question 4 evaluation

Post on 12-Dec-2014






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How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages.

By Sagar Desai


WordPressWordPress blogs were useful for our Research and Planning. This allowed use to keep a record of each day, when we were doing our Research and planing.By using the blog it not only allowed us to keep record of all our work but we were able to use the blog in school and at home this made using the much easier because we would have extra time if we needed it . The online nature of blogs also allowed us to make updates that were organised and relevant to our work. Additionally we made different changes to our blog which made it easier for us to update posts . This made using the blog easy to use.


YouTube allowed us to upload our videos so other people could see them. This allowed us keep in touch with our target audience because they were able to comment on the different videos which means if they had any concerns about.

For our Target Audience we chose YouTube. Nowadays many teenagers go onto this site in order to watch videos this was one of the reasons we decided to use YouTube because it was easy to use and for our target audience they would be able to see everything that goes on behind the scenes and they would have constant updates on videos.


We used social media site facebook to interact with our audience to gain information on the improvements that needed to be made for our movie trailer. This was important because this was something our target audience use on a daily basis which meant it was easier for us to gather all the information from them because they used this social media site. We found this website easy to use as we all knew how to navigate our way around the different pages .


During our planning stage, we used different online presentation tools. An example of this Slideshare. This was extremely useful when it came to uploading the research we felt that using Slide share was the best way to form our presentation.

We used all the information we gathered from other people which consists of positive and negative feedback. We did not have any problem when dealing with slideshare as we had previous experience from last year.


We used Scribd to upload scripts and shotlists on to our Blog. This was very useful and simple to use, it meant that we could embed it onto our blog whereas if we decided to use a different document our audience would have to download the whole file which could take a while, this would be time consuming for our audience. In term of our struggles we had minor difficulties when we were first using Scribd as we were unsure of how to embed documents onto our blog however once we became familiar with this we understood how Scribd worked.


We used IMovie to record and edit our audience feedback and the research we had done on different movie trailers. This allowed us to edit all the videos into one full video , this was very useful to us as we could easily edit all the videos together to complete one whole video . We did not struggle when using this software as we had previous experience during last year. It allowed us to have a better knowledge and understanding of how the software works.

Web 2.0Whilst researching our movie trailer, poster and website , we found internet tools such as and allowed us to access a broad range of examples, including different movie trailers that would relate to our target audience. Whilst this was very useful when researching for our ancillary task , it was even more useful when researching movie trailers . allowed us easy access to a wide range of material, which we could then embed onto the blog and analyse.

Google has been very useful in finding different locations in order to film. This made it very easy for us to contact people and book locations.



For our production we used a DSLR camera which allowed us to film in HD this was important when filming our scenes as we wanted to get clear shots each time when we were recording a scene. It was also much easier to capture images and take video recording of our work as it was portable and easy to transfer all the different clips we used throughout the production process.

This is the camera we used throughout our production process. This camera was very effective as it produced clear images and videos.

Windows Movie maker

We used Windows movie maker for the production stage when we were talking about our ancillary tasks. We used it when we were comparing our website to two different websites we felt that were similar to our genre of Teen Drama. It was also much easier to capture images and take voice recording of our voices as it was portable and easy to transfer all the different clips we used throughout the production process.


We used this software for our ancillary task for our poster. By using this software it allowed us to use photo manipulation techniques which allowed us to change the poster in the way we wanted it to be seen. We used this software because it was much more advanced then other software's. In terms of using Photoshop we had previous experience when using this software from which meant we found it easier to use.

Apple Macs

Throughout our production stages we used the Apple Macs. We felt that using the Macs were very useful when it came to editing or photo manipulation software's. They were already at our disposal because these software's were already installed onto the computers which meant they were easy to access. The Macs itself were easy for us to use because it wasn't our first time using it we had previous experience when using this PC , we had used them from last year.

After effects

We used After Effects our bumper as we felt that using Imovie was too basic in terms of more advanced editing techniques. We also used After effects to recorded voiceover for our research and planning. Whilst using After Effects we did not have any difficulties when using this software because we had previous knowledge of using this software due to last year.

We used After Effects to create our bumper which would be seen at the start of our video we used different editing techniques to make sure our bumper looked professional.


For our website we decided to use Wix. We had researched into this website through Google and saw that this was the perfect site to use in order to make the best website possible. This was helpful in order to make our website work because it was very simple to use and easy to navigate our way around. However at first we did not know how to use this website because it was our first time using this site.

After using Wix for a week we were able to use the website which meant that we were able to design the website effectively to our liking and we also our target audience in mind when design the website this meant that we considered the different colour choices and the layout of the website in order to make more entertaining for the audience when they would want to see the website.


We also used Prize for our evaluation as we wanted to be more creative and branch out with our use of technology in order to show our diversity in using different sites and software's. By using Prezi it allowed us to present our work in a more interactive way for our audience to use. We had difficulties using Prezi because we did not have any previous experience when dealing with this site which meant it took a while before we knew how everything worked. Once we figured out how to use it we feel that we were able to use Prezi to its full potential.



We used Cameras in our evaluation as we had to record ourselves when answering questions. This meant it was easier for us using the cameras to record because the cameras were portable and the quality of the cameras meant that our responses would of been clear and easy to understand. This was very easy for us to use because we had used these cameras last year which meant we did not have any difficulties.


We also used microphones to record our voices for our evaluation. These microphones were very useful as it captured the sound quality of our voices very well this meant that once we had finished recording ourselves we were able to clearly understand our answers.


We used prezi in our evaluation as we wanted to be more creative and think outside of the box. Prezi allowed us to present our work in a more interactive way which be more engaging to the audience. At first we found it difficult because we had not used prezi before but after spending time on it we finally understood the main functions of the website.


We used wordpress in our evaluation for screenshots as we needed to show evidence in our questions when mentioning the target audience. As our blog on Wordpress was very organised we did not have any difficulties when it came using the website because we all had previous experience using it.


We are using Slideshare now for question 4. we decided to use Slideshare as it was easy and quick to upload our PowerPoint presentation onto the website as well as being able to embed it onto our website. This was more suitable then opening up the whole PowerPoint which would of been time consuming, therefore using Slideshare was the better option as we had no problems with using this it and it was very helpful and easy to understand.


We used Wix in our evaluation to create a website mainly for our answers to the questions. We used this software because we already knew what we could do from the production of our ancillary tasks when creating our website.

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