program services and childhood health committee meeting … · 2017. 8. 27. · imran ali bevone...

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Program Services and Childhood Health Committee Meeting Transcript

November 3, 2016

Page 1



The Children's Trust Program Services and Childhood

Health Committee Meeting was held on Thursday, November

3, 2016, commencing at 3:32 p.m., at 3250 S.W. 3rd

Avenue, The United Way, Ryder Room, Miami, Florida

33129. The meeting was called to order by Pamela

Hollingsworth, Acting Chair.

Committee Members

Pamela Hollingsworth, Early Learning Coalition Claudia Grillo, United Way of Miami-Dade Dr. Miguel Balsera, Gubernatorial Appointee Marissa Leichter, Gubernatorial Appointee Dr. Daniel Bagner, Florida International University Dr. Rodester Brandon, At-Large Board Member Commissioner Daniella Levine-Cava, Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners Marta Perez Wurtz, Miami-Dade County Public Schools Karen Weller, Miami-Dade County Health Department Shanika Graves, Assistant County Attorney Leigh Kobrinski, Assistant County Attorney


James Haj, President/Chief Executive Officer

Imran Ali

Bevone Ritchie

Dalia Garcia

Diana Ragbeer

Donovan Lee-Sin

Page 2

1 STAFF (continued):

2 Glenny Reynoso

3 John Ise

4 Josefina Greene

5 Juana Leon

6 Juliette Fabien

7 Kathleen Dexter

8 Lori Hanson

9 Muriel Jeanty, Clerk of the Board

10 Rachel Spector

11 Stephanie Sylvestre

12 Vivianne Bohorques

13 William Kirtland



16 Susana Velez

17 Myrna Charlton

18 Lynne Katz

19 Dacia SSteinek

20 Myra Brown

21 Paulette Pfeiffer

22 Edward G. Robinson

23 Katie Hart

24 Fiorella A. Christie

25 Dana Pezoldt

Page 3

1 GUESTS (continued):

2 Kathleen Vergara

3 Laura Secord

4 Marta Viciedo

5 Maria Carvalho

6 Sharon Langer

7 Deborah Dietz

8 Mary Soares

9 Kele Stewart

10 Brian Ritchey

11 Makeesha Coleman

12 Enid C. Pinkney

13 Leyla Martorella

14 Michael Spring

15 Helene Good

16 Rebecca Shearer

17 Betty Alonso

18 Constance Collins

19 Fred Stock







Page 4


2 (Recording of the meeting began at 3:32

3 p.m.)

4 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Welcome to the Program

5 Services & Childhood Health Committee meeting. I'm

6 calling the meeting to order. Let's begin with public


8 MR. HAJ: Muriel, any public comments?

9 MS. JEANTY: No public comments.

10 MR. HAJ: All right. Good afternoon,

11 everybody. As many of you are aware, Manoucheka has

12 left the Board and Laurie Nuell, our chair, has

13 appointed Ms. Hollingsworth to be the vice-chair of

14 Programs, so congratulations, welcome, and Pam will be

15 leading the meeting this afternoon.

16 (WHEREUPON, there was applause from all in

17 attendance.)

18 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: And again, good

19 afternoon. Moving on to the approval of the minutes

20 from our last meeting. We do have quorum.

21 Do I have a motion to approve?

22 MR. BRANDON: So moved, Brandon.


24 DR. BAGNER: Second, Bagner.

25 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Minutes are approved.

Page 5

1 MR. HAJ: Vote for the minutes.

2 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: A vote to approve the

3 minutes. All in favor?

4 (WHEREUPON, the Board members all responded

5 with "aye".)




9 MR. HAJ: Okay. Resolution 2017-A,

10 authorization to negotiate and execute contracts with

11 eight providers listed below for high-quality, full-day

12 summer programs for children from birth to age five who

13 receive academic school-year services due to the

14 Individuals with Disabilities Act, Part-B or Part-C, in

15 Miami-Dade County, each for a term of six months

16 commencing March 1st, 2017 and ending August 31st, 2017,

17 with one possible renewal, in a total amount not to

18 exceed $1,456,563.00, subject to approval for form and

19 legal sufficiency.

20 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Motion to approve?

21 MS. LEICHTER: Leichter, move.

22 MR. BRANDON: Second, Brandon.


24 DR. BAGNER: Bagner.

25 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Moving into discussion.

Page 6


2 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Moving then to a vote.

3 All in favor, say "aye".

4 (WHEREUPON, the Board members all responded

5 with "aye".)



8 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Resolution carries.

9 MR. HAJ: Resolution 2017-B, authorization

10 to increase the contract with Miami-Dade County

11 Department of Cultural Affairs for $250,000.00 for arts

12 and science summer programs and programs for children

13 with disabilities, for a term of 12 months commencing

14 October 1st, 2016 and ending September 30th, 2017, and a

15 new total amount not to exceed $1,245,328.00, subject to

16 approval for form and legal sufficiency.

17 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Motion to approve?

18 MR. BRANDON: So moved, Brandon.


20 MS. LEICHTER: Second, Leichter.



23 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Moving onto the vote.

24 Pardon me, open for discussion.


Page 7

1 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Moving on to a vote.

2 All in favor, say "aye".

3 (WHEREUPON, the Board members all responded

4 with "aye".)



7 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Resolution carries.

8 MR. HAJ: Resolution 2017-C, authorization

9 to negotiate and execute a one-year contract with

10 Reading and Math, Inc., for a local funding match to a

11 federal grant for the Florida Reading Corps program, to

12 provide targeted literacy instructions in 30 early

13 childhood classrooms, in a total amount not to exceed

14 $50,000.00, subject to approval for form and legal

15 sufficiency.

16 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Motion to approve?

17 MS. GRILLO: Grillo, so moved.


19 MS. LEICHTER: Leichter, second.



22 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Discussion?


24 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Moving on to a vote.

25 All in favor, say "aye".

Page 8

1 (WHEREUPON, the Board members all responded

2 with "aye".)



5 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Resolution carries.

6 MR. HAJ: Resolution 2017-D, authorization

7 to negotiate and execute a one-year contract with the

8 University of Miami Linda Ray Intervention Center, for a

9 local funding match to a federal Title 4E grant, for a

10 term of 12 months commencing December 1st, 2016 and

11 ending November 30th, 2017, in the amount of $46,351.00,

12 subject to approval for form and legal sufficiency.

13 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Motion to approve?

14 MR. BRANDON: So moved, Brandon.


16 MS. GRILLO: Grillo.



19 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Discussion?


21 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Moving on to a vote.

22 All those in favor, say "aye".

23 (WHEREUPON, the Board members all responded

24 with "aye".)


Page 9


2 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Resolution carries.

3 Jim, I think we had a presentation.

4 MR. HAJ: Yes. If I may, the next two

5 resolutions tie into early childhood. And Lori, if you

6 can tee this up before we go into the two resolutions.

7 DR. HANSON: Sure. We gave, in hard copy to

8 the Board members, the summary -- the early childhood

9 work group summary that was given out at the Board

10 retreat last August.

11 Last year, when several of the Quality

12 Counts resolutions were coming through committee, there

13 were many questions that were looking at more deeply

14 understanding the initiative and the impact of the

15 different components that we were funding and passing on

16 early childhood development and on children.

17 And also, we had some more general

18 discussion at that time about the overall proportion of

19 investment in early childhood and whether it should be

20 greater than the current approximately one-third of the

21 total budget.

22 And so given both of those discussions, our

23 Board chair created an ad-hoc work group that met during

24 the summer for more than 10 hours of work group

25 meetings.

Page 10

1 You have there -- the five work group

2 members are all members of this committee, and our Board

3 chair also attended those meetings. We had a number of

4 experts' presentations and invited work group members

5 from different early childhood systems that are listed

6 on that sheet to really focus on the goals of

7 understanding early childhood better and in particular,

8 the Trust's early childhood investments.

9 And if you turn the sheet over, then you'll

10 see kind of the overarching recommendations that came

11 out of the work group. One of the things that they

12 really took away from some of their work was the

13 critical importance of really learning through formal

14 research and evaluation about what's working and what's

15 not working, and piloting and really testing our

16 investments that we're making.

17 And they felt that we were under-invested in

18 that area in terms of early childhood portfolios. And

19 so they framed their overarching recommendation as the

20 one that you see here to implement a robust early

21 childhood research and evaluation agenda.

22 And then below that, there are some more

23 specific recommendations that came from the work group.

24 The next two resolutions before you are

25 connected to these recommendations that are there. The

Page 11

1 first one is related to more formal external evaluation

2 of Quality Counts specifically, which is one of our

3 largest early childhood investments.

4 And the second resolution, which is, I

5 believe, "F", is a more general community research

6 demonstration project RFP. It's the request to release

7 a solicitation where the goal would be to study new

8 things or current things in the early childhood field

9 more rigorously, looking at what models can support

10 children, especially children in poverty-challenged

11 environments, to really support student learning and

12 child development.

13 And Dan Bagner was our chair of the work

14 group. Dan, I don't know if you want to say anything

15 else to set up the resolutions or if you just want to

16 take each resolution in turn.

17 DR. BAGNER: Yeah, I think we can take each

18 resolution. That was a good overview and I encourage

19 folks to ask questions.

