proposal 2 for model villages

Post on 02-Apr-2015






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Model Village Development in Harmony with Nature


Project Proposal for Model Villages:

1. Title of Project: Carbon Sequestration/ Food Security & Sustainable Development.

2. Finance by: Establishment of Model Villages at District Level (ZTBL).

3. Duration: 3 years 1st December 2009, 1st December 2012.

4. Commencement: 1st December 2009.

5. Implementing Sardar Taimur Hyat-Khan, Khidmat Foundation,Agency: Pakistan and AJ&K.

6. BACKGROUND: The Khidmat Foundation is Registered (Registration No. DSW (Pb) 98-1819) under the Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance 1961 (XLVI of 1961) as a National, Adaptive & Applied, Research & Development NGO concerned with Appropriate Technology for Rural Development. The NGO has been active since the early 1990’s and has carried out research in rural locations from Northern Sindh; Punjab; Haripur, Abbottabad, Mansehra and Kohat Districts of NWFP and Muzaffarabad District of AJ&K. Highly qualified technical experts in related fields as well as skilled and experienced technical workers are available. A permanent Research and Dissemination Station has been established in Nankana District, Punjab since 1992. The NGO has gathered much appropriate technology that has been tried and tested in the field over the last decade. It is the aim of the Khidmat Foundation to make available and demonstrate viable, low-cost alternate and appropriate technology for environment protection; poverty alleviation; nutrition enhancement; female enablement and rural uplift.


A. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION:i. Atmospheric Pollution: Carbon Dioxide (CO2); Nitrous Oxide (N2O) and Methane (CH4) are the principal, natural greenhouse gasses contributing to Global Warming. Without these gasses the World would be too cold to support human life. However, too much of these gasses are contributing to overheating and resultant disturbance of the Earth’s climate. This is due to the fact that humans are responsible for increased production of these as well as Industrial Gasses that combine to overload the atmosphere. Nitrous oxide is emitted through the use of nitrogen fertilizers, from burning fossil fuels, and from some industrial and waste management processes. Methane is a powerful Greenhouse gas and is produced both naturally and as a result of human/ animal activity. In pre-industrial times its concentration was 750 parts per billion (ppb) and is currently around 1750 ppb.1 The main human-made sources arise from losses occurring during oil, coal and gas extraction, from ruminant livestock and waste treatment, from landfill sites, rice cultivation and biomass burning. Appended below is a graphic


illustration of total greenhouse gasses emissions and their breakup by category. Some of the divisions overlap each other. Carbon dioxide is the most significant whereas Methane and Nitrous Oxide follow. The question is what we can do to reduce these emissions? Obviously the developed world contributes the most in production of these gasses. However, every bit of reduction that we can bring about will lead to heightened responsibility on our part and contribution to the greater good. Secondly, there are many other associated benefits that can and will accrue as a result of our efforts and these will be elaborated in due course.


ii. Surface Pollution: Solid & Liquid Waste is grossly polluting the environment. This is causing increasing incidence of diseases, proliferation of disease vectors and indirectly contributing to decreased economic activity due to degradation of environment. Invisible costs in terms of loss of man-hours and increased pressure upon medical facilities are of great concern.iii. Water Pollution: Infiltration of excessive liquid waste into the sub-surface aquifers is reaching an alarming level. The natural filtering properties of the soil are overloaded and as a result bacterial coliform and nitrate pollution of sub soil water reserves is proceeding apace. The practice of using un-remediated liquid affluent to irrigate vegetable crops in periurban areas is also contributing to this as well as transferring harmful elements to the very food that we eat.

The next factor that needs examining is the carbon footprint or amount of Carbon dioxide or its equivalent in the shape of other Greenhouse gasses that we emit as individuals, families, communities and Nations. Carbon footprint is a measure of the impact our activities have on the environment, and in particular climate change. It relates to the amount of greenhouse gases produced in our day-to-day lives. The carbon footprint

2 World Resources Institute: Navigating the Numbers: Greenhouse Gas Data and International Climate Policy, 2005

is a measurement of all greenhouse gases we individually produce and has units of tonnes (or kgs.) of carbon dioxide equivalent.3 B. REMEDIATION MEASURES: i. Organic Matter: Organics are high-energy-level compounds that have arisen due to energy input (usually from the sun) to low-energy-level inorganic elements and or compounds. Thus low-energy-level inorganic materials arise to constitute the parts of high-energy-level organic compounds and entities of progressively higher life forms that, in turn are subject to reversion to low-energy-level inorganic materials on decomposition and/ or death4. We need to be concerned about the safety of the introduction by humans of man-made materials into the environment. In case they are not safe then safer materials need to be developed and unsafe materials need to be banned immediately or whenever such safe materials are available. Organic matter in the soil acts as a biological buffer ensuring that a balanced supply of nutrients is available to the plant roots. Soils that are poor in organic matter loose this buffering capacity and their fertilizer efficiency will decrease in N & P Fertilizers.BENEFITS: Serves as the principal storehouse for anions such as nitrates, sulfates, borates,

molybdates and chlorides that are essential for plant growth. Increases CEC (Cation Exchange Capacity) of soil by a factor of 5 to 10 times that of

clay. Acts as a buffer against rapid changes caused by acidity; alkalinity; salinity;

pesticides and toxic heavy metals. Supplies food for beneficial soil organisms like earthworms, symbiotic Nitrogen

fixing bacteria and mycorrihize (beneficial fungus). Serves as recycling sink for organic waste and green manures (animal manure, crop

residues, household refuse and leguminous plants collected within and outside the farm) and thus keeps environment clean and hygienic.

Softens the soil by introducing fibrous matter. Increases soil water retention capacity. Makes plants more resistant to pests and disease through improved nutrient

availability and uptake, resulting in healthier plants with strong immune systems. Prevents soil acidification.

In short organic matter greatly enhances nutrient availability, improves the biological functioning of the soil and the efficiency of chemical fertilizers (with increased efficiency less is required, thus reducing input costs).

Organic residues added to soils are an important source of food for plants, friendly insects and microbes. They do not decompose as a whole. Their chemical constituents are decomposed separately from each other to form Humus.

Acidification is a process in which the H+ concentration of a soil system increases, resulting in a decrease in the observed pH. Intensive cropping, high-yielding varieties and market production increases the demand for soil nutrients. Organic fertilizers and green manures cannot meet this demand because recycling organic wastes is only possible to a limited extent and green manures often compete with crop production.

3 An estimate of a poor rural Household GHG emission is about 2 tons CO2 Equivalent per annum.4 Environment Systems Engineering, Linvil G. Rich. Mcgraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-052250-2

Only organic matter inculcation or introduction of beneficial microorganisms will not suffice. Firstly the judicious use of safe and stable agro-chemicals should be adopted. Stringent controls and careful monitoring is required. Secondly, only those agro-chemicals be sold that are manufactured locally through joint ventures with technology holding Corporations. Secondly, monoculture should be discouraged and crop rotation should be adopted. Better understanding of soil mechanics should be used for mechanized soil management and reduced tillage and even no till should be encouraged, with increased organic matter in the soil. Soil conservation measures and good cultural practices should be encouraged. Conservation Irrigation like low cost drip; sprinkle and sub-soil irrigation should be used. Greater understanding of the plants needs should be promoted and nutrient mapping and flows should be monitored. Use of safe and natural rooting and fruiting hormones should be encouraged to change the genetic expression of the plant and strengthen its immune system. Certified and viable seed must be ensured with strict penalties for mal-practices. Crop insurance should be introduced with increase in skills. Vocational training in Horticultural practices; soil conservation and environment protection along with technical knowledge and skills should be imparted widely. Short term crop financing should be carried out through Community Based Organizations especially for Growing For Export. Produce processing, storage, preservation and addition in value should be given primary importance. ii. Compost: Compost is a soil amendment made from a variety of organic materials, which have fermented or decomposed in a compost pile. The reason for making a compost pile is to make good use of all garbage, manures, vegetable waste and ashes, returning them to the soil to enrich it, and to help plants grow better.

Overall, Environment Protection Agency (EPA) of the USA estimates that centralized composting of organics results in net Greenhouse Gas storage of 0.05 Metric Ton Carbon Equivalent (MTCE)/ wet ton of organic inputs composted and applied to agricultural soil. This leaves the question of methane emission from composting under anaerobic (in the absence of air) conditions. This is best stated from the website of the EPA. “The researchers EPA contacted stated that well-managed compost operations usually do not generate CH4 because they typically maintain an alternating aerobic/ anaerobic environment with proper moisture content to encourage aerobic and anaerobic decomposition of the materials. The researchers also noted that even if CH4 is generated in anaerobic pockets in the center of the compost pile, the CH4 is most likely oxidized when it reaches the oxygen-rich surface of the pile, where it is converted to CO2. Several of the researchers commented that anaerobic pockets are most apt to develop when too much water is added to the compost pile. They noted that this problem rarely occurs because compost piles are much more likely to be watered too little rather than too much. EPA concluded from the available information that CH4 generation from centralized compost piles is essentially zero.”5 “(1) Many soils have been depleted in organic matter through cultivation and other practices. Adding compost can raise soil carbon levels by increasing organic matter inputs. Soils degraded by intensive crop production and other activities lose organic matter when decomposition rates and removals of carbon in harvests exceed the rate of

5 Solid Waste Management and Greenhouse Gases: A Life-Cycle Assessment of Emissions and Sinks.

new inputs of organic materials. Adding compost shifts the balance so that soil organic carbon levels are restored to higher levels. Some of the compost carbon is retained by the system. (2) Nitrogen in compost can stimulate higher productivity, thus generating more crop residues. This “fertilization effect” would increase soil carbon due to the larger volume of crop residues, which serve as organic matter inputs. (3) The composting process leads to increased formation of stable carbon compounds (e.g., humic substances, aggregates) that then can be stored in the soil for long (>50 years) periods of time. Humic substances make up 60–80 percent of soil organic matter and are made up of complex compounds that render them resistant to microbial attack.6 In addition to humic substances, soil organic carbon may be held in aggregates (i.e., stable organo-mineral complexes in which carbon is bonded with clay colloids and metallic elements) and protected against microbial attack.7 (4) The application of compost produces a multiplier effect by qualitatively changing the dynamics of the carbon cycling system and increasing the retention of carbon from non-compost sources. Some studies of other compost feed-stocks (e.g., farmyard manure, legumes) have indicated that the addition of organic matter to soil plots can increase the potential for storage of soil organic carbon. The carbon increase apparently comes not only from the organic matter directly, but also from retention of a higher proportion of carbon from residues of crops grown on the soil. This multiplier effect could enable compost to increase carbon storage by more than its own direct contribution to carbon mass accumulation.”8

“EPA assumes 2.1 tons of yard trimmings are required to generate 1 ton of composted yard trimmings. Thus, to convert MTCE per wet ton yard trimmings to MTCE per wet ton of compost, multiply by 2.1. To convert to MTCE per dry ton compost, multiply values by 4.2 (assuming 50 percent moisture content).

Addressing the possible GHG emission reductions and other environmental benefits achievable by applying compost instead of chemical fertilizers, fungicides, and pesticides was beyond the scope of this report. Manufacturing those agricultural products requires energy. To the extent that compost may replace or reduce the need for these substances, composting may result in reduced energy-related GHG emissions. Although EPA understands that compost is generally applied for its soil amendment properties rather than for pest control, compost has been effective in reducing the need for harmful or toxic pesticides and fungicides.9

In addition to the carbon storage benefits of adding compost to agricultural soils, composting can lead to improved soil quality, improved productivity, and cost savings. As discussed earlier, nutrients in compost tend to foster soil fertility.10 In fact, composts have been used to establish plant growth on land previously unable to support vegetation. In addition to these biological improvements, compost also may lead to cost savings associated with avoided waste disposal, particularly for feed-stocks such as sewage sludge and animal manure.”

