rauziansyah te 090395

Post on 24-Oct-2014






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NIM : TE.090395






A. Background

People need education in life. Education is an effort for humans to develop her

potential through a learning process or other means known and recognized by the


According to law number 20 of 2003 article 1 paragraph 1, of the national education

system, "Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning

and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to

have a religious spiritual, self controlling, personality, intelligence , noble character and

his skills in the community, nation and State.

Development of science and technology and socio-cultural developments taking place

rapidly has been a member challenge to every individual, every individual is always

challenged to continue to always learn to be able to adapt best to the development of

civilization. Opportunity to learn more and open through various sources and media, the

teacher is only one among a variety of learning resources. To facilitate the objectives to

be achieved in education and to support teaching and learning process required adequate

facilities and infrastructure, one of which is the availability of textbooks.

1.(Abu Ahmad dkk, 2004:232)


English is an important subject for study, because English is international. The main

purpose is to communicate the English language. In discussing learning English, there are

some skills that should be owned as speaking, writing, reading, and listening. But from

the fourth element is the listening (listening) is the hardest part is experienced by almost

all pupils at the school, sometimes even teachers also experienced the same thing on the

part of this listening.

English Subject is a compulsory subject that has been taught from primary school

level (SD). It is intended that students are not experiencing difficulties in learning English

when reaching the next educational level.

Listening is one of the most important factor in English, because this will determine

the success of listening when spoken by native speakers (native speakers) from foreign

countries. If the ability to listen to both the success to establish communication with

native speakers is also good, thus also vice versa.

As we know that the media greatly affect the learning outcomes of learning and

student motivation in learning English language school. Because some students often

assume that English is a difficult subject to study.

The relationship of teachers with students in teaching and learning is a very

determining factor, how well a given study materials if the student teacher relationship is

not harmonious then the goal of learning can not fully be achieved, in addition to also use

methods, instructional media is an attempt to create a situation learn a better and easier

for students to take up the materials submitted by teachers and prevent students do not

become bored and make the learning process more active and interesting.

According to Ausubel's Expository methods that can be organized and presented well

will be able to generate understanding and good reviews too1. Expository approach in

learning, does not mean that students become increasingly smaller role, they still have to

play optimally in order to master and understand the subject matter presented by the



The Expository methods, teaching materials are presented to students in the form of

finished and students are required to master the material. Through the method of

Expository expected more students to digest the subject matter well and can improve

academic achievement in the field.

Teachers as workers professional, at least have to master four competencies well.

The four component sare as follows:

1. Mastering the substance, namely matter and competence-related teaching subjects

2. Mastering the teaching methodology,

3. Mastering the techniques of evaluation well.

4. Understand, appreciate, and practice moral values dank ode of professional conduct.2

Once the authors made some observations early in SMP 8 Kota Jambi authors view,

that teachers of English language studies has not played an active role in the process of

learning. You can see that students spend more time studying with noted compared with

listening to explanations from the teacher. If this condition is left to linger it will lead to

lower students' understanding of the material and cause boredom for students. With the

use of instructional media Audiovisual expected students better understand course


Expository teaching Method implementation is inseparable from the use of

instructional media as a supporter in teaching and learning, especially in English language

learning that requires an explanation, a direct understanding and practice so that the role

of instructional media pronoun absolutely necessary Audio visual media such as

television, radio. And other media in accordance with the material that will be studied.

Based on the background of the above problems, the writer interested to do research with




2.(A nonymous, 2003:1)


B. Limitation Problem

For the purpose of this study more clearly the author felt the need to limit the subject

matter of this research, namely:

a) learning method in question is the method of learning Expository

b) The study in question is the result of students' mastery of the material in the English

language subjects in the form of values and testing provided teachers after students

were given learning method Expository

c) English Language Lessons are taught on the subject of Reading in the class VIII

d) Variables studied were:

X1 : learning by using learning methods Expository

X2 : Learning by not using the learning method Expository

Y1 : Results of study using the method Expository

Y2 : Results of study that do not use learning method Expository

Y1: Y2 : Results of study using the learning method Expository compared with

not using a method Expository.

