publisher help

Post on 27-Oct-2014






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XML Help for PubMed Data Providers

Publishers of journals indexed in MEDLINE are encouraged to submit citation and abstractdata electronically for inclusion in PubMed. Electronic submissions ensure that citations andabstracts are available to the public within 48 hours of uploading a properly formatted XMLfile, and meets one of the requirements to add an icon on PubMed citations via participationin LinkOut. LinkOut is a service that allows you to link directly from a PubMed citation to thejournal website.

PubMed only accepts citation & abstract data uploaded by File Transfer Protocol (FTP) thatis in the PubMed XML tagged format. FTP accounts are provided for publishers to send datain a confidential and reliable manner. These citations are then added to PubMed and PubMedUnique Identifiers (PMIDs) are returned to the publisher.

Interested in uploading citation & abstract data to PubMed for your journal? Get started at theData Provider Quick Start.

Have questions about the process? Then please contact the Data Provider Support Team[]

Data Provider Quick StartXML

• How do I know if my journal is indexed in MEDLINE/PubMed?• How do I supply XML tagged citation & abstract data to PubMed?• How do I submit XML tagged citation and abstract data for Online-only articles?• Can an ESSN be supplied instead of an ISSN?• What is an Article Identifier?• How do I submit tags for Volume and Issue Supplements?• How should the Publication Date be submitted?• How should I submit citations to articles in languages other than English?• Can Collective Author Names be supplied to PubMed?• Can Collaborators’ Names be supplied to PubMed?• Can Single Personal Author Names be supplied to PubMed?• Should I submit author initials or full author names in my XML file?• What information should be included in the Affiliation tag?• Can I include position, degree, or honorific title in the <FirstName>, <LastName>,

<Middlename>, or <Suffix> tags?• How should abstract section headings be submitted?• How should I submit mathematical or chemical formulas or tables in the Abstract tag?• How should I submit characters in Greek and other languages?• How do I use the <History> tag?• How do I validate my XML file before uploading it?

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• Does PubMed provide a citation matching service?

FTP and File Submission• What is File Transfer Protocol (FTP)?• How do I submit files via FTP?• How should filenames be constructed?• How do I submit a sample XML file with my citation data?• How do I use the Citation Validator?• What is the archive subdirectory for?• May I submit an incomplete issue and then send the additional issue citations at a later

date?• What types of articles are accepted for PubMed?

Corrections and Loader Reports• How do I determine if a PMID has been deleted?• How do I correct an error in electronically submitted data?• I received the Loader Reports, but I cannot find my citations in PubMed.• How do I interpret the PubMed Loader Report?• Can the PubMed Loader Report be sent via FTP instead of email?

LinkOut• How do I create links to the issues of my journal?

Frequently Asked Questions from Publishers• How do I get my journal into PubMed?• What should I do if my journal title or ISSN changes?• Why didn’t my data from a supplement load?• Why are my author replies not in PubMed?• Requirements for online-only journals indexed for MEDLINE

– What is NLM’s policy?– When does the policy take effect?– When should the PDF/A files be submitted?– How should the PDF/A files be submitted?– Is any new XML tagging required?

XMLHow do I know if my journal is indexed in MEDLINE/PubMed?

There are a number of ways to determine if your journal is indexed in MEDLINE/PubMed.You could search for it in the NLM Catalog if your journal is found then select the Journal orFull display and look for the "Indexed in" field. Journals that are currently indexed will havean open date range.

NLM also provides the following journal lists that are available by FTP:

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Journals included in PubMed: Journals included in the Entrez molecularbiology databases such as Nucleotide, Protein,and Genome:

Journals in PubMed and the molecular biology databases:

Uncompressed Uncompressed Uncompressed

GNU zip GNU zip GNU zip

UNIX Compress UNIX Compress UNIX Compress


If you cannot find your journal in the NLM Catalog or if your journal does not have an "Indexedin" field then it probably needs to apply for selection. The Journal Selection for MEDLINEfact sheet describes the journal selection policy and criteria. The fact sheet includes informationabout the application process.

How do I supply XML tagged citation & abstract data to PubMed?The simplest way to get started is to copy the Example of a Standard XML file into a plain texteditor and edit the text within each tag to fit your journal. If a tag is not used by your journalsimply delete it from your file. To access an editable plain-text template of the Standard XMLfile, click here.

Once you have finished editing the tags then validate the file; save the file (click here for tipson file names) and submit the sample XML file for review.

How do I submit citation and abstract data for Online-only articles?Citation and abstract data for an Online-only article should appear very similar to a printedarticle. The following are common differences:

Sometimes online-only articles do not have page numbers; instead they have a doi. If this isthe case the correct tag to use is <ELocationID> instead of the <FirstPage> tag. NOTE: NLMstrongly recommends the use of the letter "E" or “e” when paginating Online Only articles.(For example, pages E1-E12.) The “E-pagination” should appear in the <FirstPage> and<LastPage> tags in the XML files. We see using the "E" as a service to the users of PubMed,as many associate "E" page numbers with this special class of journals. Online Only articlesthat are paginated with a single page number per article (article 1, article 2), whether in the<FirstPage> or the new <ELocationID EIdType=”pii”> tag, are often mistaken by users assingle page articles, not research articles of greater substance.

Online-only articles may also have individual publication dates instead of a publication datefor the complete Issue or Volume. In this case the <PubDate PubStatus="epublish"> shouldbe used with the Year, Month and Day of online publication. If an online-only article has twopublications dates, individual & Issue/Volume, then the <PubDate> tag should NOT have aPubStatus attribute & the <History> tag should be used.

The following are examples of the PubMed display for Online-only articles:

AAPS J. 2008 Mar 23;10(1):E1-17.

This Online-only article has a Year & Month & Day of publication (2008 Mar 23); a Volume(10); Issue (1) and has chosen to use the FirstPage tag (E1) & LastPage tag (E17).

If the XML file also included the ELocationID tags, then the doi would be displayed like so:

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AAPS J. 2008 Mar 23;10(1):E1-17. doi: 10.1208/aapsj1001001.

If the XML file did NOT include the FirstPage & LastPage tags, but had the ELocationID tags,the PubMed display would be like so (if both ELocationID tags are sent, both will display inthe absence of the page tags):

AAPS J. 2008 Mar 23;10(1). pii: aapsj1001001. doi: 10.1208/aapsj1001001.

Here is an example of the XML:



<ELocationID EIdType=”doi”>10.1208/aapsj1001001</ELocationID>

<ELocationID EIdType=”pii”>aapsj1001001</ELocationID>

Also if this is the first time Online-only articles have been released for the title please contactus at with the following information:

Full Journal title: Electronic ISSN: URL: First volume/issue to contain Online-only articles: Provider: If you already have an account at NCBI enter it here. If not, enter the name of yourorganization.

Can an ESSN be supplied instead of an ISSN?An ESSN, or electronic ISSN number, can be supplied in the <Issn> tags if the ESSN existsin our NLM Catalog. If you do not see the ESSN number in the catalog, please write and we will have the number added to our records. Note that theESSN must be a registered number.

What is an Article Identifier?All Article Identifiers are optional. An Article Identifier can take one of two forms; a PII or aDOI.

A PII, or Publisher Item Identifier, is any internal reference identifier used in the publishingprocess. This identifier is assigned by the publisher.

A DOI, or Digital Object Identifier, is a number assigned by an international organization. TheDOI System is a system for identifying and exchanging intellectual property in the digitalenvironment. DOIs are issued to registrants by the DOI Registration Agency. More informationabout this standardized format can be obtained at

Article Identifiers (PII and DOI) are available for use in LinkOut which allows providers tocreate links from article citations in PubMed to the full-text article hosted on the publisherwebsites.

How do I submit tags for Volume and Issue Supplements?Use the following guidelines for Supplements:

Supplement 1 for Volume 6:

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<Volume>6 Suppl 1</Volume><Issue></Issue>

Issue 4, Supplement 2 for Volume 7:

<Volume>7</Volume><Issue>4 Suppl 2</Issue>

Issue 4 Pt 1 for Volume 7:

<Volume>7</Volume><Issue>4 Pt 1</Issue>

Issue Part 3 for Volume 7 (it has Volume 7 Part 3 on the cover):


<Issue>Pt 3</Issue>

How should the Publication Date be submitted?The Publication Date of a printed or electronic journal should be submitted in exactly the sameformat as appears on the cover of the printed issue or on the Table of Contents (ToC) page ofjournal website. Here are some examples:

Issue cover/ToC display: 2008 May

Submit: <PubDate> <Year>2008</Year> <Month>May</Month> </PubDate>

Issue cover/ToC display: Fall 2008

Submit: <PubDate> <Year>2008</Year> <Season>Fall</Season> </PubDate>

Issue cover/ToC display: Dec 21 2008

Submit: <PubDate> <Year>2008</Year> <Month>Dec</Month> <Day>21</Day> </PubDate>

Issue cover/ToC display: 2008

Submit: <PubDate> <Year>2008</Year> </PubDate>

Issue cover/ToC display: Nov-Dec OR November/December OR November-December 2008

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Submit: <PubDate> <Year>2008</Year> <Month>Nov-Dec</Month> </PubDate>

How should I submit citations to articles in languages other than English?Citations to non-English articles should include the vernacular title and/or a translated Englishtitle. Only English abstracts are included in PubMed. Do not submit an abstract if an Englishlanguage abstract is not published with the journal article. See our Instructions for Non-EnglishLanguages.

Can Collective Author Names be supplied to PubMed?Yes. A Collective Author Name, the name of the authoring committee or organization, shouldbe included by using the <CollectiveName> tag within an <Author> tag.

Here is an example of a PubMed citation with a Collective Author Name (as well as anindividual Author name):

Lawrence WT; Plastic Surgery Educational Fourndation DATA Committee. .Arnica.Plast Reconstr Surg. 2003 Sep 15;112(4):1164-6. No abstract available. PMID: 12973238 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

This is the tagging for the same citation as it appears in the XML file:

<AuthorList> <Author> <FirstName>W.</FirstName> <MiddleName>Thomas</MiddleName> <LastName>Lawrence</LastName> </Author> <Author> <CollectiveName>Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation DATA Committee</CollectiveName> </Author> </AuthorList>

Can Collaborators’ Names be supplied to PubMed?Yes. Investigators (also known as collaborators in PubMed) are individuals who contribute toa scientific article but are not authors. The group name author should be placed in the <Author>tags, and the investigators’ names should be included by using the <IndividualName> tagwithin a <GroupName> tag. Please see an example of the XML tagging below:

<AuthorList><Author> <CollectiveName>Cancer Genome Center</CollectiveName></Author> <Author> <CollectiveName>North American Barley GenomeProject</CollectiveName></Author> </AuthorList>

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<GroupList> <Group> <GroupName>Cancer Genome Project</GroupName> <IndividualName> <FirstName>John</FirstName> <LastName>Smith</LastName> </IndividualName> <IndividualName> <FirstName>Jane</FirstName> <LastName>Smith</LastName> </IndividualName> </Group> <Group> <GroupName>North American Barley Genome Project</GroupName> <IndividualName> <FirstName>John Jacob</FirstName> <LastName>Han</LastName> </IndividualName> <IndividualName> <FirstName>Laura</FirstName> <LastName>Clancy</LastName> </IndividualName> </Group></GroupList>

Please note that a group name author (a collective name author, e.g., a study group name) mustexist in the bibliographic citation data in order for investigator names to be supplied in the<GroupList> section. Investigator names should be listed in the order in which they appear inthe full-text article.

For more information about NLM’s policy for individual authors, group or corporate authors,and investigators, please see the Authorship in MEDLINE Fact Sheet.

Can Single Personal Author Names be supplied to PubMed?Yes. A Single Personal Author Name, when a person has only one name, should be includedby using the EmptyYN attribute for the <FirstName> tag within an <Author> tag. The defaultvalue for the EmptyYN attribute is "N"; indicating that the <FirstName> tag should not beempty.

Here is an example of a PubMed citation with a Single Personal Author Name (as well asauthors with a FirstName and LastName):

Matiullah, Rehman S, Rehman S, Mati N, Ahmad S. .Some more new etchants for CR-39 detector. Radiat Meas. 2005 Oct;39(5):551-5.PMID: 16094777 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

This is the tagging for the same citation as it appears in the XML file:

<AuthorList> <Author> <FirstName EmptyYN="Y"></FirstName>

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<MiddleName></MiddleName><LastName>Matiullah</LastName></Author> <Author> <FirstName EmptyYN="N">S.</FirstName> <LastName>Rehman</LastName></Author> </AuthorList>

Should I submit author initials or full author names in my XML file?Please submit author names exactly as they appear in the published article.

Full author names are searchable in PubMed using the [FAU] qualifier. See the PubMedHelp for more details. Full author names can be viewed in two citation formats: XML andMEDLINE.

What information should be included in the Affiliation tag?Submit the complete address information including city, state/province, and country, zip code,and email address, for example:

<Affiliation>Division of Orthopedic Surgery, University of Wisconsin, 312 Clinical Science Center, 600 Highland Ave., Madison, WI 53792, USA. </Affiliation>

Affiliation data for only the first author will be displayed in PubMed.

Can I include position, degree, or honorific title in the <FirstName>, <LastName>,<MiddleName>, or <Suffix> tags?

No. Do not include titles or degrees because they will cause an incorrect author name to appearin the PubMed citation.

How should abstract section headings be submitted?Submit abstract section headings in all uppercase letters followed by a colon and space, forexample:

<Abstract>BACKGROUND: Approximately 3,000 new cases of oral cancer...</Abstract>

Common section headings are: BACKGROUND, METHODS, RESULTS, andCONCLUSIONS.

How should I submit mathematical or chemical formulas or tables in the abstract field?Simple formulas:

• Chemical - do not use <sup> or <inf> in chemical formulas, for example water shouldbe submitted as H20, carbon dioxide as CO2.

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• Mathematical - simple mathematical formulas should be submitted with <sup> or<inf>, for example sin(x<sup>2</sup>/2).

Complex formulas:• Submit the following in place of complex mathematical or chemical formulas or tables

within the abstract:[Formula: see text] [Table: see text]

This text should only be used for formulas or tables that cannot be represented in any othermanner.

How should I submit characters in Greek and other languages?Starting in September 2010, PubMed/MEDLINE is using an expanded character set. NLMaccepts for newly created MEDLINE citations any UTF-8 character in the Latin (Roman) andGreek scripts as well as mathematical and other symbols commonly found in biomedicalliterature. Other scripts such as Chinese, Japanese, or Korean are not supported.

Previously, NLM spelled out Greek letters, for example, replacing β (Unicode 03B2) with beta.PubMed users are now able to search for these characters either by copying and pasting thetext or spelling out the letter as they always have done. Both approaches retrieve the same setof citations.

NLM will continue to standardize some characters:• All instances that represent a Double Quote will be translated to the straight double

quote " (Unicode 0022).• All instances that represent a Single Quote (this includes prime and apostrophe) will

be translated to the straight single quote ' (Unicode 0027).• Em Dash, En Dash, Hyphen, or Minus will be translated to the single dash - (Unicode


How do I use the <History> tag?The <History> tag is an optional tag available to publishers who want to include informationabout the publication history of their citations.

The <History> tag includes PubStatus attributes, which may contain only one of the followingvalues for each date in the publication history:

<PubDate PubStatus = "received"> <PubDate PubStatus = "accepted"> <PubDate PubStatus = "revised"> <PubDate PubStatus = "aheadofprint"> <PubDate PubStatus = "epublish"> <PubDate PubStatus = "ppublish">

Any PubDate in History must be an exact PubDate, one that includes valid values in theYear, Month and Day tags.

The <History> tag plays an important part in the process of submitting Ahead of Print citations.If a citation is submitted using the "aheadofprint" attribute in the <PubDate> tag and is laterreplaced using the "ppublish" attribute, we recommend that the publisher "move" the Aheadof Print date to the <History> tag in the Replacement File. This will enable the citation to retain

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the ahead of print publish date in PubMed. For more details, see our All About Ahead ofPrint page.

The <PubDate PubStatus = "epublish"> can be used to tag the individual publication date ofan online-only article.

Citations with PubStatus=”epublish” or PubStatus=”aheadofprint” can only be submitted forpublication date years greater than or equal to 2000.

How do I validate my XML file before uploading it?Use the PubMed Citation XML File Validator to validate your XML file before uploading it.

The Citation Validator has two options: input and upload. The size of your file determineswhich option is better for you.

• The input option works best for files under 30KB. If you attempt to validate a file largerthan 30KB using the input option, you may see a blank screen instead of result page.

• The upload option is best for larger files (up to 8MB) and is recommended for finalvalidation prior to uploading the file.

