q7 looking back at your preliminary task 3

Post on 11-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. Q7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
  2. 2. Below is my music front cover and my prelim task. As you can see my work has changed a lot since I started at the start of the year. They both have an attracting title which explains what they are both about. Both images are large which makes both front covers very informative. Since I have taken photos for my music magazine this has really helped me produce a great front cover. I have learnt a lot especially by using more of Photoshop and editing the images. I have used similar colours on both front covers which are red and yellow which are both powerful colours. I have placed both bar codes in the same place except on my music magazine I have placed a bit higher. On my prelim task the image shows the whole body except the shoes, but on the music magazine it shows only half the body. Some description on how I found Photoshop and the magazines.
  3. 3. below are my content pages for my music magazine and prelim task. As you can see the contents page for the music magazine is much more affective and shows a lot more than the prelim task does. I have two images on the one contents while on the prelim task I have no images. I have a real lot more detail and colour on the music contents page than the prelim task. Both words "contents page" are both clear at the top of the page which informs you right away what page you are on. While on the prelim task I have one column on the other contents page there is two columns. While I don't have page numbers on the right one there are on the left. Similarities and differences with both contents pages.
  4. 4. Masthead s I have used a strong fizzy red for my music magazine front cover which makes the music magazine more bubbly. I have deliberately made shore the capital R is the biggest letter on the page to make it stand out. I have used the words Valor somatic twice on my prelim task to make it stand out a lot more than it does already. I have used two colours on my prelim task which are blue and purple which I have over lapped both over each other. I have used a very thin text for my music magazine contents page. I have also used a very bold line of red underneath my title which is meant to make the title stand out a lot more. I have used a very dark brown background for my prelim contents page, I have done this because I have a light text which makes the font stand out more. When you mix a light colour with a dark colour, the light colour stands out from the dark background which makes the title more affective towards the reader.
  5. 5. Magazine header bar This is my music magazine header bar which is in bold black and there is a clear difference with the sizes which vary but also how bold the writing is or how small it is. This is my prelim magazine header bar which is in two colours, blue and red which are two very bright colours however on this screen shot it looks very blurry. The difference between both the headers are the music magazine contents has two columns going across while you only have one going across the prelim page. But also the prelim page has two colours, but on the music magazine contents the only colour is black which is in bold but also in non bold. The prelim header only has one type of writing and one size while the other one varies from size.
  6. 6. Cover lines Music magazine contents page Prelim task contents page My cover lines are very bright as much as the rest of the page, but also the colour range s simple green and red which makes the cover lines more strong and affective towards the reader. I have made the main line which is more important in a red which makes the rest of the words clear on what it is about. My cover lines are very blurry once again on this screen shot however on the actual front page the words are as clear as the writing and text size which lets it down right know. But the actual colours on the page really does perform a distinctive colour which makes it more clear to the reader. The better version is my actual music magazine which makes the writing part of the page instead of guessing why it has happened.
  7. 7. Main Image This is my main image on the front cover page. The image is the main focus on the page which is what I have been working on since I first started. The have edited my image by using adjustments on Photoshop. This is my image for my prelim task front cover. For the main image, its a simple photo which makes it more unique. The image has no adjustments like I have done on my Music magazine front cover.
  8. 8. The thing I found most challenging in my work was the fact I was using a I mac computer, keyboard and mouse. This was the I mac computer, keyboard and mouse I was using. I have learnt to use control and click to copy and the same to paste. Which was different as I am use to using the keys control C to copy and control V to paste on a Dell computer. I also learnt to take a screenshot you have to use the keys shift, command and 4. however on a Dell computer all you have to press is the print screen button which is prntscr. This software may be new however it isnt too hard to use as I have got use to the software. The mouse was also strange for me to use as I am use to a 2 sided mouse which the I mac computer only has one.