6 N. Brady and R. Weil. 1999. The Nature and Properties of Soils (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall). 7 R. Lal et al. 1998. The Potential of U.S. Cropland to Sequester Carbon and Mitigate the Greenhouse Effect (Ann Arbor, MI:

Sleeping Bear Press, Inc). 8 Solid Waste Management and Greenhouse Gases: A Life-Cycle Assessment of Emissions and Sinks, Chapter 4 “Composting.”9 For example, the use of compost may reduce or eliminate the need for soil fumigation with methyl bromide (an ozone-depleting

substance) to kill plant pests and pathogens. 10 N. Brady and R. Weil. 1999.

“Animal waste stored outdoors to decompose can emit unpleasant odors, harmful air pollutants and greenhouse gases. The air pollutants emitted from manure include ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and particulate matter, many of which can cause health problems in humans11. Besides polluting the air, ammonia emissions from manure can contaminate ground water and lead to eutrophication of the soil.12

Manure also emits methane and nitrous oxide, two potent greenhouse gases.13 Using standards developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), methane has 21 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide has 310 times the warming potential of carbon dioxide over a 100 year timespan.”14

“Tillage of the soil over the decades released more carbon than was added by crop residue and thereby reduced soil organic matter.  However, equilibrium has been reached in most soils where the amount of carbon sequestration approximately equals the amount of carbon released. In individual situations, however, excessive tillage continues to release carbon and no-till practices sequester carbon.

No-till farming practices provide a great potential for the future sequestration of atmospheric carbon and building soil organic matter while also minimizing soil erosion and reducing production costs.  Carbon sequestration programs created by organizations such as the Iowa Farm Bureau provide the opportunity for farmers to transform the sequestered carbon into “carbon credits” that can be sold.15  These programs provide a way for farmers to generate revenue while also reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.”16

Similarly, Pakistan can adopt such practices to provide incentives to farmers, especially the poor, to adopt environment friendly regimes in their day to day life and lead onto reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

BIOAUGMENTATION:The addition of non-toxic and non-pathogenic microorganisms, species of live

bacteria suspended in a liquid medium that is non-offensive to humans, animals, plants and all types of aquaculture. Bioaugmentation is used for the treatment of industrial, agricultural and residential, organically contaminated waste.

Organisms that are already found in the environment yet are sometimes insufficient in population to fully process the contaminants in waste. The bacteria produce the necessary enzymes to successfully and safely breakdown organic contaminants typically found in waste. Essentially Bioaugmentation turbo-charges nature and allows it to process and recycle waste at higher levels and safely discharges to the environment. Controls different odors typical of polluted waste by reducing the concentration of hydrogen sulfide, which is poisonous gas associated with untreated waste in dumps,

11 National Research Council 2003 Ad hoc committee on air emissions from animal feeding, O Air Emissions from Animal Feeding Operations: Current Knowledge, Future Needs vol xxi (Washington, DC: National Academies Press) p 263

12 Doorn M R J, Natschke D F and Meeuwissen P C 2002 Review of Emission Factors and Methodologies to Estimate Ammonia Emissions from Animal Waste Handling US Environmental Protection Agency.

13 The US Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks,2006.14 Cow power: the energy and emissions benefits of converting manure to biogas Amanda D Cuéllar et al 2008. 15 AgDM Newsletter, Aug. 200716

Climate Change - Agriculture's Impact on Greenhouse Gas Emissions. AgMRC Renewable Energy NewsletterAugust 2008

lagoons and septic tanks. When added to a contaminated area, the bacteria immediately revive themselves and begin to feed, reproduce and attack that organic waste in the water. Bioaugmentation is effective in treatment of phenolic wastes with large concentrations of oils and fats and extremely offensive odors. One specialized function is to reduce Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), which cause the odors to emanate from waste treatment systems, open air dumps, septic tanks, lagoons and pits. Breaks down solids including fecal material, fats and proteins and treats phenolic waters, sewage, biodegradable hydrogen sulfide and other contaminants. Hydrogen sulfide is the most common indication of contamination, producing harsh odors. Because Bioaugmentation is so easy to use, it is an ideal application in Countries that do not have unlimited resources available to treat their waste. Since live bacterium, grows very quickly and can therefore be used in small quantities. Requirements for successful treatment are also minimal and include a tank or lagoon system to provide minimal retention time (min 3 hours), adequate pH between 4 & 9, and adequate temperature level of between 5oC and 40oC. Also provides huge savings in their waste processing by reducing the production of sludge, which is very costly to handle and dispose. Another extremely interesting use is Aquaculture

Bioaugmentation assists in efficiency of covered dumps, lagoons, septic tanks, grease traps, activated sludge systems and other treatment facilities. It also significantly reduces contamination so as to minimize expensive cleaning and pumping procedures, and reduce weekly costs significantly. One organism will reproduce into over 16 million organisms in a 24-hour period and is ideal for application in almost all waste coming from all sources and industries, so long as the waste is principally organic in its content. Over 99% of all wastewater is suitable for treatment

Biological treatment is the most economical of waste treatments available today. Most of the world’s public water has become undrinkable due to sewage infiltration into groundwater, and unless something is done now to restore the environment and curb pollution, the future will be very challenged in terms of meeting the world’s water demands.

Bacteria multiply faster in warmer waters, so application in tropical and sub tropical climates are ideal. The adequate temperature range will be 5oC to 40oC. If the temperature limit of 40oC is exceeded, say 45oC, some bacteria will die in the short term, but will be regenerated very quickly It is a perfect water treatment product in a lagoon system, which has a high retention time. Odors and insects will be either reduced drastically or eliminated in the treated area.

Most applications consist of a primary, secondary and tertiary treatment. The primary treatment being mostly physical like filtration, settling, etc. The secondary is typically a biological treatment to organics. The tertiary treatment is a final, polishing and clarification treatment. This treatment is usually good in most applications for discharge to surface waters.

In biological systems, the dynamics are biochemical as opposed to chemical, and the active agents are living entities. Where one would have to increase the quantity of chemical proportionally to deal with a higher load of reactant, in a biological system the biological additive can grow to help compensate for increased loadings. While small increases in dosage may be required with increased loading, proportional increases are not required. The organisms grow in response to higher loads, so that the benefit is

multiplied which makes biological additives much more cost effective than chemical additives. It also makes for dosage programs that do not seem to properly compensate for loading changes; bioaugmentation has in inherent ability to adjust to loading changes. The septic system is a biological process. Like any living thing, it has certain nutritional requirements to function properly and functions best in a suitable environment. There is a scientific basis for many of the additives, although some require vigilant monitoring and addition. However, the best first step in optimizing the performance of a septic system is to have a complete ecosystem of the organisms required for the most complete breakdown of the waste. Only a few products on the market do this.

When there are more substrates at the top of the tank for the bacteria to concentrate on degrading, then there will be more outflows of bacteria as well. Therefore, maintenance dosage in this case is definitely required. The ideal retention time for Bioaugmentation is 7 days minimum, and depending on the nature and quantity of substrates.

Successful bioaugmentation requires total system management. If the microbiological population can be viewed as a workforce, then the consultant or system manager is responsible for keeping the workforce productive.

The system manager must provide an acceptable work environment by controlling the key system managers such as pH, temperature and oxygen levels. He must compensate them with nutrients to ensure good growth and a healthy population. He has to know when to lay off workers through wasting to keep the population young and vital. Finally, the successful system manager knows when to hire new workers to provide special skills not found in his workforce. Bioaugmentation is the mechanism to provide these skills workers.

A critical part of the success of a bioaugmentation program is proper application. Because every system is unique, it is essential that products are properly applied. Bioaugmentation programs should be implemented with the help of qualified consultants capable of surveying the total system, assessing the best solution to the problem, and documenting the impact of the program. Simply dumping a product into the influent is not bioaugmentation.MAKING COMPOST:

Compost is made by harnessing the natural decomposition process carried out by certain species of microorganisms. These microorganisms, primarily bacteria and fungi, live in intimate association with their food supply—on the surface of dead plants, in soil, or on or in animal waste. By breaking down these materials with their digestive enzymes, the tiny creatures release and absorb the nutrients within. For home gardeners, making compost is simply a matter of collecting food for microorganisms in one place and letting them go to work.

A broad range of organic matter, including manure from plant-eating animals, grass clippings, and dead leaves or garden plants, provides a veritable feast for microorganisms. For optimal decomposition, the combined starting materials should have an appropriate carbon to nitrogen ratio, preferably 30 parts carbon to 1 part nitrogen. Leaves, straw, and paper, called brown materials, have a high carbon to nitrogen ratio, about 300 to 1, while grass clippings, kitchen scraps, and manure, called green materials, have a low carbon to nitrogen ratio, about 15 to 1. For the best mix, green materials should be added in abundance; brown materials should be used more sparingly. Materials

that should not be used to make compost include manure from meat-eating animals, because it may contain disease-causing organisms that can harm humans who eat plants grown in the compost. Meat should be avoided since it may attract rodents. Fatty foods such as cheese also should not be added to the compost pile, as they are hard for most microorganisms to digest.MANAGING COMPOST:

 A variety of techniques may be used to increase the rate of compost decomposition. One technique is to cut the starting materials into 10- to 15-cm (4- to 6-in) pieces to increase the surface area on which the microorganisms act. Increased surface area accelerates decomposition; much like a large ice chunk melts faster if broken up into small pieces. The microorganisms in the compost pile also thrive when oxygen and moisture are present. Fluffing the compost pile every week or so with a pitchfork or other tool introduces oxygen into the pile, and sprinkling water on the pile when it dries out provides the necessary moisture.

In a well-managed compost pile, the microorganisms eat and reproduce rapidly, and heat is released as a byproduct of their intense biochemical activity. The heat in the pile kills most plant diseases and weed seeds that may have been present on the starting materials. The increased heat may also kill the microorganisms doing the decomposing as well, especially those at the center of the pile where temperatures may climb to 90° C (200° F). Mixing the materials well about once a week prevents lethal temperature increases by distributing the heat evenly throughout the pile.

The time it takes microorganisms to decompose the starting materials in compost varies. Factors include the size of the pile, the techniques used to manage the pile, and the nature of the starting materials—green materials decompose readily, while brown materials take longer to break down. In an actively managed compost pile, microorganisms use up their food supply and become less active after about six weeks. Then the pile slowly cools, signaling the near-final stages of decomposition. If the materials in a compost pile are relatively large, if the pile is not kept moist, and if oxygen is not introduced, microorganism activity is slow and the pile does not heat up. Depending upon the climate, it may take months for decomposition to occur. 

No matter how long decomposition takes, when in its final stage, the compost pile is about half its original size and resembles dark soil. The material in the pile is now called humus—although the terms humus and compost sometimes are used interchangeably. Humus is the highly beneficial material that is added to the garden soil. Once in or on the soil, it continues to decompose at a very slow rate, releasing ammonia, carbon dioxide, and salts of calcium, phosphorus, and other elements that are beneficial for plant growth.

