protect yourself on the internet and avoid data breach leakage and online virus attack

Post on 12-Feb-2017






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How To Remove Security Loopholes To Protect Yourself On The Internet And Avoid

Data Breach/Leakage And Online Virus Attack?

Online virus protection software promises and ensures its user to use internet services

with minimum cybercrime threat! This is a blog site wherein one can gather useful

information and research regarding the bestselling antivirus software currently in the

market. Online virus protection blog site is a suitable platform to discuss and find out

the top selling antivirus software on the web these days. It also provides useful

information regarding such software, to the user! To gather more information

regarding this topic, one can log on to

One of the toughest challenges faced by most organizations today is data breach

protection ( Virtually all the local area

networks are exposed to vulnerability as they are now connected to the internet.

The internet despite being such a great boon to the commerce and trade continues

to be a security threat too.

Every organization today is required to have stringent protocols to protect data

leakage ( They are required to invest in

the right tools and hardware to remove the security loopholes to protect themselves

on the internet and avoid data breach, leakage and online virus attack.

Any and all efforts on data loss prevention - should inevitably start with guarding your

network by setting up powerful firewalls. It is not enough to rely on the firewalls that

come in built with your operating system. You will need to invest on additional

firewalls. Today you can find both hardware and software options for firewalls.

Installing powerful firewalls will give you basic peace of mind but it will not be a

comprehensive solution that will keep you totally protected from the hackers and

computer viruses.

Once you have ensured basic breach of data protection - with firewall installation, you should start

focusing on advanced steps on how to seal the security loopholes. One of the

popular approaches here is to hire an ethical hacking company whereby you give

the company permission to hack your network as a way of testing how strong is your

security system. Professional ethical hacking companies will help you find the

loopholes present in your system and in your network. They will also give you their

professional guidance on how to fix the loopholes. They will not only tell you how you

can protect your computer from viruses -

but they will also help you protect your network from the hackers.

Thirdly, you need to monitor your network regularly. Your local area network should

be monitored 24x7. If there are any unusual activities in your network that should

raise suspicions then you need to immediately tighten the security protocols. Before

you learn how to protect computer from virus - you should know how to identify

suspicious network activities so that before they takeover your system you could

control the menace from spreading.

If you have installed a reliable firewall and a good antivirus program then you will

save yourself a lot of headache. Your antivirus program will fix the computer viruses

as part of the regular cleaning process. Ensure that your antivirus is all the time fully

updated so that they have access to the latest virus definitions so that you do not

have to be concerned about how to fix computer virus - each time you are affected. Your

antivirus program will take care of virus infection and it will remove the viruses on the


As part of your security measure, you need to run complete system scan. This could

be scheduled and can be handled auto scan mode. You should also have regular

password change protocol. Regularly change the passwords wherever possible.

Leaving the passwords unchanged for longer durations will make things easier for

the hackers. You will therefore need to change the passwords once in a month.

Create good email practices for your organization and spread these healthy

practices across the organization. Even if one of your employees should be ignorant

about the safe internet practices and healthy network then your entire network is

made vulnerable. All the other efforts you have taken to protect your computer

network will be nullified by the ill-informed stakeholders. As you can see it is not just

the equipment and software that will help you prevent the loopholes but it is equally

important that the people who use the system is also equally responsible and

educated about the best security practices so that they do not make the system


Guarding your computer network is an ongoing challenge. You will need to draw

elaborate security protocols and ensure that they are followed to the last detail.

There is no room for mistakes or oversights here because the hackers are all the time

looking for such oversights to intrude into your system.

Online virus protection software promises and ensures its user to use internet services

with minimum cybercrime threat! This is a blog site wherein one can gather useful

information and research regarding the bestselling antivirus software currently in the

market. Online virus protection blog site is a suitable platform to discuss and find out

the top selling antivirus software on the web these days. It also provides useful

information regarding such software, to the user! To gather more information

regarding this topic, one can log on to

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