20 DR. HANSON: I'm sorry. Attached to the

21 other page that you have was sort of the "singing to the

22 choir" chart that we shared with the early childhood

23 work group about the importance of early childhood

24 investments.

25 Heckman is a well-known economist who's done

Page 12

1 a lot of work looking at the return on investment for

2 earlier age group programming. As you can see, there's

3 a return across the lifespan, so it's important to

4 invest early and sustain that investment, and so we're

5 just sharing that as part of the background of the work

6 group as well.

7 So, Jim, do you want to go back to the

8 resolutions.

9 MR. HAJ: Resolution 2017-E, authorization

10 to negotiate and execute a contract with the University

11 of Miami for external evaluation services related to

12 Quality Counts, for a term of 12 months commencing

13 January 1st, 2017 to December 31st, 2017, in an amount

14 not to exceed $300,000.00, subject to approval for form

15 and legal sufficiency.

16 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Motion to approve?

17 DR. BAGNER: So moved, Bagner.


19 MS. GRILLO: Grillo, second.

20 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Discussion?

21 DR. PEREZ-WURTZ: First, I'd like to say

22 something. I'd like to thank our chair of our Board for

23 having this. It was a pleasure. And the staff was

24 amazing. They were tasked with a very difficult thing.

25 And probably the most important thing that

Page 13

1 we do, because if we look at this chart, we could see

2 that the most important thing is, of course, you know,

3 trying to spend the money where it makes the most

4 difference.

5 But then again, part of the reason that we

6 don't is because this is such a hard thing to do.

7 Because what we're doing is, we're saying, children

8 should be with their moms and their dads.

9 But we're saying, for some reason, we need

10 to supplement this ultimate environment. And that is so

11 difficult to do. And I must say, one of the things and

12 the highlights from the committee meetings was the

13 presentation by Veronica from UM, telling us exactly how

14 difficult it is to create these programs and to maintain

15 these programs with the standards that are required.

16 So it's a good challenge, I think, for us

17 and the Board, and it's a wonderful challenge -- it's a

18 wonderful thing that we're taken it up, and thank you so

19 much for all of the participants.

20 DR. BAGNER: I would like to second

21 everything that Dr. Perez said. And to just highlight

22 what's unique about this, why I encourage folks to vote

23 for this, we invest a lot of money on Quality Counts and

24 yet we don't know much about whether or not what we're

25 doing works.

Page 14

1 So part of this, the focus of this is on

2 studying our investments which, I think, is critical.

3 I'm hoping that this is the first of many efforts for

4 the Trust to fund and investment in evaluation in

5 addition to our services that we're providing.

6 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Further discussion?


8 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Moving on to a vote.

9 All those in favor, say "aye".

10 (WHEREUPON, the Board members all responded

11 with "aye".)



14 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Resolution carries.

15 MR. HAJ: Resolution 2017-F, authorization

16 to release a request for proposal to fund multiple early

17 childhood community research demonstration projects with

18 a focus on implementing and evaluating programs with

19 high-need populations to support early childhood

20 development, in a total amount not to exceed

21 $1,450,000.00, subject to approval for form and legal

22 sufficiency.

23 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Motion to approve?

24 DR. BAGNER: So moved, Bagner.


Page 15

1 MS. LEICHTER: Second, Leichter.

2 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Discussion?

3 MS. GRILLO: Yes. So I appreciate, as Dr.

4 Perez said, all the work and effort. I couldn't agree

5 more.

6 I think that this resolution gives me a lot

7 of optimism. If you look at page 20 of your agenda,

8 which is where the resolution, I believe, begins, there

9 are four bullets listed that look at the background and

10 sort of what we're trying to accomplish with this

11 potential RFP.

12 So I think the first three bullets are just

13 spot-on, couldn't have positioned them any better or

14 been any more supportive of making these three things

15 happen.

16 The fourth bullet gives me great pause

17 because the way I read this is, we're going to look at

18 our assets and needs. We're going to determine how our

19 investments are working for us. We're going to work on

20 continuous quality of improvement. And then

21 simultaneous to that, we're going to pilot early

22 childhood solutions.

23 I feel like we should do the first three

24 bullets. And then once we understand the results of

25 those things, then we would be in a position to pilot

Page 16

1 successful early childhood solutions.

2 I've spent some time with Lori and Rachel on

3 the phone, and they've done a beautiful job of both

4 trying to convince me that I'm mistaken and also of

5 giving their rationale, which I certainly hope and

6 expect you'll give when I'm done.

7 However, it didn't convince me. I think

8 it's a mistake to, without knowing that information, put

9 money out to test things.

10 So if we found out, through the first three

11 bullets, that we had a community deficit of this service

12 or that service, then we could go out and look at

13 piloting potential successful things to speak to those

14 needs that aren't being met.

15 Or if we learned, by executing the first

16 three bullets, that we were doing a particular thing and

17 it simply wasn't netting the results, wasn't working,

18 then I would feel, okay, good, we know this doesn't

19 work, let's go out and pilot best practices from Miami

20 or elsewhere and try to figure out how to fix that.

21 But I don't understand why we would put

22 money out into a service without understanding first,

23 what are our needs and assets, what we're doing, how is

24 it working, is it paying off, and how do we improve the

25 things that we're doing.

Page 17

1 So I cannot support this resolution. Very

2 impressed with the work of the committee, love what has

3 been done, but I just think that these should be

4 disconnected.

5 DR. BAGNER: I'll take the first stab at

6 clarifying. So I appreciate the concern. I agree

7 wholeheartedly. If this were a proposal to invest more

8 in Quality Counts, then I would agree.

9 However, the point of this is not to invest

10 more in Quality Counts, which is separate from the other

11 resolution on purpose, right? So the first resolution

12 is, let's see if all our investments in Quality Counts

13 works.

14 The purpose of this is to say, let's be

15 innovative, let's investment more in general in early

16 childhood and bring in -- many of which -- if you read,

17 many of the bullets, for example, of good behavior, a

18 very, very well-established in literature treatment

19 approach that's widely used that can be used with young

20 kids.

21 So the goal of this is to, both in tandem,

22 provide more services in early childhood, at the same

23 time as evaluating the extent to which they're working

24 in the community, which is part of what we lack in the

25 research world.

Page 18

1 So we know lots of these programs work in

2 our university and health science centers, but we don't

3 know how well they work in the community.

4 So what I'm doing this as is an effort for

5 the Trust to find what we know in a literature work but

6 test whether or not they work when we deliver them and

7 our community partners deliver them.

8 That's what the goal is. So it's not to

9 invest in programs that we don't think would work.

10 Hopefully that clarifies the concern.

11 MS. GRILLO: It doesn't, but thank you.

12 Thank you so much.

13 DR. HANSON: I guess I could just share a

14 few thoughts from Dr. Neimand who, at the last minute,

15 had a conflict and wasn't able to be here.

16 But she was very much in support of this

17 resolution because she felt that there are some areas

18 around early childhood where we do know -- we have

19 promising models. We have things that we do know where

20 some gaps are already known or where some evidence-based

21 models might be available and that this gives the

22 opportunity to really test those models that can

23 hopefully address the children of greatest need,

24 children exposed to poverty, violence, and really focus

25 on what are the things we can do to impact student

Page 19

1 learning and school readiness, the ultimate, you know,

2 sort of for early childhood, the ultimate end game that

3 we're looking for.

4 So I do think that we're not starting with a

5 blank slate. So we've been funding for over a dozen

6 years now. And although we could have done more to

7 learn more rigorously, and we're kind of going that way

8 now with Quality Counts with the prior resolution, we

9 know a lot about some of the areas we've been funding

10 in.

11 And there are other things that we're not

12 funding directly in the community that are promising

13 practices that probably could be proposed to be looked

14 at more carefully and maybe expanded and grown.

15 So I think -- I guess that's my same pitch.

16 It's not different than it was before.

17 MS. GRILLO: Beautifully said.

18 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Further discussion?


20 I'm a little confused. I'm not sure whether there's

21 somebody else that would help clarify what the

22 difference of opinion here is.

23 But this was a work group that included our

24 Board member, Claudia Grillo, so that was, like, the

25 minority -- her position is, like, the minority opinion

Page 20

1 of the committee?

2 MS. GRILLO: Correct.


4 much how it came about? But it's a very large

5 resolution, right? It's a lot of dollars. I don't know

6 whether it should be bifurcated, perhaps, into 1, 2, 3,

7 and then the fourth point is a separate point.

8 I don't know if you can tease it out that

9 way, but it does seem that 1, 2 and 3 are more similar

10 than #4 -- the 4th. They're not numbered, but the

11 bullets.

12 I'm just -- you know, I know that there's

13 much expertise within the Children's Trust on early

14 childhood but also much expertise within United Way. So

15 I feel at a loss as to how to proceed.

16 MS. GRILLO: Yeah, and I want to clarify,

17 Daniella. Thank you for saying that. Again, I'm not

18 opposed to this. I'm opposed to it happening

19 simultaneously.

20 I think 1, 2 and 3 should happen and then #4

21 should totally happen but be informed not by where we

22 are today but by where we will be when we do the first

23 three bullets.

