question 3 final

Post on 07-Aug-2015



Social Media



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  1. 1. What did we do? We have used audience feedback from the start in order to make our media outcomes. We have made previous questionnaires in order to gain the opinion of the audience as well as asking class members of views and opinions whilst in the procedure making technique decisions.It allowed us to gain understanding for the target audience and there opinions and adapting our ideas to suit the criteria of the target audience viewing the documentary itself.By asking questions such as Do you think people with tattoo/body piercings should be discriminated against? allowed us to portray a realistic argument for the discrimination of body modification and influenced statics and facts of which we included during the documentary. Therefore in order to evaluate all three of our media products( Documentary, double page spread and radio trailer) we conducted a post production questionnaire as well as focus group. We selected the same people as who had been targeted as our audience influenced by the outcome of the prior questionnaire. This means the high majority were between the ages of 18- 25 years old of whom completed the questionnaire outcomes. We asked them to complete this honestly so that we could gain the most accurate opinion to compare to that of ours.
  2. 2. 1)The documentary looked professional. 0 2 4 6 8 10 People we asked With the all of our audience agreeing or strongly agreeing with the statement it proves that the majority of people feel the documentary looks professional. I think this is down mainly to The length of time spent on editing the overall documentary and reflecting I think without it wouldnt of looked as professional. Other aspects also contributed to this such as us re-filming shots as they weren't up to the standard we wanted for our overall documentary and these sort of techniqual decisions have led to this professional outcome.
  3. 3. 2)I learnt a lot from the documentary. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree This static to me reassures me that we definitely made the correct decision in filming topic. Keeping the audience interested and excited about the documentary was our main aim as we Only have the first 5 minutes to film of which would be to entice the viewer to watch the rest. Personally I thought the topic was interesting and I found out facts and new information of which I didn't know before starting the topic and therefore I am not surprised the audience also thought this of a learning experience.
  4. 4. 3) The music positively added to the documentary. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree I though that the music was one of the key contributors of the documentaries effectiveness. Personally, I think the music added rhythm and pace as well as effectively suited the documentaries style and audience. As the people of whom answered the questionnaire were the target audiences. This proves that they are also of the same opinion.
  5. 5. 4)The quality of the sound levels were excellent. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Here I was surprised with the negative result with the majority of the precipitants disagrees With the sound levels. However, whilst watching the documentary we did realize that a Corruption had meant that the final editing of the sound had not been exported. Even thou these Results our now invalid as we have reported are final product it allowed us to identify The problem before the examiner.
  6. 6. 5) The voiceover was informative. 0 2 4 6 8 Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Series 1 Column1 Column2 From the audiences opinion they also agree that the voiceover was a strong feature to our Documentary. With the majority agreeing or strongly agreeing I think it proves that the Documentary comes together well. Is the voiceover was informative it obviously fits with the Visual aspect.
  7. 7. 6) The radio trailer effectively promoted the documentary e.g. fitted with the style of the documentary. Strongly Agree Agree Disgree Strongly Disagree Here the majority strongly agree. The technique of using the same voiceover and snippets From the documentary clearly proved effectively as a strong link has been made. This reflects the research aspect we have done into previous radio trailers and this had therefore paid off.
  8. 8. 7) The radio trailer sounded professional. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disgree Series 1 Column1 Column2 The radio trailer was highly effectively I thought for the promotion of our documentary. The audience we asked either agreed or strongly agreed proving positive. Reflecting I think the radio trailer could be improved within sound levels and quality of clips used. This would be done if there was more time.
  9. 9. 8) The snippets from the documentary were appropriate. 0 2 4 6 8 10 Strongly Agree Agree Disgree Strongly Disagree Within our radio trailer we tried to use ambiguous quotes from our documentary therefore Drawing in audience as they question or are interested within the basis of the magazine. As A group we did struggle to pick quotes from the documentary to use in our piece within The making we felt the majority didnt directly link. However, with the overall majority strongly agreeing that the clips were appropriate I think this shows a positive outcome to the radio trailer
  10. 10. 9)The magazine effectively promoted the documentary e.g. fits with the style of the other media products. 0 2 4 6 8 10 Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Here the majority of people strongly agree with the statement the magazine fitted the Other products. I think the magazine house style perfectly suited the promotion and therefore Linked with both. We clearly stated the name of the documentary and date and time therefore I am not surprised that the audience also felt the same way.
  11. 11. 10) The magazine is aesthetically pleasing and catches the attention of the audience. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree I think the outcome simply proves that the magazine is effective. From researching other Magazines eye catching was the one thing we strived for as it would draw the audience. This Therefore communicates that we have achieved our goals within making the magazine.
  12. 12. 11) Nothing could be improved for any of the three media products. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Here 2 people said that they strongly agree that nothing could be improved. However reflecting I also think aspects could be improved. This could be seen as inaccurate as explained with Question 4. This may therefore reflect a different outcome as for my time watching the documentary with the target audience I also thought that the sound levels for the documentary were the main problem from the three media products.
  13. 13. Questionnaire quotes: The sound level was too different in places I though the topic was really interesting It looked really professional Id want to watch the rest of the documentary Eye catching magazine
  14. 14. Focus Group: Here the focus group we conducted was that of the target audience we aimed at. The Feedback is all highly positive of our documentary and therefore reflects the positive Outcome of all our media products.
  15. 15. Conclusion: Overall through the course of the media project I feel that audience feedback has been a successful part of appealing to are target audience. I have learnt various things throughout the audience feedback. We have been able to learn throughout the entire course from research and planning to our final project. Overall our findings prove that we have created a well constructed documentary, magazine and radio trailer. We were positively cruised upon the sound levels however we then also realized this is a invalid result. The audience feedback as allowed my to adapt my opinions throughout this project and learn new things within this.

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