branchline raafs - branchline editor neill phillips...

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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BRANCHLINE Australian Model Railway Association Inc WA Branch Issue 243

Vol 40 No.5 October 2017 ISSN 2206-5334


Hello Everyone,

It has been a busy period at the branch since the last issue of the Branchline appeared. But that seems to be just the preliminary for events coming over the next couple of months. I would like to thank those who have helped in welcoming the visitors and new members to our branch. This is the sort of image we wish to convey so that more and more people will not only visit our branch, but even become members. Without new mem-bers our branch will not continue to function as well as it has done in the past. It requires a constant effort which a lot of our regular members are helping with.

Speaking of busy times, at the moment, and for the whole of the week from Monday to Saturday of the second week of the school holidays, we have numerous members helping man/person the display at the Bassendean shopping centre. If that is not enough, then over the next few weeks we will have a presence at St. Au-gustine’s Church (25th November), Narrogin Show (20th and 21st October) and the York Festival (14th and 15th October). If you think you can help at any of these events to show the public our efforts in Model Railways, then please contact Lynn Nicholls via email ( The more the merrier and the old saying many hands make light work.

Coming up soon is RailFest (8th October) at Rail Heritage. Do come along and have a look at what Rail Herit-age have done since the last time you were there or, if you haven’t been before, it’s a good opportunity to see the displays and talk railways with lots of people and there will be lots and lots of bargains at the various stalls.

Please don’t forget that on November the 19th we will be having our ‘ModelRail’. All who can help either on the day or set up please contact our organiser extraordinaire, Trevor Burke. I have lost count at the number of ModelRails that Trevor has organised. He does a great job but he cannot do it alone; so please help where you can.


John Maker

President, AMRA WA

The views and opinions expressed by

contributors in this publication are not neces-

sarily those of the Association or the Western

Australian Branch.


December 2017 2 Dec 17

February 2018 3 Feb 18

April 2018 7 Apr 18


President: – John Maker -

Vice President: – Martin Kalkman-

Treasurer: – David Butler -

Secretary: – Lynn Nicholls -


Ron Fryer -

Stanley Crabb -

George Hewitt -

Tom Stokes -

Henri Raafs -

Branchline Editor Neill Phillips 0438898448





Since the 2017 AGM, our hard-working Constitution Committee have been very busy getting things ready for the sub-mission of a draft version of a new Branch Constitution as per the requirements from the AGM.

I encourage you to read carefully what the constitution committee submit at the special general meeting which will be convened to consider their draft, as we need to get it right and approved so the Branch can continue to function as an incorporated body into the future and remain within the laws of the state.

Please keep the discussion of the new constitution to between members so our Constitution Committee can concen-trate on the task in hand. That is not to say if a committee member asks for advice or an opinion from you that you do not have a frank and engaging conversation about whatever is asked.

You may have heard rumours about lots of differing points of view on how things are going in regard to the constitu-tion of the WA Branch and the Federal Association. At the moment it is not productive to give a blow by blow account of some of the emails passing around. Rest assured nothing will be kept from our members before the time to make decisions on our new constitution. When it is appropriate ALL the communications will be made available so the WHOLE picture can be seen, not edited portions as some have seen fit to go off on a tangent about now, with selected truths and possibly biased comments.

Should you wish to talk with me with regard to where the branch is heading with the Branch Constitution and the future of the branch, please do not hesitate to contact me at the branch.

John Maker AMRA WA Branch President


Our Branch is regarded as a family friendly place and it would be appreciated by ALL members for ALL members that we ALL try to keep it that way.

I would like to ask ALL members who attend the branch to ALWAYS bear in mind that at any time a visitor(s) can come through the front doors, be they individuals or a family. We need to keep the meeting room as neat and tidy as possible, notwithstanding that work can be done. Please keep the tables and chairs clean when you have used them, not leave the cleaning up to a few at the end of the day.

This also applies to how you speak and treat other members. Always consider that you are in mixed company and use language and gestures appropriately. Should you wish to be more vocal and descriptive with a fellow member then take yourselves to a quieter part of the branch where the discussion can be kept between whomever is involved.

We are all trying to encourage new members to the branch and keep existing ones. This doesn’t mean you have to have a prude mentality, but just some decorum would be appreciated.

After all we are here because we all want to enjoy the Model Railway Hobby, in whatever form it takes for us.

