queen mary's grammar school€¦ · queen mary's grammar school founded 1554 speech day...

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Queen Mary's Grammar School

Founded 1554

Speech Day 2016


Dr Paul Edmondson

Head of Research and Knowledge The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust


National Anthem

Chairman’s Opening Remarks

Philip Sturrock MBE

Headmaster’s Address

QM Concert Band

Aztec Fire, Bocook

School Report: Part 1

Presentations from the Pupil Senior Leadership Team

Trumpet Solo: Robert Davidson

Chattanooga Choo Choo, Gordon/Warren

School Report: Part 2

Presentations and Prizes

Guest Speaker’s Address

Mr Paul Edmondson

QM Concert Band

Lord of the Dance, Hardiman

Vote of thanks

The Captain of School, Nayan Bhagvaker

The School Song



Art The E.M. Flint Art Prize R.M. Vreugdenhil Biology The Frank Brace Prize H.S. Grewal Business & Economics S.K. Hire Chemistry The J.F. Crump Prize G.S. Sidhu Computer Studies Computing A.N. Potter ICT D. Sam Design & Technology The Peter Gordon Prize R.J. Elkington Economics The Gerald Shutt Memorial Prize K. Kumar English The Samuel Powis Prize R.D. Llewellyn Geography The G.M. Wood Prize D.W. Smith History The Frank Brace Prize for Early Modern History B.J. Ward The Harold Parry Memorial Prize for Late Modern History T. Pullan Mathematics The Sir Edwin Smith Prize L.J. O’Connor

Modern Languages French The Samuel Trees Memorial Prize E.M. Isham German The Eldon A. Crump Prize J.A. Bradshaw Spanish The T.A. Hill Prize M. Swain Music The Frank Cookson Prize R.D. Llewellyn Physics The J.F. Crump Prize L.J. O’Connor Religious Education The Windle Scripture Prize C.H. Yates Science The Gerald Shutt Memorial Prize N.K. Rooprai


Art The John & George Ensor Prize I.A.Q. Jeewa Biology The E.N. Marshall Prize J.C. Murdoch Business & Economics C.S. Gill Chemistry The E.N. Marshall Prize G.K. Bhalla Computer Studies N.A. Lewis Design & Technology N.S. Chauhan Economics C.J. Butler English The Samuel Powis Prize S.J. Tapper Extended Project Qualification The W.J. Davies Prize C.S. Gill Geography The H.M. Butler Prize E.M. Swain History The R.J. Bull Memorial Prize B.S. Jhooty Historical Studies Prize H.S. Ruthu Mathematics The E.N. Marshall Prize G.K. Bhalla Modern Languages The F.B. Shaw Memorial Prize R.J. Horrigan The Linguistics Prize B.S. Jhooty

The Hill Memorial & Jeffries Prize for Spanish T.A. Olivo Spoken Language The Andrew J. Thompson Memorial Prize T.A. Olivo Music J.K. Sagoo Physics The G.G. Brudenell Prize I.S. Walker Religious Education B.S. Jhooty Science The Gerald Shutt Memorial Prize S.S. Sandhu The Stephen Humphries & Stephen Worrall Prize for progress in the Sixth Form S.K. Hire

SUBJECT PRIZES - Middle and Lower School Art The McKinstry Prizes Year 11 K. Hargun Year 10 A.J. Liu Year 9 J.W. Hyett Year 8 A.L. Mathews Year 7 M.A. Watson Biology The Michael Bollen Memorial Prize G.S. Grewal Business & Economics G.S. Grewal Chemistry The Michael Bollen Memorial Prize G.S. Grewal Computer Studies The Michael Goold Prize S.E. Shackleton Middle School Prize D.R.S. Khangure Design & Technology Year 11 R.A. Beale Year 10 D. Tandon Year 9 Z.L. Elliott Year 8 B.A. Thorn Year 7 J. Dugg English The R.S.M. Williams Prize (Year 11) P.S. Josan The Chetwynd House Prize U.H. Nambio French The F.B. Shaw Memorial Prize G.S. Grewal Geography The John Scott Prize (Middle School) O.W.P. Mills The John Scott Prize (Lower School) M.K. Khan German The I.R. Davison Memorial Prize A.R.S. Aujla History The Harold Williams Prize O.W.P. Mills The Binns Prize K.S. Garewal Mandarin S.E. Shackleton Mathematics The Michael Bollen Memorial Prize B.L. Hopton The Chetwynd House Prize R.M. Peacock Music The Middle School Music Prize S.R.N. Wunnava

The Frank Cookson Prize (Year 9) R.J. Davidson The Junior Music Prize H.S. & M.S. Wilkhu The Young Musician Prize J.D. Hughes Physics The Michael Bollen Memorial Prize B.L. Hopton

Religious Education The Windle Scripture Prize D.S. Kher Science The Gerald Shutt Memorial Prize B.L. Hopton The Chetwynd House Prize for Science R.M. Peacock Spanish The Petypher Prize D.A.S. Thiara

