project4 nathanelrod

Post on 09-Jul-2015






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Hello there, if you are reading this you have stumbled onto a chronicle of the most amazing and most dangerous

of my adventures. My true name is of no consequence but you would almost certainly know the name of my alias. I was

known as the Shadow Fox, the famous cat burglar and art thief. I was known the world over as an uncatchable thief who had

stolen over 1000 of the world’s most valuable art works over the span of my adventures. This is obviously an exaggeration,

media hyperbole to boost ratings, but it helped to grow the legend. The tale recorded here however is entirely the truth.

On June 18th 2023, I received an anonymous message that I have attached below.

Shadow Fox, I am in need of your special expertise in acquiring a few items. Negotiation will be unnecessary however

as you will be performing this service and any others for free. Attached is a list of your targets and your incentive. I will be in touch.

Your new director.

The message came attached to two files. One was the aforementioned list, and the other was a file containing my

real name, address, and a picture of my face. I had no choice. This anonymous messenger knew who I was and how to get to

me and if I didn’t cooperate, I would find myself in a jail cell. I looked at the first item on the list, a relatively incons picuous

painting being held at a museum in France. My target set, I proceeded to the first step in my heist method, preparation. In

order to prepare, I always visit a targeted museum during the day disguised as a civilian visitor. The next morning I made

my way to the museum.

Go to Museum





Secondary targets

Choose Two

Under the guise of art admiration, I checked the museum for the presence of security

cameras. Upon scrutiny I found cameras in various rooms and hallways throughout the museum. My

suspicion verified I made my way to the security office. A guard came to the door and looked at me

intently. In strained English he asked “Can I help you?” I told him in French that there was a suspicious

person lurking around one of the emergency exits. He gave a surprised look then rushed out of the

doorway and down the hall in the direction I indicated. I used this opportunity to slip into the security

room and find the system that controlled the cameras. I placed a timed EMP device onto the back of the

machine and left before the guard returned. The cameras wouldn’t be a problem now.

(If first choice) (If second choice)

I spent some time walking the museum while paying close attention to guard

positions and patrol routes. After studying these things over the entire museum, I had detailed

notes on the guard habits to use on my next visit.

(If first choice) (If second choice)

Under the guise of art admiration, I checked the museum for the presence of alarm detection

lasers. Upon scrutiny I found laser emitters in various sections of wall and ceiling. My suspicion verified I

made my way to the security office. A guard came to the door and looked at me intently. In strained English he

asked “Can I help you?” I told him in French that there were children vandalizing the bathrooms. Before my

sentence was even finished he rushed out of the doorway and down the hall. I used this opportunity to slip into

the security room and find the system that controlled the lasers. I placed a timed EMP device onto the back of

the machine and left before the guard returned. The lasers wouldn’t be a problem now.

(If first choice) (If second choice)

I made a quick lap around the museum, paying attention to anywhere that might make a good

entrance for my next visit. I came across a window leading onto the roof and decided on that. Rigging the

lock to stay open was a simple matter of picking a lock. I left it closed and made a note for my return.

(If first choice) (If second choice)

I walked around the museum for a short time looking at the various art works.

Without bringing attention to myself, I blended into a tour group and followed them as they

browsed a few paintings. The tour guide graciously pointed out one or two particularly

expensive pieces for me to remember when I come back.

(If first choice) (If second choice)

Left Path (If one of your choices was cameras)

Right Path (If one of your choices was guards)

Straight Path (If one of your choices was lasers)

Upstairs (If one of your choices was 2nd targets)

Window Entrance (If one of your choices was entrance)

Choose One

I chose to take the path. I moved through the hallways and rooms as silently as I could. I made sure to watch for

any guards or lasers until I found my way to my target. I hid against the wall and peered into the room ahead. In the room

was the target painting guarded by two guards and a set of lasers. I knocked on the wall to get the guard’s attention. They

jumped in surprise and argued frantically until they decided who would investigate. One of the guards walked toward the

sound and out into the hallway. I grabbed him and pushed him onto the wall. I put my hand over his mouth to muffle the

sound and shot him with a tranquilizer dart from my wrist. I waited for it to take effect and let the guard slump to the

ground. I peeked over the wall and saw the other guard coming to check on the first. I had to think fast, I aimed at the guar d

and at the moment I fired he noticed me. The dart took effect just as the guard was letting out a yell. He fell to the floor and

I walked into the room. I walked up to the lasers and decided how to get past them. I made my decision and………