The Citation Validator uses a strict syntax. Errors in one part of a file will affect how theprogram validates the rest of the file. The best approach is to check the lines around an error,fix the syntax errors, and validate the file again.

Some notes about the results page when using the Citation Validator:• Files without errors will display the citations as they will appear in PubMed.• Files with errors will produce an error report.• If you receive the message: “ISSN not found in NCBI database: ISSN= Title=” please

contact for details regarding the indexing status of thetitle.

• Red letters in an error report indicate a tagging error that will prevent the file fromvalidating and loading. Some common errors include:

– The presence of an incomplete entity. All entities must begin with anampersand (&) and end with a semi-colon (;).

– The presence of a stand-alone ampersand (&). When an ampersand is notpart of an entity, it must be represented by this entity: &amp;

– The presence of a stand-alone less than (<) or greater than (>) symbol.When less than or greater than symbols are not part of XML tags, they mustbe represented by the entities &lt; and &gt; respectively.

– The presence of extraneous spaces or line breaks within XML tags.– The header is incorrect. The header must always be:

<!DOCTYPE ArticleSet PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD PubMed 2.0//EN" "">

The validator error messages are designed to be self-explanatory. However, if you havequestions then please contact the Data Provider Support Team []

Does PubMed provide a citation matching service?A citation matching service is available for publishers to obtain the PMIDs of the referencesin their articles and link these references back to PubMed.

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FTP and File SubmissionWhat is File Transfer Protocol (FTP)?

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a network protocol used to upload files from one computer toanother computer via a network accessed by an FTP client. Most web browsers can be used asan FTP client. You can also download different FTP clients depending on your needs.

How do I submit files via FTP?From a standard FTP client:

1 At a command prompt type: and press enter.2 Type your login name at the login prompt and press enter. (Contact us to obtain a

private FTP account.)3 Type your password at the password prompt and press enter.4 You should now be logged into the FTP server. If you receive an error message, check

your login information, type "bye" followed by enter, and retry steps 1-3.5 Type "bin" and press enter. This changes your FTP server to BINARY mode.6 Type the "put" command, followed by your pathname or drive and filename and press

enter. (For example, "put C:\filename" or "put /home/testfiles/journalv6n3".)7 Type "dir" and press enter to display the files in your FTP directory.8 Type "bye" to disconnect from the server and close the FTP session.

From a browser window:1 In the URL address box type in: and press enter.2 From the File pull-down menu, choose "Login As".

• If you are using Internet Explorer 7 then click on Page and choose "OpenFTP Site in Windows Explorer". In the new window go to the File pull-downmenu, choose "Login As".

3 Type in your username and password in the dialog box. The screen will display yourdirectory with an ‘archive’ folder inside.

4 Add new files here at the top level of the directory. DO NOT put them in the ‘archive’folder! They will automatically be placed there after processing.

Note: If you receive a server error please try again 30 minutes later.

How should filenames be constructed?File names should be unique. We do not require a specific naming convention but suggest youinclude journal title abbreviation, volume, and issue, e.g., AJPv36i12.sgml. The file nameshould not contain any spaces or UTF-8 character symbols (e.g. the letter a with an acutesymbol) and not exceed 32 characters. We prefer files to be submitted in plain ASCII textformat. However, we can accept the compressed file formats .tar, .zip, and .gz

How do I submit a sample XML file with my citation data?1 Create a sample file based on the PubMed DTD. (Click here for an Example of an

XML file.)2 Contact to request FTP login information.3 FTP the sample file to the ftptest directory on NCBI using login information.4 Send a notification letter to using the following format:

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Subject: TEST: full journal title• FILENAME:• TITLE:• ISSN:• VOLUME:• ISSUE:• URL: (if any)• PUBLISHER: Publisher for this journal• PROVIDER: Provider if different from Publisher. If you already have an FTP account

with NCBI enter it here. If not, enter the name of your organization.Note: Use a separate email notification for each journal title submitted for review.

What is the archive subdirectory for?Files are stored in the archive subdirectory after they have been loaded into PubMed. Do notplace citation files in the archive subdirectory.

May I submit an incomplete issue and then send the additional issue citations at a later date?No. Only submit files that include the complete set of citations for an issue. Incomplete issuescan result in duplicate citations and require manual operations to correct. The only exceptionsto this rule are citations for articles that are published electronically in advance of the printjournal (Ahead of Print articles) or articles for Online-Only journals published individually.Details on sending Ahead of Print articles are available from the Ahead of Print page.

What types of articles are accepted for PubMed?We require the submission of research articles, editorials, case studies, and letters to the editor.

We ask that you do not submit data for the following items: book reviews, advertisements,announcements, erratum notices, software and equipment reviews, and papers to appear inforthcoming issues. In addition, do not submit individual citations for abstracts or shortenedversions of presentations or papers from conference proceedings unless the full-text of thearticle is published. In most instances, NLM does create a single citation to cover a group ofmeeting abstracts or shortened versions of conference proceedings; for example, see PMIDs12526142, 12516608, and 12516600.

Corrections and Loader ReportsHow do I determine if a PMID has been deleted?

For a list of all PMIDs that have been deleted since October 2004 click here: This plain text file is updated every night at 10 PM EST. If a PMID is Restored to PubMed itwill of course be removed from the file during the nightly update.

Citations are deleted from PubMed for one or more of the following reasons:

1) The citation was verified as a duplicate citation.

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2) The NLM Indexing staff determined the citation was "non-indexable" material. Thefollowing are a few examples of "non-indexable" material: book reviews, advertisements,announcements, erratum notices, society calendars, software and equipment reviews, papersto appear in forthcoming issues, forwards, table of contents, and citations for articles *not*printed/published in full. Short reports, news items, letters and editorials are also subject todeletion.

3) The citation was identified as an incomplete issue. Data Providers who submit citationselectronically to NLM for PubMed are required to upload citations to all articles in an issue onthe same day unless otherwise specified. For example Ahead of Print citations are *not*required to be uploaded as a complete issue.

How do I correct an error in electronically submitted data?An error found in a PubMed record can be corrected, but whether the correction can be madeby the data provider depends on the publication status of the citation in question and whetherthe error also occurred in the original version of the article (print or online). Please see ourCorrecting Errors in PubMed page for more information.

I received the Loader Reports, but I cannot find my citations in PubMed.Citations are usually indexed by noon of the next day. Occasionally, because of technicalproblems, indexing of new citations may take several days. Contact us if the articles are not retrievable in 3-5 days.

How do I interpret the PubMed Loader Report?Below is an example of a typical Loader Report. Contact us at ifyou have not received the Loader Report within one business day of submitting your file.

Journal|Year|Volume|Issue|First Page|First Author|Article ID|PubMed ID

File GSEv40i3.xml(6 articles)

Genet Sel Evol|2008|40|3|241|Doeschl-Wilson AB|g07060|18400148

Genet Sel Evol|2008|40|3|265|Lee SH|g07054|18400149

Genet Sel Evol|2008|40|3|279|Ibanez-Escriche N|g07028|18400150

Genet Sel Evol|2008|40|3|295|Tarres J|g07027|18400151

Genet Sel Evol|2008|40|3|309|Pritchard T|g07035|18400152

Genet Sel Evol|2008|40|3|321|Cinkulov M|g07062|18400153

Total processed: 6 article(s), 6 were created.

Total processed: # article(s), # were created, # were replaced, # were rejected.

The report contains the filename (XGEv133i2.xml), followed by the number of articles in thefile. This is followed by a listing of articles created with each article containing the followingfields: MEDLINE Title Abbreviation, Year, Volume, Issue, First Page, First Listed Author,

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Article ID (if present in the file), and PubMed Identifier (PMID). Following the batch of articlesis a "Total processed" message indicating the number of articles processed from the uploadedfile and the number created, replaced, and/or rejected.

Rejected articles in a Loader Report will often be annotated with error messages. Here is a listof possible error messages:

Cannot replace Article: Article does not have " [PubMed – as supplied by publisher] "status. The <Replaces> tag can only be used if the citation is currently in the " [PubMed – assupplied by publisher] " status. Please see our Correcting Errors in PubMed documentation formore information.

Cannot find article by ID. The doi or pii listed in the <Replaces> tag IdType attribute doesnot exist in a PubMed citation. Please verify that the doi or pii is accurate. If necessary removethe <Replaces> tag and reload the file to create the article rather than ‘replace’ a non-existentPubMed citation.

Article matches PMID = , which is not in " [PubMed – as supplied by publisher] "status. This message means the data is already in PubMed and it cannot be modified by aReplacement file.

ISSN not found in NCBI database: ISSN= Title= . There are two actions you can take inresponse to this: 1) Verify the ISSN is correct. 2) Confirm that you have notified the DataProvider Support Team of any recent title changes.

Not a current MEDLINE journal: ISSN= Title= . There are two actions you can take inresponse to this: 1) Verify the ISSN is correct. 2) Confirm that you have notified the DataProvider Support Team of any recent title changes.

Article matches PMID= To update use Replaces tag. Please refer to the Instructions forReplacement Files documentation for more information.

Cannot replace Article: PMID does not exist. NLM has deleted the PMID or you haveprovided an invalid PMID number. Please refer to the "How do I determine if a PMID has beendeleted?" question.

Wrong provider. Verify that you have received Approval from the Data Provider SupportTeam.

Partial match. Submitted citation matched an existing PubMed citation. Volume, issue, pageand Article Id matched but there are differences in the author, title, or publication date tags.

Invalid Year / Invalid Month / Invalid Day. The message will specify whether the invaliddate appeared in the PubDate tag within <Journal> or the PubDate tag within <History>.<Year> can only contain 4-digit ranging between 1966 and 2010. <Month> can only containthe numbers 1-12, the month (in English) or the first three letters of the English months. NOTE:The only PubStatus attribute that allows for a dual month in <Month> is ppublish. <Day> canonly contain the numbers 1-31.

Month tag is missing or empty; Day tag is present.

ISSN tag is missing or empty.

Both Volume and Issue tags are missing or empty. A valid file must contain a value in theVolume tag or the Issue tag, or both.

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Replaces tag has invalid symbols or is empty. <Replaces> tag cannot be empty. Please referto the Instructions for Replacement Files documentation for more information.

FirstPage tag is missing or empty. In a <PubDate PubStatus ="ppublish" article the<FirstPage> tag cannot be empty.

FirstPage tag is missing or empty; LastPage is present. If an article is only one page inlength the value should appear in the <FirstPage> tag not the <LastPage> tag.

FirstPage / LastPage tag has invalid symbols. Invalid symbols are anything other than lettersor numbers.

Abstract is too short. The text within the <Abstract> tags must be more than 50 characters inlength. If the Article does not have an abstract then the <Abstract> tag should be left empty.The phrase "No Abstract Available" is not necessary in XML files.

Unknown Language. See our list of accepted language codes.

FirstName / LastName / CollectiveName tag is missing or empty. Message will specifywhich Author tag the error occurred in. (Author 1, Author 2, etc.) If either the FirstName orLastName tag is present and contains text both must be present and contain text. If neither theFirstName nor LastName tag is present then the CollectiveName tag must be present andcontain text.

FirstName / LastName contains invalid characters. Message will specify which Author tagthe error occurred in. (Author 1, Author 2, etc.). The following are invalid characters:

! " # $ % & @ ( ) * + / ; : ` < = > ? ^ { | } [ \ ]

Ahead-of-print Article must have "pii" or "doi". See our page "All About Ahead ofPrint" for more details

Invalid Ahead of Print date. Ahead of Print files can not have an electronic publication dategreater than eighteen (18) months prior to the date of uploading to PubMed.

Cannot replace Article: Replacement file must use the original ArticleIds

Cannot replace Article: ArticleIds do not match. Contact LinkOut to change ArticleIds.

Bibliographic data does not match.

A rejected article or file will not necessarily produce an error message in the loaderreport. Some common errors that do not produce them are:

The presence of an incomplete entity. All entities must begin with an ampersand (&) and endwith a semi-colon (;).

The presence of a stand-alone ampersand (&). When an ampersand is not part of an entity itmust be represented by this entity &amp;

The presence of a stand-alone less than (<) or greater than (>) symbol. When less than or greaterthan symbols are not part of XML tags they must be represented by the entities &lt; and &gt;respectively.

The presence of extraneous spaces and/or line breaks within XML tags.

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The file or an article within the file was not formatted in accordance with PubMedspecifications. Additional information on the required XML format is available in the PubMedDTD.

Can the PubMed Loader Report be sent via FTP instead of email?No. You may want to designate a special email address (or addresses) for the processing ofyour automatic Loader Reports.

LinkOutHow do I create links to the issues of my journal?

To create links you must participate in LinkOut. LinkOut is a feature of Entrez where thirdparties provide information to link specific Entrez records to relevant Web-accessible onlineresources such as full-text publications, molecular biology databases, consumer healthinformation, research tools, and more. Typically, publishers or full-text providers use LinkOutto provide links from PubMed citations to their full-text journals available on the Web.

See the LinkOut documentation for additional information.

See also MEDLINE Journals with links to Publisher Web Sites

Frequently Asked Questions from PublishersHow do I get my journal into PubMed?

Please see our Journal Selection Fact Sheet for details:

To learn more about MEDLINE, please visit:

What should I do if my journal title or ISSN changes?A change in the first five words of the title of the journal is considered a title change and willresult in a new bibliographic record and the assignment of a new title abbreviation. A newISSN should be assigned in this instance.

Also, the addition, deletion, change, or reordering of any of the first five words (not includingthe initial article) is also considered a title change and will require a new bibliographic recordand assignment of a new title abbreviation.

These are the steps for a title change:1 E-mail when the title has changed and a new ISSN has

been assigned. Visit for more information about applying for anew ISSN.

2 Submit a copy of the ISSN assignment e-mail or letter from your local ISSN centreto and mail it with a print copy of the journal with thenew title and ISSN to:

National Library of Medicine

Attn: Wilma Bass

Bldg 38, Room 1N08

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Catalogue Section

8600 Rockville Pike

Bethesda, MD 208943 Wait for an e-mail confirmation from the Data Provider Support Team stating that

our records have been updated and we are ready to receive data using the new titleand ISSN.

Why didn’t my data from a supplement load?All supplements are hidden after they have been loaded because the NLM needs to discernwhether the supplement conflicts with the International Committee of Medical Journal EditorsPolicies. Visit for more information.

After supplements have been reviewed and confirmed with proper conflict of interestdisclosures, the citations will be “unhidden” and be available again in PubMed.

Note that for supplements published in 2008 and later, it is required that author disclosurestatements appear within the paginated text of the article.

Please refer to the NLM Fact Sheet regarding Conflict of Interest Disclosure and JournalSupplements in MEDLINE for detailed information.

Why are my author replies not in PubMed?Frequently, a published letter that NLM considers a comment will be immediately followedby a response written by the author(s) of the original article. NLM does not create or indexseparate citations for such published author responses. Most often, such responses do not haveseparate or unique titles or appear as separate entities in the journal table of contents. Instead,the pagination for the author response is included in the citation for the commenting letter andspecifically indicated with the text, “author reply.” Although such replies are not indexedseparately for MEDLINE, the content of any substantive discussion provided in the responseis considered when MeSH subject headings are assigned to the citation.

For more details, please refer to the NLM Fact Sheet.

Requirements for online-only journals indexed for MEDLINEWhat is NLM’s policy?

NLM updated its policy regarding electronic journals indexed in MEDLINE. Initially, theupdated policy will apply to electronic-only journals which have applied for and been recentlyapproved for inclusion in MEDLINE and journals currently indexed in MEDLINE that haveswitched or will switch to being electronic-only.

There are 3 required conditions that electronic-only journals must meet in order for the journalto be indexed in MEDLINE:

1 Provide NLM with XML-tagged data of its bibliographic citations.2 Provide robust current access to all its content under a license allowing efficient

support of NLM operations, onsite services, and interlibrary loan.3 Have an acceptable arrangement for permanent preservation of, and access to, the

published content.For conditions 2 and 3, NLM must be satisfied that all articles published in an electronic-onlyjournal are available in a digital archive. The permanent archive must be either by

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• Participation in PubMed CentralOR

• Participating in another certified archive site, plus submission of a PDF/A copy of eacharticle to NLM for use by NLM for internal operations, such as journal indexing. ThePDF/A copies should be submitted at the same time as the XML-tagged citation data.

For more information, see the FAQ: MEDLINE Indexing Requirements for ElectronicJournals.

When does the policy take effect?NLM will begin the implementation of the policy beginning May 1, 2011. There are caseswhere journals currently indexed in MEDLINE have switched or may switch over to beingelectronic-only publications. NLM will notify these journals about the new electronic-onlyjournal indexing policy and will provide a generous timeframe to allow these journals tocomply with the policy so their inclusion in MEDLINE will continue.

