
Post on 18-Apr-2015






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Chapter 1

The third circle in The Book of Iah speaks of an important aspect of our civilisation; the Elohim who are presented in the Bible. In the official translation of the Bible as we know it today, Elohim is one of the names used to speak about God. Yet, this can only be a mistake because, first of all, “Elohim” is Hebrew and in Hebrew the ending “im” designates a plural, so “Elohim” means Gods and not God (that would be “Eloha”). The correct translation for “Elohim” is thus: “those who are coming from the sky” or, to make things easier: “the celestials”.

At the time where airplanes did not yet exist and the Catholic Church was not yet confronted with this kind of problem, they used to tell us that the angels lived in the clouds. Finally, with the airplanes, everybody could see that there were no angels in the clouds. For a while, the Catholic Church avoided the subject and in the end, it admitted that the angels do not live in the sky. Nowadays, when we hear somebody talk about the angels in the clouds, it makes us smile, and rightly so.

We could obviously say that this regrettable little mistake came from too strict a translation of the word “Elohim”, but then again… I speak Hebrew myself and although I am by far no expert in this language, I could very easily see that “Elohim” is a plural, despite my low level. In fact, Hebrew is much easier to understand than you may think. A word ending with an “a” is a masculine singular and the plural would end in “im” (see Eloha/Elohim). There is strictly no exception to this rule; a 6 year-old Israeli child can tell you that without hesitating. So, how is it possible that some highly educated priests from the Catholic Church made such a huge mistake?

Let’s imagine that there once was a civilisation on Earth that was not very evolved yet and let’s imagine that some aliens with wonderful abilities came from the sky. Let’s imagine they could fly, cure people, speak to each other while being far apart and so on. When Cortés arrived in Mexico, these peoples, who had never even seen a white man before, let alone a horse, mistook him and his men for gods. If it worked for Cortés, why would it not have worked for some aliens that came from the sky? For a population that knew nothing about technology, the Elohim and everything they brought had to be mystical. As I said above, Hebrew is not a very difficult language, far from it. It is a very logical language in fact, that seems to have appeared out of nowhere. You only find it in the Bible. The structure of the Hebrew language actually leads one to assume that the language was constructed in the same way as Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof’s Esperanto. Yet, the structure of Hebrew is much more evolved than Esperanto, so how is it possible that such an elaborate language appeared out of nowhere more than 4000 years ago? You must know that for the Jews, Hebrew is an important part of their religion.

The Book of Iah talks about two main alien artefacts that were left on Earth as proof of extraterrestrial life; two objects that apparently came from two different civilisations. One of them is the famous Ark of the Covenant seen in one of the Indiana Jones films, but this artefact really exists and stands at the origin of the Rastafarian religion which has its main temple in Ethiopia and where the Ark of the Covenant is kept. The second object was a present given to the Nordic peoples to fight against Ragnarrok, the end of all things or the apocalypse. The legend even claims that the artefact was offered to them by Odin himself.


The next issue addressed in the third chapter, or circle, is the Moon. It was explained in this chapter that the rotation of the moon isn’t natural. In fact, it was changed a long time ago in order to facilitate the observation of our planet without having to be on Earth; with a satellite like the Moon it was easy to install a large base from which one can watch anything on our planet, so that a very little number of aliens is enough to easily control everything that is happening on Earth.

For you who are reading these lines, all this could sound crazy, but in fact, if you inquire a little, you will find out that all these aspects are very embarrassing for our scientists. Most of the aspects are quite well known and some writers have already written a lot on the subject. For me, all this is less strange, because when I was a child, I had a mathematics teacher who was extremely interested in the writings of an author called Jean Sendy who explained all this in detail in his books; he did maybe not talk about everything that I have presented here, but most of it. Jean Sendy had taken these theories from a Swiss writer named Erich von Däniken. I believe that they are both still alive and continuing their research on the subject.The point is, thanks to my mathematics teacher I had read Jean Sendy’s book The Moon, key of the Bible in around 1970 and Jean Sendy had taken most of the ideas exposed in his book from the work of Erich von Däniken; which means that the book from this Swiss author must have been much older. So finally, the subject was not new, but maybe just a confirmation of a theory, which is not so bad already, I guess. Yet for me, the whole thing was much more profound; I knew the whole book by heart.

I was very good at maths and my teacher, instead of teaching mathematics, loved to talk about these theories, almost forgetting what he was supposed to teach us. How was it possible that I knew this book this early on in my life? How was it possible that I had a teacher who was completely fanatical about this book and always available to answer all my questions on the subject? How was it possible that I came across The Book of Iah? Indeed, this connection to the past looked like a strange kind of link to me. I felt it very deeply; maybe I was wrong, but I don’t think so. While I was learning more fao and more about this wonderful Book of Iah, I was also doing more research on the ideas on logic presented in the second circle and considering this, I could not really ignore such a strange coincidence. I was also working a lot on becoming more confident of my psychic powers and there, my soul was screaming that it meant something very deep. It was as if I was going back to the magic of my childhood with the power of our incredible discovery. I wish I could remember the name of this teacher, just to let him know that he was right.

At this level in The Book of Iah it is not very clear yet whether those who have written this book are the same aliens than those that came to Earth 4000 years ago. The third circle only presents the fact that most of our religious beliefs are completely ridiculous because they come from some barbarian peoples who had simply witnessed the exploits of a very advanced alien species. This chapter is thus a serious invitation to reconsider some philosophical aspects of our society.

Do you realise that the Americans, the masters of the world who show their “in God we trust” fanaticism on each and every dollar, do not even know in whom they really trust? Some alien


vessels simply stopped on our planet maybe to get some food or fuel and these aliens became our gods and the origin of all our laws and beliefs, while we were probably just a supermarket for them; or even worse, just a cosmic parking lot to stop at during a very long journey.


Chapter 2

The fourth circle was simply called “Zion”. We speak here about circles and not chapters, because first of all, they are presented as such in The Book of Iah, but also because it is a way of explaining that each circle gets closer to the centre, i.e. to the complete and absolute truth. Zion means in Hebrew “haven and/or sanctuary” and is the name of the hill on which Jerusalem was built on and where the Temple of Solomon is standing. In fact, this name is probably mostly known because of the “Priory of Zion” talked about in the bestseller The da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. To be able to understand the whole story about Zion, The Book of Iah explains the story of the Elohim from the very beginning, but in much more detail. The book further reveals that the Elohim’s passing on our planet still influences our present day psychology.

This alien species did not come to Earth 4000 years ago but, according to The Book of Iah, the first time they visited our planet was about 50000 years ago. They created us. They changed our human DNA, or at least heavily influenced it in order to speed up the evolution of our race. This is how the Cro-Magnon appeared. What is written in the Bible is therefore more or less right; the Elohim are our creators. But why did they create us? What was their purpose? The writings in The Book of Iah explain that the Elohim needed people to serve them and the Neanderthals were too limited to serve the alien cause. Unfortunately, this was not the only reason. This race of aliens, more commonly called “the Dragons” needed our race for something else; the Dragons manufacture beings and make biological robots and perfect slaves out of them. The problem for the Dragons is that once they have turned a civilisation into biological robots the race cannot bear children anymore, because to have children, you need love and as biological robots are unable to love, they cannot have children and like this, the Dragon’s “live stock” dries out.

To solve the problem, the Dragons elaborated a special plan of action: they came to Earth to give life and a very particular ego structure to human beings and then left humanity to procreate and reach a certain number before the masters’ harvesting. For them, they didn’t give life to a race; they simply created a hive. Before the Dragons came to Earth, humanity as we know it today didn’t exist, so for them, they have every right on us; we are just the final product of a genetic manipulation process. The Dragons have no time to waste on a little planet like ours. Another characteristic of their procedure is that they always create a second race. This second race resembles the first one, but it is a mixture between the first race they created, humanity, and their own race. The second race is more evolved and seems to have some kind of telepathic powers. According to the Dragons’ plan, this second race is destined to be the masters of this planet until the return of the latter when they come to harvest their hive.

I know, for you who are reading these lines this is too much to take. But just think; whatever The Book of Iah is supposed to be, it has not just been written to give theories about things that we know already; this is only the beginning of a very long research and up until now you can still verify everything by yourselves. These half human masters are there to control the development of mankind. Is the first teaching


in the Bible not, “be fruitful and multiply”? Which is, by the way, a stupid teaching for a cosmic god because he should have known that our planet has its limits (if you don’t believe me, have a look at the problems caused by global warming) and that we do not need a cosmic piece of advice to be too crowded on this planet one day. In fact, a cosmic god should have said: “I know that you believe that your planet is endless, but it is not. This planet is your cosmic vessel with which you travel in space, do not destroy it, prevent your children from spoiling everything and do not overpopulate”. How come a cosmic god who is supposed to be more intelligent than us, told us the exact opposite? Did all his cosmic knowledge not allow him to come to the conclusion that “be fruitful and multiply” was a very bad idea? Unless, of course, this god will come back one day to harvest us; in that case “be fruitful and multiply” is indeed a brilliant idea.

The second problem the Dragons came across was getting our race to accept their authority. You are going to say, “so what? They are extremely advanced in every aspect and they are afraid that we could fight for our freedom?” No they are not afraid; the procedure is only quicker and it is more practical if we do not fight. You know, a farmer is not afraid that his corn might start a revolution, he simply organises everything to have the best possible harvest. The half human masters are there to prepare the most comfortable return of their own masters, the Dragons. Of course, this half human race is supposed to receive something incredible in return for their work and their fidelity, but that is another story.

Life is not always easy on Earth, even for a semi-god and occasionally, things did not go too well. Some of their descendants thought that it might be better to be on the side of the humans and at the same time another race had come to Earth to fight against the semi-gods. This race is called “the Iah family”. Not much is said about this particular family in the fourth circle of The Book of Iah but a lot of explanations are given later on. You probably think that 50000 years for a single harvest is a very long time, but I can reassure you; the Dragons have already returned to Earth numerous times to harvest us. That is why you find strange stories about the complete disappearing of certain civilisations like Mu or Atlantis.

If the dragons are known in our society, then, why don’t we see any signs anywhere? You live with them, but you don’t see them. In England, the elite part of the army is called “the Dragons”; in and on every church there are representations of dragons the Church calls “gargoyles”. But what are they? What are they doing in and on churches? If you travel around in the world, you will discover a lot of very old legends from simple peoples that are talking of snake- or dragon-like gods or masters with white skin. Later on in this book, we will give you more examples.

The above-mentioned race of half gods and masters occasionally disappeared in the story of our civilisation, but they always re-appear again somewhere. It has always been very important for the masters of our world not to mix humans and the superior beings. In spite of their efforts it wasn’t always so easy and some regrettable mistakes happened. The masters of the world always made sure that the purest bloodline was guaranteed. The race of half-dragons has been present on Earth throughout our entire evolution. This is also why you find a lot of legends that talk about powerful dragons living with kings. At the time, a secret church started: “The Church of Blood” bears its name from the fact that this church recognises its members only by the quality of their blood and because this church’s main objective was and still is to kill and control. Only one single thing remains important; pleasing their masters, the dragons. The masters of this


planet consider the rest of humanity as inferior because we do not have extra-terrestrial blood in our veins. We are not like them, we are nothing and we deserve nothing. Hitler had the same way of thinking concerning the Jews and today we can see where this kind of belief can lead to.

This secret church used two main tools to control the civilisation. The first one was to feed the psyche of the population with particular beliefs that they “packaged” into new religions, and the second was to destroy anybody or any group who could bring any aspect of the truth to another human being and thus giving him the possibility to free him or herself. We can easily understand that with such a situation, it is better that nobody knows. It was important to discredit any group that could represent a danger. The masters of the world have been working on these techniques for thousands of years and often succeeded in their malicious plans. The other family of souls, called the Iah, worked on a different aspect and succeeded too. That is why our history is so mixed up and confusing; two different teams and powers have been influencing our evolution and it is a difficult task to make something clear out of this mess. Around four or five thousand years ago, things were very difficult for the Dragons and they were very unhappy with the half humans in charge of the planet. In order to have a better control of the Earth, they created the Bible, that is to say, the Old Testament to be more precise. The masters knew perfectly well how much time they had in front of them. After around 2000 years, it was time to create something really strong to prepare the human race for the next harvest. For this, they needed a perfect half human descendant from the purest dragon bloodline. The best choice, according to their calculations, was Joseph, the future father of Jesus. That is why Jesus’ entire family tree is written down in the Bible. This new Messiah was supposed to be on Earth to create a new wave of power on this planet to prepare the next harvest.

Jesus was exceptional and seemed perfect for the task; but in spite of his family, in spite of his education, he got “a little crazy” and started saying the opposite of what he was supposed to teach. Some masters started wondering if Jesus was really the right guy, but when they saw all his miracles, they were nevertheless convinced that only a half god, that is to say a descendant of the purest dragon bloodline could do the things Jesus did. In fact, with Jesus they could kill two birds with one stone; the religion of the masters was getting weaker and weaker and Jesus, through his miracles, revived the secret religion a lot. The fact that Jesus went a little crazy in their eyes disturbed the masters of the world a lot of course. To prevent things from getting too bad, the “Concile de Nicée” decided in the year 325 to rewrite the Bible, that is to say the New Testament, and censure all the writings that witnessed Jesus’ “mistakes”. Like this, the problem was solved, all the things Jesus had done that were disturbing for the secret dragon religion were taken out and lost forever for us normal mortal humans.

When Jesus was crucified, Maria Magdalena left the country with the two children she had with Jesus. She went to France and one of their children stayed in France. This child had children who had themselves children and very quickly a marriage with the royal line was organised. What we call the “Frankish Kings” were the direct descendants of Jesus who was considered to be a descendant from the purest dragon bloodline. France was thus controlled by the purest family.

Unfortunately these kings were very unlucky; so unlucky in fact, that they were also called the


“Rois Maudits”, the Merovingian kings. In the year 751, this family was destitute and the family of the Carolingian was put on the throne. The Carolingians were also considered to be of dragon descent, but their bloodline was less pure than Jesus’. In the year 1099, the most powerful people in France gathered to create the Priory of Zion; amongst them was Godfroy de Bouillon who was at the head of the first crusade. Some of these people were more or less related to the half human/ half dragon race also named the half gods and they wanted to know if this meant something special or not.

They wanted to find out why the Merovingian dynasty, the direct descendants of the purest possible bloodline was so poor on the French throne. They created a secret team of 12 people who became the Knights Templar. Among them were 9 knights and 3 psychic people. They were called the Knights Templar, because they were sent to the Solomon Temple on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. The Knights Templar did research in the secret parts of what was left of the Solomon Temple for 9 years, in order to find out why the Merovingian kings were so unlucky on the French throne. They needed to find out whether or not the Priory of Zion had to intervene to put the Merovingian kings back on the throne in France and if the secret religion of the half gods had a real meaning. If yes, some members of the Priory of Zion were supposed to become the new masters of the world. What the Knights Templar brought back from the Solomon Temple was something that nobody would have dreamt of in his worst nightmares; their findings still represent the biggest secret in the story of our civilisation.


Chapter 3

Advertisements and Fakes

The next circle is about the system of protection that was installed for the masters of the world. I might mix the explanations a little in this chapter because, as always, each circle is giving more specifications about the other circles. As The Book of Iah contains a lot of information, I might mix what was said in this circle with what was added later in the other circles.

There are three different levels in the advertising (or the para-) language: At the first level, you are just a victim who receives and swallows everything you have been told. “Do as you are told” should be the leitmotiv of these people. First of all, you are told that you are free because nothing is more exciting for the masters of the world than to make slaves believe that they are free.

At the second level, you know the power of communication and therefore stand on the other side of it, that is to say, you use communication as a tool to exert power over people by manipulating and selling.

You are probably wondering what the third level of communication could be. It is possible to provoke a special reaction in people with a special advertisement, and it is also possible to provoke special feelings in people by using any kind of paralanguage. This is only feasible because everybody has more or less the same global psychology and if everybody has a similar psychology, it is because everybody received the same basic programming; otherwise none of these techniques would work. You must understand that we all come from an evolution that, in spite of having been manipulated, is also the result of the evolution of different races. The human being is obviously linked to other mammals and as such, we always feel more secure in a herd. The fact of feeling safer in a herd is one of the elements that is used to manipulate us. If you push enough people into one direction, you can be sure that after some time, everybody will follow. As the media was especially organised for this purpose, with the power it has today, it is possible to almost instantly create a new herd of a new type of believers.

Another tool that is widely used to manipulate people is guilt. As children, we have never received anything because we were acting well. We all grow up in a society of punishment; that is to say, as a rule, we all got our parents’ attention when we did something wrong, but almost never when we did something right. We thus developed a negative conditioning, meaning that we react very strongly in situations where we could be wrong or ridiculous. With such a conditioning and the specificities exposed above, you can do what you want with a nation.

Let’s take the cigarette for instance; it is a very basic example but nevertheless a striking one. A good friend of mine wrote an article on the power of communication and the techniques that were used to push everybody to accept this poison. He further demonstrated that the same government used the same techniques a few years later, to tell the public to quit smoking. You will see that, with the magic of communication, it is possible to say one thing and then its exact


opposite without being considered distrustful or incredible: Saying one thing and meaning another – or how the French government got away with communicating an anti-tobacco message despite owning the national tobacco industry:

Having analysed the SEITA’s and the French government’s, or to be more precise, the Ministry of Health’s, respective communications strategies it may be time to reveal that the SEITA was entirely owned by the French government (it was controlled by the Ministry of Finance) up until 1995 when it was part privatized. Full privatization of the SEITA only occurred in October 2000 when the French government finally retrieved its remaining capital! Although this wasn’t a secret, the survey I conducted clearly shows that the average Frenchman was not aware that a state monopoly was responsible for the entire production and distribution of tobacco products in France. I conducted “micro-trottoirs” in Metz, Paris and Marseille asking just over two hundred people between the age of 20-50 (the age groups most concerned by the period 1976-2000) whether they knew that the SEITA was controlled by the French government and one hundred and thirty-seven of the two hundred people did either not know this at all or seemed to remember vaguely having heard something like that one day. What is obvious is that this information about the SEITA was not at all clear in their minds; most people had never asked themselves the question of who was behind the French tobacco industry. It is important to underline thus that the above analysis of both the Ministry of Health’s and the SEITA’s communications strategies from the beginning of the seventies over to the 1976 inauguration of the Veil law until the full privatization of the SEITA in October 2000 was done by the French government. All tobacco public communication and public relations work was undertaken either entirely by the French government (until the part privatization in 1995) or at least with a 50% involvement on the part of the Ministry of Finance! Frédéric Beigbeder, former communicator turned novelist, says it outright in his best-selling novel 99Francs: “Advertising has the mission to make citizens believe that a situation is normal when it really is not”.Now you could try and argue that the government did not know about the health risks involved (which is a blatant lie because the state-owned SEITA signed an agreement with five other European tobacco companies as early as 1963–the Tobacco Research Council (UK), Austria Tabakwerke, the Ammministrazione dei Monopolei di Stato (Italy) and the Vereinigte Tabakfabriken AG (Germany) – in which they state that they will “mettre en commun” their respective discoveries on cancer caused by smoking) and that, as soon as it found out about them, informed the public by running educational campaigns on and against tobacco, but fact is that from 1976 when the first campaign was launched until 1995 when the SEITA was part privatized, the French government simultaneously promoted tobacco via the SEITA and the Ministry of Finance and ran anti-tobacco campaigns via the Ministry of Health, and this is not a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand does. This is the French government deliberately using two different communication strategies to manipulate the French population into believing that the government is a caring and responsible institution, masking the fact that it actually wants citizens to smoke. Some numbers might shed some light on the situation: the Ministry of Health spent an average of around 100 million francs on its anti-tobacco campaigns


whereas the Ministry of Finance allowed the SEITA to spend an average of 500 million francs on cigarette promotion before the 1991 Evin law and almost a billion francs on public relations campaigns from 1992 to its full privatization in 2000.Truth is that in 1982, six years after the first law restricting tobacco advertising and promotion, and in the midst of the government’s campaigning against tobacco, the SEITA produced no less than 62510 million cigarettes, which constitutes a net profit of 489 million euros for the industry. Direct and indirect tax revenues for the government amounted to 2810 million euros. To get a clear idea about how much the French government really manipulated its citizens by campaigning against tobacco, apart from obviously considering the tax benefits, one only has to consider the following facts too: in the same year, the Ministry of Finance, via the SEITA employed a total of 188.600 people in the tobacco industry. The manual workers in the industry’s salary was 43% higher than the salary of the average worker in France. But by far the most shocking things are that cigarettes were listed in the price index until 1991 when the Evin law abolished the price limit on cigarettes, meaning that, until then, they had been considered an elementary consumer product like bread and milk and that the prices could not be risen. Furthermore, every one who wanted to sell tobacco products needed a special licence issued by the government. The only reason the government started campaigning against tobacco was because the health issue surrounding the subject had become such a concern for people that the government was forced to position itself, thus using communications as some sort of crisis reputation management to start off with. Another rather intriguing element in the fact that cigarettes had been listed in the price index until 1991, was that this happened to be only four years before the SEITA was partly privatized in 1995. Furthermore, cigarette prices went up nine times between 1991 and 1997 (three years before the SEITA was fully privatized) which almost doubled the price of a packet and made the tax revenues for the government go from 32 billion francs in 1991 to 57 billion francs in 1997! And I did not find any campaigns “educating” the public on that fact. On top of this, one needn’t forget that the government continued to promote cigarettes on a large scale (in the years that the government was the only shareholder of the SEITA, the company spent about 500 million francs on advertising and promotion of their products until 1991 and doubled this amount after the Evin law) all the while they were “educating” the public about the health risks that smoking brings with it and pleading them to please not smoke; completely leaving out the fact that it was the French government who got people to smoke in the first place. Worse than that, it was the government who had even claimed, in the 1920s, that ‘smoking is good for you’.Yet, a few decades later, this same government, even if the people in it had changed, now told its citizens that “smoking is bad for you”, which is the exact opposite of its previous statement. Again, you could try and argue that they were not aware of the health risks before, but then, instead of only campaigning against tobacco, why did they not also run a campaign stating that they were wrong before? The answer is simple; if they were to communicate the truth and apologize for their mistake, they would have had to tell the whole truth and simultaneously run a campaign stating that it had the guts to run anti-tobacco campaigns despite the fact that it was still the government that owned the tobacco industry, that it still made huge profits both by selling the cigarettes and the taxes it could raise on them and that it would continue to sell cigarettes despite the health risks because the profits the government made with cigarettes were just too enormous to be


dropped. So instead of using public communication to tell the truth, the French government deliberately used communication to manipulate the public and buy itself a social conscience: “with its anti-tobacco ads and its secret techniques, the government tries to persuade the viewer-citizen that it cares about the public’s well-being, its health and their quality of life…the government thus confirms that we live in a simulacra society”. The only reason the government knew it would get away with doing this is because its communicators were perfectly aware of the human psychology and thus knew that people are unable to look beyond the one who is speaking and analyze the coherence or not between a person’s speech and his actions. So how would the public be able to look back in time and remember that it was the same government who now told them that smoking is bad for your health that told them before that smoking was good for your health and that these are two contradicting speeches that do not make sense? “People have been conditioned to believe in and react to a series of well-defined signs. For example, we are conditioned to believe that what is written in a book is more credible than what is said by a private person...The next level is television; even if people slowly become more savvy, it is still a pavlovian reflex to believe almost everything that is said on TV because we have been ‘trained’ to consider television to be an authority. People have become so used to giving more importance to the medium than to the message, and this is true for everything, that they have lost the ability not only to look beyond the one who is speaking but to look at his actions too and analyse whether a person’s words are in coherence with his actions.” The same goes for the government; we are conditioned by the patriarchal society that we live in to take the government as an authority and therefore do hardly question its actions let alone its motivations. This is even more true for the French because, more than any other European country, France has a long history of being a ‘nanny state’. The French government’s anti-tobacco communications strategy was mainly focusing on television advertising which was quite a cunning move: like this, one authority (the government) used another authority (television) to bring its message across, thus putting a double code on its “no smoking” message, leaving no chance for the average citizen to question the campaigns enough to find out that they were totally contradictory to the government’s actions. Even those citizens who manage to see the lie behind the governments anti-tobacco campaigns, were still manipulated by the system because nowadays we are so conditioned to believe not in the message itself but in the form that the message comes in, that it has almost become a pavlovian reflex to accept opposite and contradictory messages as long as they are brought to us in a language that we have been conditioned to understand. Take for example the above-mentioned advert the SEITA placed in one of the largest national newspapers where it stated (albeit not overtly) that it would find ways to continue advertising its products; at that point in time, the SEITA was still entirely controlled by the Ministry of Finance, so it was basically the French government itself who told the public that it would find ways to circumvent its own laws – and people did not even see the audacity of this advertisement although it is literally screaming at you.The French government’s communication strategies to promote both cigarettes and non-smoking at the same time really was a clever ‘coup’; what was even more clever was that the government, once the outside pressure on it to position itself concerning the health risks of tobacco consumption became too high for it to continue to remain silent on the


subject, started aiming its cigarette advertising and public relations campaigns on youngsters, an audience the government knew the SEITA would be able to reach because it is the exact opposite to the state authority that the Ministry of Health represented. And like that, the French government managed to manipulate the young to start smoking; the sad thing is that it is the young that the government is meant to protect most. With a communications ‘tour de force’, the French government thus managed to do something that must be the dream of every communications professional out there: to get every single citizen to listen to you and follow your call (the Ministry of Finance got the young to smoke and the Ministry of Health scared the adult population so much that it smoked even more, with the difference that the cigarette was now no longer a sign of social status but a sign of personal weakness). All they had to do to get away with this was to change the face of the one who was speaking and the words that came out of his ‘mouth’.

7. Conclusion

The professional communicator organizes his techniques from his knowledge of the human being and his tendencies, his desires, his needs, his psychological mechanisms and automatisms as well as from his knowledge of social psychology. He models his means of action on his knowledge of groups and the way they form and unform, on his knowledge of mass influence and the limits of the ‘milieu’.

The government’s campaigning against smoking has not managed to make people quit but has only changed people’s perception of the cigarette. People who smoke used to be cool, now people who smoke are considered weak and they are ashamed to smoke and not being able to quit. One could argue that the government’s communications strategy was totally ineffective because it did not manage to convince people to stop smoking but the question one has to ask oneself here is: considering the loss in tax revenues for the government, money they would need to find elsewhere, did the government really want to get people to stop smoking or did they just want to give the impression of being “the good guy” who wants his citizens to live healthily because they had no other choice if they did not want to get major image problems? If the motivation behind the government’s anti-tobacco campaigns was not to make people quit but to make people believe that they want them to quit, their communication was indeed very effective. Because what they really did manage to do was to change people’s perception of the cigarette to the extent that almost every single smoker now feels guilty of smoking; and what do people do, or rather what do people not do when they feel guilty? They do not dare ask questions because since they are guilty of doing something wrong, how could they accuse somebody else of doing something wrong, they have no right…or at least that is what the public at large believes. Once you have managed to make people feel guilty, you can pretty much do anything with them. Not only has the government managed to portray itself as a caring person but by applying the fear appeal it has panicked its smoking citizens who, in order to get rid of their fear and calm themselves down, smoke even more! This is the true power of communication: taking a bad situation like being forced to take action to counter potentially far-reaching image problems and turn this dangerous situation into a


favourable one for yourself by manipulating people into believing one thing (we want you to quit) by using communication tools (here the fear factor) that you know will have the exact opposite effect of what you apparently want, thus getting people to do what you really want them to do (smoke) without them even realizing it. As Ignacio Ramonet puts it: “domination is most effective if the dominated remain unaware of it”. This also answers the question of why the government, of all possible communication tools, only uses ‘simple’ television and print advertising to promote non-smoking rather than public relations. Since they do not really want people to quit smoking, they may as well use the most boring and apparently ineffective form of communication there is, and that makes their message become stale. The French government’s anti-tobacco advertising was thus nothing else but a public relations stunt (this case might then also give an answer to those people who continue to argue about the place advertising and PR occupy in public communication: the French government clearly shows here that advertising is a sub-category of PR and not the other way around); and while some still ask themselves why the government only used advertising campaigns instead of taking inspiration from the SEITA’s public relations campaigns, they did not see that it actually used the most elaborate public relations and that the PR strategies the SEITA used were inspired by the government’s PR and not vice versa. And since they got away with communicating an anti-tobacco message despite owning the tobacco industry, they knew as well that they would get away with selling cigarettes to kids, because:If you can make the public first believe one thing and then its total opposite, despite even physical and psychological addiction, public communication and public relations has the power to make them believe and accept anything. Using more or less simple communication tools, the Ministry of Finance managed to influence the cultural values of the time, creating a social setting that was not only willing to accept the tobacco industry’s product, but that even saw the cigarette as a reference of social success, freedom and independence although the product itself (cigarettes are highly addictive, you are not free to stop when you want) was proof that the public was not free but manipulated into believing that it was free. The tobacco industry didn’t just convince the smoker to buy a certain brand; it created the social need to smoke, turning a non-smoker into a smoker by the mere use of a few communication tricks. By the time the Ministry of Health ‘intervened’, people were both physically (via the nicotine contained in cigarettes) and psychologically (via all the connotations and social values linked to it) addicted to the cigarette and yet the government managed, with strategic communication techniques, to turn a social need into a personal vice in record time. Making people behave in the exact opposite way of which they had managed to make them behave just a few years before - without people asking even the slightest question.If public communication and public relations manage to make us first believe one statement and then its exact opposite without us realizing the lie behind the first statement, meaning that we never asked ourselves any questions and that we blindly accepted what we were told, the power of communication is such that it manages to extinguish human judgement, the one thing that, by definition, distinguishes us from the animal. Descartes said: “Je pense donc je suis”…

Going back to my writings…


If you take the story of Roswell for example: when the crash happened on the 2nd July 1947, the army told complete lies to the public but nobody doubted because it was a serious authority who was giving the message. At that point in time, Roswell was the only base to possess the nuclear bomb; but it was incapable of making the difference between a UFO and a meteorological balloon?! It is incredible but it is like that, if a government authority speaks, it is always right, and if you say the opposite you are ridiculous. It is even more interesting to see what happened afterwards with the Roswell story. When this file finally fell into the Common Rights law in 1997, it was at last possible to read exactly what happened on this famous 2nd July 1947 and what did the file say … nothing! In fact, according to the files, nothing at all happened that day; they did not even go out to fetch the much talked about meteorological balloon. So, what is the whole story about? If it was not a UFO but only a balloon that they picked up in front of the journalists, why was this simple action not written down when even the smallest detail like a car leaving the base is recorded? It is easy to understand; they feel so sure of their power to communicate and make people believe what they want, that once their work of disinformation is done, they do not care about it anymore.

In the year 1980, global warming did not exist, although the poles have been melting for almost 50 years!! In the year 1990, some said that there might be a slight danger of global warming but that it would not really matter because it would not much change the life on our planet. Maybe, among some other little things, the water level would increase by 1 or 2 centimetres, but so what? In the year 2000, global warming had become a fact and it was clear that, if we do not act to stop this phenomenon, the water level would increase by 20 centimetres probably. In the year 2004, it was said that the water level would probably increase by 1 or 2 metres. By the year 2007, global warming had become very dangerous and it was widely known that it would be a catastrophe for our planet and mankind because the water level would definitely increase by at least 12 metres. At the end of 2008, the UN announced officially that if we do not completely change our way of living by the end of 2009, there would be no possible return, our planet would definitely be destroyed sooner rather than later.

In reality, it is impossible to stop global warming today. Here is an explanation given by a friend of mine about what we can expect from this catastrophe:

First of all, you must understand the weather as a phenomenon that is always changing and evolving. Still, our world has a certain natural speed with which it changes. Today we are facing a phenomenon, which could be compared to a tsunami. I’m talking about violence. It’s true that the world, in spite of this violence, will adapt quite easily to what is coming; but the world lives things on a scale of billions of years, or at least millions of years, which is not the case for the fragile new race on earth, mankind. Our race will be completely unable to adapt to such a speed. I would say that the humans, like some animals would be able to survive maybe here or there, because some part of the world should still be a little protected.

On the poles, the temperature is not of –30, far from this; it’s important to know that the


changes at the poles of our planet are even today considerably greater than anything you could imagine. And those changes will carry on, up to an increase of at least 30 degrees, while it’s possible that the changes will “only” be of around 3 or 4 degrees at the equator. The water level of the oceans will increase by about at least 30 metres and can even reach up to 70 metres. Our world is alive and can react like any living body. Too much water is not good for this organism that needs the ground as well to develop some part of its work. The only natural way to stop this very big amount of water will be to freeze it; which means that only if the temperatures drop again considerably, water levels will stop rising.

Everybody keeps talking about the Gulf Stream, but in fact the world is covered with warm streams everywhere, and all of them are already changing now. This will first increase the temperature, and then decrease it very violently. Europe will drop for a certain while to –60 degrees. After a little crisis of a few centuries, things will get better. Once more, a planet can react to any kind of aggression. For a certain time, at least half of the world will be under water. The weather will be extremely different everywhere, which means also different floras, different insects, different illnesses. The humans and also most of the animals of today are going to disappear. Life as we know it won’t be possible anymore for the young human race. Our economy, our geography won’t be able to survive that. Now, if you take the islands in the Caribbean ocean, it might be possible that some humans may survive. Most of these islands are volcanic islands with very high mountains, so maybe some people could be protected there. Still, it’s very far from being sure, because the sea will have a lot of very violent reactions, like tsunamis and so on, so… We can almost be sure that the human race will survive this and will develop into something different and maybe even better after something, which could look like an ice age and a prehistoric age. But that will be in a very long time.Now, to be precise about the time, we knew perfectly well in the year 1970 that global warming was already happening but the political world didn’t want us to speak. Today, some “authorities” start speaking about the issue. But again, it’s only with the allowance of these same authorities and it’s once more for the same reason, that is to say, to cover up the real truth, that global warming has become an issue now.

When you hear that the problems could be coming in about 25 years, (I read 8 years recently somewhere), these are big lies to push you to feel secure. In fact, we know that everything is already happening now and will reach a very dangerous level for mankind in about 1 to 3 years maximum. 2 years remain very probable.Now about the things we can do, I’m afraid there’s not much left, because even if all our gas emissions would completely cease in one day, we already created reactions that no one can stop. The earthquake happened already and the tsunami is coming. The pollution we do today is just creating more and more earthquakes.

Back to my writings…


Do you seriously believe that they didn’t know all this in the seventies already? Of course, they did. They even knew that cigarettes are bad for your health but if you want, you can continue to believe that they did not know this.

The first crop circles were reported around 1600; back then, they were called “the circles of the devil”, which is not so wrong after all, but we will go into that later. There were very few crop circles at that time, but since 1970, the number of crop circles in the world increases every year. More than 9000 crop circles have been recorded today. Of course, some are fakes but it is so easy to make the difference between a real crop circle and a fake, that there is no ground for discussion or doubting. The real crop circles are numerous and indubitable. Still, one day, two retired people declare on TV that they are the makers of these circles. The media follows this story with great interest and now, if anyone speaks about crop circles, he is simply making a fool of himself and labelled an idiot.

A few things to know… When these two guys were invited in front of the cameras to make a crop circle they did not manage to make one. Some crop circles were made on highly protected army ground, so our two old men are not only brilliant “circle makers”, they are also ninjas. Or how else would they have gotten into a protected area without being noticed? 9000 crop circles have been made all over the world, even in Russia when the Iron Curtain was still there. Again, they are not only “circle makers”, they also travelled the entire world (who paid for that?) and were allowed to pass borders no one else was even allowed to get close to? In the crop fields also grow poppies; when the crops are bent down, the poppies remain standing. So our two guys are also biologists and very patient and careful. Crop circles are always made during the night in a very short amount of time; so our two guys are not only everything that has been mentioned above, they are also a mixture between Superman and Flash Gordon. Some of those crop circles were mathematically so advanced, that some experts wrote some new theorems thanks to the teachings of these crop circles. So our two little guys must have been to evening classes to be such specialists in maths. I could give dozens of examples like that and still, if you speak about crop circles today, everybody is laughing because “everybody knows that they are just fakes, you stupid”. After the story of the two old men, very “scientific” explanations were given to justify the existence of crop circles: suddenly, they were caused by hedgehogs making love in the crops. I guess that the number of hedgehogs is increasing considerably and that they are becoming more and more creative with the years. And now, finally, it is the wind that makes the crop circles. Of course, somehow, nobody believes such crap, but on the other hand, everybody does in a way. Now, crop circles are linked to something stupid and ridiculous and nobody cares about these “fake” manifestations, and the masters of the world have reached their goal.

After the Second World War, tuberculosis was extremely widespread in Europe. Some laboratories created a vaccine against this illness and Europe was saved. Who knows that in Holland this vaccine was considered inadmissible and refused? Holland, like all other European


countries, got rid of tuberculosis because the disappearing of this illness had nothing to do with the vaccine but was only the consequence of the quality of life that improved again after WW2.

Did you know that the vaccine against rabies has to be renewed every year for your dog in France? If you refuse the renewal, you are a monster and considered completely irresponsible by society because your dog becomes “a weapon against mankind”. Did you know that in Belgium, the exact same vaccine is used and you only need to give this injection to your dog every three years? If there is such a difference, it is, of course, not because each government creates the truth it wants, but because of the well-known magic power of the border, nothing else. In France the dogs needs an injection every year and in Belgium only every three years; that is the magic of the border. Talking about the magic of borders, the explosion of a nuclear plant in Tchernobyl on the 18th

April 1986 and the radiations caused by this explosion were considered extremely dangerous in Germany or Italy but when the radiations arrived in France, according to the authorities, there was no danger at all. Once more, it was the magic of the border that stopped the danger; it had nothing to do with any kind of media manipulation. “Do as you are told, eat contaminated fruit and vegetables, it will do you good!”

