question 4 from evaluation

Post on 29-Jul-2015






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Who would be the Audience for your media

productBy Jamie Gibbins

Who would be interested in the film?

I believe that our film would interest males and females aged between 15-45, it would be mostly aimed towards males due to the violence but there are very small elements of violent content so women would like it as well. It fits into a variety of different categories and it has lots of qualities that the target audience would see in it.


We based this on the research that I did, I asked certain members of the public that were in-between the ages of 15-45 what their favourite genre of film would be and the majority of them said thriller. We then asked them what makes a good thriller and yet again the majoriy of them replied with nearly all the content that we had place in our final product.

How does our Thriller film link to others?

There is a genuinely clear and clever plot based in our main task, it is similar to others thrillers and has lots of good content. The opening credits are very similar to Donnie Brasco and Taxi Driver and these are very well known films so they have a clear link to our thriller film ‘Gambino’.

Is our film limited or Mainstream?

Our film would be mainstream because we would like to reach a larger audience, the more views the better. Also with the use of ‘Lionsgate’ to distribute our product we would need to be mainstream because ‘Lionsgate’ have a very large audience to satisfy and this would be the best media institution to distribute our product.

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