PALFREY PRIZES - Middle and Lower School

YEAR 11 D.A.S. Thiara

M.R. Shah

A.S. Garewal

G.S. Grewal

10A A.J. Bembridge

10D B.A. Clarke

10G M.B. Saleem

10P H. Akram

9A M.S. Cheema

9D J.W. Popple

9G S.S. Garewal

9P B.L. Whitehead

8A M. Garfield

8D B.A. Thorn

8G A.L. Mathews

8P J.S. Fearon

7A H.S. Dhillon

7D S. Rupan

7G D.J. Smith

7P W.E. Roberts

ACTIVITY AND ACHIEVEMENT PRIZES CCF Prizes Army Section J.M.Miller RAF Section D.J. Russon Astle Prize T.A. Burns RAF Proficiency Trophy N.P. Green “Best Shot” Cup C.S. Purewal Capt. T.T. Barnes Cup (Army Recruits) B.L. Whitehead Wing Commander Dickson Cup (RAF Recruits) K.P. Tolley The Philip Wilson Evans Prize for Junior Leadership in the CCF T.W. Harrington 210 Bty Trophy for Individual Military Skills K. Beveridge-Smith Drama Old England Prize K. Beveridge-Smith Rubery Owen Prize D.J. Russon Farchynys Ralph White Prize (Senior) E.A.G. Pitt Ralph White Prize (Junior) O.S. Green The B.J. Edwards Prize for Fieldwork in Geography T.R. Patel Music The Downes Prize for Music Making M.D. Treuge Music Batons Contribution to extra-curricular music making M.J. Clayton & A.R.S. Thornett Public Service The Headmaster’s Prize L.J. O’Connor & N. Dawes The John and George Ensor Prize A.K. Gupta & R.D. Llewellyn The John S. Anderson Prize I.I. Gaynor The G.G. Paxton Prize for salt attic B.J. Ward The Bruce George Trophy E.C. Walker Speech & Writing The Samuel Powis Prize for Oratory N.R. Choudhry Reading Prize (Middle School) K. Beveridge-Smith The Judge Tucker Prize for Reading M. Swain The Kirby Essay Prize A. Ravat The Chess Shield F. Nasiri The Darren Burton Memorial Prize S.J Darby The Aneil Raju Memorial Prize for extra-Curricular Activities in Year 9 H.S. Dhahan The G.A. Crudace Trophy J.W. Clarke The Cross-Country Run Trophy B.R. Boulter The J.A. Dickson Cross-Country Run Trophy (Middle School) S.T.W. Huyskens The Victor Ludorum Cups Year 7 R.A.T. Bailey Year 8 R.M Ahmed Year 9 Z.L. Elliott Year 10 R.S. Sidhu Senior Boys I.M. Hazel

Senior Girls H.M. Leighton The Jan Webster Trophy for Sporting Achievement N.R. Blackwood The R.R. Taylor Memorial Bowling Award N.B. Patel The Malikuddin Foundation Prize for Excellence A Level E. Daniel & T. Pullan GCSE M.R. Shah, A.S. Garewal, & D.A.S. Thiara The Jeevan Dhanda Award I.M. Hazel & B.L. Hopton The Maggie Causer Cup A. Qamar

Highest House Points Achieved 2015-16

Aragon H.S. Dhillon Year 7 M.R. Windsor Year 8 G.S. Sohal Year 9 A.J. Bembridge Year 10 G.W. Foster Year 11


A.R. Wilson Year 7 B.A. Thorn Year 8 C.R. Hodgetts Year 9 S.J. Darby Year 10 S.S. Patel Year 11


J.D. Hughes Year 7 K.C. Kumar Year 8 S.S. Garewal Year 9 J.M. Grewal Year 10 K. Nathwani Year 11


M. Ojerinde Year 7 H.S. Wilkhu Year 8 R.M. Peacock Year 9 S.T.W. Huyskens Year 10 K. Beveridge-Smith Year 11


Aragon Darby Gryphon Petypher Academic 747 1047 977 799 Service 286 379 296 339 Competition 980 1365 1155 1145 TOTAL 2013 2791 2428 2283


A-level Examinations The following were awarded grade A*/A in the June 2016 examinations: Art: K. Dhugga(*), A. Fiyaz, A. Jhangir(*), R. Lorgat, D. Sam(*), R. Vreugdenhil(*)

Biology: B. Boulter, M. Calder(*), A. Godsall, H. Grewal(*), A. Gupta(*), S. Jassal(*), P. Kachala, W. Khan, K. Kumar(*), H. Leighton, R. Llewellyn, A. Nijher(*), N. O'Connor, A. Patel(*), A. Patel, A. Pawar, U. Raja, N. Rooprai, M. Samy(*), G. Sidhu(*), D. Sohal, K. Taggar

Chemistry: A. Bhambra(*), M. Calder(*), N. Chowdhury, E. Daniel(*), A. Godsall(*), H. Grewal(*), A. Grover, A. Gupta, S. Jassal(*), P. Kachala, R. Llewellyn, A. Nijher(*), A. Patel(*), N. Patel, A. Pawar, U. Raja, N. Rooprai, S. Sahdev, M. Samy(*), G. Sidhu(*), K. Taggar, A. Tapper, T. Wallace, G. Watts

Computing: Q. Feng, M. Hunt, D. Lindsay, A. Potter, D. Sam(*)

DT: Z. Ahmed, T. Dosanjh, R. Elkington, E. Heffernan, W. Khan, V. Lam, B. Nevett-Farman, S. Uppal,

Economics: A. Anwar, D. Hombiro, K. Kumar(*), H. Mann, L. O'Connor, A. Patel, D. Patel, B. Ward

Economics & Business: S. Hire, T. Ravat

English Language & Literature: J. Bradshaw, R. Galloway, R. Khosah, G. Leavesley, R. Llewellyn(*), D. Smith, A. Storey

English Literature: H. Grennan, A. Ravat, M. Swain, R. Vreugdenhil

EPQ A. Anwar(*), S. Bains, C. Bird, J. Dhillon, A. Dhliwayo(*), T. Dosanjh(*), I. Gaynor(*), H. Grennan(*), H. Grewal(*), A. Grover(*), A. Gupta(*), J. Hassan, M. Hawa, D. Hombiro, P. Kachala(*), R. Khosah(*), K. Kumar(*), H. Leighton, D. Lindsay(*), R. Llewellyn(*), L. McGann(*), A. Nijher(*), N. O'Connor, A. Patel(*), D. Patel, B. Popple, A. Potter, L. Powell(*), A. Qamar, N. Rooprai(*), M. Samy, D. Sohal, A. Storey, M. Swain(*), K. Taggar, C. Tang(*), A. Vasta(*), B. Ward(*), G. Watts(*), C. Yates(*)

