public finance rosen 10th notes

Post on 14-Nov-2015






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first 3 or 4 classes we will cover the apendex to the book (but read chapters 1-3)

p.573-558 of 9th edition

p. 542-565 of 7th edition

intro micro

*demand curve

a change in Px (from 7 to 5) causes a movement along the demand curve (a change in quantity demanded, from 20 to 25, but not a change in demand)

suppose the income of consumers increase:

D shifts outward, assuming butter is a normal good


increase in demand from D to D'

an increase in quantity deamnded for each value of Px (from 30 to 38 at Px=7)

suppose the price of margerine increases:

what happens to D for butter?

D shifts inward (decrease in demand for butter), since butter and margerine are substitutes


height of S = MC of each firm in the industry

suppose the wager rate of farm workers increases:


farm labor is an input used in producing butter

there is a decrease in the supply of butter

What effect does this have on the market for butter?

*S3S^ > (P^ & Xv)

the equillibrium quantity of butter decreases from Xe to Xe'

the equillibrium price of butter incerases from Pe to Pe'

an elastic demand curve

*Erelatively flat

an inelastic demand curve

*E2relatively steep

ECO 5000 material

consumer preferences

X and Y are two goods. We consider a single consumer

X = # of hamburgers consumed per month

Y = # of bags of french fries consumed per month

*CPthe more preferred bundle is the one with a higher level of utility attached to it

any point uch as (2,2), can be called a consumption bundle (commodity bundle)

as long as X and Y are both goods, then more is better than lessgood= an item you can purchase for which more is better than less

more is better than less means the same thing as nonsatiation or monotonicity

more is better than less = if there are two consumption bundles, and one has more of both goods, or more of one good and the same amount of the other good, then it is preferred (has a higher level of utility than the other consumption bundle)

*CBA = (3, 3)B = (4, 4)C = (5, 3)D = (6, 2)

which of the following is necessarily true?

B is preferred to A? Yes

C is preferred to A? Yes

D is preferred to A? No, D has 3 more hamburgers but 1 less french fries. So it is not necessarily true

*Uall points on the same indifference curve have the same utility

we have an indifference curve, which is a curve that connects consumption bundles between which the consumer is indifferent

there are many different indifference curves, corresponding to different levels of utility

*U2infinitely many and they do not cross

a higher indifference curve corresponds to a higher level of utility

B is preferred to A since more is better than less (from *U2)

C is preferred to AC is indifferent to B (same indifference curve)B is preferred to A (more is better than less)consequently C is preferred to A (we're using something called transitivity)

any point on a higher indifference curve is preferred to any point on a lower indifference curve. (The point on the higher indifference curve corresponds to a higher level of utility).

It is important to note that two different indifference curves do not intercept

*U3does not happen

indifference curves normally have the following sort of curvature (convex to the origin, bowed out towards the origin)

*Iindifference curve convex to origin

marginal rate of substitution (MRS)

MRS = (absolute value of) the slope of an indifference curve = how many units of Y a consumer is willing to give up in order to get one more unit of x

MRS = marginal rate of substitution

normal assumption about indifference curves is that there's a diminishing MRS

this means that the MRS gets smaller as you move down and to the right along an indifference curve

*I2bc change in X-axis is on bottom of denominator the MRS gets smaller as you move down an indifference curve

the MRS represents how many units of Y the consumer is willing to give up to get one more nit of x

indifference curves do NOT (except under unusual cases) have the following sort of shape:

*I3concave to the origin

*I4a line segmeant btwn to ponts on an indifference curve lies entirely above the curve

if U(A) = U(B) and C is half way between A and B, then U(C) > U(B). (C is on a higher indifference curve than A or B)

a consumer tends to prefer averages to extremes

the budget line

what consumption bundles can the consumer afford?

X = one good (hamburgers)

Y = another good (french fries)

Px = price of X = price of one unit of X

Py = price of Y = price of one unit of Y

I = money income of the consumer (in dollars)

expenditures of the consumer:

=Px(X) + Py(Y)

=expenditures on X + expenditures on Y

the budget constraint is:Px(X) + Py(Y) > basic efficiency condition for a pure exchange economy

in an economy with both exchange and production, things are more complicated, there are several efficiency conditions (don't worry about details)

an economy is a pareto efficient (pareto optimal) state if the only way in which one consumer can be made better off is to make another consumer worse off

if an economy is not in a pareto efficient state, then things can be improved on by making one (or more) consumers better off without making anyone worse off

it is desirable for an economy to be in a pareto efficient state (sometimes we just say efficient state)

some pareto efficient states might not be very fair, because a few people might have most of the goods

it might be desirable to have the government move the economy from a pareto efficient state that is very unequal to a pareto efficient state that is somewhat more equitable

first fundamental theorem of welfare economics

an economy in which all consumers and firms take prices as given, and in which there are no taxes, subsidys, public goods, or externalities, is pareto efficient

under what conditions does the first fundamental theorem not apply?

1 market power is present

a a monopolist does not take prices as given

b oligopolists do not take prices as given

c a monopsonist does not take input prices (wages) as given

2 public goods

goods which are consumed in such a way that one consumer's enjoyment of the good does not reduce another consumers enjoyment of the good

- chapter 4

it is very hard for private markets to produce an appropriate level of a public good (or in some cases to produce the public good at all)

3 externalities

a situation where one persons actions affect other people in a way that is not taken into account in the market system

air polution

water polution

traffic congestion


chapter 5


consumer and producer surplus


if P = P0, then CS = consumer surplus = area 1 (on diagram)

CS is a measure of how much more the good is worth to consumers than what they actually pay for it

height of D (demand cure) is the MV = marginal value

MV = how much one more unit of the good is worth to a consumer's

if P = P1, then CS = 1 + 2 (from *E)

as the result of a decrease in P from P0 to P1, the CS increases by area 2

consider S, the supply cure.

Height of S = MC = marginal cost


if P = P2, then PS = producer surplus = 3 (from *F)

if P = P3, then PS = 3 + 4

If P increases from P2 to P3, then PS increases by area 4

PS is a measure of the gain to firms from being able to sell their good at some price as opposed to not being allowed to sell anything = profit of firms + fixed cost of firms

if the PS goes up by some amount, then profit goes up by the same amount


Pe = equillibrium price

xe = equillibrium quantity

1 = CS

2 = PS

overall benefits from exchange in the market for x = CS + PS = 1 + 2

this supply and demand equillibrium is efficient

if u had:1 a monopolization of the x-industry, or2 a tax is imposed, than either of those might change the overall benefits from exchange

chapter 4

public goods

a private good is a good which, if consumed by one person, that particular unit of the private good cannot be consumed someone else

if I eat a hamburger u cannot eat the same hamburger

a pure public good is a good for which one person's use of the public good does not diminish another person's use of the public good (consumption of the good is nonrival, or noncongestible)

ex:-natural defense-lighthouse-t broadcast

sometimes a pure public good is defined as a good which is nonrival and nonexcludable (it is not feasable to prevent the person from using the public good if the person does not pay)

a good might be a private good even if the good is provided by the government (public housing, public health care)

an example of supply and demand for a private good

x = number of hamburgers

50 consumers of type 1, with the individual demand curve

MV = 10 - 0.1x

(MV = marginal value)

P = 10 0.1x

0.1x = 10 P

x = 10 P/0.1 = 10(10 P) = 100 10P

x = 100 10P

*Hdemand curve

50 consumers of type 2, with the individual demand curve

P = 10 0.2x

0.2x = 10 P

x = (10 P)/0.2 = 5(10 P) = 50 5P

*Isteeper demand cure

how do we find the aggregate (or market) deamand function for x?

How do we add the demand curves of individual consumers?