During the last World War, certain authorities had invented a new game in Europe and of course in Germany, called “kill the Jew” and we can see now how proud everybody can be to have followed the herd.If you push people far enough, they become completely crazy. I met some people in the UFO scene for instance, who tell you that they cannot accept any witnessing which has not been confirmed by the army or the police and at the same time, they say: “the army is always lying to us, like for Roswell for example, or so many other cases”.

Once, I was invited to a big meeting with self-acclaimed crop circle “specialists”. During the conference, I pointed out the facts concerning the attitude of the farmers, the farmers’ dogs and some others details about the circumstances in which crop circles appear. After a short amount of time, I realised that no one could follow my explanations on this topic because all eight official crop circle experts had never seen a real crop circle; their entire “experience” only came from what they had seen on the Internet or in newspapers. You see, it is easy; if you give enough crap to some people, they will become completely crazy.

I’m sorry to say so, but with advertisements or affirmations of fakes, you can take a nation wherever you want. If you do not believe me, just ask Hitler, Mussolini or Stalin. Are you naïve enough to believe that Tony Blair, Bush or his friend Sarkozy are different? If you do, maybe you should wake up, because you believe in science fiction much more than I do. According to the official authorities, the Area 51 does not exist, so what could the white buildings be that you can see on LON W 116°50’54.48” LAT N 37°37’40.96”?Nothing exists but in the heads of crazy people; in that case, what is on LON W 116°50’54.48” LAT N 37°37’40.96” given by Google Earth?

If “serious” authorities say today: “it’s a fake”, the conversation is over. That’s all. It is almost like a spell.


I want to thank Mr. Chorley and Mr. Bower who must belong to the same society.

Mr. Plantard created a scam with the Priory of Zion and thanks to that, suddenly the Priory is only bullshit.

I have been interested in and done research on this subject for a long time. I wrote an article on the Priory of Zion a few years ago based on my own archives on the subject, but being a perfectionist, I also did some research on the internet.

Here are some extracts of the above-mentioned article:


“There are two stories: the official, false one and the secret story…”Honoré de Balzac

In the year 1099, a group of very powerful initiated people came together at the Priory of Zion to debate on the most important element of their almighty society. The people who gathered there, represented the soul of the country; even the kings were crowned only with their permission. Nevertheless, at that time, France did no longer have the power and the glory it was supposed to have. The Merovingian descendants had been deprived of the throne after a long period of maledictions and failures, and the Carolingian Kings were put in charge of France, but were they worth the throne? Could France attain its destiny now that it was a country without soul and without magical descendants? A lot of initiated people considered this to be very improbable and they wanted all their questions answered.

That is why the greatest French masters secretly came together to discuss the Christian descendants, or, in their understanding, the future of humanity. Some of these masters are very well known in the French history. They are:

Godefroy de Bouillon about 1099 Founder of the Priory of ZionHugues de Payns 1118-1136 First great master of the Order of the Temple

and one of the great masters of the Priory

Robert de Craon 1136-1150Everard des Barres 1150-1150Bernard de Tremlay 1150-1153André de Montbard 1153-1156Bertrand de Blancfort 1156-1169Philippe de Milly 1169-1171Eudes de Saint-Amant 1171-1179Arnaud de Torroge 1179-1184

Gérard de Ridfort 1184-1190 1188 splitting of the Order of the Temple andof the Priory of Zion : breaking of the elm


Gérard de Ridfort is responsible for the splitting; as of the year 1188 the great masters of the Priory of Zion are as follows:

Jean de Gisors 1188-1220 Ferdinand de Gonzague 1527-1575Marie de Saint-Clair 1220-1266 Louis de Nevers 1575-1595 Guillaume de Gisors 1266-1307 Robert Fludd 1595-1637 Edouard de Bar 1307-1336 J. Valentin Andrea 1637-1654Jeanne de Bar 1336-1351 Robert Boyle 1654-1691Jean de Saint Clair 1351-1366 Isaac Newton 1691-1727Blanche d'Evreux 1366-1398 Charles Radclyffe 1727-1746 Nicolas Flamel 1398-1418 Charles de Lorraine 1746-1780 René d'Anjou 1418-1480 Maximilien de Lorraine 1780-1801 Iolande de Bar 1480-1483 Charles Nodier 1801-1844Sandro Filipepi 1483-1510 Victor Hugo 1844-1885Leonardo da Vinci 1510-1519 Claude Debussy 1885-1918 Connétable de Bourbon 1519-1527 Jean Cocteau 1918-1963

Jean Marais 1963-1998

From 1998 onwards UNKNOWN

They first did some research in France and discovered that the story of Maria Magdalena and her descendants among the Frankish Kings was well corroborated and that they had no choice but to direct their research at Jesus himself. The initiates knew that important documents on Jesus were hidden in the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem and thus decided to bring together two religious learned persons, one extraordinarily gifted medium and nine knights: Hugues de Payns, Geoffrey Saint-Omer, André de Montbard, Archambaud de Saint-Aignan, Payen de Montdidier, Geoffrey Bissol, Gondemar, Hugues Riguaud et Rossal. These nine knights were sent to do research in the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem and that is why they were called the Knights Templar. As usual, the truth was hidden; the two learned persons and the medium were concealed and the nine knights were officially “sent to protect the thousands of pilgrims who travelled to Jerusalem each year”.The twelve searched the secret caves of the Temple of Solomon for nine years. The official story says that the nine Knights Templar protected the pilgrims, but the truth was that the nine Knights Templar protected the two learned persons and the medium so that they could search for the secret documents on Jesus and his predecessors in peace and security. The Templars came back to the Priory with what they had found, but the documents do not at all contain the information the masters of the Priory had expected.

Zion is the name of the hill on which the Temple of Solomon was built, and the name Priory of Zion was chosen in honour of the almighty Christian bloodline. The news the Templars brought back would shake the world. It is the most unthinkable and the most unbelievable piece of news anyone could imagine. It changed the face of European politics to the extent that the nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki seem harmless compared to what was written in the scripts the Templars brought back from Jerusalem.The news was so unbelievable, that the Priory of Zion, although controlled by great masters, literally exploded. Panic and hysteria spread in the minds of its members and quickly, the Priory of Zion was dissolved and a number of other groups were created.Some former members of the Priory thought that the Merovingian Kings were the pure


dragon bloodline and decided to do everything to restore their power. They were to put the Frankish Kings back into power that is why they called themselves the “Franc-maçons” (which means in French: the builders of the Frankish). In English, they are called the Freemasons, which is a manipulated translation of the original term “Franc-maçons”, the real translation would be the Frankish masons. They claim to be “free masons” but they always forget to say what they would like to build. The Freemasons considered the findings in the temple to be false. They thought that the Frankish bloodline was to be found in England and established themselves in England too, in order to do everything that was necessary to mix the Merovingian descendants with the English royal family, to make sure that the English royal family was of dragon descent also.

England extended its powers to the USA, a country that is falsely considered free; in reality, most of America’s presidents are of royal English descent. The Americans created the Mormons who, under false religious pretences, do the greatest genealogical research in the world. The idea was to marry those with dragon blood in order to create a human being who deserved to represent American power.

Everybody argued at the Priory of Zion because nobody knew how to handle the findings the Knights Templar had made. The Templars themselves were in great danger because they knew something that nobody else was allowed to find out, but they found a way out; the three erudite disappeared and to this day, nobody knows where they went. The Templars said that they knew nothing, that they only protected the erudite. To show their good will, the Templars proposed to be what they had been created for, namely protectors of the Jerusalem pilgrims. For a long period of time, the Templars did their work exceptionally well and attracted thousands of new Templars who helped them in their work. They ended up creating not only an army that was equal in number to the royal army, they also acquired a huge amount of money. Nothing showed that the Templars knew the slightest thing.

The creation of the Templars was post-dated by nine years in order to conceal the Templars nine years of research in the Temple of Solomon. This is one of the methods used in global manipulations: you keep the truth but you subtract or you add some elements so that the truth becomes an almighty lie because it is almost entirely based on real facts.

The story of the Templars joins that of the Cathars, but it is too long to explain it here.

The story of the Templars conceals another secret that has never been clearly elucidated in France; the mystery of Rennes-le-Château. Everything can be explained with the Evreux family. They were the keepers of the rolls the Templars found in Jerusalem. For a reason I do not know, they hid the rolls under the altar in the church of Rennes-le Château. Those were the documents that Abbé Saunière was to find centuries later while having some renovation work done on the altar in question.

Abbé Saunière was a great erudite; he had studied a lot and with all his knowledge, he had become difficult to control. That is why the clergy thought they could cast him aside


by transferring him to a small village called Rennes-le Château. There are elements though, that show us that Abbé Saunière, through his studies, had already found out that the rolls were hidden in the above-mentioned village church and that he organised his own transfer to Rennes-le-Château to be directly on location to search the place he suspected the rolls to be hidden in. Once in possession of the rolls, he knew very quickly what treasure he was holding in his hands and decided to go to Paris and organised things for his own security (I cannot tell what he did exactly, but he definitely did something to protect himself).

Once he had established everything for the whole truth to come out in case he died a sudden death, he started his harvest. What he had discovered made him despise the catholic values; he blackmailed the religious authorities and had them pay. He did not hesitate to do traffic of indulgence as the catholic values had no importance for him anymore. He remained a noble man his entire life; he distributed his fortune among the inhabitants of the village and beyond, he had roads built…in short, he was a real benefactor for Rennes-le-Château. Abbé Saunière, despising all Catholic values, had a wife and did not at all hide his marriage with Marie Denarnaud. He was her benefactor too and covered her in presents; yet, when he died, she received nothing anymore and she died in complete poverty. If Abbé Saunière had been in possession of a material treasure, why would his wife not have continued to use it after the death of her husband? Especially since Abbé had ordered very costly construction work to be done just before his death…The answer is simple. Contrarily to her husband, she did not have the same kind of “life insurance” than he did. That is why Marie Denarnaud had stated that if she touched the treasure, she would die immediately.

It is said that in Abbé Saunière and his wife’s house the lights were on during entire nights and that they were both carrying things outside. This was either just a show to prevent curious people from finding out what their treasure was, or they were recuperating one of numerous little treasures that Abbé Saunière had received. In that case, they did this again only to manipulate the curious.The more people believed in a classical treasure made of gold, the more Abbé Saunière protected his survival. That is how he fulfilled his part of the contract with the Catholic Church: “you pay and I say nothing”.

Abbé Saunière despised the Catholics but continued to believe in Jesus, especially since reading the rolls. He had Rennes-le-Château’s church entirely renovated at the end of his life, but added numerous Cathar elements here and there. Like the Knights Templar, he thus glorified his brothers who shared the same secret; they were the only ones to know the true Christian religion. Abbé Saunière had suffered all his life from being a child without a home, a priest without a true church and had passed his entire life searching for a joy of life that he never really found. Finally, thanks to the power and the money of the Catholic Church, it is the Catholics who won the war, because Abbé Saunière’s secret has never been revealed. Instead, it was buried with him…To be able to write this text today, I searched my old notes and archives again, and I did some Internet research to see if new information had appeared. The Internet is of course


neither my main nor my own source of information but it is one of the tools I use in my work. How surprised do you think I was when I realised that almost all information that could possibly harm the Catholic Church had disappeared from the net? It seemed to never even have existed. I never thought possible that the Internet could have been wiped clean to such an extent. The “Pères Blancs” and other leaders must have taken to computers…

I can perfectly understand that one or the other source of information has been removed, but all information (on Abbé Saunière, the Priory of Zion, Rennes-le-Château, the Nicaea Council,…)?

Here is what I found on the Internet : It is very interesting to see the continuous hate in the texts to discredit the story of the Priory of Zion to make the most of Pierre Plantard’s coming.

Here is the conclusion of the article Opus Dei published on The daVinci Code by Dan Brown :

To conclude, one can say that the novel The daVinci Code reveals nothing new; it simply creates a myth that resembles so many others that have been invented in the past. To be more precise, it warms up old myths by founding them on an even more fantastical story..

you can also check :

www.opusdei.bewww.opusdei.org (Weblog of Father John WAUCK, Opus Dei priest).


I would add that the Catholic Church never ceased lying since the moment it was created in order to keep the power it has on its “little sheep” and that the church got rid of all the texts, statements, opinions, testaments and other things that could jeopardize its power on people and kings. Maybe these “old myths” deserve our attention after all? This is what Wikipedia says about the Priory of Zion :

The Prieuré de Sion, usually rendered in English translation as Priory of Zion, is an alleged thousand-year-old cabal featured in various conspiracy theories, as well as being listed as a factual ancient mystery religion in the bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. It has been characterized as anything from the most influential secret society in Western history to a modern Rosicrucian-esque ludibrium, but, ultimately, has been shown to be a hoax created in 1956 by Pierre Plantard, a pretender to the French throne. The evidence presented in support of its historical existence has not been considered


authentic or persuasive by established historians, academics and universities, and the evidence was later discovered to have been forged and then planted in various locations around France by Plantard and his associates. Nevertheless, many conspiracy theorists insist on the truth of the Priory's role as a powerful secret society. [1]

Ridiculing an author, whether he is right or wrong, is enough these days to prove that everything he said is nonsense. If I were to officially claim that I am the author of the bible and that someone discovered that this is a lie, this would be considered as proof that the bible is false. You will maybe say: “no, that is just too big…”, but this system works, it is even the disinformation principle par excellence the Catholic Church, the CIA or other government authorities use.

This is what Wikipedia says about Pierre Plantard:

Pierre Athanase Marie Plantard (March 18, 1920 – February 3, 2000) was a French draughtsman, best known for being the principal perpetrator of the hoax of the Priory of Zion, which he established to manufacture evidence that he had a legitimate claim to the French throne. This deception later inspired a series of BBC Two documentaries, the 1982 pseudo-history book Holy Blood, Holy Grail and the 2003 novel The Da Vinci Code, among others.

He used an altered surname, Plantard de Saint-Clair, from 1975 onwards. The surname Saint-Clair was added to his own surname on the basis that this was the family name associated with the area of Gisors, a part of France associated with his hoax.

Early lifePlantard was born in 1920, in Paris, as the son of a manservant. Starting in 1937, he began forming phantom associations with the aim of "purifying and renewing France," showing his anti-Semitic and anti-Masonic inclinations. On December 16, 1940 Plantard wrote a letter to Marshal Pétain expressing his belief in a "terrible ‘Masonic and Jewish’ conspiracy" against France and warned that Pétain should act quickly to counter this threat—with Plantard offering "a hundred reliable men … who are devoted to the cause."

Plantard's phantom associations included the French Union (1937), the French National Renewal (1941) and the Alpha Galates (1942 and 1946). Plantard's group published a periodical called Vaincre (Conquering), which was frequently laced with anti-Semitic, anti-Masonic, and mystical nationalist views. The German authorities had refused permission for Plantard to form the French National Renewal, and when Plantard disregarded another prohibition in the case of the Alpha Galates, he was given a four-month sentence in Fresnes Prison. Police Reports (entitled File Ga P7) relating to Plantard's pre-war and wartime activities are contained in the Paris Prefecture of Police, and from this early stage on in Plantard's life it was observed about him that: "Plantard, who boasts of having links with numerous politicians, seems to be one of those dotty, pretentious young men who run more or less fictitious groups in an effort to look important and who are taking advantage of the present trend towards taking a greater interest in young people in order to attract the Government's attention" (Police Report on Plantard's French National Renewal dated 9 May 1941). A Secret Service investigation of


him during World War II concluded that his mind was "cloudy", and that he was a fantasist who enjoyed creating right-wing anti-semitic organizations, that were set up like medieval orders of chivalry.

In 1953, Plantard was charged and convicted, and served a six-month sentence for fraud.

1956 version of the Priory

In 1956, Pierre Plantard was working as a draughtsman for a company in the town of Annemasse in South-east France, near the border with Switzerland. It was there that he founded the Priory with Andre Bonhomme, both of them being signatories to the 7 May 1956 Priory of Zion Statutes and Registration Documents that had to be deposited at the sub-prefecture of Saint-Julien-en-Genevois. This action was required by the 1901 French Law of Associations, which stated that all French associations, groups and clubs must register with the authorities. It is believed that Plantard chose the name of the Priory of Zion after a local area of the same name, "Sion-les-Mines", or perhaps simply a local mountain, "Mont-Sion". Devoted to the "defence and liberty of low-cost housing," the Priory association attacked the property developers of Annemasse through its journal Circuit.

Development of the Priory storyDuring the early 1960s, Plantard put himself forward as a Merovingian claimant to the throne of France, descended from King Dagobert II. This position was apparently influenced by an article that he had read by Louis Saurel in the French magazine Les Cahiers de l'Histoire Number 1 (1960). Louis Saurel's article had argued that Dagobert II was the last effective independent Merovingian King before the "Mayors of the Palace" began to take control. There is no prior evidence that Plantard or his family claimed descent from the Merovingian dynasty, and the format of Louis Saurel's 1960 article in Les Cahiers de l'Histoire was later copied in a 1964 Priory Document ascribed to "Anne Lea Hisler" entitled "Rois et Gouvernants de la France". Plantard was in reality the son of a butler and a cook, who had no recorded links to the Merovingians.

This period of Plantard's activities coincided with his meeting French author Gérard de Sède, who, with the collaboration of Plantard published the book Les Templiers sont parmi nous in 1962 , which related to the Gisors story that was begun by Roger Lhomoy (Lhomoy was de Sède's pig-farmer during this time). The book seems to have been the genesis of what was soon to become the popular version of the Priory of Zion, with the well-known ingredients – Godfrey of Bouillon, the Knights Templar, and so on. All of this can be easily proved to be historical fiction because the various claims as found in the Priory Documents never existed before the early 1960s in any shape or form, and cannot be substantiated from the known historical records.

Le Tresor Maudit, 1967

Furthermore, letters dating from the 1960s written by Pierre Plantard, Philippe de Cherisey and Gérard de Sède to each other confirm that the three were engaging in an


out-and-out confidence trick. The letters describe schemes on how to combat criticism of their various allegations, and how they would make up new allegations to try and keep the whole thing going. These letters (totalling over 100) are in the possession of French researcher Jean-Luc Chaumeil, who has also retained the original envelopes, and the originals of the forged medieval documents that were reproduced in the book Le Trésor Maudit de Rennes-le-Chateau, a collaboration of Plantard and Gerard de Sède. Jean-Luc Chaumeil was part of the Priory of Zion cabal during the 1970s and wrote books and articles about Plantard and the Priory of Zion before splitting from it during the late 1970s and exposing Pierre Plantard's past in French books. The Priory, Plantard claimed during the mid-1960s (but not before, and certainly not in 1956), was a secret inner circle of the Templars: It had survived the extinction of the original order, and had been manipulating events in Europe over centuries to keep the "rightful" Merovingian royalty alive.

Influenced by the hotelier Noel Corbu who claimed in 1956 that a treasure had been previously discovered in the area by the 19th century occupant of his property, Father Bérenger Saunière, Plantard further embellished the story by claiming that this treasure included parchments that substantiated Plantard's descent from Dagobert. Plantard began writing manuscripts, and produced forged medieval "parchments" (created by his friend, Philippe de Chérisey) with the claim that Saunière had supposedly discovered these documents whilst renovating his church in 1891. These documents purportedly showed the survival of the Merovingian line of Frankish kings. Plantard manipulated the story of Saunière's activities at Rennes-le-Château in order to "prove" his claims relating to the Priory of Zion. In 1966, he also planted arcane homemade documents in the Bibliothèque nationale in Paris. These documents, the so-called Dossiers Secrets (Secret Files), purported to corroborate the Priory's version of history. They were a remarkable collection of genealogies going back over a thousand years, all painstakingly created by hand over a period of months, with nothing more than a cheap stencil kit to produce the family trees and crests.

Some scholars of esoteric history consider the controversial Sicilian Traditionalist Julius Evola's (1898-1974) ideas as sources for Pierre Plantard's claims ([1]).

Later lifeIn 1979, Plantard met with Henry Lincoln and others, and claimed that he was the current Grand Master of the Priory of Zion.

In 1982, authors Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln published Holy Blood Holy Grail. It became a bestseller, and publicized Plantard's Priory of Zion as a "real" organization. The book also expanded upon the story though, claiming that the Merovingian line of kings had actually been descended from Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, and that the purpose of the Priory (and its military arm, the Knights Templar) was to protect the secret of the holy bloodline.

Plantard was reportedly horrified by this embellishment, saying that it was sacrilegious. He rejected the claims during the late 1980s when he revised the mythological pedigree of the Priory of Zion, claiming it had nothing to do with the Knights Templar, that the "Dossiers Secrets" were written under the influence of LSD, and that the Priory of Zion had in fact been founded in 1681 at Rennes-le-Château by the grandfather of Marie de


Negri d'Ables. This revised version of the Priory of Zion had been influenced by the opening of the "Sauniere Museum" in Rennes-le-Chateau in May 1989.

In September 1993, Plantard claimed that Roger-Patrice Pelat had once been grandmaster of the Priory of Zion. Pelat was a friend of the then-President of France François Mitterrand and the centre of a scandal involving French Prime Minister Pierre Bérégovoy. A French court ordered a search of Plantard's home, finding many documents, including some proclaiming Plantard was the true king of France. Under oath, Plantard admitted that he had fabricated everything, including Pelat's involvement with the Priory of Zion.[2]

After this, Plantard lived in obscurity until his death on 3 February 2000 in Paris. He thus did not live to see the publication of Dan Brown's novel The Da Vinci Code in 2003, an international best-seller drawing heavily on the Priory mythology originally invented by Plantard (and elaborated by various conspiracy theorists). The novel itself can be said to carry on the hoax, since Brown in a preface asserts that the Priory of Zion is an actual secret society that really was founded centuries ago (see The Priory of Zion in the Da Vinci Code). By a strange twist of fate, Dan Brown would derive enormous amounts of money from the Priory myth, something Pierre Plantard himself never achieved during decades of deception.

And here is the condescending description of Pierre Plantard given by JL Chaumeil in the Swiss paper Le temps :

« Plantard was a sacristan who had lost his faith. Son of a butler, he dreamed of royal ascendance and lived like a hermit »

But who is this eminent JL Chaumeil ?

Court of Nanterre Complaint against X with Constitution of Civil Part

Submitted before :

M. le Doyen des Juges d'Instruction du TGI de Nanterre176-178 avenue Joliot-Curie92000 NanterreBy

Christian CottenBorn 9th May 1953 in Colombes (92)Nationality : FrenchPsycho-sociologist

Fact No.1 : threatening and intimidation of Mr C. Cotten by Mr JL Chaumeil on 13th September 2000

Mr JL Chaumeil presents himself as a journalist who intervened in 1996 as a legal expert before the court of Grenoble concerning the file of the OTS. Having been removed for different reasons from analysing the file by the court of Grenoble, Mr Chaumeil, who continues to try and have his « expertise » valued, is at the present moment under examination by the attorney general of the TGI in Paris, M.Thouvenot, concerning different criminal facts that are directly linked to the OTS file.


On 13th September 2000, Mr Cotten had organised a meeting at his office to deepen the research to find out the truth about what happened at the OTS. At this meeting were present : M. Joël Labruyère, writer and president of the l'Omnium des Libertés, Maître Igor de Plater, barrister in Paris, Maître Sabine Paugam, barrister in Paris, a police officer in uniform of the judicial police, a man who presents himself as a journalist called Jean-Paul Guillaume and Mr Cotten himself.

Shortly before the meeting, at around 2.45pm, Mr Cotten receives a phonecall from JL Chaumeil, who belongs to the people Mr Cotten had accused in his writings. Mr Chaumeil asked to participate in Mr Cotten’s private meeting scheduled for 3 pm the same day. Mr Cotten later found out that Mr Chaumeil had been informed of the meeting by Mr Jean-Paul Guillaume.

Having been cordially welcomed at the meeting by Mr Cotten, Mr Chaumeil openly and violently threatened Mr Cotten and a swift argument arose. As a consequence, Mr Cotten’s friends asked Mr Chaumeil to leave the premises.A physical intervention by two of Mr Cotten’s friends was necessary to calm Mr Chaumeil : « I will come back and look after you ! »See attachment, article from 25th October 2000.

For different reasons, no complaint was made at the time. The witnesses of this incident are at the court’s disposal and their details can be forwarded to the court by Mr Cotten.

To summarize, for those of you who do not remember the story of the OTS : dozens of people died because they apparently belonged to a sect…they committed suicide using napalm, a product that strangely enough, only the army possesses.

JL Chaumeil threatened Mr Cotten because the latter wanted to shed some light onto this obscure story and it is this same person, Chaumeil, who allows himself to put down Pierre Plantard!

I let you judge the hatred and the continuous condescendence regarding Plantard. I had forgotten that governments and scientists always say the truth…

Here is one of the rare Internet sources that still exists and that gives the same elements than those websites that have been removed:

The biggest scam in the history of mankind in my eyes, is the story of a guy called “Jesus”. Some of his disciples tried to write down their testimony about his life and his teaching, but in the year 325, the religion who was supposed to spread his knowledge organised the Council of Nicaea and changed a great part of his teachings. The censoring was so enormous that most of the participants opposed themselves to this manipulation; they were simply thrown out of the place. 1280 people were made to leave the Council. Around 220 remained; they accepted the changes.

As for the Priory of Zion, Rennes-le-Château or Abbé Saunière, most documentation on the Council of Nicaea has disappeared from the Internet. Here is an extract on the origin of the Cathars that was on the Internet a few years ago but that has disappeared today:


« At the same time, the Church of Blood, or the Catholic Church, started to get organised in order to better control the population. At the demand of the Roman emperor Constantin, approximately 1500 legates came together at the Council of Nicaea in 325 to censure a big part of the bible. Although the religious people present at the council were not very initiated, they categorically refused such an audacity. About 1280 members were thrown out of the meeting manu militaris, whereas the remaining 220 gave in to the pressure and ended up unanimously accepting the numerous changes. All signs of vegetarianism, reincarnation, sex and aliens were banned from the Holy Scripts, both in the Old and the New Testament. Numerous evangelical witnesses, as well as entire chapters from the Old Testament (like the writings of Enoch for example) were deleted. From this moment on, the two churches, the Church of Blood and the Church of Spirit, which already did not have much in common, became totally opposed… »

And here is what Wikipedia says today about the Council of Nicaea :

The First Council of Nicaea, held in Nicaea in Bithynia (in present-day Turkey), convoked by the Roman Emperor Constantine I in 325, was the first ecumenical [1] conference of bishops of the early Christian Church, and most significantly resulted in the first uniform Christian doctrine, called the Nicene Creed. With the creation of the creed, a precedent was established for subsequent 'general (ecumenical) councils of Bishops' (Synods) to create statements of belief and canons of doctrinal orthodoxy— the intent being to define unity of beliefs for the whole of Christendom.

The purpose of the council was to resolve disagreements in the Church of Alexandria over the nature of Jesus in relationship to the Father; in particular, whether Jesus was of the same substance as God the Father or merely of similar substance. St. Alexander of Alexandria and Athanasius took the first position; the popular presbyter Arius, from whom the term Arian controversy comes, took the second. The council decided against the Arians overwhelmingly (of the estimated 250-318 attendees, all but 2 voted against Arius). Another result of the council was an agreement on when to celebrate the resurrection (Pascha in Greek; Easter in modern English), the most important feast of the ecclesiastical calendar. The council decided in favour of celebrating the resurrection on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the vernal equinox, independently of the Bible's Hebrew Calendar (see also Quartodecimanism), and authorized the Bishop of Alexandria (presumably using the Alexandrian calendar) to announce annually the exact date to his fellow bishops.

The Council of Nicaea was historically significant because it was the first effort to attain consensus in the church through an assembly representing all of Christendom.[2] "It was the first occasion for the development of technical Christology."[2] Further, "Constantine in convoking and presiding over the council signaled a measure of imperial control over the church."[2] With the creation of the Nicene Creed, a precedent was established for subsequent general councils to create a statement of belief and canons which were intended to become guidelines for doctrinal orthodoxy and a source of unity for the whole of Christendom — a momentous event in the history of the Church and subsequent history of Europe.


Here is what the Catholic Church pretends; it is an extract of a response Opus Dei made concerning The da Vinci Code by Dan Brown:

“ Some theological and historical errors

It is obviously impossible to talk about all the errors made in the book, therefore we will list only the essential ones :

1) The divinity of the Christ

a) Dan Brown pretends that, originally, Jesus was considered a mere mortal prophet by the Christians. It was the emperor Constantin who, for political reasons, was interested in creating the belief in the divinity of the Christ. In the year 325, he created the Council of Niceae in order to officially declare the divinity of the Christ. Following a vote that only received a small majority, the Council started considering Jesus as « the son of God ».

b) Yet, it is obvious that the belief in Jesus’divinity was not created at the Council of Nicaea, but that it is one of the pillars of the Catholic faith since the earliest Christian writings : this belief is not only to be found throughout the New Testament, but also, for example, in the writings of Clément de Rome (around the year 90), Ignace d’Antioche (beginning of the 2nd century) or Justin (around the year 250)…

The Council of Nicaea debated on a question concerning the Holy Trinity, i.e. whether the Son was « of same substance than the Father ». Only two out of more than two hundred bishops disagreed with this definition, all others agreed that this conviction expressed the belief that had always existed. The names of the two opponents are known to us : Theonas (Teon) of Marmarica and Segundus of Ptolemaid. »

The entire text (French) can be found on:

“Arius has disappeared”, “he was never there”…Yet, even today you can still find references of his presence at the Council of Nicaea (see the text above, taken from Wikipedia…). It was even because Arianism was becoming too widespread that the emperor Constantin, who was afraid that this might cause great problems at the heart of the Catholic church, asked to create the council so that all could come to an agreement. But in their comment on Dan Brown’s novel, Opus Dei claims that Arius was not even present…that is more than dubious! If Arius was influential to the point that Constantin created a council, it is rather strange that he came alone (or even worse, not at all, as Opus Dei claims…). Why does nobody talk about his followers? Was there no one? Or were the 1280 members that had been thrown out of the Council manu militaris Arius’ followers and the 220 who “unanimously” accepted censuring the bible, only the


remaining ones?

Everybody should just remember that the New Testament was written in Nicaea. You see, the truth is everywhere… I feel so secure in this society of truth that I do not worry about my own future or that of my children, why should I? Everything is under control and big brother is watching. As I saw once on a car: “Be nice to America or we will bring democracy to your country!” Just follow the teachings of society, you’ll see, it’s easy…

With different truths that contradict and annihilate one another, everything works out as planned; nobody believes anything anymore and everybody accepts everything.

Football…good!Crop circles…bad!Priory of Zion…bad!McDonald’s…good!Cigarettes…good! Oops, sorry, my mistake…bad!Roswell…bad!Americans in Iraq…good!American weapons in Europe…good!Muslims…bad!Be careful, here is a trap: Jews…bad! No…good!Superman…good!You see, life is EASY!!!

Chapter 4

The next chapters or circles are maybe the most difficultly acceptable for any reader. I’ll try to sum up circles 6, 7 and 8 of the Book of Iah here. In the last chapters that I wrote, I tried to


demonstrate that I can give a lot of precise facts, but, now, I will slow down a little, otherwise, this book might become boring; something I do not want to happen. I will always stay available to give more precise facts, but it’s maybe not the best way to carry on writing this book in this manner. That’s why, I will change my way of writing a little, even if you will still receive quite a lot of information, of course.

What was explained in those three chapters of The book of Iah, concerned our freedom. You could already see how any government can control information in such a perfect way that we really believe that we have clear ideas and that what we think is correct, even if our life is a mess. That is called freedom. No one is allowed to interfere in the way you see the world, because according to the masters of the world who taught you how to think and what to see, you are free to understand life as you see it. The more I was translating these chapters and the more freedom and real power I achieved in my life. The more I understood how much I was controlled like everybody else, the more I was free and the better I managed my life because I could influence my enemies very easily. How? It’s easy; even if they were my enemies, they had been taught the same system so they were living under the same power. To know the power in place meant not only not being influenced by it anymore, but also being able to use it to survive and to win if necessary. Maybe, the first knowledge to get from chapters 6, 7 and 8 was to understand that power is not bad and that even the power over others is not bad either. In fact, it is so obvious; this society is only a system of power that claims that power is bad. What about the policeman, your boss, yourself as a mother or father, or doctor, or judge, or architect? Everywhere there is only power, but at the same time, it is said everywhere that power is bad. Of course, if by working you get more control of your life and more strength and power to resist any form of aggression then it can be, of course, only bad. The more I was translating this part and the deeper my connection to my spiritual guides became. I was more in peace and I could deeply understand the rage of the others. I could see that my freedom was an aggression to most people in this society of slaves. I was able to hide more and to foresee things. Thanks to all this, I was more in peace with my spirituality. The more I was translating and better understanding the text and the language, the more I was getting new messages from my different guides. It was as if I was slowly but surely getting rid of any kind of guilt.

In The Book of Iah, a lot was explained about vibrations. I will try to give you an easy image. Let’s take anybody’s vibration level, on a scale between 5000 and 7000, and let’s imagine that we need a level of at least 8000 to be able to understand the world correctly. Let’s try to understand that each time I feel guilty, dirty or cowardly, my vibrations drop. When you understand that each time you lie or refuse to see, your vibrations decrease, you can maybe start to understand the real problem. How could I reach the needed level of 8000 with all the security systems that have been put in place everywhere in our psychology? In fact, sometimes, I can get a glance of the situation but with too low a vibration level, we cannot keep this knowledge and we quickly lose it or change it into something more bearable for our psychology. Once we have this false point of view, which is the result of too low a level of vibration, we start arguing and claim “it’s my point of view”; whereas in reality, it’s just the result of too low a level of vibration, which is the result of the security system that was put into our psychology by


the government. Governments do not want us to see the truth because they have the power over us and they would like to keep it that way. Now, I know that your ego is going to say “come on, I have my own opinion and I want to be respected”, but the point you need to accept is that nothing was given to us to allow us to really see and understand what is going on.

The system is based on the concept of personality, which means “mask” in Greek. This personality, this mask, is like a default programme. You do not have any choice, I’m sorry to say so. You only have what you really are, we could call it individuality or your divine being. Unfortunately, there’s this programme that has been forced onto your divinity. This parasite system, your personality, is controlling your life, your concentration, whether it is because you are tired, disappointed, angry or whatever else. Sometimes, your divine system comes back and you behave well, and you increase your vibrations, which gives you more strength to let your soul manifest and so on. Love is a very big strength with which to increase your vibrations, but once more, the security systems are everywhere; so you aren’t allowed to experience real love, you must be REASONABLE not talk or think of sex because our society considers it dirty and guilty. So finally, you see, it’s not so easy to increase your vibrations, and above all, to keep quite a clear vision of this world. I am not saying that with a vibration level of 8000 you know everything, but you know enough to quietly advance on your way, for you know and are able enough to put the puzzle together.

Vibrations between 5000 and 7000 are the perfect prison, the perfect Matrix, as it is explained in the film. We could say that some people are sometimes reaching a level of 7500 because they experience something exceptional through music, sport, love or other strong feelings and sometimes even traumas; at that moment they are at a level where they could start to understand and get more and more energy each day to get more knowledge and so on, but it’s not always the case. That’s why sometimes, out of nowhere, somebody can suddenly have brilliant ideas about life or truth. They are called poets or artists or whatever. In spite of being often well-known in our society, these people are just at the beginning of the path of truth and higher vibrations. Life as a “star” will pull them back into a lower vibration and they will be back to a low level like anybody else in society, with the star system in addition. See?! Locks are put everywhere to protect the absolute control of this society. To free yourself, you must learn to get more energy and protect a certain secret. I know, it must be hard for your mask to accept that, here, in this world, everything is under control. So, we must accept that reaching truth and freedom cannot be the result of a coincidence, but rather, the result of a wise know-how. Knowledge creates more vibrations and vibrations allow the assimilation of more knowledge.

My guides were talking about the same fact when they gave the explanation of the trampoline: “Each time you meditate, act well and with courage, with love without limitation, every time you give for the pleasure of giving, every time you see the truth for the pleasure of getting rid of your programming, you increase your vibrations. Each time you let your ego lead your life, every time you lie, manipulate, transform the truth into something which suits you, every time you forget what you didn’t want to know, every time you smoke, drink alcohol, eat meat, take drugs or are weak, you lower your vibrations. We know that most of those defaults don’t concern you but we aren’t talking only for you, but


for everybody. Your destiny is to teach many people and we want you to know all the possibilities. Imagine two people jumping on a trampoline. One is going the quickest he could on his trampoline. By working on all the qualities, you reach the level of 8000. The other guy, on the other trampoline, right next to your trampoline, is slowing down. Usually he’s jumping much less quickly, but because of your efforts, he’s trying to reach this common ground of VL 8000. He cannot go slower as you cannot go quicker, but there’s a common ground. From that moment on, your guide takes your hand in his and starts speeding up. Thanks to his help, you can then reach a speed that is unattainable with the psychological pollution that exists on your planet today. When you speed up, hand in hand with your guide, that is the real work. From this acceleration onwards, everything will be forever different. Whatever people tell you, no one will be able to pull you again into human craziness because what you know is your own experience; re-actualised everyday. This experience consists of being one with yourself, with divinity, with the cosmos”.

