question 3

Post on 02-Dec-2014






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What have you learned from your audience


After we had completed our documentary and both ancillary

texts we showed them to a number of students and asked them to fill in

a questionnaire in order to gain feedback on our production...

Question 1:When asked what they thought our documentary was about, all 30 people answered that the topic was clearly sleep; this shows that we used suitable interviews and cutaways, etc. to highlight the topic.

Question 2:

When we asked if the documentary was informative to them we were given answers such as:“I learned lots of new facts”“I think the choice of topic was really interesting and I was excited to see what was on offer”“It was interesting and informed me with new facts as I did not know much about the topic”

These results show that perhaps we included the correct information within the documentary as it was all new and informative to our target audience.

Question 3:22 people answered that they found our documentary very interesting to watch, with the remaining 8 answering that they learned some new things from watching our documentary; this suggests that we edited the interviews to the correct length so that the documentary didn’t appear to drag, and we included interesting information that would appeal to our target audience.

Question 4: The feedback for this question suggests that we chose a suitable topic as 25/30 people from our target audience gave our choice of topic the highest rating of 1; the remaining 5 people answered with a rating of 2. (shown in the graph below)

Question 5:When we asked what the most informative part of the documentary was, we were given answers such as:“The fact that peppermint is good for sleeping” (answered by two people)“The fact that we can actually last without sleep”“The information about yawning”“The fact that yawning isn’t actually linked to tiredness”

As we were given similar answers by a few people this suggests that we included suitable and interesting information, and edited in the most relevant parts of interviews.

Question 6:The feedback we received for this question suggests that we were successful in the production of our documentary as all 30 people who filled in our questionnaire said that the documentary made sense to them. Therefore the ordering and editing of our production clearly works well.

Question 7:The feedback relating to the volume levels of the documentary proves that our editing was successful as 30/30 people answered that the volume levels are consistent throughout the documentary.

Question 8:To follow the codes and conventions of real media products my group and I chose a voiceover that we believed was clear and calm; the results for this question suggest that we made the correct decision as all 30 people questioned answered that the voiceover was clear and understanding. (shown in the graph below)

Question 9:The feedback we received for

this question suggests that the whole half an hour long

documentary that we planned would have been popular with

our target audience as everyone we questioned said that the opening five minutes

was interesting and they would want to watch the remainder of the documentary. (shown in the

graph above)

Question 10:

The results for question 10 show that we made the correct decisions when choosing the cutaways to us throughout our documentary as 30/30 people answered that they were relevant. Therefore they must have suited both the topic and the interviews in which they were shown.

Question 11:

The feedback from question 11 implies that my group and I successfully produced a print advert that would attract our target audience as 29/30 people we questioned rated it as 1 for effectiveness, with only 1 person giving it a rating of 2. (shown in the graph below)

Question 12:

When asked what they liked about the print advert we were given answers such as:

-"It's very dramatic which makes it eye-catching"

-""It looks really effective"

-"It is different and eye-catching"

-"It is effective because of how tired the lady appears"

These answers prove that we made the right decision for the image of the print advert as many people found it eye-catching, which would theoretically attract our target audience and encourage them to watch our documentary.

Question 13: All 30 people that filled in our questionnaire answered that our main image and slogan featured on the print advert both relate to the topic of the documentary; this shows that we chose the correct image as it clearly highlights our topic of sleep and our slogan further emphasises this.

Question 14: The results we received back from this question showed that a large majority of the people questioned found our print advert very eye catching and thought that it would encourage them to watch our documentary. This suggests that we were successful in creating a piece of advertisement to entice our target audience. (shown in the graph below)

Question 15:We received feedback from this question that suggests we made the right decisions when planning and creating our radio trailer as a large percentage of people asked, gave this ancillary text a rating of 2 for effectiveness, with the other small group of people rating it 1. (shown in the graph below)

Question 16:The graph on the right shows that 30/30 people would not change anything about our documentary; this suggests that no changes needed to be made to our planning, filming or editing of the five minute documentary. (shown in the graph to the right) Question 17:

The graph shown on the left, displaying the results for

question 17, shows that 28/30 people rated our

documentary as 2, with the remaining 2 people rating it

at 1; this suggests that our documentary is suitable for, and would be popular with,

our target audience.

Question 18:The results for our final question suggest that our main product and both ancillary texts all link together and clearly highlight the topic of our documentary; the graph above shows that 28/30 people who

filled out our questionnaire found that the products are all very effective in relating to the topic of sleep.

Overall, from my audience feedback I have found that everyone who watched our documentary was aware of the topic we were covering, and a large percentage found all three texts effective. Most results suggested that the decisions my group and I made

when planning, filming and editing our documentary and ancillary texts worked well to help create a product that would

successfully attract and appeal to our target audience. Our audience feedback also implied that no major changes needed to be made to any of our three products and we included the

correct information, that intrigued and interested viewers.

I additionally uploaded our documentary to facebook to gain extra feedback on my work, I received comments such as:

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