prove you’re a critical thinker during your next job interview

Post on 17-Feb-2017






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3 Ways To Prove You’re A Critical Thinker During Your Next Job

InterviewTalent Tips

By Angie Kilgore, Senior Recruiter

According to the Wall Street Journal, employers are

increasingly frustrated by a lack of “critical thinking” skills

amongst young hires.

The Trouble With Defining Critical ThinkingLike any buzzword, the actual definition of “critical thinking,” often gets lost in the shuffle. Worse, it can often mean different things to different people. Often, job candidates find that companies aren’t truly able to articulate what they are looking for. They simply “know it when they see it.”

Here are three tips to

help you prove your

critical thinking skills during your

next interview

Focus on comprehension,

not memorization

Tip #1

Research the company before the interview and come prepared some blurbs about what they do and how you might fit in.

HOWEVER, be able to adapt on the fly and abandon your prepared remarks, or ask questions when necessary.

This shows the interviewer that you are capable of more than memorizing a mission statement on the company website.

Comprehension, NOT Memorization

Be a problem solver

Tip #2

When interviews ask you about how you’ve dealt with a problem in the past, it’s so they can understand how you solve problems, not about the actual problem itself.

Practice talking about specific challenges you’ve faced at work and how you have used careful planning and strategy to overcome them.

You don’t have to be overdramatic or throw old coworkers under the bus, you just need to show that you have experience identifying problems and working to fix them.

Be A Problem Solver

Don’t be afraid to share ideas!

Tip #3

Most likely, you won’t walk into a job interview with a 30-day plan for doubling revenue.

Still, if you find your brain buzzing with exciting ideas during your interview, it’s not a bad idea to share a few of them (in a tactful way of course).

This shows your enthusiasm for the position and the company!

Don’t Be Afraid To Share Ideas!

And Finally, Just Remember…Employers are looking for the spark – the signal that tells them you are the type of employee who digests new information quickly and uses it to inform your thinking. While, you probably won’t have the idea of the century during your job interview, you can show your interviewer that you’re a problem solver and are capable of generating new ideas.

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Angie Kilgore helps entrepreneurial-minded companies and organizations identify, attract and retain the right talent to help them grow. Angie joined JumpStart in March 2014, and she’s lending the extra hand in the hiring hunt for top talent. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Youngstown State University.

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