I remember this show on astrology I saw on a French channel once. During their entire explanation, they didn’t stop lying, no hold spared. They invited twelve people, I would say twelve victims to whom they gave twelve descriptions of the main generalities of their temper, according to their astrological sign. Those twelve people who had twelve different star signs were all very satisfied with the result. You can then imagine their face when they were told that it was the same text for everybody. It was the TV people’s way to demonstrate that astrology doesn’t exist, because in a general text, anybody could find something personal and be happy with it. For me who was watching, it was demonstrating the opposite. They had been lying and manipulating during their entire show, so when I saw that they were good enough to write a text that was accurate enough, so that everybody was happy, it meant, that they were good in the art of manipulation and at the same time dishonest enough to make a fool of twelve people in front of so many viewers. At the same time, they were explaining that astrology could really seriously make a fool of you. What they were demonstrating to everybody who was watching had the opposite effect on me. A lot of people call me “Mr upside down”. I don’t need a demonstration today to see what no one sees because it’s not allowed in our society to see. There are so many things I see concerning social behaviours; I see the programming from the “matrix” everyday.

How is it possible that so many things are repeated year after year, generation after generation, while it’s producing only frustrations? Proof is everywhere around you, but you just can’t see them because you aren’t vibrating fast enough. If you visit a town, for instance, with me, you’ll be so surprised to see everything that I see and that you don’t. Very often when I’m talking about the programming, people answer: “we are free, no one can programme us”. If it’s true, why is every country different? Yes, it’s possible to give a different psychology to all the people in a country. You believe it’s not possible, but why then don’t you feel at home when you aren’t in your country? I know what I’m talking about, because with our adventures with the light ball, we’ve been travelling all over the world. We could see that very few people appreciate you, just because you aren’t from their country, and it is even like that in Europe. In theory, there’s Europe but in psychology, it’s not working at all, I can assure you. Are we so different just because we come from behind the border? Yes we are, because we don’t suit to the programming of the country we are in.


The guides were always talking about me, about my identity. They were explaining that this society has programmed us to believe that we cannot be different or important for this planet. That’s what they called the star syndrome. When you see somebody on TV, you know that you won’t ever be able to meet him or her. They are stars, and you never meet stars. They live in another world and there’s never any connection between their world and ours. The biggest problem solved with the circles I was reading was the vibration level. If no one can really see the truth and if this truth cannot be spoken or more exactly heard and remembered, what is to be done? I was given a lot of information to answer this question correctly. A lot of techniques exist to raise the vibration level that I will call from now on VL.

Many corrections in our life can be made to improve the VL nearly every day; there’s a possibility of addition to be able to experiment a higher level from time to time. This way is very important, because even if you do not yet have the level to live these things every day, you can at least try it from time to time and keep some memories from your experience. A long time ago, I tried to understand why the witch board was bad. Four or five people gathering to be able to contact some entities, why shouldn’t it be good? I understood why there was a problem with this system. The point is that most people do not know if the energy they contact is good or bad, the only way to know this is through VL. The witch board is most of the time using a glass, exactly as I did myself at the very beginning of my adventures, and it worked perfectly well for me, so why not for the others? I have been told that I was extremely protected to make it happen correctly. In fact, you have to understand that most of the time, through those systems the VL is not added but subtracted; more exactly, for technical reasons the person with the lowest VL will be the only one who can work. If I put five people together and one has a VL of 4500, one a VL of 3500, and three a VL of 8000, the level of the communication will be of 3500. I received a technique that allows to create a real addition; that is to say, that with the same team of people with the techniques I received, the level will be around 12000, which is very high. You could consider the VL of the team as the phone number that is dialled. You get the kind of communication that is in accordance with the level of your call. Of course, in a group, especially in our modern society, you will always find somebody who has got only a VL of 4000, which is a disaster. The phenomenon will not stop there, because it also affects the future of your life as well as your VL. There is a limit in this work, which will provoke a completely opposite manifestation. If you can reach the level of around 10000 as a team, as a very strict minimum, you will be able to contact entities who will give you quite a lot of energy, increasing your VL. The more you will be working with those entities and the more you will increase your VL, allowing you to embody more knowledge to apply and so on. If you communicate with the other planes at a level between 7000 and 10000, both manifestations can happen, either the good ones or the bad ones, which is the complete opposite; entities start “drinking” you, telling you anything, as long as they can “drink” you. The more you practice, the more bullshit you get and the more your VL drops. I received many techniques, so that the VL is always increasing during the whole day. We need to follow a very technical protocol, so that each meeting of work with some people is always an efficient addition, allowing you to feel and test a higher VL and always keeping an increase in your personal VL. It means also that the team is not indispensable. If you can reach the VL of 10000 one day through your own work, you can always be sure that you will never stop increasing.

Now, how is it possible that a guide can come and “pick you up” from the level of 7000?


Because, they can do it to some people if they are protected by a very solid background also called “karma”. Even in that case, you will get little information. If you are a real samurai, as I was when it happened, then you can make the most of the situation and work very hard on each topic explained to you. Still, it’s a very risky way that I don’t advise to anybody. I’m not going to lie to you, the only way to improve your VL is through a constant work, but thanks to what we know in these times of incoherence, it becomes quite easy. The team is doing a lot of work for you in the VL concerning the integration of new ideas. What I can tell you is that you have no idea, how much easier our life can be because we know and have the VL high enough to use the knowledge we have. Everything becomes so different in our personal life, so easy, so powerful. When I look at people today, I feel so sorry for them; their life is so difficult and so limited. I understand why they become so frustrated and arrogant and I feel sorry for them and their little sad life. Without a high VL, there is no future after what is coming now. When you know and are capable, life is pure pleasure. I know the way and I can teach it to anybody who wants to know about it, because these things don’t belong to me but to the future of our world.

Now, to finish, I can easily imagine that you do not believe me when I talk about the control of knowledge in our world. So as an example, I want to finish with a conversation about global warming that some members of our team had with others on the Internet. The main person talking is an expert in meteorology, it is his job and he has a very good level. In spite of this, it’s interesting to see how an extreme violence appeared as soon as this expert started to say what is not allowed to say about global warming; he was pushing everybody to face the truth, which is forbidden in this matrix system called society. Still who today doesn’t know about global warming? Yes, but it’s just like that, it must stay a kind of theory that finally everybody secretly refuses. When an expert is talking too openly then it becomes unbearable.

For some technical reasons, it was easier to put the conversation onto the appendixes CD (appendix 8) . If you want to read it before going to the next chapter, please have a look at the CD that comes with this book.

Chapter 5

Here is another way to present the circles or chapters I already presented in the last chapter of this book. I will go through the film “Matrix”. The first film was meant to be a tool for freedom. Forget the following two episodes, which were made later with the sole


purpose of destroying the power of the first one. What is presented in the first Matrix is very close to the truth; so I’m going to present some teachings of the Book of Iah through this interesting presentation of the “Matrix”. To be able to correctly follow and make the most of my explanations, I invite you to watch the film “Matrix” once more, unless it has remained clearly in your mind. If you remember the film well, it will be much easier for you to follow my explanations and the passages I’m going to go through now. I will cite some scenes from the film and make a commentary directly afterwards. I hope like this, you will be able to get a better understanding of what was explained about the position of our society and of our psychology in the Book of Iah. So, let’s start.

Mr.Anderson and Agents Smith

- as you can see, we have had our eyes on you for some time now, Mr Anderson. It seems that you have been living two lives. In one life, you are Thomas A. Anderson, program writer for a respectable software company, you have a social security number, you pay your taxes, you help your landlady carry out her garbage.

A- This is the presentation of the perfect good guy in this society. To correctly understand everything that I want you to understand, it is important to see the small details. For instance, the name “Thomas”. It’s the representation of someone who believes just in what he sees and he is not open to another possibility of reality. At the same time, the double personality is presented, which is of course quite a reality for anybody: on this plane of existence, life is so empty and hopeless that everybody is living a double life. That’s why we can bear this sad life, but at the same time it’s very dangerous, because we feel confused, guilty and lost. We should be able to concentrate on only one life and be happy with this one, but for that, we need something worth living for. The name “Neo” means more or less « the origin ». When you know where you come from, you can also know where you are going. His guide, “Morpheus” is of course linked to the world of dreams but also to hope as is expressed with the name Morpheus. - The other life is lived in computers, where you go by the hacker alias Neo and are guilty of virtually every computer crime we have a law for. One of these lives has a future. One of them does not. I am going to be as forthcoming as I can, Mr. Anderson. You are here because we need your help. We know that you have been contacted by a certain individual. A man who calls himself “Morpheus”. Whatever you think you know about this man is irrelevant. He is considered by many authorities to be the most dangerous man alive. My colleagues believe that I am wasting my time with you. But I believe you wish to do the right thing. We’re willing to wipe the slate clean, give you a fresh start. All we’re asking in return is your cooperation in bringing a known terrorist to justice.- Yeah, that sounds like a really good deal. But I got a better one. How about I give you the finger and you give me my phone call.- Mr.Anderson, you disappoint me.- You can’t scare me with this Gestapo crap. I know my rights. I want my phone call.- Tell me, Mr.Anderson, what good is a phone call if you’re unable to speak?


A-It’s important here to show the authorities’ perfect control on everything we do. The agents know everything about us. Anybody who is not exactly as he should be, according to the rules given by society, can only be a terrorist. It’s important to understand that until we have received the required training, if we want to speak in front of the authorities, we are just unable to speak. Now, another point that may look like a detail to you but which is in fact very important, is the fact that after the questioning, the bug is put into Neo’s stomach through the navel. What does this level mean? It represents the roots, the family, of course: even if we want to free ourselves, whether we like it or not, we will help the authorities, because our links with our origins, with our family, are so strong that we always go back to the “real values” and hence help the agents, unless we receive the training and the real teachings. That’s what I was talking about with the VL (vibration level) and all the teachings that go with it. It’s the art of leaving the Matrix. I’m not saying that we must leave our family, no, only their deep power over us. This will be a way to love them better, because their natural blackmail won’t work anymore and thus we will be able to behave in the best way with them and with ourselves. Now for that, you have to make the first step on your path, which consists of understanding that freedom does not exist naturally in this world, and that your parents could not teach you something that they never knew. - You are going to help us Mr.Anderson, whether you want to or not. Neo’s and Morpheus’ meeting - Trinity: This is it. Let me give you one piece of advice: be honest. He knows more than you can imagine. - Morpheus: at last. Welcome, Neo. As you no doubt have guessed, I am Morpheus.- Neo: It’s an honour to meet you. Dialogue between Morpheus and Neo:- No, the honor is mine. Please, come, sit. I imagine, that right now you’re feeling a bit like Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole?- You could say that- I can see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. Ironically, this is not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, Neo?- No.- Why not?- I don’t like the idea that I’m not in control of my life.- I know exactly what you mean. Let me tell you why you’re here. You’re here because you know something. What you know you can’t explain. But you feel it. You felt it your entire life. Something’s wrong with the world. You don’t know what, but it’s there. Like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I am talking about?- The Matrix?


- Do you want to know what it is? The Matrix is everywhere, it is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.- What truth?- That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind. Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. A-you cannot imagine how true this is. Yes, of course, you are going to read what I wrote, what I learnt from the Book of Iah, and you are going to say, “yes, we know that”. No, you don’t, because The Matrix has been telling you how to see the truth. Some of you know that we have been born into bondage, but even this knowledge is under control and finally, you know nothing. That is such a good trick! How could you be looking for something you believe you already have, whereas in reality you don’t have it? Was it possible to find a better security system to keep you in slavery? What is explained in the Book of Iah about the real truth is so terrible, that it is impossible to receive the real truth without first increasing your VL. It’s the only way to see by yourself what the Matrix is. Please try to repeat Morpheus words again and again; you will already be walking a little on the path to truth if you can feel concerned about Morpheus teachings. The Matrix is everywhere, much more than anything you can imagine; it is especially in your ego, in your way of loving, of being afraid or limited. You cannot imagine how deep the Matrix is everywhere in you! Every time I met somebody, you could believe that the film Matrix was coming to life: every single time, what is said in the film is right for everybody and everywhere but for the one I was talking to. That’s how you see that the Matrix is everywhere and of course in your ego, otherwise how could it control you? The only way to see what the Matrix is consists in receiving more and more explanations to help you increase your VL, to be really able to see what the Matrix is. You have to decide for yourself and take the red pill without hesitation. For that, even if you cannot see the Matrix, you must be able to feel it everywhere, so that it drives you crazy and then you should be ready to take the red pill, forever increase your VL and be ready to be different for the rest of your life, really free and away from the herd. - This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I’m offering is the truth. Nothing more. Follow me.

A-Yes, there is no turning back, once you know, you cannot forget, you will be different forever. The problem will be to keep a VL that is high enough to remember the real knowledge and keep the power that is needed to remain out of the Matrix. Otherwise, what happened to Cypher will happen to you. He wants to go back into the Matrix, but cannot. His existence becomes a nightmare and instead of being free, his knowledge


becomes a malediction. We are in jail in the Matrix but weak people are also protected by it. The problem is, in this society, we have all been taught to be weak. Freedom is an endless benediction if and only if, you have the power to live heavenly out of the Matrix thanks to your VL. The real world - Morpheus: you wanted to know what the Matrix is, Neo? Try to relax. This will feel a little weird…this is the Construct. It is our loading programme. We can load anything from clothing to equipment, weapons, training simulations, anything we need.- Neo: right now we are inside of a computer program?- Is it really so hard to believe? Your clothes are different, the plugs in your arms and head are gone. Your hair has changed. Your appearance now is what we call “residual self-image”. It is the mental projection of your digital self.- This isn’t real?- What is “real”? How do you define “real”? If you’re talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, taste and see, then “real” is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. A-Oh my god, this is such a perfect description of the « real ». This is the exact description of the power of the Matrix in your head. This is what it is all about. You are ready to die for your ideas but you cannot understand that until you reach a minimum VL; everything you see is programmed by the Matrix. Most of the time, you try to find a solution inside the Matrix that is controlling all your interpretations of “life”, that is to say the “real” of the Matrix. I do know that it is very hard to accept this terrible fact, but it is true, you’ve been dreaming your life blinded by the powerful Matrix of our society. Sometimes it happens that we wake up because of an intense event in our life, but this state of awakening does not last long because the dream of the Matrix is easy to live whereas the power and freedom of truth is marvellous but very difficult to live. So, as we have been taught to be afraid and lazy, we at once just go back to what is easy. It is also because of this problem of VL that sometimes some people start seeing something when they are young and go back into the herd as soon as they get a little bit older. This is just because this society is so hypnotising and tiring that your VL drops at a very young age, your adventure is over and you can only see through the images of the Matrix. I swear that it is quite possible to increase your VL whatever your age. There are many systems, you just have to practice them regularly. It is the price to pay to keep your freedom. Afterwards it becomes easier, because just using your different abilities will increase your VL more and more. - This is the world that you know. The world as it was at the end of the 20th century. It exists now only as part of a neural-interactive simulation that we call the Matrix. You’ve been living in a dream world, Neo. This is the world as it exists today: welcome to “the desert of the real”. We have only bits and pieces of information, but what we know for certain is that in the early 21st century all of mankind was united in celebration.


We marvelled at our own magnificence as we gave birth to AI- AI. You mean artificial intelligence.- A singular consciousness that spawned an entire race of machines. We don’t know who struck first, us or them. But we know that it was us that scorched the sky. At the time, they were dependent on solar power and it was believed that they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as the sun. throughout human history, we have been dependent on machines to survive. Fate, it seems, is not without s sense of irony. The human body generates more bioelectricity than a 120-volt battery and over 25,000 BTUs of body heat. Combined with a form of fusion, the machines had found all the energy they would ever need. There are fields, Neo, endless fields where human beings are no longer born, we are grown. For the longest time, I wouldn’t believe it and then I saw the fields with my own eyes, watched them liquefy the dead so they could be fed intravenously to the living. And standing there, facing the pure, horrifying precision, I came to realize the obviousness of the truth. What is the Matrix? Control. The Matrix is a computer-generated dream world built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this: a battery.- A-Maybe the biggest thing for you is to know what there is to hide so intensely. Yes, what? What are they hiding ? Control, power, yes, but why do they have to keep such a control that they have created even the police, the army, or the governments? I don’t know what is the most difficult we discovered with the extra-terrestrial disk we found. Maybe, it is their power on our psychology, or maybe, it is their final goal, the destiny of humanity. If there is a system that is not so far from the Matrix, it is because there is a secret goal they want to achieve. We are meant to be harvested at the right time. This time will be soon. More or less 5 billion people will be harvested while most of the others will be killed. A little part of our civilisation is supposed to be protected and sent to another planet. This is only for the masters of this world, but I’m afraid that even for them it is only part of the illusion of the Matrix. Microchips are developed to prepare our civilisation for the coming harvest. Those microchips are much more powerful than anything you can imagine. Today, they are powerful enough to change any human into a perfect biological robot. Thanks to the microchip, the abilities of human beings will be multiplied by around 15, maybe less, but they will still be very interesting robots. We will have no free will left, no feelings. The problem is, when we have no feelings anymore we cannot have children any longer. That’s why we must be kept in a state where having children is our main function as it is shown in the first order of the bible: “go and procreate”. So that we will be ready for the harvest. Our planet is just a hive for the coming harvest ,which will change us into something much worse than only batteries. To be ready to receive this microchip correctly, our minds must be weak. Otherwise our free will could hinder the functioning of this microchip. We won’t be able to be free but if our mind is too free, we could be malfunctioning robots that are worth nothing. There’s a way to escape this terrible fate and this harvest, and it’s a question of VL and addition of personal VLs so that we represent something so radiant that some extraterrestrials will come to protect us. There’s no real spirituality in this, it’s more a question of existing or not. This existence is not measured in numbers but in VL. If our VL is high enough, we start existing, and then we are worth being well protected and being allowed to go higher and higher. The UFOs that some people see in the sky are the result of high technology


and a very high VL. We have value only if we reach a very high VL, so it’s logical for those who want to harvest us, that we never reach a level that could be a danger for their control over us and most of all, a real danger for the whole harvest. The masters of this world are just farmers and we are nothing but fields of future slaves. - No. I don’t believe it. It’s not possible.- I didn’t say it would be easy, Neo. I just said it would be the truth.- Stop! Let me out. Let me out. I want out!- Trinity: Easy, Neo. Easy- Neo: Get this thing out of me! Don’t touch me! Stay away from me! I don’t believe it. I don’t believe it. I don’t believe it.- Cypher: He’s gonna pop.- Morpheus: Breathe, Neo. Just breathe. A-Yes, it’s a very good security system. You feel so secure in the Matrix that if someone wants to free you, your psychology fights and refuses freedom. You become extremely violent to protect your jail. Even if you do not, the violence will then be in you and will sometimes turn against you. You will be troubled and sometimes unwell. The others will feel that you are freeing yourself and they will fight you very hard until you go back into the herd. Remember, when you want to leave the herd, the others are looking at you shouting “it’s baaaaaaaad”. One part of you wants to know and the other one does not. It’s a fight you have to win. You must breathe and survive. Discussion in the Hovercraft Dialogue between Morpheus and Neo.- I can’t go back, can I?- No, but if you could, would you really want to? I feel I owe you an apology. We have a rule. We never free a mind once it’s reached a certain age. It’s dangerous. The mind has trouble letting go. I’ve seen it before and I am sorry. I did what I did because I had to. When the Matrix was first built, there was a man born inside who had the ability to change whatever he wanted to remake the Matrix as he saw fit. It was he who freed the first of us, taught us the truth. As long as the Matrix exists, the human race will never be free. After he died, the Oracle prophesied his return and that his coming would hail the destruction of the Matrix, end the war, bring freedom to our people. That is why there are those of us who spent our lives searching the Matrix looking for him. I did what I did because I believe that the search is over. A-This is the legend, or teaching, of Pan. His name is directly mentioned in the Book of Iah. Pan is the one who was there before anybody else. He started the system; he can control the system to stop it. Pan was the god of so many different groups of people. He is at the origin of the word “pano”, which means “bread”, and “bread” is the signature of wisdom and knowledge taken up for instance by the catholic religion with the host. Pan gave the words panorama, panacea, etc. Pan was the god of Manes, the Bogomil, the Cathars, the Knights Templar (they called Pan “Baphomet”). All these people were


attacked and destroyed by the catholic church, why? Jesus, himself, was showing in different little details that he was coming from the school of pan, bread: at the Last Supper where he breaks bread, the name of his birth town (Betlehem means in Hebrew the house of the bread). The wellknown sentence “eat, for this is my body - bread. Drink, for this is my blood – wine”. It is important to know, that Pan is known by the Greek under the name Dionysos, the god of thieves and alcoholics. Of course, here the meaning has been changed into something negative. What now about Peter Pan? “We will never, never, never grow up”. Remember what I said about the VL and the age of a person. As soon as you lose your hopes and your happiness, you slow down your VL and you can no longer escape the system. Peter Pan is refusing the system of society, he is living in a wonderland cut from the rest of the world like a Merkabah which is one of the main teachings given in the Book of Iah. Who looks like Peter Pan, somebody who is, together with his friends, against society, against the bad government. Who is drinking, having parties, playing, being free, happy and in love? Robin Hood. Pan is the god who came to Earth to fight the other gods. If the other gods are aliens, who is Pan? What is sure is that Pan is against the system, against the Matrix. Pan is the one, the one who was there at the very beginning and who freed the first of the school of Pan to always be there as guardians of the knowledge. All the people I talked about above were coming from the school of Pan. The Essenes also came from the school of Pan and it’s today very well known that Jesus was coming from the Essenes . I myself have a very deep link to Pan. In my last reincarnation, as Beinca Douno, I created the Paneurhythmy, the dance of Pan, in a circle, isn’t that strange? I discovered that crop circles are using the same writing or meaning we found in the Book of Iah and if you take the Paneurhythmy and dance it in a field you will draw exactly a crop circle. Maybe the Paneurhythmy is using exactly the same system than the crop circles ( In fact, as Morpheus said, you have been blinded by the Matrix. Everything is right in front of your eyes but you cannot see it. Now think Peter Pan, Robin Hood, the god Pan who is linked to magic and so on, all that is the world of dreams, but maybe the dreams are not dream but a gate to the truth, as is Morpheus of the Matrix or the Greek god Morpheus. Any link? Think for yourself and find the answer. Free your mind! Fight training Dialogue between Morpheus and Neo:- Neo: I know Kung fu.- Morpheus: Show me. This is a sparring program, similar to the programmed reality of the Matrix. It has the same basic rules; rules like gravity. What you must learn, is that these rules are no different than those of a computer system. Some of them can be bent. Others can be broken. Understand?

-A-Yes, it’s a perfect understanding of the rules. When you know, you are able, and there are many societal rules you can break. Some people will be afraid of you because you will be able to do things that are impossible according to their beliefs. It will be the same with your psychology. We never said that you can be bad, but you will be able to do whatever you want, or almost. You will need training but nearly everything is possible.


With a higher energy you can help people be much better in whatever way you choose. Power is right there, we just have to wake up and improve our VL and everything is possible. - Then hit me if you can…good. Adaptation, improvisation. But your weakness is not your technique. How did I beat you?- You’re too fast. Do you believe that my being stronger or faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place? You think that’s air you’re breathing now?

A-Yes, the illusion is so powerful with the Matrix. Even when you know the truth and you believe that you have understood, you haven’t yet. - Again! What are you waiting for? You’re faster than this. Don’t think you are. Know you are.

A-The illness of this society is on purpose always mixing the idea of knowing and the real experience or know-how. In our society of television and Internet, everybody believes that he knows everything, but if you take the same person out into a real context, you realize that he knows nothing. Even if we take easy things, let’s say for instance, big waves in the ocean, waterfalls, an elephant charging, you have seen it all on TV. If you see that on television, you change channel, but if you see that in reality you will remember it all your life. With the Internet it’s even worse, and it’s done on purpose. We can tell you anything we want today, you know it already. You read it already somewhere on the Internet. The computer could be the most wonderful thing to improve our life, but it is just another tool for the masters of the world to break you and control you. See that the number of the beast, 666, is the number of the computer. The microchip is preparing the worst future for mankind. Of course the microchip is announced in the Bible with “the mark of the beast on the forehead or the hand” and it’s exactly there that the microchip can be implanted in a human body. The crop circle of 24th August 2002 in Crabwood (UK) was presenting the face of what we call a grey, they call themselves Krills, with in a binary computer system, an explanation about false promises and a lot of sorrows coming for those who believe in these systems. Real knowledge means power. Power means “being able to be different and be different”. - Come on! Stop trying to hit me and hit me!- I know what you are trying to do.- I’m trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You’re the one that has to walk through it. A-That’s the whole trick, my friends, as you believe that you have everything, how could you wish to achieve anything, especially if it’s tiring. If we force you, we aren’t wise and most of the time nobody really wants something, because thanks to the Internet and TV, everybody knows everything already. Still, the world is dying, 3 and a half billion people are starving and the planet can survive maybe 10 years, but nobody is reacting.


Democracy is disappearing everywhere. Because of security reasons, Americans can arrest anybody without any reason or proof. The system of the microchip is being developed everywhere today, but nobody is reacting and at the same time everybody knows everything. This system of saturating us with empty information is a security system lead by the Matrix to keep perfect control of the future harvest. Load the jump programme…

- You have to let it all go now. Fear, doubt and disbelief. Free your mind.- Wow! Okey-dokey. Free my mind… A-Yes but you see, it’s not so easy to forget our programming. Even if our beliefs are leading us to death, we carry on using the same unproductive system. The lady in red - Morpheus: The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people that you are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. A-This is so true. I know, it’s offending your ego, but your ego is just an agent of the Matrix. When you start freeing yourself, you will see a lot of enemies around you, a lot of people being quite aggressive with you. That is because anybody who is not unplugged is still an enemy and, for the smallest reason, can become a way in to let the Matrix control the situation, that is to say, let Agent Smith come through you. - You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it. A-Believe me, it is not a film, it is the truth. It is not a joke at all! Open your eyes, step out of the illusion of the Matrix and see the Truth ! - Were you listening to me or looking at the woman in the red dress?Look again… freeze it.- This isn’t the Matrix?- It is another training program designed to teach you one thing: If you are not one of us, you are one of them. A-Let’s speak about another security system of the Matrix, the new age philosophy. All that kind of “philosophy” teaches you first of all: “respect the free will of everybody,


don’t ever take any position”. Do not interfere and so on ». With that kind of philosophy you can be sure to always lose in the Matrix. If you get rid of the illusion of the Matrix, the programming, you will see that in your life, you have only two ways, to be with the illusions of the Matrix or to be against the Matrix. In spite of the programming of the Matrix through its new age program, we mustn’t have half ways. We must choose and be 100% clear. Yes, I know, in the spirituality of the Matrix we must accept everything, but with a higher VL, you will see the reality and understand that there is no middle way. Remember, only one life, it is everywhere in this film, you are Mr Anderson or you are Neo but you cannot be both. The fact that they used this woman in the red dress, is because of sex. I’m not saying that sex is bad, I’m saying that with the sexual frustration imposed on us by the Matrix, sex can only be a way in to let the Matrix, Mr Smith, enter your life and control it. There is a way to be different sexually and not to be frustrated. It is not sex, which is bad or dangerous, it is the frustrations that are a perfect way in for the agents of the Matrix. - What are they?- Sentient programs. They can move in and out of any software still hardwired to their system. That means that anyone we haven’t unplugged is potentially an agent. Inside the Matrix, they are everyone and they are no one. We have survived by running from them and by hiding from them but they are the gatekeepers. They are guarding all the doors, they are holding all the keys which means that sooner or later, someone will have to fight them. A-Yes, the power of the Matrix and its agents is nearly endless, but there is a bigger power, the power of the VL, the power of light and brotherhood, as it is taught in the school of Pan. If people stay linked together, everything is possible. This idea is that of the Merkabah and it’s not at all only a pretty poetic idea, it’s a technical solution given by very high extra-terrestrial beings through crop circles, the disk that gave the Book of Iah, and so many other things. Do you think that it is just for poetry or is there really a powerful solution? In a Merkabah where each of its members has a high VL, the power that can be used is unimaginable; no one can imagine the gates that can be opened and used and what they can lead to. It’s because it leads to such a power that even a system like the Matrix has always been afraid of the school of Pan. The lighball we found and learnt to understand leads to a solution no one can imagine and one day, when the entire system is ready, even the society will not be able to carry on its manipulation of those who are concerned with the lightball. Morpheus being interrogated by Smith - Smith: Have you ever stood there and stared at it? At its beauty? Billions of people just living out their lives, oblivious. Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world where none suffered where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster, no one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believe that we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that as a species, human beings define their reality through misery and suffering. The perfect


world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this. The peak of your civilisation. I say “your civilisation”, because as soon as we started thinking for you, it became our civilisation, which is of course what this is all about. A-This is a little lie or an interpretation because our soul is not like that. Our soul loves only happiness and love with infinite brotherhood. Now with the programming of the Matrix inside our psyche, we can only go towards sorrows and pain. Still, it’s just a question of deprogramming. If we free ourselves, if we achieve a high enough VL, what we are attracted to will be different. Right now, for anybody who is like the others in this society, it’s true that whatever situation you create, the classical psychology of today will lead you to pain. Look at a couple, for instance, they have a house, a job, children. They are supposed to be free to make love when they want and how they want. They are supposed to help each other and to be surrounded by happy children. Life should be perfect, but it’s not at all like that. Do not dream, the life of a couple is most of the time a real nightmare. - Evolution, Morpheus. Evolution. Like the dinosaur. Look out that window, you had your time. The future is our world, Morpheus. The future is our time…I would like to share a revelation I had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you are not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment. But you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism o n this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease. A cancer of this planet. You are a plague. And we are the cure. A-This is how some entities from space see us. In fact, they created us to be exactly the way they see us and we suit their idea perfectly well. Now, to breathe life into the bodies they created, they had to use souls who were, say, captured in these bodies; but the point is that our souls are not like that. We have been taught to behave like a virus because this extra terrestrial race sees us as a virus and created us in such a way that we confirm the vision of this race. But we have the power to change the situation by using our inner power, also called soul. For that, we must choose between our two lives, Mr Anderson and Neo. As I said before Neo means “before”, and what was before? The soul. She is so powerful, so pretty, so nice and full of love. You cannot find anything more chivalrous than the soul. The more you manifest these qualities and the more you increase your VL the more you free your soul. The helicopter scene


- Trinity: How did you do that?- Neo: Do what?- You moved like they do. I’ve never seen anybody move that fast.- It wasn’t fast enough…- Morpheus: Do you believe it now, Trinity?- Neo: Morpheus, the oracle, she told me…- Morpheus: She told you exactly what you needed to hear. That’s all.Neo, sooner or later you are going to realize just as I did, there’s a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path. A-Yes, and the Matrix, the system, the Internet, the TV stole you your possibility to walk free. In this society, you can only know but you cannot walk. Fight for this walk, because there’s no other way to free your mind, your destiny, your soul. Neo dying… - Morpheus: It can’t be.- Smith: Check him.- Smith 2: He’s gone.- Smith: Goodbye Mr.Anderson.- Trinity: Neo, I am not afraid anymore. The Oracle told me that I would fall in love and that the man that I’d love will be the one. So you see, you can’t be dead. You can’t be because I love you. You hear me? I love you. Now, get up!Neo gets up.- Tank: How?- Morpheus: He’s the one! A-Yes, true love is the greatest power to increase your VL and your abilities. I’m not talking about the love sold in this sad and negative society, I’m talking about true love, the kind of love that allows death to walk away. It is true that, in some way, you will have to die if you want to be alive. This death is happening only by walking the path, not by knowing it. You have to let go of your self-image and be only Neo or whoever you want to be; but, be yourself, a superior being, a divine being, full of passion, life, love and strength. Then, when you have accomplished this path, everything will be different and everything will be possible. Each step will slowly lead you to a higher VL; until you reach the level where your Mr Anderson will completely disappear and let only the one who is free, speak. Like in the phone call. Yes, when you are only Neo, you get a new life with endless perspectives. The final call… - Neo:I know you’re out there. I can feel you now. I know that you’re afraid. You’re


afraid of us. You’re afraid of change. I don’t know the future. I didn’t come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it is going to begin. I am going to hang up this phone and then I am going to show these people what you don’t want them to see. I’m going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from here, is a choice I leave to you! A-Maybe you are a little bit lost with the extra-terrestrials I’m talking about. Don’t worry, things will become very clear in the course of this book. Just know that the Book of Iah is talking about two main races of ETs. A race that is for us, who wrote the book we found, who does the crop circles (CC), who already contacted Roosevelt and some other politicians and a “bad race”, who wants to harvest us, that the bible calls the Elohim.Now, about everything that I have tried to present through the film Matrix, I think that because you can see this film again and again, it’s more “alive” for you than some texts from the Book of Iah (B Iah). The B Iah is a complete adventure; the fao language, the transformations, and so many other things that you didn’t experience. For me, these texts from B Iah mean something very different and much more powerful, so I tried to give you the meaning by respecting the teaching of this book, doing my best to give you something more alive. I also received all the teachings to help anybody increase his or her VL in a very efficient way. This could become your personal experience too, but it is your choice. Don’t forget that there’s a big difference between knowing the path and walking the path. In the next chapters, I will carry on giving you more elements on the psychology of the teaching of B Iah, so that when we get to the next circles of B Iah, you will have a perfect understanding of things. I’m sorry if I’m going to insist a little bit. Maybe it looks so easy to you, but I prefer giving more of this aspect. I must respect that the ETs have been insisting a lot on this aspect in their book. It seems that for them, or for the school of Pan, this aspect is certainly the most important, as it is the only one we can start practicing at once.

Chapter 6

For a good evolution, we need a mixing of divinity and instinct. If we mix these two strengths in harmony, we become the centre of a kind of whirl that is called Pa Koua in taoism. It’s the mixing of Yin and Yang turning in the centre that we must be. Spirituality is among the systems of intoxication of this world, and mainly the “new age” philosophy


is present everywhere today; I must say that this security lock of the system or the Matrix is extremely efficient. When somebody good finds that something is not correct in our society, he starts seeking the truth and, of course, he goes to something a little bit different than the classical religions, so he will turn to another kind of spirituality, that is to say, the new age. This “philosophy” is everywhere. Buy books to get a better understanding of things, it’s there. Go see a therapist, it’s there. Go to a Yoga or Taï Chi lesson, it’s there. Go to a meditation class, it’s there. Everywhere spiritual you can go, it’s there. So, even when somebody is unhappy with our society, he gets caught by a system that was created by the same society that you try to escape from by going to look for something different.

What’s wrong with the new age? Everything could be right with the new age, or nearly everything, but there’s a little detail that is being refused, denied and insulted so deeply, that everything becomes completely wrong and even diabolical. It is the fact of refusing the Yang energy, the instinct. It’s as if I was asking you to run but giving you only one leg and pushing you to feel guilty because you limp. This situation will become so impossible to that you will develop some kind of illness. You will become violent, selfish, a liar and vicious but at the same time, you will deny all these defaults. The more you do that and the more you will feel unwell and as a result, you will develop a bigger pathology and so on. You cannot find anybody who is more frustrated than somebody who is new age; these people are full of hate, violence and frustrations. The worst is that these people did not want that at all. Understand that these people are just victims of the security system of the Matrix, of society. Now, for the others who love football or other stupidities like that, they are not better; they hate spirituality because the only spiritualist people they ever met were new age, so they have a good reason to reject these people. Understand that all this was planned by the system, the Matrix. I know it is hard, but I invite you to open your eyes and see that spiritualities of any kind are disappearing from all countries. I know what I’m talking about, because I’m always travelling and I can tell you what I see. In England, in Germany, in Belgium, in Luxembourg, in Italy, in Spain, in France, in Holland, everywhere you look, everybody is tired of the spiritualist stupidities. When you look at the new age, maybe it is not so bad, but the point is that by using new age everywhere now, the confusion is total and everything is disappearing. Still, spirituality and philosophy are essential for a good development of a highly technical society. We have too much power without wisdom, and this is leading our world to its end!! The leaders of any kind of group are hunted down today because they are considered gurus of a sect or a terrorist. Don’t dream, slowly by surely, every group is being destroyed and at the same time, most of the time they deserve this fate because they are completely crazy. How could you be well in a system that is against all kinds of spirituality while your own spirituality is completely crazy because completely poisoned by the new age? The poison is so well organised that at the beginning, when you start getting interested in the new age, you always improve a little bit, but after you get worse and worse. Feeling the pressure from the other and being unable to protect yourself, your ideas and your friends, you get worse and worse. To escape this terrible situation, you become worse than before, more frustrated, more aggressive, more in the power and so on. Finally, we have to recognise that a poor guy who is into football is in a better state than


somebody who is spiritual. The New Age teaches that you must not choose your side, the others will understand sooner or later, and during this time, the world is dying. The New Age also teaches that you must not accept to take a position against somebody; for instance I knew a woman who was advised by her therapist to ignore the problems her daughter had with her father and just built a relationship with her daughter refusing all conversations or critiques about her husband, telling her daughter with “wisdom” that one day he will understand. “Why should I help you resolve your problems with your father, the real relationship is to be built between you and me, I’m not going to accept a triangular relationship”. I do not wish for you to be tortured like this girl was, but, if it happens to you one day, you will understand which kind of crap the New Age philosophy really is. The triangular relationship must be refused, it’s true, but it’s completely at another level. Everything is mixed up everywhere, so that everybody gets completely lost.Because of new age ideas, this woman is refusing the basic love that a dog is able to give to its puppies.