We add them horizontally (for a private good). In other words, we express x as a function of P for each consumer, and add all of the values of x to find the total quantity deamanded at each value of P

total quantity demanded = 50(100 10P) + 50(50 5P) = 5000 500P + 2500 250P = 7500 750P = 750(10 P)

x = 7500 750P

consider two cases

case 1 MC = 2

market supply cure is horizontal at a height of 2

case 2

market supply cure is x = 2250P 4500


an example of suply and demand for a private good

50 consumers of type 1

MV = 10 0.1X

P = 10 0.1X

X = 100 10P

50 consumers of type 2

MV = 10 0.2X

P = 10 0.2X

X = 50 5P

aggregate (market) demand curve

X = 50(100 10P) + 50(50 5P)

X = 7500 750P

case 1

MC = 2

the supply curve has the equation P = 2 (a horizontal line of height 2)

*Jfirm demand curve,

if P = 0 then X = 7500

if X = 0 then 10 = 7500 750P

P = 7500/750 + 10

what are the equillibrium price and quantity (the coordinates of point E)?

two equations

X = 7500 750P

P = 2

thus we have P = 2substitute this into the demand equation

X = 7500 750P

=7500 750(2) = 6000

what about a single consumer of type 1?

P = 10 0.1X

X = 100 10P

use the second equation

X = 100 10(2) = 100 20 = 80

what about a single consumer of type 2?

X = 50 5P = 50 5(2) = 4050(80) + 50(40) = 4000 + 2000 = 6000

sp things check out okay

different consumers can consume different amounts

the equillibrium quantity in th emarket is the sum of the quantities consumed by different consumers

it is important to note that:

MV1 = marginal value of a consumer of type 1

= 10 0.1X

=10 (0.1)(80)

=10 8


MV2 = marginal value of consumer of type 2

= 10 0.2X = 10 (0.2)(40)

=10 8 = 2

we have the condition that

MV1 = MV2 = P = MC

true in the competitive equillibrium for a private good

note the conditions

MV1 = MV2 = MC

is to the books condition...

case 2the market supply curve is x = 2250P 4500

if x = 0 then

0 = 2250P 4500

P = 4500/2250 = 2


X = 2250P 4500

2250P = 4500 + X

P = 4500/2250 + X/2250

P = 2 + X/2250

MC = 2 + X/2250

what are the equillibrium price and quantity?

We have two equations

D: X = 7500 750P

S: X = 2250P 4500

set quantity demanded equal to quanity supplied

X = X

7500 750P = 2250P 4500

12000 750P = 2250P

12000 = 3000P

P = 1200/300 = 4

Xe can be found by substituting P = 4 into the supply curve or demand curve

Xe = 7500 750P

= 7500 750(4)

=7500 3000 = 4500

for a single consumer of type 1, x1 = 100 10P = 100 10(4) = 60

for a single consumer of type 2

Xe = 50 5P = 50 5(4) = 30

50(60) + 50(30) = 3000 + 1500 = 4500

so everything is consistent

once again, it can be shown that it is true that

MV1 = MV2 = P = MC

each of these is 4 in this example

when you're dealng with a private good, you do nto add the demand curves of consumers vertically (you do not find the total price at each quantity)

when you derive the aggregate demand curve

HW:200 consumers with the MV function:

MV = 20 0.02X

marjet supply function is

X = 80,000 + 5,000P

what are the market equillibrium values of X and Pif X is a private good? How much of X is consumed by each consumer?

Suppose we have a public good

firework display in a stadium

x = number of fireworks

fireworks are a public good (asuming no congestion)

50 consumers of type 1

MV1 = 10 0.1X

*Lthe maximum amount a consumer of type 1 could be willing to pay for the 70th firework is $3

the striped area is the maximum willingness to pay (for a consumer of type 1) for a whole fireworks display of 70 fireworks

50 consumers fo type 2

MV2 = 20 0.2X

*Mthe maximum amount that a consumer of type 2 would be willing to pay for the 70th firework is $6

suppose that the marginal cost of an extra firework is MC = 300


how much is the 70th firework worth to all of the consumers?

Mvt = total marginal value to all 100 consumers

= 50(3) + 50(6)=150 + 300 = 450

450 > 300 so its worthwhile to have the 70th firework

(since MVt > MC)

we want to find the total willingness to pay at each value of X

Mvt = total marginal value of all 100 consumers

=50MV1 + 50MV2

=50(10 0.1X) + 50(20 0.2X)

=500 5X + 1000 10X

Mvt = 1500 15X

this would be equivelent to finding the total price at each value of X

Pt = 50P1 50P2

=50(10 0.1X) + 50(20 0.2X)

=500 5X + 1000 10X

= 1500 15X

either way, what we are basically doing is to add vertically the demand curves of all the individual consumers (total marginal value, or price, at each value of X)

basic efficiency conditionsMV t = MC

50MV1 + 50MV2 = MC

1st exam: March 9 (pushed back from the 2nd due to snow day) through the chapter on taxation

fireworks example (public good)

MVt = MC


Mvt = sum of the marginal values of all the different consumers

=50MV1 + 50MV2

note this is essentially the same as the books condition that: sum of the MRS of all consumers = MRT

what does the basic efficiency condition lead to in this example?

Mvt = 1500 15X

MC = 300

Mvt = MC

1500 15X = 300

1500 = 300 +15X

1200 = 15X

X = 1200/15 = 80

80 = efficient number of fireworks

with a public good different consumers consume the same amount

int his example each consumer consumes (views) 80 fireworks

Mvt = 1500 15X

=1500 15(80)

=1500 1200 = 300

for each consumer of type 1,

MV1 = 10 0.1X

=10 (0.1)(80) = 2

for each consumer of type 2,

MV2 = 20 0.2X

=20 (0.2)(80) = 4

note that

50(2) + 50(4)1) =100 + 200 = 300

as expected

the Mvt of 300 is made up of 50 consumers who value the 80th firework at $2and 50 consumers who valuethe 80th firework at $4

In contrast to the case of a private good, in the case of a public good (such as the fireworks example just given)

i different consumers have different marginal values for the last unit of X

ii diferent consumers have the same value of X (X = 80)

to pay for the fireworks display, the government could charge each consumer of type 1 $2 for each firework

ii each consumer of type $4for each firework and each consumerwould have a significantamount of consumer surplus from this firework display

there are some problems with charging cusgtomers this way, however

how does the government know the mv function (demand function) of each consumer?

Each consumer has the incentive to pretend he (she) doesnt like fireworks very much so he doesnt have to pay very much

the government has a difficult time charging each consumer different prices even if it knows their MV functions

the governemnt may have a hard time figuring out the optimal value of X (since it doesnt know the consumers MV functions)

these problems did not exist in the case of a private good

can a public work (sych as a fireworks display) be funded by the contributions of private individuals)

maybe. But see the books discussion of the free rider problem

public versus private education

the choice of a family to send their kid to a private school or public school


family income = I

the family pays income taxes, T, to support the public school systemwhether or not they go to public school

if the kid goes to public school, educational quality = Eq

education can be purchased in the private school system at a price of P per unit of E

the utility of a family is a function of E and Y, where Y is all other goods which have a price of 1.0there are indifference curves with e and Y on the two axes

suppose the kid goes to public school then

E = Ep

y = I T

suppose the kid goes to private school the family chooses E to maximize its utility subject to the budget constraint

y + pe = I T

choice of e for private school (the family chooses a school which provides the level of e shown in the following diagram).



200customes with the MV function

MV = 20 0.02X

where X is the number of fireworks (a public good)

the MC function for fireworks is

MC = 1000

what is the efficient number of fireworks

suppose E0 < Ep

*Pthe family sends the kid to the public school system (point B)

the family can choose point B (public school) or any point along the budget line (private school) but the overall budget constraintconsists of pointB and the budget line. In thiscase, the family chooses point B (public school)

suppose e0 > Ep:

case 1: (case shown in book)


this family send their kid to public schools

at point A you have more of e but less of y than at point B

but B is on a hgiher indifference curve so the family chooses B over A

case 2:

*Rthe family send their kid to private school (point A)

different families might have different values of income

a family with a higher value of I might be more likely to send its kid to a private school than a family with a lowe value of I (assuming the families have the same set of indifference curves)

chapter 14

partia equillibrium analysis of a per unit tax (unit tax) in a perfectly competitive market

suppose there is a tax u on each unit x that is sold

let Q0 and P0 be the mrket equillibrium quantity and price in the absence of the tax


the statuatory incidence of the tax can be on consumers or producers

stauatory incidence = who pays the tax directly to the government

economic incidence = who was hurt by the tax and by how much

the economic incidence is oftensignificantly different than the statuatory incidence

for example, if the statuatory incidence is on producers, they might shift the burden of the tax onto consumers (tax shifting)

statuatory incidence on producers:

the unit tax (u) causes the supply curve to shift uniformly up by an amount u

why? The height of the supply curve is equal to the MC (marginal cost) and if a f9irm has to pay the government u for eachunit, this increases the effective MC by u


new intersection of supply and demand is at

quantity Q1

price Pg

the price paid by consumers to producers is Pg. This is the efective price for consumers

Pg = gross price = demand price = consumer price

what is the effective price received by producers?