Humus can be added to the soil at any time of year. It can be worked into the soil, where its benefits take effect most rapidly, or it can be left on the soil surface. Humus can be used year after year, and there is never danger of adding too much, since this remarkable substance only enhances soil and encourages plants to thrive.

Humification:Second only to clay in importance as a soil constituent is organic matter, which

contributes significantly to soil absorbing capacity. Roots die continuously, vegetation and crop residues fall on the soil surface and decay, and the organic leaching products enter the soil. Part of these residues is mixed with soil by organisms living in the soil or by tillage operations; some algae produce organic matter that also is added to soil. All

these residues are transformed by microorganisms into a mixture of organic substances called humus. Two kinds of humus may be distinguished: (1) Mild humus is dark in color, well saturated with bases, especially calcium, rich in

humic acids (of high molecular weight), and serves to stabilize clay; (2) Raw humus is more red in color, less basic, rich in fulvic acids (of low molecular

weight), and favors dispersion of clay. Soil also contains organic matter that has not yet been humified.    

There are five conditions for composting. These are: Mixture of Plant and Animal Material: The animal material supplies the  Nitrogen, which is needed by bacteria. The Carbon component is supplied mostly from plant residue. The Carbon: Nitrogen ratio should be 20:1 for satisfactory decomposition. This balance can be struck by a rule of thumb of 1:30 ratio between manure to other organic materials. Size of Material: The smaller the particles the faster the decomposition process as it yields greater surface area for bacteria. This is achieved by chopping and shredding. Aerobic/ Anaerobic: This means in the presence of Oxygen and in its absence. Anaerobic decomposition kills pathogens; Insect eggs and seeds. It prevents creation of odor. Open air composting is quite the opposite. Water: The decomposing materials should be wet like a sponge yet not dripping. This is achieved by 50 % of the solid volume being supplied as water. Temperature: At first the temperature of the material should rise to 55-60 C, within a few days and then subsequently drop. This process results from correct mixing and is used as an indicator.

The following material can be used for compost. Grass other clippings. Vegetable; Fruit; Kitchen waste. Paper. Raw Sewage. Animal Manure/ Urine. Municipal wastes (no plastic; metal; rags or glass). Fine silt. Ashes. Dolomite. Crushed Limestone. Compost activator Herbs (Comfrey; Yarrow).  Bacteria.

All are recommended in order to produce high quality humus in the shortest period of time and occupy least amount of space.

ii. Sewage Treatment: "Water in the environment is like blood in the body: and ours is sick. The arteries and veins of our countryside, its rivers and wetlands, are suffering from the equivalent of low blood pressure and blood poisoning. The condition has developed over many years and treatment is now urgent." 17

17 Sir David Attenborough.

A small community of 1,000 people can produce 25,000 gallons of wastewater per day. This is equivalent to 1 acre-inch of sewage effluent per day.

.IntroductionThe use of wetlands to treat effluent is not a new idea. Thousands of years ago,

natural wetlands were used by the Chinese and by the Egyptians to clarify liquid effluent. However, the first “constructed” wetland was not used until 1904 (in Australia). Even after that the use of such wetlands was slow to catch on. The first botanical treatment of waste was not reported in Europe until the 1950s; America’s research into the field did not begin until the 1970s. Nevertheless, it is now recognized that constructed wetlands are an economic way of treating liquid effluent (and even raw sewage -Constructed Wetlands reduce concentrations of suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), nitrogen, phosphorus, and coliform bacteria (often by up to 98%). Their simplicity and scalability make them effective for treatment of waste from small communities. If constructed on suitable topography, they require little energy input, which makes them suitable for both under-developed and rural sites. However despite the suitability of climate in developing countries, the spread of wetlands in such areas has been described as "depressingly slow" (P.Denny et al., 'Constructed wetlands in developing countries', Water Sci and Tech. 35 (5) pp167-174 1997).How Constructed Wetlands treat Waste

The treatment of waste by constructed wetlands is achieved by a large number of chemical and biological processes, many of the latter microbially-mediated. –

Performance of New Generation Reed Bed Systems (conc. in mg/l)


Raw Sewage 495 190 215 225 8.5 6.4 42.8

Filter A outflow 92 70 0 18 5.8 5.3 19.6

Final Outflow 58 40 16 12 5.6 5.1 10.1

Removal (%) 87.5 80 92.5 94.5 40 28 76

Performance of Swiss System after 10 years use (Conc in mg/l)

  Total COD BOD5 TP NO3-N NH4-N Min-N

Gray water 311 129.5 8.5 3 89.8 92.6

Sand filter out 31 0 3.1 50.7 1.9 62.2

Final Outfall 26.7 5.4 0.8 12.7 6.3 18.5

Removal (%) 91.4 95.8 90.6 -323.0 93.0 80.0

Constructed wetlands are an effective, environmentally friendly means of treating waste (liquid and solid).

Wetlands are effective at reducing loads of BOD/COD, nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended solids. Reduction can be up by 98%.

Constructed wetlands require little maintenance, and remain effective after more than 10 years of use.

Use of constructed wetlands in developing countries can provide real economic benefits by providing biomass and supporting aquaculture.

Botanical bed schemes have proven themselves to be an effective, sustainable, reliable and economical method of treatment. Cost effective and aesthetically pleasing are two good reasons for choosing botanical beds, a third and more important reason is that they are the most environmental friendly form of sewage treatment available at this time.

The annual production of papyrus in tropical conditions can be in excess of 100 tonnes/ ha/ year. The foliage can be sustainably cropped, while the papyrus stems can be used for matting and thatching roofs. Water that has passed through the wetland can be used to irrigate crops and/or introduced to a fishpond. In this final stage, remaining nitrates and phosphates stimulate the growth of phytoplankton - the favorite food of fish.

Thus due to start of operations at the advent of winter and also to ensure maximum operating period for the interventions, two innovative, low-cost and highly effective structures are being introduced. These are an Environment Protected Green/ Shade House Structure built as a Geodesic Dome and rectangular Green/ Shade covers for Botanical Beds.

Botanical/ Reed Beds: Artificial Wetlands; Constructed wetlands or Botanical/ Reed Beds are designed to mimic the sediment and nutrient removal processes occurring in natural wetlands. General design principles are based on holding or slowing the passage of water through the wetland where a range of physical, chemical and biological processes can operate to store, transform or remove various pollutants. These processes can be optimized through the control and manipulation of the hydraulic regime, including retention time. Constructed wetlands are configured into different zones, with each zone performing different functions.Technical Details:

The wetland is divided into three zones: sedimentation, wetlands (botanical bed) and open water zone. The Sedimentation Zone improves water quality by trapping sediments, litter

and contaminants. As flow enters this zone it slows down resulting in sediment deposition. The sediments act as a sink for phosphorus and other pollutants like heavy metals and pesticides. Litter becomes tapped by vegetation located on the edges of this zone.

The Wetland (Botanical Bed) Zone improves water quality by removing nutrients and other pollutants. This zone effectively: Slows the flow of water, thereby increasing sedimentation and contact time

with the water (effluent); Filters pollutants and precipitates them from the water; Transfers oxygen to the root zones thereby preventing a build up of toxins

under saturated conditions; Assimilates, processes and stores nutrients; Supports microbial growth to enhance nutrient transformations.

The Deep Open Water Zone polishes water, allowing time for finer particles to settle and for sunlight to kill pathogens. The littoral vegetation surrounding the open water zone contributes to pollutant removal through the processes described above.

In simple terms, a botanical bed can be seen as a low loaded fixed film filter with in-built sedimentation, a primary tank is required to retain the organic material, the effluent then gravitates or is pumped to the botanical bed, membrane lined and filled with appropriate gravel and stone and planted with appropriate plants. Dimensions, shape and number of beds vary with type of application, flow rate and organic loading, and quality of treated effluent required.

iii. Earthworm Farms:The earthworms required for multiplication are the variety called "Red Wigglers"

(Eisenia foetida). Earthworms will at least double their population every 3 months. First of all their bedding must be kept moist but not soggy at all times as dry bedding will kill them. Earthworms breathe through their sides, and their skin must be moist in order to take in oxygen. Next, ensure that their bins do not become acid; this can revealed by the smell. A healthy worm bed should smell like fresh turned earth, whereas, an acid worm bed will smell very sharp and sour. Turning the bedding in the piles once a week helps to keep it aerated, and also makes it possible to check on the conditions and their population growth. A protected spot out of summer sun and winter wind should be used. Keep the pile moist but not soggy. Too much water can encourage fermenting of

the food waste, especially in the heat, and most especially if you are using an enclosed container.

Make sure there's a constant supply of food. Red Wigglers will stay where there's food and will wander off and die if there's not.

Red worms love corn meal. It also has nutrients that seem to fatten the worms up and make them hard-skinned, something desirable. In addition, corn meal, encourages red worms to reproduce prolifically.

Too much food will kill them as much as too much water, because the food will ferment and make the pile acid, so feed conservatively until you see how much they will eat over time.

If you smell a sharp, acrid smell, stop feeding the worms immediately! Add additional bedding to dilute the food-to-bedding ratio. Turn the contents of the or pile every day for about 2 weeks to let the air help oxidize excess food and to let the ammonia/ alcohol escape.

Recovering from disaster: Once in a while, it happens - you've overfed for way too long, and your entire bin is acid, or, you've forgotten to water for weeks, the and bedding is all dried out, and nearly all the worms have died. Remember that the worms have left many cocoons behind, and after you've corrected the problem, they will hatch, and you can repopulate.

You can expect to harvest your first castings between 1 – 3 months. Harnessing of earthworm will be one of the major factors in the enrichment of the soil as it can produce several times as much as the present average. Thei casts of earthworms contain eight times as many micro-organisms as their feed! And these are the micro-organisms that best favor healthy plant growth. The casts don't contain any disease pathogens -- pathogenic bacteria are reliably killed in the worms' gut. This is one of the great benefits of vermicomposting. Worm casts also contain five times more nitrogen, seven times more phosphorus, and 11 times more potassium than ordinary soil, the main minerals needed for plant growth, but the large numbers of beneficial soil micro-organisms in worm casts

have at least as much to do with it. The casts are also rich in humic acids, which condition the soil, have a perfect pH balance, and contain plant growth factors similar to those found in seaweed. There's nothing better to put in your garden! Worm populations double each month. In ideal conditions they can reproduce much faster than that: 1 lb of worms can increase to 1,000 lbs (one million worms) in a year, but in working conditions 1 lb will produce a surplus of 35 lbs in a year, because hatchlings and capsules (cocoons or eggs) are usually lost when the vermicompost is harvested.

Earthworms take waste products and turn it into a useful product - compost.  Earthworm castings (basically their excretions) are some of the best and environmentally friendly fertilizers you get. Castings consist of 30% humus the end product of compost and are considered to be five times richer than good topsoil. It is a known fact that earthworms neutralize up to 99% of germs in less than 2 hours.

The conditions for food security in the rural areas are not sustainable. Environment and Predator Protection for self-reliant local food security is very much needed as nutrient mining/ leaching and absence of organic material/ biota as well as soil erosion are severely restricting yields and aggravating pest and disease susceptibility. Climate change is bringing greater stress upon production due to increased heat in summers and increased cold in winters. Secondly, torrential rains and hail storms along with frost are causing damage to plants growing in the open. Domestic animals/ poultry and rodents are also detrimental to food production without physical protection. In order to ensure Kitchen Garden Food Self-Sufficiency at the very minimum and provide a basis for safe, more quantity and quality produce the problem needs to be addressed immediately. Plant protection through complete plant nutrition is very much achievable and desirable as introduction of toxic materials in the name of plant protection is extremely detrimental to the food chain.