That is how good people who were seeking a path become only monsters. I don’t say that we must go back to being animals, I am just saying that our instinct is needed as well as our divinity; we should have a perfect balance between both. That is what is taught in b Iah. It is because our civilisation has lost its instinct that we cannot even react while our planet, Gaya, the future of our children is dying. How is it possible? The b Iah is explaining that a big web was organised on our planet and that it gets more powerful each day. It’s a system of protection and preparation for the coming harvest. Darkness is more or less present in everybody, but which is maybe more important to understand is that there is a web of darkness in our world that controls us. The image of the agents Smith being able to appear through anybody in Matrix is completely right. When you try to feel better or clarify a situation, you will be surprised to see how much trouble you will get into and not only from your opponents, but from anybody. There is a system of protection and anybody who is fighting against this system will be attracted and for that, anybody will be used as a slave. Only your animal instinct will be efficient enough to fight against this system, because the instinct is a fighter, the divinity is not. If we know how to mix the two strengths, then we become so powerful against any kind of darkness, from ourselves or from the system. We increase our VL, our knowledge and our instinct. We should be able to listen not only to the angels but also to the entities of Gaya. If you listen to them, they aren’t happy at all. Everything has been organised so that we believe it is very hard to listen to them. That is wrong, finally, it is even very easy. The point is to keep and use the techniques given especially to free our mind and live our destiny. I swear it is not difficult. Now, I understand that a lot of people could think that it is difficult because they have been following the wrong system given by the matrix to make sure you never free yourself. If you follow something easy and efficient, it is very easy. If you understand the programming system, you also understand the way to free yourself. You will be able to offer a future to your children, you can protect the planet on which you live, you can protect life and that is the only way to really call the light. I invite you to watch a film, as I did the same work than I did with the film “Matrix”. This time it is “Instinct” with Anthony Hopkins I hope you remember this film well,


otherwise watch it before reading the text that follows:



- What’s the playing card for?- Control.- Control? By whom?- By you…the takers.- You’re free to go.- Am I? And you? Are you free?

- I lived as a man amongst animals. I lived like humans used to live ten thousand years ago. Humans used to know how to live then.

- When? Before civilisation?- No, before you, Juha, and all your kind.- Takers.- Yeah. I was one of you. I believed in control.- Some control is necessary.- Is it?- …you became one of them. - Not one of them, don’t you listen? They accepted a man. They reached across.

They took me in as family. They accepted a human being among them. That’s the miracle.

A - To be accepted in a place where everybody loves you and cares about you is just something impossible according to the programming of this society. Still, it is not because some programmers decided that it was impossible that it is. It is possible to love each other and help each other to grow and to feel better and better. Only our instinct can teach us the opposite of selfishness. As an animal, I can easily understand that the more the herd gets better, the better I will feel because I am part of this group. A real team, real Merkabah is working like that. There is no other way to improve and imagine a positive evolution for this planet. If everybody is part of my own body, nobody is touching part of my body because it is unpleasant and painful for me. The b Iah called that “kioshio”, which means in English “to have your own private life but all think with the same brain”. Of course, in our society this will be translated into something negative at once, but it is not. In real Yoga this is called Agni-Yoga, the Yoga of the heart. There’s nothing primitive in that, not at all, it is even the opposite, it is like a kind of telepathic link between everybody, but there is no dependence, only information and love. How could I eat some meat, while I can feel the pain of the animal in my plate and the anger of the people in Africa who have nothing to eat? My neighbour needs to talk and I will be there because I can feel her. If you need help one day, everybody will be there because they will be happy to protect and love you. There is nothing primitive in all that, far from it. If we create a vessel today to travel in space with, the 10 people who will be stuck in it for 2 years are going to kill each other while with a real evolution, it should be a time of endless happiness to have the possibility to stay together like that. If we do not have this reciprocal love, the only possibility to live together is in “control”. What you do not know is that the control, which allows you to control the others is always controlling you as


well. In a world of “no love” everything must be paid. The price to be able to control the others is to be controlled. You control only for one reason, to take, because without love no one will give you anything, ever. So you must take it. You become “those who take”, in fao we have the same expression “homprenoy” which means exactly the same. In a real evolved society, you never try taking, you try giving. The favour is the money of a higher society. In your dreams, you imagine X-ray guns and so on, but the first thing, which defines a higher society is that kind of money, the favour. I know what I’m talking about. With the b Iah I have been much further than anything you could imagine. I have seen such societies and it is beautiful beyond anything you could ever imagine.

- Did you ever miss the contact with any humans? Why don’t you tell the story?- Because I am not for this world, not anymore…I want to finish this.- Finish what?- Telling you what I know.- What makes you think what you know is any different from what other people


A - Such a wonderfully naive question, I can’t believe it. The society of the homprenoy is dying. No one knows anything real anymore that could give the smallest hope for the future, but at the same time, how could somebody know something better? That is the security system of the Matrix. Anybody who is a slave of the system is also the proud guardian of the very system that put him into bondage.

- I had different teachers. - So, I’m supposed to pass on your work.- Yeah, for all it’s worth.- What made you pick me?- A look in your eye. You seemed to have half a brain- Thank you. What look?- That look: curious, searching, unsatisfied, slightly pissed off.

A - Yes ,when there is still a part of you that is not satisfied, despite the programming, and if you were lucky enough not to be poisoned by the new age, then everything is possible because the strength that is still pulsing in your heart is capable of any miracle if the right methods are given to you. If not, why should the ETs get tired with us and give us some information through b Iah or through the many CC? There’s a powerful cure to the hive and to the harvesting, otherwise the masters of the world would not worry so much about the knowledge of Pan and b Iah.

- …I was wrong. You’re not the one.- I am the one!- Are you? - I’m the one.- The one in control, huh?- Yes.


- Who’s in control? So who is in control, huh? Are you? Am I? The guards outside? The warden in his office? Yeah? Who is in control? …Now, this will be a very simple test. Pass or fail, life or death. Ready, Juha? Now, you will write on this paper what I have taken from you. What have you lost? Write it!

- Control.- Wrong. You never had control. You only thought you had it. An illusion, tabibu

juha. And what do you control for sure, huh? The volume on your stereo, the air conditioning in your car? What else? Another chance, too much pressure, you’re nervous. Try again. What have you lost? What did I take? Write it!

A - That is so true, as I said before, you control nothing. The Matrix is organised in this way. The more you control your dog, your wife, your staff and whoever else, the more you are controlled. You can’t help it. The trick is that they blinded you so that you can see only what you control, without being able to see what is controlling you. So when b Iah is explaining that you are slaves, you answer “wrong, I’m free, I even have the power to give orders to others, I control!”

- My freedom.- You’re a fool, Juha. Do you think you were free? Where were you going at 2:00

today? To the gym, right? In the morning, your wake-up call. In the middle of the night when you wake up sweating, with your heart pounding. What is it that has you all tied up, Juha, tied up in little knots? Is it ambition? You’re no mystery to me, boy. I used to be you. Okay, one last chance. You think I won’t do it? What’s one psychiatrist less to the world? I’m already deep in the pit. So what can they do to me? Last try. Get it right. What have you lost? What did I take from you? Write it!

A - The first thing that is used as a shield is freedom. My free will is the world of the new age system; in reality you lost your freedom quite a long time ago. Democracy is also defending a freedom that has disappeared a long time ago. The modern way to put you into slavery is done in such a subtle way, that no one is looking for something that he believes he possesses, while he has lost it. This freedom is maybe the most important thing you need to retrieve to be able to evolve to our spiritual state, but you cannot seek something that everybody believes he already has. The main school of spirituality, that is to say the new age philosophy, is the first to claim that we have freedom and that we must protect it. How could we protect something that we have lost?

We should be fighting to get our freedom back. But according to the new age, fighting is bad, and freedom we have already and to put all that together, taking position is even worse, so everything is locked into a safety box and the matrix is out of danger.Our soul is a kind of knight. She loves freedom, protection, what is fair, she loves courage, she loves happiness. You can see from all this that the new age gave quite a wrong definition of light and freedom. Society is controlling your life, because the


society does not want you to be happy. It wants to survive and reach its secret goal, nothing else. For society you are only crops, and your only function it to be ready for the harvest. For instance, you must eat meat not because it is good for your health, but because it is good for the health of the trade market; it has nothing to do with you, still, most people will think that they have decided to eat meat because they like it. No! It is just because society taught you to behave like that, because it is needed for the matrix. The new age exists only because the matrix needed it, nothing else. Now, it is true that you have got the choice to choose between going or not going there, but it does not change anything. You have the choice to vote between the left and the right, but in fact it does not change anything at all; they all belong to the same secret religion of the matrix. I know that if you believe in your freedom you are going to feel aggressed, you are not, it is the matrix that I am aggressing and you are not the Matrix, in spite of what it wants you to believe.

- My illusions! - Yeah. Congratulations! You’re a student after all. And you lost nothing but your

illusions and a little bit of skin.

A - As I said about the film “Matrix”, sometimes you have to die or face death to wake up. After this very sad life of slavery there is another wonderful life that you cannot even imagine. This life is so full of happiness and abilities that you will have to test it to realise how wonderful it really is.

- What is this? - Not finished.- What are you making here?- The true history of mankind. It’s a true history. No fiction, no lie. Africa, two

million years ago. Humans. Then they moved. Migrated. Ten thousand years ago, civilisation. You.

- This is me?- Yeah, and me too. Us. - Takers. Who are the blue people?- They’re tribal societies – hunters, gatherers, planters. They never killed more

animals than they could use. They never ploughed more land than they needed. They fought, but they never waged war. Never exterminated. They had a place in the world. They were part of it. And they shared it. We changed all that.

- Now what? Are we supposed to change it back? What are we supposed to do?- Move.- Move where?- Out of my way.- What, are we supposed to unbuild our cities, wander off into the jungle like you

did? - A stupid, specious argument. You figure it out. I’m busy- You’re a pain in the neck, Ethan.- I know. Now, get out. Dominion. - What?


- We have only one thing to give up – our dominion. We don’t own the world. We’re not kings here, not gods. Can we give that up? Too precious all that control? Too tempting being a god?

A - Yes and we do behave like gods. Why do we behave like gods? Because we believe in gods, in the Elohim who came here to conquer our planet and had so much power that they looked like gods to us. They were perfectly controlling our civilisation, so perfectly in fact, that the masters of the world are still today working for these gods and their return for the harvest. This is clearly explained in b Iah.

The symbol of the pyramid that you find on the dollar note is the sign of the Illuminati, those who know, the masters of the world. Even those masters are slaves because they hope to become part of the gods by offering them our planet and you as batteries or robots. The pyramid has also another symbol ; it’s the fact to know that everything that you do to somebody to control him will be repeated by your own victim and so on. So it never stops, like a river. This is how you control a whole civilisation. The little pyramid above the big one on the dollar shows with the eye and the light, that they know. Our civilisation is the base pyramid that has nothing to do with the top one. Understand also that the top pyramid is not only a top pyramid but a vessel to go away with the gods when it is time for the harvest. They always need to show their power with some images that are in front of everybody’s eyes, but nobody understands. Maybe it is some kind of sport for them, I do not know. In the series “Star Gate” what were the vessels of the goaulds like and were they not aliens that everybody saw as gods? Maybe, once more, it is not so far from the truth. Have a look at the dollar, look around the pyramid at the kind of scarf ; it is not a scarf, it is a tongue, like a snake’s tongue or a dragon’s tongue, is that not strange? Why? It says in latin “we blessed what was started”. Who blessed what? Who is talking? It says “In god we trust”, which god are they talking about? The gods who are going to take them in their vessel that looks like the top of a pyramid? Think and open your eyes. That is what we have learnt from b Iah.

Now, three little things before leaving you to give you more matter to think about:

1. The new age is refusing tonicity and the reality of the body as well as human feelings. If you take the very spiritual “Surya-Yoga”, the meditation at dawn for example . Surya-yoga consists of five main points, the first one is meditation when it is still dark. The second point is visualisation of your aura when the light is appearing. The third point is pranayamas when the sun is up. The forth point is singing, to incarnate the energy through the voice. The fifth point is gymnastics to incarnate the energy in every cell of your body. So you see, even something that is extremely spiritual is looking both after the soul and after the body, or if you prefer, the instinct. It is the instinct that gives you the strength to fight. The soul gives you guidance and shows you the way out, but as long as we are on this planet, the instinct that comes from this planet gives you the power to deal with this reality. The new age philosophy stole the instinct and with it the possibility to win our way out of here. Our future is in the cosmos, as is explained in b Iah, but before that, we must win here and not be slaves or victims.


2. The name “message” is “shoao” in fao. Why is this ET language using such a word for a wonderful thing like the messages from the guides? Why use such a word to define trans-communication? Because the word “shoao” is linked to the Hebrew choa, which means to flee, to survive and to hide. It is obvious that on this planet, which is not exactly turned to light, any light knowledge means to be able to fight or at least intellectually be able to live our ideas and not stop just because we disturb the power, the system. There is no manifestation of light without strength. I know that new age is saying the opposite, but in reality they are not talking about light, but about “not disturbing the Matrix”.

3. I leave you here with an article that we wrote with an expert of psychology on a website. You can see from that, if you organise your life to have more free people around you with higher VL, you will evolve so quickly that you cannot believe it today. It is so hard to be free with people around you who accept only power. It is so hard to have a high VL, when you are surrounded by people with a very low VL. They will make your level drop and they will feel aggressed by you because your level will be unbearable to them. The article is not written exactly about what I was explaining but I think it is easy to make the connection.

“Very interesting research was done on hundreds of cases to distinguish the abilities we have to adapt. This research gives us the possibility to understand that even the limitations in our IQ are only a programming.

Research was done on children who were adopted by upper class social families. Those same children were coming from very poor families. The tests done on those children before the adoption revealed a very low IQ.

After between 5 and 10 years of high quality living standards, some of the children revealed a high IQ, some a very high and even a proportion of 21% revealed the IQ of a genius. That means that even our own IQ is just an answer of adaptation to be accepted by the family with which we live. That leads us to a second conclusion, which is: “if we feel completely accepted by a new group of people, we can change everything in ourselves, because we’ll adapt ourselves to this new family. So, whatever is our age, if we step into a good quality of spirituality, like a kind of brotherhood, we can change everything in our psychology and abilities”. We are not talking here about the promises of a so-called Guru, but we are talking about scientific facts.

Now this leads us to a third and last question and observation, if it is so and it is, why is every government fighting against groups of people who are gathering with a new philosophy? In the legend, the god Pan was teaching exactly that and pushed everybody to be together and help each other to improve and still, this god is known as being the bad god by definition, why? “


Chapter 7

At that time I was still very ill sometimes, but my physical condition was constantly improving. It wasn’t perfect yet, but I was much better. In spite of being nearly blind, I could see, I could feel everything so perfectly well that no one could have the smallest idea of my handicap. Through the knowledge of b Iah, I was always improving and I could teach the same to my friends who stayed in our house. I was still discovering the VL. I mean, even if I knew how to work and what to do, it was not so easy to really understand what was really happening with my VL. Once, a long time ago, when I was getting worse and worse, I went to see a guy who was using more or less the same ladder system to measure our energy than what was explained in b Iah. When I saw him, I didn’t really clearly understand what he was talking about, all that I clearly understood was that, I was gravely ill. He talked to me about an energy ladder with which to read people and according to him my energy was at 5400, which meant that I was very weak. I was not happy with his work and I did not go to see him again. His ladder was, as I said, the same system that was explained in b Iah, which meant that for him, when you were in perfect shape, you had an energy level of around 7000 and when you were a champion you had an energy level of around 7500, but that was very rare. Some incredible people, but they were considered near mutants, could reach an energy level of 8000. When you are very ill you have a level of around 5000 and when you cannot stay on your feet anymore, you have an energy level of around 4000. When you cannot remain conscious any longer, you have an energy level of around 3000 and when you are in a kind of coma, you reach a level of around 1000, which is very close to death.

So you can imagine my state when I had an energy level of only 5400. I had heard about the teacher of the guy I went to see once, so I decided to see him to get an idea of my improvements and to know if what I was doing had any effect on my VL. I also decided not to say anything about my health to this therapist, just to see if he could see anything; I was able to hide all of my problems. In other words, it was not written on my face that I was ill and I wanted to see if he could read something about my health with his energy system. I know, I’m not always very nice, but I’m efficient, and this is how I always managed to go forward in my life. When I arrived after a journey of 3000 kilometres, I was hoping to have a meeting that was worth the distance. I was a little surprised but very happy to hear that this guy was using a more evolved system to read energy levels; instead of making only one reading, he made four. The first one was about my general condition, that is to say the addition of everything that I was and he found an energy level of 8500. He looked very surprised and said that he had never seen such a high level before. I did not tell him anything, but as he did not know my health problems I found him ridiculous. How could I have such a level with my health problems? I was talking to myself, thinking that if he was not giving me something more precise, considering the journey I had made, he might not see his money at the end of the session. Then he started to read my organic body, according to his system he found 4500, even less than years before. That was more acceptable to me because when I had seen his student I had gotten worse after, so it was logical to find something even worse. The therapist started to talk, as he was so astonished. He told me that no one could have a level of 8500 and an organic body at a level of 4500. The organic body reflected the physical health and no one with a weak body could


have such a general level. After searching for a long time, he started to read my mental body and he found 8500. Once more, he tried to explain to me that my mental body was dependent of my health and that it was to him completely impossible to have such a mental level. The deeper he went into his energy investigation, the more I was thinking that he really deserved his money. Then he read my spiritual body and reached the impossible level of 25000. He stopped and looked at me. - Oh my god, but who are you? 0- I’m ill, I can assure you that and what you read about my organic body is completely coherent to me. - But then how is such a level possible? - I have a little idea. 0- Your VL is so high that in spite of having physical problems, your spiritual body is working instead of your physical body. - I don’t understand? - Your VL is so high that the energy is doing what your physical body cannot do. It’s nearly a miracle. - I know why. - You do? Please tell me. - It’s because of b Iah (here I gave a long explanation about the b Iah). - Oh my god, you have the proof that ETs came to our planet and interfered with our natural evolution? - Yes, I have. You know what is maybe the funniest in what I have learnt? - Tell me, please. - Everybody is so proud of his race. You know to be the purest, like white people with black people. Finally it doesn’t make any difference, because we are all genetically modified creatures. Isn’t it funny? Even the leaders of this world, they are the same, just maybe a little better, that’s all.

The therapist was extremely interested in fao, so I tried to give more explanations.

- Our world is completely plunged into illusion and every time I try to explain this, I fail. I must say that this language seems to give clear information about this. - It must be a very useful tool? - Yes, it is. I’ll give you an easy example about what you were saying: ”gienbro”. - Which means? - Our endless inner dialogue. - Yes, and what is its relation to the illusions of our society? - In fact, it’s because the illusions go much further than what you seem to have understood. - Tell me, tell me. - Our soul is able to see the truth, so we must have an inner system to make sure that the ego is not going to lose control and let the soul take over. - Sure, I now also understand why so many people have such a low VL. Because an energy level that is too high frees the mind through the manifestation of the soul. Despite being ill, they prefer to stay ill but not lose control, so they choose a low VL and stay ill but in control. In spite of all the work I do, they stay strangely low. - It’s because they are ready to make any sacrifice to keep control, but this control is even more


expensive than you seem to believe. The illusion is at the same time so big and such a caricature, that a very strong programme is needed to maintain it, and this is gienbro. - How does it work? - The inner dialogue, you know when you are driving, meditating, dreaming, relaxing, you’ve always got this inner dialogue that keeps on coming back, and we can never have a peaceful mind. - Yes, of course, of course. - It’s the programme that must be repeated all day long so that we cannot wake up to our soul and see the real life. Did you see the film “Equilibrium”? - Yes, I did, a long time ago. - Maybe you remember those TVs always repeating the rules, what to believe, how to behave, how to feel and so on. - Yes, but are you talking about TV and newspapers here? - You don’t want to see, do you? This inner dialogue repeating what we are, what we must do, and how we must do it, who we love, what we want and so on, that’s gienbro and it is to prevent us from seeing the truth. - Oh my god!! It’s impossible! You mean…no…Yes…you are right, I’m always repeating my beliefs in my head. Oh my god, I always repeat in mind what I must believe. So, I still believe in the system that I try to demonstrate as being false to my clients. - In some ways, yes, but who doesn’t? - It’s so powerful. - Yes, it is, I know. - So, if, I can stop my inside conversation, I can perceive this world in a much better and more truthful way? - Yes, of course and if what you say is true about my VL, you’ll improve a lot because everything works together. - Of course, of course.

- Your work on the VL is really important, because according to the b Iah, everything can be understood from the point of view of the energy.

- But are they denying the good and bad side of things?- Yes and no. It is hard to know what is good and what is bad. Democracy is good but today’s democracy is bad. To love is good, but to love in today’s way is bad. When we do something good, whatever the laws that are with or against us, our vibrations are increasing. Even if the law is with us, but we do something that is a dishonour, then our VL drops. - For instance?- Well, something very easy: to leave a hitchhiker on the side of the road while your car is almost empty. Our VL is influenced by the smallest thing. This result is much stricter than any kind of philosophy or morality. In fact, even the word “sin” comes from the word “sefa”. It is Hebrew and means “knot, blocking of energy”. The same word in Hebrew can also be read “pecha” because of Israelite phonetics. It stands at the origin of the word “peché”, which is French and means “sin”. It is still the same word in Hebrew and it means the same thing: “knot or blocking of energy”. Because the leaders wanted us to lose the real meaning, they have slightly changed the meaning. Sin has never been meant to be something unpleasant that angers our gods, sin, in its deepest meaning simply means to define any action that can block an energy circulation. That is why the word “knot” was used. It has nothing to do with the judgement of a higher being, a god, or a so-called god, but an observation done about yourself and our VL. The


fact that your VL could be, according to the true laws, something to see the truth with, is what leads you into darkness and ignorance. It has absolutely nothing to do with a judgement made by a god who finally, thanks to b Iah, reveals to be an alien who sees us as pieces of shit. The higher my VL, the more I am able to see the truth and be independent. When we are younger, time seems to be much longer. If you say to a child “in one week’s time”, for him it’s in a century, but for us adults, what is a week? Nothing, the weekend is already there, we haven’t seen the week. Why? - Proportion of time maybe? - No, in our head we estimate the time with hopes, the discoveries we make, the wonderful appointments, the dreams, etc; but with time, we lose everything, because the system doesn’t leave any room for hopes or dreams. So, when you say to a child, “in one week’s time” you say in reality “in 50 wonderful experiences”. When you say to an adult, “see you in one month’s time”, you’re telling him, “I’ll see you in one wonderful event” so it’s much shorter than one week for a child. On a schedule we know perfectly well what time is, but it’s not at all the same in our head. It’s clearly explained in b Iah; when we lose our capacity to really measure time for its real value, we’ll get older, faster and faster. Somebody who should be a sage and help others, is just sad and empty, so empty that the only wonderful event he is waiting for is his death. It’s one of the teachings in fao in the b Iah; try and understand “Peter Pan”. It’s much more important than you believe. As long as you never grow up, as long as you can be passionate, happy, impatient, everything is well. A short while ago I saw “Hook” with Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffmann and I realised how deeply initiating this film is. How an old lawyer of this society gets back his youth and his joy, where each day is so long that it never ends. Where the power of trust changes everything. With the power of Peter Pan, with the silence without gienbro, we can see the world as it is today. When we are like that, our VL increases so quickly that you won’t believe it. - Oh my god, but you are a lighthouse. In this world of darkness and no hope you were given something, which is above any value. You could bring so much light and happiness to so many people who need it. Do they know that they need it? - Some yes but only those who are less asleep. - You must believe in what you have found. Look at your VL. Your organic health is going to improve a lot because such a VL can only seriously improve the body, trust me. You said that you have a house with many people who need help, please teach them how to increase the VL and the Pan techniques on how to stop the gienbro. With the VL you have, you could increase the level of anybody if you work on them. You can act through the teaching but also through magnetism. Did you tell your friends about the b Iah? - Not yet, I don’t know yet. - Why? - Because a lot of people are afraid. - True, but you told me that they gave a system of teaching through circles to make sure that nobody is overworked, so? - Yes, you are right. I must move. Maybe that by protecting people I’m not helping them enough. - Understand that they are in the darkness. They could swear that what they see is true while they are dreaming their lives. How could they ask for help that their illusion tells them they don’t need? - So? - I don’t know, find a way, I’m sure you can.


I left this man after a wonderful appointment for both of us. What he had said was more an answer from the cosmos or a kind of telepathy, because when I was a child I went to my first dojo, that is to say, school of martial arts. I had a lot of problems to adhere, because I had no money, my parents did not want to help me and I was only seven. The first time I went there, I picked up an advertisement with a little Japanese saying on it: “the one who wants to do something finds a way to do it and the one who wants to do nothing finds an excuse”. From this day on, each time I was finding something too difficult or too hard, I used to say to myself: “Ok you found the excuse, now, find the way to do it” and all my life was guided by this terrible sentence. So I couldn’t do less, I found a way and I did it. I gave everything I could to anybody who wanted to work. Very often, the results were incredible. I could cure people, I could completely change their life and which is much more important, I could create different people who are more than what you could expect on this planet. They are very different and are building a different future thanks to what they are. Today they live adventures that are so far from your life. They are more capable, they do more and their future will be even more exceptional. They teach some people today and some, not a lot, are using also the teaching of b Iah, because this book and this teaching does not belong to us but to anybody who wants to be alive and understand and meet the light and love of his soul. We are not really a school but more a bridge between what you are now and what you can become. You will see for yourself.

Chapter 8

The next circle or chapter of b Iah was giving more explanations about the pedagogical way of the circle. Already before, b Iah had explained a little about the circles, but this chapter was giving full explanations about this method. It might be a little bit confusing for you as it was for


me, since the word circle seems to be used everywhere and in many different meanings. Circles are used for the chapters, sometimes for some aspects of the teaching they are giving in b Iah but they are also used pedagogically.

I will try and give the best translation of their explanations:

“It is going to be very difficult for your race to discover and accept that they have been manipulated since almost always. Still, telling the truth is the only way we have found to give freedom back to any of the hive planets we found. The population must learn where they come from. Knowing their past, they will be able to control their future. Today, they believe in a false past and because of that, they have no other future than remaining crops. The knowledge revealed itself to be very difficult to digest on every planet we have helped so far. Most of the time, the VL is so low on the planets under control that the change is very difficult, but a few people manage. Some can go very far into the knowledge and some others cannot. The protection system to respect the limitations of everybody is the system of the circle. No limit must be put on knowledge; still, we do know that with the conditioning that the population received, it is feeling very upset with too much knowledge. We offer you a possibility to spread the knowledge in a fair way. Let’s imagine that absolute knowledge is the centre of a circle, the waves around it are the manifestations of this truth and at the same time, your protection, no regret in getting a knowledge that is too heavy for you to use and change into positive things in your life. The future can be built only with happy people. We do understand that the knowledge given at the beginning is not very happy at first, but think of what it offers you afterwards. Knowing your origin, you will be able to do anything in your life and for the future of your civilisation. Some people would be ready to die for this fabulous knowledge. We propose you to live with it and make the most of it, for you and for your civilisation. Everything is offered to you, but to make sure that you are not hurting yourself with something too strong or frightening, each step is like a kind of step that we prefer to call circle. For each circle you will have things to understand, improvements to make, you will achieve more power on many different aspects and you will have some kind of presents. Some of you cannot even imagine the deep value of these gifts. Now, what is important in this system is the respect of freedom, something you are not used to and the unlimited possibility to go as far as you want.

Circles are like a kind of level of knowledge you must reach, you must understand everything that was explained before and it also concerns your VL. When you have what is needed, you are accepted in the higher circle you wanted to enter. There is nothing to pay, no real exam. As soon as you are in a circle, you will know what you will be able to do and receive in the next circle. If you find it interesting, you can start working for this new gaol, if you find it too hard, you just have to stay in the circle you are in at that moment, because you feel sufficiently nourished and happy where you are. The following things will decide whether you will be accepted in a new circle:1) Your wish to access everything that we offer in this circle. 2) Your ability to do what is asked for in this new circle, most of the time it is very easy; that means that somebody who is a little motivated could claim 5 or 6 circles in one month. Some people prefer to take their time to discover and will advance very slowly in their research. Last but not least, the system of the circles is completely democratic and tries to put everybody into a position of power. So, I will show you exactly how it works: Let’s imagine you are in circle 3


and somebody that you know well or not wants to enter circle 2. If this person has learnt the things that he or she must know, it is evident and he or he has nothing to do to be able to enter. But the members of circle 3 must also have a quick meeting and talk about the new arrival. Unless you have something very important to say about this person, you must remain silent. If you know something about this person, you will have to speak frankly, without hate. When you do so, all members of circle 3 have exactly the same power than you have. You will have to speak and give an explanatory example until everybody from the examination committee of circle 3 agrees 100%. We cannot have anybody hesitating. In the case of a very difficult meeting, talks can last up to 20 hours but most of the time the meeting lasts only 15 minutes, sometimes even less.

Nobody is allowed to know who is in circle 4. No one is allowed to use the influence of a member of circle 6 to manipulate a member of circle 3 to follow you. There is no money involved in this system. If someone wants to block you for no reason, he has to know that behaving like that tells something about his personal behaviour, without forgetting that if this person wants to reach a real decision he will have to attract the others into his team. We cannot accept a decision from someone that is not 100%; it’s not always easy and it is a very good exercise to push everybody to know everything. Of course this system asks for absolute secrecy. If somebody talked, everything would be reorganised completely differently.”

I discovered some very strange points in this way. As I was the translator, I was reading everything and discovered some very science fiction-like aspects. The possibilities that were given were going much further than anything a youngster could dare dream of. Can a human really go as far than what I read in b Iah? The last circles were talking about other dimensions, about travelling in space, about being the origin of something completely new in the destiny of our civilisation.

All this seemed so crazy, but for me it was by far not the strangest, it was more to see that most of the people cannot assume such a secret and sooner or later become afraid of this knowledge. So when they know, they must know that what they know is the result of what they wanted to know, because at any time they stop when they want. The attention the ETs paid to our limitations were quite astonishing to me. They created this circle system to make sure that we humans are able to receive the knowledge and power slowly. Another point is the fact that to be able to handle such a level of knowledge, a certain VL is needed. Then, with this very pedagogical system, everything is offered to anybody but nobody is forced. You will get what you ask for, nothing more and nothing less. Such a delicacy was quite surprising for me, but once more, we are dealing with a higher society here; a society that truly respects the freedom of others. Freedom or so-called “freedom” of our society means “ignorance”. If we know nothing we are free to have no opinion and to follow the herd. Real freedom means knowledge and, of course, responsibility. This way of offering responsibility to everybody and at the same time, respecting everybody’s limitations was a great lesson for me. The efforts must be turned towards knowledge and the VL, so that you can handle such powerful information.

In each circle, different exercises are explained to improve your VL. The more you have improved your VL, the more intense exercises you can do. At a certain level, we can also learn


of certain kinds of “gates”. There are today two different kinds of gates on Earth. The first ones are so-called “power points”; they are like gates of energy between the cosmos and our planet. If you know what to do and where to do it, being in contact with those gates is extremely powerful for your VL. As more and more people are reaching a higher VL, working with some members of our team is also extremely powerful because energy is alive and is passing through everybody. Your own body is using the energy that is focused on a geographical power point as well as on people. The second gates are so-called “doors” between two worlds or should I say, a kind of bridge between two worlds. These doors are not for everybody, because the experience is extremely intense and not everybody could survive such an experience. Still some members of our team went with me for some meetings and lived incredible adventures and studied extraordinary things. Since we found b Iah, we have learnt that the CC are extremely linked to b Iah. What is Stonehenge according to you? Why are most of the CC appearing around this place? Why are a lot of CC today drawings of tunnels or gates? We will come back to the CC later in this book; when we get to higher circles of b Iah, lots of information about this topic will be given. The 1st circle is of course, open to everybody. To be able to be accepted in the 1st circle you just have to have a minimum VL of 6 000, be interested in philosophy and psychology and have some knowledge on chakras, reincarnation and spirituality in general. No one is supposed to ask you any money for this circle. If someone does, be careful, it’s a scam. The circles are like a ladder to reach a correct level needed for our future, and no one is supposed to make any money on that. When you have reached the 1st

circle, you have access to one transformation game (ask for details).

The strangest for me was certainly to make the link with the martial art I’m a master in (10th

dan). It is divided into two different systems, Go and Hi. Go is a kind of very old martial art, the most efficient I have known in decades of practice and I should know because I have cumulated more than 30 dans altogether, by myself. With such an experience, I know what I’m talking about. Secondly, there is Hi, the secret part, Hi, meaning “hidden”. Hi has the same circle system. How could this be possible? After reaching the chapters of b Iah, I did some research and what I found was quite surprising: the practice of Go has always been about some secret tasks. One of them was to find what they used to call “the treasure of Pan” and today it appears clearly that b Iah is this “treasure”. When I went further into the discovery of b Iah, I found more evidence of this in the history of the Go. The teachings of the guides and of some psychic people I met, became clearer. Maybe I was meant to find this disk. Maybe I was someone special for this “book” or “treasure”? I don’t know. At least, the point was clear, there has always been something special between this book and me. I did nothing to obtain this book or keep it, it was more as if everything was organised around me to push me to keep this book and translate it. In the long run, I discovered that I had the perfect people around me in Go to help me on some aspects of this so strange and wonderful story. But we will come to that later. The story is going to speed up. Like the VL, the higher they are, the quicker you can go.


Chapter 9

b Iah explains the essence of what we are as human beings in such a revolutionary way, that


some time is needed at first to digest the information. We are all telepaths, but the understanding of this ability must be seriously improved. The best way to sum up b Iah is to speak about conductivity. Conductivity is quite a natural phenomenon. Our way, for instance, to resist the cold is very different in water than in air. 28° are very bearable in the air, but if you are in a sea bearing the same temperature, you will be cold after around one hour. I have been diving in the Caribbean Sea and I can tell you that after one hour in the sea wearing just a wetsuit, you are quite cold. In the air, the same temperature is nice the whole day long, why is that? Because our body is made of 90% of water, so when we are in the water, the conductivity is 7 times more active; that’s why we get cold while we have exactly the same temperature in both situations. Our body does not have as much air, so the temperature is not affecting us so much. We could try to understand telepathy a little like that. In fact, it is not only telepathy, but also some influence, even big influences of energy. When you are with somebody who is a little bit like you and if this person is not feeling well (nervous breakdown, or whatever) after a little while you will feel down and sucked empty. Because the essence was more or less the same, the conductivity was easy and efficient. It is the same for telepathy. Everybody is always using some kind of telepathy. We cannot read somebody’s mind but still, everybody is able to recognise one another, knowing perfectly well if the person who is in front is penetrable with a deep and easy conductivity. If not, something is saying “this guy doesn’t belong to our herd” and there is no sympathy. We say also that the current is not passing. What is not passing is this kind of perpetual soup that goes through the conductivity. We could also sum up that with the VL. If your VL is not too far from your interlocutor’s, the conductivity is working, but if you are too far away from his VL, it is not working any more, and that sensation is being felt as extremely negative. On the energy ladder, a difference of 2000 or maybe 3000 is the maximum that can be accepted to be able to mix our energies. Afterwards it is no longer possible, unless you allow this mixing and work for it.

It is very interesting to have a look at children and conductivity. What happens to children and what VL do they have? When they are babies, their VL is always very high, because they come from a place where the level is always very high. When they grow up, their VL continuously decreases because they have to adapt to their family. Unless you come from a family who knows everything, which must not happen very often in this world, the child has to drop in VL if he wants to be accepted as an adult. The excitement of a child, its joy and love will always be assimilated with youth and ignorance, while in reality it is completely the opposite. If a child becomes an adult, it will always be because its family can read its mind and recognises it as being one of them. In the legend of Peter Pan the children do not want to grow up; in reality it simply means that they do not want their VL to decrease. They do not want to enter the world of adults, not because they do not want to assume their responsibilities, but because they do not want to lose what they have, or, if you prefer, their high VL. Some families can protect you enough so that you keep this wonderful soul flame, but unfortunately most of the time, one day, sooner or later, you just become an adult and you forget everything. You forget what you felt, you forget the happiness and the joy you were living and you just become reasonable and quiet. Welcome to the world of the low VL. Know that it is possible to remember and to get everything back that you felt before. It is possible to go even higher, much higher than before, but for that, you must learn joy, real


and infinite joy.

So, what is right in our world is not the quality but the number; if you belong to the mass, you are always right. The more you evolve and the more the others will be unable to break your shield; you will disturb them and even frighten them. The higher your VL, the easier it becomes to contact somebody with the same VL. In our team, because most members have a very high VL, we are in very good contact most of the time. That does not mean that we do not have mobile phones to contact each other, but most of the time we know who is calling, and whether it is good or bad.