Producers receive Pg from consumers and pay u to the government for each unit of the good

let Pn be the net price = supply price = producer price

Pn = amount kept by producers after paying the tax = Pg u

Pn = Pg u

note that in the diagram Pn is below Pg by exactly u since the vertical distance between S and S' is u


200 customers with the MV function

MV = 20 0.02x

market supply function isx = 80,000 + 5,000P

what are the market equillibrium values of X and P if x is a private good? How much of x is consumed by each consumer?

MV = 20 0.02x

demand function of one consumer is

P = 20 0.02x

P + 0.02x = 20

0.02x = 20 P

x = 1/0.02(20 P)

=50(20 P) = 1000 50P

the market demand function is

x = 200(1000 50P)

=200,000 10,000P

set x = xsing the market demand and supply functions:

x = x

200,000 10,000P = 80,000 5,000P

120,000 10,000P = 5,000P

120,000 = 15,000P

P = 120,000/15,000 = 8

use market demand or supply equation

x = 80,000 + 5,000P

=80,000 + 5,000(8)

=80,000 + 40,000


for an individual consumer,

x = 1,000 50P

=1,000 50(8)

=1,000 400 = 600

the tax reduces the equillibrium quantity from Q0 to Q1

what are the efficiency effects of the tax?

Method 1:

before the tax is imposed

CS = consumer surplus = 1 + 2 + 3 + 7 (area on graph from last week)

PS = producer surplus = 4 + 5 + 6 + 8 (area on graph from last week)

after the tax is imposed

CS = 1

PS = 6

tax revenue = u (Q1) = area of a rectangle on the diagram = 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 (area on graph from last week)

as the result of the tax:

CS = change in CS = 1 (1 + 2 + 3 + 7) = -(2 + 3 + 7) (area on graph from last week)

PS = change in producer surplus = 6 (4 + 5 + 6 + 8) = -(4 + 5 + 8) (area on graph from last week)

you get tax revenues you didn't have before

efficiency gain of the tax = CS + PS + tax revenue

= -(7 + 8) (area on graph from last week)

the tax results in an efficiency loss (deadweight loss, excess burden) = 7 + 8

the amount by which consumers and producers are hurt is greater than the amount of the tax revenue

economic incidence of the tax

some of the tax burden is on consumers, since Pg > P0 (CS has decreased)

some of the tax has been shifted onto consumers

some of the burden is on producers, since Pn < P0 (PS has decreased)

method 2 (of examining efficiency issues):

suppose output is reduced from Q0 to Q1

the change in the total value of the output produced to consumers = area underD

= TV = -(7 + 8 + 9)

the change in the total cost of producing output

=the change in the area under the marginal cost curve (the supply curve) = TC = - 9

efficiency gain = TV TC

= -(7 + 8 + 9) - (-9)

= -(7 + 8)

once again, efficiency loss = deadweight loss = excess burden = 7 + 8

in an efficiency sense, the tax makes the economy worse off


200 customers with the MV function

MV = 20 0.02x

where x is the number of fireworks (a public good) the MC function (rest of problem is in 2/9 notes)

the total marginal value is the number of consumers times the MV of each consumer's

Mvt = 200MV

= 200(20 0.02x)

= 4000 4x

set MVt = MC

4,000 4x = 1,000

4,000 = 1000 4x

3,000 = 4x

x = 3000/4 = 750

first exam is march 9

the MV of each consumer for the 750th firework is

MV = 20 0.02x

= 20 (0.02)(750)

=20 15 = 5

note that 200MV = 200(5) = 1,000

wich is consistent with the fact that MC = 1000 and the fact that MVt = 1000 for the 750th firework

partial equillibrium of a unit tax (perfectly competitive market)

statuatory incidence on consumers

the unit tax u causes the demand curve to shift uniformly down by an amount u (see book)

*Udemand curve shifts down by the amount of the tax

P0 and Q0 = equillibrium price and quantity with no tax

u = unit tax

once the tax is imposed,

Q1 = equillibrium quantity

Pn = net price

Pg = gross price

the price paid by consumers to producers is Pn this is the effective price for producers (suppliers)

what is the effective price paid by consumers?

Consumers pay Pn to producers

and pay u to the government (for each unit of the good)

Pg = total amount paid by consumers = Pn + u

Pg = Pn + u

note that in the diagram Pg is above Pn by exactly u, since the vertical distance between D and D' is exactly u

the price paid from consumers to producers is different depending on weather the statuatory incidence is on producers or consumers

however, Q1, Pg, and Pn are exactly the same whether the incidence is on consumers or producers

the economic incidence of a unit tax is independent of the statuatory incidence

consumers are hurt the same amount (bear the same burden) either way

producers are hurt the same amount (bear the same burden) either way

example with straight-line supply and demand curves

S: P = 20 + 0.1Q

D: P = 80 0.2Q

P = P

20 + 0.1Q = 80 0.2Q

0.1Q = 60 0.2Q

0.3Q = 60

Q = 60/0.3 = 600/3 = 200

Q0 = 200

substitute that value of Q into the demand or supply curve

P = 20 + 0.1Q

=20 + (0.1)(200)

=20 + 20 = 40

P0 = 40

now impose a tax u = 6 with a statutory incidence on producers

S' (new supply curve) is: P = 20 + u + 0.1Q

= 20 + 6 + 0.1Q

= 26 + 0.1Q

D: P = 80 0.2Q

P = P

26 + 0.1Q = 80 0.2Q

0.1Q = 54 0.2Q

0.3Q = 54

Q = 54/0.3 = 540/3 = 180

Q1 = 180

note that Q1 < Q0, as expected

use equation of D to calculate Pg

Pg = 80 0.2Q1

= 80 (0.2)(180)

= 80 36 = 44

use equation of S (the old supply curve) to calculate Pn

Pn = 20 + 0.1Q1

= 20 + (0.1)(180)

= 20 + 18 = 38

two general formulae (the two equations will be given on test, but the variables will not be defined)


ms = slope of the supply curve

md = absolute value of the slope of the demand curve

(Pg P0)/u = function of the burden of the tax that falls on consumers = md/(md + ms)

(P0 Pn)/u = fraction of the burden of the tax that falls on producers = ms/(md + ms)

note that the sum of these to fractions is equal to 1

do these formulae work for the example?

(Pg P0)/u = (44 40)/6 = 2/3

md/(md + ms) = 0.2/(0.2 + 0.1) = 2/3

(P0 Pn)/u = (40 38)/6 = 1/3

ms/(md + ms) = 0.1/(0.2 + 0.1) = 1/3

so the formulae do work for the example

two more general formulae (the two equations will be given on test, but the variables will not be defined)


Es = elasticity of supply

Ed = elasticity of demand

(Pg P0)/u = Es/(Es + Ed)

P0 Pn)/u = Ed/(Es + Ed)

sheet on exam:

(Pg P0)/u = md/(md + ms) = Es/(Es + Ed)

(P0 Pn)/u = ms/(ms + md) = Ed/(Es + Ed)

not handed out on exam:

Pg = gross price = consumer price (effective price to consumers)

Pn = net price = producer price (effective price to producers)


D: P = 600 0.2Q

S: P = 300 + 0.3Q

what are Q0 and P0?