C. Problem Formulation

Based on the background of the above problems, then to direct more problems and

simplify the detection problem in this research, which are at issue in this research are:

1. How big is the score of student learning outcomes and are taught by using the

Expository of Learning method in SMP 8 kota JAMBI?

2. How big is the score of student learning outcomes that are not taught to use Expository

teaching methods in SMP 8 kota JAMBI?

3. Is there a significant effect of the use of Expository teaching methods to learning

soutcomes of students in English language subjects in the SMP 8 kota JAMBI?


D. Objectives And Purpose Research

1. Research Objectives

The purpose of this study is as follows:

a. Want to know how big a score of student learning outcomes that are taught using

the Expository learning method on the Reading Subject.

b. Want to know how big score learning outcomes of students who were taught not

to use of the Expository learning method on the Reading subject.

c. Want to find out whether there are significant effects from the use of Expository

teaching methods to learning outcomes of students in English language subjects

in the SMP 8 kota JAMBI.

2. Usability Research

The purpose of this study are as follows:

a. To prove the existence of the effect of applying the learning method of learning

outcomes Expository English students at SMP 8 kota JAMBI

b. To see how big score English language learning outcomes of students who were

taught using of the Expository learning method on the Reading subject.

c. For an input for teachers to use methods appropriate to the subject matter so that

it can improve student learning outcomes, especially teachers of English

language study in turn the learning process.

d. To add insight and experience for the writer who presumably can be used as

reading material in the days to come and in order to complete the requirements in

the process of obtaining a bachelor's degree (S1) at the Faculty Tarbiyah Tadris

English Programs in STS IAIN Jambi.


E. Theory Framework

1. Conceptual Definition

a. Expository Learning Methods

According to Ausubel's Expository teaching is systematic with the present

meaningful information3.

Expository teaching method is a form of learning-oriented approach to the teacher.

(teacher centered approach)4.

b. Expository teaching is systematic with the delivery of meaningful information5.

Expository is a learning model in which classroom behavior and the spread of

knowledge in the control by the teacher or teachers6. Expository teaching method

is a method of learning that emphasizes the process of delivering the material

verbally from a teacher to a group of students in order for students to master the

course material optimally7. The steps in the implementation of learning strategies


1. Preparation (preparation)

a. Provide positive suggestion and avoid the negative suggestion

b. Start with the express purpose to be achieved

c. Open files in brain student

2. Presentation(presentation)

a. Use of language

b. Voice intonation

c. Maintain eye contact with students

3. Correlation (correlation)

4. Concluding (generalization)

5. Apply (application)8.


3.(Abu Ahmad dkk, 2004:32), 4. (Vienna sanjaya, 2007: 179)

Expository contains three principle phases of delivery:

The first phase :

Presentation of advance organizers. Initial setup guide students on material they

will learn and help them to recall related information, and can be used in helping to

still new knowledge.

Second phase :

presentation of learning tasks or material. In the second part of a lesson with the

new material submitted by members lectures, discussions, films, or a member of the

task to the students.

Phase Three :

presentation cognitive organization. The third phase of the lesson Ausubel

suggests, teachers should try to incorporate new information into the structure of the

lessons that have been planned for the beginning of the lesson by reminding students

how each specific details related to the big picture9.


5.9(Sri Esti,2006:175). 6.(Ahmad Sabri, 2005:11) 7.8.(Vienna sanjaya, 2007:179)

Table. An important components in Expository style teaching :

The first fhase:

Submission of

advance organizer

The second fhase :

The submission of

learned task or subject


The third fhase:

Strengthen the cognitive


- Explain the



- Delivering


- Identify the

definition of a



- Member samples

- Member context

- Repeat

- Immediately

aware of the

knowledge and

experience of


- Create an



- Assisting the

subject matter

in a logical and


- Demand


- Deliver


- Promote active

reception learning

- Expanding the

subject matter

- Linking new

information to the

advance organizer.