In our house, we very often meet at the door of a bedroom because one person was going out to call and the other was coming to ask what was needed. The more everybody is improving his VL, the more it works. For somebody who has a higher VL, it is also quite easy to read a lot in the mind of somebody who has a lower VL. This does not work other way around. This must be one of the reasons also why most people are unconsciously aggressive and afraid of people with a higher VL. For those who are really too far from your level, it can happen that somebody with a low VL even manifests real hate towards you. The higher your VL, the more you can clearly see the light and the darkness in the mind of somebody with an inferior VL to yours. The more you advance, the more you understand everybody around you and you start foreseeing their actions. The more you advance, the more you can help people because with your VL, you can help anybody to increase which will improve their health and their way to see and understand life.

What is that which we call “poltergeist”? It has to do with a very low VL, but instead of talking about a person, I am talking about a place, a house, etc. In this case too, it is quite easy to use some part of your VL to completely change the vibes of this place. Some people know me as an incredible exorcist. It’s their right to call this ability by that name, but I wouldn’t define it like that. In b Iah, quite a lot of explanations are given about ghosts, especially the “bad ones”, those who are provoking those poltergeist effects.In fact, you must understand that when somebody passes away, his VL increases, that is what we call heaven or to be sent into the light. Still, some people have such a low VL that they are unable to understand their death and the new situation. They try to continue existing on our plan of existence, which is a mistake because without a physical body, existing on this plan is using a lot of energy, so very quickly, these ghosts start hunting for energy. Most people cannot be touched by these ghosts, because the difference in VL is too big and the bridge cannot be built; but if these ghosts find a place with a very low VL, it can be a kind of bridge for them. When some people with a low VL are coming, or when some people are living in this place and have a low VL themselves, the ghosts can “eat”. The negative feeling decreases the VL and projects a lot of energy outside of the body. At that precise moment in time the ghosts are having a real meal.

The more the ghosts eat, the more they can eat because they have more and more energy and can touch more and more people. It is always possible to give them a kind of indigestion with too much energy that contains too much light in it. For the ghosts the shock is so strong then, that they can only wake up from their own nightmare, understand their position and leave because, of course, when you are dead, there are better places than an old house to stay in. When I was


talking about a kind of web between negative or weak people before, once more the VL gives you much clearer explanations about this phenomenon. If we take the Merkabah and take the same explanations, things are getting clearer too. The high VL of each member is creating a kind of egg of light around everybody, the same kind of manifestation than on the bright side. Everybody’s VL is helping everybody and after some time of working together and enough people with a high VL, the DNA is changing. Once more, this will seem completely crazy to you, but maybe it is just because you have not received a serious explanation of this. 90% of the DNA in our body is not used. How is this possible? Nature never wastes things, still 90% of our brain are not used, the same percentage as for our DNA. How is it possible? Those 90% are waiting for new information. If we create a different atmosphere around us and our bodies, our brain and our DNA will start to adapt. Those wonderful tools that are useless until now will start adapting to the light around us. Everything we think will become possible, it will be only a question of work and intensity.

You are going to say that if it was that easy, it would be known and I would answer, how? Nobody on Earth can witness that kind of experience because it is forbidden. Our planet is going straight to its death, but some ETs are still doing their best to give more and more information through b Iah and through the CC to try and help humanity. Why if it is useless? Because, in spite of being in a very bad and difficult situation, it is possible to change so much to be worth getting help. Are you free enough to believe that the changes you could see in your bodies are much bigger than anything you could imagine? Do you really think a high civilisation would get tired with our civilisation if there was nothing to do? Of course not, but if we believe that there is nothing to do or if we believe that everything is perfect and under control then we are lost. If we believe that there is nothing to do because we are lost and the masters of the world are too strong then we are truly lost. The masters of the world do not want anybody to wake up because potentially, it is very easy to completely change our destiny.

Everything is right there, we just have to lean in front and go and fetch it, yes but are we able to wake up and choose another destiny?

Chapter 10

The following circle in b Iah was about Stonehenge and the CC. This part of the book is a little


bit more technical and less possible for you to verify by yourself, but I think that I gave you the maximum to let you see that everything that I am presenting is very serious.

I have to ask you to trust me here; but I can still give you quite a lot of elements to do your own research. Unfortunately you will not be able to research everything. I cannot speak about Stonehenge without talking about Pan. A lot of experts are still wondering what exactly Stonehenge was used for. It was a place of meditation and feast to honour Pan, even if the Celtics did not use the same name.

It is exactly like with the Knights Templar. Some people are going to argue that the Baphomet, the god the Knights Templar worshipped, is not Pan, because there’s no obvious relation. It is easy to inquire about the name Baphomet. It is a word that works as a kind of code, because in any kind of initiation, it is always very important to use signs with a lot of power; that is to say, to use powerful words because their meaning is multiple and at the same time all focused in the same direction. Baphomet stands for Baphe-métous, the christening of wisdom and/or Bios-phos-métis life-light-wisdom. Bapho is also the name of a port in Cyprus; the owner of the temple that stood there was Abufihamat, which means “the father of comprehension”. The name can also come from the Arabic Ouba el-Phoumet, which is another name for the Church of Spirit and means « father of the mouth ». The Church of Spirit stands for the importance of the verb, because through speech Spirit is inflamed and the heritage of the blood is denied. Baphomet is a deformation of the Occitan name Mohammed; its use is thus logical as a great number of Knights Templar were Occitan. Hugh Schonfeld thought that Baphomet was a coded word. In fact, if you apply the Atbash code to the word Baphomet, you obtain the word “Sophia”, which means wisdom in Greek. Depending on its interpretation, by worshipping Baphomet, the Knights Templar were in fact worshipping a principle of wisdom. Everything comes together in the most logical way; the principle of the spirit of wisdom is marked by the word Sophia, which happened to be the name of the Bulgarian city where Beinça Douno, the last grand master of the Church of Spirit, resided, acted and taught.

At the same time, the Knights Templar met the “Hashshashins” (or Assassins) who had the same knowledge of Pan’s teachings; because of this common teaching, they became allies. The Knights Templar discovered that Mohammed knew some part of the truth and to show the link between the two spiritual movements, Knights Templar and Hashshashins, they adopted the word Baphomet as it stands both for Mohammed and, when using the atbash code, wisdom. It was a way to signal the eternal association of two populations of fighters who, without the knowledge of Pan, would not have been able to even stay in the same room.

Let’s now go back to Stonehenge; the Celtics used this place to be in contact with the god of nature and animals, the god of Life itself and son of the two forces behind the creation of Life. In China we say, Yin and Yang, with the Runes we speak of Freya and Odin, the god of the gods and the goddess of love. In Rune writing we talk of the Rune fé and the Rune odal. If you write the word of this language used in b Iah in fao, it is written FO, the A being a point and more or less like in Hebrew, it is not written. Thus, in b Iah, you can read the name F(a)O. Iah itself means the son of the light of god, is that not strange? If you take the story of Pan, he is said to be


either the son of Zeus, the son of Hermes or the son of Chronos (sometimes it is also said that he is the son of Jupiter and Calypso). Each time he is presented as the son of the god of the gods and the goddess of love, Chronos being the same entity than Odin.

Stonehenge is not at all only a kind of church for a different religion; it is a kind of energy amplifier that highly increases the VL. It is like a kind of radar that catches cosmic energy through the sun. Their knowledge of stars and cosmic energy must have been enormous for the creators of Stonehenge; otherwise, how could the Celtics have known all this approximately 4200 years ago? Unless of course, those who made Stonehenge are linked to a secret brotherhood called “The church of Spirit”, a church that has always been in contact with the teachings of Pan. In fact, this new chapter in b Iah told us that this secret “church” has existed in secret since the beginning of time. I was not the first one to be in contact with b Iah; many others were before me, but occasionally, some very special aspects must have been organised by this strange disc that we found. At this point, we were far from knowing everything…

A lot of very important people sprang from this secret “church” and were working for a correct evolution of our civilisation. Some were masters before meeting this church and got the right to know because of their level or their responsibilities. We found the names of Orpheus, Manes or Mani, the Hashshashins, the Knights Templar, the Cathars, the Essenes, the Bogomils, Tomoe Gozen, the Shaolin, some Karate masters like for example Itosu Anko and Azato Yasuzato, Michael Wallace and his son William, and some more recent members that I cannot reveal now. I am sure you understand this restriction.

Studying the book, I clearly understood why the history of Go is so close to what I was learning everyday from b Iah. It is also why I improved so much in this discipline, because the further I went in the teachings, the better I became in this discipline. History becomes clear when we can start to put the pieces of the puzzle together. From what I knew about the history of Go, I knew that the descendants of Manes fled to the Orient while some others decided to hide and form the Bogomils. Every piece of the puzzle fits. Those who much later created the white horses near Stonehenge, perfectly knew Pan’s teachings and technically, they knew perfectly well what they were doing.

90% of CC appear around Stonehenge, why? It is very easy; Stonehenge is a kind of energetic door that makes the CC much easier and less energy consuming to create. When we found out about this, as with every new chapter or circle we read, we were doing our best to do more research on some new elements. We started to inquire a lot about CC and Stonehenge. After some work on the Internet, I decided to go to England with some members of my little group to study the CC and Stonehenge. I discovered so much there. It was once more a new, incredible step in our adventure.

Since I studied b Iah, my psychic abilities improved considerably. It had become easy for me to “read” places. It was more or less the same in each place, I could “read” something very obvious, but each place contained a different message. When you go inside Stonehenge, or inside a CC, you enter another world. You cannot imagine it. It’s so incredible, so strong. Each


time your VL increases so much. I could psychically read these wonderful messages. I had not acquired this ability just like that; the more fao I could understand, the more I understood that it was using the same alphabet. Now, this “language” is so different from any human system, that a great deal of time was needed for me to understand everything.

You must understand that you really enter another world and for that, you need time. I also did my best to meet CC experts, to see what they could teach me, even if I did not tell anyone what I was experiencing. I found out something even stronger, but I must say that with b Iah, you never know when it’s ending. I saw many films on CC creation and I could see the balls of light that create those CC; exactly the same balls of light than the lightball that we found in Ireland, before I touched it and it transformed itself into a disc from which we retrieved b Iah. It was only there that I realised something very deep. It was the morning after discovering the balls of light creating the CC.

When I touched the lightball we found in Ireland with my index, it fell on the floor with a lot of noise. Just after touching the lightball that had fallen on the tiled floor, I put my index and my thumb to my chin in a movement of thinking. I felt a slight pain, like a little sting. Since that day there’s a hole in my beard where no hair grows anymore, a circle. When I touched it the day after my discovery about the lightball and the CC, I understood… I have a kind of CC on my chin!!! We received a complete map of energy points that are spread all over the world from b Iah, because it is important to have access to these places. They represent the energetic gates I was talking about in some earlier chapters of this book.

Maybe all that I explain now doesn’t seem to be so important to you because you cannot really use this knowledge… but that is not really true, because with this you can put so many parts of the history of our civilisation together. When you understand your past, you control your future. That’s why the masters of the world do not want us to know our past, it gives us too much power. Why has this “church of Spirit” always existed? It was created to fight against the “Church of Blood”, also called the Brotherhood of the Snake, the Illuminati. I found out that Iah, also called Pan, created this Brotherhood of the Snake. From here you do not understand anything. There was a terrible war. When Iah found out some secrets, he changed his mind, because at the very beginning Iah was with other aliens, those who are known as Elohim or god. Iah was one of the creators of humanity as we know it today, but for many different reasons he started to love and protect us. It is easy my friends, it is the story of Lucifer, the angel who started to fight against “god”.

Iah created a secret brotherhood called the Brotherhood of the Snake, starting with the image of the snake that brings the knowledge to Adam and Eve. Once more, the war captured this brotherhood to use it in a very different way. That is why the “Church of Spirit” has always been hidden; each time the masters of the world captured a group of people from the Church of Spirit and each time a new group appeared somewhere else, always very different from the others… but this does not help you in clearly understanding our history.

Why is there a war? Because there is a terrible secret that nobody wants to know that is leading our civilisation to its own self-destruction. I also found Beïnca Douno, that’s to say myself, in the member list of the “Church of Spirit”, which left me frozen. I have been with this school for


a long time. I carried on doing more research about my last reincarnation and I discovered that I am also the reincarnation of some ancient masters like Manes or Orpheus. Everything was coming together. I had been part of this church since the beginning of time. I also found another very important name, Jesus. He was a member of this church and he had been taught by the Essenes; once more everything became more and more clear. I then clearly understood, why everything was so confused in the world. It was meant to be like that, and with this mess, no one is able to understand and no one can understand that we are living in a hive planet.

The “Church of Spirit” is fighting against the coming harvest. It’s just so logical, but nobody understands anything. If we woke up from our dreams, we could clearly see why this world is structured like that and for which purpose. It is clear that if our “gods” want to obtain their harvest through the work of the Illuminati, the cattle that we are for them must not be able to understand what is being done to them. What would the crops do if they understood their destiny? I understood the subtlety of writing down teachings about freedom in crop fields via the CC.

I know that very often I take the same story from a different point of view, but that is also how b Iah explains things; the writers of this book know perfectly well that the truth is so terrible for us, that we need time and more and more explanations to digest the truth. Still when we know that this terrible knowledge has rendered us capable and that the light, the love and the power to protect others has become enormous, you will understand that it was worth the troubles you can have in assimilating the teachings of Pan and the Church of Spirit.

Chapter 11

The next chapter or circle told the real story of Jesus and the whole secret about his teachings, his legacy and the mysteries around him. To understand everything clearly, we


will have to go back to the Priory of Zion and to the story of the dragons.

When this race created our civilisation, they created another race too. This race is what is known as being the superior race, the Illuminati. This little group of people was supposed to be the guardian of our civilisation. They had received the programme of our civilisation with the little extra of preparing humanity for its harvest. Among the human slaves, the dragons had created another race of half dragon, half human slaves whose purpose it was to whip the other slaves; these are called the Illuminati or a lot of other names of groups who control the world today. The members of this race are able to recognize one another through their special blood and DNA.

At the beginning, it was easy to know who their descendants were, because their family tree was extremely well recorded in writings such as the Bible. Still, over time, it was getting more and more difficult to control the situation. It had been taught that only the superior beings could handle this terrible teaching as well as some special abilities that the other inferior race couldn’t control. At the same time, from the very beginning, a former god was against the other dragons. His name was Iah, Lucifer, Pan, and many others. In fact, he was not the only one to go against his own race of dragons, some others were with him, but this name was the sum-up of the little army against the other gods or aliens, the dragons.

To fight against the dragons and the hybrid race, Lucifer created a secret brotherhood called “the Brotherhood of the Snake”. This brotherhood was supposed to spread the teachings of Lucifer that revealed the dragons’ plan of harvesting humanity and the special powers anybody could develop thanks to knowledge; he revealed that you did not have to have special half dragon, half human blood to do amazing things, but that anybody could. Lucifer mixed all these people and sons of the “gods” with simple humans on purpose, and taught them the same things so that they achieved the same powers.

According to the teaching of the “gods”, this was absolutely impossible. Still, Lucifer proved the opposite. Because the political situation got out of hand, there was a terrible war. The dragons fought the war on two levels. While they were fighting Lucifer and his army, they spread a new knowledge amongst the humans, pushing everybody to believe that Lucifer was the devil and his teaching pure poison.

The “brotherhood of the snake” was infiltrated and destroyed from the inside as Lucifer’s enemies had managed to use the brotherhood for the complete opposite of what it had been created for. In spite of what is said nearly everywhere, Lucifer won the war because he received a special weapon from some other aliens who had come to help him. At the same time, Lucifer was defeated, because he could no longer leave planet Earth. Too many aliens wanted to destroy him and the only safe place for him was Earth. He was


thus sentenced to stay on a planet where the dragons’ teaching reigned supreme; a teaching that said that Lucifer was the devil and that invited everyone to hunt down Lucifer and any of his kind.

When it’s said that Lucifer was sentenced by “god”, that is to say by the dragons to live in hell, this is completely right, but the hell they are talking about is Earth!! Hell means light like Lucifer’s name itself, or like the light of his teaching that is considered a sin.

How is it possible that knowledge or any kind of miracle can be a sin? Easy, the powers, according to the Catholic Church are divine gifts, given by god himself (maybe through blood and DNA), whereas when somebody is working to achieve any kind of knowledge or power it can only be a sin.

For the Church of the Blood, knowledge and power are given by „god“ via the blood, Lucifer's teachings, on the other hand, say that everybody can achieve power and knowledge through work, which is the ultimate sin in the Catholic religion.

Since that day, life on earth has been a real nightmare, where any kind of power or knowledge is forbidden and where any leaders of any kind who possess real knowledge are put through the worst tortures.

The Church of Spirit was born to fight the Church of the Blood. Pan’s (or Lucifer’s) Church of Spirit taught that anybody was able to achieve knowledge and power if he was working, while the Church of the Blood only blessed people who received manifestations of divinity in their blood and their DNA. Blood and blessed have the same etymological roots, is that not interesting?

The Essene School was created in the same spirit of teaching power to the people and it is this school that Jesus comes from. Knowing this, what then is the real story of Jesus? Since always, the real teaching was secretly spread in the Church of Spirit. The war has never ceased; as soon as the Church of the Blood had any possibility to destroy any kind of manifestation of the Church of Spirit, they did. This is why it is so difficult to clearly understand history, because, when a school was working for Iah or Pan or Lucifer (call him how you like) the Church of the Blood sooner or later invaded this branch of the Church of Spirit (I’ll call them from now on c spirit and c blood) and destroyed it from the inside. In this and the following chapters, you are going to see that this happened very often.

Iah, the dragon, found out something really special that we will see later on; something that pushed him to completely change his point of view and his actions. Mankind had been created to be harvested, and Iah wanted them to be free and join another race of aliens who had taught him the real history of the two races and our planet. The aim of the


two churches was completely opposite. c blood was working for the harvest of mankind and c spirit for the possibility of joining another race of aliens. There was a war between Iah and his fellow dragons and this war carried on afterwards in the two churches. The dragons have always used the method of infiltration and also taught it to this civilisation, so that both sides used this system to make war, which makes the history of our planet even harder to understand.

With this terrible secret war, it was no longer very easy for c blood to know who was a clear descendant of the superior race and to find the members of the hybrid race, they developed high, secret technology systems to be able to locate the real descendants of their race who were lost in the population. Sometimes, the opposite of what they wanted, happened, and some “normal” people were mixed with the hybrid race. This is what happened with Moses. That is why when somebody discovered that he did not deserve his position he was sacked from Egypt. For a while, the Hebrew people was the guardian of the teaching of Pan. Then, they were infiltrated and lost almost everything. Still, some from Egypt created a new school or branch of c spirit and named themselves the Essene. This secret school hid a very long time, keeping the secret with greatest care. They decided to do the same as Moses, knowing perfectly well that religions were becoming too weak once again to control the entire civilisation, and to keep control over people, a new Messiah was needed.

While c blood was preparing the coming of a new messiah, c spirit did its best to confuse everything. Joseph, Jesus’ father was a perfect and pure descendant of the hybrid race, i.e. a superior being coming straight from the dragons or “god”. Jesus was thus the perfect tool. In secret, Maria was an Essene. She had a child with a pure Essene who had nothing to do with the dragons. When Jesus was born, everybody thought that he was Joseph’s son, not knowing that Maria had a secret relationship with an Essene who had fathered her child. Jesus’ coming had been prepared by the two churches at the same time, but of course his heart was with c spirit, which later becomes obvious in his teachings.

When Jesus was twelve, he went for a long journey to the Orient where he learnt everything about the manifestations of c spirit all over the world. When he was supposed to start being the messiah, he did exactly what c blood was expecting from him and then slowly but surely he shifted into something very different. The masters of the world at that time thought that the pressure coming from holding his position as a messiah had pushed him to lose control. Jesus was eliminated because he was getting too dangerous. In fact he did not die; the Essenes had organised his rescue and he went back to the Orient.

One of Jesus’ sons stayed in France where Jesus, his wife, and his two children had stopped over. The descendants of this son were quickly included in the line of the Merovingian, so that the kings of France are supposed to be the pure descendants of the


dragons, through Joseph, Jesus and his own descendants. You must keep in mind that the masters of the world have been tricked by the Essenes, and they really believe that they are protecting the purest line of the dragons.

In his teachings, Jesus has always played a double game because he had no choice. Some of his disciples were members of c spirit but not all of them; Peter or Judas were not. After Jesus disappeared, and despite his “wrong behaviour” according to the masters of the world, they quickly made the most of Jesus’ teachings.

They had captured his descendant for political use and that is the real story of the Holy Grail. The son being the best and purest Holy Grail you could imagine. Jesus’ teaching, which was not controlled before, became the perfect tool for c blood after the modifications and improvements made at the Nicaea Council.

When Jesus was still alive, he was travelling around Europe; he first went to the South of France then to Italy, along the Adriatic Cost over to Bulgaria and carried on his trip going to Iran and then back to the Orient. Everywhere he went he gave his teachings in a very different way, because he did not want to be recognised, but the essence of his teaching was always the same. The Merovingian Kings were extremely unlucky, so much so, that in the year 751 they were pushed off the throne and the family of the Carolingians was put in power instead. The Carolingian Kings were almost as unlucky as the Merovingian and were removed from the throne three hundred years later.

Now for those who wanted the French Kings to be of purest dragon blood, this was a big problem. That is why the Priory of Zion was created. Zion as I said before, is the signature of the pyramid system worshipped by c blood, the Hebrew writing of Zion draws an inverted pyramid: ציון  (Hebrew is read from right to left and the first letter represents a snake). The question now was, how could it be possible that the blood of the dragons gave such crazy people as the Merovingian?

9 Knights Templar and 3 psychics were sent to Jerusalem by the members of the Priory of Zion, that is to say to Zion itself in order to find out what had happened. The 3 mediums and the Knights Templar found the truth about Jesus’ origins in the Temple of Solomon. The Essenes had always wanted Jesus’ origins to be perfectly clear; it was foreseeable that they would be discovered one day or another.

According to c blood, it was completely impossible to imagine that Jesus, who had so many powers, did not have any dragon blood. The goal of the Essenes was reached; c blood itself had been protecting the story of Jesus, so no one could deny it and at the same time, Jesus’ real origin completely destroyed the teaching of c blood. What was to


be done? When this terrible piece of news arrived at the Priory of Zion, everybody was lost. For thousands of years, blood lines had been protected because according to c blood, the blood of the dragons was needed to create a superior being. With Jesus being a simple human, this was an obvious proof that the dragon religion was wrong.

Jesus had been a guide for freedom and love all his life, but what he provoked in the years 1200 was even more powerful. Knowing this, the arguments that arose at that time become logical. Some left the Priory, some joined c spirit and some others decided to become new masters, but without any link to the dragons. The Knights Templar themselves were meant to be destroyed and even killed, but the Knights Templar saw the situation in a slightly different aspect and that is why they had presented their plans to the Priory, forgetting some important aspects. They became the army of Jesus, but what does this mean exactly? They understood from what they had found out, that Jesus was really the messiah, but that he had been used to serve the interest of negative people.

The Knights Templar wanted to look like serving the Vatican, but in reality they wanted to become powerful enough to restore the real religion of Jesus Christ and destroy the Vatican. They worshipped Pan, with the image of the Baphomet.

Manes in the years 200 BC spread the teaching of c spirit, which continued after Manes in the teachings of the Bogomils and then the Cathars. They were destroyed because they possessed too dangerous a secret. When the Knights Templar met the Cathars during the holy war, they understood that both groups possessed the same secret and the Knights Templar refused to harm the Cathars. This is how the Vatican discovered the secret of the Knights Templar and destroyed them too.

When William Wallace, who was a member of c spirit, had lost the war against King Edward, he went to France, contacted the Knights Templar and made a deal with them. He invited them to Scotland, but they had to fight for Scotland and this is exactly what happened. The Knights Templar stayed in Scotland and decided to fight c blood to protect Jesus’ teachings with another weapon, politics. This is how the Freemasons were born. In reality, “Freemasons” does not mean “free” but “franc”, which is the name of the “Merovingian” or the “franc” kings, origin of the name French. That is to say the descendant of Jesus, the Holy Grail. Everything is there but it is always hidden, so that the common human cannot see anything. How is it possible that the Knights Templar who were ready to do anything for Jesus became friends with the Hashashashins, the Arabic killers? They became friends because this group possessed the same secret from c spirit.

When Abbé Saunière found the parchments, they did not contain the map to a treasure as some might think, but the parchments were the treasure. In fact, he found the parchments


near the tomb of Blanche de Castille, who was one of the members of the Priory of Zion.

These parchments were what the Knights Templar had brought back from Jerusalem; the proof that Jesus was not the son of Maria and Joseph, but Maria and Simeon, an Essene, which made Jesus the messiah of the Essenes. Abbé Saunière blackmailed the Vatican and this is how he suddenly had so much money. When he found the parchments, he went to Paris, apparently to get the manuscripts translated, but in reality, he was extremely able to translate them himself. In fact, he went to hide them in order to be able to blackmail the Vatican without being killed. When he passed away, his wife had no (or nearly no) money left, whereas Abbé Saunière had ordered an extremely expensive monument shortly before his death.

What does this mean, that the treasure had suddenly disappeared? Abbé Saunière’s wife was supposed to know perfectly well where the treasure was hidden, so why could she not get any more money and passed away in complete poverty? The parchment had at last been found by the Vatican, the blackmail was over and with it Abbé Saunière’s life.

Try and inquire what the Cathars were teaching before being destroyed? The world was the creation of the devil. Everything was negative on this planet. Only the teaching of St. John was worth something. It is interesting to know that St. John was a member of c spirit. He wrote the apocalypse in which he gave the number of the microchip 666. The microchip is needed for the dragon’s coming harvest (see appendix 10).

Our planet, as I said, is hell for Pan, or Baphomet or Lucifer. What happened to the Freemasons? The same as always in this war; they were infiltrated from the inside and they now work for the opposite of what they were created for at the very beginning. Why did Abbé Saunière pay a lot of money to rebuild the church of Rennes-le-Château? Why did he place a lot of Cathars signs in his church? Because after finding out what was in the manuscript, he adhered to c spirit and secretly became the last Cathar. At the same time, he was making money with corruption because he didn’t care about the Catholic religion anymore. But why did he pay to rebuild the church? Because he believed in Jesus Christ and not in the Vatican, like the Knights Templar, the Cathars, like the Bogomils. He was a man of faith, he had only changed the direction of his religion. So many things were born from what had happened in the Priory of Zion, because no one knew exactly how to react in front of such a piece of information. It was like the nuclear bomb in Hiroshima. It changed the world. You see, this war between c spirit and c blood has always been greatly acting on our society, you just don’t know it. The more you know and the more you control your destiny. c blood does not want you to know and c spirit pushes you to know, but they must always remain hidden; it is therefore not so easy to spread such information. This piece of information means so many changes and so much responsibility. c blood has always organised things so that we are afraid and avoid power and responsibility; the result is that no one wants to know. It is time for us to know and to take our


responsibilities. It is time for us to face our destiny. Most of our psychology is built on the Bible, even today, sex, guilt, fears and so on, but the testimonies of Jesus’ disciples were completely changed for some political reasons and a secret war. You could be extremely surprised to find out what the real teaching of Jesus was and how it could greatly change your abilities and your destiny. This is our legacy, it is our right to have it and the wish of Jesus, so, why is everything hidden in the Vatican? Fortunately b Iah tells us the whole truth; if we wish, we can at last open our eyes and take our life and our destiny into our own hands, and that is so good. Everything becomes clear, a coherent puzzle and knowing our real past gives us the possibility to walk on the real path of our destiny. This path is sometimes hard to swallow, but not at all hard to live. I must even say that when you discover what kind of life you are living as somebody who is under the power of c blood while not having the “right” blood, is a real nightmare. c spirit is a path full of peace, love and ability, a path of freedom and responsibilities, and I LOVE THAT.

Chapter 12

At this point, we received more explanations about fao and with it, more comprehension about the language and everything it teaches. From very early on in my studies, I had understood that fao was not really an extra­terrestrial language, but rather the best method 


to be in contact with us and teach us a superior way of communicating. Technically, fao is a mixing of nearly every language in the world and the best method of speaking there is on this planet; its writing on the other hand, is completely extra­terrestrial.The meaning of the words is much more advanced than anything you could find in our society. Some fao is completely extra­terrestrial, unless I mistook, but usually I am rather good at finding the terrestrial origin of words. Language is key to a higher evolution, especially if this way to write and speak teaches you to think more clearly, which is totally the case for fao. There exist no insults in fao, if we want to be rude, we shift to another language, fao needs to be respected. Fao was made to teach us how to think in a cosmic way. 

Today, I know the wonderful destiny of our world, if we survive, that is. Unfortunately, we are still a little “short” when it comes to this, we first need to learn how to think differently. When I see, for instance, how important love is on our planet, but still, we have only one or two words to describe something so important. Fao has over thirty different words to say “love” because there are many different ways to love.Very often, when it comes to describing our feelings, we do not have the right words to express what we would like to say and to make ourselves understood. If we talk about the price of a house or a car, yes, we do know what words to use exactly, but what happens when it comes to talking about our feelings?Fao gives us such clear information that leads us to connecting our minds, that the next logical step is telepathy. There are things that do not yet exist on our planet, but that are used daily elsewhere. Through the use of this incredible language, we have learnt a few of these things too. Because we learn certain things through words, we understand that they exist and what they are, and using them on a daily basis has made us improve a lot.You must understand one thing; if you refuse to believe that something exists, you will remain incapable of using it. Some members of our team can read, speak and write fao fluently and it is slowly but surely leading us to some kind of telepathy, because we have learnt to be so closely connected that we are becoming more and more telepathic amongst us.Sometimes, a single word in fao replaces two or three sentences in our mother tongue. The ability to express something so close to what we really think so immediately, develops a perfect harmony. For some things, we do not even have to speak anymore, a quick gaze and we know exactly what the other one is thinking. This sort of thing then happened without looking at each other, and then without being together. I would be lying if I said that it is always like that now, but it does happen more and more often. 

To give you more technical explanations about how fao really works, here a small example: the word you use to say hello to someone in the morning, indicates “the level of 


energy” you feel about that person that day, the same goes for the word “thank you”. A very intense link is thus established between those who speak fao.Sometimes, you need a few days to clearly understand the meaning of a word in fao because the psychological concept it describes is completely non­existent in our human understanding of things. Of course, like with any knowledge, when you truly know, you can control your life much better, you acquire a peaceful mind and with it, a higher VL. With a higher VL and a good knowledge of a few extra­terrestrial words, you can provoke reactions that are not yet accepted in this world.Matter is only energy with a much lower VL; if you know how to increase your own VL, if you have the key to certain things because you know their real name, you cannot imagine what you can do. Perfect control of vibrations through certain systems is the next step to a higher technology. Most vessels operate with a system that creates high vibrations to travel through space.

If you are the kind of person who worries about grammar, rest assured, you can learn the entire fao grammar in less than a day. The main things to learn in fao are contained in the vocabulary, what is important is what you say, not how you say it. Hence the small amount of grammar. The more vocabulary you know, the more you can control your psychology and the world around you.Fao is constructed in such a way that you can create almost a dozen new words from any “flako” or root. With this extraordinary system, you can make yourself understood quite easily, even if you possess only little vocabulary. There are obviously words that are more “efficient” than others, but it is not a mistake to use easier ones. The power and the energy of the simpler words is only less strong. The same goes for writing fao; fao uses some runes but by far not all of them, the rest of the letters come from nowhere here on Earth. Fao also uses circles and waves and some drawings contained in CC. We have been taught a special word, “flao”, which means “the energetic imprint” of something, i.e every word or object possesses a certain kind of energy. Although it took us some time to learn, knowing how to read the “flao”, we have learnt to read CC without difficulty. Through b Iah, we have learnt everything there is to know about fao; at first, we translated the book into our mother tongue, as it was much easier for us. You have to remember that b Iah is a learning tool and that it evolves gradually.

The first pages of the book we translated one­to­one, that is to say, one page of fao translated into one page of our mother tongue. As time went on and the further we went in our studies, one page of highly evolved fao translated into about thirty pages of our mother tongue. To translate a CC, we need to write a lot of text, normally, depending on the CC.


Another quality is that you cannot really make spelling mistakes in fao as long as you write what you hear but there are ways to write in a much shorter way. I will try and give you an example, but it will not be so easy, I think. If I say in fao “this is not good, but I do not mind, my friend”, I phonetically say “kivuli, sed ne vumas, rafikio”; this is already shorter than in English, but I can also write something along the lines of “k, ne V, R” and if I use the correct signs, it will mean exactly the same as above. The phonetic way of writing is not wrong, as long as you write exactly what you hear, it’s just long and rather useless. Despite my experience, even I sometimes write something longer than needed and somebody comes along and shows me a shorter way of writing the same word.Fao is not made of strict rules but of clever possibilities; it is not teaching you to obey but to be intelligent and keep an open mind. It is almost like a game where you need to find the quickest and most efficient solution.I am a master in Taï Chi Chuan and Yoga but I have never experienced anything more relaxing than writing fao. Sometimes, when I am on the beach, I enjoy myself with writing in the sand, just for fun, because it is so nice. Another thing that is very interesting is the fact that those pretty letters and signs never remain in the sand for more than a few minutes; strangely enough, somebody always comes along and erases what I wrote as soon as I go away. I believe that the vibrations of this writing are too strong for a normal human being. Although they do not understand what it is, they get rid of it at once because it is unbearable to them. After having written a page of fao, if you look at what you wrote, you feel so strange, so light; almost like an alien yourself, full of love and happiness. Fao teaches you how to feel and control energy, how to develop telepathic powers or at least a very strong connection to those who speak fao too. The writing teaches you to have a fast and open mind and to always look for the shortest way of writing a word; it is almost like teaching you cosmic chess and a very efficient, scientific way of thinking. The vocabulary teaches you love, magic and brotherhood, cosmic brotherhood. Altogether, it is opening a door to a new consciousness, where science and spirituality come together. 

The “authors” of b Iah and the CC are the same; we know this because it is revealed in b Iah, but also because both use the same technology, the same system of communication and also because of something even more important that will be revealed to you later in this book.We realised that fao is also acting like a powerful light on anyone who uses this language. We do not say that anyone who is separated from the world of fao is damned, to be more precise, fao provides an energy that you cannot acquire elsewhere in this world, or more like, that you cannot keep in this dying world. It is as if fao was creating a kind of shield that can only exist with the addition of fao and those who speak this language. It is as if you were trying to make a fire; if you separate the branches from the flames, the fire goes 


out at once. The fire is like a lighthouse that saves people from the darkness called fenostol; yet, the light is dependant on the intensity of the people in the lighthouse to continue shining. The more people join the lighthouse, the more powerful it is to save even more people. That is why we need more people, to create the endless power and energy of a Merkabah that will allow us to survive the coming events. 

Merkabah in fao means vessel; three people are needed to build a vessel of energy but more and more people are needed to increase the energy of this vessel so that it can escape this world where energy is decreasing at a worrying speed. That is the true purpose of fao and the teaching of Pan or Iah or Lucifer. 

Chapter 13

What is coming now is going to be real science fiction. For some of you, it is going to be impossible to believe and for some others it will be the confirmation of something they have always suspected.I guess that most of you are going to be very happy with what I am going to talk about now. I met a lot of people who just said “nothing new to me” when they heard what I had to say; yet, at the same time, their life is just the result of the perfect programmes of the dragons, so what is to be done? The solution is to create a bridge. What do I mean? For most people, there is the story and after there is their head, and no one has the smallest influence on their powerful brain. That is the mistake!!! Advertisements can change your perceptions and your beliefs. Just see smoking for instance, before you were a MAN when you were a smoker and more or less fifteen years later through the same means, they managed to change people’s beliefs and now, if you smoke, you are considered a total idiot. I do not smoke, I never did and I never will. The point to make is just about the power the masters have on everybody. If you understand that they have power over you, you are already less under control, even if it is still acting on you. It is less powerful because you know it is there. Most people believe that this power does not exist, that is all. A company can very easily create a new fashion, Hitler can push an entire civilisation to become monsters, but superior alien beings cannot influence you or even greatly control your mind?

The more you believe you are not concerned, the more you are a victim. A certain time ago, I was quite wellknown in the world of ufology, but I left because they could not make heads or tails of things. I had a brother who used to collect stamps, some others collect lights in the sky, so what? I explained many times: “OK, there are lights in the


sky. It is a fact. We have enough not to doubt anymore, so do we have to carry on counting them? It is OK, we got the message”. When I talked to “professionals”, they were telling me, “we must take into consideration only the phenomena who were recognised by the government, because there we have proof. For the rest, we cannot know because we have no proof, so we must just ignore those cases until, maybe one day, the government will tell us it was a real case”. And I always asked: “don’t you always say that the government is lying to us and hiding everything?” The others answered: “we know but it is the best way to behave”. The real questions are “what do extra-terrestrial beings want? What are they here for? What can push good ufologists to behave so crazily? What could manipulate them so deeply that they changed from good seekers into just empty and powerless collectors? What other craziness did they put into our brain? How can we become worthy interlocutors to positive and interesting aliens? What are they waiting for to contact us?”