24 COMMISSIONER LEVINE CAVA: And what would be

25 the timing in the way that you --

Page 21

1 MS. GRILLO: I don't know because it is not

2 teased out, so I'm not sure.

3 DR. BAGNER: I think it's important to

4 clarify that -- so what we're trying to do in this is

5 not necessarily fund more Quality Counts. So Quality

6 Counts is essentially a way to try to make child care

7 programs and providers the best that they can be.

8 What this is trying to do is trying to take

9 other intervention approaches. Let's, for example, a

10 parenting program that we know works really well for

11 early childhood. And we know that works really well for

12 early childhood in a research world.

13 We don't know how well it works when we do

14 it in a community setting. So let's actually do it and

15 test it while we're doing it, and we are in a unique

16 position in a similar way to the Quality Counts, where

17 we can actually evaluate it.

18 With regards to a large amount of money, you

19 know, I want to highlight that when we all went to the

20 retreat, Dave Lawrence came in and spoke briefly. And

21 he stated his vision, what his vision was for the Trust

22 when it started.

23 And the vision was to have about 50 percent

24 of our funding toward early childhood. Right now, it's

25 about a third. And so this helps. Not by much, it's

Page 22

1 still not very much, but it helps try to push toward,

2 again, in line with this graph, to show that the more we

3 invest in early childhood, the better gains -- the more

4 gains we get long-term.


6 just to understand again the difference between bullet

7 points 1, 2, 3 and 4, you're saying that the fourth

8 point isn't child care directly, it's other kinds of

9 services that would benefit the same population, and so

10 you're looking for pilots that could be implemented.

11 Why can't we just put these two separate

12 items, I mean, they are kind of separate. One is

13 specifically -- oh, I see. The first three are really

14 about how to shape the fourth, if I'm understanding it

15 correctly.

16 DR. PEREZ-WURTZ: Madam Chair.


18 DR. PEREZ-WURTZ: Thank you. As I said, it

19 was like herding cats. Because there was so much

20 information, and putting out there, the staff was

21 absolutely wonderful.

22 And I didn't feel there was a majority and

23 minority position. I think, you know, there was

24 consensus. I think, in drafting this, there is this,

25 when do we spend this money and what we even mean by

Page 23

1 some of these programs, you know, programs from the

2 outside.

3 I think it's a great suggestion by our Board

4 member that maybe we divide this out and vote on it, you

5 know, vote on the first three and then vote on the other

6 if there is some discussion.

7 If you feel differently, correct me.

8 Because as I said, I thought we pretty much agreed upon,

9 the working group, you know, was very -- there was no

10 discussion as to where we would go forward.

11 DR. HANSON: So the bullet points come from

12 the green boxes. They're basically the overarching,

13 broad recommendations that the work group made.

14 I think there is a lot of overlap between,

15 even though we put things in separate boxes and we

16 really tried to get, you know, the consensus view of the

17 main things that came from the work group discussion, I

18 don't see them as really completely distinct, even

19 though they're in different bullet points.

20 I also do believe that with regard to the

21 early child care environment and quality, many of the

22 things in the first three bullets will be accomplished

23 or at least begin to be accomplished through the

24 resolution you just passed.

25 The external evaluation for Quality Counts

Page 24

1 is going to look back at our prior external evaluations

2 that we had from that project and really, they've

3 already started to look at some of the data analysis of

4 the current initiatives data.

5 And they're going to be working with the

6 State with the partner groups of Quality Counts which,

7 of course, is the majority of our early childhood

8 investment of about ten million dollars.

9 However, we have about another six million

10 dollars in early childhood around developmental

11 screening, assessment, interventions, early intervention

12 programs. You just passed the summer programs for

13 children with disabilities in the first resolution that

14 you passed today.

15 We also have many home visitation programs,

16 most of which are focused in the early childhood realm,

17 that could benefit from some more rigorous research

18 perhaps going on with those.

19 So I do think that there is -- I don't think

20 that these things are distinctly dividable. And what

21 we're really looking for, because I think that the work

22 group's sentiment was that there were many ways that we

23 could go.

24 With the current investments that we have,

25 you know, we need more investment, you know, we can't do

Page 25

1 everything. But that what we thought, as staff, was

2 rather than trying to pick one or two or three or

3 five -- it says, "five to seven" here, ideas of what we

4 would try to bid out or try to contract for, let's let

5 the community and research groups come together and

6 propose what they might accomplish through demonstration

7 RFP's.

8 So that's what we tried to craft. It's

9 fairly open. And as you see, the illustrative examples

10 are broad and far-ranging. I had -- you know, sorry, so

11 I guess I'll stop there.

12 This is also just to release the

13 solicitation. The Board would also get the resolution

14 back when we looked at applications, rated them, and are

15 making recommendations, so you would have another chance

16 to actually consider what we'd actually buy at that

17 time.

18 MR. HAJ: So that was it. The approval is

19 for the RFP so we can go out in the community and see

20 what innovative, creative ideas are out there and then

21 we bring it back to you. So this request is just to put

22 out the RFP.

23 DR. PEREZ-WURTZ: Madam Chair.


25 DR. PEREZ-WURTZ: Given, you know, I think,

Page 26

1 that given the complexity and how Lori kind of explained

2 sort of that, I think it would be easier if it was

3 passed as written. So I think I will support it,

4 because it will make it simpler to be able to accomplish

5 what the goal is. Thank you.

6 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Thank you. And I would

7 add that as a member of the work group, I felt a great

8 deal of symmetry between our meetings that took place

9 over the summer. There was clear direction and clear

10 discussion about broadening the scope, about being

11 research-based.

12 I felt that the resolution and the

13 background for the resolution, that I had an opportunity

14 to review, really nicely dovetailed with our work, and

15 I'm glad that the majority of the committee thinks so.

16 DR. BAGNER: Thank you, Pam. And one more

17 just brief point is that, you know, these bullet points

18 that are listed are really as an overall framework for

19 the applications that will then be submitted to do this.

20 And what I want to add, too, is that what

21 makes this very innovative for the Trust is, from my

22 understanding, this is probably the first time we're

23 really getting agencies in the community to partner with

24 researchers to study what we're doing which is, I think,

25 a really unique thing, and I think we should be doing a

Page 27

1 lot more of this.

2 So, of course, I'm heavily in support of

3 this and think we should be doing more of these kinds of

4 research studies, partnering with the community

5 agencies.

6 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Moving on to a vote.

7 MS. GRAVES: One second. In this reso,

8 there is a reference to a streamlined RFP process. Any

9 reference to "streamlined" should be deleted for this

10 item.


12 MS. GRAVES: Because it's not defined what

13 the "streamlined process" is. And so without any

14 definition of what that references, we want to make sure

15 we comply with all procurement laws for the competitive

16 solicitations.

17 DR. HANSON: Right. Our intention was just

18 to say that we're going to try to do this more quickly

19 than a regular RFP, which normally takes nine to ten

20 months. So we're compressing timelines as much as we

21 can but we're following all steps and all the regular

22 solicitation processes that we follow in terms of --


24 ask one more question. I'd actually like to know from

25 Claudia, Claudia, with this discussion, what would make

Page 28

1 this -- I presume you're going to vote against it?

2 MS. GRILLO: I am.


4 that would cure it?

5 MS. GRILLO: Pulling it out and doing it

6 after we know the answers to 1, 2 and 3. I just -- I

7 feel like we spend -- I feel like it's the horse before

8 the cart. And I'm in the minority and I said what I had

9 to say and I'm going to vote "no", and I respect the

10 majority decision.

11 I think it's the wrong approach. I think

12 we're open to others in the community questioning the

13 way we spend money. And we have an innovation fund. If

14 we want to be innovative, then it should be done out of

15 innovations, which has a different sort of construct

16 that gives us maybe that latitude.

17 But to say, we're going to evaluate what

18 we're doing in our early education portfolio and while

19 doing that, we're going to start doing new things, feels

20 to me like the wrong order of business.

21 But again, I appreciate I can have that

22 dialogue. We can agree to disagree and it's okay. And

23 I'll vote "no" when the RFP comes back and I'll vote

24 "no" when the resolutions for funding come back, because

25 I think it's wrong, my opinion.

Page 29

1 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Thank you. Moving on to

2 a vote. All those in favor, say "aye".

3 (WHEREUPON, the Board members all responded

4 with "aye".)


6 MS. GRILLO: Nay.

7 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Resolution carries.

8 MS. GRAVES: As amended.

9 MR. HAJ: Resolution 2017-G, authorization

10 to release a request for proposal to fund multiple

11 family strengthening services, in a total amount not to

12 exceed $2,800,000.00, subject to approval for form and

13 legal sufficiency.

14 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Motion to approve?

15 MS. GRILLO: Grillo, so moved.


17 MS. WELLER: I'll second.

18 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Discussion?


20 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Moving on to a vote.

21 All those in favor, say "aye".

22 (WHEREUPON, the Board members all responded

23 with "aye".)



Page 30

1 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Resolution carries.

2 MR. HAJ: Resolution 2017-H, authorization

3 to release a request for proposal to fund multiple

4 high-quality, evidence-based youth enrichment summer

5 services for middle and high school-aged youth in

6 under-served communities with high need and minimal

7 program opportunities, in a total amount not to exceed

8 $1,500,000.00, subject to approval for form and legal

9 sufficiency.