John Maker AMRA WA Branch, President



As for the August meeting of exactly one year ago, 30 keen and brave S-scale Modellers (and two invited guests) once again ventured out on a cold and wet Monday evening and were well rewarded with the evening’s activities. The top-ic for the meeting included the usual “Bring and Show” as well as a stimulating presentation on “Computer Control-ling the “Two Rivers” exhibition layout by Anthony and Brendan Penstone.

As usual the doors opened at 7.30pm so members could meet informally before Graham Watson rang the AMRA


Bell at 8.15 and declared the meeting open. Graham welcomed all the members present, old and new and in particular Bill Pickering, as well as Simon Clarendon who travelled all the way from Narricup, near Albany to catch up with members. Apologies were also received from Lynton Englund and Greg Aitken. Graham reminded members of the AMRA AGM which is to be held at the clubrooms on Saturday 19 August at 2.30pm. Graham also confirmed the S scale Modelling Workshop to be held on Sunday 17 September from 10.00am to 4.00 pm would go ahead and all AMRA members are welcome - provided they bring a wagon, van, carriage, building or structure to work on.

Graham reported that Railwest Models had restocked many of the popular kits of WAGR vehicles and many of the detailing parts required for kit assembly.

Bill Pickering reported that Swan View had been fitted with a new DC controller with a chip, on a trial basis and would like feed-back from operators on the effectiveness of the controller over the coming weeks. Bill also spoke on the use of Model aircraft servo testing units which can be used to change points/turnouts or signals rather than say, Peco point motors, for about 1/3rd the price. Bill showed an example of two turnouts which can be changed using a 250/ 5-volt solid state transformer. Bill advised that members are always welcome at the AMRA All Things Electri-cal monthly meetings at the times as given on the website.

Cassidy Newland reported on the steady progress he is making on the 3D design and printing of the patterns for a MRWA F class DE locomotive and, in particular, the bogie sideframes. Cassidy also showed the Marbellup DB DE locomotive model he has been assembling and that he hopes to paint in prototypical Westrail orange.

Ron Fryer reported that a source of MEK has been found thanks to the help of Garry Pilmoor and that it would soon be available in the Paddington Market sales cupboard.

Niels Kroyer showed the detailed and painted MSA loco he recently took delivery of from X-class Models in all over black livery. Niels reported that there had been some slippage in the transmission “rod” from the motor to the gearbox and that hopefully this has been rectified by applying a brass sleeve to the armature extension of the Mantua motor.

Stuart Mackay reported that he has assembled eleven MSA Garratt locomotives on behalf of members who have ordered a kit. Seven still require the wiring of the motor and the electrical connection to the bogies. Hopefully the problem with the slippage on the transmission mechanism has been solved with the installation of a brass sleeve on the armature extension of the Mantua motor on all assembled models.

Doug Firth also showed members the detailing of the Garratt he has been working on. This included the breather pipes for the water tanks, steam whistle, safety valves and clack valves, turbo generator, vacuum exhaust, handrails and handrail knobs. The loco has yet to be painted, but it ran smoothly around the Swan View layout following the formal part of the meeting. Doug has also added a water tap above the buffer beam, below the coal bunker.

Bill Gray reported on the fun and progress he is having with his research into the first Perth railway station (1885-1895) which he plans to model in due course. It has the potential to be a very nice model of a brick building and its colonial architecture which had a very short life. (See photo below).

Murray Hartzer showed the battery operated nail-file he found at his local Pharmacy for $19. Murray thought it would be helpful to have and when cleaning up flash and other imperfections on brass or styrene models.

Following the general ‘Bring and Show” Stuart Mackay introduced Anthony (Tony) and son Brendan Penstone

Niels’ painted model of an MSA and Doug’s

model yet to be painted

The main entrance to the original Perth station building boasted

some nice columns


who gave an interesting talk on how they ran their “Two Rivers” layout, via their I-pads or I-phones at this year’s Exhibition. The system was run using NCE DCC Procab and NCE DCC to USB adapters. Tony reported that the system relied on Wi Throttle software available free on the internet, Macbook-Air connectivity and also hardware sourced cheaply from electronics stores such as Jaycar. The system that Tony and Brendan have devised provides smooth route operation which is particularly helpful in running an exhibition layout and talking to the public at the same time.