The conditions of the Barani (Rain-fed) areas are reaching a critical point. With the advent of Climate Change a greater change will have to be introduced in these areas in order to ensure survivability. At present a total of 27,262 hectares out of which 26,930 hectares is unirrigated is being used for growing of groundnut crop on a subsistence basis. Production is 11,042 tons or 765 kgs/ ha that is equivalent to 306 Kgs/ acre

Sustainable development is not possible without sustainable agriculture/ food production. Environmental pollution of soil, water and air; resource depletion and nature degradation as well as socio-economic problems, are seriously impacting the carrying capacity of the land. As such there is an urgent requirement for farming systems to be redesigned and transformed into more sustainable ones. Agriculture is a multifunctional and multiple objective activity which has to supply food in sufficient quantity and quality and the supply itself must be stable, sustainable and accessible. Agriculture must provide employment and generate basic income and profit at farm, regional and national levels; strictly avoid and minimize land degradation and destabilization; pollution of natural resources, protect the great cycles of nature; as well as ensure the overall health and well-being of humans, animals, birds, insects and microbes.

One percent increase in agricultural growth increases employment by 1.5% while farm sector employment rises by 0.6% and that of non-farm sector by 0.9%. A 1% increase in employment reduces poverty by 4.35% while 1% increase in agricultural growth reduces poverty by 6.52%. 18 It has been noted that the aggregate impact of NGOs using their method of intervention is negligible and only a few NGOs in Pakistan are addressing the underlying social inequalities19 or the perceived gap of taking innovative technologies to the doorsteps of the poor.

A quote from an authentic INGO/ Pak Government Area Development Project is very apt to the proposed Project. “A considerable amount of improved technology is already available in Pakistan. However, these production technologies are not quite specific to the socio-economic and agro-ecological

18 Shah (1967).19 Mustapha et al (2001).

conditions of certain production systems. Technologies need to be adjusted or redesigned to make them compatible with the needs and circumstances of the farming community.”20

The report further goes on to state, “Soil erosion and moisture stress are the two major problems in the Barani tract. For these problems the following interventions have been identified:

1. Water Harvesting.2. Watershed Management.3. Supplementary Irrigation.4. Moisture Conservation.5. Biological Erosion Control Measures.21

Further elaborating the report goes on to say: The applied research component of BVDP aims to overcome the production constraints including:

1. Limited water resources.2. Degraded range lands.3. Low yield potential.4. Stressful environment.5. Poor soil fertility.6. Marginal Lands.7. Inadequate and inefficient use of fertilizer and quality seed.22

“Slow transfer/ adoption of agricultural technology are a growing concern among development planners, research managers and policy makers.

The growth so far has been achieved in the Rainfed agriculture is mainly due to enhanced use of traditional inputs (seed and fertilizer) on wheat crop only. Rest of the agriculture activities has remained stagnant and has greater potential for improvements.”23

The importance of agriculture/ horticulture in attaining Food Security and local self-reliance cannot be over emphasized! “Like in South Asia, Poverty in Pakistan is largely a rural phenomena and agriculture has to play a critical role in the fight against poverty in the country. Nearly one quarter of the Nation’s GDP is contributed by agriculture which employs 44% of the work force and 67.5 % of the rural population is directly or indirectly linked to it.”24

“The strategy for poverty alleviation calls for significant increases in crop and livestock productivity through substantial enhancement of output per unit of land, animal and labor.

Improving agricultural production and conservation of natural resources in the project area relies greatly on the availability and adoption of appropriate technology by the resource poor farmers.”25

Identification of the primary target group is of vital importance. Though the project will prove of advantage to all sections of society, the primary target is the landless tenant, marginal farmers and poor females. The landless tenant or sharecropper is one of the most oppressed members of our rural society. Many surveys have revealed that being at the mercy of the landowner and unable to bargain for his rights, the sharecropper is threatened with crisis of immediate survival if he does not bow down to illegal demands of the land owner. Many peasants report that they have to provide 100% of inputs and yet surrender 50% of the produce to the land owner. This results in his gaining only 25% of the net produce. Low financial power and zero savings with no access to subsidized fertilizers, machinery and agricultural loans due to the fact that they do not themselves own land, serve to further marginalize this section of society. As they mostly have to provide 100% of the inputs they are forced to take recourse to the ‘Aarthi’ (Wholesaler) for products on credit at higher rate along with the stipulation that they have to sell their produce to ‘Aarthi’ at his rates. High dependency burdens, low health and nutritional standards, absence of equitable credit, low literacy, food inflation and death of livestock place the peasant in the high risk category. Under such conditions how is it possible to expect the peasants to use latest technologies such as laser levelers, tractors, threshers, conservation irrigation, water harvesting and latest seed as well as ecologically safe inputs?

This is the main reason why our agriculture is in such a sorry state. The peasant does not have the capacity to practice modern and rational agriculture and the owner does no have the interest to improve his

20 Barani Village Development Project/ ABAD – ICARDA Applied Research Component – Annual Report 2000-2001 (Introduction – page 1).

21 Above page 4 Overview of the major results and achievements. Barani Soil and Water Management and Conservation.22 Barani Village Development Project/ ABAD – Applied Research Component – Annual Report 2000-2001 page 423 Above page 79 Economics of resources use differential among dam – water users and non – user farms.24 Economic Survey of Pakistan (2001 – 02).25 Barani Village Development Project/ ABAD – Applied Research Component – Annual Report 2000-2001.

land. Thus, if there is to be any amelioration in the state of the poverty stricken farm labor and tenants, marginal farmers and females of the oppressed classes have to be targeted.

Thus this project has been conceptualized to establish appropriate technology, adapt it to local conditions and disseminate it to the local populace. The main thrust will be on training and extension that would be pursued separately from the Project. The project is required to show case appropriate technologies and provide an interface for scientists and marginalized population groups to interact.

Selection of the site for Applied Research, proving, demonstration of appropriate, low-cost technology is of prime importance. Guidance for this aspect has also been obtained from the cited report.“Integrated Research Site (IRS).

Criteria used in selection of representative research in the rainfed area:1. Presence of large number of small farmers.2. Willing to cooperate.3. Accessibility.4. Mixed crop – livestock farming system.5. Populated by community most in need of improved standard of living.26

Viable Alternative!Introduce Alternate Management Systems in Horticulture, including the following:

Complete Plant Nutrition. Correct & Innovative Cultural Practices. Conservation Irrigation.

Collective Micro Enterprise.Vital Issues:

Poverty Mitigation/ Prosperity; Ecologically Safe/ Sustainable Food Production; Micro Enterprise.

Poverty Eradication:In order to fight hunger and combat poverty and deprivation we must release and tap the enormous

potential of the people who can develop their own skills and local resources. At the very least expenditure relief in the shape of self-reliant food production and economy generation through profitable micro enterprise that is innovative in approach must be emplaced.Untapped Potential:

Semi-Arid & Temperate Produce. 50 % Harvest Potential Loss due to Poor Trees/ Seed; Poor Cultural Practices; Poor Plant

Nutrition: 30 – 35 % Loss due to Poor Quality. 35 – 40 % Pre/ Post Harvest Loss. Poor Market Conditions.

Adopt intermediate and/or transitional technologies contributing to: Generating Economy. Creating Basic Production. Improving Employment Opportunities. Ensuring Adequate Living Standards. Bringing about gradual changes from extensive systems with low productivity to intensive

ones with higher productivity. Reducing pressure from Natural Resources. Producing an adequate Benefit/Cost Ratio. Ushering in Prosperity.

8. Issues to be researched: Due to poor soil and crop management the soils in the Barani (Rain-Fed) Areas have been greatly depleted of nutrients and organic material. Secondly, Climate change in the shape of increased heat in summers and increased cold in winters with unpredictable rainfall, inducing storms and hail stones is amply proved. This has resulted in curtailed yields and increase in diseases. Subsistence small farmers of the area are eking out a miserable existence. Adult populations are forced to

26 Barani Village Development Project/ ABAD – Applied Research Component – Annual Report 2000-2001. Page 15, Need for Situation Analysis at Project Site.

seek employment outside the area since time immemorial. Latest soft technology, innovative and flexible approach and hands-on, on-ground demonstration; proving cum training and transfer will greatly impact poverty alleviation through Household Food Security. The issues that need to be addressed are:

Soil management. Water Management. Low-cost structures for off season vegetable production for kitchen gardens and commercial

production. Profitable organic farming. Nutrient cycling. Improved design Cattle/ Sheep Sheds/ Folds for winter/ summer protection. Low-cost Cottage Industry. Processing and value addition of Cash Crop.

9. Scope: The scope of the proposed project is to formally and scientifically deploy various interventions that have been researched and tried out in various sites in rural locations of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir. Since these interventions have been tried and tested in various combinations and some on stand alone basis there is a need to integrate them and prove effectiveness in order to establish best practices for replication. The project will employ various combinations using different technologies. Each combination will be examined for optimum returns keeping in mind financial constraints and ease of replicability. A complete and integrated food security support base will emerge based on agro ecological conditions and skills of local producers. The entire proposed project is aimed at poor rural females and marginalized farmers. Due attention will be paid to the landless and ways and means will be identified to build up food security for them as well. It should be kept in mind that all our interventions are targeted to the small and marginal farmers and may not be conducive to the requirements of medium and large farmers.

Soil management through Bioaugmented Rapid Composting of Bio-Degradable Solid Waste using EM Technology and other Bacteria.

Construction of permanent Rapid Composting Pits (2 nos.) and demonstrated rapid cycle of bioaugmented composting to protect the environment from biodegradable solid waste and enrich the soil’s organic content with compost in place of raw or even well rotted farmyard manure. The intervention has been successfully demonstrated in various locations of Qadirnagar, Nankana Sahib, Punjab; Zarda Mela, Kohat, NWFP; Mung and Mirpur Kahlaan, Haripur, NWFP, Urban and Rural Abbottabad including PMA Academy Kakul, NWFP 5 locations; SOS Village Dhodial, 2 villages in Kaghan and at Khalli Gatti plus one village and one urban site in Mansehra District NWFP as well as Kumi Kot, and 3 villages in Muzaffarabad District, AJ&K. These interventions were sponsored by PHP SDC-IC; UNDP; IRC; SRSP; Sungi; IDEALS and SPADE NGO/ INGOs. All outcomes were positive. However due to non-availability of specialized Bacteria the efforts were not sustained at Micro level mainly due to lack of uptake at Macro District/ Province and National levels. This intervention is very much suited to the proposed Demonstration area as vegetables are grown locally and large urban centers are situated in close proximity for supply of Green Biodegradable Waste apart from that present on-farm. The enrichment of the soil as well as prevention of breeding of disease vectors makes the intervention vital.

Water Management through Waste Water Gardens for Remediation of Liquid Waste for recycling to Agriculture/ Horticulture Irrigation.

Liquid waste pollution of surface and sub surface water has assumed alarming proportions. As such one village will be selected for installation of waste water garden. The site will be used for training purposes and will be advocated for uptake on universal basis throughout the Tehsil of Hassanabdal including the Urban Centers. The intervention is demonstrated in NARC, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad. Preliminary trials with various plants and Bacteria were undertaken in P&V Farms, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad by the PI. The intervention needs further practice and proving and will prove to be a major intervention for the entire Country provided it is properly applied. Internationally many advanced Countries have started this kind of Intervention with excellent results. The same benefit as composting of biodegradable waste exists along with disposal of effluent to irrigate field and horticultural crops in a hygienic manner.