When should the PDF/A files be submitted?Electronic-only journals submitting their content to a third-party archive should submit theirPDF/A files to NLM for all of their journal content that is indexed in MEDLINE. The PDF/Afiles should be submitted at the same time as the XML citation data. Each XML citation thatis submitted should have an accompanying PDF/A file.

NLM will work with a journal to ensure that it can be compliant with the indexing policy. Itmay take several months for a journal to be able to provide the expected PDF/A files alongwith the XML bibliographic citation data; NLM is willing to work with publishers in thissituation.

How should the PDF/A files be submitted?Data providers for journals affected by the new policy should upload a PDF/A file to the “pdf”folder located in the root directory of their private FTP account. The corresponding XMLcitation data should be uploaded to the root directory. If we are expecting to receive a PDF/Afile accompanying a citation file and no PDF/A has been loaded (or an invalid/incorrect PDF/A has been loaded), the loader will reject the submission.

Is any new XML tagging required?Yes. Please add the following XML tagging to your citation file to associate the citation witha specific PDF/A file:

<ArchiveCopySource DocType="pdf">PDF file name here</ArchiveCopySource>

This tag should be placed at the end of the citation, following the <ObjectList> tag. View asample XML file here to confirm the location.

PubMed XML Tagged FormatThe XML tags are listed below followed by descriptions. Additional information on XMLtagged format is available at the following Web sites: W3Schools,, and OASIS.

This format is required for submission of citation and abstract data to PubMed. Other formatsare not accepted. Only journals that are already approved for inclusion in PubMed/MEDLINEshould be submitted. See the Data Provider Quick Start for more information about journalsindexed for MEDLINE.

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If you wish to have non-ASCII characters in your citations you must use standard SGML entitynames. It is not possible to keep a separate translation table for each publisher, given the numberof possible non-ASCII characters.

Links to the journal Web site, if available, may be submitted using LinkOut.

Section Contents• XML Tag Descriptions• SGML Data Entities for PubMed Submissions• XML File Examples• Subset of ISO 639 Language Codes• PubMed DTD

XML Tag DescriptionsThe following is a glossary of the tags defined in the PubMed DTD. Click on each of the tagnames below for more information. You can also view an Example of a Standard XML File.

Data Tags (R = Required, O = Optional O/R = Optional or Required). Tag names are casesensitive. Required tags must be included; optional tags must be included only if the datarequested appears in the print or electronic article. Optional or Required tags are dependent onthe use of other tags.

File Header (R)ArticleSet (R)Article (R)Journal (R)PublisherName (R)JournalTitle (R)Issn (R)Volume (O/R)Issue (O/R)PubDate (R)Year (R)Month (O/R)Season (O)Day (O)

Replaces (O)ArticleTitle (O)VernacularTitle (O)FirstPage (O/R)LastPage (O)ELocationID (O/R)Language (O)AuthorList (O/R)Author (R)FirstName (O/R)MiddleName (O)LastName (O/R)Suffix (O)CollectiveName (O)

Affiliation (O)GroupList (O/R)Group (R)GroupName (R)IndividualName (O) PublicationType (O)ArticleIdList (O/R)ArticleId (R)History (O)Abstract (O)CopyrightInformation (O)ObjectList (O)Object (O)Param (O)

File Header (R)The file header is the first line of the XML file that tells us the DTD information. It must appearin the PubMed XML files exactly as:

<!DOCTYPE ArticleSet PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD PubMed 2.0//EN""">

You will be notified if this header ever changes.

ArticleSet (R)This tag should enclose an entire set of articles in an issue or volume of a given journal.

Article (R)Each article must be enclosed in these tags. Do not submit data for the following items: bookreviews, advertisements, announcements, erratum notices, software and equipment reviews,

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and papers to appear in forthcoming issues. In addition, do not submit individual citations forabstracts or shortened versions of presentations or papers from conference proceedings unlessthe full-text of the article is published. In most instances, NLM does create a single citation tocover a group of meeting abstracts or shortened versions of conference proceedings; forexample, see PMIDs 18213900, 18062069, and 17956175.

Journal (R)Citation information about the journal issue is contained within this tag in the file.

PublisherName (R)The publisher name.

JournalTitle (R)The MEDLINE abbreviation for the journal title. If you do not know the abbreviation, see theJournals Database.

Issn (R)The ISSN or ESSN of the journal.

Volume (O/R)The volume name or number of the journal, including any supplement information, e.g., 12Suppl 2, 514 (Pt 2), 19 Suppl A, etc. This tag is Required if the Issue tag is not present.

Issue (O/R)The issue number, e.g., 6 Pt 2, 7-8, etc. This tag is Required if the Volume tag is not present.

PubDate (R)The publication date information must be enclosed in the following tags. NOTE: Print orElectronic publication dates should accurately reflect the date format on the article. ThePubDate tag includes the PubStatus attribute, which may contain only one of the followingvalues:

• ppublish - print-format (default value). With this value the PubDate must contain aYear tag and it could also contain a Month, Season, and/or Day tag. The tags useddepend on how the date appears on the article.

• epublish - electronic-format. With this value the PubDate must contain a Year, Monthand Day tag that gives the exact date the article was publicly available in the finalversion.

• aheadofprint - electronic-format without final citation information; to be followedlater by a version with final citation information. With this value the PubDate mustcontain a Year, Month and Day tag that gives the exact date the article was first madepublicly available. This PubStatus value plays an important part in the process ofsubmitting Ahead of Print citations.

If the PubStaus attribute is not present we will default it to ppublish.

Year (R)The 4-digit year of publication. This tag must only contain a 4-digit year greater than or equalto 1966.

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Month (O/R)The month of publication. This tag may only contain the numbers 1-12, the month (in English)or the first three letters of the English months. NOTE: The only PubStatus attribute that allowsfor a dual month in <Month> is ppublish. This tag is Required if the Day tag is present.

Season (O)The season of publication (do not use if a Month is available); ex: Winter, Spring, Summer,Fall.

Day (O)The day of publication. This tag may only contain the numbers 1-31.

Replaces (O)The identifier of the article that this one replaces. Do not use this tag for new articles. The<Replaces> tag can be used to update an Ahead of Print citation, or to correct an error incitations with [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] status. The Replaces tag includes theIdType attribute, which may contain only one of the following values:

• pubmed - PubMed Unique Identifier (PMID) (default value)• pii - controlled publisher identifier• doi - Digital Object Identifier

See our Instructions for Replacement Files for more details.

ArticleTitle (O)The article title, in English, if published in English or translated to English in the journal. Donot submit this tag if the published title is not in English or is not translated to English in thejournal. See VernacularTitle.

VernacularTitle (O)The article title in the original language, if not in English. Used only for Latin based alphabets.See our Instructions for Non-English Languages. This tag frequently contains specialcharacters that need to be represented by SGML entities.

FirstPage (O/R)The first page on which the article appears. If an article appears in more than one languagewith consecutive pagination, pagination should be inclusive of all texts. This tag isRequired if ELocationID is not present.

LastPage (O)The last page on which the article appears. If an article appears on one page, this is the sameas FirstPage. If an article appears on non-consecutive pages this tag should still contain the lastpage on which the article appears. If an article appears in more than one language in the sameissue, pagination should be inclusive of all the texts.

ELocationID (O/R)The Electronic Location Identifier is used when an article does not have a FirstPage value ORto include the online location of the article. This tag is Required if FirstPage is not present.The ELocationID tag includes the EIdType attribute, which may contain only one of thefollowing values:

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• pii - controlled publisher identifier• doi - Digital Object Identifier

See our How do I submit citation and abstract data for Online-only articles? for more details.

Language (O)The language the article is published in. This should be chosen from the language codes in ISO639. If unspecified, EN (English) is assumed. If an article appears in more than one languagein the same issue, submit multiple language tags listed in the order in which the texts appearin the journal, not in the alphabetical order of the symbols. If one of the languages is English,enter EN first. See our Instructions for Non-English Languages.

AuthorList (O/R)The author information must be enclosed in these tags. If a given article has one or more authors,this tag must be submitted. Authors should be listed in the same order as in the article, andauthor name format should accurately reflect the article. Do not use all upper case letters.This tag is Required if the Author tag is present.

Author (R)Information about a single Author must begin with this tag.

FirstName (O/R)The Authors’ full first name is required if it appears in the print or online version of the journal.First initial is acceptable if full name is not available. This tag is Required if the LastNametag is present. To represent a Single Personal Author Name use the FirstName EmptyYNattribute value "Y". NOTE: This tag sometimes contains special characters that need to berepresented by SGML entities.

MiddleName (O)The Authors’ full middle name, or initial if the full name is not available. Multiple names areallowed in this tag. NOTE: This tag sometimes contains special characters that need to berepresented by SGML entities.

LastName (O/R)The Authors’ last name. This tag is Required if the FirstName tag is present. NOTE: This tagsometimes contains special characters that need to be represented by SGML entities.

Suffix (O)The Author's suffix, if any, e.g. "Jr", "Sr", "II", "IV". Do not include honorific titles, e.g."M.D.", "Ph.D.".

CollectiveName (O)The name of the authoring committee or organization. CollectiveName can be used instead ofor in addition to a personal name. NOTE: This tag sometimes contains special characters thatneed to be represented by SGML entities.

Affiliation (O)The institution(s) that the Author is affiliated with. If a given article contains affiliations, thistag must be submitted. Please submit the affiliation for the first author only. If there aremultiple affiliations and it cannot be determined which is the first author's affiliation, use the

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first affiliation. The data should be provided as a simple string within the <Affiliation> </Affiliation> tags. The body of the affiliation should include the following data, if available,separated by commas: division of the institution, institution name, city, state, postal or zip code,country (use USA for the United States) followed by a period, then a space followed by the e-mail address which itself should not end in a period. Do not include the word 'e-mail'. NOTE:This tag sometimes contains special characters that need to be represented by SGML entities.

GroupList (O/R)Group information should be enclosed in these tags. If a given article has one or more Groups,this tag must be submitted. Groups should be listed in the same order as in the printed article,and Group name format should accurately reflect the article. Do not use all upper caseletters. This tag is Required if the tag Group is present.

Group (R)Information about a single Group must begin with this tag.

GroupName (R)The name of the authoring committee or organization.

IndividualName (O)The name of individual members belonging to the authoring committee or organization. Thename should be tagged with the FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Suffix & Affiliation tags.

FirstName (O/R)The Author's full first name is required if it appears in the print or online version of the journal.First initial is acceptable if full name is not available. This tag is Required if the LastNametag is present. To represent a Single Personal Author Name use the FirstName EmptyYNattribute value "Y". NOTE: This tag sometimes contains special characters that need to berepresented by SGML entities.

MiddleName (O)The Authors’ full middle name(s), or initial(s) if the full name(s) not available. NOTE: Thistag sometimes contains special characters that need to be represented by SGML entities.

LastName (O/R)The Authors’ last name. This tag is Required if the FirstName tag is present. NOTE: This tagsometimes contains special characters that need to be represented by SGML entities.

Suffix (O)The Authors’ suffix, if any, e.g. "Jr", "Sr", "II", "IV". Do not include honorific titles, e.g."M.D.", "Ph.D.".

Affiliation (O)The institution(s) that the Author is affiliated with. NOTE: This tag sometimes contains specialcharacters that need to be represented by SGML entities.

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PublicationType (O)Used to identify the type of article. The only available PublicationTypes are LETTER orEDITORIAL. The default value, JOURNAL ARTICLE, will be added to citations if this tagis left blank or an invalid PublicationType is used.

ArticleIdList (O/R)The list of Article Identifiers. This tag is Required if ArticleId is present.

ArticleId (R)The Article Identifier. The ArticleId tag includes the IdType attribute, which may includeonly one of the following values for each identifier:

• pii - controlled publisher identifier (default value)• doi - Digital Object Identifier

Click here for more information about Article Identifiers.

History (O)The history of a publication (e.g., received, accepted, revised, published, ahead of print).Publishers may supply PubDates and PubStatus in History using the PubDate format detailedabove. History PubDate is optional; however the PubDate within Journal, outlined above, isrequired. The History PubDate tag includes the PubStatus attribute, which may containonly one of the following values for each date in the publication history:

• received - date manuscript received for review• accepted - accepted for publication• revised - article revised by publisher or author• aheadofprint - published electronically

The <History> tag plays an important part in the process of submitting Replacement Files forAhead of Print citations.

Abstract (O)The articles’ abstract. Include all text as a single ASCII paragraph. Headings of structuredabstracts; e.g., OBJECTIVE, DESIGN, etc. should be capitalized and end with a colon,followed by a space before the text. All abstracts should be at least 50 characters in length. ThePubMed DTD does not allow text formatting tags such as line breaks, italics, or bold; the onlyacceptable formatting tags are for superscript (<sup></sup>) or subscript (<inf></inf>). Donot include KEYWORDS or citation information in the Abstract tag. NOTE: This tagsometimes contains special characters that need to be represented by SGML entities.

CopyrightInformation (O)The Copyright information associated with this article. NOTE: This tag sometimes containsspecial characters that need to be represented by SGML entities.

ObjectList (O)This tag contains a list of <Object>s and <Param>s.

Object (O)The Object tag includes the Type attribute, which may include only one of the following valuesfor each identifier:

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Param (O)The Param tag includes the Name attribute, which may only include the below for the followingvalues for each identifier:

• id - Accession Number

Example of a Standard XML fileFollow the links for more information about each tag.

<!DOCTYPE ArticleSet PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD PubMed 2.0//EN"""><ArticleSet> <Article> <Journal> <PublisherName>Nature Publishing Group</PublisherName> <JournalTitle>Nature Chemical Biology</JournalTitle> <Issn>1552-4450</Issn> <Volume>4</Volume> <Issue>2</Issue> <PubDate PubStatus="ppublish"> <Year>2008</Year> <Month>February</Month> </PubDate> </Journal> <ArticleTitle>High-content single-cell drug screening withphosphospecific flow cytometry</ArticleTitle> <FirstPage>132</FirstPage> <LastPage>142</LastPage> <ELocationID EIdType="pii">nchembio.2007.59</ELocationID> <ELocationID EIdType="doi">10.1038/nchembio.2007.59</ELocationID> <Language>EN</Language> <AuthorList> <Author> <FirstName>Peter</FirstName> <MiddleName>O</MiddleName> <LastName>Krutzik</LastName> <Suffix>Jr</Suffix> <Affiliation>Department of Microbiology and Immunology,Baxter Laboratory in Genetic Pharmacology, Stanford University, 269 Campus Drive, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

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</Affiliation> </Author> <Author> <FirstName>Janelle M</FirstName> <LastName>Crane</LastName> </Author> <Author> <CollectiveName>Cancer Genome Project</CollectiveName> </Author> <Author> <FirstName>Matthew R</FirstName> <LastName>Clutter</LastName> </Author> <Author> <FirstName>Garry P</FirstName> <LastName>Nolan</LastName> </Author> <Author> <CollectiveName>North American BarleyGenome Project</CollectiveName> </Author> </AuthorList> <GroupList> <Group> <GroupName>Cancer Genome Project</GroupName> <IndividualName> <FirstName>John</FirstName> <LastName>Smith</LastName> </IndividualName> <IndividualName> <FirstName>Jane</FirstName> <LastName>Smith</LastName> </IndividualName> </Group> <Group> <GroupName>North American Barley Genome Project</GroupName> <IndividualName> <FirstName>John Jacob</FirstName> <LastName>Han</LastName> </IndividualName> <IndividualName> <FirstName>Laura</FirstName> <LastName>Clancy</LastName> </IndividualName> </Group> </GroupList> <ArticleIdList> <ArticleId IdType="pii">nchembio.2007.59</ArticleId> <ArticleId IdType="doi">10.1038/nchembio.2007.59</ArticleId> </ArticleIdList> <History>