10 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Motion to approve?

11 MS. LEICHTER: I'll move it, Leichter.


13 MR. BRANDON: Brandon.

14 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Discussion?


16 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Moving on to a vote.

17 All those in favor, say "aye".

18 (WHEREUPON, the Board members all responded

19 with "aye".)



22 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Resolution carries.

23 MR. HAJ: Resolution 2017-I, authorization

24 to negotiate and execute contracts with 13 providers

25 selected following competitive solicitation for

Page 31

1 innovative services. The providers recommended for

2 funding are listed below, to pilot or test new ideas,

3 methods and causes that have been the potential to

4 advance the Children's Trust mission and that have not

5 been previously deployed or tested in our community.

6 This innovation funding request is for a combined total

7 amount of $897,000.00. Each contract will be for a term

8 of up to 12 months commencing December 1st, 2016 and

9 ending November 30th, 2017, subject to approval for form

10 and legal sufficiency.

11 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Motion to approve?

12 DR. BAGNER: So moved, Bagner.



15 Cava.


17 MS. LEICHTER: Leichter.

18 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Discussion?


20 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Moving on to a vote.

21 All those in favor, say "aye".

22 (WHEREUPON, the Board members all responded

23 with "aye".)



Page 32

1 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Resolution carries.

2 MR. HAJ: Madam Chair, before we move to the

3 next three proposals, if I could have Stephanie tee up,

4 these next three are dealing with SwitchBoard and moving

5 the services over, so if I could have Stephanie tee it

6 up first.

7 MS. SYLVESTRE: The next three resolutions

8 are around moving the SwitchBoard contracts over to

9 Jewish Community Services. Jewish Community Services,

10 as we know during the last meeting, we discussed the

11 fiscal concerns and issues at SwitchBoard.

12 SwitchBoard has decided that in order for

13 them to -- in order for us to ensure no gap in services,

14 it's prudent to have Jewish Community Services take over

15 these contracts.

16 In front of you, the three contracts are the

17 contract for 211. And just as a side note, United Way

18 has given a tentative approval and is going to take it

19 to their Board at the end of this month for approval for

20 the Jewish Community Services to take over the United

21 Way contract.

22 The Board of County Commissioners have

23 approved the Jewish Community Services taking over the

24 SwitchBoard portion -- the 211 portion of the

25 SwitchBoard contract on Tuesday.

Page 33

1 And given the nature of SwitchBoard, staff

2 recommends that we also approve this. Without all the

3 major funders standing behind Jewish Community Services

4 taking over this contract would jeopardize services to

5 this community.

6 The other two contracts that are before you

7 for approval are the parenting contract. And again, the

8 staff at SwitchBoard will be converted to staff at

9 Jewish Community Services. Therefore, we will ensure

10 that there won't be a gap in services. And this staff

11 is one of the only staff in our Trust ecosystem that's

12 qualified to deliver the service with fidelity.

13 And the last resolution in front of you is

14 for Miami Open 211, which is basically an innovation

15 contract to be able to allow -- which continues to have

16 access to SwitchBoard's vast data base information.

17 So whoever has control of 211 needs to also

18 have control of this contract to ensure that this

19 project is completed.

20 So we have been working closely with

21 Switchboard, with Jewish Community Services, and we feel

22 confident and comfortable that they're in a position to

23 take over these services in a manner that will not have

24 any impact in the community, so we're advocating a "yes"

25 by doing that.

Page 34

1 I also -- this morning, Fred Stock, the CEO

2 of Jewish Community Services, spoke eloquently to our

3 Finance Board, so we were asking if he can do the same

4 thing this afternoon.

5 MR. STOCK: Thank you. My name is Fred

6 Stock and I'm the CEO of Jewish Community Services. And

7 I'll paraphrase what I said this morning, that we, as an

8 organization, feel privileged to take on the

9 responsibilities of the call center and the related

10 family counseling programs.

11 These are vital services to the community

12 and have been here for many, many years. We feel

13 confident, as an organization, that we have the

14 resources to make this happen.

15 As was pointed out by Stephanie, we are

16 moving over the staff almost intact in terms of these

17 programs so that the quality staff that has been in

18 place for so many years at this agency will continue to

19 be there.

20 So again, I hope you consider that as you

21 vote. And I really want to thank you for your support,

22 and I want to thank the other County agencies for their

23 support as well.

24 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Thank you.

25 MR. HAJ: Resolution 2017-J, authorization

Page 35

1 to negotiate and execute a contract with Jewish

2 Community Services for Miami Open 211 to complete its

3 integration with the 211 Helpline, commencing December

4 1st, 2016 and ending February 28th, 2017, in a total

5 amount not to exceed $64,522.00, subject to approval for

6 form and legal sufficiency.

7 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Motion to approve?



10 MR. BRANDON: Second, Brandon.



13 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Discussion?


15 wanted to just point out that this was also on the

16 agenda for the Board of County Commissioners this last

17 week and was also approved to transfer the contract from

18 the County to Jewish Community Services.

19 And much was said about how unfortunate it

20 is that we're losing the SwitchBoard brand, but it was

21 communicated that all the services not only would remain

22 intact but would be seamless in terms of the numbers

23 and, you know, the same customer experience, if you

24 will, would be present.

25 And I spoke previously, I think, it was at

Page 36

1 the full Board when it came up that this was the news,

2 that in my experience with the Jewish Community Services

3 is that they certainly have the experience and the

4 capacity to deliver fully on this program.

5 I feel very comfortable that this landed

6 there and we're very fortunate that we have an entity

7 ready to take on these responsibilities and the staff.

8 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Thank you. Further

9 discussion?


11 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Moving on to vote. All

12 those in favor, say "aye".

13 (WHEREUPON, the Board members all responded

14 with "aye".)



17 MR. HAJ: Resolution 2017-K, authorization

18 to negotiate and execute a contract with Jewish

19 Community Services for parenting, the FAST program, to

20 prevent a service gap for children and families in our

21 community, commencing December 1st, 2016, and ending

22 July 31st, 2017, in a total amount not to exceed

23 $128,112.00, with one possible renewal for a 12-month

24 term, subject to approval for form and legal

25 sufficiency.

Page 37

1 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Motion to approve?

2 MS. GRILLO: So moved, Grillo.


4 MS. LEICHTER: Leichter.



7 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Discussion?


9 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Moving on to vote. All

10 those in favor, say "aye".

11 (WHEREUPON, the Board members all responded

12 with "aye".)



15 MR. HAJ: Resolution 2017-L, authorization

16 to negotiate and execute a contract with Jewish

17 Community Services for 211 Help Me Grow, to prevent a

18 service gap for children and families in our community,

19 for a 16-month period commencing December 1st, 2016 and

20 ending March 31st, 2018, in a total amount not to exceed

21 $1,950,943.00, with one possible renewal for a 12-month

22 term, subject to approval for form and legal

23 sufficiency.

24 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Motion to approve?

25 MS. GRILLO: So moved, Grillo.

Page 38


2 DR. BAGNER: Second, Bagner.



5 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Discussion?


7 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Moving to a vote. All

8 those in favor, say "aye".

9 (WHEREUPON, the Board members all responded

10 with "aye".)



13 MR. HAJ: Resolution 2017-M, contract

14 amendment to add to Early Childhood Quality Consultants,

15 LLC's Playing the Game of Life contract site location,

16 modifying the program site table and budget for an

17 after-school program and summer program as approved by

18 the Board of Directors on March 14th, 2016 by Resolution

19 2016-48. Funding for this resolution in a total amount

20 not to exceed $342,242.00, subject to approval for form

21 and legal sufficiency.

22 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Motion to approve?



25 MR. BRANDON: Brandon.

Page 39



3 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Discussion?


5 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Moving on to a vote.

6 All those in favor, say "aye".

7 (WHEREUPON, the Board members all responded

8 with "aye".)



11 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: Resolution carries. On

12 to the CEO report, Jim.

13 MR. HAJ: Just one update. At the last, I

14 think, the last Board meeting, the Heart Gallery came up

15 and there was some discussion about the number of kids

16 that we served in the Heart Gallery by one of the Board

17 members. So we met with the Board member yesterday and

18 the Finance Committee explained to him more about the

19 numbers.

20 But I wanted to bring it back to the

21 committee, that the children who are eligible for the

22 TRP is 189 children. And legally eligible without a

23 family are 84 kids were eligible for the Heart Gallery

24 and those 84 are being served.

25 And it's also a moving target. So as kids

Page 40

1 terminate their parental rights, they will be added to

2 the Heart Gallery. So we wanted to make sure that we

3 met with Nelson and we informed him where the numbers

4 are. So currently, as of today, there's 84 kids that

5 will be in the Heart Gallery.

6 MS. LEICHTER: I remember this came up a few

7 years ago, and they were actually only taking pictures

8 once a year. Is that still the case, because you can't

9 have the Heart Gallery without the pictures, I don't

10 think.

11 And so if they're only doing the pictures

12 once a year, then, you know, when a child becomes

13 referred for adoption, they're not going to be able to

14 be automatically added until the photo shoot. That

15 happens, I guess.