The information was too much for many of us to take in at one 25 minute sitting, but those interested further can contact Tony via his dad, long-time AMRA member, Alan Penstone to perhaps arrange a meeting with Tony and Bren-dan to find out more. Thanks to Anthony and Brendan for providing the information and for hopefully giving those of us who have not yet had the courage to enter the digital age the stimulus to do so.

Once again a very interesting, informative and stimulating S scale SIG meeting. Thanks to all who contributed to the topics and to all that attended and paid their $2 amenities fee.

Greg Aitken has advised that he hopes to exhibit his extensive and realistic WAGR Bencubbin S scale layout at next year’s exhibition, if all the stars align. This is welcome news as it would be great to have yet another S scale layout on display at the Annual exhibition complemented by an S scale modelling desk and S scale product availability stand, where possible.

The September 2017 meeting saw 26 members turn up at the AMRA Clubrooms in Bayswater for the monthly Sn3½ Special Interest Group meeting.

Graham Watson rang the bell to call the members together at 8.15pm and declared the meeting open. Graham wel-comed the members, including Gerard Fergusson who has been unwell, and Mitch Miller-Henderson. Apologies were received from Stuart Mackay who is thought to be roaming Western Australia somewhere, Doug Firth who is in the UK, Trevor Burke who is hiking in Spain, and Ray Cooper who is in Sydney.

Graham reminded members of the Modelling Workshop, to be held at the clubrooms next Sunday, 17 September. The doors will be opened at 10.00am, the only requirements being to bring a modelling project of some sort, and lunch. Graham also mentioned that Railfest will be held at the Rail Transport Museum on the 8 October, at which there will be the usual trade stands, plus a new one, and he mentioned that the Rail Heritage website has had another 800 images added to it. The website now contains about 19,800 images, and another 200 or so will be added shortly, so the total will soon exceed 20,000.

Next month's S Scale meeting will feature the ever popular Jeff Austin, who will be presenting a talk on WAGR water towers and other watering facilities. Graham also gave our own annual ModelRail event a plug, which will be held in November. Our group will be running Swan View, and Trevor Burke will be looking for volunteers for general duties and demonstration desks.

Neil Blinco reported that he has been working on the patterns for a 6 compartment AF class car, based on the AT, and has kits of this unique carriage available. He has also been working on castings for the AS class brake cars, these later castings having a panelled guard's compartment door rather than the earlier tongue and groove doors. Neil has also been tinkering around with Walthers Pullman car bogies to go under these carriages, and these are under trial at the moment.

Cassidy Newland has continued to work on the 3D design and printing of the patterns for a MRWA F class DE loco-motive and in particular the bogie side frames. He has been learning to use his new 3D printer to make these parts, and showed a 3D printed F class nose, which he said would take considerable time to print in a higher resolution. He has been thinking about whether he should print his kits, or print just one high resolution kit and use it as a pattern for casting. He is leaning towards the former idea. Casting can be a problem because of slightly inconsistent sizes of the resulting product, especially as the moulds age. There are also limitations with the 3D printing, too. Cassidy found that the scale radiator grilles did not print out very well, but he hopes to be able to take orders soon, and will be work-ing on the chassis next.


Lynton Englund showed a model of a New Zealand Railways Uc1 class tank wag- on he built from a South Dock Models kit. The wagon was similar to the WAGR's JD class tank wagon, but was shorter, with shorter wheel base bogies. The JD was the only WAGR tank wagon with end supports, as fitted to the model. South Dock is now part of North Yard.

John Maker gave a report on items from the Committee. The AGM was held last month and the new Committee has yet to meet, but four members, including Niels Kroyer and Garry Pilmoor are looking at the Constitution. There are issues with it – Western Australia appears to be aligned with the Queensland and New South Wales branches, but per-haps not so with the Federal COM. General member's meetings have been along the theme of "How to…", with the next one being "How to Use DAS Modelling Clay".

Bill Gray reported that Australian Sn Modeller should be in the member's letterboxes today, which many of the mem-bers confirmed. Cris still requires articles for the next issue.

The General Bring and Show came next.

Bill Gray told of a story he uncovered during his researches into the original Perth Railway Station, regarding the Vio-la sisters, who were American aeronauts. They travelled the world in the early 1890s, parachuting from a hot air bal-loon to the wonderment of the local people. Railways were involved when the then Commissioner for Railways sent a special train from Perth to Fremantle to rescue Millie Viola who had become entangled in the spire on the Fremantle Town Hall. He later allowed the Viola sisters to use the Perth station yard as a launch ground, but their balloon caught fire there and burnt to the ground.

