psychometric test arise dreams roby

Post on 17-Aug-2015






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Duration: 25 Minutes

Read the following questions and mark your score a, b, c, d accordingly

1. Do you communicate the right message to the right person at the right time in correct manner?

2. Do you think carefully about any idea before you decide how to communicate the message?

3. Do you listen first carefully and understand before you reply to any question?

4. Do project self confidence in your speech whenever you speak to others?

5. Do you use available electronic and latest devices for means of communication?

6. Do you take any notes before appearing for an interview?

7. Do you take necessary time to give the necessary information to people who expects it from you?

8. Do you professional and advanced means of communication like outlook and E-mail?

9. Do you question others to trace out what they think?

10. Do you follow the rules to internal and external communication when drafting a letter?”

11. Do you practice fast reading techniques to accelerate at work?

12. Do you take an active role in Internal Training?

13. Do you apply hard core selling methodology to express your thoughts?

14. Do you your reports accurate and clear?

15. Do you have a rehearsal before any presentation or a speech?

16. Do you think advertising techniques would work out to solve any issue on Public relations?

17. Do you have contacts with Media People?

18. Do you welcome any feedback from others?

19. Do you give equal importance to your colleagues to express their thoughts?

20. Do you evolve a strategy for communication?




1) A = ALWAYS – 4 MARKS 2) B = OFTEN – 3 MARKS 3) C= RARELY = 2 MARKS 4) D = NEVER – 1 MARK

Add your scores and refer to the ANALYSIS below

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A. 60 – 80 Your communication is good but still can attain perfection.

B. 41-59 Your performance in communication has certain weakness. Try to

improve those areas

C. 20-40 Your communications is not effective.Listen to Feedback and learn

from your mistakes.


PRESENTATION SKILL Duration: 10Minutes

Read the following questions and mark your score a, b, c, d accordingly

1. Do you set sufficient time to tune your perfection behind the screen?

2. Do you having repeated rehearsal sounds your presentation?

3. Do you reach in time to hear the previous presentation?

4. Do you organize the main points of your presentation?

5. Can you grab the attention of the audience the moment you start your presentation?

6. Do you make perfect eye contact during your presentation?

7. Do listen to questions raised from audience and then answer them?

8. Can you speak fluently and confidently throughout the presentation?

9. Does your presentation provoke question from audience?

10.Do you reply to the audience and hold the interest of the audience?


1) A = ALWAYS – 4 MARKS 2) B = OFTEN – 3 MARKS 3) C= RARELY = 2 MARKS 4) D = NEVER – 1 MARK

1 a b c d

2 a b c d

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A. 31-40 Your presentation style is perfect continue it.

B. 21-30 Your Presentation is reasonably good but you have to improve.

C. 10-20 You have to work from basic level to do well.



Read the following questions and mark your score a, b, c, d accordingly

1. Are you able to admit your mistake? If you go wrong?

2. Does your Body language give you self confidence?

3. Are you confident enough when take up a task?

4. Do you dress appropriately for any meeting?

5. Do you control the tone of your voice, if you feel nervous?

6. Do you listen carefully to the views expressed by other members in a meeting?

7. Do you carefully review the proceedings of the previous meeting?

8. Are you aware of your objectives before attending any meeting?

9. Is your preparation is well prepared in advance?

10. Do you share a common purpose with the other members at the meeting?


1) A = ALWAYS – 4 MARKS 2) B = OFTEN – 3 MARKS 3) C= RARELY = 2 MARKS 4) D = NEVER – 1 MARK

Add your scores and refer to the ANALYSIS below

1 a b c d

2 a b c d

3 a b c d

4 a b c d

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8 a b c d

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10 a b c d





A 31-40 your performance is good.

B 21-30 your performance is reasonably good but still need to improve.

C 10-20 You have to work from the basics.




Negotiation is a method by which people settle differences. It is a process by which compromise

or agreement is reached while avoiding argument and dispute.