16 MR. HAJ: It's my understanding it's twice a

17 year but I'll double-check and confirm. But the next

18 one is in January and we'll confirm the second date.

19 MS. LEICHTER: I know Nelson likes to know

20 about those things.

21 MR. HAJ: Yes, we updated him yesterday.

22 And then just to let everybody know, the December 8th

23 Program Services and Childhood Health Committee is

24 canceled. It's being moved to January and we will send

25 all the dates to the Board members. That's it, Madam

Page 41

1 Chair.

2 MS. HOLLINGSWORTH: We are adjourned.

3 (Whereupon, at 4:19 p.m., the meeting was

4 adjourned.)






















Page 42






6 I, Fernando Subirats, Court Reporter and NotaryPublic in and for the State of Florida at Large, do

7 hereby certify that I was authorized to and did reportthe proceedings in the above-styled cause; that the

8 foregoing pages, numbered from 1 to 42, inclusive,constitute a true and complete record of my notes.

9 I further certify that I am not a relative, employee,

10 attorney or counsel of any of the parties, nor am I arelative or employee of any of the parties' attorney or

11 counsel connected with the action, nor financiallyinterested in the action.


13 Dated this 16th day of November, 2016.


15 _________________________ Fernando Subirats

16 Court Reporter










Page 43

Aable 18:15 26:4

33:15 40:13above-styled 42:7absolutely 22:21academic 5:13access 33:16accomplish 15:10

25:6 26:4accomplished

23:22,23Act 5:14Acting 1:9action 42:11,11ad-hoc 9:23add 26:7,20 38:14added 40:1,14addition 14:5address 18:23adjourned 41:2,4adoption 40:13advance 31:4advocating 33:24Affairs 6:11after-school 38:17afternoon 4:10,15

4:19 34:4age 5:12 12:2agencies 26:23 27:5

34:22agency 34:18agenda 10:21 15:7

35:16ago 40:7agree 15:4 17:6,8

28:22agreed 23:8Ali 1:21allow 33:15Alonso 3:17amazing 12:24amended 29:8amendment 38:14amount 5:17 6:15

7:13 8:11 12:1314:20 21:18 29:1130:7 31:7 35:536:22 37:20 38:19

analysis 24:3answers 28:6

applause 4:16applications 25:14

26:19appointed 4:13Appointee 1:13,13appreciate 15:3

17:6 28:21approach 17:19

28:11approaches 21:9approval 4:19 5:18

6:16 7:14 8:1212:14 14:21 25:1829:12 30:8 31:932:18,19 33:735:5 36:24 37:2238:20

approve 4:21 5:25:20 6:17 7:168:13 12:16 14:2329:14 30:10 31:1133:2 35:7 37:1,2438:22

approved 4:2532:23 35:17 38:17


area 10:18areas 18:17 19:9arts 6:11asking 34:3assessment 24:11assets 15:18 16:23Assistant 1:17,17At-Large 1:14Attached 11:20attendance 4:17attended 10:3attorney 1:17,17

42:10,10August 5:16 9:10authorization 5:10

6:9 7:8 8:6 12:914:15 29:9 30:230:23 34:25 36:1737:15

authorized 42:7automatically

40:14available 18:21

Avenue 1:7aware 4:11aye 5:5 6:3,5 7:2,4

7:25 8:2,22,2414:9,11 29:2,4,2129:23 30:17,1931:21,23 36:12,1437:10,12 38:8,1039:6,8

Bback 12:7 24:1

25:14,21 28:23,2439:20

background 12:515:9 26:13

Bagner 1:14 4:244:24 5:24,2411:13,17 12:17,1713:20 14:24,2417:5 21:3 26:1631:12,12 38:2,2

Balsera 1:13base 33:16basically 23:12

33:14beautiful 16:3Beautifully 19:17began 4:2begins 15:8behavior 17:17believe 11:5 15:8

23:20benefit 22:9 24:17best 16:19 21:7better 10:7 15:13

22:3Betty 3:17Bevone 1:22bid 25:4bifurcated 20:6birth 5:12blank 19:5Board 1:14,15 2:9

4:12 5:4 6:4 7:38:1,23 9:8,9,2310:2 12:22 13:1714:10 19:24 23:325:13 29:3,2230:18 31:22 32:19

32:22 34:3 35:1636:1,13 37:1138:9,18 39:7,1439:16,17 40:25

Bohorques 2:12boxes 23:12,15brand 35:20Brandon 1:14 4:22

4:22 5:22,22 6:186:18 8:14,1430:13,13 35:10,1038:25,25

Brian 3:10brief 26:17briefly 21:20bring 17:16 25:21

39:20broad 23:13 25:10broadening 26:10Brown 2:20budget 9:21 38:16bullet 15:16 22:6

23:11,19 26:17bullets 15:9,12,24

16:11,16 17:1720:11,23 23:22

business 28:20buy 25:16

CC 3:12call 34:9called 1:8calling 4:6canceled 40:24capacity 36:4care 21:6 22:8

23:21carefully 19:14carries 6:8 7:7 8:5

9:2 14:14 29:730:1,22 32:139:11

cart 28:8Carvalho 3:5case 40:8cats 22:19cause 42:7causes 31:3Cava 19:19 20:3,24

22:5 27:11,2328:3 31:14,1535:8,14 38:23

center 8:8 34:9centers 18:2CEO 34:1,6 39:12certainly 16:5 36:3CERTIFICATE

42:1certify 42:7,9chair 1:9 4:12 9:23

10:3 11:13 12:2222:16 25:23 32:241:1

challenge 13:16,17chance 25:15Charlton 2:17chart 11:22 13:1child 11:12 21:6

22:8 23:21 40:12childhood 1:2,4 4:5

7:13 9:5,8,16,1910:5,7,8,18,2111:3,8,22,2314:17,19 15:2216:1 17:16,2218:18 19:2 20:1421:11,12,24 22:324:7,10,16 38:1440:23

children 5:12 6:129:16 11:10,1013:7 18:23,2424:13 36:20 37:1839:21,22

Children's 1:1,420:13 31:4

choir 11:22Christie 2:24clarifies 18:10clarify 19:21 20:16

21:4clarifying 17:6classrooms 7:13Claudia 1:12 19:24

27:25,25clear 26:9,9Clerk 2:9closely 33:20Coalition 1:12

Page 44

Coleman 3:11Collins 3:18combined 31:6come 23:11 25:5

28:24comes 28:23comfortable 33:22

36:5coming 9:12commencing 1:6

5:16 6:13 8:1012:12 31:8 35:336:21 37:19

comments 4:7,8,9Commissioner

1:15 19:19 20:320:24 22:5 27:1127:23 28:3 31:1435:8,14 38:23

Commissioners1:15 32:22 35:16

committee 1:2,5,114:5 9:12 10:213:12 17:2 20:126:15 39:18,2140:23


communities 30:6community 11:5

14:17 16:11 17:2418:3,7 19:1221:14 25:5,1926:23 27:4 28:1231:5 32:9,9,14,2032:23 33:3,5,9,2133:24 34:2,6,1135:2,18 36:2,1936:21 37:17,18

competitive 27:1530:25

complete 35:2 42:8completed 33:19completely 23:18complexity 26:1comply 27:15components 9:15compressing 27:20concern 17:6 18:10concerns 32:11

confident 33:2234:13

confirm 40:17,18conflict 18:15confused 19:20congratulations

4:14connected 10:25

42:11consensus 22:24

23:16consider 25:16

34:20Constance 3:18constitute 42:8construct 28:15Consultants 38:14continue 34:18continued 2:1 3:1continues 33:15continuous 15:20contract 6:10 7:9

8:7 12:10 25:431:7 32:17,21,2533:4,7,15,18 35:135:17 36:18 37:1638:13,15

contracts 5:1030:24 32:8,15,1633:6

control 33:17,18converted 33:8convince 16:4,7copy 9:7Corps 7:11correct 20:2 23:7correctly 22:15counsel 42:10,11counseling 34:10Counts 9:12 11:2

12:12 13:23 17:817:10,12 19:821:5,6,16 23:2524:6

County 1:15,16,161:17,17 5:15 6:1032:22 34:22 35:1635:18 42:4

course 13:2 24:727:2

Court 42:6,16craft 25:8create 13:14created 9:23creative 25:20critical 10:13 14:2Cultural 6:11cure 28:4current 9:20 11:8

24:4,24currently 40:4customer 35:23

DDacia 2:19dads 13:8Dalia 1:23Dan 11:13,14Dana 2:25Daniel 1:14Daniella 1:15 20:17data 24:3,4 33:16date 40:18Dated 42:13dates 40:25Dave 21:20day 42:13deal 26:8dealing 32:4Deborah 3:7December 8:10

12:13 31:8 35:336:21 37:19 40:22

decided 32:12decision 28:10deeply 9:13deficit 16:11defined 27:12definition 27:14deleted 27:9deliver 18:6,7