Suppose u = 40

what are Pg, Pn, and Q1 after the tax is imposed


Es = (Q/Q)/(P/P) = (P/Q)(Q/P) = (P/Q)/(P/Q) = (P/Q)/ms

and similarly for Ed

If ms = 0 then Es =

horizontal supply curve

if my = then Es = 0

vertical supply curve

elastic suply

ms relatively small

Es relatively large

relatively flat upward sloping supply curve

1 < Es <

inelastic supply

ms relatively large

Es relatively small

relatively steep upward sloping supply curve

0 < Es < 1

Ed = (P/Q)/md

if md = 0 then Ed =

horixontal demand curve

if md = then Ed = 0

vertical demand curve

elastic demand

md relatively small

Ed relatively large

relatively flat downward-sloping demand curve

1 < |Ed| <

inelastic demand

md relatively large

Ed relatively small

relatively steep downward sloping demand curve

0 < |Ed| < 1

(pg Pn)/u = Es/(Es + Ed) = ([P/Q]/ms)/([P/Q]/ms + [P/Q]/md)...

=(md)(ms)/ms]/[([md][ms]/ms) + ([md][ms]/md)] = md/(md + ms)


(Pg Pn)/u = Es/(Es + Ed) = md/(md + ms)

suppose we know P0, ms, md, and u. what are Pg and Pn

(Pg P0)/u = md/(md + ms)

Pg P0 = [md/(md + ms)](u)

Pg = (u)(md/[md + ms]) + P0

in the last example,

Pg = 40 + [0.2/(0.2 + 0.1)](6)

= 40 + (2/3)(6)

= 40 + 4 = 44


(P0 Pn)/u = ms/(ms + md)

P0 Pn = (u)(ms/[ms + md])

Pn P0 = -(u)(ms/[ms + md])

Pn = P0 - (u)(ms/[ms + md])

in the last example,

Pn = 40 (0.1/[0.1 + 0.2])(6)

= 40 (1/3)(6)

40 2 = 38



suppose Es = 7 and Ed =3

suppose a tax u = 30 is imposed

which changes Pg or Pn?

What is (Pg Pn)/(Po - Pn)


method 1

(Pg Po)/u = E/(Es + Ed) = 7/(7 + 3) = 7/10

=> Pg P0 = (7/10)u = (7/10) 30 = 21

(P0 Pn)/u = Ed/(Es + Ed) = 3/(3 + 7) = 3/10

=> P0 Pn = 3/10 * 30 = 9

Thus Pg increase by more than Pn decreases and,

(Pg Pn)/(Pg Pn)...

method 2

(Pg P0)/(P0 Pn) = [(Pg Pn)/u]/[(Pn P0)/u]

=[Es/(Es + Ed)]/[Ed/(Ed + Es)]

=Es/Ed = 7/3 > 1

=> (Pg P0)/(Pg Pn) > 1

Pg P0 > Pg Pn

thus Pg increases by more than Pn decreases

exam one week from today



chapter 5

in the book and in the lecture, we use the word externality to refer to a technological externality

there is also something known as a pecuniary externality but we will ignore it

a situation with an externaility is normally associated with a market failure

(private markets usually do not lead to an efficient outcome in the presence of an externality)

government intervention is normally required for efficiency

externality = a situation where one economic agent's actions (person or firm) affects the welfare of others (usually adversley) in a way that is not taken into account by market prices

examples of externalities:1-air polution2-water polution3-traffic congestion4- noise pollution5-smoking in a crowded room

first example (from book)

*Vthe water pollution from bart's factory adversley affects lisa's fishery

the ususal situation, in the absence of any government intervention, is that bart's factory will pollute the river beyond the efficient level of pollution since bart has no incentive to care about the fact that his pollution hurts lisa's fishery

second example

suppose that air pollution results from the manufacturing of steel

simplifying assumption: for each unit of steel produced, there is a given fixed amount of air pollution that is genereated

consequence of the simplifying assumption is that the only way to reduce air pollution is to reduce the production of steel

note: in the real world various thkngs can be done to reduce the pollution that results from the production of each unit of steel

we assume the following three types of economic agents in a metropolitan area1- steel producing firms2- demanders of steel (probably firms that use steel as an input, such as constructions firms or auto plants3- residents of the metropolitan area who are hurt by pollution


d = demand curve for steel

the height of D is the MV (marginal value) or MB (marginal benefit) of an extra unit of steel to demanders

MPC = marginal private cost

the hieght of MPC is the MC (marginal cost) of the extra capital, labor and raw materials

the MPC curve does not take the costs of pollution into account

MD = marginal damages

the height of MD is the dollar amount which corresponds to how much residents are hurt by the extra ammount of pullution that is generated by the production of one more unit of steel

note: in the diagram and in the books diagram, it is assumed that MD = 0 for the first unit of steel produced (this need not be the case)

also it is assumed that one extra unit of pollution causes more incrimental damage if the elvel of pollution is already higher (since MD slopes up)

MSC = marginal social cost

= MPC + MD

=marginal private costs + marginal damages

= overall costs to society of the prodduction of one extra unit of steel


Q1 and P1 are the market equillibrium quantity and price in the absence of any government action (MPC = MB)

Q* = the socially optimal output of steel (MSC = MB)

MB = height of the demand curve = marginal benefit = marginal value

at output Q1 MSC > MB

so it makes sense to reduce output until you are at Q*

is there an efficiency gain from reducing Q from Q1 to Q*?

ignore residents for a minute and consider only steel-producing firms and demanders of steel

if Q decreases from Q1 to Q1* reduction in pollution costs = (3) + (4)

= area under MPC

the value to demanders of steel of the Q1 Q* units that are no longer produced = area under D (MB)

=(2) + (3) + (4)

tentative efficiency loss = (2)

but we have not takena ccount of the pollution yet

the reduction in pollution damages to residents = area under MD

= (4)

= area between the marginal private costs and the marginal social costs

= (1) + (2)

overall, the reduction in Q from Q1 to Q* is associated with an efficiency gain of (1) + (2) tentative efficiency loss

= (1) + (2) (2)

= (1)

if it is possible to vary the amount of pollution produced per unit of steel produced, then it would also be the case that in the socially efficient situation, there would be less pollution per unit of steel produced than in the free market situation

what can be done to reduce the level of output from Q1 to Q*?

1.) one possibility is a merger between the polluter and the victim of the pollution. This might very well work in example 1 (bart and lisa)

as discussed in the book, this is an example of internalizing an externality

however this could not really work in examples 2 (steel market)

what can be done to reduce the level of output and pollution from Q1 to Z1 (free market levels) to Q* and Z* (the socially optimal levels)

1.) merger between the polluter and the victim of pollution2.) pigouvian taxation

the government imposes a tax on each firm that is proportional to the ammount of steel produced (or, better yet) proportional to the ammount of pollution produced

draw the previous diagram

the government now imposes an optimal piguvian tax, t, which is a unit tax which is equal to the height of MD at Q*, and also equal to the height difference between MSC and MPC at Q*

the effective marginal (private) cost to steel producers goes up by t, becoming MPC + t

the new market equillibrium value of Q is determined by the interaction...