Further Maths: S. Ahmed, N. Chowdhury, E. Daniel(*), N. Dawes, R. Elkington(*), Q. Feng(*), H. Mann, B. Nevett-Farman(*), L. O'Connor(*), D. Patel(*), S. Patel(*), T. Pullan(*), C. Tang, A. Tapper, C. Wright(*)

Geography: Z. Ahmed, J. Bird, R. Galloway, H. Leighton(*), R. Lorgat, D. Patel, D. Russon, D. Smith(*), R. Vreugdenhil

History: A. Ahmed, J. Bradshaw, A. Dhliwayo, H. Grennan, D. Hombiro, T. Pullan(*), M. Swain, B. Ward(*), C. Yates

Maths: T. Akram, A. Anwar, S. Bath, A. Bhambra, M. Calder, N. Chowdhury, E. Daniel, N. Dawes, R. Elkington, A. Farhath, Q. Feng(*), I. Gaynor, H. Grewal(*), A. Gupta, H. Hill, S. Jassal, G. Johal, J. Kasujee, R. Khosah, K. Kumar(*), V. Lam(*), H. Leighton, H. Mann, K. Manon, B. Nevett-Farman(*), A. Nijher, L. O'Connor(*), A. Patel, A. Patel, D. Patel, S. Patel(*), A. Pawar, T. Pullan(*), D. Sam(*), M. Samy, G. Sidhu, C. Tang(*), A. Tapper(*), B. Ward, G. Watts(*), C. Wright

Physics: S. Ahmed, N. Chowdhury(*), E. Daniel(*), N. Dawes, R. Elkington, Q. Feng(*), H. Hill, R. Khosah, V. Lam, B. Nevett-Farman, L. O'Connor(*), D. Patel(*), S. Patel, T. Pullan(*), C. Purewal, U. Raja, N. Rooprai, A. Tapper(*), J. Walkerdine-Hill, G. Watts, C. Wright

RS: N. Ali, S. Bhandal, A. Vasta, C. Yates(*)

Spanish: K. Singh, M. Swain Four Advanced Level Passes: (the number of A*/A grades are shown in brackets) S. Ahmed(2), A. Bhambra(2), N. Blackwood, M. Calder(3), N. Chowdhury(4), E. Daniel(4), R. Elkington(4), Q. Feng(4), M. Hunt(1), V. Lam(3), J. Miller, A. Mohammed, B. Nevett-Farman(4), L. O'Connor(4), D. Patel(4), T. Pullan(4), C. Purewal(1), J. Sahni, A. Storey(1), A. Tapper(4), J. Walkerdine-Hill(1), C. Wright(3)

Three Advanced Level Passes: (the number of A*/A grades are shown in brackets) A. Ahmed(1), S. Ahmed, Z. Ahmed(2), A. Akram, T. Akram(1), N. Ali(1), N. Amin, A. Anwar(2), J. Arshad, U. Arshad, A. Bains, H. Bains, J. Bains, S. Bains, S. Bath(1), S. Bhandal(1), C. Bird, J. Bird(1), B. Boulter(1), J. Bradshaw(2), K. Brang, M. Brown, S. Chahal, L. Chandler, N. Dawes(3), J. Dhillon, S. Dhillon, A. Dhindsa, A. Dhliwayo(1), K. Dhugga(1), T. Dosanjh(1), A. Farhath(1), A.

Fiyaz(1), R. Galloway(2), I. Gaynor(1), A. Godsall(2), H. Grennan(2), H. Grewal(3), A. Grover(1), A. Gupta(3), Z. Hafeez, J. Hassan, M. Hawa, E. Heffernan(1), H. Hill(2), S. Hire(1), R. Hodgetts, D. Hombiro(2), E. Isham, S. Jassal(3), A. Jhangir(1), B. Johal, G. Johal(1), P. Kachala(2), J. Kasujee(1), N. Kendall-Hall, W. Khan(2), R. Khosah(3), K. Kumar(3), G. Leavesley(1), C. Lee, H. Leighton(3), D. Lindsay(1), R. Llewellyn(3), R. Lorgat(2), A. Mandair, H. Mann(3), K. Manon(1), L. McGann, N. Mohanlal, K. Moorcroft, I. Nahal, H. Naqvi, A. Nijher(3), N. O'Connor(1), T. Oloke, A. Patel(3), A. Patel(2), A. Patel(1), D. Patel(1), N. Patel(1), N. Patel, S. Patel(3), A. Pawar(3), A. Pervaiz, B. Popple, A. Potter(1), L. Powell, U. Raja(3), B. Randhawa, S. Rassool, A. Ravat(1), T. Ravat(1), N. Rooprai(3), D. Russon(1), S. Sahdev(1), D. Sam(3), M. Samy(3), S. Sangha, N. Shah, R. Sharma, G. Sidhu(3), K. Sidhu, K. Singh(1), S. Singh, D. Smith(2), D. Sohal(1), R. Suckling, M. Swain(3), K. Taggar(2), C. Tang(2), B. Turner, S. Uppal(1), M. Varela, A. Vasta(1), R. Vreugdenhil(3), E. Walker, T. Wallace(1), B. Ward(3), G. Watts(3), C. Yates(2), R. Yip

AS-Level Examinations

The following were awarded Grade A in the June 2016 examinations:

Art: S. Akhtar, T. Aston, I. Jeewa, R. Kong, V. Man, N. Patel, H. Peace, E. Swain

Biology: A. Askari, G. Bhalla, A. Chalkia, G. Dhillon, G. Dubb, A. Edmonds, B. Fortes-Mayer, S. Hanson, A. Haque, B. Haynes, H. Kular, J. Murdoch, K. Ng, C. Patel, N. Patel, K. Rasool, A. Saha, A. Saini, S. Sandhu, A. Sasaru, M. Shah, A. Singh, E. Stewart, S. Stewart-Barry

