project advisory, development management and implementa on

Post on 05-Jan-2022






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Project advisory, development management and implementa on professional services network

Hands‐on solu ons from skilled project finance & property development prac oners

J Maynard is a network of companies with representa on in Africa and the United

Kingdom bringing together project advisory and development management

professionals with significant mul ‐disciplinary skills and experience.

The J Maynard network’s member firms adopt a hands‐on solu ons orientated

approach to providing services to their clients that is orientated around the

iden fica on, management and mi ga on of project risks.

The J Maynard network includes the following organisa ons: United Kingdom | J Maynard Ltd South Africa | J Maynard (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd J Maynard Development Management (Pty) Ltd Africa | J Maynard (Africa) Ltd (Mauri us)

J Maynard Ltd is owned 50% by G5 Specialised Finance (Pty) Ltd, 25% by John Fitzpatrick and 25% by the VADO Group (UK)

J Maynard (South Africa) is a Level 4 BEE Contributor with 40% black ownership with the remaining 60% shareholding held by G5 Specialised Finance

J Maynard Development Management, a 50:50 joint venture between G5 Specialised Finance and Morgan Creek Construc on (Pty) Ltd.

J Maynard (Africa) Ltd, a 75:25 joint venture between G5 Specialised Finance and Dreyer Project Dynamics (Pty) Limited


The J Maynard network member firms have long‐standing and strong working

rela onships with prominent mul ‐disciplinary interna onal engineering firms, legal

firms, and sector experts with whom they have successfully collaborated on various

development and infrastructure projects.

The J Maynard network’s professionals are skilled project finance and property

development prac oners with professional financial, actuarial science/ applied

mathema cs, engineering or legal backgrounds with many years’ experience in PPP

projects, infrastructure projects, project finance transac ons and commercial property

developments working as part of and managing mul ‐disciplinary project teams.

The key individuals forming part of the J Maynard team include:

Garth Denny Wynand Dreyer John Fitzpatrick (UK) Mike Fitzpatrick Paul Jarvis (UK) Darron Johnson Mark Johnson Gary Lloyd Leonard Makhanda Dumisani Muhlwa Mike Norman John Samuel Paul Wroblicki

D M P M S :

Turnkey development solu on covering due diligence, planning, design co‐

ordina on, financial modelling, leasing co‐ordina on, contract dra ing, &

review & management of commercial & retail property developments;

Construc on & site project management, development economics

monitoring & repor ng, commissioning and handover


Due diligence;

Transac on monitoring (development & opera ons phase)

Contract management

Financial model repor ng



Due diligence & review of current prac ces;

Planning, development & procurement of FM Services against interna onal

best prac ce;

Monitoring & review of mobilisa on, readiness and ongoing opera ons;

Performance monitoring & repor ng against service level agreements;

FM & O&M contract management services;


Lead transac on advisor & financial advisor services to government & public

en es

PPP feasibility studies

PPP procurement processes

PPP contract management services

PPP unit support services


Financial modelling;

Structuring & raising limited recourse funding;

Nego a ons;

Bid coordina on & prepara on.

Integrated project advisory, development management & implementa on solu ons

Solu on‐orientated professional services for your development needs

Development Management & Project Management Services

Ver cally







J Maynard’s property development team has an established track record of performance

with a number of major na onal retailers & with various property investors and

comprises a comprehensive suite of professional skills and experience encompassing:

Engineering; Construc on & construc on management; Project management; Financial modelling & feasibility assessments; Debt and equity fundraising; Commercial law; Financial accoun ng; and Le ng and marke ng 

The Development management and project management services offering comprises the


Full site due diligence for vacant & as‐built sites with retail development in place :

Physical inspec on & recording, checking of physical access, levels, drainage &

servitudes, engineering considera on, condi on assessments etc.

Land/legal (land tle assessment (endorsements, interdicts, notarial deeds,

restric ve covenants, liens, leases & mortgages) & review of applicable

contracts & required contractual framework)

Town Planning legisla on rules & schemes

Technical Services (architect, geotechnical, environmental, survey, traffic,

U li es (power water & sewage) quan ty surveying & general cos ng, etc).

Financial feasibility modelling (return analysis, debt serviceability & coverage).