In any disagreement, individuals understandably aim to achieve the best possible outcome for

their position (or perhaps an organization they represent). However, the principles of fairness,

seeking mutual benefit and maintaining a relationship are the keys to a successful outcome.

Duration: 30Minutes

Read the following questions and mark your score a, b, c, d accordingly

1. Are you clear about the main purpose of the negotiation?

2. Do you read the back ground material before you evolve your strategy?

3. Do you choose appropriate negotiation tactics to fulfill your objectives?

4. Do you brief agents, if any before negotiation?

5. Do you believe negotiations provide an opportunity for both the parties to benefit?

6. Do you communicate your points in simple Language?

7. Do you constantly use body language in communicating with the other party?

8. Do you welcome others views politely during any negotiation?

9. Is your attitude flexible towards negotiations?

10. Do you put forth your points clearly and logically?

11. Are you sensitive towards the cultural difference of other party?

12. Can you be objective and understand the position of the other party?

13. Do you gradually approach your final objectives?

14. Can you make quick decision when necessary?

15. Do you work well as a member of a negotiating team?

16. Is your expression of emotion a tactical move?

17. Do you introduce third parties when the negotiations break down?

18. Do you make sure that each party signs the agreement?

19. Do you take time to think by tactical postponement?

20. Do you prefer to negotiate a WIN –WIN situation, whenever possible?




1) A = ALWAYS – 4 MARKS 2) B = OFTEN – 3 MARKS 3) C= RARELY = 2 MARKS 4) D = NEVER – 1 MARK

Add your scores and refer to the ANALYSIS below

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A. 60 – 80 You are a successful negotiator

B. 41-59 You need to improve in certain areas

C. 20-40 You Negotiation skill is weak you need to work from basics.




People often say that they find it hard to make decisions.

Unfortunately we all have to make decisions all the time, ranging from trivial issues like what to

have for lunch, right up to life-changing decisions like where and what to study, and who to


Duration: 30Minutes

Read the following questions and mark your score a, b, c, d accordingly

1. Do you make timely decision in good time and implement your decision?

2. Do you think about the kind of decision you have to take before beginning the process?

3. Do you carefully analyze situations before taking a decision?

4. Do you adopt a combination of intellectual and creative approaches to decision making?

5. Do you have priority of the important factors before making a decision?

6. Do you conduct SWOT analysis of your?

7. Do you judge alternatives before deciding anything?

8. Do you consult all concerned seeking their help in taking a right decision?

9. Do you take a challenging approach?

10. Do you prepare your ideas before any meetings?

11. Do you tap on available sources before making a decision?

12. How do contribute yourself to modern/mobile technology in taking decision?

13. Do you use different scenarios to make your plan viable?

14. Do you take necessary risk with confidence?

15. Do you evaluate the merit of a problem without any fear before making any decision?

16. Can you communicate your decision honestly and quickly?

17. Do you encourage others to come forward with any objections?

18. Do you use review method to learn the lesson of success?

19. Do you use monitoring systems to check your progress?

20. Can you explain the decisions with clarity and make sure that the people understand your views?




1) A = ALWAYS – 4 MARKS 2) B = OFTEN – 3 MARKS 3) C= RARELY = 2 MARKS 4) D = NEVER – 1 MARK

Add your scores and refer to the ANALYSIS below

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A. 60 – 80 Your decision making still is good.

B. 41-59 You need to improve in certain areas

C. 20-40 Your Decision making skill is weak you need to work from basics.




Motivational skills are those that enable a person to become motivated and work toward achieving

goals, whatever they might be. A business coach can help a person learn tips and techniques that can

make it easier to become motivated and stay that way.