The theme for this month's meeting was to show the first model built, and the latest, to illustrate the differences in skill levels, techniques and materials.

Niels Kroyer showed a GE wagon to which he had added brake shoes. These fill up the otherwise empty spaces around the wheels, and make quite a difference to the overall look of the model.

Ron Richards showed an RCA wagon he built a long time ago.

Bill Gray showed his first model, an NFA flat wagon, which took a concentrated effort over three weeks to build, but was mirror reversed because it had been built upside down, with the plans the right way up. His latest model is a Neil Blinco Midland Railway Jv class carriage, which has been modified to represent the Jv preserved at the Rail Museum.

Simon Mead's first model was a resin kit of a GE class open wagon. He had gone to considerable trouble to detail the interior. His latest project is a Richard Stallard 3D printed SXT class sheep wagon.

Murray Hartzer showed his first model which was a scratch built V class steam loco. Most people start with simple wagons! It was built from brass and took him a year to construct. He then showed a DC van, which is one of eleven he is building. The van he showed was lettered by hand using a ball pen he got from Jackson's Drawing Supplies. Such a pen could possibly also be used to make window frames in buildings.

Garry Pilmoor was one of a number of members who couldn't remember which model was their first one, but he showed two scratch built QBB timber wagons, complete with a timber load which he screwed to the deck to stop the model from bending. He also showed a VA van, and his later projects was a pair of Golden Fleece tank wagons modi-fied from Tyco wagons. His latest build was a Railwest model of a KA open wagon he put together after lunch today.

John Bajkowski began his modelling career in 1993 with a G class wagon he put together using MEK, wondering whether he had used enough to keep it in one piece, or perhaps too much. He has progressed onto a Neil Blinco AZ coach kit, superglued together, screwed and reinforced.

John Morrison, although a relatively new modeller, showed a Strath Models South Australian explosives van, which he hadn't quite finished, and a Railwest FD van which he had airbrushed. He also showed a D van which was his first attempt at weathering.

Neil Blinco was another member who couldn't recall his first ever model, but an early effort was a scratch built Z class brakevan built from styrene in the days when the modeller had to scribe the tongue and groove lines on the sides. The S class cars he showed earlier are keeping him busy at the present time.

Graham Watson began his modelling career looking at HOn3½, and then Australian HO scale. He and Richard


Stallard had been discussing S scale, and each produced an S scale wagon at the same time, unbeknown to each other, and brought them to a meeting on the same night! Graham's was an R class open bogie wagon built from North East-ern Timber. North Eastern still exists, and produces timber moulding for modellers in basswood, a very fine grained timber. The bogies were Ratio archbar. His latest offering was a Midland Railways NC bogie flat wagon he built from one of his own kits. The NC became QCF when the MRWA was taken over by the WAGR in 1964, although they were not identical to the existing WAGR QCF wagons.

Graham's models concluded another interesting S scale SIG meeting, and all are welcome to the October meeting to hear Jeff Austin's water tower presentation.

The S Scale Special Interest Group of AMRA meets on the second Monday of every month at 20.00 hours in the AMRA clubrooms in Moojebing St, Bayswater – visitors are always welcome.


This issue of Branchline should reach a larger than normal audience with many new members receiving the hard copy version for the first time. Considerable effort has been expended recently to cross-check the WA Branch’s list of email and normal addresses against the Federal register of members, consequently some 22 new names have been added to the mail address list.

Back in late 2013, the Executive decided to provide Branchline in an electronic format, as the default means of dis-

seminating club information to the membership. The Executive also decided that Members without any access to the

Internet, either the local library, family members or at the branch, will still receive Branchline in hard copy, but only

in black and white. Since that time some 270 members have provided an email address, but with the turnover in

membership there may be some members who are currently receiving the hard copy of Branchline when the electronic

format would suit them better. Similarly, many of those very newly added members may prefer to receive Branchline

in electronic format. The electronic Branchline often includes more information than that provided in the hard copy

version and also has the advantage of being presented in colour, including the photographs.

If you are reading this message on paper but have an email address, please advise the editor so that your name can be

added to the email addressees and you can escape from the monochrome version of Branchline.


ModelRail 2017 will be held on Sunday 19 November this year. As in previous years, this event aims to promote our Branch to the general public and provide an opportunity for members to enjoy a day of model railroading without the work and pressures associated with an exhibition sized event.