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<PubDate PubStatus="received"> <Year>2007</Year> <Month>06</Month> <Day>15</Day> </PubDate> <PubDate PubStatus="accepted"> <Year>2007</Year> <Month>10</Month> <Day>30</Day> </PubDate> <PubDate PubStatus="aheadofprint"> <Year>2007</Year> <Month>December</Month> <Day>23</Day> </PubDate> </History> <Abstract>Drug screening is often limited to cell-free assays involvingpurified enzymes, but it is arguably best applied against systemsthat represent disease states or complex physiological cellularnetworks. Here, we describe a high-content, cell-based drugdiscovery platform based on phosphospecific flow cytometry, or phosphoflow, that enabled screening for inhibitors againstmultiple endogenous kinase signaling pathways in heterogeneousprimary cell populations at the single-cell level. From a libraryof small-molecule natural products, we identified pathway-selectiveinhibitors of Jak-Stat and MAP kinase signaling. Dose-responseexperiments in primary cells confirmed pathway selectivity, but importantly also revealed differential inhibition of celltypes and new druggability trends across multiple compounds. Lead compound selectivity was confirmed in vivo in mice. Phosphoflowtherefore provides a unique platform that can be applied throughoutthe drug discovery process, from early compound screening to invivo testing and clinical monitoring of drug efficacy. </Abstract> <ObjectList> <Object Type="NCBI:pubchem-substance"> <Param Name="id">46391334</Param> </Object> <Object Type="NCBI:pubchem-substance"> <Param Name="id">46391335</Param> </Object> <Object Type="NCBI:pubchem-substance"> <Param Name="id">46391336</Param> </Object> </ObjectList> </Article> <Article> <Journal> <PublisherName>Nature Publishing Group</PublisherName> <JournalTitle>Nature Chemical Biology</JournalTitle>

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<Issn>1552-4450</Issn> <Volume>4</Volume> <Issue>2</Issue> <PubDate PubStatus="ppublish"> <Year>2008</Year> <Month>February</Month> </PubDate> </Journal> <ArticleTitle>Site selectivity of platinumanticancer therapeutics</ArticleTitle> <FirstPage>110<FirstPage> <LastPage>112</LastPage> <Language>EN</Language> <AuthorList> <Author> <FirstName>Bin</FirstName> <LastName>Wu</LastName> <Affiliation>Division of Structural and Computational Biology,School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University,60 Nanyang Drive,Singapore 637551, Singapore. </Affiliation> </Author> <Author> <FirstName>Peter</FirstName> <LastName>Dr&amp;ouml;ge</LastName> </Author> <Author> <FirstName>Curt A</FirstName> <LastName>Davey</LastName> </Author> </AuthorList> <ArticleIdList> <ArticleId IdType="pii">nchembio.2007.58</ArticleId> <ArticleId IdType="doi">10.1038/nchembio.2007.58</ArticleId> </ArticleIdList> <History> <PubDate PubStatus="received"> <Year>2007</Year> <Month>06</Month> <Day>07</Day> </PubDate> <PubDate PubStatus="accepted"> <Year>2007</Year> <Month>10</Month> <Day>26</Day> </PubDate> <PubDate PubStatus="aheadofprint"> <Year>2007</Year> <Month>December</Month> <Day>23</Day>

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</PubDate> </History> <Abstract>X-ray crystallographic and biochemical investigationof the reaction of cisplatin and oxaliplatin with nucleosome coreparticle and naked DNA reveals that histone octamer association canmodulate DNA platination. Adduct formation also occurs at specifichistone methionine residues, which could serve as a nuclear platinumreservoir influencing adduct transfer to DNA. Our findings suggestthat the nucleosome center may provide a favorable target for thedesign of improved platinum anticancer drugs. </Abstract></Article></ArticleSet>

Example of a Non-English XML file<!DOCTYPE ArticleSet PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD PubMed 2.0//EN""" ><ArticleSet> <Article> <Journal> <PublisherName>T&#252;rkiye Sinir ve RuhSa&#287;l&#305;&#287;&#305; Derne&#287;i</PublisherName> <JournalTitle>Turk Psikiyatri Derg</JournalTitle> <Issn>1300-2163</Issn> <Volume>18</Volume> <Issue>1</Issue> <PubDate PubStatus="ppublish"> <Year>2007</Year> <Season>Spring</Season> </PubDate> </Journal> <ArticleTitle>Case Report: Comorbid Anorexia Nervosa andSchizophrenia in a Male Patient</ArticleTitle> <VernacularTitle>Olgu Sunumu: Bir Erkek Hastada Anoreksiya Nervoza ve &#350;izofreni E&#351;hastalan&#305;m&#305;</VernacularTitle> <FirstPage>87</FirstPage> <LastPage>91</LastPage> <Language>TR</Language> <AuthorList> <Author> <FirstName>Buket</FirstName> <LastName>Cinemre</LastName> </Author> <Author> <FirstName>Burak</FirstName> <LastName>Kulaks&#305;zo&#287;lu</LastName> </Author> </AuthorList> <PublicationType>Journal Article</PublicationType>

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<ArticleIdList> <ArticleId IdType="pii">570</ArticleId> </ArticleIdList> <Abstract> Anorexia nervosa is a rare psychiatric disorder and epidemiological studies have shown a female to male ratio of 10:1, suggesting it is a disorder predominantly seen among females. The prevalence of anorexia nervosa comorbid with other psychiatric disorders has been reported to be quite high. Whereas depression and anxiety disorders are the most common comorbid diagnoses in anorexic patients, the dual-diagnosis of anorexia and schizophrenia is a relatively rare condition. Based generally on the observations from single case reports or case series, several explanations have been made about the co-occurrence ofanorexia and schizophrenia. Herein, we present a male patient who developed schizophrenia after an anorexic period of 4 years that began when he was 14 years old with the decision to lose weight, which then progressed to a pattern of disordered eating and body image. This case is rare because the patient is male and has a comorbid diagnosis of anorexia nervosa and schizophrenia. To the best of our knowledge, there is only one previous case report in the literature describing a male anorexic patient comorbid schizophrenia. In this case presentation, the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa in males is addressed, the definition and significance of sub-threshold cases are discussed, and the comorbidity of anorexia nervosa and schizophrenia are reviewed in light of the literature. </Abstract> </Article> </ArticleSet>

Example of an Ahead of Print XML file<!DOCTYPE ArticleSet PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD PubMed 2.0//EN""" ><ArticleSet> <Article> <Journal> <PublisherName>AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY</PublisherName> <JournalTitle>J Biol Chem</JournalTitle> <Issn>0021-9258</Issn> <Volume></Volume> <Issue></Issue> <PubDate PubStatus = "aheadofprint"> <Year>2008</Year> <Month>December</Month> <Day>3</Day> </PubDate> </Journal> <ArticleTitle>Inhibition of Hepatitis C Virus NS2/3

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Processing by NS4A Peptides</ArticleTitle> <FirstPage></FirstPage> <LastPage></LastPage> <ELocationID EIdType="doi"> 10.1967/s002449910026 </ELocationID> <Language>EN</Language> <AuthorList> <Author> <FirstName>John</FirstName> <MiddleName>Jacob</MiddleName> <LastName>Smith</LastName> <Suffix>Sr</Suffix> </Author> </AuthorList> <PublicationType>NEWS</PublicationType> <ArticleIdList> <ArticleId IdType="pii">s002449910026</ArticleId> <ArticleId IdType="doi">10.1967/s002449910026</ArticleId> </ArticleIdList> <History> <PubDate PubStatus="received"> <Year>2007</Year> <Month>November</Month> <Day>20</Day> </PubDate> <PubDate PubStatus="accepted"> <Year>2007</Year> <Month>November</Month> <Day>29</Day> </PubDate> </History> </Article> </ArticleSet>

Example of a Replaces XML file<!DOCTYPE ArticleSet PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD PubMed 2.0//EN""" ><ArticleSet> <Article> <Journal> <PublisherName>AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR BIOCHEMISTRYAND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY</PublisherName> <JournalTitle>J Biol Chem</JournalTitle> <Issn>0021-9258</Issn> <Volume>32</Volume> <Issue>1 Pt 2</Issue> <PubDate PubStatus = "ppublish"> <Year>2009</Year> <Month>Jan-Feb</Month> </PubDate>

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</Journal> <Replaces IdType="pubmed">10660634</Replaces> <ArticleTitle> Inhibition of Hepatitis C Virus NS2/3 Processingby NS4A Peptides </ArticleTitle> <FirstPage>234</FirstPage> <LastPage>234</LastPage> <Language>EN</Language> <AuthorList> <Author> <FirstName>John</FirstName> <MiddleName>Jacob</MiddleName> <LastName>Smith</LastName> <Suffix>Sr</Suffix> </Author> </AuthorList> <PublicationType>NEWS</PublicationType> <ArticleIdList> <ArticleId IdType="pii">s002449910026</ArticleId> <ArticleId IdType="doi">10.1967/s002449910026</ArticleId> </ArticleIdList> <History> <PubDate PubStatus="received"> <Year>2008</Year> <Month>November</Month> <Day>20</Day> </PubDate> <PubDate PubStatus="accepted"> <Year>2008</Year> <Month>November</Month> <Day>29</Day> </PubDate> <PubDate PubStatus = "aheadofprint"> <Year>2008</Year> <Month>December</Month> <Day>3</Day> </PubDate> </History> </Article> </ArticleSet>

SGML Data Entities for PubMed SubmissionsHere is a list of commonly used SGML entities that can be used in XML files uploaded toPubMed. For each entity listed we have provided the hexadecimal UNICODE value, thetranslation as it will appear in PubMed, and the meaning. Though they are not listed, we alsoaccept the decimal UNICODE values for the entities listed here. This is not a comprehensivelist of accepted characters.

When creating your XML file, please keep in mind the following:

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• If it is possible to use an ASCII character to represent an entity, please use the ASCIIcharacter. For example, general punctuation such as quotation marks, colons, andnumber signs may be created with keyboard characters. Note that there are threeexceptions to this rule: We require you to use an SGML entity instead of ASCII whencreating an ampersand (&) [use &amp;], a less than symbol (<) [use &lt;], and a greaterthan symbol (>) [use &gt;] Where these three occur in tag names or entities, simplyuse the ASCII characters. For example:

Entities: &uuml; NOT &amp;uuml; &apos; NOT &amp;apos;

Tag Names: <Month> NOT &lt;Month&gt;

Text: [P &lt; 0.01] NOT [P < 0.01]

• We prefer that you use SGML entities (first column), but can accept both decimal andhexadecimal UNICODE character references.

• If you wish to use a UNICODE value to represent your character, you must place it inthe following format: ampersand (&) followed by a pound sign (#) followed by theUNICODE value followed by a semicolon (;). For example, use &#x00B0;(hexadecimal value) or &#176; (decimal value) to represent a degree symbol.

• Use <sup> </sup> to indicate superscript, and <inf> </inf> to represent inferior orsubscript characters in the <ArticleTitle> and <Abstract> tags.

• Diacritics must be represented with SGML entities for the characters to appearcorrectly in PubMed. This is required for two reasons: first, a user can view diacriticsin the XML display of a PubMed citation if their browser is set to translate theUNICODE/UTF-8 character set and second, many licensees of the MEDLINEdatabase world-wide have the ability to display diacritics and therefore value thiscoding.

• You can test your entities with our PubMed Citation XML File Validator. In additionto testing the structure of your XML files, it can determine whether the entities youare using are accepted by our parser.

• ISO Latin-1• ISO Latin-2• Publishing• General Technical• Fractions, Super/Subscripts, Punctuation• Greek Letters• Monotoniko Greek• Greek Symbols• Alternative Greek Symbols• Relations• Negated Relations• Arrows• Binary Operators

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• Added Math Symbols - Operators• Added Math Symbols - Relations• Russian Cyrillic• Non-Russian Cyrillic• Box and Line Drawing

Correcting Errors in PubMedAn error found in a PubMed record can be corrected, but whether the correction can be madeby the publisher depends on the publication status of the citation in question and whether theerror also occurred in the original version of the article (print or online).

Publishers can correct errors ONLY if the citation has the publication status [PubMed - assupplied by publisher]. Citations with the publication status [PubMed - in process], [PubMed- Indexed for MEDLINE], [PubMed] and [PubMed - OLDMEDLINE] can ONLY be correctedby NLM staff.

Errors that also appeared in the original version of the article cannot be corrected until anErratum is issued in an upcoming issue of the journal. Please see NLM's Errata, Retraction,Duplicate Publication, and Comment Policy Fact Sheet for more information.

Correction Procedures for the different Publication Status TagsAll PubMed citations display a Publication Status Tag. There are five possible PublicationStatus Tags:

[PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Citations in this stage appear exactly as the publisher provided them. Errors can be correctedby sending a revised file using the <Replaces> tags. Please see our Instructions for ReplacementFiles for details.

[PubMed - in process]

Citations in this stage are in the process of data review at the NLM. Errors cannot be correctedwith a Replacement File. If the error in the citation is correct in the print/online version of thearticle, it will likely be revised by NLM Indexers during this stage. Please allow a few weeksfor the completed citation to appear in the database.

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[PubMed - Indexed for MEDLINE]

Citations in this stage have moved completely through the indexing process at NLM. Citationdata has been quality assured and MESH subject headings have been added to the records. Anyerrors found in citations at this stage should be reported to NLM's Customer Service departmentat Please use the Request for Correction format below when composingyour message to Customer Service.


See [PubMed - Indexed for MEDLINE] for correction procedures


See [PubMed - Indexed for MEDLINE] for correction procedures

See the PubMed Help PubMed Citation Status Subsets page for more information.

Correcting/Adding ArticleIdsPlease read the LinkOut Help Additional Information about Linking page for instructions onhow to edit or add ArticleIds (pii or doi) for the purpose of linking from PubMed to the full-text article.

Request for Correction FormatPlease use this format when submitting a request for correction to



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• ISSUE:• URL: (if any)• PUBLISHER: Publisher for this journal• PROVIDER: XML data provider for this journal• TEXT: Current text• CORRECTION: Revised text• NOTE: Additional notes

Instructions for articles published in Non-English LanguagesHere is an example of a non-English language citation:

The [brackets] around the article title and the text "French" indicate the full-text of the articleis in a language other than English. The French article title can be viewed by selecting theXML display for this citation in PubMed.

Publishers submitting files for articles published in non-English languages often have specificquestions about how to construct their XML files. Here are some guidelines for the submissionof non-English articles. We also have a sample XML file for this type of article.

Tags involved• The <Language> tag should contain the two-letter code for the language the article is

in. If unspecified, EN (English) is the default code. See our list of Language Tag Codes,a subset of the ISO 639 standard for language codes.

• The <ArticleTitle> tag should contain the article title, in English, if published inEnglish or translated to English in the journal. Do not fill this tag if the published titleis not in English or is not translated to English in the journal.

• The <VernacularTitle> should contain the article title in the original language, if notin English. It is used only for Latin based alphabets; articles in non-Latin alphabetsshould leave this tag blank.

Rules to Remember• When constructing XML files for citations published in non-English languages it is

important to use the final/published version of the article as the authority on whatcitation data should be included in the file. If English translations for titles or abstractsare not in the article, do not include them. ArticleTitle and Author tags left blank inyour XML file submission will be filled by the appropriate NLM staff when thecitations are indexed for MEDLINE.

• Author Names and Vernacular Titles frequently contain special characters that needto be represented by SGML entities in the XML file.

• If the full text of an article appears in more than one language in the same issue, submitmultiple language tags listed in the order in which the texts appear in the journal, notin the alphabetical order of the symbols. If one of the languages is English, enter EN

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first. For example, an article which appears full-text in both Chinese and English shouldbe coded as:

<Language>EN</Language> <Language>ZH</Language>

• If the full text of an article appears in one language, but the abstract appears in two ormore languages, the <Language> tag should contain only the code for the language ofthe full-text article.

• Articles in non-Latin alphabets can include transliterated author names. However,these names may be changed by Indexers based on NLM's System of Transliteration.

Some examples:

If the article contains... Your XML file should contain...

a title in Japanese characters and a title in English the English title in the <ArticleTitle> tags and empty <VernacularTitle> tags

author names in Chinese characters only empty <Author> tags

Russian transliterated names and affiliations transliterated names in the <Author> tags and affiliations in the <Affiliation>tags; however, you should check the transliterations against NLM's System ofTransliteration and make changes if necessary.

an English abstract, but article title and author names in Cyrillic only the English abstract and transliterated Cyrillic in <ArticleTitle> and <Author>tags.

All About Ahead of PrintPublishers who are authorized to submit XML data to PubMed have the option of submittingcitations prior to their publication in final or print format. This option is used for thosepublications in which the date of an article's electronic publishing predates publication in thejournal issue or volume. When articles are first made available on a Web site (publishers’ orother), the publisher or provider sends the same citation data made available to the public forinclusion in PubMed.

Often these types of citations contain partial citation information--for example, they mightcontain an article title and full abstract, but not contain a volume, issue, or page number. Thisinformation is expected to be filled in by a Replaces XML file after the issue or volume hasbeen finalized or printed. These incomplete citation records hold an [Epub ahead of print] statusuntil updated data is sent to PubMed. See our Ahead of Print File Example and the ReplacementFile that updates it.

IMPORTANT: The Ahead of Print (AOP) mechanism must not be used for an article ifits eventual publication is uncertain. In the rare case where an AOP citation is retracted,the citation information should remain on the publisher Web site. See our Ahead of PrintWithdrawn policy

Here's an example of an AOP citation in PubMed:

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The notation [Epub ahead of print] labels this citation as incomplete. Note it does not displaya volume number or issue number or page numbers, only a publication date.

