pv-off grid design

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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  • 8/3/2019 PV-Off Grid Design


    Designing a PV System

  • 8/3/2019 PV-Off Grid Design


    Input Data Required For PV SystemInput Data Required For PV System


    The daily or hourly load requirements during aThe daily or hourly load requirements during atypical yeartypical year

    The required security of supply, taking intoThe required security of supply, taking intoaccount the back-up source, if any.account the back-up source, if any.

    The mean daily irradiation in the plane of theThe mean daily irradiation in the plane of thearray at the chosen site for every month of aarray at the chosen site for every month of atypical year.typical year.

  • 8/3/2019 PV-Off Grid Design


    Data Required cont`dData Required cont`d

    The maximum number of consecutive sunless days likelyThe maximum number of consecutive sunless days likelyto be experienced.to be experienced.

    The mean daily ambient temperature for every month ofThe mean daily ambient temperature for every month ofa typical year.a typical year.

    The estimated cell temperature rise above ambient of theThe estimated cell temperature rise above ambient of the

    modules in the array.modules in the array.

    Typical current-voltage characteristics of the module atTypical current-voltage characteristics of the module atvarious irradiances.various irradiances.

  • 8/3/2019 PV-Off Grid Design


    Data Required cont`dData Required cont`d

    The selected DC bus voltage.The selected DC bus voltage. The maximum allowable depth of discharge ofThe maximum allowable depth of discharge of

    the battery.the battery.

    The estimated percentage energy losses in theThe estimated percentage energy losses in thebattery, power conditioning equipment andbattery, power conditioning equipment andcontrol system.control system.

    The estimated losses in the array from moduleThe estimated losses in the array from module

    mismatch, cables and voltage drop acrossmismatch, cables and voltage drop acrossblocking diodes.blocking diodes.

    The estimated losses from dust and shading.The estimated losses from dust and shading.

  • 8/3/2019 PV-Off Grid Design


    Types o f Ma te r i a ls

    tSingle CrystaltPolycrystalline



  • 8/3/2019 PV-Off Grid Design


    Off-Grid Design

  • 8/3/2019 PV-Off Grid Design


    Off-Grid Design Example

    Step 1: Determine the DC Load.

    DC Device Device X Hours of = DC Watt-HrsWatts Daily Use per Day

    Refrigerator 60 24 1,440

    Lighting fixtures 150 4 600

    Device A 12 8 96

    Total DC Watt-hrs/Day [A] 2,136

  • 8/3/2019 PV-Off Grid Design


    Step 2: Determine the AC Load, Convert to DC

    AC Device Device X Hours of = AC Watt-HrsWatts Daily Use per Day

    Device B 175 6 1,050

    Pump 80 0.5 40

    Television 175 2 350

    Total AC Watt-hrs/Day 1,440Divided by 0.85 (Inverter, losses)

    Total DC Whrs/Day [B] 1,694

  • 8/3/2019 PV-Off Grid Design


    Step 3: Determine the Total System LoadTotal DC Loads [A] 2,136Total DC Loads [B] 1,694

    Total System Load 3,830Whrs/Day

    Step 4: Determine Total DC Amp-hours/DayTotal System Load / System Nominal Voltage =(3,830 Whrs/Day) / 12 Volts = 319Amp-hrs/Day

    Step 5: Determine Total Amp-hr/Day with Batteries

    Total Amp-hrs/Day X 1.2(Losses and safety factor)319 Amp-hrs/Day X 1.2 = 382.8 or 383 Amp-hrs/Day

  • 8/3/2019 PV-Off Grid Design


    Step 6: Determine Total PV Array Current

    Total Daily Amp-hr requirement / Design Insolation*383 Amp-hrs / 5.0 peak solar hrs = 76.6 Amps

    * Insolation Based on Optimum Tilt for Season

    Step 7: Select PV Module Type

    Choose BP Solar-Solarex MSX-60 module:Max Power = 60 W (STP)

    Max Current = 3.56 AmpsMax Voltage = 16.8 VoltsNominal Output Voltage 12 Volts

  • 8/3/2019 PV-Off Grid Design


    Total PV Array Current / (Module Operating Current) X(Module Derate Factor)76.6 Amps / (3.56 Amps/Module)(0.90) = 23.90 modules

    Use 24 Modules

    Step 8: Determine Number of Modules in Parallel

    Step 9: Determine Number of Modules in Series

    System Nominal Voltage / Module Nominal Voltage12 Volts / (12 Volts/module) = 1Module

    Step 10: Determine Total Number of ModulesNumber of modules in parallel X Number of modules

    in Series24 X 1 = 24 modules

  • 8/3/2019 PV-Off Grid Design


    Step 11: Determine Minimum Battery Capacity

    [Total Daily Amp-hr/Day with Batteries (Step 5)X Desired Reserve Time (Days)] / Percent ofUsable Battery Capacity(383 Amp-hrs/Day X 3 Days) / 0.80 = 1,436 Amp-hrs

    Step 12: Choose a Battery

    Use an Interstate U2S 100 Flooded Lead Acid BatteryNominal Voltage = 6 VoltsRated Capacity = 220 Amp-hrs

  • 8/3/2019 PV-Off Grid Design


    Step 13: Determine Number of Batteries in Parallel

    Required Battery Capacity (Step 11) / Capacity of

    Selected Battery1,436 Amp-hrs / (220 Amp-hrs/Battery) = 6.5Use 6 Batteries

    Step 14: Determine Number of Batteries in Series

    Nominal System Voltage / Nominal Battery Voltage12 Volts / (6 Volts/Battery) = 2 Batteries

    Step 15: Determine Total Number of BatteriesNumber of Batteries in Parallel X Number of Batteries

    in Series6 X 2 = 12 Batteries

  • 8/3/2019 PV-Off Grid Design





    - -+

    3 A12 V

    3 A12 V 3 A

    24 V

    3 A12 V

    3 A12 V

    + +

    - -


    -6 A12 V

    Series:Voltage is additive

    Parallel:Current is additive

  • 8/3/2019 PV-Off Grid Design


    Step 17: Complete Balance of System

    a. Complete the design by specifying the:Charge ControllerInverterWire Sizes (Battery will have larger gage

    due to higher currents)Fuses and DisconnectsStandby Generator, if neededBattery Charger, if neededManual Transfer Switch, if needed.

    Step 16: Determine the need for a StandbyGenerator to reduce other Components

    (number of Modules and Batteries). Severaliterations may be necessary to optimize costs.

  • 8/3/2019 PV-Off Grid Design


    d. Obtain permits as required.

    b. Determine mounting method:

    Roof mountGround mount with racksGround mount with pole.

    c. Assure proper grounding for safety.

    Step 17 (Cont.):

  • 8/3/2019 PV-Off Grid Design


    The Elegance of Simplicity

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