33:12 36:4demonstration

11:6 14:17 25:6Department 1:16

6:11deployed 31:5determine 15:18development 9:16

11:12 14:20


Dexter 2:7dialogue 28:22Diana 1:24Dietz 3:7difference 13:4

19:22 22:6different 9:15 10:5

19:16 23:19 28:15differently 23:7difficult 12:24

13:11,14direction 26:9directly 19:12 22:8Directors 38:18disabilities 5:14

6:13 24:13disagree 28:22disconnected 17:4discussed 32:10discussion 5:25

6:24 7:22 8:199:18 12:20 14:615:2 19:18 23:623:10,17 26:1027:25 29:18 30:1431:18 35:13 36:937:7 38:5 39:3,15

discussions 9:22distinct 23:18distinctly 24:20dividable 24:20divide 23:4doing 13:7,25

16:16,23,25 18:421:15 26:24,2527:3 28:5,18,1928:19 33:25 40:11

dollars 20:5 24:824:10

Donovan 1:25double-check

40:17dovetailed 26:14dozen 19:5Dr 1:13,14,14 4:24

5:24 9:7 11:17,2012:17,21 13:20,2114:24 15:3 17:5

18:13,14 21:322:16,18 23:1125:23,24,25 26:1627:17 31:12 38:2

drafting 22:24due 5:13

Eearlier 12:2early 1:12 7:12 9:5

9:8,16,19 10:5,7,810:18,20 11:3,811:22,23 12:414:16,19 15:2116:1 17:15,2218:18 19:2 20:1321:11,12,24 22:323:21 24:7,10,1124:16 28:18 38:14

easier 26:2economist 11:25ecosystem 33:11education 28:18Edward 2:22effort 15:4 18:4efforts 14:3eight 5:11eligible 39:21,22,23eloquently 34:2employee 42:9,10encourage 11:18

13:22Enid 3:12enrichment 30:4ensure 32:13 33:9

33:18entity 36:6environment 13:10


11:11especially 11:10essentially 21:6evaluate 21:17

28:17evaluating 14:18

17:23evaluation 10:14

10:21 11:1 12:1114:4 23:25

Page 45

evaluations 24:1everybody 4:11


18:20 30:4exactly 13:13example 17:17 21:9examples 25:9exceed 5:18 6:15

7:13 12:14 14:2029:12 30:7 35:536:22 37:20 38:20

execute 5:10 7:98:7 12:10 30:2435:1 36:18 37:16

executing 16:15Executive 1:20expanded 19:14expect 16:6experience 35:23

36:2,3expertise 20:13,14experts' 10:4explained 26:1

39:18exposed 18:24extent 17:23external 11:1 12:11

23:25 24:1

FF 11:5Fabien 2:6fairly 25:9families 36:20

37:18family 29:11 34:10

39:23far-ranging 25:10FAST 36:19favor 5:3 6:3 7:2,25

8:22 14:9 29:2,2130:17 31:21 36:1237:10 38:8 39:6

February 35:4federal 7:11 8:9feel 15:23 16:18

20:15 22:22 23:728:7,7 33:21 34:834:12 36:5

feels 28:19felt 10:17 18:17

26:7,12Fernando 42:6,15fidelity 33:12field 11:8figure 16:20Finance 34:3 39:18financially 42:11find 18:5Fiorella 2:24first 11:1 12:21

14:3 15:12,2316:10,15,22 17:517:11 20:22 22:1323:5,22 24:1326:22 32:6

fiscal 32:11five 5:12 10:1 25:3

25:3fix 16:20Florida 1:7,14 7:11

42:3,6focus 10:6 14:1,18

18:24focused 24:16folks 11:19 13:22follow 27:22following 27:21

30:25foregoing 42:8form 5:18 6:16

7:14 8:12 12:1414:21 29:12 30:831:9 35:6 36:2437:22 38:20

formal 10:13 11:1fortunate 36:6forward 23:10found 16:10four 15:9fourth 15:16 20:7

22:7,14framed 10:19framework 26:18Fred 3:19 34:1,5front 32:16 33:13full 36:1full-day 5:11fully 36:4

fund 14:4,16 21:528:13 29:10 30:3

funders 33:3funding 7:10 8:9

9:15 19:5,9,1221:24 28:24 31:231:6 38:19

further 14:6 19:1836:8 42:9

GG 2:22gains 22:3,4Gallery 39:14,16

39:23 40:2,5,9game 19:2 38:15gap 32:13 33:10

36:20 37:18gaps 18:20Garcia 1:23general 9:17 11:5

17:15getting 26:23give 16:6given 9:9,22 25:25

26:1 32:18 33:1gives 15:6,16 18:21

28:16giving 16:5glad 26:15Glenny 2:2go 9:6 12:7 16:12

16:19 23:10 24:2325:19

goal 11:7 17:2118:8 26:5

goals 10:6going 15:17,18,19

15:21 19:7 24:1,524:18 27:18 28:128:9,17,19 32:1840:13

good 3:15 4:10,1811:18 13:16 16:1817:17

grant 7:11 8:9graph 22:2Graves 1:17 27:7

27:12 29:8great 15:16 23:3

26:7greater 9:20greatest 18:23green 23:12Greene 2:4Grillo 1:12 7:17,17

8:16,16 12:19,1915:3 18:11 19:1719:24 20:2,1621:1 28:2,5 29:629:15,15 37:2,237:25,25

group 9:9,23,2410:1,4,11,2311:14,23 12:2,619:23 23:9,13,1726:7

group's 24:22groups 24:6 25:5Grow 37:17grown 19:14Gubernatorial

1:13,13guess 18:13 19:15

25:11 40:15GUESTS 2:15 3:1

HHaj 1:20 4:8,10 5:1

5:9 6:9 7:8 8:69:4 12:9 14:1525:18 29:9 30:230:23 32:2 34:2536:17 37:15 38:1339:13 40:16,21

Hanson 2:8 9:711:20 18:13 23:1127:17

happen 15:1520:20,21 34:14

happening 20:18happens 40:15hard 9:7 13:6Hart 2:23health 1:2,5,16 4:5

18:2 40:23Heart 39:14,16,23

40:2,5,9heavily 27:2Heckman 11:25

held 1:5Helene 3:15help 19:21 37:17Helpline 35:3helps 21:25 22:1herding 22:19high 30:5,6high-need 14:19high-quality 5:11

30:4highlight 13:21

21:19highlights 13:12Hollingsworth 1:9

1:12 4:4,13,18,234:25 5:2,6,8,20,235:25 6:2,6,8,17,196:21,23 7:1,5,7,167:18,20,22,24 8:38:5,13,15,17,198:21,25 9:2 12:1612:18,20 14:6,814:12,14,23,2515:2 19:18 22:1725:24 26:6 27:629:1,5,7,14,16,1829:20,24 30:1,1030:12,14,16,20,2231:11,13,16,18,2031:24 32:1 34:2435:7,9,11,13 36:836:11,15 37:1,3,537:7,9,13,24 38:138:3,5,7,11,22,2439:1,3,5,9,11 41:2

home 24:15hope 16:5 34:20hopefully 18:10,23hoping 14:3horse 28:7hours 9:24

Iideas 25:3,20 31:2illustrative 25:9impact 9:14 18:25

33:24implement 10:20implemented 22:10implementing

Page 46

14:18importance 10:13

11:23important 12:3,25

13:2 21:3impressed 17:2improve 16:24improvement

15:20Imran 1:21included 19:23inclusive 42:8increase 6:10Individuals 5:14information 16:8

22:20 33:16informed 20:21

40:3initiative 9:14initiatives 24:4innovation 28:13

31:6 33:14innovations 28:15innovative 17:15

25:20 26:21 28:1431:1

instructions 7:12intact 34:16 35:22integration 35:3intention 27:17interested 42:11International 1:14intervention 8:8

21:9 24:11interventions 24:11invest 12:4 13:23

17:7,9 18:9 22:3investment 9:19

12:1,4 14:4 17:1524:8,25

investments 10:810:16 11:3,2414:2 15:19 17:1224:24

invited 10:4Ise 2:3issues 32:11item 27:10items 22:12

JJames 1:20January 12:13

40:18,24Jeanty 2:9 4:9jeopardize 33:4Jewish 32:9,9,14,20

32:23 33:3,9,2134:2,6 35:1,1836:2,18 37:16

Jim 9:3 12:7 39:12job 16:3John 2:3Josefina 2:4Juana 2:5Juliette 2:6July 36:22

KKaren 1:16Kathleen 2:7 3:2Katie 2:23Katz 2:18Kele 3:9kids 17:20 39:15,23

39:25 40:4kind 10:10 19:7

22:12 26:1kinds 22:8 27:3Kirtland 2:13know 11:14 13:2,24

16:18 18:1,3,5,1818:19 19:1,9 20:520:8,12,12 21:121:10,11,13,1922:23 23:1,5,9,1624:25,25 25:10,2526:17 27:24 28:632:10 35:23 40:1240:19,19,22

knowing 16:8known 18:20Kobrinski 1:17

Llack 17:24landed 36:5Langer 3:6large 20:4 21:18


largest 11:3latitude 28:16Laura 3:3Laurie 4:12Lawrence 21:20laws 27:15leading 4:15learn 19:7learned 16:15learning 1:12 10:13