Chemistry: U. Ahmed, J. Bansel, G. Benbow, N. Bhagvaker, G. Bhalla, B. Fortes-Mayer, L. Grossett, L. Joseph, H. Kular, J. Murdoch, K. Ng, J. Patel, N. Patel, G. Rai, O. Rana, K. Rasool, K. Reid, J. Sagoo, S. Sandhu, M. Shah, A. Singh, E. Stewart, S. Stewart-Barry, I. Walker

Computing/ICT N. Lewis

DT: P. Bhachu, D. Boniface, N. Chauhan, C. Grennan, A. Lewis, J. Padhiar, D. Pearce, M. Rahman, J. Rea, A. Singh, M. Smith, M. Whitehouse

Economics: J. Balu, N. Bhagvaker, M. Buddington, C. Butler, A. Chalkia, M. Chhiba, J. Doulay, A. Edmonds, L. Grossett, I. Jeewa, R. Johal, R. Khutan, N. Lewis, C. Lines, F. Nasiri, K. Ng, K. Rasool, K. Selvan, M. Uddin

English Language & Literature: A. Bajwa, M. Buddington, Z. Lorgat

English Literature J. Duckett, R. Kong, T. Olivo, E. Swain, S. Tapper, A. Willetts

French: R. Horrigan, B. Jhooty, T. Olivo

Geography: A. Askari, P. Bhogal, A. Blundell, C. Butler, J. Cullingworth, G. Dhillon, J. Gould, H. Kular, Z. Lorgat, T. Patel, D. Pearce, E. Pitt, J. Sagoo, K. Samuels, J. Singh, E. Swain, I. Walker

German: J. Bansel, R. Horrigan, D. Javed, K. Selvan

History: A. Bajwa, A. Chalkia, J. Duckett, S. Hanson, S. Jephcott, B. Jhooty, S. King, C. Lines, M. Meehan, S. Tapper

Mathematics: U. Ahmed, J. Bansel, G. Benbow, N. Bhagvaker, G. Bhalla, S. Bilkhu, A. Blundell, O. Chatwin, B. Chomik, M. Dulai, B. Fortes-Mayer, C. Gill, M. Green, L. Grossett, S. Hanson, I. Jeewa, N. Johal, R. Khutan, C. Lines, J. Murdoch, F. Nasiri, K. Ng, N. Parekh, N. Patel, D. Pearce, E. Pitt, G. Rai, O. Rana, K. Rasool, K. Reid, J. Sagoo, S. Sandhu, K. Selvan, M. Shah, A. Singh, M. Smith, S. Stewart-Barry, M. Uddin, S. Virdee, I. Walker, L. Ward

Physics: U. Ahmed, A. Anwar, J. Bansel, G. Benbow, J. Benton, N. Bhagvaker, G. Bhalla, A. Blundell, O. Chatwin, B. Chomik, S. Connolly, M. Dulai, C. Fokum, B. Fortes-Mayer, J. Murdoch, C. Patel, D. Pearce, O. Rana, J. Sagoo, A. Saha, S. Sandhu, A. Sasaru, M. Shah, M. Smith, E. Stewart, S. Stewart-Barry, M. Uddin, I. Walker, L. Ward

RS: B. Jhooty, M. Kauldhar, N. Parekh, G. Rai, J. Rai, H. Ruthu, S. Tapper

Spanish: B. Jhooty, T. Olivo


GCSE candidates achieved the following results in the examinations of 2015 and 2016

A*- C = Number of GCSEs at grade C or above (½ = Short Courses)

A*/A = Number of A* and A grades combined

M = Additional Maths Grade

A*/A A*/C M A*/A A*-C M

A. Aggarwal 5 12 B. Haynes 2.5 11 Z. Akbar 11.5 12 A. Heran 10 12 H. Ali 7.5 11 A. Holdcroft 3.5 10 T. Allen 11 11 B. Hopton 12 12 D. Anson 6.5 10 M. Iqbal 11.5 12 F. Aqbal 3.5 11 N. Johal 8.5 12 K. Arif 8.5 12 B. Johns 8 10 S. Athwal 11 12 P. Josan 11 11 A. Aujla 11.5 12 A. Khan 7.5 12 G. Bah 4 13 D. Kher 12 12 D. Bansel 12 12 F. Kieu 6.5 12 R. Beale 9 12 S. Kirk 10 12 K. Beveridge-Smith

12 12

R. Kumar 6.5 11

S. Brooks 9 11 J. Mahay 8.5 11 J. Butt 10.5 11 S. Mal 11 11 D. Chaudhry 1 9.5 Z. Malik 11 12 M. Chislett 11 12 O. Mills 12 12 I. Dalvi 7.5 11 P. Mistry 5.5 12 T. Dawson 12 12 J. Morgan 10.5 11 R. Dhillon 12 12 J. Mund 7.5 11 R. Dhindsa 12 12 K. Nathwani 11 11 M. Esat 11 12 B. Ntiruhungwa 9.5 12 G. Foster 10.5 11 A. O'Connor 2 10.5 S. Garbett 12 12 A. Pal 12 12 A. Garewal 12 12 L. Palipana 7 11.5 I. Ghuman 10 12 C. Parmar 8 11 S. Grewal 12 12 A. Patel 10.5 11 K. Hargun 7.5 11 D. Patel 9.5 11 T. Harrington 11 12 M. Patel 11 12 S. Hart 7 10 M. Patel 0 8 S. Hayer 11 12 P. Patel 8.5 11


A*- C = Number of GCSEs at grade C or above (½ = Short Courses)