Here's the same citation after being updated with a Replacement File:

Steps for creating an Ahead of Print file• Construct an XML file according to the PubMed DTD, including all available citation

information.• If Volume, Issue, FirstPage and LastPage are not known, these tags should be blank.• Add the electronic publication date to the <PubDate> tag, along with the

PubStatus="aheadofprint" attribute. The electronic publication date must be an exactdate, one that includes completed tags for Year, Month and Day. Articles using the"aheadofprint" PubStatus attribute that do not contain exact publication dates will berejected from loading to PubMed. NOTE: The electronic publication date cannotbe greater than 18 months prior to the month of uploading to PubMed. Forexample: if the Ahead of Print file is uploaded in the month of June 2005 then theelectronic publication date within the file can not be prior to December 2003.

• Be sure to include an ArticleId in the file along with the appropriate ArticleId IdTypeattribute ("pii" or "doi"). This is REQUIRED of all AOP submissions. Click for moreinformation about Article Identifiers.

• Check your file for errors and preview the PubMed Abstract display using the PubMedCitation XML file Validator

• FTP the AOP file to your private ftp account, placing it at the top of the directory.• Wait for a Loader Report confirming the loading of the AOP file. If the file loaded

successfully, PMIDs will appear for each citation submitted.• Save the Loader Report until you are ready to update the citations; you may use the

PMIDs for in the Replacement File.• When you are ready to update your AOP citations, follow our Instructions for

Replacement Files.

Points to Remember• Please notify the the Data Provider Support Team [] if

you intend to begin using the Ahead of Print function. Once you begin sending AOPfiles, it is not necessary to notify us before each new delivery.

• You can check your original AOP citations in PubMed using the query"pubstatusaheadofprint". For example, the search string Arch Microbiol[jour] AND2008:2020[dp] AND pubstatusaheadofprint will retrieve all AOP citations with thejournal title and dates indicated.

• Citations in AOP status can be updated/revised as many times as necessary prior tothe submission of the final Replacement file. Simply follow the steps above, but addthe <Replaces> tag and keep the PubDate PubStatus attribute as "aheadofprint".

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Instructions for Replacement FilesReplacement Files can be used for two purposes: updating an Ahead of Print (AOP) citationor correcting a citation currently in [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] status.

AOP citations eventually become "published" citations by way of the publisher sending aReplacement XML file with completed citation information. These replacement files must usethe PubStatus attribute value "ppublish" or "epublish" in the <PubDate> tag in order to replacethe AOP citation.

Take the following steps to update an AOP citation:• Update the AOP citation file, adding the finalized citation information.• Add the final publication date to the <PubDate> tag, along with the

PubStatus="ppublish" or "epublish" attribute. The publication date must be exactly asit appears on the finalized article. See "How should the Publication Date be submitted?"

• "Move" the existing PubDate with PubStatus="aheadofprint" attribute to the<History> tag. This will enable the citation to retain the AOP publishing date inPubMed.

• Add a single <Replaces> tag to each <Article> to be updated. The <Replaces> tagsshould be placed after the <Journal> tags and before the <ArticleTitle> tags, and shouldcontain the IdType attribute with one of the following values: "pubmed" (default),"pii", "doi" of the citation to be updated. The PubMed ID (PMID) can be located inthe Loader Report or by searching for the article in PubMed.

• Verify that the ArticleIdList (pii or doi) in the Replacement File matches theArticleIdList in the AOP citation in PubMed. If these numbers do not match, thecitation will not be updated.

• Check the file for errors and preview the PubMed Abstract display using the PubMedCitation XML File Validator.

• FTP the Replacement File to your private ftp account, placing it at the top of thedirectory.

• Wait for a Loader Report confirming the loading of the Replacement File. Followingthe batch of articles is a "Total processed" message indicating the number of articlesprocessed from the uploaded file and the number created, replaced, and rejected.

For additional reference, see our Ahead of Print File Example and the Replacement File thatupdates it.

Error Correction Replacement FileCitations with the Publication Status Tag [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] can be correctedby uploading a revised file with <Replaces> tags.

Please note that the following steps are not effective if the citation with error has a PublicationStatus Tag other than [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]. See our page Correcting Errors inPubMed for more details.

These steps are also not appropriate if the error appeared in the original version of the article(whether print or online). Errors that were published in the original version must be correctedby issuing an Erratum; please see NLM's Errata, Retraction, Duplicate Publication, andComment Policy Fact Sheet for more information.

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Suppose an error existed in the following PubMed citation as a result of an error in the originalXML file:

Take the following steps to correct the PubMed citation:• Correct the citation in the original file and delete the rest of the file.• Add <Replaces> tags to the citation in which the error occurred. The <Replaces> tags

should be placed after the <Journal> tags and before the <ArticleTitle> tags, and shouldcontain the IdType attribute with one of the following values: "pubmed", "pii", "doi"of the citation to be corrected.

In the example above, the additional tag could look like this:

<Replaces IdType="pubmed">17273292</Replaces>

OR like this:

<Replaces IdType="doi"> 10.1624/105812402X88669</Replaces>• Upload the Replacement File to your private ftp account.• Send an email to to notify us of the uploading of a

Replacement File for error correction.• Wait for a new Loader Report confirming the loading of the Replacement File. If the

file loaded successfully, the original PMID should appear on the new citation batch.• View revised citations in PubMed 1-2 days after receiving the Loader Report. If error

does not appear to be corrected, contact

Ahead of Print Withdrawn PolicyOn rare occasions a publisher may need to remove an Ahead of Print (AOP) article from ajournals’ Web site. There are a variety of reasons for this type of withdrawal; plagiarism,copyright infringements, duplicate publication in another journal. PubMed understands thatthese circumstances cannot always be prevented before AOP citation data is uploaded toPubMed. Thus we have designed the following policy:

If an AOP article is removed completely from the journals’ Web site the publisher should havea Replacement file uploaded to PubMed. The Replacement file should use the followingformat: The text "WITHDRAWN:" (without quotation marks) should appear at the beginning of theoriginal article title in the <ArticleTitle> tag.

The text "Ahead of Print article withdrawn by publisher." (without quotation marks) shouldbe added at the beginning of the original text within the <Abstract> tag. If desired the originalabstract text may be completely replaced with the above text. For additional reference, see ourInstructions for Replacement Files.

Here's an example:

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If an AOP article is replaced on the journals’ Web site with a Retraction or Withdrawn Noticethen the publisher should have a Replacement file uploaded to PubMed. The Replacement fileshould match the text of the Retraction or Withdrawn Notice on the journal's Web site.

Here's an example:

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The following is a subset of the ISO 639 standard for language codes.CODE LANGUAGE

EN English

AF Afrikaans

SQ Albanian

AM Amharic

AR Arabic

AZ Azerbaijani

HY Armenian

BN Bengali

BS Bosnian

BG Bulgarian

CA Catalan

ZH Chinese

HR Croatian

CS Czech

DA Danish

NL Dutch

EO Esperanto

ET Estonian

FI Finnish

FR French

GD Scottish Gaelic

KA Georgian

DE German

EL Greek, Modern

HE Hebrew

HU Hungarian

HI Hindi

IS Icelandic

ID Indonesian

IT Italian

JA Japanese

RW Kinyarwanda

KO Korean

LA Latin

LV Latvian

LT Lithuanian

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MK Macedonian

ML Malayalam

MI Maori

MS Malay

MU Multilingual

NO Norwegian

FA Persian

PL Polish

PT Portuguese

PS Pushto

RO Romanian

RU Russian

SA Sanskrit

SR Serbo-Croatian, Cyrillic

SR Serbo-Croatian, Roman

SK Slovak

SL Slovene

ES Spanish

SV Swedish

TH Thai

TR Turkish

UK Ukrainian

UR Urdu

VI Vietnamese

CY Welsh

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Slavic Transliteration (1995)Russian Ukrainian Bulgarian Serbian

А а a А а a А а a А а a

Б б b Б б b Б б b Б б b

В в v В в v В в v В в v

Г г g Г г g Г г g Г г g

Д д d Д д d Д д d Д д d

Ђ ђ dj

Е е e Е е e Е е e Е е e

Є є ie

Ё ё e

Ж ж zh Ж ж zh Ж ж zh Ж ж ź

З з z З з z З з z З з z

И и i И и y И и i И и i

І і i

Ї ї ï

Й й ĭ Й й ĭ Й й ĭ

J j j

К к k К к k К к k К к k

Л л l Л л l Л л l Л л l

Љ љ lj

М м m М м m М м m М м m

Н н n Н н n Н н n Н н n

Њ њ nj

О о o О о o О о o О о o

П п p П п p П п p П п p

Р р r Р р r Р р r Р р r

С с s С с s С с s С с s

Т т t Т т t Т т t Т т t

Ћ ћ ć

У у u У у u У у u У у u

Ф ф f Ф ф f Ф ф f Ф ф f

Х х kh Х х kh Х х kh Х х h

Ц ц ts Ц ц ts Ц ц ts Ц ц c

Ч ч ch Ч ч ch Ч ч ch Ч ч ĉ

Џ џ dź

Ш ш sh Ш ш sh Ш ш sh Ш ш ś

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Щ щ shch Щ щ shch Щ щ shi --------------

Ъ ъ '' Ъ ъ ŭ --------------

Ы ы y --------------

Ь ь ' Ь ь ' Ь ь ' --------------

Э э é --------------

Ю ю iu Ю ю iu Ю ю iu --------------

Я я ia Я я ia Я я ia --------------

Adapted from A.L.A. Cataloging Rules for Authors & Titles Entries of the American Library Association, Chicago, 1949.

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ISO Latin-1Entity Unicode PubMed Displays as Meaning

&aacute; &#x00E1; á small a, acute accent

&Aacute; &#x00C1; Á capital A, acute accent

&acirc; &#x00E2; â small a, circumflex accent

&Acirc; &#x00C2; Â capital A, circumflex accent

&agrave; &#x00E0; à small a, grave accent

&Agrave; &#x00C0; À capital A, grave accent

&aring; &#x00E5; å small a, ring

&Aring; &#x00C5; Å capital A, ring

&atilde; &#x00E3; ã small a, tilde

&Atilde; &#x00C3; Ã capital A, tilde

&auml; &#x00E4; ä small a, dieresis or umlaut mark

&Auml; &#x00C4; Ä capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark

&aelig; &#x00E6; æ small ae diphthong (ligature)

&AElig; &#x00C6; Æ capital AE diphthong (ligature)

&ccedil; &#x00E7; ç small c, cedilla

&Ccedil; &#x00C7; Ç capital C, cedilla

&eth; &#x00F0; ð small eth, Icelandic

&ETH; &#x00D0; Ð capital Eth, Icelandic

&eacute; &#x00E9; é small e, acute accent

&Eacute; &#x00C9; É capital E, acute accent

&ecirc; &#x00EA; ê small e, circumflex accent

&Ecirc; &#x00CA; Ê capital E, circumflex accent

&egrave; &#x00E8; è small e, grave accent

&Egrave; &#x00C8; È capital E, grave accent

&euml; &#x00EB; ë esmall e, dieresis or umlaut mark

&Euml; &#x00CB; Ë capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark

&iacute; &#x00ED; í small i, acute accent

&Iacute; &#x00CD; Í capital I, acute accent

&icirc; &#x00EE; î small i, circumflex accent

&Icirc; &#x00CE; Î capital I, circumflex accent

&igrave; &#x00EC; ì ismall i, grave accent

&Igrave; &#x00CC; Ì capital I, grave accent

&iuml; &#x00EF; ï small i, dieresis or umlaut mark

&Iuml; &#x00CF; Ï capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark

&ntilde; &#x00F1; ñ small n, tilde

&Ntilde; &#x00D1; Ñ capital N, tilde

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&oacute; &#x00F3; ó small o, acute accent

&Oacute; &#x00D3; Ó capital O, acute accent

&ocirc; &#x00F4; ô small o, circumflex accent

&Ocirc; &#x00D4; Ô capital O, circumflex accent

&ograve; &#x00F2; ò small o, grave accent

&Ograve; &#x00D2; Ò capital O, grave accent

&oslash; &#x00F8; ø small o, slash

&Oslash; &#x00D8; Ø capital O, slash

&otilde; &#x00F5; õ small o, tilde

&Otilde; &#x00D5; Õ capital O, tilde

&ouml; &#x00F6; ö small o, dieresis or umlaut mark

&Ouml; &#x00D6; Ö capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark

&szlig; &#x00DF; ß small sharp s, German (sz ligature)

&thorn; &#x00FE; þ small thorn, Icelandic

&THORN; &#x00DE; Þ capital THORN, Icelandic

&uacute; &#x00FA; ú small u, acute accent

&Uacute; &#x00DA; Ú capital U, acute accent

&ucirc; &#x00FB; û small u, circumflex accent

&Ucirc; &#x00DB; Û capital U, circumflex accent

&ugrave; &#x00F9; ù small u, grave accent

&Ugrave; &#x00D9; Ù capital U, grave accent

&uuml; &#x00FC; ü small u, dieresis or umlaut mark

&Uuml; &#x00DC; Ü capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark

&yacute; &#x00FD; ý small y, acute accent

&Yacute; &#x00DD; Ý capital Y, acute accent

&yuml; &#x00FF; ÿ small y, dieresis or umlaut mark

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ISO Latin-2Entity Unicode PubMed Displays as Meaning

&abreve; &#x0103; ă small a, breve

&Abreve; &#x0102; Ă capital A, breve

&amacr; &#x0101; ā small a, macron

&Amacr; &#x0100; Ā capital A, macron

&aogon; &#x0105; ą small a, ogonek

&Aogon; &#x0104; Ą capital A, ogonek

&cacute; &#x0107; ć small c, acute accent

&Cacute; &#x0106; Ć capital C, acute accent

&ccaron; &#x010D; č small c, caron

&Ccaron; &#x010C; Č capital C, caron

&ccirc; &#x0109; ĉ small c, circumflex accent

&Ccirc; &#x0108; Ĉ capital C, circumflex accent

&cdot; &#x010B; ċ small c, dot above

&Cdot; &#x010A; Ċ capital C, dot above

&dcaron; &#x010F; ď small d, caron

&Dcaron; &#x010E; Ď capital D, caron

&dstrok; &#x0111; đ small d, stroke

&Dstrok; &#x0110; Đ capital D, stroke

&ecaron; &#x011B; ě small e, caron

&Ecaron; &#x011A; Ě capital E, caron

&edot; &#x0117; ė small e, dot above

&Edot; &#x0116; Ė capital E, dot above

&emacr; &#x0113; ē small e, macron

&Emacr; &#x0112; Ē capital E, macron

&eogon; &#x0119; ę small e, ogonek

&Eogon; &#x0118; Ę capital E, ogonek

&gacute; &#x01F5; ǵ small g, acute accent

&gbreve; &#x011F; ğ small g, breve

&Gbreve; &#x011E; Ğ capital G, breve

&Gcedil; &#x0122; Ģ capital G, cedilla

&gcirc; &#x011D; ĝ small g, circumflex accent

&Gcirc; &#x011C; Ĝ capital G, circumflex accent

&gdot; &#x0121; ġ small g, dot above

&Gdot; &#x0120; Ġ capital G, dot above

&hcirc; &#x0125; ĥ small h, circumflex accent

&Hcirc; &#x0124; Ĥ capital H, circumflex accent

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&hstrok; &#x0127; ħ small h, stroke