As the result of the tax, the market ends up producing at Q = Q*

the new price of steel is P*, which is higher than the price in the absence of the tax (see earlier diagram)

note: P* is the new gross price

*YP* new gross pricePn new net price

tax revenues = (5) + (6)


steel-producing firms are worse off, since Psv by area (6) plus bottom part of area (2)

demanders of steel are worse off, since Csv by area (5) plus top part of area (2)

resdents are better off (since pollutionv)

there is a net efficiency gain equal to area (1) as a result of the taxation

thicontradicts with chapter 14 where a tax was associated with a net efficiency loss

the tax gives firms an incentive to produce less steel and (if the tax is on pollution itself) it also gives firms an incentive to emit less pollution per unit of steel

another way to see efficiency gain

it is equal to

tax rev + CS + PS + benefits of less pollution to residents

= (5) + (6) [(5) + (6) + (2)] + [(1) + (2)]

= (1)

1.) a subsidy

the government gives each firm a subsidy for each unit of steel that it reduces its production by (or each unit of pollution that it reduces its pollution by)

there are a number of reasons that a subsidy program is less desireable than a piguvian taxation program. Some of these examples are given in the book


9th edition:ch 4, 7, 14, appendix

7th edition:ch 4, 12, appendix

do not worry about chapters 1 and 2

in chapter 3, focus on the alst part, beginning with market failure

there's gonna be some choice on the exam

there might be a couple questions based on the book that will not be from the lecture notes though these will be avoidable because of the choices on the exam

diagrams and problems but could some short essays


what can be done to reduce the elvel of output from Q1 to Q* (and reduce the level of pollution from z1 to z*)?

z1 = level of pollution with a free market

z* = optimal level of pollution

1.) transferable pollution permits

which is very similar to cap and trade

(a) suppose there is a fixed amount of pollution for each unit of output. Then the government can sell Q* permits, each allowing a firm to produce and sell 1 unit of output, auctioning these off to the firms that are willing to pay the market-clearing price

supply and demand for permits

*ZPP* = market clearing price of a permit to produce one unit of output


PP* = t

where t is the optimal piguvian tax that the government would have imposed if it used taxation instead of permits

the permit system is equivelant to a piguvian tax system, at least under perfect information

firms would be allowed to buy or sell the permits among themselves

note: if there is a fixed amount of pollution for each unit of output, then Z1/Q1 = Z*/Q*

(b) suppose the amount of pollution per unit of output can be varied, then

Z*/Q* < Z1/Q1

(less pollution per unit of output in the optimal situation than in the free market situation)

in this case, the government can sell z* permits, each allowing a firm to emit one unit of pollution, auctioning them off to the firms at a market-clearing price

*AAsupply and demand for permits

pz* = market-clearing price of a permit to emit a unit of pollution

with a piguvian tax or transferable permits, pollution is reduced in the most cost-effective way

the government needs les information than is the case with subsidies or regulation

the government still needs a significant amount of information to choose the appropriate level of the piguvian tax, or to choose the appropriate level of z*

what is Q*?

what is t?

What is z*?



then the government should just impose a piguvian tax of:

t = MD0

and it does not need any other info

in this case a piguvian tax makes more sense than a permit system

suppose the MD looks follows:


in this case it might make more sense to use a permit system (and choose z* as illustrated)thn to use piguvian taxation

1.) establish property rights

might work in the first example (bart and lisa)


(a) bart has the right to pollute and li his pollution to the efficient level

(or) lisa has the property rights to the river and barts pays her to pollute up to the efficient level

under certain assumptions, things work out right as long as one of them (bart or lisa) has property rights to the river

-coase theorem

this certainly wouldnt work in the sec ond example (steel market) because there are several firms that pollute and many residents who are hurt, and negotiation among all thes economic agents is not practical

1.) regulation of pollution

-see the book for discussion of this (sometimes called command and control regulation)

-not normally favored by economists

-need much more information than other solutions or else have much more inefficiencies

-approach that is used in U.S.


chapter 6: public choice

majority voting rules

example 1 zoo

three directors of the zoo: a, b, & c

each ahs one vote

the zoo has enough money and space to buy 1 animal

T jaguar

L lion

T tiger

which animal will they buy?

Example 1.1





Vote on L versus T:

a voges for L

B and C vote for T

T wins 2-1

Vote on L versus J:

A and B vote for J

C votes for L

J wins 2-1

suppose there is a vote between any two and the winner faces the remaining choice

then the J will end up being the winner

this is an easy case since 2 of the 3 voters have J as their most prefere choice

example 1.2





L v T:

c and a vote L

b votes T

L wins 2-1

L v J:

B and C for L

A for J

L wins 2-1

t v. J:

B and C vote T

A votes J

T wins 2-1

the ultimate winner will be the lion

example 1.3





Vote on L v. T:

A and C vote for L

B votes for T

L wins 2-1

vote on L v. J:

C votes for L

A and B vote for J

J wins 2-1

vote on J v. T:

a votes for J

B and C vote for T

T wins 2-1

L beats T

T beats J

J beats L

If you have L v. T first, with winner facing the J, then

L beats T

L versus J

J is the overall winner

If you have L versus J and the winner faces the T, then

J beats L

J versus T

T beats J

T is overall winner

if you have J v. T and the winner faces L, then

L is overall winer

paradoxically, the order of the vote significantly effects the outcome

in some sense, the community's (zoo leadership) preferences are inconsistent, even though the preferences of each individual director are consistent

voting paradoxically-hapens in example 1.3

-not in examples 1.1 or 1.2

cycling = can occur in example 1.3 if votes keep being taken, with the remaining choice always challenging the winner of the last vote

L versus T

L wins

J cahllenges L

J wins

T challenges J

T wins

L challenges T

L wins

example 2:

three residents: A, B, & C

three choices for a park

J Small park

L medium park

T large park

examples 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 have the same tables as examples 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3

if all voters have SINGLE-PEAKED preferences then the various paradoxes do not occur

example 2.2

same table as example 1.2


in this case all voters have single peak preferences, so everything is ok (no paradoxes or cycling)

example 2.3:

same table as 1.3


voter b does not have single peak preference and this is what allow the possibility of the voting paradox and cycling

median voter theorem:

suppose that all voters have single-peaked preferences for the quantity of some public good. Then the result of the political process, if based on majority voting, will be that the preferences of the median voter will prevail


5 voters: A, B, C, D, and E

A10 acres

B20 acres

C30 acres

D50 acres

E90 acres

*AFsingle-peaked preferences

the median size of the parks that the different voters prefer is 30 acres

the average (mean size) fo the parks that the different voters prefer is (10 + 20 + 30 + 50 + 90)/5 = 40 acres

whats relevant for majority voting is the median, not the mean

the community will end up doing a park of 30 acres, according to the median voter model

this assumes that each voter has single peak preferences over park size

see the book for an explanation of why it might be the case that a voters preferences for the size of the public park might not be single peaked


chapter 5:

terminology for some of the methods for reducing pollution

2.) piguivian tax = is a tax per unit of output

emissions tax = tax per unit of pollution

efficient tax = a tax per unit of water pollution

1.) transferable pollution permits also called tradeable pollution permits or cap and tradethis genreal method is sometimes used for fisheries to prevent over-fishing

1.) what the 7th edition calls regulation is called command and control regulation in the 9th edition (it calls emissions taxes and cap-and-trade incentive-based regulations)

Problem 6.4 (see handout)

consider and example

total costs (TC) of reducing emissions for each country are





Overall TC if each country reduces emissions by 15% are

250 + 100 = 350

Overall TC of Canada reduces emissions by 10% and mexico reduces emissions by 20% are

100 + 200 = 300

suppose canada pays mexico 125 so mexico reduces emissions by 20% and canada has to reduce emissions by only 10%

TC to canada are now

100 + 125 = 225

which is less than 250, so canada is better off

TC to mexico are now

200 125 = 75

which is less than 100, so mexico is better off

chapter 12:

income redistribution

general question: should the government redistribute income from higher income to lower income consumers, and if so, to what extent should it do this?

Yi = income of consumer I (after any redistribution)

Ui = utility of consumer I = U(Yi)

w = level of social welfare

utilitarian social welfare function:

W = F(U1, U2, , Un)

where n = number of consumers

F is some function

additive social welfare function (a special case of above)

W = U1 + U2 + + Un

consider the function U(y)

total utility

TU(y) = U(y)

marginal utility = how much extra utility you get if y is increased by $1

= slope of the U(y) function

one possibility

constant marginal utility


if you have twice as much income, you have twice as much utility

MU = slope of TU

but TU(y) is a straight upward sloping line

thus MU is a constant


another possibility

decreasing marginal utility (diminishing marginal utility)


if you have twice as much income, then you have less than twice as much utility

as y increases, the slope of TU(y) decreases


suppose there are only to consumers (for simplicity)

A = ann

B = bob

assume an additive social welfare function

W = U(Ya) + U(Yb)

assume that U(y) has diminishing marginal utility

yA0 = value of yA before redistribution

yB0 = value of yB before redistribution

W0 = value of W before redistribution = U(yA0) + U(yB0)


we are assuming that yA0 < yB0

yc = (1/2)(yA0 + yB0)

U(yA0) = area under MUA = (1) = total utility for Ann

U(yB0) = area under MUB (starting from the right end) = (4) + (3)

suppose the government taxes an ammount T = Yc yA0

= (1/2)(yA0 + yB0) yA0 = (1/2)(yB0 yA0)away from bob and gives it to Ann

Assume this can be done without changing yA0 or YB0

then we end up with

yA = yB = yC = (1/2)(yA0 + yB0)

this is complete income redistribution

u(yA) = (1) + (2) + (3)

U(yB) = (4)

note: (1) + (2) + (3) = (4)

after the redistribtion,

W = (1) + (2) + (3) + (4)

this redistribution has increased social welfare by area (2)

this sort of argument suggests that income should be redistributed until all consumers have the same income after redistribution

second exam probably april 13th

what is the single bigest problem with redistributing the income?