A*/A = Number of A* and A grades combined

M = Additional Maths Grade

A*/A A*-C A*/A A*-C

S. Patel 5.5 11 C. Sargant 3.5 12 K. Patter 0 6 S. Shackleton 12 12 T. Powell 7.5 12 A. Shah 9.5 12 J. Prew 4.5 11 M. Shah 12 12 A. Purewal 8 11 A. Sidhu 11.5 12 Z. Rahim 12 12 G. Sidhu 6.5 12 W. Rahman 12 12 P. Sidhu 10 11 P. Rai 9.5 11 D. Sokolov 12 12 D. Randhawa 11 12 D. Stoica 2 11 N. Randhawa 9.5 12 D. Thiara 12 12 H. Roberts 11 11 V. Tuyakhov 10.5 11 N. Rychel 6 11 H. Vali 9 12 R. Sahota 6 10.5 B. Whittall 10 12 W. Samy 8.5 12 J. Wood 12 12 A. Sandhu 11 11 S. Wunnava 12 12 R. Sangha 10 11 D. Yacoub 2.5 7 H. Sarapuddin 5.5 10

ACHIEVEMENTS 2015 - 2016 Combined Cadet Force ARMY SECTION ACHIEVEMENTS 11 Signals & West Midlands Brigade, Military Skills Competition 4th placed CCF Team CCF Basic Adult Instructors Course Sgt T J Youngman Advanced Army Proficiency Certificate S.R.N. Hart, B.L.L. Haynes, N.G.S. Johal, J.S. Mund, P.R. Patel, D.S. Randhawa, N.S. Randhawa, J.S. Wood, Army Proficiency Certificate

S.M. Ahmed, J.H. Al-Husseiny, Z. Amjad, A. Askari, E.S. Bisconti, T.S. Blackwell, T.A. Burns, K.S. Chahal, M.J. Curtiss, J.A.T. Elliot, Z.L. Elliott, F.G. Farmer, H.S. Hallaith, S.M Hanson, S.R.N Hart, I. Heinonen, J.W. Hyett, D.Javed, S.R. Jordan, V.P. Kathuri, S.R King, D.R.L. Knight, A. Lewis, E.P.Lynch, J.S. Magar, T.J. McGuirk, J.J. Millerchip, S. Mohamed, A.T.Monasch, K.H. Nathwani, S.H. Nathwani, A.S. Padda, V.S.M. Padhiar, C. Patel, H.L.Peace, J.A. Pepper, B.V. Puligari, S. Rajdev, D.S. Ranu, Z.A. Razaq, K. Samuels, D. Shah, H. Singh, I.P. Stanaway, N.J. Suckling, R.R. Suglani, B.K.S. Thiarya, B.L. Whitehead, J.D. Whitehouse CVQO BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Teamwork & Personal Development A. Ellis St John’s Ambulance Youth First Aid S.M. Ahmed, Z. Amjad, A. Askari, A.B. Basheer, A.S. Basran, K. Beveridge-Smith,E.S. Bisconti, T.S. Blackwell, T.A. Burns, K.S. Chahal, D.M. Clarke , S.D. Connolly, M.J. Curtiss, R. Dervishi, J.A.T. Elliot, Z.L. Elliott, F.G. Farmer, M.D. Ferrins-Brown, B.K. Fortes-Mayer, T.T. Furidze, S.G. Garbett, S.M. Hansan, S.R.N. Hart, I. Heinonen, S.T.W. Huyskens, J.W. Hyett, D. Javed, S.R. Jephcott, S.R. Jordan, V.M. Kathuri, S.R. King, S.A. Kirk, A. Lewis, C.M.P. Lines, E.P. Lynch, J.S. Magar, T.J. McGuirk, J.J. Millerchip, S. Mohamed, A.T. Monasch, R. Mukkapati, D.A. Najabat, K. Nathwani, K.H. Nathwani, S.H. Nathwani, A.T. O’Connor, A.S. Padda, J. Padhiar, V.S.M. Padhiar, C. Patel, H.L. Peace, J.A. Pepper, T.J.T. Powell,

B.V Puligari, S. Rajdev, O.S. Rana, K. Samuels, D. Shah, H. Singh, B.A.R. Smith, I.P. Stanaway, S.T.F. Stewart-Barry, R.R. Suglani, L.M. Ward, B.L. Whitehead RAF SECTION ACHIEVEMENTS

Air Cadet Leadership Course T.W. Harrington, S.E. Shackleton, A.H. Syed St John’s Ambulance Youth First Aid S.S. Ark, P.S. Bhachu, A.J. Blundell, M.J. Chislett, T.E.T. Crooks, R.A. Dodhia, B.J. Francis, C.S. Gill, C.R. Hodgetts, J.J. Jones, N.A. Lewis, K.J. Patel, D.E. Pearce, E.A.G. Pitt, J.L. Robbins, G.S. Sohal, K.P. Tolley

Destinations List 2016 A.Z. Ahmed Year out S.M Ahmed New College, Oxford (Mathematics) S. Ahmed Year out Z. Ahmed University of Nottingham ( Geography with Chinese

Studies) A. Akram Aston University (Engineering and Applied Science –

Foundation) M.T. Akram University of Leeds (Theoretical Physics) N. Ali Queen Mary University, London (Politics) N. Amin University of Wolverhampton (Science and Engineering

with Foundation Year) A. Anwar University of Warwick (PPE) J. Arshad Aston University (Engineering and Applied Science –

Foundation) U. Arshad Coventry University (Engineering) – Foundation) A.S. Bains Year out H.S. Bains Aston University (Biomedical Engineering) J.S. Bains Aston University (Maths with Economics) S.K. Bains Aston University (Economics & Management) S.S. Bath University of Warwick (Mechanical Engineering) A. Bhambra Year out S.K. Bhandal University of Birmingham (Dentistry) C.L. Bird Staffordshire University (History, Modern and

international) J. Bird Year out N.R. Blackwood University of Leeds (History & Spanish) B.R. Boulter University of Birmingham (Engineering and Physical

Science with Foundation Year) J.A. Bradshaw University of Birmingham (History Ancient and

Medieval) K.S. Brang University of Leicester (Accounting and Finance) M.A. Brown Year out M.T. Calder University of Nottingham (Medicine) S.S. Chahal Aston University ( Engineering and Applied Science) L. Chandler Brunel University London (Product design with