11:11 19:1Lee-Sin 1:25left 4:12legal 5:19 6:16 7:14

8:12 12:15 14:2129:13 30:8 31:1035:6 36:24 37:2238:21

legally 39:22Leichter 1:13 5:21

5:21 6:20,20 7:197:19 15:1,1 30:1130:11 31:17,1737:4,4 40:6,19

Leigh 1:17Leon 2:5let's 4:6 16:19

17:12,14,15 21:921:14 25:4

Levine 19:19 20:320:24 22:5 27:1127:23 28:3 31:1431:14 35:8,1438:23

Levine-Cava 1:15Leyla 3:13Life 38:15lifespan 12:3likes 40:19Linda 8:8line 22:2listed 5:11 10:5

15:9 26:18 31:2literacy 7:12literature 17:18

18:5little 19:20LLC's 38:15local 7:10 8:9location 38:15

long-term 22:4look 13:1 15:7,9,17

16:12 24:1,3looked 19:13 25:14looking 9:13 11:9

12:1 19:3 22:1024:21

Lori 2:8 9:5 16:226:1

losing 35:20loss 20:15lot 12:1 13:23 15:6

19:9 20:5 23:1427:1

lots 18:1love 17:2Lynne 2:18

MMadam 22:16

25:23 32:2 40:25main 23:17maintain 13:14major 33:3majority 22:22

24:7 26:15 28:10Makeesha 3:11making 10:16

15:14 25:15manner 33:23Manoucheka 4:11March 5:16 37:20

38:18Maria 3:5Marissa 1:13Marta 1:16 3:4Martorella 3:13Mary 3:8match 7:10 8:9Math 7:10mean 22:12,25meeting 1:2,5,8 4:2

4:5,6,15,20 32:1039:14 41:3

meetings 9:25 10:313:12 26:8

member 1:14 19:2423:4 26:7 39:17

members 1:11 5:46:4 7:3 8:1,23 9:8

10:2,2,4 14:1029:3,22 30:1831:22 36:13 37:1138:9 39:7,1740:25

met 9:23 16:1439:17 40:3

methods 31:3Miami 1:7 8:8

12:11 16:19 33:1435:2

Miami-Dade 1:121:15,16,16 5:156:10 42:4

Michael 3:14middle 30:5Miguel 1:13million 24:8,9minimal 30:6minority 19:25,25

22:23 28:8minute 18:14minutes 4:19,25

5:1,3mission 31:4mistake 16:8mistaken 16:4models 11:9 18:19

18:21,22modifying 38:16moms 13:8money 13:3,23 16:9

16:22 21:18 22:2528:13

month 32:19months 5:15 6:13

8:10 12:12 27:2031:8

morning 34:1,7motion 4:21 5:20

6:17 7:16 8:1312:16 14:23 29:1430:10 31:11 35:737:1,24 38:22

move 5:21 30:1132:2

moved 4:22 6:187:17 8:14 12:1714:24 29:15 31:1235:8 37:2,25

Page 47

moving 4:19 5:256:2,23 7:1,24 8:2114:8 27:6 29:1,2030:16 31:20 32:432:8 34:16 36:1137:9 38:7 39:5,25

multiple 14:1629:10 30:3

Muriel 2:9 4:8Myra 2:20Myrna 2:17

Nname 34:5nature 33:1Nay 29:6necessarily 21:5need 13:9 18:23

24:25 30:6needs 15:18 16:14

16:23 33:17negotiate 5:10 7:9

8:7 12:10 30:2435:1 36:18 37:16

Neimand 18:14Nelson 40:3,19netting 16:17new 6:15 11:7

28:19 31:2news 36:1nicely 26:14nine 27:19normally 27:19Notary 42:6note 32:17notes 42:8November 1:5 8:11

31:9 42:13Nuell 4:12number 10:3 39:15numbered 20:10

42:8numbers 35:22

39:19 40:3

OOctober 6:14Officer 1:20oh 22:13okay 5:9 16:18

28:22once 15:24 40:8,12one-third 9:20one-year 7:9 8:7open 6:24 25:9

28:12 33:14 35:2opinion 19:22,25

28:25opportunities 30:7opportunity 18:22

26:13opposed 5:6 6:6 7:5

8:3,25 14:1220:18,18 29:5,2430:20 31:24 36:1537:13 38:11 39:9

optimism 15:7order 1:8 4:6 28:20

32:12,13organization 34:8

34:13outside 23:2overall 9:18 26:18overarching 10:10

10:19 23:12overlap 23:14overview 11:18

Pp.m 1:6 4:3 41:3page 11:21 15:7pages 42:8Pam 4:14 26:16Pamela 1:8,12paraphrase 34:7Pardon 6:24parental 40:1parenting 21:10

33:7 36:19part 12:5 13:5 14:1

17:24Part-B 5:14Part-C 5:14participants 13:19particular 10:7

16:16parties 42:10parties' 42:10partner 24:6 26:23partnering 27:4

partners 18:7passed 23:24 24:12

24:14 26:3passing 9:15Paulette 2:21pause 15:16paying 16:24percent 21:23Perez 1:16 13:21

15:4 25:24PEREZ-WURTZ

12:21 22:16,1825:23,25

period 37:19Pezoldt 2:25Pfeiffer 2:21phone 16:3photo 40:14pick 25:2pictures 40:7,9,11pilot 15:21,25

16:19 31:2piloting 10:15

16:13pilots 22:10Pinkney 3:12pitch 19:15place 26:8 34:18Playing 38:15pleasure 12:23point 17:9 20:7,7

22:8 26:17 35:15pointed 34:15points 22:7 23:11

23:19 26:17population 22:9populations 14:19portfolio 28:18portfolios 10:18portion 32:24,24position 15:25

19:25 21:16 22:2333:22

positioned 15:13possible 5:17 36:23

37:21potential 15:11

16:13 31:3poverty 18:24poverty-challeng...

11:10practices 16:19

19:13present 35:24presentation 9:3

13:13presentations 10:4President/Chief

1:20presume 28:1pretty 20:3 23:8prevent 36:20

37:17previously 31:5

35:25prior 19:8 24:1privileged 34:8probably 12:25

19:13 26:22proceed 20:15proceedings 4:1

42:7process 27:8,13processes 27:22procurement 27:15program 1:1,4 4:4

7:11 21:10 30:736:4,19 38:16,1738:17 40:23

programming 12:2programs 4:14

5:12 6:12,1213:14,15 14:1818:1,9 21:7 23:1,124:12,12,15 34:1034:17

project 11:6 24:233:19

projects 14:17promising 18:19

19:12proportion 9:18proposal 14:16

17:7 29:10 30:3proposals 32:3propose 25:6proposed 19:13provide 7:12 17:22providers 5:11

21:7 30:24 31:1

providing 14:5prudent 32:14public 1:16 4:6,8,9

42:6Pulling 28:5purpose 17:11,14push 22:1put 16:8,21 22:11

23:15 25:21putting 22:20

Qqualified 33:12quality 9:11 11:2

12:12 13:23 15:2017:8,10,12 19:821:5,5,16 23:2123:25 24:6 34:1738:14

question 27:24questioning 28:12questions 9:13

11:19quickly 27:18quorum 4:20

RRachel 2:10 16:2Ragbeer 1:24rated 25:14rationale 16:5Ray 8:8read 15:17 17:16readiness 19:1Reading 7:10,11ready 36:7really 10:6,12,13

10:15 11:11 18:2218:24 21:10,1122:13 23:16,1824:2,21 26:14,1826:23,25 34:21

realm 24:16reason 13:5,9Rebecca 3:16receive 5:13recommendation


10:10,23,25 23:13

Page 48

25:15recommended 31:1recommends 33:2record 42:8Recording 4:2Recusals 5:23 6:21

7:20 8:17 31:1635:11 37:5 38:339:1

reference 27:8,9references 27:14referred 40:13regard 23:20regards 21:18regular 27:19,21related 11:1 12:11

34:9relative 42:9,10release 11:6 14:16

25:12 29:10 30:3remain 35:21remember 40:6renewal 5:17 36:23

37:21report 39:12 42:7Reporter 42:6,16REPORTER'S

42:1request 11:6 14:16

25:21 29:10 30:331:6

required 13:15research 10:14,21

11:5 14:17 17:2521:12 24:17 25:527:4


researchers 26:24reso 27:7resolution 5:9 6:8,9

7:7,8 8:5,6 9:211:4,16,18 12:914:14,15 15:6,817:1,11,11 18:1719:8 20:5 23:2424:13 25:13 26:1226:13 29:7,9 30:130:2,22,23 32:133:13 34:25 36:17

37:15 38:13,18,1939:11

resolutions 9:5,69:12 10:24 11:1512:8 28:24 32:7

resources 34:14respect 28:9responded 5:4 6:4

7:3 8:1,23 14:1029:3,22 30:1831:22 36:13 37:1138:9 39:7

RESPONSE 5:76:1,7,22,25 7:6,217:23 8:4,18,20 9:114:7,13 29:19,2530:15,21 31:19,2535:12 36:10,1637:6,8,14 38:4,638:12 39:2,4,10

responsibilities34:9 36:7

results 15:24 16:17retreat 9:10 21:20return 12:1,3review 26:14Reynoso 2:2RFP 11:6 15:11