&Hstrok; &#x0126; Ħ capital H, stroke

&Idot; &#x0130; İ capital I, dot above

&Imacr; &#x012A; Ī capital I, macron

&imacr; &#x012B; ī small i, macron

&ijlig; &#x0133; ij small ij ligature

&IJlig; &#x0132; IJ capital IJ ligature

&inodot; &#x0131; ı small i, no dot

&iogon; &#x012F; į small i, ogonek

&Iogon; &#x012E; Į capital I, ogonek

&itilde; &#x0129; ĩ small i, tilde

&Itilde; &#x0128; Ĩ capital I, tilde

&jcirc; &#x0135; ĵ small j, circumflex accent

&Jcirc; &#x0134; Ĵ capital J, circumflex accent

&kcedil; &#x0137; ķ small k, cedilla

&Kcedil; &#x0136; Ķ capital K, cedilla

&kgreen; &#x0138; ĸ small k, Greenlandic

&lacute; &#x013A; ĺ small l, acute accent

&Lacute; &#x0139; Ĺ capital L, acute accent

&lcaron; &#x013E; ľ small l, caron

&Lcaron; &#x013D; Ľ capital L, caron

&lcedil; &#x013C; ļ small l, cedilla

&Lcedil; &#x013B; Ļ capital L, cedilla

&lmidot; &#x0140; ŀ small l, middle dot

&Lmidot; &#x013F; Ŀ capital L, middle dot

&lstrok; &#x0142; ł small l, stroke

&Lstrok; &#x0141; Ł capital L, stroke

&nacute; &#x0144; ń small n, acute accent

&Nacute; &#x0143; Ń capital N, acute accent

&eng; &#x014B; ŋ small eng, Lapp

&ENG; &#x014A; Ŋ capital ENG, Lapp

&napos; &#x0149; ʼn small n, apostrophe

&ncaron; &#x0148; ň small n, caron

&Ncaron; &#x0147; Ň capital N, caron

&ncedil; &#x0146; ņ small n, cedilla

&Ncedil; &#x0145; Ņ capital N, cedilla

&odblac; &#x0151; ő small o, double acute accent

&Odblac; &#x0150; Ő capital O, double acute accent

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&Omacr; &#x014C; Ō capital O, macron

&omacr; &#x014D; ō small o, macron

&oelig; &#x0153; œ small oe ligature

&OElig; &#x0152; Πcapital OE ligature

&racute; &#x0155; ŕ small r, acute accent

&Racute; &#x0154; Ŕ capital R, acute accent

&rcaron; &#x0159; ř small r, caron

&Rcaron; &#x0158; Ř capital R, caron

&rcedil; &#x0157; ŗ small r, cedilla

&Rcedil; &#x0156; Ŗ capital R, cedilla

&sacute; &#x015B; ś small s, acute accent

&Sacute; &#x015A; Ś capital S, acute accent

&scaron; &#x0161; š small s, caron

&Scaron; &#x0160; Š capital S, caron

&scedil; &#x015F; ş small s, cedilla

&Scedil; &#x015E; Ş capital S, cedilla

&scirc; &#x015D; ŝ small s, circumflex accent

&Scirc; &#x015C; Ŝ capital S, circumflex accent

&tcaron; &#x0165; ť small t, caron

&Tcaron; &#x0164; Ť capital T, caron

&tcedil; &#x0163; ţ small t, cedilla

&Tcedil; &#x0162; Ţ capital T, cedilla

&tstrok; &#x0167; ŧ small t, stroke

&Tstrok; &#x0166; Ŧ capital T, stroke

&ubreve; &#x016D; ŭ small u, breve

&Ubreve; &#x016C; Ŭ capital U, breve

&udblac; &#x0171; ű small u, double acute accent

&Udblac; &#x0170; Ű capital U, double acute accent

&umacr; &#x016B; ū small u, macron

&Umacr; &#x016A; Ū capital U, macron

&uogon; &#x0173; ų small u, ogonek

&Uogon; &#x0172; Ų capital U, ogonek

&uring; &#x016F; ů small u, ring

&Uring; &#x016E; Ů capital U, ring

&utilde; &#x0169; ũ small u, tilde

&Utilde; &#x0168; Ũ capital U, tilde

&wcirc; &#x0175; ŵ small w, circumflex accent

&Wcirc; &#x0174; Ŵ capital W, circumflex accent

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&ycirc; &#x0177; ŷ small y, circumflex accent

&Ycirc; &#x0176; Ŷ capital Y, circumflex accent

&Yuml; &#x0178; Ÿ capital Y, dieresis or umlautmark

&zacute; &#x017A; ź small z, acute accent

&Zacute; &#x0179; Ź capital Z, acute accent

&zcaron; &#x017E; ž small z, caron

&Zcaron; &#x017D; Ž capital Z, caron

&zdot; &#x017C; ż small z, dot above

&Zdot; &#x017B; Ż capital Z, dot above

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PublishingEntity Unicode PubMed Displays as Meaning

&emsp; &#x2003; em space

&ensp; &#x2002; en space (1/2-em)

&emsp13; &#x2004; 1/3-em space

&emsp14; &#x2005; 1/4-em space

&numsp; &#x2007; digit space (width of a number)

&puncsp; &#x2008; punctuation space (width of comma)

&thinsp; &#x2009; thin space (1/6-em)

&hairsp; &#x200A; hair space

&mdash; &#x2014; - em dash

&ndash; &#x2013; - en dash

&dash; &#x2010; - hyphen (true graphic)

&blank; &#x2423; significant blank symbol

&hellip; &#x2026; em leader ellipsis (horizontal)

&nldr; &#x2025; .. double baseline dot (en leader)

&frac13; &#x2153; (1/3) fraction one-third

&frac23; &#x2154; (2/3) fraction two-thirds

&frac15; &#x2155; (1/5) fraction one-fifth

&frac25; &#x2156; (2/5) fraction two-fifths

&frac35; &#x2157; (3/5) fraction three-fifths

&frac45; &#x2158; (4/5) fraction four-fifths

&frac16; &#x2159; (1/6) fraction one-sixth

&frac56; &#x215A; (5/6) fraction five-sixths

&incare; &#x2105; in-care-of in-care-of symbol

&block; &#x2588; full block full block

&uhblk; &#x2580; upper half block upper half block

&lhblk; &#x2584; lower half block lower half block

&blk14; &#x2591; 25% shaded block 25% shaded block

&blk12; &#x2592; 50% shaded block 50% shaded block

&blk34; &#x2593; 75% shaded block 75% shaded block

&marker; &#x25AE; histogram marker histogram marker

&cir; &#x25CB; o circle, open

&squ; &#x25A1; square square, open

&rect; &#x25AD; rectangle rectangle, open

&utri; &#x25B5; triangle up up triangle, open

&dtri; &#x25BF; triangle down down triangle, open

&star; &#x22C6; small star, filled star, open

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&bull; &#x2022; * round bullet, filled

&squf; &#x25AA; blacksquare, square, filled sq bullet, filled

&utrif; &#x25B4; black triangle up triangle , filled

&dtrif; &#x25BE; black triangle down down triangle , filled

&ltrif; &#x25C2; black triangle left left triangle , filled

&rtrif; &#x25B8; black triangle right right triangle , filled

&clubs; &#x2663; club suit symbol club suit symbol

&diams; &#x2666; diamond diamond suit symbol

&hearts; &#x2661; heart heart suit symbol

&spades; &#x2660; spades spades suit symbol

&malt; &#x2720; maltese cross maltese cross

&dagger; &#x2020; dagger dagger

&Dagger; &#x2021; double dagger double dagger

&check; &#x2713; check mark tick, check mark

&cross; &#x2717; ballot cross ballot cross

&sharp; &#x266F; musical sharp musical sharp

&flat; &#x266D; musical flat musical flat

&male; &#x2642; male symbol male symbol

&female; &#x2640; female symbol female symbol

&phone; &#x260E; telephone symbol telephone symbol

&telrec; &#x2315; telephone recorder symbol telephone recorder symbol

&copysr; &#x2117; sound recording copyright sign sound recording copyright sign

&caret; &#x2041; insertion mark caret (insertion mark)

&lsquor; &#x201A; ' rising single quote, left (low)

&ldquor; &#x201E; " rising double quote, left (low)

&mldr; &#x2026; em leader em leader

&rdquor; &#x201D; " double quote, right (high)

&rsquor; &#x2019; ' single quote, right (high)

&vellip; &#x22EE; vertical ellipsis vellipvertical ellipsis

&hybull; &#x2043; rectangle filled hyphen bullet rectangle

&loz; &#x25CA; lozenge lozenge or total mark

&ltri; &#x25C3; triangle left left triangle, open

&rtri; &#x25B9; triangle right right triangle, open

&starf; &#x2605; bigstar star, filled

&natur; &#x266E; music natural music natural

&rx; &#x211E; Rx pharmaceutical prescription (Rx)

&sext; &#x2736; sextile sextile (6-pointed star)

&target; &#x2316; register mark or target mark or target

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&dlcrop; &#x230D; downward left crop mark left crop mark

&drcrop; &#x230C; downward right crop mark right crop mark

&ulcrop; &#x230F; upward left crop mark left crop mark

&urcrop; &#x230E; upward right crop mark right crop mark

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General TechnicalEntity Unicode PubMed Displays as Meaning

&aleph; &#x2135; aleph aleph, Hebrew

&and; &#x2227; wedge logical and

&ang90; &#x221F; 90 degree angle right (90 degree) angle

&angsph; &#x2222; angle-spherical angle-spherical

&ap; &#x2248; approximately approximate

&becaus; &#x2235; because because

&bottom; &#x22A5; perpendicular perpendicular

&cap; &#x2229; intersection intersection

&cong; &#x2245; congruent with congruent with

&conint; &#x222E; contour integral operator contour integral operator

&cup; &#x222A; union or logical sum union or logical sum

&equiv; &#x2261; identical with identical with

&exist; &#x2203; exists at least one exists

&forall; &#x2200; for all for all

&fnof; &#x0192; f function of (italic small f)

&ge; &#x2265; >/= greater-than-or-equal

&infin; &#x221E; infinity infinity

&int; &#x222B; integral integral operator

&isin; &#x2208; in set membership

&lang; &#x3008; < left angle bracket

&lArr; &#x21D0; <-- is implied by

&le; &#x2264; </= less-than-or-equal

&minus; &#x2212; - minus sign

&mnplus; &#x2213; -/+ minus-or-plus sign

&nabla; &#x2207; nabla del, Hamilton operator

&ne; &#x2260; not equal not equal

&ni; &#x220B; contains contains

&or; &#x2228; logical or logical or

&par; &#x2225; parallel parallel

&part; &#x2202; partial differential partial differential

&permil; &#x2030; per thousand per thousand

&perp; &#x22A5; perpendicular perpendicular

&prime; &#x2032; ' prime or minute

&Prime; &#x2033; '' double prime or second

&prop; &#x221D; proportional, variant is proportional to

&radic; &#x221A; radical radical

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&rang; &#x3009; > right angle bracket

&rArr; &#x21D2; --> implies

&sim; &#x223C; approximately similar

&sime; &#x2243; approximately similar, equals

&square; &#x25A1; square square

&sub; &#x2282; subset subset or is implied by

&sube; &#x2286; subset, dbl equals subset, equals

&sup; &#x2283; superset superset or implies

&supe; &#x2287; superset, dbl equals superset, equals

&there4; &#x2234; therefore therefore

&Verbar; &#x2016; || double vertical bar

&angst; &#x212B; A Angstrom (capital A, ring)

&bernou; &#x212C; Bernoulli function Bernoulli function (script capital B)

&compfn; &#x2218; composite function composite function (small circle)

&Dot; &#x00A8; dieresis or umlaut mark

&DotDot; &#x20DC; .... four dots above

&hamilt; &#x210B; H Hamiltonian (script capital H)

&lagran; &#x2112; Lgrangian Lagrangian (script capital L)

&lowast; &#x2217; * low asterisk

&notin; &#x2209; negated set membership negated set membership

&order; &#x2134; o order of (script small o)

&phmmat; &#x2133; M physics M-matrix (script capital M)

&tdot; &#x20DB; ... three dots above

&tprime; &#x2034; ''' triple prime

&wedgeq; &#x2259; wedge corresponds to (wedge, equals)

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Fractions, Super/Subscripts, Punctuation&half; &#x00BD; (1/2) fraction one-half

&frac12; &#x00BD; (1/2) fraction one-half

&frac14; &#x00BC; (1/4) fraction one-quarter

&frac34; &#x00BE; (3/4) fraction three-quarters

&frac18; &#x215B; (1/8) fraction one-eighth

&frac38; &#x215C; (3/8) fraction three-eighths

&frac58; &#x215D; (5/8) fraction five-eighths

&frac78; &#x215E; (7/8) fraction seven-eighths

&sup1; &#x00B9; (1) superscript one

&sup2; &#x00B2; (2) superscript two

&sup3; &#x00B3; (3) superscript three

&plus; &#x002B; + plus sign

&plusmn; &#x00B1; +/- plus-or-minus sign

&lt; &#x003C; < less-than sign

&equals; &#x003D; = equals sign

&gt; &#x003E; > greater-than sign

&divide; &#x00F7; / divide sign

&times; &#x00D7; x multiply sign

&curren; &#x00A4; currency general currency sign

&pound; &#x00A3; pound pound sign

&dollar; &#x0024; $ dollar sign

&cent; &#x00A2; cent cent sign

&yen; &#x00A5; yen yen sign

&num; &#x0023; # number sign

&euro; &#x20AC; euro euro sign

&percnt; &#x0025; % percent sign

&amp; &#x0026; & ampersand

&ast; &#x002A; * asterisk

&commat; &#x0040; @ commercial at

&lsqb; &#x005B; [ left square bracket

&bsol; &#x005C; \\ reverse solidus

&rsqb; &#x005D; ] right square bracket

&lcub; &#x007B; { left curly bracket

&horbar; &#x2015; - horizontal bar

&verbar; &#x007C; | vertical bar

&rcub; &#x007D; } right curly bracket

&micro; &#x00B5; micro micro sign

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&ohm; &#x2126; ohm ohm sign

&deg; &#x00B0; degrees degree sign

&ordm; &#x00BA; masculine ordinal indicator, masculine

&ordf; &#x00AA; feminine ordinal indicator, feminine

&sect; &#x00A7; section sign section sign

&para; &#x00B6; paragraph sign paragraph sign

&middot; &#x00B7; . middle dot

&larr; &#x2190; <-- leftward arrow

&rarr; &#x2192; --> rightward arrow

&uarr; &#x2191; upward arrow upward arrow

&darr; &#x2193; downward arrow downward arrow

&copy; &#x00A9; (c) copyright sign

&reg; &#x00AE; (R) registered sign

&trade; &#x2122; trade mark trade mark sign

&brvbar; &#x00A6; | broken (vertical) bar

&not; &#x00AC; not not sign

&sung; &#x266A; music note music note (sung text sign)

&excl; &#x0021; ! exclamation mark

&iexcl; &#x00A1; inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark

&quot; &#x0022; " quotation mark

&apos; &#x0027; ' apostrophe

&lpar; &#x0028; ( left parenthesis

&rpar; &#x0029; ) right parenthesis

&comma; &#x002C; , comma

&lowbar; &#x005F; _ low line

&hyphen; &#x2010; - hyphen

&period; &#x002E; . full stop, period

&sol; &#x002F; / solidus

&colon; &#x003A; : colon

&semi; &#x003B; ; semicolon

&quest; &#x003F; ? question mark

&iquest; &#x00BF; inverted question mark inverted question mark

&laquo; &#x00AB; << angle quotation mark, left

&raquo; &#x00BB; >> angle quotation mark, right

&lsquo; &#x2018; ' single quotation mark, left

&rsquo; &#x2019; ' single quotation mark, right

&ldquo; &#x201C; " double quotation mark, left

&rdquo; &#x201D; " double quotation mark, right

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&nbsp; &#x00A0; no break (required) space

&shy; &#x00AD; - soft hyphen

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Greek LettersEntity Unicode PubMed Displays as Meaning

&agr; &#x03B1; alpha small alpha, Greek

&Agr; &#x0391; Alpha capital Alpha, Greek

&bgr; &#x03B2; beta small beta, Greek

&Bgr; &#x0392; Beta capital Beta, Greek

&ggr; &#x03B3; gamma small gamma, Greek

&Ggr; &#x0393; Gamma capital Gamma, Greek

&dgr; &#x03B4; delta small delta, Greek

&Dgr; &#x0394; Delta capital Delta, Greek

&egr; &#x03B5; epsilon small epsilon, Greek

&Egr; &#x0395; Epsilon capital Epsilon, Greek

&zgr; &#x03B6; zeta small zeta, Greek

&Zgr; &#x0396; Zeta capital Zeta, Greek

&eegr; &#x03B7; eta small eta, Greek

&EEgr; &#x0397; Eta capital Eta, Greek

&thgr; &#x03B8; theta small theta, Greek

&THgr; &#x0398; Theta capital Theta, Greek

&igr; &#x03B9; iota small iota, Greek

&Igr; &#x0399; Iota capital Iota, Greek

&kgr; &#x03BA; kappa small kappa, Greek

&Kgr; &#x039A; Kappa capital Kappa, Greek

&lgr; &#x03BB; lambda small lambda, Greek

&Lgr; &#x039B; Lambda capital Lambda, Greek

&mgr; &#x03BC; mu small mu, Greek

&Mgr; &#x039C; mu capital Mu, Greek

&ngr; &#x03BD; nu small nu, Greek

&Ngr; &#x039D; Nu capital Nu, Greek

&xgr; &#x03BE; xi small xi, Greek

&Xgr; &#x039E; Xi capital Xi, Greek

&ogr; &#x03BF; omicron small omicron, Greek

&Ogr; &#x039F; Omicron capital Omicron, Greek

&pgr; &#x03C0; pi small pi, Greek

&Pgr; &#x03A0; Pi capital Pi, Greek

&rgr; &#x03C1; rho small rho, Greek

&Rgr; &#x03A1; Rho capital Rho, Greek

&sgr; &#x03C3; sigma small sigma, Greek

&Sgr; &#x03A3; Sigma capital Sigma, Greek

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&sfgr; &#x03C2; sigma final small sigma, Greek