Duration: 30Minutes

Read the following questions and mark your score a, b, c, d accordingly

1. Do you try to persuade your colleagues to do what you want them to do?

2. Do you keep your colleagues as informed as possible?

3. Do you try to make sure that work is enjoyable for your colleagues?

4. Do you use your non – verbal communication to influence discussion?

5. Do you involve others in issues as far as possible?

6. Do you seek consensus in any matter and encourage others to do the same?

7. Do you seek a balance between strict discipline and giving your colleagues freedom of action?

8. Do you avoid office politics and discourage others from politicking?

9. Do you give reasons for any agreement with people?

10. Do you react to failure by analysis and correction?

11. Do you make conscious efforts to improve on your motivational skills?

12. Do you review the existing system and remove the hurdles to performance?

13. Do you organize work in such a way that a particular person is completing an entire task?

14. Do you encourage others to be frank about their salary?

15. Do you look at assignments as means to develop others?

16. Do you act to settle disputes and personality clashes?

17. Do you make changes only after consultation with the affected members?

18. Do you seek chances for radical change and implement them where possible?

19. Do you thank people for good work?

20. Do you reward, recognize and promote only on the basis of merit?




1) A = ALWAYS – 4 MARKS 2) B = OFTEN – 3 MARKS 3) C= RARELY = 2 MARKS 4) D = NEVER – 1 MARK

Add your scores and refer to the ANALYSIS below

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A. 60 – 80 You’re a good motivator goes ahead in your standard.

B. 41-59 You need to improve in certain areas

C. 20-40 Your motivating skill is weak you need to work from basics.




Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of

time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity.

Duration: 30Minutes

Read the following questions and mark your score a, b, c, d accordingly

1. Do you come prepared and arrive on time for any meeting?

2. Can you ensure that a clock is visible in the meeting room?

3. Do you finish the meetings organized by you on time?

4. Do you skim – read any relevant articles in newspaper and magazines?

5. Are you able to complete tasks without interruptions and magazines?

6. Do you reserve fixed hours for visits from colleagues?

7. Do you tell telephone callers that you return their calls, and do you follow this carefully?

8. Can you decide how many times you can be interrupted in a day?

9. Do you close your office door when you plan to think strategically?

10. Do you restrict the duration of your telephone calls?

11. Do you decide the number of telephone calls you can deal with in a day?

12. Do you keep the contents of the tray to manageable size?

13. Are you able to achieve the balance between thinking time and action time?

14Do you clear your table of all paperwork?

15. Do you follow up on the work you have delegated?

16. Do you have the habit of preparing the list of things to do each day?

17. Do you keep work to a fixed number of hours daily?

18. Do you concentrate on the positive contributions of your colleagues?

19. Do you store email messages so that you can read them later on?

20.Do you make sure that you know about the latest information technology?




1) A = ALWAYS – 4 MARKS 2) B = OFTEN – 3 MARKS 3) C= RARELY = 2 MARKS 4) D = NEVER – 1 MARK

Add your scores and refer to the ANALYSIS below

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A. 60 – 80 You know how to use your time effectively keep going..

B. 41-59 Your Time Management skill is reasonable but you need to improve

in certain areas

C. 20-40 You should learn to use your time effectively.



Duration: 30Minutes

Read the following questions and mark your score a, b, c, d accordingly

1. Do you appreciate your team members when they deserve appreciation and criticize them if necessary?

2. Do you encourage team members to set themselves certain tasks?

3. Are you social with team members to build team spirit?

4. Do you give the team definite goals and speak to them clearly about the goals?

5. Do you try to show the members of your team that you completely trust them?

6. Do you elicit the views of the members about current working methods?

7. Do you deliberately change style of management to suit different situations?

8. Do you explain the team members why you reject their ideas on specific problem solving?

9. Do you allow your team members to have a say in any decision making?

10. Do you encourage the members of the team well in advance?

11. Do you plan the meetings of the team well in advance?

12. Do you pass on all items of information except confidential matters to the members of your team?

13. Do you conduct brainstorming sessions to generate new ideas within your team?

14. Do you treat problem solving a method of improvement?

15. Do you communicate with team members through all available means?

16. Do you encourage innovative thinking of team members?

17. Do you have periodical checks on team spirit and individual moral levels?

18. Do you try to inspire your team members by leading them firmly from the front?

19. Do you deal with personal problems within the team as and when they crop up?

20. Are you tough on problems, but not on the individual members?




1) A = ALWAYS – 4 MARKS 2) B = OFTEN – 3 MARKS 3) C= RARELY = 2 MARKS 4) D = NEVER – 1 MARK

Add your scores and refer to the ANALYSIS below

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A. 60 – 80 You are an excellent team leader but you should not be complacent.