(Sri Esti, 2006:179)


1. Advantages and disadvantages Expository methods:

a. Excellence

1. Teachers can control the order and breadth of learning materials

2. Very effective if the subject matter that students must master a wide, temporarily

held for a limited study

3. In addition students can hear through the narrative of a subject matter, also at the

same time students can see or observe

4. Usually is used for the number of students and large class sizes9.

b. Weakness

1. This learning method can only be made to students who have the ability to listen

and listen well

2. This method is not possible to serve every individual differences

3. Because this method is often given through lectures, it will be difficult to develop

students' skills in terms of social skills, interpersonal relationships, as well as the

ability to think critically

4. Success depends largely on what the teacher because this method of

communication style is more common in one direction10.


9. 10. (Vienna sanjaya, 2007:190)

c. Learning outcomes

1. Conceptual Definition

Learning outcomes are the results obtained by students after participating in the

learning process11.

The result of learning is "... the ability or competence that can be measured or which

can be displayed through student performance. "

Learning outcomes can be identified from the ability to do something permanently,

can be repeated with similar results12. Learning is a process of development of human

life, by learning, people make qualitative changes to the individual that his behavior

growing. All the activities and achievements of life is nothing but the result of


Ideal learning outcomes include psychological aspects of change as a result of

experience and student learning14.

Five kinds of skills learning outcomes:

1. Intellectual skills (which is the most important learning outcomes of the

scholastic environment system)

2. Cognitive strategies, set the "how to learn"

3. Verbal information, knowledge in terms of information and facts

4. Motor skills acquired at school

5. Attitudes and values15.

Operational Definition

Based on expert opinions, the writer can conclude that the results of learning are a

number of knowledge and specific skills that students achieved in teaching and

learning so that he can make changes in himself and change his behavior pattern.

Evaluation of achievement test to be done is to give students as much as 20 (twenty)

points the previous question will be tested the test.


11(Vienna Sanjaya, 2007:86) 12.(Muhammad Ali, 2002:14) 13.(Abu Ahmad,2004:96) 14.(Muhibbin Syah, 1999:192) 15.(Moedjiono, 1995:)

Table. 2 the lattice problem

No Dimensions Indicator points amount

1 Results learning Understanding


















amount 20

The tests, which the authors use the form of 20 multiple choice questions. This test

will give researchers the entire sample.

F. Hypothesis

The hypothesis is the answer while being built or in formulated based on theories of

concept studies, the results of previous research findings and or observations on the

phenomenon of field researchers who want to study16.

Ha : There is (are) a significant effect between the use of Expository teaching

methods in an effort to improve student learning outcomes in English language subject at

significant level 1% and 5% (Ha accepted if t ≥ t table).

Ho : No (not available) is significant relationship between use of Expository teaching

methods in an effort to improve student learning outcomes in English language subject at

significant level 1% and 5% (Ha accepted if t ≤ t table)


16(Bambang, 2002:36)

G. Procedure Research

1. Approach and scope of research

The approach in this research is quantitative approach. This approach is done to

find the influence of two variables: dependent and independent variables. As for the

independent variable is the variable X (the use of learning methods Expository) while

the dependent variable is the variable Y (the result of learning English.)

This research is located within the boundaries or the environment in SMP Negeri

8 Kota Jambi. This study uses the class VIII. Learning outcomes that are used in this

study is the result of learning after being given Expository teaching methods.

2. Types and sources of data

a. Data type

1. Primary data

Primary data is the source of the data obtained directly16. Primary data is

defined in this study are the data on the subject to be discussed in this

study are: the effect of Expository teaching methods in an effort to

improve student learning outcomes in the English language subjects in the

SMP 8 Kota Jambi.

2. This data obtained directly from the value of student learning outcomes

using methods Expository and values learning outcomes of students who

do not use Expository methods.

3. Secondary data

Secondary data are data sources that are not direct17. Secondary data

includes data about schools, students, teachers and employees,

organizational structure, facilities and infrastructure and any documents

related to the research problem.

b. Source of data

The meaning of the source data in this study is the subject of where the data can be

obtained. As for the source data is in the form of people and material that is the

source of man is the head of school, English teachers, students and all teachers and

staff of TU, while the data source in the form of material is extensive

documentation that presents data related to this research.