If bob knows that an amount of income

yB0 yc

is going to be taken away from him, he has an incentive to work less hard and thus have a lower value of yB0

if ann knows an amount of income

yc yA0

is going to be given to her, she has an incentive to work less hard and thus have a lower value of yA0 (and thus get a biger transfer of income)

you could do an analysis of the optimal redistribution of income, taking into account the incentives to work less as a result of money being transferred to or from each worker = optimal income taxation

first done successfully by Mirrlees (1971), published in the Review of Economic Studies

optimal income taxation conclusion:

you do want to redistribute income -you do not want to completely equalize incomes

Rawlsian social welfare function

W = minimum(U1, U2, , Un)

the social welfare is equal to the utility of the consumer with the lowest (after transfer) income


suppose the demand curve for steel is

MB = 140 0.2Q

the marginal private cost curve for producing steel is

MPC = 80 + 0.2Q

The marginal damages curve from the pollution generated is

MD = 0.1Q

what are the

(I) free market equillibrium values of Q and P (Q1 and P1)

(i) socially optimal value of Q (Q*)

(i) the optimal piguvian tax needed to reach Q* and the corresponding value of P (P*)

chapter 13

expenditure programs for the poor

before discussing these programs, I present a basic model of a consumer's choice among labor hours, leisure hours, and consumption goods

supose that the utility of a consumer depends on

z = hours of leisure per day

y = dollars of consumption goods

the consumer utility function is U(z, y)


L = number of hours of work per day

L + Z = 24 time constraint

y = dollars of consumption

= dollars of income

= wL


w = wage rate

we have two equations:

L + z = 24

y = wL

From the first equation

L = 24 z

we substitute this into the second equation

y = wL

y = w(24 z)

= 24w wz

y = 24w wz

wz + y = 24w budget constraint

24w = full income

= what the consumer would make if they worked all the time

price of y = 1

price of z = w

w is the wage rate, and it is the price of leisure

wz + 1y = 24w

if z = 0, then

1y = 24w

y = 24w

if y = 0, then

wz = 24w

z = 24w/w = 24


y*, z* and L* are the values of y, z, and L chosen by the consumer

suppose we have a welfare program with the following characteristics

if someone does not work they get a welfare benefit equal to B0 (some number of $)

if a consumer works L hours per day at wage w, the welfare is

B = B0 wL

if B0 wL = 0

B = 0 if B0 wL = 0

in other words, the welfare benefit is reduced by $1 for every $1 the consumer earns

what does the budget constraint look like with the welfare program in place?

The book argues carefully what it should look like


zoo directors A, B, and C get the following utilities from their animals





Which animal, if any, would be paid by any sequence of pairwise vote?

What does the budget constraint look like with the welfare program in place?

The book argues carefully what it should look like

in the following diagrams imagine that

B0 = 30 ($30/day)

w = 6 ($6/hour)

wL = B0 if L = 5 (hours per day)


at point A, L = 0

so y = B0 = 30

At point C, L = 2


y = B + wL

= (B0 2w) + 2w

= B0 = 30

at point D, L = 5


y = B + wL

= (B0 5w) + 5w

= B0 = 30

note: as drawn in the diagram, B0 = 5w

B0 = wL

L = B0/w = 30/6 = 5

basic question

what effect does the welfare program have on the number of hours that the consumer works?

First case


in the absence of the welfare program, the consumer would choose point D, with 21 leisure hours and 3 labor hours

with the welfare program, the consumer could work 3 hours, receive a welfare benefit of B0 3w, and end up at point C

the consumer prefers C to D (U(c) > U(D)), since L is the same and y is greater at C than D

But A, where the consumer does not work at all and gets benefits B0, and has consumption y = B0, gives the consumer a higher utility level than C

the consumer prefers A to C since y is the same but leisure hours are greater at A than C

thus the consumer chooses point A and does not work at all

L0 b0] is the number of [labor leisure] hours for which B drops to 0. B0 = 19 from diagram

L0 = 24 z0 = S

in the absence of the welfare program, the consumer would choose point D, with z1 leisure hours z1 = 21

L1 = 24 z1 = 3

a crucial feature of this first case:

L1 < L0

in this case, there is a significant work disincentive of the welfare program (the consumer works 0 hours instead of L1 hours)

second case


in the absence of welfare, the consumer chooses point C, with z = 14 and L = 10

in the absence of the welfare program, the consumer still chooses point C, since C is on a higher indifference curve than A

in this case, the consumer behavior is not effected by the welfare program (th econsumer does not use welfare)

without welfare, the consumer would choose point C, with

z = z1 = 14

L = L1 = 24 z1 = 10

In this case,

L1 > L0

where L0 = 24 z0

=24 19 = 5



consider a basic welfare program with a benefit given by

B = B0 wL if B > 0

draw carefully with all relevant numbers the budget constraint for a consumer with wage rate w = 10 assuming that B0 = 60

you should have laisure drawn per day on th ehorizontal axis and dollars of consumption on the vertical axis


B = B0 wL = 60 10L if this is > 0

B = 0 when 60 10L = 0

60 = 10L

L = 60/10 = 6

when L = 6, z = 24 L = 24 6 = 18

and y = B + wL = 0

10(6) = 60

when L 0, z = 24 L = 24 0 = 24 and y = B + wL

= B0 wL + wL

= 60 (10)(0) + (10)(0) = 60

when L = 24, z = 24 L = 24 24 = 0

and y = B + wL = 0 + 10(24) = 240



suppose the demand curve for steal is

MB = 140 0.2Q

the amrginal produce cost for producing steal is

MPC = 80 0.2Q

the marginal damages curve from the pollution generated is

MD = 0.1Q

whatare the 1.) free market equillibrium values of Q and P (Q1 and P1)2.) sociallyoptimal value o Q and P (Q* and P*)3.) the optimal pigouvian tax needed to reach Q* and the corresponding value of P*


(1)MB = MPC

140 + 0.2Q = 80 0.2Q

140 = 80-0.4Q

60 = 0.4QQ = 60/0.4 = 180 this is Q1

to find P1, use MB or MPC

P1 = MB hen Q = Q1 = 450



= MPC + MD

80 + 0.2Q + 0.1Q

80 + 0.3Q

140 0.2Q = 80 + 0.3Q

140 = 80 + 0.5Q

60 = 0.5Q

Q = 60/0.5 = 120 this is Q*


the optimal piguvian tax, t*, that is needed to reduce Q to Q* is

t* = MD when Q = Q*

= 0.1Q*

=(0.1)(120) = 22 this is t*

to find P*, use MB or MSC

P* = MSC of Q = Q*

80 + 0.3Q*

= 80 + (0.3)(120)

= 80 + 36 = 116 this is P*

the effective net price to producers of steal is

Pn = P* - t* = 126 22 = 104

a welfare program with a basic benefit of

B0 = $30/day

we are considering its effect on a consumer with wage rate

w = $6/hour

the benefit is reduced by $1 for each $1 the consumer earns

the budget constraint the consumer faces is


z = 19 means 19 hours of leisure per day, or 5 hours of labor per day

third case


L0 = 24 z0 = 24 19 = 5

= amount o labor hours for which B drops to 0

L1 = 24 z1 = 24 17 = 7

without a welfare system, the consumer chooses point C, with z1 (17) hours of leisure and L1 (7) hours of labor

in this case, as in case 2, L1 > L0

unlike case 2, if welfare is available, the consumer goes on welfare ending up at point A with utility level U2 (note that U2 > U1)

in this case, the consumer goes on welfare even though wL1 > B0 (even though earnings at point C are greater than the welfare benefit at point A)


zoo directors A, B, and C get the following utilities from these animals





Which animal, if any, would be picked by any sequence of pairwise votes?


