold in Economic Development Marketing

1.  Try a new approach, test it and measure it

2.  Leverage your industry’s differentiators

3.  Tell your story in a way it hasn’t been told before

4.  Maximize your marketing efficacy through technology (CMS, GIS, CRM)

5.  Be transparent


Rule #4: Develop a Purpose for

Your Marketing

•  This definition by Peter Drucker is a simple sentence but profound in being the guiding purpose on the role of marketing.  There are three major points, which serve as a compass for your EDO:

Understand your customer so well the product or

service fits and sells itself.

–  Understand your customer so well:  To gain a “so well” understanding of customers means the role of marketing is to research and gain deep – as well as profound – insights into buyers and customers.

–  The product or service fits:  A guiding purpose of marketing is to identify the specific goals and needs of customers and to guide the creation of products or services to fulfill them.

–  And sells itself: Marketing must be able to communicate, as well as provide information, which enables buyers or customers to make informed decisions in such a way – it is self-evident.

Rule #4: Develop a Purpose for

Your Marketing

Is your purpose jobs?

Is your purpose capital investment?

Is your purpose awareness?

Is your purpose board satisfaction?

Is your purpose community engagement?

Is your purpose company education?

Is your purpose to win an IEDC Award?

Rule #5: Get Mobile or Fall Behind

The industry’s best marketers are putting mobile at the center of their company attraction and retention efforts. Branded content--from emails to white papers to videos to annual reports to infographics--should all be optimized for consumption on a mobile device, as there’s nearly a 50/50 chance that that’s just where they’ll be consumed.

Analytics from Atlas client website traffic July 2014

are reinventing the connection between companies and their customers.


Rich Miner Partner, Google Ventures Co-Founder, Android

Rule #6: Spend money on things that

drive conversations with companies.

Numbers estimated from Atlas campaigns

Re-Thinking Economic

Development Marketing

2001 – The more you put on your website, the more conversations you have

2008 – Content is an everyday action

2010 – Mobile is more important than we ever thought

2011 – Conversations are king. High touch, High tech.

2013 – We realized that we are missing more deals that are out there

2012 – Marketing Properties drives 50% of conversations

Economic Development 101 – 2014 Winner

1.  How to use metrics to lead and educate others in your community

2.  How to use modern communications to engage stakeholders and prospects


Pasco County EDC

1) Take the survey to participate

Take the Atlas Benchmarking Challenge

2) Get the report:

• Only 10 questions • Benchmark against your peers • Enter your organization for distinguished honors at IEDC’s 2014 conference • Over 350 EDO participants from around the country

and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they’ll want something new.

You can’t just ask customers what they want

Steve Jobs CEO, Apple

write something worth reading or do something worth writing about.


Benjamin Franklin


Thank you!

Contact information: 929 Broadway Denver, CO 80203 Contact: Guillermo Mazier t: 303.292.3300 x 232 LinkedIn Profile | LinkedIn Group | Twitter | Blog | Slidespace

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