Conservation Irrigation in the light of Global Warming and Reduced Water Availability.

Concerns regarding rapidly increasing populations resulting in increased consumption requirements alongside curtailed productivity are of vital significance to planners and governance. Reduced availability of water means that we must utilize our water resources in the most efficient manner. Conservation irrigation means using water for irrigation in a manner that makes the most efficient use and avoids waste. Many technologies exist for conservation irrigation such as drip; sprinkle; misting; bubbler and sub-soil (reticulation). We have used all of the above in various locations especially in our ‘Plasticulture’ interventions, where further recycling of water is ensured, in P&V Farms, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad; Mirpur Kahalaan and Mung in District Haripur, NWFP. The requirement is to produce conservation irrigation packages locally at least possible cost. We have utilized second hand plastic pipe buried at the root zone for horticulture sub-soil irrigation in Mung, District Haripur, NWFP with amazing results. Secondly, the process of delivering liquid fertilizers directly to the root zone through irrigation water (fertigation) has resulted in great savings of fertilizer as well as produced increased yields. ICIMOD in Nepal has produced low-cost shift-able drip and sprinkler systems. It is urgently required that similar efforts are launched in Pakistan specifically aimed at marginal farmers. This can only happen if a demonstration cum proving intervention be tried out and tested on-ground to determine the best and most cost effective intervention.

Surface and Roof-Top Water Harvesting.Run-off from rain water should normally be allowed to filter through the earth to be

deposited in aquifers that are present below the surface. However, due to a number of reasons this run-off is presently only serving to erode valuable top-soil and is joining highly polluted surface water streams and drainage to escape into the sea. Practical interventions by the Khidmat Foundation in National Center for Rural development (NCRD), Chak Shahzad, Islamabad; Mirpur kahlaan, District Haripur, NWFP; Karimpura, Abbottabad, NWFP and Khalli Ghatti, District Mansehra, NWFP have proved the efficacy of Roof-top and Surface Water Harvesting. This water can be used during lean water periods to irrigate vegetable crops in Kitchen Gardens. As the area is subject to extended periods of rainfall scarcity as well as occasional drought years this intervention is very much required. The Khidmat Foundation has adapted pre-fabricated well lining rings for this purpose. This results in a rapidly constructed and low-cost water tank that avoids the problems of possible cancer spread by using PVC Tanks. Secondly, water remains cool in these tanks during summers as opposed to PVC and Fiber Glass water tanks. We have also designed unique, modular fiber glass form works to construct Earth quake proof RCC water tanks in remote areas and difficult terrain.

Use of Improved Design, Modular and Low-cost Structures for Off-Season Vegetable Production for Kitchen Gardens and Commercial Production.

Use of Tunnel Technology is fast becoming popular in Pakistan. Increasing heat and cold as well as problems of predators is making it a very suitable intervention. Those sections of society who are most in need of such interventions are unable to afford them. The Khidmat Foundation has adapted the Geodesic Dome from the Australian concept of ‘Permaculture’ to arrive at an extremely cost-effective intervention especially for Kitchen Gardens. This structure can be fabricated and erected on site within 4 hours with proper training and raw materials that are almost universally available. The Khidmat Foundation has developed a step by step, graphically illustrated guide in urdu for training and dissemination. Other small innovations have been tried on low, medium and high tunnels to attain optimum efficiency. These need to be show cased along with expert input and guidance from the PARC. These interventions have been made along with those of Rapid Composting at the locations elaborated under the section of Composting.

Use of Alternate Energy for Photo-period Control.A measure that is sorely lacking in our ‘Plasticulture’ interventions in the up-country

areas of Pakistan is photo-period control. It has been found that growing out of season vegetables in Islamabad and rest of the Northern parts of Pakistan is not as efficient as that taking place in Gujranwala and further South. This is primarily due to less photo-period availability during winters in the former areas because of difference in latitude. It is proposed to utilize alternate energy to power extra light during the evenings in order to encourage vegetable crops, especially tomatoes, to produce more profusely and participate in the harvest related better prices during off-season. An effort in this regard was initiated in Lahore over 15 years ago during successful trials of circuit printing; etching; component mounting soldering and operation of small electronic

devices without using line electricity, made by uneducated contact youths of Bucheke, then District Sheikhupura (now in District Nankana Sahib) where a small trial farm is operated and owned (Waqf) by the Khidmat Foundation. The effort needs to be revived.

Profitable Organic Farming.There is no question of doubting organic farming as a healthy method of growing food.

Increasing awareness and indeed import restrictions are casting serious concerns regarding the use of conventional chemical fertilizers and pesticides/ weedicides. The poor and marginal groups of society are most in need of healthy and fresh food items to balance their diets and make up for years of nutrition deficiency. The Khidmat Foundation has informally practiced and advocated Organic farming in many locations from Northern Sindh to Muzaffarabad in AJ&K. The most notable interventions were in Daharki, District Ghothki, Sindh and P&V Farms, Scheme II, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad. In the latter a three year classical trial of converting 2 acres of land to 100% Organic Status was carried out successfully. Today the farm (11-B, St.4) is operating successfully on the residual organic content and increased fertility of the land and producing very good results though organic farming has been abandoned.

Nutrient Cycling and Plant Protection through Complete Plant Nutrition.After many years of advocacy regarding the efficacy of using micronutrients to increase

our present dismal yields as compared to international standards, it is with satisfaction that the sponsors of Khidmat Foundation are witnessing increased acceptance of this intervention. We are fully in agreement with the concept of low external input but are constrained to point out that after many years of nutrient mining without concomitant replenishment of the soil and absence of organic soil management we have reached a stage wherein our yields are not only restricted but many problems have also arisen. The Khidmat Foundation has increased yields by 50 to 100% in many crops in many rural locations from Northern Sindh (District Ghotki) to Muzaffarabad District of AJ&K. Plant problems such as salinity in Daharki, District Ghothki, Sindh; early death of transplanted citrus trees in Kohat (Zarda Mela) NWFP; Gumosis and total absence of fruiting in 7-year old Plum trees in Mirpur Kahalaan, District Haripur, NWFP; and Tip Die Back of Citrus Trees in Paswal, Sungjani, D-17, Federal Capital Territory have all been successfully resolved by the application of correct micronutrients. A proposal to eliminate Sudden Decline of Mango Trees is ready for trial and implementation provided financial support is provided. The Khidmat Foundation is convinced that many of our agriculture related problems can be resolved by the use of Micronutrients. Von Liebig’s Law states that the “Yield of a Crop is restricted by the Nutrient in least Supply.” Secondly, many diseases and pest attacks can be cured/ controlled by the use of complete plant nutrition. The question is how to rebuild and reinculcate these secondary and trace elements into our soils in an ecologically safe manner. The Khidmat Foundation has sourced pure divalent mineral nutrients and safe naturally extracted compounds that can be directly applied through fertigation; through foliar application or inclusion in compost for inculcalation into the soil.

Small, Alternate Energy Incubator and Improved Geodesic Domed Chicken Coops for Backyard Poultry Production based on Rhode Island Red (RIR) Breed Introduction.

A 220 eggs capacity Incubator was fabricated in the Khidmat Foundation’s workshop facilities that existed in Lahore during the 1990s. The profuse hatching of various breeds of Poultry, Grouse and Quail ensured sustainability and proved that this particular intervention is most efficacious. This intervention has presently been tried out in Nathiagalli area of Abbottabad, District by an NGO affiliated with Khidmat Foundation through IDEALS a registered 20 small NGOs Cluster operating in Hazara and Malakand Divisions. However the quality of incubators is highly questionable. Moreover lack of alternate energy heating source is bound to adversely affect the intervention during the winters due to excessive load shedding of line electricity. It is proposed that incubators be developed that utilize alternate energy for heating and solar panel rechargeable, battery operated low voltage electronic circuit control to indicate manual turning in the absence of line electricity. This dual energy source incubator will prove to be a valuable intervention for sustainability of landless and poor.

Improved Design Cattle/ Sheep Sheds/ Folds for Winter/ Summer Protection.One of the major reasons for restricted milk yield of buffaloes in up country locations,

apart from lack of fresh fodder and supplementary diet, is that they are not able to withstand cold during winters. With climate change very much evident, the concept of global warming has to be

enlarged to include the phenomena of increased cold in winters as an equal and opposite reaction. The Khidmat Foundation has fabricated a Geodesic Dome based Cattle Pen in its technology proving farm at Qadirnagar, near villages Khoonie and Katoo ka Thatta, District Nankana Sahib, Punjab. This pen provides shelter to animals during heat or cold as well as during rain. It is low-cost and easily fabricated. However, it needs to be tested in the area for which it is intended as well as developed further in order to make it more efficient as well as affordable. The intervention is needed as a complete and integrated package is being offered to marginal farmers and landless to ensure Poverty Alleviation in place of the existing “Band Aid” concept of intervention for Poverty Alleviation.

Mushroom Growing in Specialized, Protected and Low-cost Structures for Year Round Production specifically for the Landless.

Nutrition enhancement that is affordable and ensures Food Security is very much required by many sections of Pakistan’s population. Khidmat Foundation’s target group as well as expecting and lactating mothers and young children are all in dire need of nutrition supplementation. The Khidmat Foundation has developed a Soya Bean Flour and Dried Mushroom Powder Biscuit and Herbal Mix as nutrition supplements that are health foods and tremendous energy boosters. These products are grown in ecologically friendly manner and utilize natural inputs for flavor/ color/ preservation. The most vital ingredient of mushrooms needs to be developed in order to make them available. It is not intended to target mushroom growing as a cash crop but initially rather as a nutrition supplement. To overcome the food habit barrier the product has been developed as a biscuit that is culturally quite acceptable to our populace. For this purpose a dedicated structure called “Khumbi Kulla” has been developed for year round production. It is pointed out that compost, casing, spore and humidity along with suitable growing space is all that is required for mushroom production while ensuring that the environment is disease and virus free. The dedicated structure provides just such an environment. The intervention was developed in Qadirnagar but was discontinued due to lack of availability of mushroom spore. With the support of PARC and Punjab Agriculture Department this glaring omission will be rectified and the intervention will be show cased and disseminated to those who need it the most. It may be pointed out that this valuable source of nutrition and protein is quite capable of growing even in case of, Allah Forbid, climate crash or even Nuclear winter. As such the Khidmat Foundation considers this to be a strategic intervention for Food Security and Local Self-Reliance and expects all forward looking managers of Pakistan’s economy to fully support the intervention.

Justification: Field trials have proved the efficacy of the various interventions that are proposed for applied research. There is a great need to study them scientifically and for consensus to be developed amongst the agricultural institutions and scientists based on on-ground results. Rapid population increase and concomitant increased pressure upon already depleted natural resources demands that new and innovative steps be deployed in order to ensure food security for those living below the poverty line. Nutritional enhancement is crucial amongst females and young children. This project is primarily aimed at solving the issue of food security amongst poor, vulnerable and marginalized sections of the populace. Secondly, fields of intervention wherein these population groups can themselves provide input and effort will be identified.11. Overall Objectives/ Goals:

Broad Goals Food Security & Nutrition enhancement. Female Empowerment. Local Self-Reliance. Environment Protection.