Place an EMP tag near the emitters Break the laser with a mirror

I chose to take the path. I moved through the hallways and rooms as silently as I could. I knew where the guards

would be and effortlessly avoided them. I made sure to watch for any cameras or lasers until I found my way to my target. I

hid against the wall and peered into the room ahead. In the room was the target painting guarded by two guards and a set

of lasers. I knocked on the wall to get the guard’s attention. They jumped in surprise and argued frantically until they

decided who would investigate. One of the guards walked toward the sound and out into the hallway. I grabbed him and

pushed him onto the wall. I put my hand over his mouth to muffle the sound and shot him with a tranquilizer dart from my

wrist. I waited for it to take effect and let the guard slump to the ground. I peeked over the wall and saw the other guard

coming to check on the first. I had to think fast, I aimed at the guard and at the moment I fired he noticed me. The dart too k

effect just as the guard was letting out a yell. He fell to the floor and I walked into the room. I walked up to the lasers a nd

decided how to get past them. I made my decision and………

Place an EMP tag near the emitters Break the laser with a mirror

I chose to take the path. I moved through the hallways and rooms as silently as I could. I made sure to watch for

any guards or cameras until I found my way to my target. I hid against the wall and peered into the room ahead. In the room

was the target painting guarded by two guards and a security camera. I knocked on the wall to get the guard’s attention.

They jumped in surprise and argued frantically until they decided who would investigate. One of the guards walked toward

the sound and out into the hallway. I grabbed him and pushed him onto the wall. I put my hand over his mouth to muffle the

sound and shot him with a tranquilizer dart from my wrist. I waited for it to take effect and let the guard slump to the

ground. I peeked over the wall and saw the other guard coming to check on the first. I had to think fast, I aimed at the guar d

and at the moment I fired he noticed me. The dart took effect just as the guard was letting out a yell. He fell to the floor and

I walked into the room. I made sure to avoid the gaze of the camera but I had to decide who to get rid of it. I made my

choice and………

Place EMP tag on the camera Shoot it with nearby guard’s gun

I came in through the window I had left unlocked. The entrance I chose was very close to the target and I got

there without any trouble. I hid against the wall and peered into the room ahead. In the room was the target painting

guarded by two guards and a set of lasers. I knocked on the wall to get the guard’s attention. They jumped in surprise and

argued frantically until they decided who would investigate. One of the guards walked toward the sound and out into the

hallway. I grabbed him and pushed him onto the wall. I put my hand over his mouth to muffle the sound and shot him with a

tranquilizer dart from my wrist. I waited for it to take effect and let the guard slump to the ground. I peeked over the wall

and saw the other guard coming to check on the first. I had to think fast, I aimed at the guard and at the moment I fired he

noticed me. The dart took effect just as the guard was letting out a yell. He fell to the floor and I walked into the room. I

walked up to the lasers and decided how to get past them. I made my decision and………

Place an EMP tag near the emitters Break the laser with a mirror

I chose to take the path. I moved through the hallways and rooms as silently as I could. As I went through the

museum I found the secondary targets I had made notes of earlier. It was an easy enough task to grab these art works and

I switched my attention to my main objective. I made sure to watch for any guards or lasers until I found my way to my

target. I hid against the wall and peered into the room ahead. In the room was the target painting guarded by two guards

and a set of lasers. I knocked on the wall to get the guard’s attention. They jumped in surprise and argued frantically until

they decided who would investigate. One of the guards walked toward the sound and out into the hallway. I grabbed him and

pushed him onto the wall. I put my hand over his mouth to muffle the sound and shot him with a tranquilizer dart from my

wrist. I waited for it to take effect and let the guard slump to the ground. I peeked over the wall and saw the other guard

coming to check on the first. I had to think fast, I aimed at the guard and at the moment I fired he noticed me. The dart too k

effect just as the guard was letting out a yell. He fell to the floor and I walked into the room. I walked up to the lasers a nd

decided how to get past them. I made my decision and………

Place an EMP tag near the emitters Break the laser with a mirror

I successfully deactivated my obstacle and walked up to the target. I took out a small knife and cut the painting

out of the frame. I rolled the painting up and put it into one of the cylinder holsters around my waist. It was still too ear ly to

let my guard down so I prepared to make my escape. I went back through the route I came being as quiet as possible, still

being careful to avoid any potential dangers. I made it out of the museum without any snags, another flawless heist to grow

my legend. I made it back to my hideout and took out the painting. I placed it in a frame of plexi -glass to keep it from being

damaged. Another message from my anonymous director was waiting for me. It gave directions on where to send my ill

gotten gain and a mocking congratulation. I looked over the painting intently, there had to be a clue in it towards my

director’s identity. I found the artist’s signature and a thought struck me. I checked over the list of targets that was sent to

me and realized they were all from the same artist. There was someone out there who would benefit greatly from having

this artist’s completed collection………but who?

I made a bad call and the alarm sounded throughout the entire museum. Before I could move to leave the room

all of the exits were blocked with guards. I got down on my knees with my hands in the air and three guards ran up to me

with pistols drawn. I frantically dropped a smoke pellet and the room filled up with a dense, white smoke. The guards

shouted and a few fired in the last direction I was seen in. They stopped firing in fear of hitting their comrades and I took

the opportunity to run towards the window. I jumped out and landed on the ground below. I used the following chaos to

escape and made my way back to my hideout. I decided I would have to move on to the next item on the list as the guards at

this museum would be expecting me for quite some time.

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