16.17. (Husaini Usman,2006:22)

c. Data collection techniques

To easy in the collection of data, the authors use several ways,namely:

1. Observation

Observation is as an activity that takes into account something by using the

eyes in a psychological sense, also called observation or by observation of

activities, including loading of attention to an object by using all the

sensory organs18. This method I use to see the equipment facilities and

infrastructure and the situation in the SMP 8 kota Jambi and

implementation process of learning by using the method of Expository

Reading material.

2. Interview

Interviews are asked questions about a specific topic or material made

orally19.This method is used to receive data by way of direct face-to

resource. This method I use to get data about the history of the

establishment of SMP 8 kota Jambi.

3. Documentation

Documentation is a way to know something by looking at the records,

archives, documents relating to the person being investigated20. This

method is used to obtain data about the historical and geographical school,

state teachers and students, facilities and infrastructure, as well as the

organizational structure of schools.

4. Test

The test is given a set of tasks to be done by the participants, to measure

the ability of participants in solving problems or issues presented in the


This method these authors use to mengui student's ability in participating

in learning activities that use English Expository method. The tests that I

use is a form of multiple-choice test of 20 questions relating to their

subject matter are: Reading. Before the test samples submitted to the first

test of validity and reliability problems and concerned about the level and

difficulty distinguishing matter.


18(Suharsimi arikunto, 2002:146) 19.(Muhammad Ali, 2002:117) 20.(Abu Ahmad,2004:96)

a. Test validity

Validity is a measure that shows the levels of validity of an instrument.

An instrument is valid if it is said to have high validity, otherwise valid

instrument that is less meaningful to have low validity21.

The validity test that I use is the point biserial correlation formula

which can be used to find correlations between items and all the tests

that look for the validity of the item22.


r PBL : Biserial correlation coefficient

Mp : The mean score of subjects who responded well to the

item you are looking for their validity

Mt : The mean total score

St : Standard deviation of total score

P : proportion who answered correctly

Q : the proportion who answered wrong

(Q = 1-p)


21 (Suharsimi arikunto, 2002:146) 22(Anas sudjiono, 2006:258)

b. Reliability test

Reliability means that a fairly reliable instrument. If the data is indeed

consistent with the fact it is the level of reliability of something.

Reliability means, reliable, so reliable. To save a matter of reliability

index used formula23.


Rn : Reliability whole matter

Vr : Variance respondents

Vs : Residual variance

c. Difficulty level

To determine the difficulty index used the following formula:


P : Index of difficulty

B : Number of students who answered that question correctly

Js : the total number of student participants test

Difficulty index is often classified as follows:

Problem with p 1.00 to 0.30 is difficult to score

Problem with p 0.30 to 0.70 is about being

Problem with p 0.70 to 1.00 is a simple matter


23.(Suharsimi arikunti,2002:186-187)

d. Distinguishing

About the distinguishing features is the ability of a matter to

distinguish between high ability students with low ability students.

The formula used:


A : The number of test participants

JA : number of participants above the group

JB : the number of participants under group

BA : the number of group participants who answered

that question correctly

BB : the number of participants lower group who

answered the question correctly

PA = BA = proportion of group participants answered



Pn = Bn = proportion of participants under the correct answer


Classification distinguishing features:

D: 0.00 to 0.20: bad (poor)

D: 0.20 to 0.40: adequate (satisfactory)

D: 0.40 to 0.70: good (good)

D: 0.70 to 1.00: excellent (excellent)


H. Research Schedule

No. ActivitiesWeek To:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3

1 Preparation of Proposals                        

2Compilation of



seminar proposals

and research instruments






















Test validity

and reliability of


5 Sampling                        

6 Data collection                        

7 Data analysis                        

8 drafting reports                        

9 seminar report                        

10 completion report                        

11 copies of research reports                        



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