I remember once I was invited to a big meeting as an expert and afterwards we went to the restaurant. We were having dinner and most of the so-called experts ate meat, of course. An “expert” said in a very professional way “well, it’s obvious, that if what we have is correct, aliens are much more evolved than we are. We just have to hope that they will be nice to the inferior beings we might be compared to them”. I answered: “we have to hope that they are more generous than you are, otherwise we will finish on their plates in an intergalactic restaurant like those poor cows”. My colleagues looked at me without understanding…

There is a newspaper in one country where I worked that was written by a lonely guy. In this very wellknown newspaper he spoke of extraordinary subjects like science fiction, UFOs, poltergeists, ghosts, telepathy and so on, but at the same time, the same guy was completely stressed and crazy; he always wanted to be home before nightfall, because for him it was a real nightmare to be outside in the dark. When I say stressed, I really mean hysterical. The point is this: is it possible that a guy who is so unbalanced can select and seriously analyse strange files with such an incoherent psychology? Who changed this good seeker into a future patient for a psychiatric hospital? How is it possible that no one reacts? How is it possible that everybody puts things into different drawers without putting anything together? How can anybody be crazy enough to believe that a cosmic being who is able to handle incredible energies, who can make cosmic journeys, is going to feel like talking to people like us? People who are killing each other, but who know everything about everything? I know from experience that we cannot change society or the others so easily, but at least, should we not be in another state of mind if we want to seriously discuss with aliens? We are destroying our own planet and our own future, but we are interesting interlocutors? We have nothing to learn from them, only more advanced technology so that we can destroy the planet even more and dominate the weak?If aliens want to talk to us, do they have to enter our marvellous psychological world? Why should we enter their world, a world that allowed them to survive and make their planet a good one? I personally love the image of the film “contact” with the question “how did you manage not to destroy yourselves?” What do you think have I been learning in all those circles or


chapters in b Iah that I did not talk about in this book because it was too long? I gave some parts of it, and I want you to please keep those in mind while reading all the coming “science fiction”.

You will see that every time the miracle of joining a cosmic brotherhood was possible for us, it did not happen; not because it was technically impossible, but because every time our bloody ego destroyed any possibility of a positive evolution, because we are “so perfect” that we know best what is good for us. And that is exactly why our planet is dying.

Before anything, there was emptiness. It was before anything else, and this “emptiness” is the main structure of our cosmos or dimension, which is not the only one, far from it. Before anything there were the ancients. There were two races of ancients, one pole of the cosmos was populated by “the whirlers” and the other side was governed by the dracos, called “alpha dracos”. The whirlers are a warm-blooded race and the dragons are a cold-blooded species. Both of the two races were extremely evolved. Life was more or less spreading naturally in the cosmos. It is hard to be 100% sure if the whirlers or the dragons did not help a little occasionally. Anyway, what happened afterwards was, there were two “sides” to the cosmos. On one side of the cosmos, the cold bloods reigned and on the other, the warm bloods. Between both was a very large “territory” where it was not very clear who governed; it was a mixing of different planets and directions. The warm bloods ignored the cold bloods and thought that it was more or less the same with the cold bloods, but in reality, things were very different: the cold bloods wanted to control the entire dimension. The warm bloods knew this perfectly well and were not against it, because in a natural evolution, it was logical for the cold bloods to “receive” this dimension, whereas the warm bloods’ plan was to leave this dimension to teach on another, higher level. Because of their wish to ascend, the warm bloods did not intervene in the colds bloods’ projects. Unfortunately, the cold bloods didn’t believe that the warm bloods wanted to leave this dimension and they started to breed warm bloods to fight against the whirlers.

Those warm-blooded races were genetically engineered for a special purpose; they were programmed in a specific way and were taught to have a completely different point of view to that of their fellow warm-blooded races. This is more or less how humanity came to struggle for life on Earth. We are not the only race that was genetically engineered by the dragons, far from it. Why did the dragons start to breed humans? Because in their plan to conquer this dimension, they considered that they had to fight against the whirlers, who were quite human in their appearance. The whirlers are almost invincible, but it is very difficult for them to kill people that belong to their own race, even if they are genetically engineered by the dragons. For very highly evolved people, even for the dragons, the concept of the soul is real, but for them, a soul is simply an electrical particle that can be caught with something that attracts them. The dragons have always attracted souls and locked them into a civilisation that does not give them the possibility to evolve to the level needed to leave this dimension. They manipulate souls so that they agree to incarnate in the bodies created by the dragons and then, later on in their evolution, they have them implanted


with a microchip. This makes biological robots out of them who go and fight against their brothers, the whirlers.

The master move in this whole strategy is that the souls used to create this new army of warm bloods, are animated by souls of the family of the whirlers or just warm bloods, if you prefer. The disadvantage is that these souls need love to survive and to have children. That is how the hive planets started; as the race becomes unable to have children and eventually dies out, the dragons had to find a system that guaranteed them new stock once a race was dying out. It was impossible for the dragons to look after the souls on each hive planet, so they created a religion and made their hives believe in “gods”.

Through the dragon religion, we warm bloods are now caught in a belief system we seem to be unable to escape. The whirlers on the other hand believe in free will and can only help the humans if they themselves want to become free of the dragons’ control over them. The whirlers cannot go against the free will of civilisation who wants to stay under the control of their “gods”, the dragons. Since their arrival in our dimension, the alpha dracos have harvested a lot of cold-blooded races as well as a great number of warm-blooded civilisations. Sometimes the opposite happened, that is to say that some cold-blooded civilisations joined the whirlers in their cause. This happened on our planet too; using a very special secret, the whirlers managed to open the mind of the cold-blooded civilisation that lived on Earth at that point in time.

The alpha dracos have always said that they come from a dimension that they have entirely conquered and that they came to our dimension because of their absolute victory in their dimension. According to them, they came to our dimension to carry on invading everything, like a wave of power that no one could stop. Some races were more open to take all possibilities into consideration and listen to what the whirlers had to say too. This is what happened on Earth with some cold-blooded civilisations who had naturally evolved and were contacted by the alpha dracos to enter their army. At the same time, they were in contact with the whirlers. The race from Earth asked the whirlers why they should join them in their cause, considering that they had lost everything in the other dimension. The answer they received from the whirlers came totally unexpected. The alpha dracos came quite truly from another dimension, but not because they had won, but because they had lost everything. In fact, most of the cold-blooded races, in the dimension the alpha dracos came from, had formed a brotherhood between cold and warm-blooded races. It was not a military victory, but a political one. The whirlers had the power to go back to the dimension they came from and take the race from Earth to visit their dimension and meet some members of this mixed brotherhood. The cold-blooded race from Earth then decided to join the whirlers. You might think that it would have been easy for the whirlers to spread the truth on all planets, but it was not; nobody wanted to hear it. It was exactly the same than on our planet today, to accept some truths would mean having to reconsider some aspects of life in such a way that it is much easier to stay in darkness.The alpha dracos accepted the decision of that cold-blooded, earthly race and promised to do nothing against it. Still, a race who knew the truth in this dimension would sooner or


later have to answer questions from other cold-blooded races as to why they had not joined the alpha dracos, and that, of course, was very dangerous for the alpha dracos.

One day, Earth was under a terrible attack from a strange and powerful race who had quite strange links with the alpha dracos. The whirlers heard about this story too late and could not stop them. The race from Earth was powerful enough to resist a little, but when the whirlers arrived the fight was nearly over and the planet destroyed. This is the true story behind Vurm III; this ice age was not provoked by an asteroid, but by an intergalactic war between two races. The planet had become inhabitable. The whirlers destroyed the attackers, none of them survived, and then moved the survivors of the race inside the planet. They still live there today, together with other races who joined them after some other events that I will explain to you later. The races who live inside our planet hate the alpha dracos because of what happened before. Afterwards, the alpha dracos avoided our planet. A very long time after these events, another race of dragons came to Earth. The race inside Earth had become quite weak because their development had slowed down due to their small number. The dragons created a hive on our planet as they always do. In fact, the dragons that came to Earth did not know about the planet’s terrible past. The race from the inside had enough advanced technology to remain completely hidden. The dragons started their work and organised a hive, but what happened then came totally unexpected.

50000 years ago, a race of dragons started to organise everything for a new harvest on our planet. The political context was very different then to what it had been millions of years ago. A lot of different civilisations were now together. Most of them were under the control of the dragons. But at that time, more and more cold-blooded civilisations started doubting about the alpha dracos’ absolute victory. As a matter of fact, only hive planets totally believe in “gods”, the cold-blooded races who had joined the dragons started to reconsider, but most civilisations are just kept under control through transgenic manipulations orchestrated by the very high technology of the alpha dracos.

When possession of a race is complete, both their bodies and minds are manipulated to accept anything and totally obey their masters. Today, a great number of civilisations no longer believe in the perfect civilisation the alpha dracos present, but everybody is afraid of them. On Earth now, the next step to prepare the humans to become total slaves of the dragons and fight the whirlers, is to make the entire human race accept their destiny. The dragons are now such masters in stealing the freedom of a planet that very often, the whirlers cannot do anything. When the dragons started to organise everything on Earth and changed the race of primitive Neanderthal men to Cro-Magnon, they were not the only race of aliens on Earth. They had brought another race of warm-blooded humanoid slaves, giants, who were under their total control, to force them to work in the mines and retrieve the mineral resources of our planet. The work in the mines was so hard, that only the enslaved giants could do it. One of the leaders of this operation was called Iah. He was a dragon master in charge of planet Earth. Still, Iah had a slightly different view on certain things; he respected the hard work the giants did and tried to find a way of allowing them to have more freedom. In order to do this, Iah accelerated human evolution so that humans would become able to


do a miner’s work, which would enable the giants to do something more interesting. The giants would then have the possibility to go back to their own planet and do something much more valuable for them and for the future of the dragons. Iah found this a much better solution for everybody involved. When the humans from Earth started to be more efficient and were able to replace the giants, the relationship between Iah and the giants became excellent. To thank Iah for giving them the possibility to return to their own planet, the giants told Iah a secret; while they were working in the mines, they had found out something quite incredible. They had found a disc that explained the story of the alpha dracos and with it, they knew about the cold-blooded race that lived inside the Earth. None of the dragons believed the story, for them it was only insults about the original dimension of the alpha dracos. Iah on the other hand found this strange story quite interesting and started to do some research with some of his dragon friends who, like him, wanted to know more about their origins.

Iah started having a lot of problems with the giants because they were worse with the humans than the dragons themselves. Iah used his power and had the giants return to their home planet. During this time, he had found out a lot about the alpha dracos, but he still could not quite believe the story. The alpha dracos had been the masters of this part of the cosmos for billions of years, how could it be possible that they had lost in their own dimension?

Iah found a door and entered the inside of our planet where he met the cold-blooded race that had fled inside Earth 65 millions years ago. The members of this race told him the true story behind the alpha dracos and with the help of this race, Iah was able to directly contact the whirlers who took him to the original dimension of the alpha dracos. There he met a very advanced brotherhood of both cold and warm-blooded civilisations who lived together in peace and harmony. Maybe the worst for Iah was to see that a lot of cold-blooded races had already ascended to this dimension. It worked!!!

Iah realised that the alpha dracos, far from being the best, were the race that was most delayed in its evolution and too stupid to accept the way of light of this evolved dimension. Iah wanted to understand why some whirlers had come to the dimension where Iah was now living; the whirlers told him about “the great return” and the obligation of leaving nobody behind. They explained to him that a higher dimension had become accessible, but that they could only enter it with the strength of every soul; when all souls are reunited, they can create a new cosmos through the power of their own free will, a cosmos that is much closer in energy to the original cosmos. Iah understood that even the war the dragons were making against the whirlers was completely useless as the entire race wanted to leave this dimension anyway. The dragons wanted the planets in this dimension but the whirlers just wanted the souls back. As a matter of fact, the dragons were afraid that the warm bloods would gain the control of this dimension and to prevent this, they started a war; but this war only postpones the whirlers departure to another dimension. Iah did not know what to do. He told his dragon friends the secret he had discovered. He could no longer bear to see the humans be slaves, mostly because he had himself created their state of slavery on this planet.


The life of a dragon is extremely long, much longer than anything we humans can imagine. You have to understand that on every hive planet, the process of time is considerably speeded up, so that the harvest can be made quickly or at least quicker. Basically, the average lifetime is around between 1000 and 1500 years and dragons live even longer. At the beginning, when humanity was created, a human being lived around 1000 years and that was much too long for the dragons. They needed live stock and humans only started having children at around the age of 400; they made some biological alterations in the human body and shortened a human being’s life considerably, so that the average age was now about 80 years (the dragons did this not only to the humans but to any living being on any of their hive planets). Even if the dragons gave some intelligence to humanity to make them able to work in mines, as it was done on Earth, everything was organised to avoid them creating problems. With a very short life, their intelligence would not have the time to develop, there would be no way out of their situation for the humans and Iah was responsible for this on Earth; or at least, that is how he felt. Mankind could not imagine that their gods, their creators, were not gods, but Iah started to teach some of them the truth. He did that very slowly, so that the idea of their gods being false could spread amongst the humans.

At the same time, he associated with the cold-blooded race inside Earth and the whirlers. Both decided not to join the war unless the majority of the human beings on the planet was against the “gods”, which was far from being the case. Iah adopted a new name, Lucifer, which was to become his warlord name; among other things, he had received a weapon from the whirlers that allowed him to concentrate cosmic energy to fight against the dragons (I do not know how, but some initiated know these secrets and have told the story to the public creating “The Silver Surfer”, a cartoon character who ends up fighting against his master, Galactus, who eats up the planets. I leave it to you to look for the similarities…).

Finally, one day the war started. As mankind was still too weak to fight, some dragons and the race from the inside joined their strengths to fight the dragons. The dragons doubled their efforts on Earth to push the humans to be on their side and against Lucifer by creating a teaching that told the humans that Lucifer was the devil. The coalition of the terrestrials (the cold-blooded race from inside Earth) and Iah and his dragons was too powerful, and after a long war, the dragons had to leave Earth. It was a victory and a defeat at the same time. Why? This part of the cosmos was surrounded only by dragons and Lucifer was not able to leave Earth and go to space, otherwise he would have been killed at once by the dragons. Most of his friends had been killed during the war; he was one of the last ones. The terrestrials did not want to move too much because of the other nations of dragons; as soon as they could they went back to hide inside the planet. They invited Lucifer to join them, but he refused. He had to free the humans first before doing anything else. He started to concentrate on this task with some of the dragon friends he had left. The task was very hard because all of humanity thought at that time that Lucifer was guilty of the war and all the pain that had been caused on this planet, which was not completely wrong. Before leaving Earth, the dragons had created a hybrid race and with it a secret society that continues to control humanity still today and does everything for humanity to accept and be ready for the next harvest. Hiding and acting


simultaneously, the dragons taught knowledge and wisdom to mankind to try and advance them to a level where they could join the other dimension. Lucifer and his dragon friends were close to kings and queens to teach them and have them lead humanity out of its misery. This is where the legends come from that say that a long time ago dragons were friends with kings and secretly leading the world.

It is said about Lucifer that after fighting the gods, he was sentenced to stay in hell, but with hell is meant planet Earth. As a dragon, Lucifer knew perfectly well how to contact particles of electricity that animate bodies, something we humans call “soul”. Lucifer contacted a number of souls and asked them to help him educate mankind. To achieve this task, instead of “catching” simple souls, he contacted the best and highest souls he could and asked them to incarnate in human bodies to give the human civilisation a new strength. Because Lucifer was very powerful, a lot of holy and extremely powerful souls came to help him in his difficult task. A lot of souls wanted Lucifer to know that they did not judge him, but quite appreciated him. A real army of holy souls came to Earth following Lucifer’s call. At the beginning, Lucifer had organised “the Brotherhood of the Snake” between the cold-blooded race from inside the planet and Iah’s dragon helpers to teach humanity freedom (you must not forget that it was an organisation of cold bloods that had saved the humans). Unfortunately, in true dragon war style, this brotherhood was infiltrated by some members of the hybrid race and turned into Lucifer’s worst enemy.

Lucifer always worked hidden, creating new disciples everywhere in the world to try and guide mankind to freedom. Anybody could belong to his school or church. His teachings became the Church of Spirit, bearing this name because anybody could wake up to his soul. The problem was that one could not know where these souls were and in what circumstances they would wake up. Anybody could be one of them, while the Church of the Blood spread the teaching that only the hybrid race was worthy; it said that the dragons would come back and that they needed leaders to watch over the Earth and prepare humanity for the coming harvest while they were warmongering elsewhere in this dimension. The special hybrid race is a mixing between humans and dragons whose members are quite easily recognised by their blood and DNA. The descendants of this race will not be harvested with the other humans; they will be sent to Mars, where a whole city of exported, micro-chipped humans live, to prepare a new harvest.

Iah was one of the last of his kind. For a being like him, it was quite easy to stay on Earth but he saw that there was no family for a new reincarnation and the only possibility for him to stay was to become human. He could do that with the addition of the strength of other dragons of his human friends; combining their energies together, they were able to create a new entity, but it was not entirely human yet. This is how Pan was born, half human and half dragon. Later in his next reincarnations, Pan could hide completely in a human body.The school of Pan was born. b Iah was not written by Iah, Lucifer or Pan, but by the whirlers themselves, to protect the work of Iah, and to update the writings of his work reincarnation after reincarnation.


“The sons of Iah” are all the souls who joined Iah in his plan to save planet Earth and put its population back on the real path of the cosmic brotherhood. Some of you who are reading my words now, might feel something strange, because before reading this, you knew that your life was not the way it should be, or that it was empty. Reading this, you feel like suddenly jumping up and saying “yes, of course, that is it!”An entire population was already given to the dragons during the time of Atlantis. It was a large harvest, but at the same time, the war was still on and a lot of people were saved and sent to the centre of the planet with the help of the terrestrials. Others from Atlantis managed to flee to Egypt and became the creators of the pyramids and the Pharaoh religion in around 6000 BC.

Now three different races live inside our planet together with the terrestrials. During the war on Atlantis, another race came to Earth all by themselves, they were completely independent of the dragons. They had nothing to do with them. Still, they knew our story and decided to help. It was a disaster, the Illuminati, the Church of the Blood, were extremely attracted to this race and asked to be taught by them. In the end, a lot of their knowledge was used for very bad purposes in the war against Atlantis. The extra-terrestrial race, I will call them the Aquatics, got extremely disappointed and angry and decided to move their cities from on the sea to the ground of the sea. They had decided to stay on Earth because they liked our planet, but vowed to have no further contact with mankind. They are still hiding deep in our oceans today and it is from the fact of Atlantis being destroyed and this race moving to the bottom of the oceans that the legends of Atlantis continuing to exist sprang from. They live in huge towns in the sea, their technology is extremely advanced and they also possess different kinds of submarines. Each one of them is powerful enough to destroy our entire planet, so humans should stop trying to catch some of them from time to time.

You see, until now, I tried to give you the technical aspect of the situation, the part that you can deal with. Everything that I explained, must be very interesting for most of you I guess, and yes, it is. When I read this story for the first time, I felt a little like Indiana Jones. At the same time, you must remember that if you do not put the bits and pieces together in your head to see how deeply humanity has been manipulated, you do nothing with all this knowledge. You can also see that sometimes, you want to understand what is happening on our planet but you do not quite seem to manage to grasp everything. But how could you? How could you imagine that the truth is so huge? What the governments do to us, and above all, what they plan to do with us afterwards, is much worse than anything we could imagine.

The war is not over. In the next chapter we will have a look at the years 1200; you will see that the middle age was much more interesting than you thought...


Chapter 14

I will try and give you more information, in order for you to put things together once more and see the result of your research or your meditations by yourself. Then I will go closer into today’s history, so that the proximity of events allows you to check the facts by yourself.

I will start with the prehistoric animals, because of course, you never read anywhere that our planet could have produced any kind of intelligence before us humans. You just have to step a little aside from our programmes to see how stupid such supposition is. It is like any other craziness; from the inside, it seems logical, but if you just open your mind a little, you realise that very often things that seem to be scientific are very often only fanatic and religious. After only 50000 years of evolution, I am able today to type on a laptop, while my fellow humans from the NASA can travel into space; but the prehistoric animals who evolved from having been very big animals to being small animals that live together and hunt huge animals (which means that they have to contact each other to be efficient), have not evolved at all? What animals can contact each other today? Dolphins, wolves, dogs, lions, orcas… all of them are able to communicate clearly to be more efficient to hunt. This system of communication has always been key to any kind of evolution. Another important point is the fact of being able to stand, because from this posture you can see all around you, and your head is in a better position to be well balanced. Another important point is to be able to free your hands in the standing posture. Like that, you start being able to touch and handle things. 65 million years ago, a race of dinosaurs, called the Troödon, had evolved to the point where they had reduced their height to two metres (which is the proof of their intelligence) and were able to face huge animals weighing several tons; the only possibility to win against them was to be predators and


work as a team. We know perfectly well that their brains got bigger and bigger. In spite of being so small, they had more or less our size and weight, they were the masters of the world. These dinosaurs evolved over 10 million years and had already attained the evolutionary stage of the pre-Neanderthal man, but suddenly they stopped evolving? Please…In fifty thousand years, our race has already evolved to the point where we travel in space! This race developed over a time period, which is 200 times longer than human evolution and they are supposed to have just died out? A long time ago, some wolves had to return to the oceans for climate reasons. They became by law of evolution, the dolphins, but the dinosaurs just died out after millions of years of evolution? You know what, they are really unlucky, they had better not play the lottery.

Now, let’s return to Jesus Christ and show you some elements that have always been in front of your nose, which is maybe a good place to hide them. Historically, we know perfectly well that Jesus was not born in December, neither was he born in the year 0, nor in Bethlehem. For the month, it is very easy, because as always, in the true style of the Church of the Blood, if you want to hide something, do not move what you want to hide, move something else; like that, no one will see what you are hiding. Jesus was born at the end of the year, or the very beginning of the new year, as it has always been taught by the Church, but the year has never started in January, but in March. The beginning of the year was changed just to confuse everybody about the different periods, about Jesus, about Odin, about Santa Clause and so on. It is so easy and it has always been right in front of your nose, like all the rest. September comes from the word sepa which means 7. October comes from octo which means 8. November comes from nova, which means 9. December comes from deca, which means 10. The simple name of the months shows you that the year started in March, the month of the god of war, who was the most important god at that time.

What did Jesus use to say: “I did not come to bring peace, but to bring war”, because Jesus was a fighter. He was born during the very important Kabala week of the 15th to the 20th of March. We know with historical proof that he was not born in the year 0 but much sooner. And by putting historical things together, we also know that he was not born in Bethlehem; but then, why say so? Because Jesus was under the protection of the Essenes, the school of Pan, and this school uses a sign, bread, which is the image of wisdom and knowledge, to indicate itself. It is also the sign of the school that looks after the formation of the masters. In Hebrew, bet means “house” and lehem means “bread”. Correctly translated, Jesus was born in the house of bread, under the highest protection of the strongest period of March, in order to be able to make a real revolution. That is a much better translation, full of useful meaning for anybody who wants to be a disciple of the Christ.

Another representation of Pan is Dionysos, the god of feasts and wine. Dionysos, was a “bad god” who went against the authorities. He was very close to nature and in contact with fairies and entities from the forests. This reminds me of Pan somehow... Dionysos is a bad god, has sex, pushes the others to fight and to hide in the forest, like Peter Pan or Robin Hood. In the myths, the other gods start a war against him and kill him. He falls


from the sky and his corpse is put in a cave; three days later, he resuscitates, any link? Jesus never died on the cross. Pontius Pilatus was one of his disciples and protected him, but then how could he come back to life? Maybe he did not really die but just kept the story of his master, Pan, Dionysos?

The very wellknown scene where Jesus says: “Eat, this is my flesh. Drink, this is my blood”, was a way to show the finger to the Church of the Blood, to whom he was supposed to belong. It was such a funny sum-up: “drink this is my blood”, the spirit of the Church of Spirit is my blood. Now, before closing this topic, I will try and translate it into something more current and accessible. Take a football champion for example, imagine he plays a match on Monday and you find out that the Sunday before he ran a marathon. Will you believe it or are you going to do some research, because nobody has the right to make a fool of you?

How is it possible that the story of Jesus Christ’s resurrection is already known centuries before the birth of Jesus, but strangely enough, nobody reacts? What changed our population into robots who can react to stupidities like football, but who have no reaction when it comes to things that went so far that they provoked the inquisition? I know, you are going to tell me that today it is over, but then what exactly said Bush about his war in Iraq? What about Ireland, what about Israel? What changed the whole population into zombies, into non-reactive people?

Now about the Merovingian; nobody among those in power could understand how it was possible that the descendants of Jesus had fallen so deep. It seemed completely impossible because you must not forget that at that time, everybody among those in power believed that Jesus was a pure descendant of the hybrid race of half humans half dragons, the master race on this planet. It is because of this, that the Priory of Zion was born. Still, this will happen much later, and it will take some time. The family of the Francs had to step down, which is a paradox because France still bears their name. The family fled and hid in England. After the Priory of Zion, the Knights Templar fled to Scotland. They helped William Wallace win the war against Edward and afterwards they settled in Scotland. It is there that they changed their name to “Freemasons” free, as I already said before, never meant “free” but “franc”. They decided that the fact that Jesus was not a descendant of the master race on Earth did not matter. The only thing that mattered was the spirit of Jesus and him being the secret descendant of the school of Pan, or if you prefer, Baphomet.

The Freemasons adopted the teaching of Hiram, an Egyptian architect who had built some pyramids and the temple of Jerusalem on the hill called Zion. See? Everything comes together in the end. The teaching of Hiram contained mainly three points: firstly, secrecy, no one was allowed to utter the smallest word about the architecture of the temple. Secondly, following the same direction makes people put their strengths together to reach a common goal. If you want to change a secret place or group into a kind of strong country, give it a pyramid or something at least as big and difficult to build as that. For instance, put Jesus’ family back on the throne. Thirdly, know-how and knowledge that you must use for your task. But like Hiram, you offer the knowledge only to those


people who are doing the task with you, and you manage to make your knowledge extremely valuable. The brotherhood amongst the Freemasons is extremely strong and is put above worldly laws. The Freemasons pulled a lot of political strings to be able to put the Merovingian inside the English royal family, and they succeeded. Of course, in their panic to have Jesus’ descendants in important political positions, they had forgotten a crucial detail, namely that they were caught between two different chairs: they were applying the theory of the Church of the Blood to the Church of Spirit. To be the descendant of Jesus did not matter whatsoever. The Freemasons were completely lost in a story that had neither head nor tail. They started to forget who they were, worrying too much about their goal, and thought that maybe it would be better to mix these two powerful strengths and find the purest lines of the hybrid race. Today the English royal family is the result of all these beliefs. The president of the United States today is a 100% concentration of the hybrids and the Illuminati, because as always, the Freemasons are completely caught up inside their story of wanting to belong to the Church of the Blood, even if it is not what they wanted at the very beginning. The Freemasons and the Brotherhood of the Snake are only one today, but they were both very different at the beginning; they are both the victims of the same system the Church of the Blood uses to fight against the Church of Spirit. It is exactly as with Jesus, he entered the “game” as being the messiah of the Church of the Blood, but in reality he was the messiah of the Church of Spirit. When the members of the Church of the Blood understood that Jesus was working for the Church of Spirit, the highest delegates came together at the Nicaea Council, took Jesus’ teachings and changed them to their advantage. Doing, that they did not yet know that Jesus was not the representative of the hybrid bloodline they wanted him to be. America today is the strongest concentration of Illuminati, at least in government positions and each president, or nearly all of them believe to be a descendant of Jesus Christ, which may be correct but it does not matter anyway.

From where we are now, you are able to understand a little better what is happening in front of your eyes without being really able to understand. Let me make myself understood clearly, I never said that everything the members of the Church of the Blood believe is right. They just really believe that being a member of the hybrid race is something special. It does not mean that b Iah says it is correct. It’s only said that they believe that it is like that and with these beliefs, they think that they have the right to do anything to achieve their goal. Hitler thought that he was right to think what he thought, but he was still nothing but a dangerous dictator who killed millions of Jews. His abstract beliefs caused the real death of people. That is how you must understand the situation today, the question is not if America is a holy country because their leaders belong to the family of Jesus, the point is to know that they believe so, that is all!!!

In the year 1912, a secret society built the biggest ship in the world, the Titanic. This secret society copied some technology the dragons used in their vessels. With this operation, the secret society wanted to glorify the next return of the dragons. By doing so, they met a new opponent, the race of the Aquatics, who still lives in the oceans today and who hates both the dragons and the stupidity of mankind. The problem is that by building


a ship they directly aggress this race on their own territory, the sea. The Aquatics warned the secret society but they decided to ignore them. When the Titanic set to sea for the first time, it went around the worst place for the underwater race, Ireland. Why, because this island has always been used as a meeting place between different races. Remember that it is also where we found the lightball, b Iah. The ship did not hit an iceberg, it was sunk by a vessel from the Aquatics to show that this race was ready to fight against the dragons, and that they were ready for anything. They had decided a long time ago not to interfere in our evolution but such a provocation was too much and that is what they expressed with the Titanic. It was clear that the political situation was becoming quite difficult for the masters to prepare the harvest, so they called for help. That is why in the year 1930, three Krills arrived on Earth. The Krills, also called the little greys, are a race of slaves. They used to be free before and resembled us humans, but they have long lost their freedom. They are held in bondage by the dragons through genetic manipulations. They started to work very slowly with two nations at the same time, saying one thing to one nation, and the opposite to the other; the two nations were Germany and America. They started to sell their knowledge to the leaders of both countries simultaneously, but were extremely nice to both nations, giving them the feeling that they were 100% with America and 100% with Germany. They started to give them some technological knowledge but very slowly at the beginning.

The situation was not very easy because at the same time, another brotherhood started to act again. The Terrestrians, the Aquatics and the Whirlers started to meet again to discuss what they could do to help the humans. The problem was the same as always, how to help humanity without interfering with its free will? At the same time, another question arose; how to help the Church of Spirit who had now obviously become too weak? They decided to use an old system again that they had used on Earth thousands of years ago; a system of psychic and electronic manifestations. Some balls of light were used to spy what was happening on Earth, especially to find out what the Krills were up to. This system allowed a telepathic contact with humans who were sufficiently evolved and psychic. At the same time, the balls of light, that operated in a kind of inter-related web, could observe a lot of places. The system was moved from Egypt and left in Ireland in a place filled with Irish memories. The system itself was a source of almost endless energy caught in an extra-terrestrial box that was used to contact the people who could hear those emissions. When my team and I found the black box and broke it to see what it contained, I stopped the emissions when I touched the lightball, which turned it into a simple disc.

The Krills wanted to find this “book”, because they knew that this kind of automatic book and telephone in one was extremely dangerous for their future. This is where we fall into a very complicated story. My friends were completely right to believe that the leaders of the world wanted to destroy something that was of great value to our civilisation; the knowledge that the European governments were working for the Krills.

But back to the past, the Krills pushed Hitler to fight the world with their help and at the same time, they were talking to America saying that they would help them against this


monster. Don’t ever forget that for those peoples, manipulating people is the best way to lead a successful war. World War II was needed to create a special global situation that would put the Krills into the best position to do whatever they had to do. What you mustn’t forget is that they were only three at that time, and so powerful and clever that they could play chess with all of humanity. And it is not so easy to do everything they did without being noticed by the control system installed by the other brotherhood with the balls of light.

Time was needed to act cleverly. The Krills stopped in Los Alamos and it was them who really created the first atomic bomb to demonstrate the absolute power of their scientific knowledge. That is where they made their first big mistake. Now you really have to be caught in the programmes of this planet to believe that only our race lives and thinks or even exists in the entire cosmos. In fact, many races are concerned with our planet and our decisions. I really believe that respecting free will is a mystery to mankind. Yes, I do know that everybody on this planet thinks that we know and respect free will but that is total bullshit. Take the German people for instance in the year 1930, they had lost World War I not so long ago, they were growing and living on the ruins of the last war and still, everything is only a question of point of view. People do not always see eye-to-eye; German people had been taught for decades that money was above everything else. In general, Jews had a lot of money, Germany was under control and in spite of high unemployment, they had to pay a lot of taxes because of WWI. Hitler saw the Germans' weakness and used it for his own purposes; he even wrote this monstrous sentence on his election campaign posters: “3 million unemployed Germans, 3 million Jews, think! There is a solution”. This does not mean that I agree with this monster, that is not the point. Do you really believe that German people had a free will in their situation? Maybe you are going to say that talk like this is dangerous? No, which is dangerous is to fail to believe that if you create a special situation, you remove the free will of a nation very easily, while the same population will swear that they have free will. Do you think that German people did not feel free? Nevertheless, they are still crazy about money today. Tight-fistedness is a pretty euphemism for the “national sport” of this country, because it is no longer a default, it has become a pathology. Is it their fault? That’s the question. At the same time, German people, because they have learnt from the last war, are not racist compared to French people for instance. The French have completely forgotten that they signed the Munich Agreements in 1938. Ask any French person what happened in that year and no one will be able to answer this question. When you forget important things like that, you lose your connection with reality and you have no choice anymore; by losing the reality of things, you lose your free will. As the German people have forgotten that they were mainly against the Jews for money reasons, as the French have forgotten the Munich Agreements, as mankind has forgotten so many traces of aliens on our planet, no one has a free will anymore. When so many stupidities are swallowed and so many truths are simply forgotten because no one has the courage to see how we lost our free will, no one is able to fight for something they believe they still have. In fact, a lot of aliens were and still are on our planet. They do not want to stop our free will because it is also our planet, but it is not only ours and our rights have a certain limit.


We should not cross a certain line. Do we really have a free will to control our destiny with? The aliens are often talking about this to know when we have chosen our side. If they see us as being completely happy with the dragons, they will reveal their power, and that day might be a terrible one for humanity. We really have to be caught in our little dream to believe that we are alone and that we can do whatever we want. The people on the Titanic could witness that. Do not believe that the brotherhood of the Whirlers was inactive. While the others were acting, the Whirlers were as well and we really have to be blind not to see all the signs around us. Here is the other side of the story. I do know that for you, it must be too much science fiction. Try and understand that when I speak of psychology, everybody says “well, nothing new” and when I give a lot of explanations to introduce the real story, people say “that’s too much of science fiction for me”. Try to open your heart and keep analysing things. The historical facts you know now are not enough; you cannot make head or tail from what you have, even if you are used to the history of our planet and if everybody is repeating it. It does not matter. Try to reach your inner being and know the truth. “I never said it would be easy. I only said it would be the truth”. Chapter 15

The Whirlers are not one planet but many. On our planet, the giants, for instance, found a special population that did not appreciate the alliance with the dragons. They looked exactly like humans, and were more or less the personification of the dream of Hitler.

The school Hitler had attended, the “Thulé”, was closely linked to the Nordic teachings and the above-mentioned extra-terrestrial race was known mainly as the representation of Asgard, with Odin, Thor, and so on. It is not their fault that the “Thulé” was completely crazy about this. Asgard was not a rock, but a mothership on which the Asgardians lived. This race is one of the leaders of the Whirlers. They do not live on Earth but visit our planet regularly as they are very linked to it. Among the Whirlers, there is also an important population of human plants. I know for you it is impossible to imagine something like that, because in our very limited society only entities like us can exist. A planet that had plants developed a conscience. The plants became independent and started to move, think, travel and so on. To eat, they still use their “roots and branches” which are their hands and arms so to speak. They put them into some liquid to eat. This race of human plants uses telepathy to communicate, belongs 100% to the Whirlers and is against the dragons. A little delegation of human plants lives on earth, or, to be more correct, inside our planet, since a short moment. They are friends of the Aquatics, and the other populations who inhabit the centre of the Earth. To be clearer, they do not live in the centre but very deep underneath the Earth’s crust.

Three main things are used in space to see if a population is still very low. The first one is about the energies used to live; using fossil energies is very prehistoric. The second characteristic is where you live on a planet; living on the planet is very prehistoric as well, any evolved civilisation knows perfectly well that the inside of a planet is always much safer than the surface. The third characteristic of an underdeveloped race is the fact of living and staying in one particular territory. Any evolved civilisation knows that to survive, the cosmos being alive


and always moving, you have to do the same to live. There has never been a civilisation in history that was able to stay on the same planet, sooner or later every race has to move. The first step in the evolution of intelligent races is to create a civilisation, which allows to make a lot of journeys inside the planet, but to be a kind of nomad is a natural state of life. That is why so many beings came to visit us and sometimes staid. The cosmos is like that, everywhere. Everybody keeps travelling and meeting other races. So many things are happening under the nose of everybody, but nobody sees anything because his programmes forbid him to wake up and smell the coffee.

Many humans today are members of the Whirlers too. Some received the teaching of Pan and were able to use the system of the Merkabah to flee Earth and find something better. What do you think happened to the Aztecs, the Mayas, some Apaches, some Cathars, some Knights Templar, some disciples of Beïnça Douno, some Bogomils, some Greek and so many other people? How does the teaching of the Merkabah apply? To understand this teaching, we have to go back to the VL. “Cosmos” means “order”. We are all cosmic. The cosmos is energy. There are plenty of tunnels in the cosmos called in fao “kirlkosmoy”. Each planet is hollow and “full” of identical small tunnels. Once more, this allows you to understand that to believe in and be fanatical about your country is just the product of an illusion.

The human body is full of tunnels and extremely quick connections too; nothing is really separated in our body. It is more or less the same in the cosmos. The cosmos has plenty of kind of nervous connections, arteries in which you can travel very quickly and easily. Matter is created by the suns everywhere in the cosmos; it is only energy in a punctual state of existence. We are energy, we are cosmic. Any evolved civilisation is able to improve the VL of everybody and create vessels of energy. You cannot find any richer energy than the energy called “foa force”. Please note the very proximity between the names fao and foa. If you understand what we humans are and if we are helped a little by some other peoples, we could go much further than anything you can possibly imagine. We are cosmic. We are inhabited by the endless energy that structured everything in the cosmos.