from these utility numbers we can figure out the most preffered, second most preffered, and least preffered of each zoo director





In a vote between the lion and the tiger. A votes for the tiger but B and C vote for the lion so L wins 2-1

in a vote between T and H, A and C vote for T, but B votes for H, so T wins 2-1

in a vote between L and H, B votes for H, but A and C vote for L so L wins 2-1

then L would be chosen by any sequence of pairwise votes

basic welfare program in classified more or less the same as the old AFDC program

more or less the same as a TANF for which there is a 100% tax on earnings

see book what AFDC and TANF stand for AFDC is the program that used to be used. TANF is used now, though varies by state

negative income tax program in class

more or less the same as a TANF programfor which there is NOT a 100% tax on earnings (see book)

an alternative programfor low-income consumers

negative income tax

benefit given to a consumer in the form of an income grant = B

B = B0 a(wL)

as long as this is > 0

(a = 1 in basic welfare program)

let's assume that

B0 = $20/day

a =


B = 20 (1/4)(earnigns per day)

= 20 (1/4)(wL)

as long as this is >/= 0

suppose for a given consumer w= $8 per hour

B = 20 (1/4)(8)L

= 20 2L

overall income (and expenditure) of the consumer = y

y = B + wL

= 20 (1/4)(wL) + wL

y = 20 + (3/4)wL

= 20 + (3/4)(8)L

= 20 + 6L

B = 20 (1/4)wL = 20 2L

B = 0 if L = 10 (z = 14)

if L >/= 10 (z /= 0

where B0 = 60, a = and the wage rate is w = 20

draw carefully, with all relevant numbers, the budget constraint for the consumer, with leisure hours per day (z) on the horixaontal axis and dollars of consumption per day (y) on the vertical axis

chapter 8

cost benefit analysis

suppose the government is considering an investment project. Is the project worth while?

Assume until further notice that there is no inflation

r is the annual interest rate

suppose you put $1 in the bank in year 0

in one year u have $(1 + r)

Money in the bank in year 01R1/(1 + r)R/(1 + r)

Money in the bank in year 11 + rR(1 + r)1R

If r = 0.10 = 10% (per year)

Year 01100.909.9.09

Year 11.111110

Present value of $1 received one year from now is $1/(1 + r), because 1/(1 + r) depositted today grows...

the present value of $R received one year from now is R/(1 + r)

leaves money in the bank for 2 years (or more)

Year 01

Year 11 + r

Year 2(1 + r)(1 + r) = (1 + r)2

Year 3(1 + r)3

(1 + r)2 = 1 + 2r + r2

where 1 is original dollar, 2r is 2 years of interest and r2 is interest on interest

the present value of $1 received two years from now is $1/(1 + r)2, since $1/(1 + r)2 depositted today will grow to become $1 in 2 years

$1 grows to become $(1 + r)n in n years

R grows to become R(1 + r)n in n years

the present value of $1 received n years from nowis 1/(1 + r)n

the rpesent value of $R received n years from now is R/(1 + r)n

suppose you have a revenue stream of

R0 in year 0

R1 in year 1

R2 in year 2

(and so on)

RT in year T

what is the PV (present value) of this revenue stream?

PV = R0 + R1/(1 + r) + R2/(1 + r)2 + + RT/(1 + r)T

T could be 1, or 2, or 20, or even infinity. T is the last year in which you get revenues.

A special case of this formula

R0 = 0

R1 = R

R2 = R

Rn = R for every value of n >/= 1

T = infinity

then PV = R/r

suppose you have a potential investment project

C0 = cost in year 0

C1 = cost in year 1

C2 = cost in year 2

(and so on)

CT = cost in year T

B0 = benefit in year 0

B1 = benefit in year 1

B2 = benefit in year 2

(and so on)

BT = benefit in year T

we can use the previous formula if we set

Pn = Bn Cn

the present value of the project is

PV = B0 C0 + (B1 C1)/(1 + r) + (B2 C2)/(1 + r)2 + + (BT CT)/(1 + r)T

basic rule adopt the project if and only if the PV > 0

a project is admissible if its PV is positive

if two projects are admissible and they are mutually exclusive, the project with the higher PV should be adopted

simple two year investment project

C0 = net cost in year 0

B1 = net benefit in year 1

r = interest rate

PV = -C0 + B/(1 + r)

adopt the project if the PV > 0 but not if PV < 0

adopt the project if PV > 0

-C0 + B1/(1 + r) > 0

B1/(1 + r) > C0

B1 > C0(1 + r)

adopt the project if the benefit in year 1 is more than enough to cover the initial cost plus interest

if you do not adopt the project and put C0 in the bank, then you have

C0(1 + r) in year 1

if you adopt the project then you have something worth

B1 in year 1

adopt the project if

B1 > C0(1 + r)


C0 = 202

B1 = 220

r = 0.10 = 10%

should this project be adopted?

PV = -C0 + B1/(1 + r)

= -202 + 220/(1 + 0.10)

= - 202 + 220/1.1

= -202 + 200 = -2 < 0

PV < 0 so do not adopt the project (the project is not admissible)

note if the interest rate was 0.05 = 5%, then it would be the case that PV > 0, so then the project should be adopted

alternative method for this example

C0(1 + r)

=(202)(1 + 0.10)

=(202)(1.1) = 222.2

B1 = 220

222.2 > 220 so the project should not be adopted


consider a govenrment investment project with the cost stream

C0 = 400 C1 = 480

and let the benefit stream be

B1 = 120 B2 = 1350

should the government adopt this project if r = 50%?


three year investment project

C0 = net cost in year 0

B1 = net benefit in year 1

B2 = net benefit in year 2

PV = C0 + B1/(1 + r) + B2/(1 + r)^2

if PV > 0 you adopt the project

if PV < 0 you do not adopt the project


C0 = 100

B1 = B2 = 60

r = 0.10 = 10%

PV = -C0 + B1/(1 + r) + B2/(1 + r)^2

= -(100) + (60)/(1 + [.1]) + (60)/(1 + [.1])^2

= -100 + 60/1.1 + 60/1.1^2

= -100 + 60/1.1 + 60/1.21

= -100 + 59.55 + 49.56

= -100 + 104.14

= 4.14 > 0

PV > so we adopt the project


consider a negative income tax program with a benefit given by

B = B0 a(wL) if B = 0

where B0 = 60, a = and the wage rate is w = 20

draw carefully with all relevant numbers, the budget constraint for athe consumer, with leisure hours per day on the horizontal axis and the dollars of consumption per day on the vertical axis


B B0 a(wL) = 60 - .5(20L)

= 60 10L (if this is 20)

B = 0 when 60 10L = 0

60 = 10L

L = 60/10 = 6

when L = 6, z = 24 L = 24 6 = 18

and y = B + wL = 0 + 20(6) = 120

when L = 0, z = 24 L = 24 0 = 24

y = B + wL

= B0 0.5(wL) + wL

60 0 + 0 = 60

when L = 24, z = 24 L = 24 24 = 0

and y = B + wL = 0 + 20(24) = 480


infinite period investment project

C0 = net costs in year 0

B = net benefit every year starting in year 1

PV = -C0 + B/(1 + r) + B/(1 + r)^2 + + B/(1 + r)^n + (n = infinity)

PV = -C0 + B/r

if PV > 0 then adopt the project

if PV < 0 then do not adopt the project

if PV = 0 you're indifferent

adopt the project if PV > 0

-Co + B/r > 0

B/r > C0

B = C0r

why does this formula make sense intuitively

suppose you start out with Co in period 0

there are two things you can do with the money

1.) adopt the project and get benefits of B each year starting with year 1

1.) do not adopt the project. Put the money in the bank. Keep C0 in the bank and take out interest C0r every year starting year 1

two possible investment projects

they are mutually exclusive so only one of them can be done (this is what we are assuming in the following example)

project 1 and project 2

for any given value of r we calculate the present value of each project

(a) of PV < 0 for both projects , thena nother project is admissible, so do niether

