punk - mossmusicnews.org · • is the punk culture somewhat contradictory? why or why not? •...

Post on 06-Sep-2019






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PUNK (1975-1980-ish)

“A way to look, sound & act.”

• What adjectives come to mind when you think of Punk music?

Ø Extreme fashion - torn clothes, safety pins, stud necklaces, black leather, chains

Ø Rebellious

Ø Anti-conformist

Ø Unrefined

Ø Shock value

Ø Angst… teen angst • PUNK was a reaction against…. Disco, Art Rock, & Glam Rock artists like … • PUNK music is often described as….

Ø Loud & fast paced

Ø Short, fast rhythm guitar strokes (not so much guitar solo’s)

Ø Minimal chords/harmony (1950’s RR)

Ø Songs are short (compared to previous Led Zep, Pink Floyd, Queen, etc.)

Ø Brought R&R back to basic roots • 4 Characteristics of PUNK musicw include… a) Raw, do-it-yourself attitude – “Garagebands”

b) Instrumentation: drums, electric guitar, electric bass, vocalist

c) Counter-culture of fashion… safety pins, torn shirts, collars, black leather

d) Lyrics…. Anger, discontent, alienation, desperation, HATE

• Is the PUNK culture somewhat contradictory? Why or why not? • What is “Pogo”? - Style of dancing when listening to Punk Rock.

- Up & down movement… pre-“moshing”. • What was the name of the club on Bowery Street in NYC that all of the PUNK bands played? CBGB’s – Country Blue Grass & Blues (OMFUG) – Other Music For Uplifting Gormandizers (people who are indulgent)

• SEX PISTOLS: Steve Jones – singer & then lead guitarist Wally Nightingale - guitar (left when Johnny Rotten joined)

Sid Vicious – bass (replaced original bassist, Glen Matlock) Paul Cook - drums

John “Rotten” Lydon – singer

Malcolm McLaren – Band Manager & owner of the store, “Let it Rock” (also managed the New York Dolls before the SP’s) • RAMONES: Joey – singer (Jeffrey Hyman)

Johnny - guitar (John Cummings)

Dee Dee - bass (Doug Colvin) Tommy - drums (Tamas Erderlyi - hungarian)

• Other KEY PUNK BANDS: Iggy Pop (Stooges)

MC5 Clash

Patti Smith

The Ramones

New York Dolls

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