Tenant mix & insights from na onal tenants/ retailers

Building maintenance & upkeep

Risk matrices—risk iden fica on & mi ga on

Development Management & Project Management Services

Team’s selected project experience

Umlazi Mega City Shopping Centre Development

Philani Valley Retail Centre Development

Mata ele Pick n’ Pay Centre Development

Ngqaleni Spar Development

Howick Boxer Centre Development

Port Edward Shopping Centre Acquisi on

Edendale Mega City Development Feasibility


Le ng & centre management:

Management of all leasing func ons including sourcing of tenants; nego a ng &

dra ing of tailor made leases aimed at op mising revenue from the development

in order to maximize returns

Centre/Facility Management: maintenance management; administra on, billing, &

recoveries; financial repor ng & performance forecas ng; etc. J Maynard uses the

MDA property management system;

Acquisi on, assessment & recommenda on of appropriate insurance;

Integrated development, building & construc on management bridging the gap

between investor/ lender and developer:

Management & co‐ordina on of design & cos ng func ons aimed at maximum

cost efficiencies to promote best returns;

Assessment, prepara on nego a on & dra ing of full contractual frameworks

Monitoring and co‐ordina on of planning approval processes;

Full construc on site project management & financial performance & construc on

cost monitoring;

Tenant co‐ordina on services;

Procurement of important cer fica on per nent to construc on comple on &

occupa on.

Opera onal readiness (co‐ordina on of warran es & warranty cessions for

opera ng equipment & materials; opera ng manuals; as‐built drawings, etc.)

Management of building maintenance;

Customised repor ng during pre‐development, construc on & opera ons phases

and yield variance analysis to support decision making

Structuring and raising of required debt & equity funding based on tradi onal property

finance and project finance‐based principles supported by detailed financial modelling

and forecas ng which is fully integrated into the development management service.

Investor Advisory Services

J Maynard’s investor advisory team comprises professionals with financial and

engineering qualifica ons who have significant experience in full project lifecycle from

feasibility, construc on , commissioning and opera ons which they bring to bear in

providing advisory, review and monitoring services to investors and financiers to support

their investments or funding transac ons.

The team has experience in the following sectors:

Transport (toll roads, airports, ports, rail, BRT) Power Accommoda on (buildings, hospitals) Water

Integrated technical & financial investor advisory services

Investor Advisory Services


The investor advisory service offering comprises the following:

Due diligence & project review services for infrastructure & property projects covering: Defining & managing the due diligence process to meet client defined terms of

reference & procurement and management of suitable external expert advisors as required;

Review of planning & land legal issues, contractual framework review & risk assessments

Technical assessments Financial assessments (investment decision support, op ons analyses, DCF

valua on, debt funding and refinancing assessments, etc.) Transac on monitoring during the development & opera ons stage:

Monitoring of compliance with contractual commitments (lender & investor covenants & undertakings);

Performance progress, financial performance & cost monitoring; Contract management support:

Development of contract management plans & systems; Implementa on of contract management plans & systems; Management support to clients to comply with contractual obliga ons

Financial model repor ng: Development, maintenance & upda ng of financial models to support debt

finance repor ng obliga ons; Prepara on of lenders/ investors reports covering ra o analysis, budget/ forecast

vs actual performance 

Mauri us Road Development Authority Toll Road PPP — contract management support

Chapman’s Peak Toll Road — financial modelling and quarterly lenders reports

SA Department of Basic Educa on PPP — contract management support

SA Department of Environmental Affairs PPP — contract management support

Due diligence for investors into a poten al

Maputo fuel pipeline project

Port Edward Shopping Centre due diligence for purchasers

KwaNobuhle Shopping Centre due diligence for poten al purchaser

Cape Point Funicular Railway and Tourist Facili es ‐ Project development, concession contracts, financing, design and construc on, opera on & maintenance aspects

Team’s selected project experience

The Facili es Management advisory team comprises SAFMA Accredited Facili es

Professionals (AFP) and Professional Engineers with hands on facili es management and

infrastructure management experience. The team has many years experience in advising

the development of appropriate facili es, infrastructure, strategies and management

plans that have been tailored to suit the opera ng requirements of our clients.

The FM and Infrastructure Management advisory services is geared to provide the

following benefits:

Reliable and independent advice from experienced professionals Efficient and effec ve management of FM services Consistent and appropriate levels of service Iden fica on and management of FM cost drivers Op misa on of the FM organiza on Asset value preserva on and enhancement Op misa on of the asset lifecycle Iden fica on and minimiza on of corporate ins tu onal risk Management and alloca on of risk between the user and the Service Provider Op miza on of service delivery

Facili es Management & Infrastructure Management Consul ng Services

Facili es Asset preserva on enhances the Balance Sheet

Facili es impact staff produc vity

FM service failure is a business risk


Development of the Service Level Agreement for the outsourcing of Facili es Management Services at the Parliamentary Estates in Cape Town for the Na onal Department of Public Works;

Review of the Facili es Management Structure for SAA & proposing a structure of service delivery to reduce the Ins tu onal risk while managing costs & improving service delivery;

Facili es Management service review for Tenova

Public Administra on Leadership & Management Academy ‐ Outsourced FM procurement by tender

Motseng FM ‐ Mentoring of Por olio Director at government pres ge accommoda on, condi on surveys, health & safety implementa on

Sta on Management MyCiTi Integrated Rapid Transit Contract

The facili es management & infrastructure management consul ng service offering

provides project and asset specific services tailored to meet client objec ves and covers the

following broad services:

Strategic Facili es Management Facili es and services planning Feasibility prepara on and op on assessment Facili es Management review and services op miza on Reviewing and or prepara on of FM processes, policies, procedures, procurement

documenta on for outsourcing, Service level agreement dra ing and bid response evalua on

Services delivery performance monitoring and review Programmed and reac ve maintenance planning and monitoring Work place audits The workplace experience Health and Safety review of facili es Disabled access facili es review Lifecycle cost es ma ng and benchmarking Due diligence and review of current prac ces Planning, development & procurement of FM Services against interna onal best

prac ce; 

Facili es Management & Infrastructure Management Consul ng Services

Team’s selected project experience

Public Private Partnership Transac on Services

J Maynard’s PPP transac on advisory team comprises professions with financial and

engineering qualifica ons who understand the Government procurement context and

impera ves and how to align these into a project feasibility study and procurement that

is commercially acceptable to the private sector developers and has an appropriate risk

profile for government. J Maynard’s advisors dis nguish themselves in their ability to

manage and achieve integra on of the services of sector and skill specialized advisors to

provide a seamless advisory solu on.

The team has experience in the following sectors:

Transport (toll roads, airports, ports, rail, BRT) Power Accommoda on (buildings, hospitals) Water ICT



services in

the public




SA Department of Energy —Renewable Energy & Base load IPP Programs: Project management & financial advisory;

Mauri us Road Development Authority — Toll Road PPP: Lead Transac on Advisor & Financial Advisor

SA Department of Rural Development & Land Reform—Head Office PPP: Lead Transac on Advisor & Financial Advisor

SA Department of Interna onal Rela ons & Coopera on—Head Office PPP: Lead Transac on Advisor & Financial Advisor

The PPP transac on services offering comprises the following services:

Lead Transac on Advisory Services: Management and co‐ordina on of advisory teams to provide the client with a

single point of contact; PPP Feasibility Studies PPP procurement processes (documenta on development, evalua on/ bid review

and repor ng, and nego a ons—in conjunc on with other legal and technical advisors)

Nego a ons PPP Policy development

Financial Advisory Services: Prepara on of Public Sector Comparators and PPP Reference models

Risk matrices—risk iden fica on, valua on and probability analysis Affordability and value for money analyses Development of financial specific project documents (payment mechanisms,

termina on regimes, refinancing provisions, insurance requirements, etc.) Evalua on and review of financial models and financial proposal submissions Nego a on of financial aspects of project documenta on and financing

agreements Fiscal con ngent liability repor ng

Public Private Partnership Transac on Services

Team’s selected project experience

Project Finance Advisory Services


centric client


approach to


J Maynard’s project finance advisory team comprises professionals with financial

and engineering qualifica ons who have significant experience in the

development, nego a on and implementa on of limited recourse financing

structures. J Maynard follows a structured approach to the provision of its

project finance services that is project‐centric and oriented around the

iden fica on of key risks for the client and the project and the development of

appropriate mi ga ons measures in conjunc on with the client and other

project team members.

The team has experience in the following sectors:

Transport (toll roads, airports, ports, rail, BRT) Power Accommoda on (buildings, hospitals) Water

Project Finance Advisory Services


J Maynard’s project finance advisory services extend beyond the tradi onal financial

focus incorpora ng an understanding of technical and legal issues that impact on the

overall commercial solu on which are cri cal to the development of appropriate

financing structures and solu ons. The project finance service offering comprises:

Commercial project management of transac ons including: Co‐ordina on of project teams and other professional advisors to achieve client

required outcomes; liaison and repor ng to client principals on project progress, key issues and

outcomes; Bid management and bid response coordina on; Nego a ons

Financial Modelling: Limited recourse finance based financial models; PPP financial models; Tariff modelling; Sensi vity analyses and scenario analysis

Finance Raising and Structuring: Engagement with lenders to nego ate and structure financing; Review, mark up and nego a on of financing agreements and project

documenta on; Engagement with financial investors to nego ate and structure financing

Chapman’s Peak Toll Road

Priva sa on of South African State Forests (Eastern Cape South)

Namport Walvis Bay Container Terminal Expansion

Riversdale Mine logis cs op ons

Thuo gaming route operator license bid (Mpumalanga & Gauteng, SA)

Sydney airport priva sa on

Team’s selected project experience

Integrated financial legal and technical advisory &

management services tailored to meet your

infrastructure & property development requirements

from prefeasibility through to opera ons phases

Durban: 1st Floor, The Viewz 11 The Boulevard Westway Office Park Westville 3629

Johannesburg: 13 Morningfields 2 Arum Avenue Morningside Gardens 2196

United Kingdom: 145‐157 St John St

London EC1N4PW

Mauri us: The AX1S

26 Cybercity Ebene

Tel: +27 31 265 2899 | Fax: + 27 86 660 1942 | www.j‐ | Info@j‐

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