Professional Practice N.R. Chowdhury University of Warwick (PPE) E. Daniel Imperial College London (Chemical Engineering) N. Dawes Year out J.J. Dhillon Year out S.S. Dhillon Liverpool John Moores University (Electrical and

Electronic Engineering) A.S. Dhindsa Coventry University (Business Law) A.N. Dhliwayo Cardiff University (Medical Pharmacology)

K.K. Dhugga Year out T.S. Dosanjh Aston University (Mechanical Engineering) R.J. Elkington University of Southampton (Mechanical Engineering and

Naval Engineering) A.M. Farhath University of Nottingham (Mechanical Engineering) Q.H. Feng Imperial College London (Computing) A.F. Fiyaz University of Sheffield (Urban Studies and Planning) R.K. Galloway Cardiff University (Psychology with professional

placement) I.I. Gaynor University of Sheffield (Biomedical Sciences) A.S. Godsall University of Hull (Psychology) H. Grennan University of Warwick (History) H.S. Grewal University of Leicester (Medicine) A. Grover Year out A.K. Gupta University of Birmingham (Medicine) Z. Hafeez Keele University (Biology) S.J. Hassan Apprenticeship (KPMG) M.A. Hawa Year out E.J. Heffernan Nottingham Trent University (Product Design) H.O. Hill University of Birmingham (Maths) S.K. Hire University of Birmingham (Dentistry) R.M. Hodgetts University of Birmingham (Geology) D. Hombiro University of Manchester (Law) M. Hunt Cardiff University (Computer Science) E.M. Isham University of Kent (French & History) S. Jassal Year out A.Z. Jhangir University of The Arts London (Architecture) B.S. Johal University of Sheffield (Atificial Intelligence and

Computer Science) G.S. Johal University of Birmingham (Law) P.K. Kachala University of Liverpool (Medicine and Surgery) J.Y. Kasujee Year out N. Kendall-Hall Employment W. Khan Year out R.S. Khosah University of Birmingham (Mechanical Engineering) K.C. Kumar University of Warwick (Economics) V.Q. Lam University of Southampton (Aeronautics and

Astronautics) G.E.H. Leavesley Cardiff University (English Language & Literature) C. Lee Nottingham Trent University (Psychology) H.M. Leighton University of Birmingham (Biomedical Science) D.H. Lindsay Apprenticeship (Capgemini) R.D. Llewellyn University of Birmingham (Pharmacy) R. Lorgat University of Birmingham (Geography) A.S. Mandair Coventry University ( Civil Engineering)

H.S. Mann University of Nottingham (Financial Mathematics) K. Manon Year out L. McGann Aberystwyth University (Law) J.M. Miller Aston University (Engineering and Applied Science ) A.A. Mohammed Coventry University (Accounting and Finance) N.K. Mohanlal Keele University (Biomedical Science) K. Moorcroft University of Westminster (History) I.S. Nahal Aston University (Accounting for Management) H.A. Naqvi Year out B.I. Nevett-Farman Imperial College London (Electrical and Electronic

Engineering) A.S. Nijher University of Leicester (Medicine) L.J O'Connor Girton College, Cambridge (Mathematics with Physics) N.F. O'Connor Keele University (Physics with Physical Geography T.I. Oloke University of Leicester (Medical Physiology) A.S Patel University of Birmingham (Medicine) A.P. Patel University of Birmingham (Dental Surgery) A. Patel University of Nottingham (Finance Accounting and

Management) Dilan Patel University College London (Economics) Divesh Patel University of Birmingham (Geology & Physical

Geography) N.B. Patel University of Manchester (Optometry) N. Patel University of Liverpool (Mechanical Engineering) S.N. Patel Durham University (Mathematics) A.S. Pawar University of Leicester (Medicine) M.A.A. Pervaiz University of Leicester (Economics) B. Popple Nottingham Trent University (Real Estate) A.N Potter University of Surrey (Computer Science) L.A Powell University of Birmingham (Chemistry) T. Pullan Christ Church, St. Aldates, Oxford (Mathematics) C.S Purewal Aston University (Mechanical Engineering) A. Qamar Year out U. Raja Kings College London (Medicine) B.A.S. Randhawa Aston University (Economics and Management) S. Rassool Year out A. Ravat University of Birmingham (Human Biology) T. Ravat University of Nottingham (Industrial economics) N.K. Rooprai University of Manchester (Medicine) D.J. Russon University of Sheffield (Aerospace Engineering) S. Sahdev Year out J.S. Sahni Aston University (Biomedical Science) D. Sam University of Nottingham (Computer Science with

Industrial Year) M.M.W. Samy Imperial College London (Medicine

S.S. Sangha Coventry University (Business and Finance) N.H. Shah Keele University (Pharmaceutical Science, Technology &

Business) R. Sharma Aston University (Accounting for Management) G.S. Sidhu University of Birmingham (Dentistry) K. Sidhu Keele University (Psychology) K. Singh University of Leicester (Law with Spanish) S. Singh Hertfordshire University (Automotive Engineering with

Motorsport) D.W. Smith University of Leeds (Geography) D.S. Sohal Year out A.J. Storey University of Leeds ( Philosophy & Politics) R.E. Suckling Chester University (Medical Genetics) M. Swain University College London (History with a year abroad) K.K. Taggar University of Birmingham (Biological Sciences) C. Tang University of Birmingham (Mathematics) A.D. Tapper University of Nottingham (Physics) B.T. Turner Aberystwyth University (Physics) S.S. Uppal Aston University (Optometry) M.L.A. Varela Keele University (Psychology) A. Vasta Aston University (Audiology) R.M. Vreugdenhil University of Bristol (Geography with study abroad) E.C. Walker Loughborough College/University (Sports Science,

Sports Development and Management) J.H. Walkerdine-Hill Cardiff University (Physics) T.S. Wallace Loughborough University (Sport and Exercise Science)

University List – 2016 (known to us at the end of October 2016) Aston C. Howe International Business &