  9. 9. Making my front cover I have found making my front cover very straight forward to use as I have used Photoshop before. The different methods on this software have been interesting with the set up but also the colours I have used. I really do like the way I used my image and title which attracts the audience. The headphones were put to the side as I wanted to separate the important things on the page so the person reading looks around the whole music magazine instead of looking in one place. The hand gestures are also a very important influence in my music magazine as it is drawing the reader in. the image doesnt take too much attention away from everything else as the writing colours and text are also very bright but the main image is the main focus as much as the title and everything else. I have also made sure the height of the title doesnt distract the main image. the bar code is also clear on the page as it should be. But one of the best thins is the person I have taken a photo of also has a pair of headphones on his head as this advertises the brand as much as you can see it on the side of the page as well. This been done well to influence the audience and give them the answer. The performer on the page has very fun dance clothes on which also engages the audience and also informs the audience you dont have to have jazzy colours to make it a music magazine as it describes the person I am using.
  10. 10. Makingmycontentspage I found making my Contents page also very challenging but also straight forward in some parts. I have used 2coluns as you can see on the page. I have sued 2 small images on the page which both show dance. I have also used a orange splat on my page which gives more information about the contents page which will engage the reader. I have made the title very big, this is clear to the audience on what page they are on. I have also made the subtitles also very clear to see as they are in light brown coloured boxes. The page numbers are also in bright red which makes the pages easier to find if they were looking through. The image I have used are fun and up lifting as a dance contents page should be which is what I have done well on. I have a few people in my images preforming dance but also singing in some sort of way. For example the bottom image has a performer singing but also his body language shows his body language. The above image has a couple more people at the front which shows them lifting a young girl in which they performing a dance. They are using jazzy hats in the top image in which makes the image more fun and uplifting to you as the audience. There is a dark background a light colour lights in the foreground in which make sit more colourful on the characters performing. The black writing used as very simple and plain text In which is used in many dance contents pages.
  11. 11. Making my article Making my article was probably the hardest out of all of them including the front cover and contents page. For my article it has been rather difficult to us as I have never really seen a music article before which made this more challenging for me. I have used one side for the main image and one side for the Q and A questions. The Q and A questions were rather easy to do however I found the left side of my article more challenging than the right side. As you can see I have also changed the graphics of the left on the adjustments on Photoshop. I like what I have done as it is different and you wouldnt normally see this type of background necessary on a article. I have also used a very faint tool bar at the bottom of the right hand side of the page which I have given details on the website and logo etc. I have made my Article simple which makes it more affective in one way however could have dont with more detail on the right hand side of the page. I should also have changed the title to something more interesting than it is but still looks good.
  12. 12. I understand forms and conventions a lot more know since I started media. Forms are a particular way in which a thing appears or exists. (combine to create something). Conventions are a way something is usually done. When I first tried to understand forms and conventions I found it so confusing and know it is simple to me. I am also more confident with taking photos in which I have used a Sony Tamron camera. This is the camera I used to take my photos with.
  13. 13. How have I used my camera but also the camera parts. The camera is a Sony Tamron, model number, DSLR-A350 This is the camera bag I have been using to carry the camera around safely. The arrows on the image are pointing to the buttons on the side of the camera which you change depending on what you want. This is the camera battery which charges the camera. This is the camera lid I use to make sure when the lens isnt being used isnt damaged
  14. 14. This is the final part of the camera I have used which is a USB on the left and a different one. These resources were rather simple to use as I have used this type of camera before. Overall I am really pleased with all of my effort in my prelim task and my music magazine. I have learnt a lot and was also keen to learn more. As a new user of using a I mac computer this felt strange to me however I have got used to this and believe I have done well in this. I have explained all of my reasons of my work on each slide and have explained why I have done this. I am a lot more confident with using bright and dark colours to make something more noticeable and discrete as you can see on my work on the left. The image was deliberately shown in colour adjustments to make the image more dance like with also highlights added to the image as well.
  15. 15. Conclusion I would have changed how I completed my work a lot more efficiently and quicker. I would have also used a better background which could have made both my images even more alive however they still look great as they are. I dont think I would have changed the colour scheme as they are already the colours I find very distinctive. The softwares I have used especially InDesign has been a challenging tool to use as I have never used this before. Photoshop to me was easier and more fun to use as I understood the software a lot more. Writing up in word and PowerPoint to me have been fine as I am already used to using the software. The internet ahs also been fine to use as I have been using this most of my school life to complete work and this has helped me with research that I have needed to find out.

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