B. 41-59 To some extend your leadership traits are good but still can improve

on some areas

C. 20-40 You lack in leadership qualities. Try to find out ways to redesign your

style of management.




Change management is the process, tools and techniques to manage the people-side of change to

achieve the required business outcome.

Change management incorporates the organizational tools that can be utilized to help individuals

make successful personal transitions resulting in the adoption and realization of change.

Duration: 30Minutes

Read the following questions and mark your score a, b, c, d accordingly

1. Do you take any competitive, technological and market changes very seriously?

2. Do you like to be different and seek result oriented ways of creating difference?

3. Do you make use of the latest useful IT developments?

4. Do you take an open minded approach towards new concepts and possibilities?

5. Do you use sudden changes early in the change programme?

6. Do you keep your philosophy of change simple and concise?

7. Can you make a complete and careful business care for change in projects?

8. Do you develop teams as the fundamental units of change management?

9. Are you careful not to be over- optimistic or over- pessimistic in expectations?

10. Do you make sure everybody knows the answer to “what’s in it for me?”

11. Do you anticipate negative reactions and plan accordingly so that you can deal with such situations?

12. Is your behavior flexible and highly adaptable to changing needs?

13. Do you seize opportunities to reward, celebrate and encourage successful change?

14. Do you have effective and adaptable contingency plans available?

15. Do you use well designed experiments to test your change plans?

16. Do you work closely with like minded people who are serious about change?

17. Do you encourage other members to speak freely about their concerns?

18. Do you tackle resistance to change promptly, fairly and vigorously?

19. Do you review and revise the assumptions that underlie the change plan?

20. Do you use self – appraisal to check on yourself and the organization?



1) A = ALWAYS – 4 MARKS 2) B = OFTEN – 3 MARKS 3) C= RARELY = 2 MARKS 4) D = NEVER – 1 MARK

Add your scores and refer to the ANALYSIS below

1 a b c d

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A. 60 – 80 Your skills as change maker is good and remember you should plan

well in advance to be more successful.

B. 41-59 To some extend your change maker traits are good but still can

Improve.on some areas

C. 20-40 You lack in leadership qualities. Try to find out ways to redesign your

style of management.



1. Do you try to do as much as possible in the least amount of time?

4 3 2 1

2. Do you become impatient with delays or interruptions?

4 3 2 1

3. Do you always have to win at games to enjoy yourself?

4 3 2 1

4. Do you find yourself speeding up the car to beat the red light?

4 3 2 1

5. Are you unlikely to ask for or indicate you need help with a problem?

4 3 2 1

6. Do you constantly seek the respect and admiration of others?

4 3 2 1

7. Are you overtly critical of the ways others choose to do their work?

4 3 2 1

8. Do you have the habit of looking at watch often?

4 3 2 1

9. Do you constantly strive to better your position and achievements?

4 3 2 1

10. Do you speed yourself too thin in terms of time?

4 3 2 1


11. Do you have the habit of doing more than one thing at a time?

4 3 2 1

12. Do you frequently get angry?

4 3 2 1

13. Do you have little time for hobbies or time by yourself?

4 3 2 1

14. Do you have a tendency to talk quickly or hasten conversations?

4 3 2 1

15. Do you consider yourself hard driving?

4 3 2 1

16. Do your Friends consider you hard driving?

4 3 2 1

17. Do you have tendency to get involved in multiple projects?

4 3 2 1

18. Do you have lots of deadlines in your work?

4 3 2 1

19. Do you feel vaguely guilty if you relax and do nothing during your leisure time?

4 3 2 1

20. Do you take on too many responsibilities?

4 3 2 1


20-30 = Stress life lacks encouragement. 31- 50 = Good to handle stress under control

51-60=Marginal stress level 61-80 = Stress prone


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