Economics 1

Aston D. Wilson Mathematics with Economics 1

Aston M.A. Zaman Pharmacy 2:1

Birmingham S. Hussain Medical Science 2:1

Birmingham A.S. Khosah Law 2:1

Birmingham N. Sundara Economics 2:1

Birmingham City H. Singh Accounting & Finance 1

Cambridge Downing College

A. Bajwa Economics 1

Cardiff A.N. Patel Mathematics, Operational Research & Statistics


Leeds R.N.R. Williams Product Design (International) 2:1

Liverpool R. Heir Physical Geography 2:1

Manchester N. Chadha International Management with American Studies


Manchester K.S. Jabbal Medicine MbchB

Manchester A.C.P. Overton Optometry 2:2

Manchester B. Uppal Anatomical Sciences 1

Nottingham F. Atuonwu Social Policy 2:1

Nottingham M. Carpenter Microbiology 2:1

Nottingham J. Graham Architecture 2:1

Nottingham H. Humphries Geography 1

Nottingham B.B.S. Mavi Medicine BMedSci

Sheffield S. Allan Environmental Science 2:1

Sheffield J. Patel Dentistry BDS

Southampton M.K. Brown Physics with Space Science 2:1

South Wales M. Madhar Chiropractic MChiro

Warwick J.S. Benning Mathematics & Physics 1

Warwick A. Bhalla MORSE 2:1

West England J. Nowell Art & Graphic Design 2:1

Prizes and Donors

Over the years the subjects for which the prizes are awarded have sometimes changed, but the school remains very keen to honour the memory of those who have presented prizes.

Lt. Col. JS Anderson In memory of John S. Anderson who joined Queen Mary’s as

Head of History in 1968 and was appointed Second Master in 1982 until his retirement in 1997. He commanded the CCF from 1989 until 1997. He continued to serve the school as a Foundation Governor and was also Chairman of the Governors of Mayfield Preparatory School. He died suddenly in 2008.

Astle Founded in 1947 by Mrs Grace Astle in memory of her husband William Astle, who served with the Royal Engineers in the First World War. He served as Lieutenant in the Home Guard in the Second World War, where he died in 1941 whilst on Home Guard duty.

Capt TT Barnes TT Barnes was a master at the school who served in the Cadet Force as Training Officer. He also ran the Cadet Band. He left QM in 1948 to become Headmaster of Bisley School, near Aldershot.

210 Bty Trophy for Individual Military Skills Given to the CCF in 2014 to mark the long association

between 210 Battery Royal Artillery, a volunteer unit based in Wolverhampton, and the school. Consisting of a highly polished 105mm artillery shell case, it marks the re-rolling of the Battery from Air Defence to Light Gun at a time when there were many Old Boys serving.

Binns First presented in 1956 after the arrival of Mr SL Darby as Head.

Michael Bollen Founded in 1966 by the parents of a boy who died in the 3rd Form.

Frank Brace Founded in 1925 by Mrs Brace, widow of Frank Brace. It is presumed he was the son of Henry Brace, a member of the Tercentenary Committee of 1854.

GG Brudenell This prize was presented by Gordon G Brudenell, Physics master from 1960–94, and latterly Head of Physics. He was for many years a Year Master, and ran school bridge.

RJ Bull This prize commemorates Ray Bull (QM 1938-1944). He was brother to Phil Bull, classics master and Second Master, and he was secretary of the Queen Mary’s Club 1971–83.

Darren Burton Presented as a memorial in 1985 by his parents.

HM Butler Originally presented for scouts in the school until the 1980’s. Hugh Montagu Butler was Headmaster from 1931-1951. He set up rugby as the main winter game and led the school through the Second World War, and into the Voluntary Aided status of today.

Chetwynd House Chetwynd House School sent a number of boys to QM over many years. When the school closed, money was given for prizes.

Frank Cookson This prize commemorates Frank Cookson who, in 1966 was the oldest old boy, and he planted a tree as part of the celebrations at the opening ceremony of the new school buildings.

George Crudace George Crudace was appointed PE instructor from the army in 1944. He became Cadet Force RSM. He was a much-loved master, who was awarded the British Empire Medal in 1970 for his services to QM and to the CCF. He retired in 1971.

Eldon A Crump Founded in 1938. Lt Col Eldon Crump, Clerk to the. Governors from 1902 till 1933. The prize was founded in his will.

JF Crump Founded in 1919 JF Crump was a literary figure in Walsall and father of Lt Col Eldon Crump. The prize was presented by Eldon Crump and his brother.

WJ Davies Presented in 1986 by John Davies, an Old Marian who, at the time, was a senior executive of the financial firm Hill Samuel.

IR Davison Ian R Davison was Head of German from 1971 until 1997 when he retired. He was a Year master, ran the school chess, coaching the teams to gain national awards. He also ran school cricket and rugby teams. He died in 2006.

Wg Cdr Dickson John A Dickson was a Classics master and athletics enthusiast, devoted to Farchynys. He was appointed in 1951 and was Commanding Officer of the CCF from 1962-89. He was appointed OBE in 1987 for his work for the Cadet Force.

Downes Old Marian, Frank Downes, was head of the Brass department at the Birmingham Conservatoire. His son is a composer. He left a legacy which was used for music prizes. The Downes fund was also used towards the music Batons, presented by Yardleys Ltd of Birmingham.

Brian Edwards Brian Edwards taught Geography from 1949 until 1989. He was Second Deputy Head for his last two years at the school. He organised Geography fieldwork trips at Farchynys from its earliest days, and he established Geology as an A level subject.

J & G Ensor These prizes were set up in 1931 in the names of John and George Ensor, boys at the school. It was part of the creation

of Art as a major subject in the school which Emma Flint had been working towards since 1919.

Philip W Evans An Old Boy (1925-36) Philip Evans was Chairman of the Queen Mary’s Club from 1958-59, and a school governor for many years representing the Old Boy’s Club. He was proud of his military service during the war, and always interested in the CCF.

