questionnaire results

Post on 31-Jul-2015






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Questionnaire Results and Analysis

Celina Laureta

No one opted for £5 because it is far too expensive so most people said they would pay £1-£2 for a music magazine. One person chose £3-4 which is more of a realistic price having looked at other existing products.

Most people prefer to listen to RnB or Hip Hop and sub-genres of the two such as Soul and Rap.

Two people prefer niche genres like rock and classical music.

One person pointed out the aesthetics of the music magazine as something they look out for so I’ll make sure I use eye-catching colours that compliment each other and a powerful image for the consumer to focus on.

Most people would prefer to see current news and information either about the genre or the artists featured in the magazine – especially an artist they really like or artists who have gained a lot of media attention e.g. controversies, romantic links etc.

Another person pointed out the value and tradition of the magazine’s contents – they want well-written articles that don’t just talk about the latest gossip.

The results show a fifty-fifty split so I can choose whether my front cover model should be a male or female artist.

The results also show a fifty-fifty split however I personally like MOTION more than THE DROP simply because THE DROP could be confusing as it is also synonymous with failure.

The statistics show that these people rarely read music magazines so the frequency of my magazine should be either monthly or quarterly.

The majority of people said they would sign up for a monthly subscription for a magazine they liked, however 42.86% said no.

I received two valid reasons for not signing up for a monthly magazine subscription which is the money issue – some people cannot afford to pay for a monthly subscription and would rather go out and buy a copy themselves because they have the option of flicking through the magazine before buying it.

The other issue was the fact that you can access news about artists on the internet which would be the easier option. To combat this, I will make sure to include a promotional subscription feature that states the first 12 month subscription is absolutely free.

The majority of people said red or blue. No one picked orange.

However I would like to try out the colour orange because red and blue are quite generic colours whereas orange is a refreshing and vibrant colour.

100% stated they would prefer to read an artist interview rather than an album review therefore I will make sure to include more artist interviews than album reviews in my magazine.

FOCUS GROUP (Audience Research): WHATSAPP

Celina Laureta

Q 1) What is your favourite music genre and why?

The only collective opinion from the focus group was that they did not favour a particular genre because they consider the quality of the song rather than an entire genre .

This shows that 16-18 year olds are not biased towards one genre but are actually willing to explore different genres to find songs that appeal to them despite the different instruments, vocals, beats and other fundamentals that make up a particular genre. The wealth of music produced by different artists is utilised by older teenagers.

Two people actually expressed how growing up listening to a certain genre influenced their musical preference throughout the years–they have been so accustomed to one genre for so long that it has reigned in their tastes. These two people also commented on the how the beat of the music can aid them when they’re relaxing.

Most of the people who did specify which genre they preferred gave a reason related to how the music affects them (emotionally, mentally and physically). Their opinions express makes them want to dance, can change moods from happy to sad and reflects their atmosphere and thus enhances their experience.

I did receive some niche genres which I was not expecting, especially Ambient, however, Soca and Punk Rock are more popular.

2) Would you prefer to read an album review or an interview with an artist and why?

INTERVIEWALBUM REVIEWThe majority of the focus group

preferred reading an artist interview because they want a more personal and engaging experience when reading the article rather than someone else’s opinion.

Some people did favour the album review because they wanted to read a review that would not be biased, however that would be very difficult to achieve because once you like or dislike an album you automatically become biased which will determine whether you write a positive or negative review.

Based on these results I will do an exclusive double spread page on an artist interview purely because more people are interested about the artist but I will add a section for a monthly album review on the contents.

Some people did favour the album review because they wanted to read a review that would not be biased, however that would be very difficult to achieve because once you like or dislike an album you automatically become biased which will determine whether you write a positive or negative review.

Based on these results I will do an exclusive double spread page on an artist interview purely because more people are interested about the artist but I will add a section for a monthly album review on the contents.

3) How much would you pay for a music magazine?

Most people agreed on the price of the magazine to be £3 which I believe is quite reasonable when considering the amount of pages in my magazine.

The highest amount was £5 which is far too pricey for my target audience (teenagers – young adults who like hip hop and rnb).

4) How many pages do you expect a music magazine to go up to

The results show that the magazine should be about 40-80 pages long. However one person did express their disagreement with 80 pages.

Another person stated they would pay £3 for 60 pages therefore I will aim to put around 65-80 pages in my magazine contents.

5) What do you look for when purchasing a music magazine?

Many people agreed on popular culture such as gossip, appealing images of the opposite sex and posters.

Others look forward to reading news related to an artist they like and the actual music i.e what’s on the rise and events going on.

Another person suggested a variety of things which could fit my genre some more than others i.e quiz, chart list.

6) Would you enter a promoted competition? If so, what kind? E.g. Trips, concert, free merchandise etc.

LFM: Long for man – A colloquial term that suggests one’s inconvenience e.g. when you do something for a long period of time.

Many people would be too lazy to enter their details for a promoted competition unless the prize is worth getting i.e free concert tickets to an artist they like or vip tickets.

I might use a holiday trip to entice my readers because concert tickets are too generic nowadays and unless the artist is famous then the readers are less likely to enter the competition.

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