&tgr; &#x03C4; tau small tau, Greek

&Tgr; &#x03A4; Tau capital Tau, Greek

&ugr; &#x03C5; upsilon small upsilon, Greek

&Ugr; &#x03A5; Upsilon capital Upsilon, Greek

&phgr; &#x03C6; phi small phi, Greek

&PHgr; &#x03A6; Phi capital Phi, Greek

&khgr; &#x03C7; chi small chi, Greek

&KHgr; &#x03A7; Chi capital Chi, Greek

&psgr; &#x03C8; psi small psi, Greek

&PSgr; &#x03A8; Psi capital Psi, Greek

&ohgr; &#x03C9; omega small omega, Greek

&OHgr; &#x03A9; Omega capital Omega, Greek

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Monotoniko GreekEntity Unicode PubMed Displays as Meaning

&aacgr; &#x03AC; alpha small alpha, accent, Greek

&Aacgr; &#x0386; Alpha capital Alpha, accent, Greek

&eacgr; &#x03AD; epsilon small epsilon, accent, Greek

&Eacgr; &#x0388; Epsilon capital Epsilon, accent, Greek

&eeacgr; &#x03AE; eta small eta, accent, Greek

&EEacgr; &#x0389; Eta capital Eta, accent, Greek

&idigr; &#x03CA; iota small iota, dieresis, Greek

&Idigr; &#x03AA; Iota capital Iota, dieresis, Greek

&iacgr; &#x03AF; iota small iota, accent, Greek

&Iacgr; &#x038A; Iota capital Iota, accent, Greek

&idiagr; &#x0390; iota small iota, dieresis, accent, Greek

&oacgr; &#x03CC; omicron small omicron, accent, Greek

&Oacgr; &#x038C; Omicron capital Omicron, accent, Greek

&udigr; &#x03CB; upsilon small upsilon, dieresis, Greek

&Udigr; &#x03AB; Upsilon capital Upsilon, dieresis, Greek

&uacgr; &#x03CD; upsilon small upsilon, accent, Greek

&Uacgr; &#x038E; Upsilon capital Upsilon, accent, Greek

&udiagr; &#x03B0; upsilon small upsilon, dieresis, accent, Greek

&ohacgr; &#x03CE; omega small omega, accent, Greek

&OHacgr; &#x038F; Omega capital Omega, accent, Greek

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Greek SymbolsEntity Unicode PubMed Displays as Meaning

&alpha; &#x03B1; alpha small alpha, Greek

&beta; &#x03B2; beta small beta, Greek

&gamma; &#x03B3; gamma small gamma, Greek

&Gamma; &#x0393; Gamma capital Gamma, Greek

&gammad; &#x03DC; digamma digamma

&delta; &#x03B4; delta small delta, Greek

&Delta; &#x0394; Delta capital Delta, Greek

&epsi; &#x03B5; epsilon small epsilon, Greek

&epsiv; &#x025B; epsilon var epsilon

&epsis; &#x03B5; epsilon straight epsilon

&zeta; &#x03B6; zeta small zeta, Greek

&eta; &#x03B7; eta small eta, Greek

&thetas; &#x03B8; theta straight theta

&Theta; &#x0398; Theta capital Theta, Greek

&thetav; &#x03D1; theta var theta - curly or open theta

&iota; &#x03B9; iota small iota, Greek

&kappa; &#x03BA; kappa small kappa, Greek

&kappav; &#x03F0; kappa var kappa

&lambda; &#x03BB; lambda small lambda, Greek

&Lambda; &#x039B; Lambda capital Lambda, Greek

&mu; &#x03BC; mu small mu, Greek

&nu; &#x03BD; nu small nu, Greek

&xi; &#x03BE; xi small xi, Greek

&Xi; &#x039E; Xi capital Xi, Greek

&pi; &#x03C0; pi small pi, Greek

&piv; &#x03D6; pi varpi

&Pi; &#x03A0; Pi capital Pi, Greek

&rho; &#x03C1; rho small rho, Greek

&rhov; &#x03F1; rho var rho

&sigma; &#x03C3; sigma small sigma, Greek

&Sigma; &#x03A3; Sigma capital Sigma, Greek

&sigmav; &#x03C2; sigma var sigma

&tau; &#x03C4; tau small tau, Greek

&upsi; &#x03C5; upsilon small upsilon, Greek

&Upsi; &#x03D2; Upsilon capital Upsilon, Greek

&phis; &#x03C6; phi straight phi

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&Phi; &#x03A6; Phi capital Phi, Greek

&phiv; &#x03D5; phi var phi - curly or open phi

&chi; &#x03C7; chi small chi, Greek

&psi; &#x03C8; psi small psi, Greek

&Psi; &#x03A8; Psi capital Psi, Greek

&omega; &#x03C9; omega small omega, Greek

&Omega; &#x03A9; Omega capital Omega, Greek

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Alternative Greek SymbolsEntity Unicode PubMed Displays as Meaning

&b.alpha; &#x03B1; alpha small alpha, Greek

&b.beta; &#x03B2; beta small beta, Greek

&b.gamma; &#x03B3; gamma small gamma, Greek

&b.Gamma; &#x0393; Gamma capital Gamma, Greek

&b.gammad; &#x03DD; digamma digamma

&; &#x03B4; delta small delta, Greek

&b.Delta; &#x0394; Delta capital Delta, Greek

&b.epsi; &#x03B5; epsilon small epsilon, Greek

&b.epsiv; &#x025B; epsilon var epsilon

&b.epsis; &#x03B5; epsilon straight epsilon

&b.zeta; &#x03B6; zeta small zeta, Greek

&b.eta; &#x03B7; eta small eta, Greek

&b.thetas; &#x03B8; theta straight theta

&b.Theta; &#x0398; Theta capital Theta, Greek

&b.thetav; &#x03D1; theta var theta - curly or open theta

&b.iota; &#x03B9; iota small iota, Greek

&b.kappa; &#x03BA; kappa small kappa, Greek

&b.kappav; &#x03F0; kappa var kappa

&b.lambda; &#x03BB; lambda small lambda, Greek

&b.Lambda; &#x039B; Lambda capital Lambda, Greek

&; &#x03BC; mu small mu, Greek

&; &#x03BD; nu small nu, Greek

&b.xi; &#x03BE; xi small xi, Greek

&b.Xi; &#x039E; Xi capital Xi, Greek

&b.pi; &#x03C0; pi small pi, Greek

&b.Pi; &#x03A0; Pi capital Pi, Greek

&b.piv; &#x03D6; pi var pi

&b.rho; &#x03C1; rho small rho, Greek

&b.rhov; &#x03F1; rho var rho

&b.sigma; &#x03C3; sigma small sigma, Greek

&b.Sigma; &#x03A3; Sigma capital Sigma, Greek

&b.sigmav; &#x03C2; sigma var sigma

&b.tau; &#x03C4; tau small tau, Greek

&b.upsi; &#x03C5; upsilon small upsilon, Greek

&b.Upsi; &#x03D2; Upsilon capital Upsilon, Greek

&b.phis; &#x03C6; phi straight phi

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&b.Phi; &#x03A6; Phi capital Phi, Greek

&b.phiv; &#x03D5; phi var phi - curly or open phi

&b.chi; &#x03C7; chi small chi, Greek

&b.psi; &#x03C8; psi small psi, Greek

&b.Psi; &#x03A8; Psi capital Psi, Greek

&; &#x03C9; omega small omega, Greek

&b.Omega; &#x03A9; Omega capital Omega, Greek

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RelationsEntity Unicode PubMed Displays as Meaning

&rceil; &#x2309; right ceiling right ceiling

&rfloor; &#x230B; right floor right floor

&rpargt; &#x2994; right paren, gt right paren, gt

&urcorn; &#x231D; upper right corner upper right corner

&drcorn; &#x231F; downward right corner downward right corner

&lceil; &#x2308; left ceiling left ceiling

&lfloor; &#x230A; left floor left floor

&ulcorn; &#x231C; upper left corner upper left corner

&dlcorn; &#x231E; downward left corner downward left corner

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Negated RelationsEntity Unicode PubMed Displays as Meaning

&gne; &#x2269; greater, not dbl equals greater, not equals

&gnE; &#x2269; greater, not dbl equals greater, not double equals

&gnsim; &#x22E7; greater, not similar greater, not similar

&lnap; &#x2A89; less, not approximate less, not approximate

&lnE; &#x2268; less, not double equals less, not double equals

&lne; &#x2268; less, not double equals less, not equals

&lnsim; &#x22E6; less, not similar less, not similar

&nap; &#x2249; not approximate not approximate

&ncong; &#x2247; not congruent with not congruent with

&nequiv; &#x2262; not identical with not identical with

&ngE; &#x2271; not greater, double equals not greater, double equals

&nge; &#x2271; not greater-than-or-equal not greater-than-or-equal

&nges; &#x2271; not greater, double equals not gt-or-eq, slanted

&ngt; &#x226F; not greater-than not greater-than

&nle; &#x2270; not less-than-or-equal not less-than-or-equal

&nlE; &#x2270; not less, double equals not less, double equals

&nles; &#x2270; not less, double equals not less-or-eq, slant

&nlt; &#x226E; not less-than not less-than

&nltri; &#x22EA; not left triangle not left triangle

&nltrie; &#x22EC; not l tri, eq not left tri, equals

&nmid; &#x2224; nmid nmid

&npar; &#x2226; not parallel not parallel

&npr; &#x2280; not precedes not precedes

&nrtri; &#x22EB; not rt triangle not right triangle

&nrtrie; &#x22ED; not r tri, eq not right tri, equals

&nsc; &#x2281; not succeeds not succeeds

&nsim; &#x2241; not similar not similar

&nsime; &#x2244; not similar, equals not similar, equals

&nsmid; &#x2224; nshortmid not short mid

&nsub; &#x2284; not subset not subset

&nsube; &#x2288; not subset, dbl eq not subset, equals

&nsubE; &#x2288; not subset, dbl eq not subset, double equals

&nsup; &#x2285; not superset not superset

&nsupE; &#x2289; not superset, equals not superset, double equals

&nsupe; &#x2289; not superset, equals not superset, equals

&nvdash; &#x22AC; not vertical, dash not vertical, dash

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&nvDash; &#x22AD; not vertical, dbl dash not vertical, double dash

&nVDash; &#x22AF; not dbl vert, dbl dash not double vert, double dash

&nVdash; &#x22AE; not dbl vertical, dash not double vertical, dash

&prnap; &#x22E8; precedes, not approx precedes, not approx

&prnE; &#x2AB5; precedes, not dbl eq precedes, not double equals

&prnsim; &#x22E8; precedes, not approx precedes, not similar

&scnap; &#x22E9; succeeds, not approx succeeds, not approx

&scnE; &#x2AB6; succeeds, not dbl eq succeeds, not double equals

&scnsim; &#x22E9; succeeds, not approx succeeds, not similar

&subne; &#x228A; subset, not equals subset, not equals

&subnE; &#x228A; subset, not equals subset, not double equals

&supne; &#x228B; superset, not dbl eq superset, not equals

&supnE; &#x228B; superset, not dbl eq superset, not double equals

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ArrowsEntity Unicode PubMed Displays as Meaning

&cularr; &#x21B6; left curved arrow left curved arrow

&curarr; &#x21B7; right curved arrow right curved arrow

&dArr; &#x21D3; down double arrow down double arrow

&darr2; &#x21CA; two down arrows two down arrows

&dharl; &#x21C3; down harpoon-left down harpoon-left

&dharr; &#x21C2; down harpoon-right down harpoon-right

&lAarr; &#x21DA; left triple arrow left triple arrow

&Larr; &#x219E; two head left arrow two head left arrow

&larr2; &#x21C7; two left arrows two left arrows

&larrhk; &#x21A9; left arrow-hooked left arrow-hooked

&larrlp; &#x21AB; left arrow-looped left arrow-looped

&larrtl; &#x21A2; left arrow-tailed left arrow-tailed

&lhard; &#x21BD; left harpoon-down left harpoon-down

&lharu; &#x21BC; left harpoon-up left harpoon-up

&hArr; &#x21D4; <--> left&right double arrow

&harr; &#x2194; <--> left&right arrow

&lrarr2; &#x21C6; left arrow over right arrow left arrow over right arrow

&rlarr2; &#x21C4; right arrow over left arrow right arrow over left arrow

&harrw; &#x21AD; left and right squig arrow left&right arrow-wavy

&rlhar2; &#x21CC; right harpoon over left harpoon right harp over left

&lrhar2; &#x21CB; left harpoon over right harpoon left harp over right

&lsh; &#x21B0; Lsh Lsh

&map; &#x21A6; mapsto maps to

&mumap; &#x22B8; multimap multi map

&nearr; &#x2197; NE pointing arrow near pointing arrow

&nlArr; &#x21CD; not implied by not Left arrow; not implied by

&nlarr; &#x219A; not left arrow not left arrow

&nhArr; &#x21CE; not l&r dbl arr not left&right double arrow

&nharr; &#x21AE; not l&r arrow not left&right arrow

&nrarr; &#x219B; not right arrow not right arrow

&nrArr; &#x21CF; not implies not implies

&nwarr; &#x2196; NW pointing arrow NW pointing arrow

&olarr; &#x21BA; left arrow in circle left arrow in circle

&orarr; &#x21BB; right arrow in circle right arrow in circle

&rAarr; &#x21DB; right triple arrow right triple arrow

&Rarr; &#x21A0; two head right arrow two head rightarrow

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&rarr2; &#x21C9; two right arrows two right arrows

&rarrhk; &#x21AA; right arrow-hooked right arrow-hooked

&rarrlp; &#x21AC; right arrow-looped right arrow-looped

&rarrtl; &#x21A3; right arrow-tailed right arrow-tailed

&rarrw; &#x21DD; right arrow-wavy right arrow-wavy

&rhard; &#x21C1; right harpoon-down right harpoon-down

&rharu; &#x21C0; right harpoon-up right harpoon-up

&rsh; &#x21B1; Rsh Rsh

&drarr; &#x2198; SE pointing arrow downward right arrow

&dlarr; &#x2199; SW pointing arrow downward left arrow

&uArr; &#x21D1; up dbl arrow up double arrow

&uarr2; &#x21C8; two up arrows two up arrows

&vArr; &#x21D5; up and down dbl arrow up&down double arrow

&varr; &#x2195; up and down arrow up&down arrow

&uharl; &#x21BF; up harpoon-left up harpoon-left

&uharr; &#x21BE; up harp-right up harp-right

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Binary OperatorsEntity Unicode PubMed Displays as Meaning

&Barwed; &#x2306; log and, dbl bar logical and, double bar

&barwed; &#x22BC; logical and, bar above logical and, bar above

&Cap; &#x22D2; dbl intersection double intersection

&Cup; &#x22D3; dbl union double union

&cuvee; &#x22CE; curly logical or curly logical or

&cuwed; &#x22CF; curly logical and curly logical and

&diam; &#x22C4; open diamond open diamond

&divonx; &#x22C7; division on times division on times

&intcal; &#x22BA; intercal intercal

&lthree; &#x22CB; leftthreetimes left three times

&ltimes; &#x22C9; times sign, left closed times sign, left closed

&minusb; &#x229F; minus sign in box minus sign in box

&oast; &#x229B; asterisk in circle asterisk in circle

&ocir; &#x229A; open dot in circle open dot in circle

&odash; &#x229D; hyphen in circle hyphen in circle

&odot; &#x2299; middle dot in circle middle dot in circle

&ominus; &#x2296; minus sign in circle minus sign in circle

&oplus; &#x2295; plus sign in circle plus sign in circle

&osol; &#x2298; solidus in circle solidus in circle

&otimes; &#x2297; multiply sign in circle multiply sign in circle

&plusb; &#x229E; plus sign in box plus sign in box

&plusdo; &#x2214; plus sign, dot above plus sign, dot above

&rthree; &#x22CC; rightthreetimes right threetimes

&rtimes; &#x22CA; times sign, right closed times sign, right closed

&sdot; &#x00B7; . small middle dot

&sdotb; &#x22A1; small dot in box small dot in box

&setmn; &#x2216; \\ reverse solidus

&sqcap; &#x2293; square intersection square intersection

&sqcup; &#x2294; square union square union

&sstarf; &#x22C6; small star, filled small star, filled

&timesb; &#x22A0; multiply sign in box multiply sign in box

&top; &#x22A4; inverted perpendicular inverted perpendicular

&uplus; &#x228E; plus sign in union plus sign in union

&wreath; &#x2240; wreath product wreath product

&xcirc; &#x25EF; large circle large circle

&xdtri; &#x25BD; big dn tri, open big triangle down open

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&xutri; &#x25B3; big up tri, open big triangle up open

