q lonicera-subspicata

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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Southern (Chaparral/Santa Barbara/San Diego) Honeysuckle – Lonicera

subspicata vars. denudata & subspicata (lon-ISS-er-uh sub-spy-KAY-tuh den-yew-DAY-tuh)

Family: Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle Family)

Native to: Western and central S. CA ; fairly common on dry chaparral slopes and in shaded woodlands.

Often seen growing on N-facing slopes.

Growth characteristics: woody perennial vine/shrub mature length: 3-8 ft. up to 20 ft.

An evergreen vine-like shrub that is somewhat woody at the base and generally climbs or reclines on other shrubs. Well-spaced, paired leaves are oval/elliptical, leathery and evergreen.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms Apr-May. Flowers are cream-white, in clusters (whorls) along a flowering stem,

and look like common honeysuckles. Scented. In fall, brilliant edible red or yellow berries.

Uses in the garden: Nice as a ground cover in shaded areas, including under oaks. Fine in planters and

large pots. Trained along a wall or fence with support. Excellent for scent and habitat value. Sensible substitute for: Non-native woody vines, particularly invasive non-native Honeysuckles.

Attracts: Excellent bird habitat: provides cover and nectar (hummingbirds; butterflies & bees) and seeds

for food.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun with water; part- to full shade with no supplemental water

Soil Any texture; best in neutral pH’s

Water Can take moderate summer water, but is very drought tolerant once established (see Sun)

Fertilizer Low; none needed


Management: Prune to manage size/shape. Needs support to climb. Host for Phytophthora ramorum

(Sudden Oak Death).

Propagation: from seed: yes; may require soaking, cold treatment by cuttings: hard- or semi-

softwood in summer/fall.

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1-3, 5, 6, 11-14, 20, 23, 24, 26 12/7/10 © Project SOUND

Lonicera subspicata Southern honeysuckle

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