(b) if PV > 0 for one project only, then only this project is admissible, so do this project. (the one with the positive PV)

(c) if PV > 0 for both projects, then both are admissible, so do the one with the higher PV

project 1

C0 = 100 = cost of making fireworks

C1 = 50 = cost of giving a firework display in year 1

B1 = 200 = the value that consumers palce on watching the display

PV1 = -C0 + (B1 C1)/(1 + r)

= -100 + (200 50)/(1 + r)

= - 100 + 150/(1 + r)

if r = 1.00 = 100%


PV1 = -100 + 150/(1 + 1)

= -100 + 75 = -25

if r = 0.25 = 25%


PV1 = -100 + 150/(1 + 0.25)

= -100 + 150/1.25

=-100 + 120 = 20 > 0

PV1 < 0 if r = 100%

PV1 > 0 if r = 25%

project 1












PV1 > 0 if r < 50%

PV1 < 0 if r > 50%

if r v pv1 ^

if r v then the benefits that occur in the future are discounted less (are worth more)

project 2

C0 = 100 = cost of making a public park

C1 = C0 = C1 = C2 = = 10

= C = cost of maintaining the park each year starting year 1

B1 = B2 = B3 = = 30

= B = benefits in each year starting with year 1

PV2 = -C0 + (B + C)/r

= -100 + (30 10)/r

= -100 + 20/r

if r = 0.50 = 50%


PV2 = -100 + 20/0.5

= -100 +40 = -60

project 2













if r > 20%

then PV2 < 0

if r < 20% then PV > 0

as r V PV2 ^ (as was true of project 1 too)

if r > 50% then PV1 < 0 and PV2 < 0

so neither project should be adopted

if 20% < r < 50%


PV1 > 0 but PV2 < 0

so project 1 should be adopted

if r < 20% then PV1 > 0 and PV2 > 0

and the project with the higher present value should be adopted

if r = 18% then adopt project 1 (since 27.12 > 1.1)

if r = 15%then adopt project 2 (beause 33.33 > 20.43)

for what value of r do the projects have the same PV?

PV1 = PV2

-100 + 150/(1 + r) = -100 + 20/r

150/(1 + r) = 20/r

-100 + 150/(1 + r) = -100 + 20/r

150/(1 + r) = 20/r

150 = 20/r(1 + r)

150r = 20(1 + r)

150r = 20 + 20r

130r = 20

r = 20/130 = .1538 = 15.38%

overall conclusions

if r > 50% then adopt neither project

if 15.38% < r < 50% then adopt project 1

if r < 15.38% then adopt project 2

low interst rates are especially benefitial for a project whose benefits extend far into the future

internal rate of return

the internal rate fo return is the, delegated as p(roe), is the value for r for which the PV of a project is 0

usually it is the case that

(a) if r > p(roe) then PV < 0, so the project is not admissible

(b) if r < p(roe) then PV > 0, so the project is admissible

example project 1

PV = -100 + 50/(1 + r)

to claculate p(roe), set PV = 0 and replace r by p(roe)

0 = -100 + 150/(1 + p)

100 = 150/(1 + p)

100(1 + p) = 150

100 + 100p = 150

100p = 50

p = 50/100 = .5 = 50%

this is the same as the value for r for which PV = 0 in the table earlier on

answer (assigned last week)

consider a government nvestment project with this cost stream

c0 = 400

c1 = 480

and the benefit stream

B1 = 120

B2 = 1350

should the government adopt this project if r = 50%?


PV = B0 C0 + (B1 C1)/(1 + r) + (b2 C2)/(1 + r)^2

= 0 400 + (120-480)/(1 + .5) + (1350 0)/(1 + .5)^2

= -400 + -360/1.5 + 1350/1.5^2

= -400 240 + 1350/2.25

= -640 + 600 = -40 < 0

the project is not admissible. Do not adopt the project

^^^midterm 2^^^VVVFINALVVV

second exam next classchapter 5, 6, 7, 8, 11


chapter 5, 6, 12, 13, 8

in the cost-benefit chapter, you can be tested on anything assigned except for dealing with inflation

effects of inflation

suppose that in the absence of inflation the interest rate (annual interest rate) is r

suppose instead of 0 inflation there's a steadya nnual inflation rate of pie (constant over time)

then there are two things we could mean by the interest rate

it is a reasonable assumption that the real interest rate might remain unchanged at r independent of pie

nominal interest rate = the interest rate actually observed

real interest rate = nominal interest rate corrected for inflation

rR = rN pieE

if these are all small numbers

rR = real interest rate

rN = nominal interest rate

pieE = expected inflation rate

if inflation is constant over a long period of time then

pieE = pie

where pie = actual inflationit is a reasonable assumption that if inflation changes from a steady rate of 0 to a steady rate of pie, then the real interest rate, which we call rR, remains unchanged. However, the nominal interest rate increases from rN to a vlaue which is

rN = (1 + r)(1 + pie) 1= 1 + r + pie + rpie 1

r + pie + rpie

= r + pie

if rpie is a very small number


(higher values of r and pie than are realistic for the u.s.)

r = 0.25 = 25%

pie = 0.20 = 20%

what is the nominal interest rate for this case?

Nominal interst rate = rN

= (1 + r)(1 + pie) 1

= (1.25)(1.20) 1

= 1.5 1

=0.50 = 50%

note that r + pie = 45% in this case

recall project 1 from earlier tonight, with pie = 0

C0 = 100

C1 = 50

B1 = 200

r = 0.25 = 25%

PV = -100 (200 50)/(1 + .25) = 20

what ahppens if pie = 0.20 = 20% instead of being 0

r = 0.25 = 25%

pie = 0.20 = 20%

rN = 50%

what happens to C0, C1, and B1 as a result of inflation?

Suppose C0 is unchanged at 100

it is reasonable to assume that the real values for C1 and B 1, corrected for inflation, are unchanged

however the nominal dollar values fo C1 and B1 are multiplied by (1 + pie)

in the following pages, C1 and B1 are the real values of C1 and B1 (measured in year 0 dollars)

C1N and B1N are the nominal values of C1 and B1 ( measured in year 1 dollars)

the nominal value for the costs and benefits are now

C0N = 100

C1N = C1(1 + pie)

=50(1 + 0.2)

= 60

B1N = B1(1 + pie)

= 200(1 + 0.2)

= 240

if you know the values of C1N and B1N, they can be corrected for inflation (converted into year 0 dollars) as follows

C1 + C1N/(1 + pie) = 60/(1 + .2) = 50

B1 = B1N/(1 + pie) = 240/(1 + 0.2) = 200

two legitimate ways to evaluate this investment project


use real values for C0, C1, B1, and the interest rate

PV = -C0 + (B1 C1)/(1 + r)

P = -100 + (200 50)/(1 + 0.25)

= -100 + 150/1.25

= -100 + 120 = 20 > 0

PV > 0 so the project is admissible


use nominal values throughout

PV = -C0N + (B1N C1N)/(1 + rN)

note that

rN = (1 + r)(1 + pie) 1

1 + rN = (1 + r)(1 + pie)


PV = -100 + (240 60)/(1 + 0.50)

= -100 + 100/1.5

= -100 + 120

=20 > 0

and this is the same value of PV we calculated the first way

there are two wrong methods

method 3 (wrong)

use nominal values for costs and benefits but use a real interest rate

PV = -C0N + (B1N C1N)/(1 + r)

= -100 + 180/1.25

=-100 + 144

= 44

and this overstates the present value of the project

method 4 (wrong)

use real values of the cots and benefits but use CN

PV = -C0 + (B1 C1)/(1 + rN)

= -100 + (200 50)/(1 + 0.5)

= -100 + 150/1.5

= -100 + 100 = 0

and this method underestimates the PV of the project

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