25:19,22 27:8,1928:23

RFP's 25:7right 4:10 17:11

20:5 21:24 27:17rights 40:1rigorous 24:17rigorously 11:9

19:7Ritchey 3:10Ritchie 1:22Robinson 2:22robust 10:20Rodester 1:14Room 1:7Ryder 1:7

SS.W 1:6saying 13:7,9 20:17

22:7says 25:3

school 19:1school-aged 30:5school-year 5:13Schools 1:16science 6:12 18:2scope 26:10screening 24:11seamless 35:22second 4:23,24

5:22 6:19,20 7:187:19 8:15 11:412:18,19 13:2014:25 15:1 27:729:16,17 30:1231:13,14 35:9,1037:3 38:1,2,2440:18

Secord 3:3see 10:10,20 12:2

13:1 17:12 22:1323:18 25:9,19

selected 30:25send 40:24sentiment 24:22separate 17:10

20:7 22:11,1223:15

September 6:14served 39:16,24service 16:11,12,22

33:12 36:20 37:18services 1:1,4 4:5

5:13 12:11 14:517:22 22:9 29:1130:5 31:1 32:5,9,932:13,14,20,2333:3,4,9,10,21,2334:2,6,11 35:2,1835:21 36:2,1937:17 40:23

set 11:15setting 21:14seven 25:3Shanika 1:17shape 22:14share 18:13shared 11:22sharing 12:5Sharon 3:6Shearer 3:16

sheet 10:6,9shoot 40:14show 22:2side 32:17similar 20:9 21:16simpler 26:4simply 16:17simultaneous 15:21simultaneously

20:19singing 11:21site 38:15,16six 5:15 24:9slate 19:5Soares 3:8solicitation 11:7

25:13 27:22 30:25solicitations 27:16solutions 15:22

16:1somebody 19:21sorry 11:20 25:10sort 11:21 15:10

19:2 26:2 28:15speak 16:13specific 10:23specifically 11:2

22:13Spector 2:10spend 13:3 22:25

28:7,13spent 16:2spoke 21:20 34:2

35:25spot-on 15:13Spring 3:14SSteinek 2:19stab 17:5staff 1:19 2:1 12:23

22:20 25:1 33:1,833:8,10,11 34:1634:17 36:7

standards 13:15standing 33:3start 28:19started 21:22 24:3starting 19:4State 24:6 42:3,6stated 21:21Stephanie 2:11

32:3,5 34:15steps 27:21Stewart 3:9Stock 3:19 34:1,5,6stop 25:11streamlined 27:8,9


29:11student 11:11

18:25studies 27:4study 11:7 26:24studying 14:2Subirats 42:6,15subject 5:18 6:15

7:14 8:12 12:1414:21 29:12 30:831:9 35:5 36:2437:22 38:20

submitted 26:19successful 16:1,13sufficiency 5:19

6:16 7:15 8:1212:15 14:22 29:1330:9 31:10 35:636:25 37:23 38:21

suggestion 23:3summary 9:8,9summer 5:12 6:12

9:24 24:12 26:930:4 38:17

supplement 13:10support 11:9,11

14:19 17:1 18:1626:3 27:2 34:2134:23

supportive 15:14sure 9:7 19:20 21:2

27:14 40:2Susana 2:16sustain 12:4SwitchBoard 32:4

32:8,11,12,24,2533:1,8,21 35:20


Sylvestre 2:11 32:7symmetry 26:8systems 10:5

Page 49

Ttable 38:16take 11:16,17 17:5

21:8 32:14,18,2033:23 34:8 36:7

taken 13:18takes 27:19tandem 17:21target 39:25targeted 7:12tasked 12:24tease 20:8teased 21:2tee 9:6 32:3,5telling 13:13ten 24:8 27:19tentative 32:18term 5:15 6:13 8:10

12:12 31:7 36:2437:22

terminate 40:1terms 10:18 27:22

34:16 35:22test 16:9 18:6,22

21:15 31:2tested 31:5testing 10:15thank 5:8 12:22

13:18 18:11,1219:19 20:17 22:1826:5,6,16 29:134:5,21,22,2435:14 36:8

thing 12:24,25 13:213:6,18 16:1626:25 34:4

things 10:11 11:8,813:11 15:14,2516:9,13,25 18:1918:25 19:11 23:1523:17,22 24:2028:19 40:20

think 9:3 11:1713:16 14:2 15:615:12 16:7 17:318:9 19:4,1520:20 21:3 22:2322:24 23:3,1424:19,19,21 25:2526:2,3,24,25 27:3

28:11,11,25 35:2539:14 40:10

thinks 26:15third 21:25thought 23:8 25:1thoughts 18:14three 15:12,14,23

16:10,16 20:2322:13 23:5,2225:2 32:3,4,7,16

Thursday 1:5tie 9:5time 9:18 16:2

17:23 25:17 26:22timelines 27:20timing 20:25Title 8:9today 20:22 24:14

40:4total 5:17 6:15 7:13

9:21 14:20 29:1130:7 31:6 35:436:22 37:20 38:19

totally 20:21transfer 35:17treatment 17:18tried 23:16 25:8TRP 39:22true 42:8Trust 1:1,4 14:4

18:5 20:13 21:2126:21 31:4 33:11

Trust's 10:8try 16:20 21:6 22:1

25:4,4 27:18trying 13:3 15:10

16:4 21:4,8,8 25:2Tuesday 32:25turn 10:9 11:16twice 40:16two 9:4,6 10:24

22:11 25:2 33:6

Uultimate 13:10 19:1

19:2UM 13:13under-invested

10:17under-served 30:6

understand 15:2416:21 22:6

understanding9:14 10:7 16:2222:14 26:22 40:16

unfortunate 35:19unique 13:22 21:15

26:25United 1:7,12

20:14 32:17,20university 1:14 8:8

12:10 18:2update 39:13updated 40:21

Vvast 33:16Velez 2:16VERBAL 5:7 6:1,7

6:22,25 7:6,21,238:4,18,20 9:1 14:714:13 29:19,2530:15,21 31:19,2535:12 36:10,1637:6,8,14 38:4,638:12 39:2,4,10

Vergara 3:2Veronica 13:13vice-chair 4:13Viciedo 3:4view 23:16violence 18:24vision 21:21,21,23visitation 24:15vital 34:11Vivianne 2:12vote 5:1,2 6:2,23

7:1,24 8:21 13:2214:8 23:4,5,5 27:628:1,9,23,23 29:229:20 30:16 31:2034:21 36:11 37:938:7 39:5

Wwant 11:14,15 12:7

20:16 21:19 26:2027:14 28:14 34:2134:22

wanted 35:15 39:20

40:2wasn't 16:17,17

18:15way 1:7,12 15:17

19:7 20:9,14,2521:6,16 28:1332:17,21

ways 24:22we'll 40:18we're 10:16 12:4

13:7,7,9,18,2414:5 15:10,17,1815:19,21 16:23,2519:3,4,7,11 21:421:15 24:21 26:2226:24 27:18,20,2128:12,17,18,1933:24 35:20 36:6

we've 19:5,9week 35:17welcome 4:4,14well-established

17:18well-known 11:25Weller 1:16 29:17went 21:19wholeheartedly

17:7widely 17:19William 2:13wonderful 13:17,18

22:21work 9:9,23,24

10:1,4,11,12,2311:13,23 12:1,515:4,19 16:1917:2 18:1,3,5,6,919:23 23:13,1724:21 26:7,14

working 10:14,1515:19 16:17,2417:23 23:9 24:533:20

works 13:25 17:1321:10,11,13

world 17:25 21:12written 26:3wrong 28:11,20,25Wurtz 1:16


YYeah 11:17 20:16year 9:11 40:8,12

40:17years 19:6 34:12,18

40:7yesterday 39:17

40:21young 17:19youth 30:4,5



11 20:6,9,20 22:7

28:6 42:81,245,328.00 6:151,450,000.00 14:211,456,563.00 5:181,500,000.00 30:81,950,943.00 37:2110 9:2412 6:13 8:10 12:12

31:812-month 36:23

37:21128,112.00 36:2313 30:2414th 38:1816-month 37:1916th 42:13189 39:221st 5:16 6:14 8:10

12:13 31:8 35:436:21 37:19

22 20:6,9,20 22:7

28:62,800,000.00 29:1220 15:72016 1:6 6:14 8:10

31:8 35:4 36:2137:19 38:18 42:13

2016-48 38:192017 5:16,16 6:14

Page 50

8:11 12:13,1331:9 35:4 36:22

2017-A 5:92017-B 6:92017-C 7:82017-D 8:62017-E 12:92017-F 14:152017-G 29:92017-H 30:22017-I 30:232017-J 34:252017-K 36:172017-L 37:152017-M 38:132018 37:20211 32:17,24 33:14

33:17 35:2,337:17

250,000.00 6:1128th 35:4

33 1:6 20:6,9,20 22:7

28:63:32 1:6 4:230 7:12300,000.00 12:1430th 6:14 8:11 31:931st 5:16 12:13

36:22 37:203250 1:633129 1:8342,242.00 38:203rd 1:6

44 20:10,20 22:74:19 41:342 42:846,351.00 8:114E 8:94th 20:10

550 21:2350,000.00 7:14

664,522.00 35:5


884 39:23,24 40:4897,000.00 31:78th 40:22

top related