EM Flint Miss EM Flint joined the staff in 1915 and ran the Art Department from 1919 until 1949. She was also Mayor of Walsall from 1966-67.

Bruce George Bruce George, who has been Member of Parliament for Walsall South since 1974, has always taken a keen interest in the school and its activities.

Michael Goold An Old Marian (1939–45), and for many years a school governor, presented this prize in 1986.

Peter Gordon He took over the Woodwork Department in 1982 and developed it as the Design Department. In 1987 he died suddenly, and the prize was given in his memory by his family.

TA Hill The Thomas Alva Hill Memorial Prize, presented in 1928 by Mrs Hill, in memory of her husband who was Chairman of Governors who had died in 1900. The east window of St Paul’s Church in Walsall which shows figures from the life of Queen Mary’s was also presented in memory of TA Hill.

Stephen Humphries and Stephen Worrall Presented in 1986 by the parents of these two young

men who died shortly after they left the school. Francis Jeffries The Hill Memorial and Jeffries Prize. Information

about T A Hill as previous. Francis Joseph Jeffries served in the Indian judiciary and founded his prize in 1919.

Malikkudin Foundation Awarded since 2004 for excellence at GCSE and A level. In memory of the father of a former pupil in

whose name an educational charitable trust was founded. EN Marshall The EN Marshall prize was first awarded in 2005. This

commemorates Edward Norman Marshall, Headmaster 1906-26. He developed a sixth form, introduced the school uniform and a House system and developed science in the school, planning a new science building at Lichfield Street. He also set up the junior school at Moss Close.

Dr McKinstry W H McKinstry left money for these prizes in his will in the 1950s.

EW Kirby The prize was founded with the income from the Ernest W Kirby Prize Fund established in 1925. The prize was founded originally for an essay on the duties of citizenship.

Palfrey Prizes Donated by the Palfrey Working Men’s Club in 1925. These prizes were in addition to scholarships at a time when such voluntary generosity was very much appreciated. They came as a result of the vision of the then Headmaster, Mr Marshall. These Palfrey awards were made also to the High School.

Harold Parry Harold Parry had been Captain of School, of cricket and of football, winner of the Queen’s Prize and of an Open Scholarship in history to Oxford. He died in Flanders in 1917, and the prize was presented in his memory by his parents.

The GG. Paxton Prize for Salt Attic Geoffrey Paxton taught English at QM from 1966 to 1999.

He was a Year Master and latterly Senior Master. He was renowned for the excellence of his drama productions and he was an inspiration to generations of Marian actors. Attic Salt is a reference to the subtle refined wit characteristic of the ancient Athenians – very appropriate as GGP was well known for his humour and trenchant wit.

Petypher Named after “Master Petypher”, reputed to have been the first Headmaster of Queen Mary’s, though it is not clear whether he ever took up the post. He left to the school a fine copy of Virgil which is the school’s oldest possession.

Samuel Powis Founded in memory of Samuel Powis, much loved master ` who taught at the school for over 40 years from 1879. He was Second Master from 1915 to 1922. The prize was founded in 1950 on the eve of his 90th birthday.

Aneil Raju Presented in 2002 by his parents in memory of their son.

Rubery Owen Sir Alfred Owen presented prizes on Speech Day in 1950. He inaugurated n the Drama prize, first presented in

1951. John Scott An Old Marian, John Scott, JP, left £250 in his will to the

Geography department in 1950. FB Shaw This prize commemorates F.B. (“Fluffy”) Shaw, Head of

Modern Languages from 1924 until 1964. He was particularly keen to teach oral French, and he ran the National Savings Movement at Queen Mary’s during the Second World War.

Gerald Shutt In memory of Gerald Shutt (QM 1912-21). Chairman of the London Branch of the QM Club who arranged the first Wreathlaying in Westminster Abbey in July 1965.

Sir Edwin Smith Sir Edwin Thomas Smith KCMG was an old boy of the school from 1839-42. He emigrated to Australia in 1853 and was Mayor of Adelaide, was for many years on the Legislative Council of South Australia and has a major place in the history of Adelaide. He died in 1919 at the age of 89, having given £100 each to the High School and the Grammar School, for prizes.

RR Taylor The cricket ball was presented to the school in 1980 by the family of RR Taylor, who bowled 10 wickets for 17 runs with this ball against Tettenhall College in 1915.

Andrew J Thompson Donated in memory of her husband, an Old Marian, by

Mrs Rose Thompson, in 1997. Their son is also an Old Marian.

Samuel Trees These prizes were founded in 1918 as a single modern languages prize, by CF Trees in memory of his father.

Judge HA Tucker Judge Harold Tucker attended Queen Mary’s from 1900-1905. He was Chairman of Governors from

1955–63. He was recorder of Worcester in 1937,of Stoke in 1941 and a County Court Judge from 1943.

Jan Webster This prize was presented by Jan Webster (1957-65). He captained Moseley RFU 1971-74, and was capped for England 11 times between 1972 and 1976.

Ralph White Given by Ralph White, early QMA parent and first treasurer of the Farchynys committee. Closely involved in the purchase and early development of the Welsh Centre in the 1960’s.

Harold Williams Presented for history for the first time in 1956 after the arrival of Mr SL Darby as Headmaster.

RSM Williams First presented, for English, in 1960. Miss Windle Miss Windle, who died in 1947, donated this prize. Her family

had owned Mayfield House (now the Prep School) and the land on which the Grammar School is built. Her ancestor, Henry Windle, had been Chairman of Governors when the new Lichfield Street buildings were opened in 1850.

GM Wood George Moorcroft Wood, was an old boy who constructed The First World War Honours Board and was Treasurer of the Queen Mary’s Club from 1920-33.

KI Yates Ken Yates taught biology at the school from 1967-98 and he led countless biology fieldwork courses at Farchynys. He was for many years secretary to the Welsh Centre Committee.

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