Volunteers are required to assist staffing our entrance door, running the sausage sizzle and other duties. If you can help out, please place your name on the rosters that will placed on the Notice Board in the clubrooms; any assistance will be greatly appreciated. If you would like to help operate the layouts on the day please contact one of the Layout Coordinators. Opportunities are also available for Members who may wish to demonstrate some modelling activities or models on the day, so please contact me if you would like a table(s) made available for you at ModelRail.

Assistance is requested from Members to help clean the clubrooms on Saturday 4 and 11 November to ensure that the Branch clubrooms are looking good for our visitors. Please put Sunday 19 November 2017 in your diary for Mod-elRail 2017 and tell your family and friends about the event.

Trevor Burke ModelRail Coordinator



New Library Acquisitions

Have you checked on the “New Items” shelf recently. It’s well worth the effort as one or two new items appear each month. So checkout the following:-

1. An Illustrated History of M&GNJR Locomotives [Library No. KDA32] A Guide to the Midland & Gt. Northern Joint Railway [Library No. KCD7a] By the time you receive “Branchline” there will be a number of DVD’s on the shelf worth checking out.

General News

Thanks to the following for donations to the library:- Graham Bell; Alan Goodall; Ross Green; Don Henderson; Barry Keens; Niels Kroyer; Denis Ling; Neill Phillips and Roger Stanton. Apologies but thanks to anyone I may have missed.

The library is open when the Branch is open, see the duty officer if there’s no one behind the desk. Otherwise see you there.

Des Branch Librarian


I am pleased to welcome the following new members who have joined or rejoined our Association since the previous edition of Branchline:

Damica Carr Bertram Josh Carr Bertram John Curran Dawesville Paul Gajewski Hazelmere Derek Milsen Ridgewood Karlo Piersic Rivervale Malcolm Taylor Tapping

We welcome all our new members to visit our clubrooms and understand that for some people, joining a new organi-sation and getting involved can be a little daunting. However, if you make yourself known to the duty officer at your first meeting you will be made most welcome, given a tour of the club facilities and introduced to other members. We have fantastic facilities including a comprehensive library and sufficient layouts that provide the opportunity for any member to run their own trains at most meetings.

Trevor Burke

Branch Registrar



Meeting 422 - September 14th 2017

School Holiday Event Bassendean Shopping Centre: An event has been arranged at the Bassendean Shopping Centre for the Second week of the School Holidays. A good opportunity for AMRA to display their hobby and en-courage the younger (and may older) generation to visit us and see what we do at the Branch.!

York Festival. AMRA has been invited to display our U-Drive and Puzzle at the forthcoming York Festival on the 1 4th & 15th October. Volunteers are required.

St Augustine’s Church Bayswater Community Fair. AMRA has also been invited to display our layouts at the Bayswater Community Fair which is being held on Saturday 25th November commencing at 2pm. We urgently need volunteers for this event.

All these events are very good exposure for our Branch and a definite advantage in promoting the hobby.

New Badges. A quantity of new badges have been ordered from Cassidy Newland and are now available for mem-bers. If you wish your name to be engraved on the badge then once we have a suitable number ordered for the mini-

mal cost of $2 then we can have them done. Contact to order yours.

Scale Rules. These are now available for purchase in Paddington Market for $6 each.

Library. Surplus is moving, albeit slowly, however every little bit helps so we are still encouraging donations of books etc. Unfortunately, while the general catalogue is being kept up-to-date with the addition of new items, little progress has been made with the hundreds of older magazines. Currently there are three catalogues being compiled. The main catalogue for use by library staff, a short form catalogue with less information and is intended for general distribution and catalogue with items for sale and will also be for general distribution.

Layout Donation. The Southern Group, who unfortunately have folded their club, have a donated a layout which appeared at the last Exhibition. This is a DCC layout and will be a welcome addition to our layouts.

Security System. Three quotes have been obtained to replace our aging security system. All fairly competitive at around $3790. Once we have the ongoing monthly costs a company will be selected to complete the work.

Club Projector. The club’s projector has ongoing issues with shutting down and John Maker and Brian Muhling will be investigating what is the best approach. If it is faulty President suggests we get a new one if they have no luck lo-cating the problem.

The Minutes of the Management Committee Meeting for September are now available and any member who wishes a hard copy printed should contact and a copy can be printed and left at the branch for collection.