In the film “Matrix” humans are represented as being batteries collected by machines. Maybe, in one way, this is not so wrong. We could be the source of the strongest energy you can imagine in the cosmos. Of course, this does not seem possible when you look at our little life, but in reality, it is just because we have been taught to be limited, small and afraid. Some human beings, in the history of mankind, were able to free themselves from the programmes of our society. When some of those people were creating a Merkabah together, this provoked a real whirl of energy. A galaxy is nothing more than a whirl. A planet is a whirl. A super galaxy is a whirl. The cosmos itself is a whirl. What is atomic energy compared to this pure energy of the cosmos? Some of you may have heard of the chakras already; they are only small whirls too. When somebody is in peace, every chakra is connected to the others and you can do amazing things. If some people who have the same VL and the same ideas stay more or less together, they start to be in symbiosis which creates a whirl called Merkabah. When a cosmic whirl is working properly, it starts to be connected to the other cosmic whirls, and the production of energy is unimaginable.


Why do you think that most UFOs are flying saucers? Why are most of them circles? Why are most CC circles? Why are most UFOs radiant? Because most of the time they are manifestations of Merkabahs. The cosmos is made of tunnels that are a kind of door between two realities and dimensions of time or space. Those tunnels are whirls as well. When enough people of the same high VL gather they can open a door to another dimension or contact other whirls you can call vessels or flying saucers. If you inquire a little, you will find out that a lot of witnesses are classified uninteresting because the same people who saw a UFO, also saw their dead mother or other ghosts. For anyone who does not know logic, this does not seem very serious, because they do not make a link between ufology and spirituality. In fact, UFOs are using cosmic energy and we are made of and from the same energy; so very often, when somebody who is not prepared is in contact with a UFO he can experience very strange metaphysical reactions.

Finally, if you think about it and take some distance, you can understand the logic of this. If you gather this energy around you, you could open doors or contact tunnels and one day disappear completely; a whole civilisation could disappear in just one second! But you could also contact highly evolved cosmic beings and get their help or visit. Most UFOs are not using any kind of engine. It is only the structure of the vessels itself that helps concentrate cosmic energy in many different ways. If you do so, you can use those tunnels and any distance becomes extremely short. Your stock of energy is infinite and what is more important, if you use this energy, this means that you are travelling with entities you vibrate with, or if you prefer, that you love to be with. In the end, the journey is always too short anyway. When we have created a Merkabah we become an interesting interlocutor, not before. What is important to understand is that if you have a group of around 30 people, you can create a Merkabah, whereas 30 people have no power to change a government or a country. There is a solution to change everything from now on for any group who wants to move and get rid of the programmes of the dragons. It is accessible for any little group that possesses a clear teaching. You see, controlling our planet is maybe not so easy, but Merkabahs appeared quite often throughout the history of the Earth.

The planet is also inhabited by different extra-terrestrial races who are working on the same thing, cosmic energy. Those races are not ready to let the dragons harvest mankind. Our planet is a real bomb that could explode at any time… I know that some people are going to think “that’s good, some aliens are looking after us, and will save us in case of an emergency”. I never said that. If mankind does not react, it means that we are happy and that we do not need the Whirlers’ help. At the same time, no Merkabah will be created and the fact of being unable to really live together as a brotherhood is also a sign of a prehistoric race. Everything is possible if we wake up. If this were not the case, why would some extra-terrestrial beings get tired with creating CC? But I can also turn things the other way around. Why does nobody care about CC? The Krills were not supposed to interfere too much in our evolution. They created the atomic bomb in Los Alamos and that caused Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They had interfered too much and this provoked a violent war. Dozens of Krills came to Earth to fight because it was time for a confrontation. Some other races, all slaves of the dragons, joined in the war and some members of the Whirlers started to fight too. During the period from 1947 to 1954, a lot of crashes happened because they were the result of battles between the two opponents. In the year 1954,


the Asgardians had a meeting with both the president of America and the president of the URSS. In both cases, the same thing happened. The Asgardians came with a huge flying saucer, showing them some amazing things they could do, like moving extremely quickly, being invisible, and so on. They invited the two nations to give up their atomic weapons and start a spiritual path to be able to use the strongest energy of the cosmos and belong to a cosmic brotherhood. In both cases, the leaders firmly refused. At that time, they were both already in touch with the Krills, who were giving them more and more technology, which allowed them to gain more and more power. Of course, both leaders did not know that the Krills were playing the same game twice. The Krills started to play with the Soviet Union after the war because they had started to become very powerful. In both cases, the Asgardians were asked to leave the planet.

According to their brotherly way of thinking, they had to obey and leave because humanity was asking for it. They put a system in place, which allowed them to write messages to humanity with inter-connected balls of light. These messages are known under the name CC… At the beginning, the governments tried to hide the CC, but they could not do it long; CC started to be known about, but without great success, I’m afraid. In the same year, 1954, because the Krills had won, they started to invade our planet. Thousands of Krills came to Earth and moved into bases that had been especially constructed for them mostly by the Americans. What is the exact position of this race? They have been playing a double game. They are the slaves of the dragons, but at the same time, they want to regain their freedom. They have evolved a lot through being in contact with humans. I am not saying that they have been very nice, they are trying to free themselves from the dragons and to achieve this, they have done a lot of experiments. Our race is very interesting for them, because we are not so far from what they used to be like a very long time ago. They thought it might be possible to create something strong enough for them to regain their freedom, by mixing their DNA with ours. Politically, we know that they want to free themselves, some even think that they want to join the cosmic brotherhood. A lot of people doubt about it, but still, we can see that the Krills have learnt a lot from us concerning feelings and emotions that they have lost with the work of the dragons. Now, they understand why we are so afraid when they abduct us. They have done a lot of experiments on our race, killing a lot of people, but they were able to create a new race that is free from the dragons. They are playing a double game; they are serving their master but at the same time, they are doing their best to free themselves from slavery. No one knows exactly how far they have come in their research, but we know that “the men in black” are a result of their experiments. They were obviously more monstrous than human, but in time, they became more human, which is part of the result of their experiments. It might be possible that they join the cosmic brotherhood. What is sure is that they are still serving their masters; now, is it to hide what they have done? Is it because they still want to serve their masters? Who knows? When it comes to politics, humans or extra-terrestrials, it is exactly the same, you cannot be sure of the real motives behind their actions. In the series “Stargate”, they have deliberately mixed a lot of things. In the series, for instance, the Krills are good. This is done on purpose, because it is supposed to prepare our population to accept this race as being a reference. In 1963, John F. Kennedy discovered some very sad facts; he found out that the American government was controlling drugs dealing all over the world and was making deals with the Krills. Because the American country needed non-official money to


pay for all the bases and other things they had built for the Krills, they were dealing drugs. John F. Kennedy asked for the situation to be clarified. He allowed only one year for that. Finally, the situation was clarified in less than a few days, but unfortunately not how John F. Kennedy expected it. If you imagine that a guy, president or not, discovers a terrible secret that he wants to spread all over the world, don’t you think that the first people he gives this information to is his family? You can now easily understand why his family was killed and Marilyn Monroe too; she was too close to the family. The MJ-12 is a group that controls the relations between humans and Krills; Kennedy’s driver was an eminent member of the MJ-12. Kennedy’s skull exploded due to an explosive bullet that only the CIA possessed at that point in time. Kennedy’s injuries were caused by a close shot, but the assassin apparently used a rifle and simple bullets, shooting from a distance of a few hundred metres…You find that huge? I find the lie behind 9/11 even bigger and still, people swallowed the official story! Yes, the secret is right in front of your nose and caused most of the things you did not understand in the history of our planet. It is always hidden so well that nobody sees anything. The plant entities did not arrive on Earth a long time ago. They came to wake up our civilisation, but nobody wanted to hear what they had to say. They wanted to do something because they are very special. They can use many bodies for only one person. It is as if their body was many different bodies at once. You can see it like a single tree with many branches. One of these “branches” was used and captured by humans. He accepted to be with humans just to teach the truth to us and wake everybody up. It did not work, because c blood was there and stopped and changed everything. They stopped all his teachings and made a big joke of his presence, saying that they could keep him alive only with ice cream. They defined him as EBE. When one “branch” stays too long away from the rest of the body, the separated part just dies. This is what happened with him. Everybody around him loved him, but they had no choice, the government had spoken. CC are everywhere, trying to do the same work, waking up people; but nobody reacts and many different governments are making fakes everywhere in the world to prove that there is no real CC. Germany is the world champion when it comes to making fakes. In France, CC are just destroyed.

Finally, it is easy to be dangerous for the plan of the dragons; with an increase in VL and some knowledge on how to get rid of their programmes, anybody can free himself from his condition as a slave. That is why people like me, with the knowledge of b Iah, are considered extremely dangerous by the government. That is something I had not well understood. The whole situation is really explosive. Some humans can react, some humans already received the transformation of the cosmic waves and are living in a different dimension. They too are able to react as soon as our population asks for help. The situation, therefore, is not easy at all for the masters of the world. I did not realise the power of what I had received and I’m afraid I was not careful enough. I saw that something was not normal in my two houses and I was not careful with the disc that I went to hide at that time in an old friend’s house in Germany. With my friend Arecibo, I managed to protect our documents, but I should have been more careful. I could have expected that some governments might be afraid of me. One day they just attacked, with machine guns and everything. We had time to destroy all our documents, so they could not get anything, but what happened was terrible and useless to describe here. Know only that it was a real war with real victims. I was tortured, asked many questions, and I knew perfectly well that if I talked, I


was dead. The other members of my team could not say anything because they knew nothing. They knew that I was teaching knowledge, but they did not know where it was coming from. Only Arecibo partly knew some things, but he was strong too and did not speak either. In fact, their information was not so good, because they did not know that Arecibo had been working with me on the lightball. It was there that I met the “men in black”. The army found nothing and could not retrieve anything. I suppose this is why they called somebody more qualified to get some information out of us. I was questioned by the colonel when the “men in black” entered the room I was in…

Chapter 16

I had been facing monsters for two days. They had no heart and it is better for you not to know what they did to me. I was doing my best to save those members of my team who had been captured. This is why I was always playing with the army, answering without answering. You can imagine that the colonel was very respected because of his high position. He was the one in charge of the attack on our house, he was the one in charge of questioning me, but in spite of all his responsibilities and his power (he had a whole army under his command executing the smallest of his orders), when the two men in black entered the room, he did not utter a word. He went to the back of the room and the two men ignored him completely. I had read in many magazines or newspapers that they were very cold and strange, but it is not at all what I experienced. They were the only “humans” I saw. Let me make myself understood clearly, they seemed to be nice. They were friendly, open and I felt an incomprehensible need to talk to them. I really wanted to speak. I felt that if I talked to them, everything would become clear. I was about to speak when I thought of everything I had learnt from b Iah. I used my psychic abilities on them and saw who they really were. I have learnt to perceive the aura of people and theirs was not unlike anything I had seen before. They were not human. Their aura was “drinking” the energy of the other people around them. I knew who they were and my sympathy for them stopped at once. I knew they had been manipulating me by some kind of telepathy. They stopped talking at once and stayed a little while, looking at me without speaking. I clearly felt that they were using another system. They were trying to force an entry into my mind but they failed completely. I was too strong. I had learnt too well from b Iah. Suddenly, they stood up and left the room without saying a word to the colonel. It was so strange to see that they treated this colonel worse than a dog. From the office I was in, I saw that they entered the other rooms where my friends were. They could ask what they wanted, I was the only one to know anything about b Iah and the location of the disc.

When I saw some of my friends again after a long time, they did not remember at all having seen those two guys. That means that those two men in black were powerful enough to erase the memory of my friends. The war is on. I wish what I wrote until now


gave you the feeling of this war. I know for you it is maybe only a story, but it is reality. I want you to be able to wake up and understand what is happening. If the army and the government are making such an effort to shut me up, it is because for them it is worth it. What are they looking for? What are they killing for? I was not completely without a weapon. I used what I had learnt from b Iah. I could, in spite of my terrible and dramatic position, influence my guards and push them to make mistakes that were big enough for me to be able to escape one day. As soon as I was outside, I gathered some of my friends around me and we went away, hiding very far in lost countries. We kept a low profile and I looked after my friends to restore a strong group. I must say that their attack was a very stupid mistake, because everybody who has been with me wanted to know why exactly we had to hide in lost countries, why the army had attacked us and why so many unfair things had happened to us. I decided to tell them the whole truth about b Iah, the origins, the men in black, everything. Before going any further, I wanted them to handle the whole situation. When they knew the truth, some wanted to leave and they did so. I completely respected their need to walk away from our story. I must precise here that all of them had been saved by b Iah. Each of them had been in such a situation in their private life, that without this knowledge they would have died. No one was saying the opposite, but it is just like that. Many of them only said: “we have taken what we needed. Now it’s dangerous, and we don’t want any problems”. They went back home because the story was over, especially for those who knew nothing and did not have any relationship with me and b Iah, that, you mustn’t forget, the governments still want to destroy because of its potential danger for the dragons and their plans for humanity. I started to teach much more to my friends, even if we were not a lot anymore. We were then living in Montenegro. We became quite well known in martial arts in this country. At the same time, all my friends were studying all the secrets about b Iah. Their VL was extremely improving with both the physical and spiritual practice. Gathering our strengths, we started to do incredible things. The team improved continually. When we started to be strong enough, we decided to move to another country. We had finished what we could do in Montenegro and were strong enough to do something different. All together, we decided to move to a less hidden country. We started a very different life. We were so able compared to what we could do before. My position was quite different, do not think that you can go through everything I went through with the army, without getting much weaker and hurt. Since then, I have got much better, but everything is not as it used to be.

I think that it is because we were so powerful that something incredible and so unexpected happened. One day, I received a call from the guardian of the disc. She told me that one day, the disc had suddenly changed into a lightball, exactly like at the beginning. It was shortly before this wonderful event that Arecibo could leave the prison he was still kept in, but somehow completely forgotten. After his coming back, he helped me in a first forum that we created; the forum was a complete failure. I must say that at his return, Arecibo was no longer the same. He was completely destroyed in jail, even if they did not torture him. He did not want to receive any help from us, because he estimated that he knew everything, in spite of doing very dangerous and very stupid things all day long. We all saw the result of the art of killing people, leaving the body


alive but not the spirit. We did our best to help Arecibo but I must admit that we could not make him come to life again. For the first time in many years, I had the possibility to go and see the lightball. I was so different. I knew so much more. When the lightball started to shine and fly again, a lot of UFOs were seen above Ireland. At the same time, an Irish company announced that they had found a new source of energy that was infinite. The guardian of the disc, which was now a lighball again, was a very old lady and she was very afraid. I had to go and see the lightball. It was quite risky, because for me, this disc was my life insurance. I could not help it, I had to go; the meeting was so wonderful. I understood how deeply I had changed, why I had received all that I had received and everything I could do with this knowledge. When I arrived in the house, I first had to reassure the guardian. When she felt better, I decided that it was time to go see the lightball. The silence in front of the door was absolute, but when I pushed the door, I heard a terrible noise that we had never heard before in Ireland. The lightball seemed to be much more powerful or radiant. Maybe it was me who was seeing her differently? For the first time, she talked to me, in a way. When I entered, she reacted. I knew she knew I was there. I did not know what to do. Like before, I was attracted but this time I knew that I did not have to touch it, so I did not. I was listening to her strange noise, very powerful but nice. In time, I started to understand her. I could control her, or at least ask her some things, like going up or down, right or left. I was too attracted and sure she was calling me; one day I touched her again, but I was so different then. She started to really talk to me. Once, my friend surprised me because she told me that my meeting had not worked and I asked her why she thought that. She answered that I had only stayed 2 minutes. “No, I stayed at least 2 hours”, I answered. This is where I started to realise that the lightball was able to change the time. When I was spending two hours with her, it really only lasted around 1 or 2 minutes. We were sometimes practicing meditation with my friends and I could see that my friends were receiving some information before I could tell them what I had learnt. It was as if, through me, they could “read” the lightball. What I experienced with the lightball was so incredible that we wanted to spread the knowledge and that is why we opened a forum. It was also an occasion to push my friend Arecibo to participate in something interesting and valuable for him. From this forum only one new member came, Logan from Austria. It was good, because we need people from everywhere around the lightball. Unfortunately, for personal reasons another member left, so we remained the same number. The one who was leaving had had problems, with his ex girlfriend for a long time, who still lives in the same house. For this guy, the situation was just too difficult to handle. He has remained a very good friend, but he just needed to breathe some fresh air somewhere else. Since then, he has a new girlfriend and he is quite happy. There was also an Estonian who joined us, but she stayed only a few months. She could not adapt to the power of our group. It is a shame because she was wonderful and we were happy to have a new nationality around the lightball. After too many insults and craziness that we had met on the Internet, we decided to close the forum. We were wasting too much time (see appendix 11).I developed my skills with the lightball and we tried to record, film, or take pictures, but nothing worked because anything electronic in the room instantly melted. In time, I could ask the lightball to slow down, so that we were able to take pictures (see appendix 12).


We were able to film her, record her and even much better, record her while she was talking. Of course, all this was not a short or easy undertaking. Once more, it took us a lot of time and hard work, but we are here to give you the sum-up, so that we can use our story to be able to build the future together.

Chapter 17

The lightball was talking to me. When I touched it, I received so much. The time changed, which was very practical, because I could spend three hours with her in only two minutes. The time was different, I noticed that in spite of spending sometimes three or four hours with her, I was tired exactly at the same time than usual in the evenings. That means that the time spent with her was not “spent” physically.

When I touched the lightball, I was able to penetrate a complete world of science fiction. It was like penetrating a 3D screen. I could see every direction, anytime. When I saw something, I knew exactly what it was. I received so much information. I saw the “web” of balls of light all over the world from the inside. I knew how it worked, why and for whom. I knew, but I also saw it. Many times, I met some extra-terrestrials, maybe not physically, but I met them. I could feel their love and care for us. I had spent so many years learning everything b Iah was teaching, that when I met the extra-terrestrials, everything was completely natural for me. I mean, when I see people getting excited by a football match, I feel as if I was on a world of aliens, but when I was among different physical shapes of beings, when I felt their love, I just felt at home with them. I understood their care for our free will. I understood that I was the only one to be able to do something, because I was from Earth. It was my destiny as a human to bring a new wave to Earth to change our destiny. I saw the plans of the dragons who wanted to harvest us. They teach acceptance of the use of the microchip in many different ways. It has become possible to change a completely stupid human into an exceptional robot, but then what? Just a robot with no control on his life! I could see that the microchip was working well only on people with a low VL. I saw that they are creating a state of stupidity in the mind of everybody, so that nobody is able to react any more. I was afraid when I saw that our extra-terrestrial friends looked worried about our low VL. I really wondered if it was still possible to wake up some people. Then I saw that some people could not yet be controlled because they had a passion; for some reason, they were free and excited about life. Unfortunately, I also saw that most people have been beyond the point where they can still control their lives. They were falling and falling without being


able to react.

When the dragons come to a planet to harvest it, they always organise a kind of apocalypse, which is needed for different reasons. First, the population will panic and become more docile. Most of the world will be destroyed, which will allow the next generation to completely forget what happened. Only the best will survive. Every form of technology will disappear, and new little villages will start here or there with a repetition of the teaching that says that the gods were unhappy and destroyed everything on Earth before starting a new world. That will be completely true, but they will forget, of course, to give more details about the how and why of things. Today, unfortunately, it is impossible to prevent the death of most of the population on this planet. We cannot help it. The work of the lightball today is to guard the knowledge to prevent everything from starting again. About 10% of this population can still be saved and it is worth it. I could see all those armies coming to Earth to destroy us, but also those who came to protect us, and I could not make out why we had to disappear. Well, we do not have to. Everything is ready for us. Everybody could be saved, but no one wants to. As we will not ask for help, our friends will not be able to do anything. We have been taught to be weak, to lose and to suffer. Of course, it is not our real destiny, but we have learnt to love that and no one on this planet wants to change. The point, now, is to bring the knowledge quickly enough to enough people so that when this planet will start dying, at a certain point, some people will react and say “stop” and that will be the end of the dragons on this planet. When do we reach this level? That is the question. Some people will wake up and many different organisations can be chosen. We can stay on Earth and create a complete protection with a powerful Merkabah, whatever is happening around us. If we are not enough people to create something powerful enough, then we will be evacuated through one of the tunnels I mentioned earlier. When things are over, we will come back to give a new destiny to our planet. To be in contact with these highly evolved cosmic brotherhoods, or to use these tunnels, in both cases, we need a very high VL. A low VL was key to the programmes that mankind, like so many other populations, received so that all doors to evolve into something better would close. We do not have so much to do, we need to put our VL up, so that we become different. Most of us are living half a life. The more I worked with the lightball, the more I improved of course, as well as the rest of the team. When the VL of everybody was high enough we all started to remember some parts of our nights. The others could remember partly and I could remember 100%. Whatever they could remember from their nights, the dream world had now become a wonderful world of action to try and touch people. My friends became more efficient each day, even if they did not remember everything.

Knowing this aspect also gave us the possibility to see what was really going on and what we saw was terrible. The energetic system put into place by the dragons is terribly efficient. Each time somebody wakes up, a security system is activated, pushing this person to become completely crazy, aggressive and so on. It took us a lot of time to understand that the solution was our own VL. The knowledge, the practice, the contacts with the lightball gave us a higher and higher VL, and it was this and the teaching at the same time that we had to give to people to be able to free them. It was hard to accept this


because, with that, we had to accept that we were now very different. As a different being, it is not only the knowledge that we had to bring but also a sufficient VL to be able to handle the knowledge and the attacks of the security system of the matrix or whatever you want to call it. At the same time, the lightball was working on a better communication and guided me to build something new. She called this system a “gampay”, a computer system used to let anybody hear what she had to say to everybody. We even tried to make a film of her, but that was not so easy. The first test was a catastrophe, and the camera we used melted completely. After this incident, we had to move the lightball, because the old woman who was guarding her did not want to keep “this strange alien thing” at home anymore, as she said. Just because I asked her, the lightball became a disc once again, and we could move her to another country. There, we were able to use a new protected area and she became a lightball again. We filmed her while she was doing her best to slow down her manifestations. Being less strong, it was finally possible to film her and mainly to record her. The lightball was not happy with this film and asked us not to use it, but we were allowed to use the recording we had made. After this experience, we had even more information because it was only with the lightball slowing down that we were really able to measure the rays of her power. It had become obvious that the lightball was creating kind of waves that were “breaking” time. The further away you were from the lightball, the less it was breaking time. I did this recording after moving the disc into a new country, but I did it with the old woman who guarded the disc before. Why did I use her? Because she was the only one who physically knew the lightball and I did not want anybody to know where she was. I could not forget what had happened with the army before, and the less people knew, the better was our future. My team knew everything about the teaching and was in a way in very close connection with the lightball, but I did not want anybody to know where the disc was. I had to use one person to move it, I had no choice, so I chose her. I knew that she did not appear in my story and that it was completely impossible to find her, so she came to do the film with me. Afterwards, I never saw her again, for her own security. Since, I have moved the lightball again, with the help of other people, for it to be even more difficult to find her. Anyway, here are the exact distance and time recorded by the different clocks placed at different distances to the lightball. My own feeling of what happened was not at all what was recorded neither by the different clocks nor by the camera. For me, the time was of around 2.5 hours, but the clocks showed that only 5 minutes had passed. We tried to make a new recording with the gampay but we obtained only exactly the same sound. After some work, we were able improve the quality and for the first time we managed to record the “voice” of the lightball. It was not easy to understand something clearly and there were a lot of parasite voices to be heard at the same time. We found out from the lightball what the balls of light really were and why they were there. We understood that dead people, what you could call ghosts, are attracted by energy, any kind of energy. If someone is a little more radiant, some ghosts try to come because they feel reassured by this light. Sometimes, ghosts can feed from astral energies, like fear or strong feelings. That is why such frightening stories are known about ghosts. They need this energy to “survive”. So you can imagine that what we were doing with the lightball was provoking much more energy. Because we were not yet able to control the gampay


correctly, a lot of voices appear on the record. We understood that this machine could be a wonderful tool as well to help people hear the dead. Now, the point is to know if it is really useful. It was not the point of our work, so we did not go any further into this topic, maybe later, if one day we have time.

Anyway, it is obvious that you can hear other voices that have nothing to do with the lightball. We tried once more to improve our work, and the following time was much better. This time, we were able to isolate the lightball’s voice completely. She was using a strange mixing of languages. We could understand her only after some work. As far as we understood, instead of using fao, she used more or less an international language mixing many different languages; but she also spoke fao in it. To clarify things, I must say that when I spoke with her, I received more ideas, memories and feelings, so it was not only a question of translating a language. If you want to say what you feel when you meet this special person, you can talk about your feelings in any language you wish, but you receive some feelings and information directly. That is exactly what I was experiencing with the lightball. Why did we have to learn fao then? Because through fao, we did not only learn a language, we also learnt a different way of thinking and living. And that was what was really needed to speak to the lightball. In fact, if I want to translate the teachings of the lightball to my friends, fao is much better if I want to pass on a message quickly and clearly, but of course I can, most of the time, do it also in my mother tongue, it’s only much longer and sometimes a little bit less clear.

Because of the system we are using now to spread the teaching, we cannot give the entire recording. We worked a lot on improving the system, and the lightball decided that our computers on Earth were not powerful enough to catch exactly what she wanted to say, so she started to guide us towards a much better system. But that needed more work once more. During all this research, I was receiving more and more information that I was more and more easily passing on to my team who had by then achieved a good enough level. I understood that the situation on our planet was going from bad to worse. The VL of most of the population was going down at a rapid rate. At the same time, the dragons and their helpers started to work very seriously on our planet, destroying it more and more every day. Global warming or, better, global climate change was in place. Everybody could see how different our planet was getting. The poles are now shifting because of their work. That is needed to “wash” the planet clean and give it a new start when they leave. Earthquakes, twisters, tsunamis, tornados, floods, draughts, and in spite of this terrible situation, no one reacts. It is as if everybody is becoming more and more zombie-like. At the same time if by any chance you say the smallest thing about anybody’s ego, they get completely crazy, at once. What is to be done? The lightball taught me something terrible. Since the very moment mankind was created, the dragons left what the lightball calls “eons” on our planet. It is very hard to explain what they are. The “eons” are a kind of huge computer that is able to recognize the exact level of mankind and the evolution of the projects of the dragons. This “eon” is able to send orders to every ego through radio waves to control mankind’s main behaviour. That is one of the reasons why nobody is reacting. It seems that this terrible thing is what is


known as “the Ark of the Covenant”. I then understood why I practiced martial arts; this thing had also been searched for to destroy it. This “eon” is like a security system to make sure that they will get their harvest. It is logical finally, if you invest so much time and energy in a project, you just want to make sure that it stays under control. Still, this thing is based on simple radio waves, even if it is much more sophisticated at the same time. If this “eon” wants to contact us, it needs to target its goal. It needs to know where we are, I’m not talking about geographical locations, but about vibrations. If you increase your VL, the “eon” cannot target you anymore because you have become invisible to it.

Why have the Whirlers been trying to wake us up for such a long time? Exactly for that reason. When you know the rules, you can trick them. I am writing this book exactly for the same reason. If you acquire the knowledge and if we help you to increase your VL, you could become part of the coming gampay. The work of the lightball is to create a tunnel called kirlkosmo, so that the contacts improve and we increase the number of people who will become the future of this planet. Unfortunately, we do know that the plan of the dragons is too advanced to fail completely, but it can still partly fail.In fact, as long as they do not disturb our free will, the Whirlers are free to answer any manipulation of the harvesters. As an answer to the “eon”, the Whirlers left the lightball system. Nowadays, c blood is extremely powerful on Earth because humans love power and laziness. We must learn to get our dignity back. The two airplanes crashed into the twin towers only to test humanity’s level of acceptance. This monstrosity was done incorrectly on purpose, so that some people would easily discover the truth. The truth was found out, but in spite of the proof and over 3000 victims, no one reacted. You must learn from this. How is this possible? I understand that you doubt when you read my book, but at least, just in case I am telling the truth, you should react and inquire, and not say just nothing. Some people are laughing but most of them just did not see it. Yes, they read about it but they did not see it. How is this possible? Is not this blindness at least an element that should worry you? We have been working with the lightball to see the vibrations of each country and see if some people from one country could react stronger than others. The results are not very clear. Some countries got some positives results; Germany, Italy, Spain and some parts of England. Now we cannot write in every language. We use English because it is an international language today. The very first country on the list is Italy. Some people told me “what do you want from them? They are just pizza-eaters”. The fact that they are in a divided country (north and south) probably helped them to keep their temper more than the people in other countries. Next on the list is Germany, because with what they did during the last war, they love freedom and they are one of the only countries to respect our planet. Now we have been working a lot in Germany already, and we received only insults.Maybe we did not use the best way, but once more, we are very few and everybody else is against us because the “eon” has taught everybody or nearly everybody to hate any kind of spirituality. To speak about the lightball is completely forbidden today. You cannot imagine how aggressive people can get in many countries just when you say that you are a vegetarian. How can this be possible? I mean, with all the illness found in animals, people should at least say “oh yes, it’s clever. I cannot do it myself but with so


many problems in Europe, you are right”. No! Everybody gets extremely aggressive. Are you not wondering about the origin of this aggressiveness? You should!!

The number 666 described as being the number of the beast, is in reality a code to describe the fact of accepting everything. For instance you have to know that “sum” in Hebrew means “blind”. The same word exists also in fao, but it means “somebody who does not want to see because it is easier to submit yourself and accept everything”. This is the root of the English word “sub”, which gave “submission”, for example. It is always easier for a population to submit itself and accept everything, especially if things are easier when you refuse to see.The number 666 therefore stands for acceptance and submission, which are both indispensable for the harvest of mankind and to be able to turn humans into totally submitted biological robots. As I already mentioned, “sum” in Hebrew has the numerological value of 666; the word blind, which in fao becomes “the one who does not want to see, who does not want to react, but who submits himself and accepts everything” reflects the number 666. It is not the number of the beast, but the number of the intelligence of the beast, of the dragons, who bring comfortable things to humanity so that everyone finally accepts everything without reacting. The microchip too refers to the number 666. It is its code of reference, a code, which was already cited in the New Testament as the mark of the beast that will be carried on the hand or on the forehead. It is also said that everybody can neither buy nor sell anything if he does not carry the mark of the beast. This number is the number of mankind; of course, it was created by our modern, human society, even if the leaders of our planet received help in creating and organising it. The microchip is constantly improved by technological and military research for one particular purpose: the total control of humanity. The microchip will slowly but surely contain all our details: bank account number, social security number, information on our DNA, eventual criminal records, etc and in the end, it will replace notes and coins to the point where cash will no longer exist. Through reading your microchip, anyone can know what you buy, where you buy, what you like and what you do not like: total control. Research already shows that the best place for a microchip implant is either the forehead or the right hand. Sound familiar?

Even if you do not believe in the Christian religion, even if you do not believe in the apocalypse of Saint John, if you consider that there are bibles in almost all European hotel rooms and that Americans, who consider themselves Christians and say that Jesus Christ himself guides them through their president Bush to fight Iran, Iraq and the rest of the Arab world, would it not be logical, at least, to do everything to avoid the numerological value 666 and the very implanting of the microchip on the hand and the forehead?If you consider that Americans are superstitious to the point that there is not even a 13th

floor or a room with the number 13 in their hotels, do you not find it strange that they remove the number 13 everywhere, but despite the warning of an apocalypse, they do everything exactly as described in the bible? How is something like that possible, unless they fanatically respect and execute the demands of the dragons which c blood is obliged to do to worship their masters? C spirit knows all this.Another aspect that indicates 666 is www. The letter w has the numerological value 6;


like this, every time you type www on the Internet, you actually type 666. I know, that this book is being posted on an Internet forum; I am using the enemy’s weapons to try and get the truth out there.Nevertheless, it is clear that people have deliberately been pushed into craziness through the Internet; because of the Internet, people claim to know everything. We could try and tell them that we have built a machine that allows us to go inside other planets, and it would not even touch them in the slightest because they will already have read at least forty or fifty articles that spoke about even greater things. People are totally gorged on the Internet and have ended up swallowing everything but at the same time they refuse everything. They have a total indigestion, they are so full, that when it comes to real information, they end up panicking and become completely incoherent. We have tried numerous times to open forums and keep them going, but every time we received too many insults and too much contempt. Even those people who show some real interest in spiritual things and who are open-minded spend their time on the Internet, and in the end, they have seen everything too already. And because they know everything, they lose all ability to react. Another important point about the Internet is that people no longer have to face other people, which enables them to lie, to cheat, to insult and to simply disappear by the click of a button, without ever having to ask themselves whether they might be emotionally disturbed. Because of the Internet and the thousands of hours spent on it by each person, our ego becomes worse and worse every day. It becomes more and more locked up in a hysterical craziness and totally loses touch with the real world and like that, it has become impossible to truly touch people. The Internet, which seemed to be an unlimited source of information, has revealed itself to be the origin of a total block. Thanks to the Internet and 666, people hear everything, see everything and know everything, but they no longer react. They are “sum”, submitted, blind and unable to truly react; the mark of the beast, 666, has totally worked.

Through the lightball, I had the opportunity to experience things that are happening elsewhere. The giants, whom I have spoken of before, are approaching Earth. They are coming to participate in the harvest; at the same time, the Asgardians, who are extremely protective of freedom, are also approaching our planet in an even greater number, because they absolutely despise the giants. They have often been their opponents; that is where the legends of the Nordic gods come from, who fight against the giants. If you do not believe me, study the Nordic legends and see how vividly they speak of extra-terrestrial races and their respective “political” positions.You need to know that fao is based on runes, as I have already explained before, which links us even further to the Asgardians. The leaders of this world and perfect slaves of the dragons and the Krills, have received great technological help from their masters, which allowed them to build vessels that can travel in space much faster than anything you could possibly imagine. A new harvest is being prepared for the dragons on Mars. It is not yet for now but for later, but the leaders of our world, who know that the Earth will be destroyed by the harvest phenomenon launched by the dragons to re-launch a new, totally lost race, have the possibility to escape to Mars. An immense town has already been built on Mars, which will be a haven of peace for the heirs of the dragons and the superior hybrid race. You might ask yourself how this is possible, but my dear friends, you must know that today everything is


possible. They manipulate the news as they please and see fit and make you look into the exact direction they want you to turn your head in. Just remember the manipulations they are able to make to have you believe in adverts and think exactly what they want you to think, whether it is about the cigarette or other things. And these are only basic, unimportant things. What do you think they can do with all things that seem total science fiction to you, only because, for numerous generations, humans have been educated to think that way? It is so easy to make you become totally blind, sum! The more you submit yourself, the less you see, the more you accept and become a robot!

You have to be dynamic, passionate, enthusiastic and able to have dreams and aspirations. Be like Peter Pan! Dare seeing the wonderful and magical things in life and the strength of love and commitment, to become able to see the truth!

Helped by the Krills, there now exist spacecrafts that can make a return journey to Mars in one single day. It is now possible to leave your house at 8am, go to work on Mars and return home for 8pm to be with your family. This might seem impossible to you, but the whole game of power consists in hiding all extraordinary things in life from you, and all the magic that is happening around you. The dragons have always been present in our society. What are the gargoyles that are hiding above the doors of any catholic cathedral? Who are all the dragons that we see everywhere in our society, in our history and in so many legends? Who are all the good and the bad dragons who are in charge of our society and who control everything? Of course extra-terrestrial beings have always been present. Roswell and all the tens of thousands of vessels that have been sighted throughout the world, all the abductions… What about the thousands of CC that have appeared around the world and that have so often been ridiculed and insulted, despite only appearing on Earth to help humanity wake up from its nightmare? Inquire about the CC that appeared in 2007, you will see that a great number of the CC that appeared this year are drawings of tunnels, doors that are opening everywhere to help mankind escape its fate.CC are made to wake us up and to teach us, they use the signs and the logic of fao that we have learnt already with b Iah to bring us solutions, passion and the principle of the Merkabah in forms of circles. They bring us hope and the magic of a life lived to the full. When you enter a CC, you enter another world, another vibration; you enter a portal that leads you to another consciousness.

How could we possibly believe that nothing exists, while there exist hundreds of thousands of testimonies of UFO sightings and encounters of the third kind as well as tens of thousands of CC everywhere in the world? How could we possibly believe that nothing extra-terrestrial exists when there are hundreds of thousands of stories and legends to be found in the history of mankind that prove the existence of a superior intelligence? Even the pyramids are a historical impossibility. And where are all the peoples that have disappeared without a trace, like the Mayas, the Aztecs and so many others? What about all those peoples who possessed a very advanced technology when they were supposed to be almost prehistoric human beings?

We have to be “sum”, 666, about everything and crushed by the misfortune and the


difficulties of life not to be able to see the immense cosmic game of chess that is happening around us, and which we could participate in as of now, thanks to the information and the knowledge we have been given.