12. Specific Project Objectives: Demonstrated Household Food Security in Barani Areas within 16 months. Demonstrated Community Mobilization/ Female Empowerment for food production/

processing training for local self-reliance within 2 years. Clear ‘Way Ahead’ for increased Self-Employment/ Poverty Alleviation

within 3 years.

Demonstrated Environment Protection within 1 year.13. Plan of Work:

a) Overall Methodology:It is proposed to introduce an Appropriate, Integrated and Sustainable Approach to Rural

Development, keeping in view latest trends that are producing “Results”. This is due to the fact that present mechanisms and Approaches have failed to ‘Deliver’. A short analysis is given below:i. Innovative “Breakthrough” Management:

As opposed to Implementation Management this method of management is supported by the highly successful Japanese Management Specialists. The Japanese have demonstrated tremendous strides forward in managing their economy while we, in Pakistan, are practicing an outmoded and failed method. In order to achieve results and attain our targets we have to change our tactics, approaches and methods to proven models that “Deliver”. “If cash flow is the blood of the global economy and spending and investment are its main arteries, then innovation is the heart that does the pumping. Over the long term, innovation is what drives cost reduction, higher employment, spending, health care, investment and ultimately, better living standards.”27


It is desirable to reverse the Rural to Urban migration that is taking place. This is caused by the lack of economic opportunities in the rural areas. This sorry state of affairs can be remedied by an aggressive policy of Rural Development, in keeping with International practices and theories. Economy Generation, by provision of Inputs; Technical Training and Supervision is the most desirable method of leading towards Self-Reliance and Sustainable Development. Careful structuring and demonstrable results can serve to achieve these targets. Financial assistance and close monitoring, with subsequent collective marketing will ensure success. Real term benefits will serve to provide the necessary motivation to keep the Project on course. With the achievement of minimum skills and proven ability, increasingly challenging tasks can be taken in hand. The essential mix of training; provision of inputs; supervision and marketing assistance will ensure success of the enterprise. The very skills that are required for horticultural production and enhanced yields will automatically serve as a conduit for Effective Rural Development. The Concept is based upon the Australian method of Permaculture. This concept has been adapted to meet the challenges of the 21st Century, based upon the Bio-Tec Revolution. Secondly, the focus has been towards revolving around Community Participation and Self-Reliance, through Sustainable Economy Development.


The past 62 years have seen considerable investment in infrastructure development. The next step should have been Basic Economy Generation. This makes use of the entire infrastructure that is in place. Without Economy Generation, it is pointless to continue investing in infrastructure. We need to efficiently utilize what is already in place. The existing stagflation affecting Pakistan's economy can be overcome by increasing yields and becoming self sufficient in Food Production. Valuable Foreign Exchange, thus relieved of the burden of Food Imports, can be utilized in Capital Intensive Projects.

27 The Washington Post.

Secondly, exports of Food and Horticultural Items can boost Foreign Exchange earnings. The main thrust, in keeping with "Training for Agriculture and Rural Development,"28 is to "Upgrade Skills of existing producers so that an extended; diversified; improved range of commodities; foodstuffs; goods and services is readily available". We should concentrate upon:

Increasing Agricultural/ Horticultural Production. Increasing employment. Developing Institutions in Rural Areas. Female participation in economic activities. Raising income of Rural Poor. Enhancing Health and Nutrition standards. Ensuring self sustained Rural Development.


Pakistan's Agricultural Sector is badly in need of overhauling. The Green Revolution heralded by Field Marshal Ayub Khan's Government is badly in need of a Fresh, Grass Roots, and Yields Enhancement Revolution. At present, the technology that is being used for Horticulture is 15 to 20 years out of date. Secondly, it is harmful to the environment. Rational practices using modern, Hi-Tec inputs that are cost effective, registered with the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) of the U.S.A. and proven in the field, can boost yields in an Eco-friendly manner. Such efforts have been carried out in various parts of the Country, over twenty years, on different crops and have shown remarkable results.


The participation rate for females in Agriculture, and particularly in Horticulture and Floriculture, is readily acceptable to even the most conservative of Societies. Rather than encouraging practices alien to the ideology of the participants, it makes greater economic sense to tailor them to suit the particular social makeup of the Society that is involved. It even makes more practical sense, as the resultant benefits that accrue through a program that is participated in vigorously and those that are merely planned and cannot be implemented or at least face great resentment and mounting hostility, is fairly obvious. The practice of horticultural skills at a convenient home based location will go a long way in enabling women to feed their families and also look after their health needs (medicinal herbs). Secondly, left over produce can be treated as a marketable surplus. This is especially true as the envisaged Environment Protected, Vegetables and Herbs Kitchen Garden will be producing “Out of Season” produce that commands good prices in the market. Collective Community based Marketing can overcome the problems of competing in the open market.

28 FAO/UNESCO/ILO Joint Publication.

8. OBJECTIVES: “Caring for the Earth: A Strategy for Sustainable Living”29

enunciated nine principles for sustainable development:

1. Respect and care for the community of life. 2. Improve the quality of human life. 3. Conserve the earth's vitality and diversity. 4. Minimize the depletion of non-renewable resources. 5. Keep within the earth's carrying capacity. 6. Change personal attitudes and practices. 7. Enable communities to care for their own environments. 8. Provide a national framework for integration, development, and

conservation. 9. Create a global alliance.

The present Proposal covers the first four principles adequately. Whereas, the fifth relating to the earth’s carrying capacity is covered by remediating the presently degraded carrying capacity back to its original and greatly expanded capacity. Moreover, this enhanced capacity is preserved and indeed increased for the coming generations. Points 6 and 7 are similarly adequately addressed and points 8 and 9 are available to be taken up by higher tiers of Government. Thus through Bioenvironmental Management30 in Soil and Water Conservation/ Protection as well as recycling we will be able to showcase Sustainable Development in an replicable and low-cost manner.9. STRATEGY: The Project will be operationalized in four parts:Part one: Mobilization for Survey of Sites for establishing Rapid Composting Pits;

Waste Water Gardens and Earthworm Farms.Part two: Establishment of above through approved phased program.Part three: Follow up and back up with technical/ input support.Part four: Reports & Returns, Monitoring & Evaluation by Khidmat Foundation and

ZTBL respectively.10. Study Instrument: An Impact Analysis of Productivity and Environment Impact will be carried out during the Reports & Returns (Part four) phase of the Project.11. Expected Outputs:1. Composting for Sustainable Development and Biodegradable Solid Waste

Management.2. Establishment of Earthworm Farms for Soil Fertility31.3. Liquid Waste Remediation and Recycling.4. Provision of base and demonstration of Organic Farming for wide scale adoption.5. Nutrition & Income Enhancement.6. Skills Enhancement.

29 IUCN/ UNEP/WWF 199130 Bioenvironment:

• Encompasses the Inorganic Biosphere that we inhabit; the inter-dependent Organic Life Forms and the Life Supporting Ecological Systems that have evolved to work in harmony in order to sustain Life.

• The attempt to minimize the impact on the environment of Natural Resource exploitation can be termed as Bioenvironmental Management.

31 This is defined as the quality that enables a soil to provide the proper compounds, in the proper amounts, and in the proper balance, for the growth of specified plants when temperature and other factors are favorable.

ii. “Asset-Based” Development:Reorients development from currently in vogue “needs-based” approach. Needs-based

models seek to identify weaknesses in a local community and then implement strategies to overcome those weaknesses

This method of mobilizing citizens focuses on negative characteristics of a community and demoralizes local residents, thus limiting proactive action at the local level.

Focusing on local assets, instead of needs and deficits, allows residents to identify possibilities for change that they can control, and energizes residents to take action.

While the needs-based approach focuses on garnering external resources to solve problems, the alternative asset based approach looks for residents’ personal skills and dreams and links them to action through a public articulation of these local assets.ii. Economic Gardening:

Using local resources to grow their own jobs through entrepreneurial activity— Economic gardening—instead of recruiting them from outside the community, or Economic Hunting. The idea evolved from work by Dr. David Birch at MIT who argued that a majority of all new jobs in any local economy were produced by small local businesses. However, as local communities are unaware of potential soft technologies for increasing livelihoods and improving standards of living, it is essential that innovative technology packages be tried on ground and presented to them for capacity building. This will enable them to make informed choices and ‘Own’ the interventions. To date there are many instances of ‘Band-Aid’ Development as standalone interventions which fail to take root as firstly, enabling atmosphere is absent and secondly, Integrated and cross supporting interventions have not been emplaced.Core Elements of Economic Gardening1) Providing information, infrastructure and connections for local growth entrepreneurs; 2) Providing connections between livelihoods and scientists; 3) Focusing on quality of life and amenities.Objectives Wise Activities & Methodology:

Objectives-1. Demonstrated Environment Protection within 1 year.Activities:1.1 Rapid Composting through bioaugmentation.1.2 Waste Water Gardens for Remediation of Liquid Waste for use in irrigationMethodology Proposed: 1.1 Demonstration:2. Demonstrated Household Food Security in Barani Areas within 16 months. A. Improvement in designs and structures of tunnels, use of Geodesic

Domes for Barani (Rainfed) areas, production management for off-season vegetables for small landholders.

Activities:1 Erection of:

a. Geodesic Dome Structures from Australian Permaculture with micro irrigation {Sub-Soil (Reticulation), Drip and Sprinkler} based on Roof-Top and Surface Water Harvesting for conservation of water resource.

b. Low/ Medium and High tunnels.1.1 Construction of Water Harvesting Structures.1.2 Layout Micro Irrigation.1.3 Preparation of organic beds for growing.1.4 Provision of Nutrients:

a. Pure and stable mineral elements in foliar compounds.b. Total Organic (Compost).c. Conventional Fertilizers (Control).

Methodology Proposed: 1.1 Multifunctional Crop Rotation model (MCR).

To maintain quality production without synthetic pesticides and avoiding use of heavy machinery. No till permanent beds will be employed.1.2 Ecological Nutrient Management (ENM).

To provide crops with pure and stable mineral nutrients in an economically and ecologically acceptable way without single directly available Fertilizers. As nutrients have leached from the soils, in order to rebuild fertility levels there is a need for augmenting compost with secondary and micronutrients in the short term and rebuilding nutrient cycling based upon minimum external inputs in the long term.

B. Protected Mushroom Production for landless.Activities:1.1 Construction of “Khumbi Kulla” Environment/ Predator/ Disease Protected

Mushroom Growing dedicated structure.a. Prefabricated/ Earthquake Proof/ Fire Proof/ Super Insulation.b. Cast in Place RCC structure/ Earthquake Proof/ Fire Proof.c. Soil – Cement Structure/ Earthquake Proof/ Fire Proof.

1.2 Composting.1.3 Growing.1.4 Processing.Methodology Proposed:

Structure of a Human Activity System (Engeström 1987)1.1 Collective Activity System Used In Developmental Work Research.

In the model, the subject refers to the individual or sub-group whose agency is chosen as the point of view in the analysis. The object refers to the 'raw material' or 'problem space' at which the activity is directed and which is molded or transformed into outcomes with the help of physical and symbolic, external and internal tools (mediating instruments and signs). The community comprises multiple individuals and/or sub-groups who share the same general object. The division of labor refers to both the horizontal division of tasks between the members of the community and to the vertical division of power and status. Finally, the rules refer to the explicit and implicit regulations, norms and conventions that constrain actions and interactions within the activity system. (Engeström, 1990). Activity systems are also in interaction with other activity systems. In farming activity, this means for instance farmer colleagues, administrative and marketing systems.1.2 Contradiction: The concept of contradiction is an important tool in the methodology of developmental work research. Internal contradictions of an activity system can be a driving force for its change and development. They manifest themselves within a component or between components of the activity system. The activity is studied in its historical and cultural context and historical analysis is necessary in revealing the contradictions. The change and development of an activity system proceed in cycles through many phases.