Lynn Nicholls Secretary


AMRA-WA Program of Events

October to December 2017

Where we meet and when

All meetings and running sessions, unless otherwise stated, are held in the Branch’s Clubrooms at

24 Moojebing Street, BAYSWATER (opposite Paddington Street).

The Clubrooms are OPEN for meetings and sessions as indicated in the Program of Events below.

Evening Meetings: from 2000 to 2230 (as scheduled below, Monday to Friday)

Daytime Sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays: from 1000 to 1500

Afternoon Sessions on Saturdays: from 1330 to 1700

The Clubrooms are CLOSED on Good Friday and Christmas Day, and over the period of the an-

nual Model Railway Exhibition on the June Long Weekend. The Committee may decide on other

Closures as warranted by circumstance.

The entry fee for members on every attendance at the Clubrooms is $2 which goes towards the general operating expenses of the facilities. Payment by gold coin is requested.

Members and visitors are welcome to a free hot drink and a biscuit or two at meetings and sessions. Cold drinks are available at a modest price.

Visitors are welcome at all sessions, but for a general overview of our facilities and layouts it is best to come during either a Tuesday daytime session or on a Saturday afternoon. Please make yourself known upon arrival and a Committee Member will proudly show you around. The evening Special Interest Groups also welcome visitors, and the focus of these sessions is as their name suggests.

October 2017

Wed 11 Evening General Activities - ‘Everything Electrical’

Thu 12 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters

12 Evening Committee of Management, monthly meeting

Fri 13 Evening General Activities - N Scale Modellers' SIG

Sat 14 Afternoon General Activities

Tue 17 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters

Thu 19 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters

Fri 20 Evening General Activities - N Scale Modellers' SIG

Sat 21 Afternoon General Activities

Tue 24 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters

Thu 26 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters

Fri 27 Evening General Activities - N Scale Modellers' SIG

27 Evening General Activities - S Scale Modellers' SIG

Sat 28 Afternoon General Activities

28 Evening Club Barbeque

Tue 31 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters


November 2017

Thu 2 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters

Fri 3 Evening General Activities - N Scale Modellers' SIG

Sat 4 Afternoon General Activities

Mon 6 Evening General Activities - ”First Monday of the Month”:

Static Grass Applicator.

Tue 7 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters

7 Evening General Activities - ’Large Scale Modellers’ SIG

Wed 8 Evening General Activities - ‘Everything Electrical’

Thu 9 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters

9 Evening Committee of Management, monthly meeting

Fri 10 Evening General Activities - N Scale Modellers' SIG

Sat 11 Afternoon General Activities

Mon 13 Evening General Activities - S Scale Modellers' SIG

Tue 14 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters

Thu 16 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters

Fri 17 Evening General Activities - N Scale Modellers' SIG

Sat 18 Afternoon General Activities

Sun 19 Daytime ModelRail 2017

Tue 21 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters

Thu 23 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters

Fri 24 Evening General Activities - N Scale Modellers' SIG

24 Evening General Activities - S Scale Modellers' SIG

Sat 25 Afternoon General Activities

25 Evening Club Barbeque

Tue 28 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters

Thu 30 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters


December 2017

Fri 1 Evening General Activities - N Scale Modellers' SIG

Sat 2 Afternoon General Activities

Mon 4 Evening General Activities - ”First Monday of the Month”:

Using Air Dried Clay.

Tue 5 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters

Thu 7 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters

Fri 8 Evening General Activities - N Scale Modellers' SIG

Sat 9 Afternoon General Activities

Mon 11 Evening General Activities - S Scale Modellers' SIG

Tue 12 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters

12 Evening General Activities - ’Large Scale Modellers’ SIG

Wed 13 Evening General Activities - ‘Everything Electrical’

Thu 14 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters

14 Evening Committee of Management, monthly meeting

Fri 15 Evening General Activities - N Scale Modellers' SIG

Sat 16 Afternoon General Activities

Tue 19 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters

Thu 21 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters

Fri 22 Evening General Activities - N Scale Modellers' SIG

22 Evening General Activities - S Scale Modellers' SIG

Sat 23 Afternoon General Activities

Tue 26 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters

Thu 28 Daytime General Activities - Daylighters

Fri 29 Evening General Activities - N Scale Modellers' SIG

Sat 30 Afternoon General Activities

30 Evening Club Barbeque

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