Chapter 18

The 21st century will be spiritual or it won’t be. Einstein

“Sum” is indeed the key word to understand. We must understand that compared to very advanced extra-terrestrial beings, we do not have any kind of power, but we have responsibility. Some very powerful extra-terrestrials are waiting to help us. We do not have the power to fight against the dragons, but we have the power to take our responsibility. That is why it was so important to take away this power. That is why “sum” was so important. To render us unable to use our responsibility, we had to become blind, sum, 666. Everything was orchestrated for this sole purpose. The smallest thing is under control. Even death no longer exists in our society. When somebody passes away these days, the event is just ignored. No one sees a corpse any more. No one goes to the graveyard anymore. Thanks to this system, everybody believes that he is immortal, so no one will have to face this embarrassing event. Of course, we all know that death is at the end of the journey, but nobody really knows. I mean, no one is really prepared for death because in our society we just deny this step in our cosmic journey. If we are not prepared for our death, how could we accept the possibility of the death of the world? Thanks to this system, many things can be just denied because they just do not exist. If you have a problem with somebody, in our society, you have two solutions: the first one is to avoid talking to your friend about this problem, the second is to avoid talking to your friend. In both cases, you just deny the problem, like that, it is solved. You see, it’s everywhere. The Internet, as I said before, is just teaching us to be able to have two different lives. The first one is unfortunately your real life, I say unfortunately for most people, because for me, there is only one life. The second life is the virtual life, the one that nearly everybody loves. In this life, you are hidden behind a pseudo and you can press the magic “delete” key at any time. With that, you can deny whatever you want. On the Internet, everybody constantly insults everybody. You can talk to experts about a special topic and be their equal, whereas in real life you would not even dare say a word in front of them for fear of being ridiculous.


Anyway, if you have the smallest problem, you still have the magic “delete” key. You can spread anything on the web, you can even invent a life. If one day somebody pushes you to go further and meet you in real life, you still have the “delete” key. I remember once, a friend of mine was talking in a forum. She was just politely giving her opinion about something I have forgotten now. The answer she got back was insults of the lowest kind, threatening to rape her. She was quite surprised to get such an answer. It was completely out of proportion. What she had written before was not even aggressive or impolite. So why give such an answer? Out of pleasure, because he could. There exists a little joke that says “do you know why dogs lick their balls? Because they can”. I think that the level of this guy was the same as that of a dog. Anyway, that time, just for the fun and to defend my friend’s dignity, I asked Arecibo to find out the personal address of this guy. He did it within a day. I contacted this courageous guy on his personal email address, telling him that I was an expert in martial arts and a very good friend of the woman he had just insulted. I gave him his real address, and told him that I would be on my way to meet him. I told him that I wanted a very quick apology on the forum and he did it at once. Do you know why? Because by contacting him, I had stolen his “delete” key.

You see, the Internet is not only giving you access to empty ideas, it also teaches you a perfect “sum”, 666 or if you prefer www. Isn’t it funny? I know that we use the Internet also to say what we have to say and that this might seem to you like quite a paradox. We are far from using only this way, but the Internet is the only way to touch a lot of people quickly. Why do I criticize it then, you may ask? Know that we are not a joke. Know that we always leave an address, so that anyone can go further, meet us and see who we are and what we do. Of course, in our ill society, this offer is not considered a sign of honesty but a sign of a scam. Of course, if we propose to meet anybody, it is seen as proof that we are dishonest or that we want to sell something or whatever else you can imagine to keep control of your “delete” key. We have always stayed true to the lightball. We have always done our best to spread her knowledge and everything she wants to say. Most of the time we have been insulted and stood up at appointments and so on. The Internet, the word itself, is built on the word “internment”, which means “to be put into a psychiatric hospital”.

The computer systems are totally controlled by “Bill Gates”. Microsoft works through “windows” we could also call “gates”. What do you think could the word “bill” mean? Find out. It has always been impossible to spread the knowledge we possess, because the “sum” system is everywhere, all we encounter is ignorance. Nobody has ever tried to let us speak. No! They just ignore what we have to say and like that, the problem no longer exists. I do understand that you may have serious doubts about what we say, but in that case, just try to inquire for yourself and do not just ignore everything. Encountering so much difficulty to be listened to, we decided to gather a team of experts in many different areas around us. As you can imagine, it was not an easy task, first because of the subject itself and second, because of our security; but where there is a will, there is a way. So we did it. We lent these experts all the files they needed to seriously analyze the entire story. We gave them some pictures, and once the lightball was moved somewhere else, I took the risk of presenting it to some of these experts. After two months of research, they tried


to present their findings to their different scientific communities. What happened? They were refused, insulted and most of them were even threatened. Some of them were very afraid and left us. All the others were completely lost because of their respective communities’ reactions. We decided to open a forum with the rest of the experts, who would not talk about the lightball, but only about the topics the lightball speaks of. The idea behind the forum was that, what was important was finally not so much the lightball, but the things she says. The story ended more or less in the same way as usual. A number of experts who were writing in this forum were insulted and left after some time because, in spite of the importance of what they had discovered with us, they could not go any further. It was just hopeless. Some other experts who had accepted our invitation to write on the forum, left without ever writing after seeing what had happened to their colleagues.

Arecibo, whom I had been friends with for ages, had already left and returned to live a life “without trouble”. I understood that even for those who had seen the truth, it was impossible to keep a clear memory of the knowledge and the teachings, because their VL was not high enough to face all the troubles and use the knowledge to make their lives better. I do know that most of you will laugh when you read this; it is normal, everybody believes to be free in this dying world of slavery, and nobody needs a higher VL or other bullshit. How could I help you become able to touch the truth? You know, once I was invited to a very important CC meeting. At that time I had not told anybody about the lightball yet. I was thus only invited as a CC expert. We were about 10 experts, and after maybe 10 minutes of conversation, I realized that everybody was saying that CC were probably mostly fakes. I was quite surprised, but when I tried to discuss things further and started to talk about simple facts that nobody could argue about, I understood that nobody had ever been in a real CC. They knew everything they claimed to know from the Internet. Still, they had written books about CC. This is how craziness is spread, claiming to be knowledge. In the end, everybody is mixing things and there is no knowledge anymore. So you see, this is how things become true just through the art of ignoring reality; and afterwards it is easy to let the “delete” key craziness reign everywhere. We saw that the communist “information” system, i.e. non-information, did not work. The system of giving us wrong information is much more efficient. We have been working on spreading the knowledge and information we received for a long time, but it never worked. We have put all our energy into this task and today we think that it was a mistake. I must say that the lightball always let us do what we wanted. She was working on the gampay on her side; with our work, she improved the system to an incredible level, but it is still available to anyone. I will come back to this later on.

We made a very interesting experience with a friend of ours, whom I will call “Sandra”. She is German and she was very interested in the knowledge we have. She is a woman of heart; she reacts strongly when something seems unfair to her in any way. Then she started a job in Audi, and because of this new professional challenge, she decided that she did not want to have anything to do with us anymore, because she needed to concentrate on her work now. She is free so, what could we say? Nothing and that is exactly what we


did. Still, I managed to include her in a little energetic exercise before she announced that she was leaving. Thanks to the special work we did, her VL increased quite a lot. When she left, thanks to her high VL, she was able to see what was really happening at Audi. The first day she spent in her new job, she was told by her boss that she was now an Audianer (which was a German word play on the word Audi and Indian), which meant that she now had to live and breathe the company. When she heard that, instead of swallowing everything she was told, she was able to use her mind and soul and understand what was happening. Now that I am writing these lines, she does not feel so good about her new job; not because of the work but because of the freedom that is stolen from her everyday she enters the company. She came back to us, saying “you gave me so much and you never asked anything in return; Audi is taking everything from me, not giving me anything, in spite of the nice presentation of this company”. She was able to use her VL and her independence to analyze the situation. Do you know what working for Audi means in Germany? It means that you are almost already in heaven. It does not matter for Sandra anymore, because nothing is worth giving up her freedom. She had the strength that nobody ever has, because her mind was reinforced by her VL. Now we understand that we must work mainly on people’s VL. We do not say that we do not try to contact more people, but it is not our main task anymore today. We must help people to become independent from this system, the matrix, the eon.

Let’s now go back to the film “Contact” and the question “how did you survive?”. How could we find a better question today to try and save our poor dying world? Everybody believes that he is not concerned with this question. If extra-terrestrial beings land on our planet, it will be just to let us take some nice pictures of them. Was the scriptwriter of “Contact” cleverer than us to ask aliens who have been travelling in space what they had done to survive? I do not know, but he seems to be the only one to have thought of this intelligent question. Maybe they even have the answer, and maybe it is about time we put it into practice!

Our communication with the lightball was always improving. The practice of fao was for some of my friends also improving and this let them be closer to the lightball. One day, after a very hard training session in the mountains, some of them slept outside. Four of them had a very strange dream. During their short sleep, they saw the lightball in the middle of their group. She was talking to them, saying “when you continue on the path of Light despite there being no hope anymore, that is the moment where you really form your destiny” and gave each of them three new words in fao with the corresponding signs. None of them spoke of this during the workshop, but afterwards the four talked to me and told me exactly the same dream, with the same words given by the lightball. During this workshop, they were not only four but seven, but the three others, who were not so close to the lightball, did not see or dream anything. For them, nothing special had happened; it was just a very hard workshop. I was not with them myself when the lightball talked to them. As soon as they came back, I knew that something had happened with the lightball, but I did not know exactly what. That is why I went to ask them and they told me about their dream. When I saw the lightball afterwards, she confirmed the experience and explained that it was a new step to the gampay. The further we went, the


more my close friends were able to feel the lightball through me on my return from a session with her. Our telepathy as a team was improving every day. Our love and our trust was and is stronger than ever. At the same time, we are much more able today to include new people in this wonderful experience, because we became so different, so strong.

A few months after this experience, the lightball informed me that some people would come and help us improve the gampay a lot. She said that these people would be easy to recognize, because they would each carry a Rune. A few days later, while I was practicing Taï Chi Chuan in a park, three men came to me. Each of them had a Rune. They said that they were there to improve the gampay. We got into a car together and they asked to see the lightball. I wanted to refuse but I felt like trusting them. Because of what I had experienced before with the men in black, I concentrated on the three men and saw that they were completely human. So, as crazy as it might seem, we went to see the lightball. They knew everything, and when we arrived I could see that they were not at all surprised and seemed to have some kind of contact with her. They had a very big bag with them, out of which they took a black box. In fact, it was exactly the same black box than the one we found in Ireland. They told me that it was not the one we had found, but a similar one. They also told me that they were there to take the lightball. I was not surprised. I was in peace. I did not argue. The lightball went into the black box all by herself. As soon as she entered, I was struck by a great power and felt extreme pleasure. I could hear the lightball in my head with such clarity, that I understood at once that I was now the gampay. I heard myself talk to the three men with perfect clarity. I was giving orders to them. I was talking in fao and they understood. When I spoke, or more exactly, when the lightball spoke through me, I knew the origin and the story of these three men. The lightball went back into a black box to get her power back to try and fight against the eon. The work of these men and some others was to help her to do that. When I went back home, I was in peace. The others knew what had happened and they also had a much better contact with the lightball, even if they had not made the same experience as I.

We started to practice together; forming a circle and holding the hands of our partners, we could be used by the lightball as a gampay. Her voice was going from one person to another, giving a message through 6 or 7 people, that could be cut anywhere between two people, but remain perfectly coherent (see appendix 16). We need a minimum of three people to do this. The practice of our discipline also improved a lot because we received an incredible way to work with sticks from the lightball. Some in our group are better than others, but the knowledge is there. The lightball is starting to build a special weapon, a typical weapon used by Pan; it is a kind of very special stick. It is not ready yet, but we are working on it when we have time. Today, through this close connection to the lightball, our life is wonderful, even if a lot of people are afraid of us because we are too different. I assure you that we show nothing, they just feel it and become afraid of our VL and of our power. You can understand now, why we invite everybody to meet the lightball through us; this story does not belong to us, we are just part of it. It belongs to all of humanity. You can verify it by yourselves and form your own opinion of it. Maybe you think this story is going too far, but it is not even ending here; there is a lot more still to come. In the following chapter, I will show you another


aspect of this marvellous story.

Chapter 19

Jules Vernes wrote over eighty novels and in all of them, he has always been an incredible visionary and even made proof of his psychic powers. In all his books, he always described things that were completely crazy for his time. Still, he was right every time. There is only one book, “Journey to the Centre of the World”, for which he was completely wrong, according to everybody; unless he was not… What did he see in this book? He saw people and prehistoric animals living in the centre of the Earth, is that not funny?

With all our practice, we were improving every day. Our VL kept on increasing. Our telepathic connection, our instinct, our harmony, everything was becoming better and better. Our way to be a global gampay was also improving every day and something else was considerably improving too; our control of what we did during the night. Of course, it was still hard to remember correctly, but the control during the night was getting better and better. When your personal VL is high enough, you can really act during your night’s sleep, especially if somebody like me can guide you. When my team could not remember I, explained the part that they had forgotten. My VL was also getting so high that it was getting a little bit too difficult to survive on Earth. I had become a kind of whirl, but this whirl was not adapted to the low vibration level of this planet. Fortunately, among my friends, it was easier for me to survive, but in the crowd of homprenoy (those who take) it was getting more and more difficult to survive each day.

I am a fighter and I remained true to the lightball. I was practicing and fighting everyday to stay alive. It was during a training session in the forest that I made a very special experience. To understand it, you must accept that our human way to perceive the world is indeed extremely limited. If we improve our general cosmic health, more and more things become accessible. Before, when I was reading books like everybody, I had always found it strange that some people were always there when strange things happened, and some others never saw anything in their lives. Now I understand how logical it is. The cosmos has nothing to do with what we have been told it was like to control us. Our planet is a kind of perfect parking lot to rest between two long, cosmic journeys, so, yes, our planet has always been visited regularly.


The cosmos is full of “gates” and our planet is part of this cosmos. We can even find a lot of places on our planet that are extremely interesting. Power points are numerous on Earth, we just have to be open to find out where they are. Over time, we have learnt to use some of them to improve our VL and to contact different powers. When we are different enough to leave our beliefs behind and stop drawing the world according to the picture we have been shown by our masters, we can start opening our inner eyes and see the truth. We have been taught to be lost and arrogant at the same time. Let’s try and be humble and enthusiastic instead. Then, not a long time ago while I was still writing this book, the following thing happened to me:

There was a door in the forest. I was running when I saw three guys dressed as Indians with feathers and so on. When I saw them, I really wondered what they were doing there in the middle of the forest. They were very quiet and, I don’t know… deep, or something. Just when I arrived at their level, I felt a terrible pain in my chest and then everything was white, completely white. There was no ground or sky anymore, nothing but white light everywhere around me. I turned my head to see if the three guys were still there. They were still looking at me. I stopped running. I made a U-turn and went to them. Where are we? What happened? One of them pointed at my chest with his index. I said: So what? You have to fight. I have done that all my lifetime. I’m tired now. Show us. What do you want from me? What’s happening here? Show us your courage. One of the three took off the cloth he was wearing over his shoulder and gave me a stick, while he was holding one himself. Fight, show us that you are one of us. What the hell is going on here? Without answering, the guy made his first strike. I blocked him and we started a long, very long fight. After a very long time, I was exhausted. I was unable to breathe anymore and I had a terrible pain in my chest. You have a lot of courage and a lot of technique. You are very good yourself. You have much to learn. What’s happening? Where are we?


Your chest… You are dead. Come on, death is not like that, I know it. Because you aren’t completely dead yet. You are in a gap between two worlds. Come with us. I looked around, only white light appeared to me. I wanted to go away, but there was no way out. The three men started walking without a word. Then, suddenly, we were facing a kind of energetic door. Without hesitating, the three men went through it. I was alone in this strange white light, so, I decided to follow them, and went through the door. What I saw then was incredible. It was a land of peace and harmony. Some people, who were more or less a mixing between Indians and Japanese, were there. I cannot go back? You have power, you are one of us. What is impossible to one of us? Sure. I think alike. But who are you? We are the future. I don’t understand. I’m dead, aren’t I? Yes and no. Cool, so? Time has frozen. And? You decide. What? The future. I feel something strange, well, the situation is strange obviously, but there’s something else. I feel I know you all. Your world is dying but you know the solution. Teach me what is needed. You have always known, follow me. I did so, and discovered a little village full of love and peace. The atmosphere was very quiet. I could see some people meditating, practicing fighting or doing gymnastics; a lot of others were practicing some concentration exercises. When I went further into the village, I saw some people moving things without touching them. Telekinetic skills! Some others were floating above the floor. It was a little bit like on the other side, when we sleep, but it was also very different. There were also a lot of women practicing the same skills. I don’t know, I felt so well and it was as if I had forgotten all the rest. In the evening, we had a big meeting; everybody was laughing and scarcely dressed. Everybody was muscular and fit. I felt so guilty with my old body and this is where


I saw that I was like them. I was more or less 30 years old and I felt incredibly strong.

I talked with some people as if I had always been there. It seemed that the weird situation didn’t seem weird to me. I had long hair. People were very close and intimate; the evenings were reserved to the power of love. This lasted a long time during the night. In the morning, I was perfectly fit and ready to practice the stick, which we did the biggest part of the day. I was so happy to be free. I stayed there a long time, days, maybe weeks or even months, I don’t know. Everything was so perfect. In the long run, I started to understand where I was. It was a powerful Merkabah of different civilisations. When I tried to figure out if I was dead, and what was happening on Earth since my meeting with my new friends, they gave me the following explanation. We are a vessel above this planet. We can travel anywhere, because we aren’t on the plane of existence anymore that you knew before. Because of who you are, you could join us. In a way, your planet doesn’t exist any more. What? Time doesn’t exist any more. Time has frozen. I don’t understand. Time is a constant. With the energy of Earth yes, but with your energy, no. I want to show you. I knew that the entire village was moving, but I don’t know how I knew that. I was part of the vessel itself, I believe. Suddenly, I could see all around, as if our village was a transparent vessel. I could see the planet I had known. Everything was destroyed. It was all frozen. Everything was burnt and frozen at the same time. Where is humanity? They are all dead, there was massive destruction and nobody survived. When did this happen? 300 years ago. My friends? All dead. We can go where we want. The vessel moved again and the planet was now full of life. The sun was shining. I could see a middle age-like population. They were talking and seemed to be happy. The past, why? Not the past, the future. We are more or less 4000 years after the destruction of the population. I don’t understand, even if they destroyed themselves, how could they be back


only after such a short time? You are not watching well. My glance concentrated more on them and I saw strange pieces of flesh coming out of their jaws, like a kind of very large moustache. They aren’t human, are they? Quite right. You understand perfectly well. It’s a new race for a new harvest, isn’t it? Correct. You don’t want to help them? We cannot, even if we tried, the security system is keeping them under control. What do you mean? They aren’t vibrating quickly enough to see us and of course they cannot understand us. Why could I, then? Because you vibrated quickly enough. Now you are free from time, so you can change whatever you want. Time? Yes, you understand. What is without form can be changed. We were moving once again. I could see where I was living before. This time, it was different. I was invited to go and visit myself. I didn’t know what to do and if I could come back afterwards but I was reassured and I went. I was exactly on the path I was running on before but things were different. Very few people were there and they apparently couldn’t see me. I went to our house, but the house was empty and abandoned. Everything was broken. At the top of the house I found a crying girl, she was maybe 14. She was lying on the floor and was looking at pictures. On those pictures I could see my own face and all the other members of my family. I watched the girl. She was burnt. Her face was almost completely destroyed. She was a real monster. She was so alone and so scared. I wanted to talk to her but she couldn’t hear me. Suddenly, the whole house moved or shook and I could see a lot of people that I hadn’t known before, running into the house and going to those I knew before, asking for help and guidance. Only a part of my friends were there. The atmosphere was horrible. The outside of the house was so strange, like after a war. The house moved again and all my friends were there, and nobody else. Some people were knocking at the door. When my friends opened, a lot of crazy people attacked them. Many of my friends died and I could not do anything to stop it. Then the house moved again and it was the house as I know it now. Xavier was coming back from outside, telling everybody that he had found my body in the forest.


They won’t make it? No, they won’t. Nobody made it. I cannot help them in any way? You aren’t somebody, and time doesn’t exist. I was back in the vessel, surrounded by my new friends. It was a terrible experience for me. I needed time to accept this terrible destiny. For a long time, I stayed in this marvellous Merkabah. I was happy, because perfection reigned. We were living in peace and everybody could “feel” everybody. We were all young and loving each other spiritually and physically. My friends could see that my sorrow for my old friends was endless though. You can go back because your vibrations and your strength allow you that, but do you want to? We don’t know if your friends can really follow you. Will I be able to come back? Yes if you leave your body. You didn’t, you came with your bodies, didn’t you? We were a Merkabah on your planet, you aren’t. What difference does it make? You will need time to rebuild a new body there, but you can do it, you are so powerful. If you decide to go back you’ll have your old body again, but you’ll receive more energy that will come slowly. You must understand, in energy, you are dead, but not in destiny. You can still do a lot if your students are powerful enough and clever enough to create a bridge with us. Time is frozen? Yes, it is. I have plenty of … time? Yes, you have. I need to think about it. We understand. None of us would like to go back down there. I stayed there a long time. I wanted to live in a real Merkabah, just to have more knowledge about it. What could I say? What have I learnt? In this place there wasn’t any laziness, because everybody was excited to move and to enjoy life. I was quite surprised to see such a hunger. I understood that, to be able to stay in this state of eternity, they needed every day to be an important and exceptional day. Love was extremely important as well, a lot of men or women were living fascinating experiences. They always needed a kind of common foundation. They were drawing, playing music, fighting, their way. They were practicing incredible mind control exercises. But the most important thing for them was their tradition.


I was a little surprised, because it seems to me that any kind of tradition is a kind of limitation or even a break. Not at all, our tradition is the key to our Merkabah. I don’t understand? You have to maintain a certain vibration between our world, your planet and the cosmic world and this is maintained through tradition. Isn’t a tradition a kind of limitation that you keep through old stuff? If you stay with just old habits, yes, of course, you are right, but the real tradition of a Merkabah has nothing to do with that. We are talking about vibrations and the only thing we know for that are traditions. I still don’t quite follow you. I would expect something else from you than traditions. It is exactly one of our main reasons for meeting with you. We think that until now, you could not make it because of your lack of tradition. People are leaving everything to enter a Merkabah and they must get something even much stronger to hold on to. More than anything else, it will even be this tradition that will give them the power to be so different. What about free will and personal power? Yes, it’s coming through tradition. I still don’t yet get your point. Easy, my friend, it’s a point that is difficult to catch for you because it’s a path that you didn’t walk yet, because you are different. You aren’t human and you don’t need traditions. You are the light itself, they aren’t, otherwise they wouldn’t need you to reach their goal. If you die, they won’t make it, because they have no structure or traditions to survive. Their freedom should be enough to guide them on their path. Apparently, everything that you experienced before joining us, and what they did afterwards seems to show that you are wrong. You overestimate them on this subject. We have been a Merkabah for a very long moment of your time and we learnt to free our presence from time. We can travel in time and we know everything that can possibly happen. We became free from so many human aspects but we still need traditions if we want to survive and keep a certain speed of vibration, not to be caught up by the destruction of your planet. We must always stay like the flame of a planet shining in your darkness and that is only possible with traditions. I don’t understand. Logical. What have you learnt since we have been together? Love, harmony, pleasure, intensity, strength, and so many other things,


without talking about the time travels. You aren’t human, you knew everything before, because it has always been there with you. Yes, you are right. You forgot the lesson about traditions because you are too high. It’s a default of your very high divine qualities and you must learn only that from us, nothing else. If you do, you’ll be different and your future can be different. With our meeting, your body will be able to survive a little bit but not too long. How long? It will depend on your traditions. It is in them that you will find eternity. Whatever the time, your brothers and sisters will find eternity for the Merkabah in traditions. Remember, only easy things structure a Merkabah. You came here to create your book of traditions. What? It’s the missing tool to your Merkabah and still, you have the highest personal vibrations to create the most wonderful Merkabah. Then we will join and everything will be different, for you but also for us. We will have one time, one destiny, one goal, and we will be one kioshio.

I understood what I had to understand, that is to say, that I’m the only one who can keep the rhythm without music. Everybody else needs music, that is to say a tradition. When I’m dead, without those traditions, my friends will not be able to keep the speed needed to reach the goal. I don’t know if I’ll have enough time, because the world is so ill, its destiny is too negative. I stayed with my friends long enough to understand the true pleasure of a real Merkabah. Some aspects of their life could seem like an aggression to their private life, but I understood that with private life and habits, the ego comes back at once with all its power of destruction and frustration. When we want to keep our personal rhythm, we can only go back to the rhythm of the ego. Now, at the same time, it’s a very hard task for me to try and find the key of evolution, because any tradition could be limiting somebody’s life and even his destiny. I understood that my friends’ lives are already full of traditions, but those from society; so, if you leave somebody free to choose his habits, he cannot choose, he just goes back to what he has been taught by the masters of the world. Today, I know clearly where those masters are leading the world and I know that everything must be tempted against their plans. My friends’ way of living was still respecting their private life, but with a certain limit, so that no bad habits could come back. I know that most of those


people were used to that kind of life but it also happened from time to time that a little group was joining their Merkabah and everything had to be ready for new members. I have to give some ideas of their own traditions because it’s not sure at all that I’ll have enough time to structure and write everything before my end. So even if I don’t have enough time, with this testimony, maybe, my friends will have enough elements to create something by themselves, so that my painful comeback wasn’t for nothing, even if I die quickly. Their life was full of traditions, but theirs were more about martial arts, philosophy and communication. They were using these traditions to have a better control of their life and, of course, to be free. They were using these traditions to be more able to take the right decisions and develop their real free will in a good way. Some of their traditions were still breaking the intimacy we are used to on Earth. They have something holy between them, it’s a kind of telepathy, but even more so, a perfect kioshio. Everybody knows about everybody. Everybody is extremely important and it is this love and interest in everybody that structures the Merkabah. Their traditions are used to stimulate this perpetual love. With the power of the Merkabah, time doesn’t exist and it’s a new positive aspect, because through this, so many things become possible. The concept of eternal love is linked to the fact that time doesn’t exist anymore. From this point of view, I understood that even if our planet is very damaged, it could be possible to change everything. My friends from the Merkabah travel in space too and know the extra-terrestrial beings very well, but at the same time, strangely enough, in spite of belonging to a cosmic brotherhood, they kept their personal traditions, which I wouldn’t have believed before. When I was travelling from the Merkabah to Earth, nobody saw me, or reacted, so I tried to see until where things were already written, because I was visiting all this like a museum. I understood with my studies that it wasn’t exactly like that. It was just a question of energy put into my travels. When I decided to come back on this sad plane of existence, I tried a few experiments and I saw that I could provoke some clear results, not because it was the present time but because I had clearly decided to come back. I played a little and from the Merkabah, I left a few things on my friends’ way from time to time to help you. I could even do it in our present past and there, it’s becoming extremely difficult for us to understand, so, don’t try too much please. I can tell you that before meeting this gap in the forest, I mean, before my little “accident” in the forest, I came back. I wanted to provoke a reaction, but even from there, I couldn’t directly speak to people, but I could provoke some clear reactions. I played with some birds for instance, to provoke an impossible reaction and I could control two birds to come to the window of our bedroom while L was getting up in


the morning. She could see the birds, but she could not see me there with the birds on the window. From this I understood that I could post some messages in time, future and past. It’s very funny. I knew perfectly well that my coming back was very risky, you may not believe me, at least, not enough to change deeply quickly enough, because we don’t have so much time, but it’s time now to plunge into science fiction…

I knew that maybe I won’t have enough time or energy to do what I have to do, but I knew also that through the Merkabah, I could put a few jokes on my friends’ future path, which will allow me to be always there, at least, when it’s very important. I knew also that I might put myself in a situation of vibrations falling down too much so that I cannot go back there afterwards, but it’s possible too that, if I manage things well, I can go back. Maybe, my friends will feel let down, but I swear it won’t be that. From where I’ll be, I’ll be able to help a lot. Now, it’s also possible that my coming back is a complete success and that we leave together and that I can show my friends the way, but just in case, I’ll do my best from now on. Since this experience, I have noticed that even on Earth, I have a better access to certain gaps of time on this planet. I can also tell you that to manifest from the Merkabah, I had better possibilities in the forest where I entered this Merkabah, so I did some jokes at this place, it was easier, and I can tell you that you haven’t discovered everything yet.

Once, I had to leave my friends and go back to hell, the planet you call Earth. I knew I could bring back a real revolution to our house, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to “keep” the wave on earth. I’ll do my best to write this little book of traditions, I hope I’ll have enough time. When I came back, I had to take my old body back, I was lying on the floor and Cuddles was still waiting for me. In fact, I wasn’t even lying down yet, I was just falling. Maybe only one second had passed. I caught my balance and then I stopped running, my heart wasn’t so well for a second. Then I felt better and carried on running. While I was running, I was wondering if it had really happened to me. I needed a little time to make sure. I had prepared a little game with P and J, to make sure that I wasn’t crazy, and that helped me a lot. Since I came back, I’m different on different aspects. Unfortunately I’m not so open to the others today, it’s even worse than before. I live my life very differently, according to what I have done in the Merkabah. I can hide much more than before and I have a better control of time. I know where the world goes, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to give my friends’ everything that I have witnessed. I’ll try. I know that the door is still there, but even I had to break


something from this planet to be able to adapt to this. I’ll go back there, that’s all I want. We die and don’t die. It doesn’t matter, but I could not bear seeing you so stupid that you were dying like rats without being able to reach what I had just experienced. I didn’t want to leave my friends behind without doing something, a last powerful thing. Maybe you will be strong enough to take new traditions?!There’s one point, which is very subtle and quite hard to explain. It’s something that I can catch from time to time and then it goes away. I’ll try and give you the best explanation I can. We can see that through the Merkabah, it’s possible to put different realities together, like different times for instance, but most of them cannot bear to be in contact too closely. So, if you do, one is just dying, disappearing in one second. That’s why, most of the time, you can only create bridges between two realities. That’s why, some people could know the future, but at the same time they could only speak through kind of mysteries. When something is too clear in a certain existence, it could completely destroy another reality. It’s like putting things together in chemistry. As a worker, you can touch whatever you want, but if you put things together that weren’t supposed to be in contact, you provoke a big explosion. From a Merkabah, you can do and see whatever you want, but you cannot reveal some aspects, otherwise you put two worlds together at the same time and with this you could provoke the destruction of one plan of existence. The Merkabah is obviously much more powerful than what I had expected, but its access is maybe a little bit subtler than what you may believe. Traditions are needed to get completely free from the traditions of this planet.

If things go well, I’ll be able to go back there without dying, if I can, I’ll get more information and abilities for our Merkabah. One day, my friends should all be able to visit this wonderful place. Even if I am not there, inquire a little, and everybody will tell you that I stayed there a long time. Our present goal is to do our best so that when we go there, it’s nearly the same than what we were living on Earth, only the future should be different, but not our daily life. There is nothing less wrong than our conception of time and space. Of course, you can guess that my friends were very excited to make the same experience. Unfortunately, I was unable to open a door for them to reach this point. I know I could be able to do it, but I need more energy, that means more people or more time, or both. It is not so far but I cannot do it yet. I decided to use another system and we put together our strengths to reach this level, or sort of, through the nights and my friends’ ability to control more or less well what was happening with their energetic bodies. We have a place where we always meet before doing something together. Everybody was there and even some others. Some belong to our team, some almost belong to our team,


and some not yet, but they will. All this team was there for this intense experience. We went out of the house where we were. There many entities were waiting for us. I am sure that you are going to believe that everything is wonderful on the other side, but it is not. What is happening on Earth is deeply affecting the other side, and vice versa. A lot of people have lost their heart. They were so pretty and marvellous before, but something happened to them, which stole their purity, their youth, their light, their soul.

Many people just looked at us. They were empty, but begging for help with their eyes. Around them were monsters, almost like the trolls in “ The Lord of the Rings”. They were big, powerful, monstrous, pushing their herd to go where they wanted them to go. We were no more than 15 people, but as usual, Xavier started to say:

- Shall we do a little hunting? My astral legs are a little asleep, they need to move a tad.

- OK, but we mustn’t waste too much time. We have something very important to do today.

- Yes, no problem, as Maximus said: “free hell”. - Very funny. I know, this is not what you may have expected from this place, but that is just because you do not have a real picture of it. In this place, our high VL changes us into superior beings who are able to free people who were too weak to protect their freedom. Those entities are extremely afraid of us, because every night our main activity is to destroy a lot of monsters and free a lot of humans. The place where we go is neither hell nor heaven, such places do not exist in reality, but there are energetic places where a lot of bodies go, and they can live things there that are in accordance with their beliefs and with what they have done during the day. For some it could be called heaven, but for most humans today, it is rather called hell. Because we live differently, we have faith and power in this place. It is not a place of illusions, it is more a place of realisation. It is also a crossing between many dimensions. It is possible to meet people there for instance, whom we have not yet met on Earth; what ignorant people would call random, is in fact free will and personal power. I understand that it is not at all what you received as a conception of reality, but that is because you live in the matrix. When you live outside of it, you can really see what is out there, what is orchestrating your life. I am not saying that, like in the film, you are all sleeping in boxes and dreaming your life through the control of a computer, but still, if this existence is real, you are dreaming your life; because when you have the possibility to travel in the dimension of realisation and power, you can observe that most people are completely under control and that they are dreaming or, should I say, nightmaring their life.

After our little astral sports session, we went to a place where I knew we had a very important appointment. It was a field, and right in the middle of it was a CC. Everybody was very surprised because we are not used to see CC in that dimension. I invited everybody to go to the centre where the sign for light was drawn. When all of us were in the middle, a light came from above. We started to change into light. We felt that, in a way, we were ascending. During this ascension, we saw the world. Everything was being destroyed. The planet itself was making war to mankind and


humans were fighting humans. Our channel of light was going down to some places, spots of light on Earth. Those places were linked to our light, to us and to what was calling us. Finally, we could control our presence again; we were somewhere else. It was very hard to figure out where we were. Still, we felt great. The atmosphere was so great, so enjoyable. I saw my friends appearing out of nowhere, my friends from the Merkabah, the half Indians, half Japanese. They were smiling, happy to see me again. Then appeared really tall people, the Asgardians. I knew who they were because I had met them through the lightball. Some other entities appeared afterwards, some were pure extra-terrestrial beings and I was so happy to be able to share, my “world” with my friends. Nobody moved, everybody was happy. Some other entities were completely spiritual, personal guides of each person present. It was as if every positive world was meeting in this place. Then came what they had to say. No one could say who spoke, but we all heard the same. Some of my friends could not remember anything afterwards and some could see things quite clearly, even if they needed some help from me for the details:

- Listen and be in peace. Time, light, and distance are One. You have been taught to have a small life, to keep you out of the real race and your real destiny. There is another one. You are cosmic, you are the cosmos, you are One. Love is the real key of the secret. This love has been stolen from you. You are receiving real love everyday because of your evolution, but the others on your planet are not. They need to touch our presence. They need to touch their inner being. They need to know the miracles they could share altogether. They are afraid because they believe that they have no rights. They are our brothers, how could they have no rights? They are Light. They are One. Each one of you has the power to move a mountain with a single thought. Such is the power you possess. For us, because we are One with the Light, the cosmos is One and therefore small. It is just a cell of something much more… interesting. Do not believe, be! Beliefs are always based on your mind, which has been programmed by the dragons The only way to truly live is to be One. What is One? Everything you cannot imagine. How could you imagine something that is infinite, when you have only been allowed a small glimpse at the cosmos until now? Throw a stone and ask it to discover everything during its short flight. Find a way to stay in the air forever. When a heart is free, it stays in the air forever. It is the only realistic point of view. The flame you can see in the eyes of your brothers is the only way right now for you to see the true essence of the cosmos and of what you really are. You are a flame. You are angels. You are not snails with a big ego shield on your back. Does a snail fly? You are so much more than just slime. You are more than this shell or this ego. You are birds. You are angels. You are phoenixes. Can you explain that to the others?

- How? - Don’t be afraid of who you are. You have so much power of love within

yourselves. You can do anything with this love. This love is light and this light is you, us, the cosmos. Don’t believe in the fears of the others. Don’t


believe in their sadness. Free them. - I swear, we try so hard; how can we succeed? - You can feel our brotherhood now. You can feel our love. We created the

lightball to let you access and transmit this to everyone. Free their love. Free their bodies. Free their hopes of living freely. Show them the power to live adventures in the cosmos, as One. Pull them, so that they can join us as you are joining us now. See that even you must learn to open your soul to something bigger.

- What do you mean?

The light everywhere started to shine even stronger. Then I knew the impossible. My friends from Earth looked at me, smiling. They knew too. I started to cry and to refuse. The light got even stronger. All my friends from Earth came around us, came to me and started to hug me, all of them. Then I woke up in my bed, sweating. Now I know that I was unable to see the measure of the truth. Even when we believe to be free, it is still only a belief. Only the radiance of the light is a door to the complete truth. Today I know why marvellous children become such ugly adults, but I know now that it is possible for everyone to get his personal power back and become Peter Pan, a marvellous child, Light, One with the cosmos. Of course, I would not be very coherent if I was not inviting you to meet us on the Internet or even much better, in the real world. I will write a last chapter where I will answer most of your questions to clarify this book as much as I can. In this last chapter, I invite anybody who knows our story, to testify. Like that, you will have a last chapter where you get more information from my answers and from the testimonies of my friends. Of course, you can always contact me on the web, and you can always visit us, wherever we are. The aim is to teach everybody to get the control of his life back, and to create a Merkabah and be in closer contact with the lightball and the aliens. Our world belongs to us, and that means that we are responsible for our children, for the animals, for the planet itself and for our brothers, the whirlers.

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