The methodology of developmental work research has been used in multiple studies in work activities in the field of health care, industry and teaching, for instance. This study applies the methodology in agricultural research following pioneering work in the field.

Being contextual and systemic, the methodology of developmental work research gives an opportunity to study the relations of phenomena beyond the confines of traditional, natural and social scientific disciplines. It also gives tools to develop the activity from the point of view of the farmers and not only describes and analyses it.

C. Improved Design Cattle/ Sheep Sheds/ Pens for Winter/ Summer protection. Activities:1.1 Fabrication of Sheds/ Pens/ Earthquake Proof/ Fire Proof/ Super Insulated.1.2 Training/ Dissemination.Methodology Proposed: 1.1 Design:

This is not a typical research methodology. In fact it is a process very different from classical research. Classical research investigates a particular problem, phenomena or a set of problems, in order to understand the mechanisms involved. Design, however, involves another process entirely. In design one synthesizes the knowledge into the larger units through which the "whole" functions in reality. In other words, in research one "discovers something", while in designing one "creates something" out of its vision and synthesized knowledge. Agro-designing methodology involves several steps (Vereijken, 1995). It starts with an inventory of the needs and objectives of the stakeholders concerned. Objectives are then ordered hierarchically and rated. The most important of these are then transformed into a suitable set of parameters. In other words, in order to quantify selected objectives, a set of measurable key parameters should be developed. The next step is to establish appropriate agricultural methods and techniques serving more than one objective, for example, intensive fertilization in general serves the objective of high yield and is detrimental to other objectives such as the environment and capable of bridging gaps between conflicting objectives. Finally, the set of multi-objective parameters and methods is linked in a general theoretical prototype based on agronomic, agro-ecological and economic considerations. Theoretical prototypes are then tested in practice and their shortcomings are used as the learning points for the next phase, (re)designing of the same or another farming system.

Sustainability is both site-specific and determined by macro institutional and economic settings. The overall sustainability of a farming system can best be expressed by the index (degree) of sustainability reached. This index can be derived from farm balances such as nutrients, soil organic matter, energy, labor, economic return, resource use and biodiversity value and from other relevant farm data (Znaor, 1996).

Design is a problem-prevention methodology and is suitable for multi- and interdisciplinary research teams with the vision of how to improve agricultural sustainability.

3. Demonstrated Community Mobilization/ Female Empowerment for food production/ processing training for local self-reliance within 2 years.

A. Small, Alternate Energy Incubator and Improved Geodesic Domed Chicken Coops for Backyard Poultry production based on Rhode Island Red (RIR) breed introduction Intervention for Landless.

Activities:1.1 Fabrication.

a. Incubator.b. Geodesic Dome Coop/ Earthquake Proof/ Fire Proof/ Super Insulated.

1.2 Production.1.3 Management.Methodology Proposed: 1.1 Statistical Analysis:

Conducted on data to identify the important household level variables influencing health, welfare status and practices. Based on the results of the implementing (Phase 1) and statistical (Phase 2) analyses, the survey households will be classified by type and health and welfare characteristics. Case-studies will be implemented on key households, for each of the characterized farm types, in order to explore in more detail specific influential factors and

constraints. It is envisaged that case studies will involve informal (PRA, etc.) and formal (closed questions) methods.

B. Groundnut Growing; Crop Improvement/ Technology Package, Processing; Packaging and Marketing.

Activities:1.1 Import of Small, Manual Expellers, 15 Kgs input.1.2 Demonstration of appropriate groundnut variety through organic growing.1.3 Appropriate Cultural Practices.1.4 Conservation Irrigation.1.5 Harvesting.1.6 Processing.1.7 Packing.1.8 Marketing.1.9 Preparation of Technology Package/ Dissemination of results.Methodology Proposed: 1.1 Testing With Pilot Farms.

Prototyping research takes place in interaction with a group of ten pilot farms, to: Ensure input of experience and knowledge of leading farmers; Test the design at variable soil and management conditions.

Results for quantity and quality of products, environment and nature of the farms are evaluated annually using a set of parameters with quantified innovative norms. Shortcomings are analyzed systematically with the pilot farmers in order to improve farming methods and management:

A. Is it ready for use? B. Is it manageable for the farmers? C. Is it acceptable to the farmers? D. Is it effective?

4. Clear ‘Way Ahead’ for increased Self-Employment/ Poverty Alleviation within 3 years.

Activities:As a result of the three before mentioned Objectives and their on-ground adaptation followed by Training and Dissemination through well document, hands-on demonstrations.

Methodology Proposed: 1.1 Show & Tell.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 121Nov (2009) to Oct (2010)

Objective: Demonstrated Household Food Security in Barani Areas within 16 months:Site Selection/ Mapping/ Stakeholder Dialogue:Activities:

Composting/ Waste Water Gardens:Activities:

Dome/ Tunnel Erection with Fittings and Growing:Activities:

Mushroom Kulla Construction/ Growing:Activities:

Groundnut Growing:Activities:

Groundnut Processing & Marketing:Activities:Incubator Fabrication and Operation:Activities:

Improved Design Cattle/ Sheep Sheds/ Pens for Winter/ Summer Protection:Activities:Objective: Demonstrated Community mobilization and Female Empowerment for food production/

processing training for local self-reliance within 2 years.Community MobilizationActivities:

2Nov(2010)To Oct(2011)

On-Going Operations:

Stakeholder Dialogue & Trainings (Training Material & Lesson Plans prepared):Activities:

Analysis & Peer Review/ Adjustment:


Training:Activities:Replication/ Extension:Activities:

3Nov(2011)To Oct(2012)

On-Going Operations:Activities:

Stakeholder Dialogue & Trainings (Training Material & Lesson Plans prepared):Activities:

Analysis & Peer Review/ Adjustment:Activities:


Replication/ Extension:Activities:

Year Wise Schedule:Yr Objective


14. Logical Framework Matrix (LFM):

FOOD SECURITY:Narrative SummaryGoal/ Overall Objective: Demonstrated Household Food Security in Barani Areas within 16 months.

Objectively Verifiable


Means/Source of verification(MOV)

Risks/ Assumptions

Meeting minimum daily food intake standards

WHO Standards Political/Economic Stability

Project PurposeQuantities/ Calories and nutrient analysis of produce.

Replicability/ Acceptability/ beneficiary survey.

Motivation/Technology Transfer in user friendly manner.

Increase availability of food items/ Enhance Nutrition of target group. Increase income through sale of marketable surplusOutputs/ Results

1. Appropriate out of season production against market availability and demand.

2. Marketable surplus.

3. Field Trials.

Village Council Market analysis. Village Council

supervision of field data collection.

Production/Replicability record.

Quarterly/Six Monthly/Annual Progress Reports.

Field visits to monitor implementation of project.

Different Combination results against Control.

Numbers produced.

Budget support.

Appropriate input by implementing staff.

Political stability.

1. More effective food security in eco-friendly manner for target groups.

2. Establish Calendars for various combinations of produce growing.

3. Income Enhancement.

4. Increase capacity of Staff for outreach activities. Activities Inputs

Bacteria. GI Bars. Plastic.

Budget disbursed as planned.

Staff available for

1. Successful rapid composting.

2. Structures erected.3. Vegetable/ Herb/ Spice/ Mushroom Growing. 4. Fertigation.5. Video Films/ Documentaries prepared6. Production Packages prepared.7. Trainingmaterial Produced.

Micro Irrigation Aids. Water Harvesting Structures. Liquid Nutrients. Skilled Manpower. Equipment. Planting Material/ Spores. Training Material.

research Inputs availability. Availability of

Raw Material/ Input.

FEMALE EMPOWERMENT:Narrative SummaryGoal/ Overall Objective: Demonstrated Community Mobilization/ Female Empowerment for food production/ processing training for local self-reliance within 2 years.

Objectively Verifiable


Means/Source of verification(MOV)

Risks/ Assumptions

Village Organization Formed

Village Council Political/Economic Stability

Project PurposeQuantities of produce.

On-ground verification Motivation/Technology Transfer in user friendly manner.

Increase participation of females in value added activities in order to increase income through sale of marketable surplusOutputs/ Results

1. Appropriate out of season production against market availability and demand. 2. Goods Marketed.3. On-ground verification.

Market analysis. Supervision of data

collection. Production/

Replicability record. Quarterly/Six

Monthly/Annual Progress Reports.

Field visits to monitor implementation of project.

Numbers produced.

Budget support.

Appropriate input by implementing staff.

Political stability.

1. Increase in income of disadvantaged females.2. Establish operating procedures for processing/ value addition and packaging.3. Income Enhancement.4. Establish marketing channels. Activities Inputs

Incubators Eggs. Compost. Spore. Skilled Labor. Equipment. Material. Training Material.

Budget disbursed as planned.

Staff available for research

Inputs availability. Availability of Raw

Material/ Input.

1. Structures erected.2. Successful hatching.3. Vegetable/ Herb/ Spice/ Mushroom Growing. 4. Video Films/ Documentaries prepared5. Production Packages prepared.6. Trainingmaterial Produced.

ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION:Narrative SummaryGoal/ Overall Objective: Demonstrated Environment Protection within 1 year.

Objectively Verifiable Indicators(OVIs)

Means/Source of verification(MOV)

Risks/ Assumptions

Solid & Liquid waste remediated

On-ground Political/Economic Stability

Project PurposeAmount of Compost produced and volume of waste water remediated.

Laboratory analysis. Motivation/Technology Transfer in user friendly manner.

Promote composting of biodegradable solid waste and remediation of liquid waste.

Outputs/ Results

1. Solid Waste removed.

2. Liquid Waste remediated.

3. Spot Checks.

Laboratory analysis.

Budget support.

Appropriate input by implementing staff.

Political stability.

1. Solid Waste Composted anaerobically.2. Liquid Waste Remediated.3. Disease Vectors controlled.4. Hygienic water available for reuse in agriculture.

Activities Inputs Bacteria. GI Bars. Plastic. Skilled Manpower. Equipment. Planting Material. Training Material.

Budget disbursed as planned.

Staff available for research

Inputs availability. Availability of

Raw Material/

1. Rapid composting.2. Structures erected.3. Successful Liquid Waste remediation. 4. Irrigation.5. Video Films/ Documentaries

prepared6. Trainingmaterial Produced.