&coprod; &#x2210; coproduct operator coproduct operator

&prod; &#x220F; product operator product operator

&sum; &#x2211; summation operator summation operator

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Added Math Symbols - OperatorsEntity Unicode PubMed Displays as Meaning

&ang; &#x221F; 90 degree angle angle

&angmsd; &#x2221; measured angle angle-measured

&beth; &#x2136; beth beth, Hebrew

&bprime; &#x2035; ' reverse prime

&comp; &#x2201; complement complement sign

&daleth; &#x2138; daleth daleth, Hebrew

&ell; &#x2113; l cursive small l

&gimel; &#x2137; gimel gimel, Hebrew

&image; &#x2111; imaginary imaginary

&inodot; &#x0131; i small i, no dot

&nexist; &#x2204; negated exists negated exists

&oS; &#x24C8; S in circle capital S in circle

&planck; &#x210F; variant Planck's over 2pi Planck's over 2pi

&real; &#x211C; Re Re - real

&sbsol; &#x005C; \\ short reverse solidus

&vprime; &#x2032; ' prime, variant

&weierp; &#x2118; Weierstrass p Weierstrass p

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Added Math Symbols - RelationsEntity Unicode PubMed Displays as Meaning

&ape; &#x224A; approximate, equals approximate, equals

&asymp; &#x224D; asymptotically equal to asymptotically equal to

&bcong; &#x224C; reverse congruent reverse congruent

&bowtie; &#x22C8; bowtie R bowtie

&bsim; &#x223D; reverse similar reverse similar

&bsime; &#x22CD; reverse similar reverse similar, equals

&bump; &#x224E; bumpy equals bumpy equals

&bumpe; &#x224F; bumpy equals, equals bumpy equals, equals

&cire; &#x2257; o= circle, equals

&colone; &#x2254; := colon, equals

&cuepr; &#x22DE; equal to or precedes curly equals, precedes

&cuesc; &#x22DF; equal to or succeeds curly equals, succeeds

&cupre; &#x227C; precedes or equal to curly precedes, equals

&dashv; &#x22A3; dash, vertical dash, vertical

&ecir; &#x2256; circle on equals sign circle on equals sign

&ecolon; &#x2255; =: equals, colon

&eDot; &#x2251; =... equals, even dots

&esdot; &#x2250; equals, single dot above equals, single dot above

&efDot; &#x2252; falling dots equals, falling dots

&egs; &#x22DD; =/> equal-or-greater, slanted

&els; &#x22DC; =/< equals-or-less, slanted

&erDot; &#x2253; rising dots equals, rising dots

&fork; &#x22D4; pitchfork pitch fork

&frown; &#x2322; down curve down curve

&gap; &#x2273; greater, similar greater, approximate

&gsdot; &#x22D7; greater than, with dot greater than, single dot

&gE; &#x2267; >== greater, double equals

&gel; &#x22DB; >=< greater, equals, less

&gEl; &#x22DB; >=< gt, double equals, less

&Gg; &#x22D9; >>> triple gtr-than

&gl; &#x2277; >< greater, less

&gsim; &#x2273; greater, similar greater, similar

&Gt; &#x226B; >> double greater-than sign

&lap; &#x2272; less, similar less, approximate

&ldot; &#x22D6; less than, with dot less than, with dot

&lE; &#x2266; <== less, double equals

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&lEg; &#x22DA; <=> less, double equals, greater

&leg; &#x22DA; <=> less, equals, greater

&lg; &#x2276; <> less, greater

&Ll; &#x22D8; <<< triple less-than

&lsim; &#x2272; less, similar less, similar

&Lt; &#x226A; << double less-than sign

&ltrie; &#x22B4; left triangle, eq left triangle, equals

&mid; &#x2223; mid R: mid

&models; &#x22A7; models R: models

&pr; &#x227A; equal to or precedes precedes

&prap; &#x227E; similar precedes, approximate

&prsim; &#x227E; similar precedes, similar

&rtrie; &#x22B5; right tri, eq right triangle , equals

&samalg; &#x2210; coproduct operator small amalg

&sc; &#x227B; equal to or succeeds succeeds

&scap; &#x227F; succeeds, similar succeeds, approximate

&sccue; &#x227D; succeeds, equals succeeds, curly equals

&sce; &#x227D; succeeds, equals succeeds, equals

&scsim; &#x227F; succeeds, similar succeeds, similar

&sfrown; &#x2322; down curve small down curve

&smid; &#x2223; shortmid R: short mid

&smile; &#x2323; up curve smile up curve

&sqsub; &#x228F; square subset square subset

&sqsube; &#x2291; square subset, equals square subset, equals

&sqsup; &#x2290; square superset square superset

&sqsupe; &#x2292; square superset, eq square superset, equals

&ssmile; &#x2323; up curve small up curve

&Sub; &#x22D0; double subset double subset

&subE; &#x2286; subset, dbl equals subset, double equals

&Sup; &#x22D1; dbl superset double superset

&supE; &#x2287; superset, dbl equals superset, double equals

&thkap; &#xE306; thick approximate thick approximate

&thksim; &#xE429; thick similar thick similar

&trie; &#x225C; triangle, equals triangle, equals

&twixt; &#x226C; between between

&vdash; &#x22A2; vertical, dash vertical, dash

&Vdash; &#x22A9; dbl vertical, dash double vertical, dash

&vDash; &#x22A8; vertical, dbl dash vertical, double dash

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&veebar; &#x22BB; logical or, bar below logical or, bar below

&vltri; &#x22B2; left tri, open, var left triangle , open, var

&vprop; &#x221D; proportional, variant proportional, variant

&vrtri; &#x22B3; right tri, open, var right triangle , open, var

&Vvdash; &#x22AA; triple vertical, dash triple vertical, dash

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Russian CyrillicEntity Unicode PubMed Displays as Meaning

&acy; &#x0430; small a, Cyrillic small a, Cyrillic

&Acy; &#x0410; capital A, Cyrillic capital A, Cyrillic

&bcy; &#x0431; small be, Cyrillic small be, Cyrillic

&Bcy; &#x0411; capital BE, Cyrillic capital BE, Cyrillic

&vcy; &#x0432; small ve, Cyrillic small ve, Cyrillic

&Vcy; &#x0412; capital VE, Cyrillic capital VE, Cyrillic

&gcy; &#x0433; small ghe, Cyrillic small ghe, Cyrillic

&Gcy; &#x0413; capital GHE, Cyrillic capital GHE, Cyrillic

&dcy; &#x0434; small de, Cyrillic small de, Cyrillic

&Dcy; &#x0414; capital DE, Cyrillic capital DE, Cyrillic

&iecy; &#x0435; small ie, Cyrillic small ie, Cyrillic

&IEcy; &#x0415; capital IE, Cyrillic capital IE, Cyrillic

&iocy; &#x0451; small io, Russian small io, Russian

&IOcy; &#x0401; capital IO, Russian capital IO, Russian

&zhcy; &#x0436; small zhe, Cyrillic small zhe, Cyrillic

&ZHcy; &#x0416; capital ZHE, Cyrillic capital ZHE, Cyrillic

&zcy; &#x0437; small ze, Cyrillic small ze, Cyrillic

&Zcy; &#x0417; capital ZE, Cyrillic capital ZE, Cyrillic

&icy; &#x0438; small i, Cyrillic small i, Cyrillic

&Icy; &#x0418; capital I, Cyrillic capital I, Cyrillic

&jcy; &#x0439; small short i, Cyrillic small short i, Cyrillic

&Jcy; &#x0419; capital short I, Cyrillic capital short I, Cyrillic

&kcy; &#x043A; small ka, Cyrillic small ka, Cyrillic

&Kcy; &#x041A; capital KA, Cyrillic capital KA, Cyrillic

&lcy; &#x043B; small el, Cyrillic small el, Cyrillic

&Lcy; &#x041B; capital EL, Cyrillic capital EL, Cyrillic

&mcy; &#x043C; small em, Cyrillic small em, Cyrillic

&Mcy; &#x041C; capital EM, Cyrillic capital EM, Cyrillic

&ncy; &#x043D; small en, Cyrillic small en, Cyrillic

&Ncy; &#x041D; capital EN, Cyrillic capital EN, Cyrillic

&ocy; &#x043E; small o, Cyrillic small o, Cyrillic

&Ocy; &#x041E; capital O, Cyrillic capital O, Cyrillic

&pcy; &#x043F; small pe, Cyrillic small pe, Cyrillic

&Pcy; &#x041F; capital PE, Cyrillic capital PE, Cyrillic

&rcy; &#x0440; small er, Cyrillic small er, Cyrillic

&Rcy; &#x0420; capital ER, Cyrillic capital ER, Cyrillic

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&scy; &#x0441; small es, Cyrillic small es, Cyrillic

&Scy; &#x0421; capital ES, Cyrillic capital ES, Cyrillic

&tcy; &#x0442; small te, Cyrillic small te, Cyrillic

&Tcy; &#x0422; capital TE, Cyrillic capital TE, Cyrillic

&ucy; &#x0443; small u, Cyrillic small u, Cyrillic

&Ucy; &#x0423; capital U, Cyrillic capital U, Cyrillic

&fcy; &#x0444; small ef, Cyrillic small ef, Cyrillic

&Fcy; &#x0424; capital EF, Cyrillic capital EF, Cyrillic

&khcy; &#x0445; small ha, Cyrillic small ha, Cyrillic

&KHcy; &#x0425; capital HA, Cyrillic capital HA, Cyrillic

&tscy; &#x0446; small tse, Cyrillic small tse, Cyrillic

&TScy; &#x0426; capital TSE, Cyrillic capital TSE, Cyrillic

&chcy; &#x0447; small che, Cyrillic small che, Cyrillic

&CHcy; &#x0427; capital CHE, Cyrillic capital CHE, Cyrillic

&shcy; &#x0448; small sha, Cyrillic small sha, Cyrillic

&SHcy; &#x0428; capital SHA, Cyrillic capital SHA, Cyrillic

&shchcy; &#x0449; small shcha, Cyrillic small shcha, Cyrillic

&SHCHcy; &#x0429; capital SHCHA, Cyrillic capital SHCHA, Cyrillic

&hardcy; &#x044A; small hard sign, Cyrillic small hard sign, Cyrillic

&HARDcy; &#x042A; capital HARD sign, Cyrillic capital HARD sign, Cyrillic

&ycy; &#x044B; small yeru, Cyrillic small yeru, Cyrillic

&Ycy; &#x042B; capital YERU, Cyrillic capital YERU, Cyrillic

&softcy; &#x044C; small soft sign, Cyrillic small soft sign, Cyrillic

&SOFTcy; &#x042C; capital SOFT sign, Cyrillic capital SOFT sign, Cyrillic

&ecy; &#x044D; small e, Cyrillic small e, Cyrillic

&Ecy; &#x042D; capital E, Cyrillic capital E, Cyrillic

&yucy; &#x044E; small yu, Cyrillic small yu, Cyrillic

&YUcy; &#x042E; capital YU, Cyrillic capital YU, Cyrillic

&yacy; &#x044F; small ya, Cyrillic small ya, Cyrillic

&YAcy; &#x042F; capital YA, Cyrillic capital YA, Cyrillic

&numero; &#x2116; numero sign numero sign

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Non-Russian CyrillicEntity Unicode PubMed Displays as Meaning

&djcy; &#x0452; small dje, Serbian small dje, Serbian

&DJcy; &#x0402; capital DJE, Serbian capital DJE, Serbian

&gjcy; &#x0453; small gje, Macedonian small gje, Macedonian

&GJcy; &#x0403; capital GJE Macedonian capital GJE Macedonian

&jukcy; &#x0454; small je, Ukrainian small je, Ukrainian

&Jukcy; &#x0404; capital JE, Ukrainian capital JE, Ukrainian

&dscy; &#x0455; small dse, Macedonian small dse, Macedonian

&DScy; &#x0405; capital DSE, Macedonian capital DSE, Macedonian

&iukcy; &#x0456; small i, Ukrainian small i, Ukrainian

&Iukcy; &#x0406; capital I, Ukrainian capital I, Ukrainian

&yicy; &#x0457; small yi, Ukrainian small yi, Ukrainian

&YIcy; &#x0407; capital YI, Ukrainian capital YI, Ukrainian

&jsercy; &#x0458; small je, Serbian small je, Serbian

&Jsercy; &#x0408; capital JE, Serbian capital JE, Serbian

&ljcy; &#x0459; small lje, Serbian small lje, Serbian

&LJcy; &#x0409; capital LJE, Serbian capital LJE, Serbian

&njcy; &#x045A; small nje, Serbian small nje, Serbian

&NJcy; &#x040A; capital NJE, Serbian capital NJE, Serbian

&tshcy; &#x045B; small tshe, Serbian small tshe, Serbian

&TSHcy; &#x040B; capital TSHE, Serbian capital TSHE, Serbian

&kjcy; &#x045C; small kje Macedonian small kje Macedonian

&KJcy; &#x040C; capital KJE, Macedonian capital KJE, Macedonian

&ubrcy; &#x045E; small u, Byelorussian small u, Byelorussian

&Ubrcy; &#x040E; capital U, Byelorussian capital U, Byelorussian

&dzcy; &#x045F; small dze, Serbian small dze, Serbian

&DZcy; &#x040F; capital dze, Serbian capital dze, Serbian

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Box and Line DrawingEntity Unicode PubMed Displays as Meaning

&boxh; &#x2500; horizontal line horizontal line

&boxv; &#x2502; vertical line vertical line

&boxur; &#x2514; upper right quadrant upper right quadrant

&boxul; &#x2518; upper left quadrant upper left quadrant

&boxdl; &#x2510; lower left quadrant lower left quadrant

&boxdr; &#x250C; lower right quadrant lower right quadrant

&boxvr; &#x251C; upper and lower right quadrants upper and lower right quadrants

&boxhu; &#x2534; upper left and right quadrants upper left and right quadrants

&boxvl; &#x2524; upper and lower left quadrants upper and lower left quadrants

&boxhd; &#x252C; lower left and right quadrants lower left and right quadrants

&boxvh; &#x253C; all four quadrants all four quadrants

&boxvR; &#x255E; upper and lower right quadrants upper and lower right quadrants

&boxhU; &#x2568; upper left and right quadrants upper left and right quadrants

&boxvL; &#x2561; upper and lower left quadrants upper and lower left quadrants

&boxhD; &#x2565; lower left and right quadrants lower left and right quadrants

&boxvH; &#x256A; all four quadrants all four quadrants

&boxH; &#x2550; horizontal line horizontal line

&boxV; &#x2551; vertical line vertical line

&boxUR; &#x255A; upper right quadrant upper right quadrant

&boxUL; &#x255D; upper left quadrant upper left quadrant

&boxDL; &#x2557; lower left quadrant lower left quadrant

&boxDR; &#x2554; lower right quadrant lower right quadrant

&boxVR; &#x2560; upper and lower right quadrants upper and lower right quadrants

&boxHU; &#x2569; upper left and right quadrants upper left and right quadrants

&boxVL; &#x2563; upper and lower left quadrants upper and lower left quadrants

&boxHD; &#x2566; lower left and right quadrants lower left and right quadrants

&boxVH; &#x256C; all four quadrants all four quadrants

&boxVr; &#x255F; upper and lower right quadrants upper and lower right quadrants

&boxHu; &#x2567; upper left and right quadrants upper left and right quadrants

&boxVl; &#x2562; upper and lower left quadrants upper and lower left quadrants

&boxHd; &#x2564; lower left and right quadrants lower left and right quadrants

&boxVh; &#x256B; all four quadrants all four quadrants

&boxuR; &#x2558; upper right quadrant upper right quadrant

&boxUl; &#x255C; upper left quadrant upper left quadrant

&boxdL; &#x2555; lower left quadrant lower left quadrant

&boxDr; &#x2553; lower right quadrant lower right quadrant

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&boxUr; &#x2559; upper right quadrant upper right quadrant

&boxuL; &#x255B; upper left quadrant upper left quadrant

&boxDl; &#x2556; lower left quadrant lower left quadrant

&boxdR; &#x2552; lower right quadrant lower right quadrant

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