15. Area of Linkages & Coordination with Overseas Cooperating Organization: NA

16. State if the scheme has been submitted to some other aid giving agency for financial support. If so, with what results? NA

17. Budget Summary: (Rs. millions) Abstract:

# OBJECT YEAR-1 YEAR-2 YEAR-3 TOTAL1 Establishment Expenses (only honorarium,) 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.362 Operating Expenses 4.17 4.38 5.19 15.1503 Capital Expenses 1.56 0.05 0.08 1.785

TOTAL 5.85 4.55 5.39 17.295

12. TARGETS:# ACTIVITIES TARGETSA. Primary Targets.1. Number of Villages (Indirect beneficiaries). 262. Number of Households (Direct beneficiaries). 1,300 (50 per site)3. Number of Individuals (Average 7 per HH) 9,100

13. BUDGET:# Description Unit Rate Qty/Nos. Amount

1. Mobilization. a. Vehicle Hire (50 %

advance)Months 40,000.00 6 months 240,000.00

b. Survey & Financial Plan:

2 Days 2,000.00 26 104,000.00

2. Construction of Compost Pits & Earthworm Farms (Complete with winter cover).

Structures 5,000.00 1,300 6,500,000.00

3. Construction of Waste Water Gardens (Complete with winter cover). (Rough estimate actual as per Site).

Structures 100,000.00 26 2,600,000.00

4. Inputs (Bacteria). Compost/ Waste Water

Liters: 100.00 2,600 260,000.00

5. Transportation Days As per Site6. Daily Allowance Persons /

Days 100.00 3 / 180 162,000.00

7. Stationery Items Misc. ------ 10,000.008. Report Writing. Reports 2,000.00 4 8,000.00

9. Photographic Record. Albums 1,000.00 26 26,000.0010. Training Film (Video). Film 50,000.00 2 100,000.00TOTAL (Less Cost of POL) 10,010,000.00

14. WORKPLAN:# Activity Months

Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr1. Meeting with Villagers X X2. Site Selection/ Estimates. X X3. Training/ Compost Pits & Earthworm

Farm Construction.X X X

4. Provision of Inputs. X X X5. Construction of Waste Water Gardens. X X6. Supervision/ Training. X X X X X7. Follow up. X X X8. Reports & Returns. X X X


1 Officer (Honorarium) 0.120 0.120 0.120 0.360OPERATING EXPENSES

1 Transportation        1.1  Running Cost of Vehicles 0.180 0.200 0.220 0.6001.2 Transportation of Goods 0.100 0.050 0.080 0.2301.3 Hiring Charge of Vehicle 0.480 0.500 0.520 1.500

2 Establishment2.1 Telephone & Trunk Calls, Internet 0.060 0.072 0.084 0.216

3 Utilities/ Office Supp./ Rent3.1 Utilities 0.120 0.150 0.180 0.4503.2 Stationery 0.060 0.080 0.100 0.2403.3 Printing & Publication 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.6003.4 Rent of Land/ Office Building 0.600 0.660 0.720 1.9803.5 Consultancy Services/ Training Visits 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.600

4 Operating Cost of Works4.1 Green Houses 0.185 0.220 0.250 0.6554.2 Micro Irrigation 0.080 0.100 0.120 0.3004.3 Compost 0.025 0.040 0.050 0.1154.4 Waste Water 0.212 0.230 0.250 0.6924.5 Nutrients/ Seeds/ Inputs 0.200 0.250 0.300 0.7504.6 Incubator 0.025 0.035 0.050 0.1104.7 Groundnuts 0.130 0.150 0.200 0.4804.8 Mushrooms 0.050 0.055 0.060 0.1654.9 Labor 0.360 0.400 0.440 1.200

5 Other Services

5.1Publicity/ Media/ Documentary/ Brochures/ Training Material 0.300 0.350 0.400 1.050

5.2 Seminars/ Workshops 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.4505.3 Consumable Stores 0.060 0.080 0.100 0.2405.4 Social Mobilization 0.080 0.100 0.120 0.300

5.5 Community Trainings 0.180 0.200 0.220 0.6005.6 Other Miscellaneous 0.030 0.030 0.190 0.250

5.7Support to Implementing Institute Overhead Charges (10% of Total Operating Cost) 0.392 0.450 0.535 1.377


1 Green Houses 0.390     0.3902 Micro Irrigation 0.380     0.3803 Compost 0.030     0.0304 Waste Water 0.090     0.0905 Groundnut Equipment/ Packages 0.210     0.2106 Water Harvesting Structures 0.260     0.2607 Incubator 0.180     0.1808 Food Processing 0.020     0.0209 Livestock Shelter 0.100     0.100

10Repair & Maintenance Structures/ Equipment 0.000 0.050 0.075 0.125

TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSES 1.660 0.050 0.075 1.785GRAND TOTAL (Establishment+ Operational+ Capital Costs) 6.089 5.122 6.084 17.295

Improvement in Designs and Structures of Tunnels and Production Management for Off-Season Vegetables. Annex II# Description Nos. Unit Cost Cost in Rs.1 Wah Garden Geodesic Permanent Structure: 20’ dia Dome 2 50,000.00 100,000.002 Wah Garden Geodesic Temporary Structure: 20’ dia Dome 2 25,000.00 50,000.003 Low Tunnel 3’ x 220’ x 1.5’ (Steel Rod 3mm) 1 25,000.00 25,000.004 Medium Tunnel 4’ x 50’ x 4’ (GI Pipe) 4 15,000.00 60,000.005 High Tunnel 20’ x 40’ x 8’ (GI Pipe) 2 80,000.00 160,000.006 Seed LS 5,000.00 5,000.007 Plastic LS 80,000.00 80,000.008 Green Shade Material LS 100,000.00 100,000.00TOTAL COST: 580,000.00

Conservation/ Micro Irrigation Annex III. # Description Nos. Unit Cost Cost in Rs.1 Rain Guns 2 20,000.00 40,000.002 Sub-soil/ Reticulation LS 50,000.00 50,000.003 Drip LS 100,000.00 100,000.004 Misting/ Shower LS 50,000.00 50,000.005 Pump/ Diesel Engine Set 1 80,000.00 80,000.006 Genset 1 60,000.00 60,000.007 Diesel LS 80,000.00 80,000.00TOTAL COST: 460,000.00

Bioaugmented Rapid Composting of Bio-degradable Solid Waste Annex IV# Description Nos. Unit Cost Cost in Rs.1 Covered Pits 2 15,000.00 30,000.002 Bio-degradable Waste Collection (Local +

Mundies)LS 10,000.00 10,000.00

3 Bioaugmentation Bacteria (3 sources including imported)

LS 15,000.00 15,000.00

TOTAL COST 55,000.00

Waste Water Gardens for Liquid Waste Remediation for Irrigation. Annex VDescription Nos. Unit Cost Cost in Rs.Geodesic Dome Covered Settling Pool 1 25,000.00 25,000.00Lined Waste Water Channel with Gravel Bed estimated 100 rft. 2’ x 2’

1 7,500.00 8,000.00

Geodesic Dome Covered Finishing Pool 1 25,000.00 25,000.00Polishing Pond 1 10,000.00 10,000.00Bacteria LS 200,000.00 200,000.00Plants LS 10,000.00 10,000.00Lined Delivery Channel estimated 100 rft x 2’ x 2’ 1 5,000.00 5,000.00TOTAL COST 283,000.00

Complete Plant Nutrition, Rebuilding Soil Fertility through Nutrient Cycling. Annex VI# Description Nos. Unit Cost Cost in Rs.1 Plant Nutrients Foliar (Local Production) LS 25,000.00 25,000.002 Plant Nutrients & Compounds (Technical Grade/

Imported)LS 125,000.00 125,000.00

3 Nutrients PARC LS 50,000.00 50,000.00TOTAL COST 200,000.00

Water Harvesting Structures (Earth Quake Proof). Annex VII # Description Nos. Unit Cost Cost in Rs.1 Fiber Glass Modular Shuttering 1 100,000.00 100,000.002 Cast On-Site RCC Tanks 5’ dia. X 9’ height 2 80,000.00 160,000.00TOTAL COST 260,000.00

Small Incubator and Geodesic Chicken Coop for Backyard Poultry Production. Annex. VIII# Description Nos. Unit Cost Cost in Rs.1 Incubator 24 eggs 2 40,000.00 80,000.00

Geodesic Coop 18’ dia (Insulated) 2 40,000.00 80,000.00Parent Flock 2+20 20,000.00 20,000.00Feed LS 10,000.00 10,000.00Medicines LS 5,000.00 5,000.00Energy Costs LS 10,000.00 10,000.00


Improved Design Cattle/ Sheep Sheds/ Pens for winter/ summer protection. Annex IX# Description Nos. Unit Cost Cost in Rs.1 Insulated Geodesic Dome for Animal Shelter 1 80,000.00 80,000.00

Internal Fittings LS 20,000.00 20,000.00TOTAL COST 100,000.00

Environment Protected Dedicated Mushroom Growing. Annex X # Description Nos. Unit Cost Cost in Rs.1 Dedicated Structure: 5’ x 5’ x 7’ 2 20,000.00 40,000.002 Trays & Equipment LS 10,000.00 10,000.003 Spore (Cycled) LS 5,000.00 5,000.00TOTAL COST 55,000.00

Groundnut Crop Improvement, Organic Growing, Processing, Packaging and Marketing-10 Sample Plots Annex XI # Description Nos. Unit Cost Cost in Rs.

1 Improved Seed LS 20,000.00 20,000.002 Tools & Equipment LS 10,000.00 10,000.003 Small Manual Expeller (15 Kg. input) 2 150,000.00 150,000.004 Processing Equipment LS 50,000.00 50,000.005 Nutrients/ Inputs Package 100,000.00 100,00.006 Packing Material LS 10,000.00 10,000.00TOTAL COST 340,000.00

Synopsis Item Expense (Operational + Capital Costs). Annex XII# Description Nos. Cost in Rs.1 Green Houses 11 580,000.002 Micro Irrigation 2+1+1 460,000.003 Compost 2 55,000.004 Waste Water Remediation 2+2+1 283,000.005 Nutrients LS 200,000.006 Water Harvesting 2+1 260,000.007 Incubators, Coop & Breeding Rhode Island Red 2+2+2+20 205,000.008 Improved Design Cattle/ Sheep Sheds/ Pens for winter/

summer protection.1 100,000.00

9 Dedicated Mushroom Growing 2 55,000.0010 Groundnut Crop Improvement, Processing & Marketing 2+10 340,000.00TOTAL COST 2,215,000.00Synopsis Total Cost. Annex XII # Description Cost in Rs.

1 Capital Works 1,785,000.002 Operating Cost Works 4,467,000.003 Transportation 2,330,000.004 Establishment 216,000.005 Utilities/ Office Supp./ Rent 3,870,000.006 Other Services 4,267,000.007 Officer Honorarium 360,000.00

TOTAL COST 17,295,000.00



1. Sardar Taimur Hyat-Khan, Chairman Khidmat Foundation (Pakistan & AJK) will be the Project Coordinator (PC). The PC will be responsible for implementation of the Project and will be responsible for physical progress, handling of Project Funds as per contract signed by him and will coordinate activities with other partners i.e. ZTBL, PARC/ G&SDD, CMP/ MINFA and Provincial Agri Extension. The PC will execute the following activities.

# Activity1 Meeting with Villagers2 Site Selection.3 Training/ Compost Pits/

Earthworm Farms.4 Construction of Waste Water

Gardens.5 Provision of inputs.6 Supervision/ Training.7 Follow up.8 Reports & Returns.

2. He will get support (on need basis) from ZTBL, PARC/ G&SDD, CMP and Provincial Agri Extension Departments.3. He will be directly responsible to ZTBL and submit Reports & Returns. The SEVP ZTBL I/C Project will evaluate his progress and upon satisfaction will release installments. As the overall responsible Person he will have to complete the project in the given time frame. He will submit completion report in addition to monthly progress reports4. The SEVP ZTBL I/C Project will review his progress as per Project Proposal at the end of each month.


SEVP ZTBL I/C Project Sardar Taimur Hyat-Khan. Chairman, Khidmat Foundation.1, Gulistan Colony, College Road,Abbottabad.

top related